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Training industry gains momentum: Economic Times News Article

July 6, 2008 by Shalini Verma
Coaching industry has started taking its roots in India. The industry is still in the nascent stage, for it is yet to be tapped and understood properly. The concept behind coaching, not just talks about academic coaching or sports coaching or mentoring, it is an ongoing relationship which focuses on people/organisations taking action toward the realisation of their visions, goals or desires while maximising their person and professional potential. According to Sraban Mukherjee, who boasts to have handled major consultancy assignments and conducted more than 100 coaching hours in 2007 with eight clients, besides being a member of International Coaching Federation, USA, the coaching industry is not even one per cent explored in India. People and organisations in India are yet to understand the concept behind coaching. Once the importance of the word coaching is understood , the market for coaching business will be automatically established , said Mukherjee. Further he added, In countries like US and UK, coaching is a well established profession. I am expecting the market to grow by 20-30 per cent in India, in next four to five years. The need for the right career path and stress free life will offer a lot of scope for coaching as a full time career profession. Talking about coaching industry in India, its basically the executive coaching which is gaining prominence these days. Executive coaching is an experiential and individualised leader development process that builds a leaders capability to achieve short and long term organisational goals. The other different kinds of coaching that exist today include life/personal coaching, career coaching, mentor coaching, spiritual coaching, business coaching and relationship coaching. Whether it is executive coaching or life coaching or any other niche areas of coaching , the bottom line is change. Hence, it is important to understand the change process so that coaches can navigate with clients in the change journey in a step by step process , said Mukherjee. In India, executive coaching is, so far being associated with only a few companies including Hewitt, Grow Talent and Hero Mindmine. Indian School of Business in Hyderabad also conducts regular workshops on executive coaching . Though a fewer in number, but there are companies like Wipro, Satyam, Hindustan Lever, which are known for having a very good coaching culture in India. Multinational companies like IBM, Shell, Cadbury are also set to introduce coaching culture in India, very soon. Many are in talks with Hero Mindmine to introduce coaching culture in their respective organisations , said Mukherjee. More about Mukherjee: He is a graduate in coaching from ICF, USA, and doctorate from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi,

Mukherjee is currently working as the head of HR consulting and leadership coaching in Hero Mindmine Insititute Limited, a HERO group company.

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One of my favourite books, usually in the begining left hand corner on the third shelf : The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Covey, caught my attention yet again. Here is one of my favourite parts :Empathetic Listening Covey lists 5 ( five ) levels of listening : * Ignoring * Pretending * Selective listening * Active listening * Empathetic listening The first four are the common ones but Empathetic Listening is the one rarely practiced. Its LISTENING WITH AN INTENT TO UNDERSTAND. Getting inside the person`s frame of reference ( I love to call it getting in the other person`s skin ). Empathy should not be considered synonymous with Sympathy. The latter is a form of agreement ,the most apt emotion at that time and makes the person dependent.People feed on sympathy. On the other end of the spectrum, Empathy does not mean that you agree with the teller but that you fully understand the person emotionally and intellectually. Empathetic listening is the key to making deposits in the Emotional Bank Account and being deeply therapeutic and healing it gives a person psychological air : a need next to the basic need of physical survival to be understood,to be affirmed. And once that vital need is met the Coach can then focus on problem solving. Posted in SELF IMPROVEMENT, UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR | Tagged coach, emotion, emotionally, empathetic listening, frame of reference, intellectually, pretending, selective, Seven habits of Highly effective people, Stven R Covey, sympathy | Leave a Comment It was a select gathering of some of Chennais young entrepreneurs, and among them a sprinkling of top executives from a few multinationals, who listened with keen intent to a session held recently on the concept of executive coaching by two coaches from the UK, Peter Hogarth and Kenneth MacLennan. Hogarth, regarded as a pioneer in the EC space, having started in 1992, built Change Partnership UK into a global outfit with coaches in over a dozen countries and billing close to 10 million GBP before selling it off and starting again in a very high-end niche in the UK. Hogarth has been a mentor since 2000 to V. Ramakrishnan, Managing Director of the Singaporebased Organisation Development Lte Ltd. Ramakrishnan established Change Partnership Singapore in 2003 to hive off the burgeoning coaching practice and to give it a distinct identity

while Change Partnership India (CPI) was set up in 2004 with T. Ramakrishnan of Laras Leaders as a partner. Hogarth, says V. Ram, has developed a wide array of tools and interventions which are available to the Indian affiliate, which will also tap into Hogarths vast experience as an executive coach (EC) . In Chennai recently for a session with local entrepreneurs to propagate the concept of executive coaching, Ram interacted with The New Manager in a conversation and on mail about whether Indian businesses and CEOs are ready for coaching. Has executive coaching as a concept gained ground in India or is it early days yet? It is not an infant and not yet into the teens. When we started just a few years ago the main client base was MNCs looking to get a coach for their senior expatriate managers. Many Indians were being sent to set up operations here and found the going difficult. These virtual Indians had little or no knowledge of the working Indian ethos and needed the support of an experienced hand to make their way forward, especially in the early days. While not mainstream yet it is more accepted and we are seeing Indian firms asking for coaches. In India we are currently doing several assignments, all with MNCs. The names are confidential. When does a CEO typically find the need for an EC? Are Indian CEOs ready for it is it an admission of a shortcoming or a weakness, rather, is it perceived as such and thats why they are not forthcoming even if they do need guidance? Often a quality functional specialist who has delivered good results consistently, say, as a marketer or finance head or manufacturing chief, is elevated to become a CEO either within the firm (rarely) or is hired into that position, or in the case of MNCs is parachuted into that position. Undoubtedly these are competent, intelligent and highly motivated people. The need is for them to understand and acquire cross-functional skill sets quickly. There is little room for error or mistakes; the stakes are high for the company and CEO. This is where most executive coaching goes to develop the manager for a higher role in short order or help the person improve his performance just that tad so he goes from being good to outstanding. The second area is where the CEO/Chairman needs to vent, talk, share, debate. He or she cannot do so internally as it develops political ramifications. There is a need for a sounding board, an objective and experienced listener who can talk to the person as an equal, draw on his experience, active and informed debate of the pros and cons through skilful query and help the person develop his or her insights. The crux to coaching is not giving advice or one-on-one consulting; EC is about questioning in a way that helps the person find the needed insights. It is important that the coachee sees the need for and benefits of EC. It cannot be and should not be sold or forced. Initially, as with all new ideas, there is scepticism. Once they understand what they can get out of the sessions, and that is the ECs first focus, they become willing partners. The situation to avoid is where they become totally dependent on the EC; the EC cannot become a surrogate CEO. When is an EC ready to be an EC obviously you are dealing with high achievers, right at the top of the ladder so what skills/knowledge does an EC bring to the table that he has the CEOs ear? How does the EC stay ahead of the knowledge/skills barrier that a CEO would turn to him/her?

In the CPI scheme of things we are looking for high performers who have held and been successful in senior general management positions over and above their functional specialists. We find that people who have been at the coal face and worked on it seem to command greater respect and are more skilful in assessing and understanding the coachees needs. The key skill for an EC is the ability to raise the appropriate question to develop the needed insights. The coachees are high achievers, talented and often need just a trigger to get them going. On occasion, the coachee would draw on the ECs experience to find solutions to specific situations sort of directed advice. The single most important caveat for an EC is that he or she should encourage the coachee to assess the inputs in terms of the situation and circumstances around the problem and generate his or her own solution. These can be discussed and debated with a coach but cannot be handed out as a solution by the coach. The EC has probably four hours to assess and understand the coachee, determine the needs and develop a coaching plan. An EC needs to be able to run what is called a triangular assessment centre the key strength for which is detecting trends and patterns in the feedback given by the coachee, his peers, direct reports, his supervisor and customers and the ECs own observations derived from a structured interview. The EC has to spend time in staying current in a whole slew of subjects general affairs, overall trends, vertical knowledge, specialist functional knowledge, understanding evolving HR and business practices. The EC also needs to nurture a large network which can be tapped to provide specific inputs. Formally, every EC in the CPI system has a buddy partner, a shadow coach with whom he shares the situation, the challenges and explores solutions it is mutual learning. As always, the EC and the buddy have to maintain the very highest standards of confidentiality. Coaching high achievers is an issue, especially the early generation of young managers. Many have difficulty in accepting their shortcomings and we have learnt that if there is no open mind, these superb functional high-performers trip up sooner than later. The more mature ones understand that in recommending a coach, the companys message is: We value you but you need to commit to develop yourself if you are going to stay valuable! They recognise that in some firms it is de rigueur and over time people start seeing the value. If executive coaching generally remains in the realm of managerial issues whats the difference between a management guru and an EC? EC has a wide range and needs to be restricted to management issues though it is used extensively for people in management positions or getting ready for such positions. EC offers a way for thinking through solutions to practical problems, near-term challenges and to develop that incendiary thought processes that long-term leaders seem to have. What are Change Partnerships plans for the Indian market? Will you target medium-sized companies/large ones is it more by word of mouth? The market is big, nascent and growing. Currently the focus is all-India and on MNCs they want it and see the cost benefit. Indian companies are just beginning though a few have been at it for some years now and only the large to mid-sized firms would value a top-notch coach. SMEs in our experience often do not see the need and if they see it baulk at paying for it.

Thus far it has been based on our global networks but plans are underway for a more structured approach to market and business development. We have a training programme for our new coaches and are searching for experienced general mangers who would seek to build on EC as a career. They cannot be just retirees who share an experience. One issue that should bother people is that many jobless professionals and retirees are now calling themselves coaches and mentors. This category includes lifestyle coaches (teaching dance, music, etc,) and a lot of people who have learnt off the Net or self-learn tapes.

International Coach Federation Recommends Following the Five Cs When Hiring a Coach
July 9, 2008 by Shalini Verma
LEXINGTON, Ky., July 9, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ You want to hire a coach. You have narrowed your initial list down to three potential coaches. But how do you determine which is right for you? Let the ICF help by giving you the top questions to ask each through the five Cs of hiring a coach: code of ethics, coach-specific training, credential, context and chemistry. Choosing the appropriate coach can be a daunting task, said ICF President Diane Brennan, MBA, MCC(1). There are thousands of people out there who call themselves a coach how can you determine which is right for you (and is truly a coach)? The ICF is here to eliminate the confusion and make this process easier for those who want to benefit from a coaching relationship. The ICF recommends that clients ask coaches questions based on the five Cs: 1. Code of Ethics. Is the coach a member of the ICF? All ICF members pledge to uphold a set of ethical standards and are accountable to the ethics and standards set forth by the ICF. If the coach is not an ICF member, what ethical standards do they follow? Are they accountable to any standards? 2. Coach-specific training. Has the coach had coach-specific training training in coaching skills? Or is the said coach marketing him or herself as a coach based on other education/degrees? As coaching is not a regulated profession, many who call themselves coaches have not been formally trained in specific coaching skills and instead are transferring skill sets from other professions into their coaching. This method often results in inadequate and ineffective coaching experience for clients. 3. Credential. Is the coach ICF Credentialed? Or is he/she in the process of acquiring an ICF Credential? When hiring a coach, the ICF strongly recommends finding someone who holds an ICF Credential. The credential signifies: a coachs commitment to integrity and credibility; an understanding of coaching skills; a coachs dependability to consumers; a strong code of ethics; superior knowledge and skills; and a coachs serious stance for ongoing professional development.

4. Context. What other specialized skills does the coach have? How important is experience in specific/relevant areas to you in a coach? Think about the kinds of goals you want to create for your life. 5. Chemistry. Do you feel a connection with the coach? The coach-client relationship is very important; a connection between you and the coach is vital. If it does not feel right to you, heavily consider choosing another coach to whom you feel more connected and whom you trust. The ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaching is a distinct service and differs greatly from therapy, consulting, mentoring or training. Individuals who engage in a coaching relationship can expect to experience fresh perspectives on personal challenges and opportunities, enhanced thinking and decision-making skills, enhanced interpersonal effectiveness, and increased confidence in carrying out their chosen work and life roles. The International Coach Federation is the leading global organization for coaches, with 13,000 members in over 80 countries, dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high ethical standards, providing independent certification, and building a worldwide network of credentialed coaches. For more information on how to become or find an ICF Credentialed coach, please visit our Web site at (1) MCC: Master Certified Coach, highest credential awarded by the International Coach Federation.
ICF HEADQUARTERS CONTACT: Ann Belcher, +1.859.226.4428,

Posted in BUSINESS BUILDING, COACHING IN NEWS, REFLECTIONS (COACHING) | Tagged appropriate coach, certification, chemistry, coach, coach-specific training, coaching profession, code of ethics, consulting, context, credential, credentialed coaches, decision making, Diane Brennan, fresh perspectives, ICF, ICF president, interpersonal effectiveness, MBA, MCC, mentoring, partnering with clients, potential coaches, skills, therapy, thought provoking | 2 Comments

The Coaching Industry

Since the 1500's, the coaching industry has taken on several meanings, but a "COACH" has always been used to take you from WHERE YOU ARE to WHERE YOU WANT TO BE. There are several definitions for a "COACH", but all of them seem to share that same theme... "COACH" (koch) - noun. 1. (Transportation) A four wheeled carriage used to transport a person or persons. 2. (Education) A special tutor who assists in preparing a student for examination. 3. (Railroad) A first-class passenger car. 4. (Sports) Someone in charge of training an athlete or a team. The industry of "personal coaching" formally began in the late 1980's within the business sector. Since then, coaching has exploded into virtually all aspects of life - - - relationships, spirituality, self-growth, career/new career, retirement, etc.

Today's Coaching Industry

The coaching industry today is clearly one of the fastest growing professions in the United States. Coaching articles have appeared in nearly all major newspapers & magazines, including; U.S. News & World Report, Time Magazine, Entepreneur Magazine, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and

> There are an estimated 40,000 coaches practicing in 70 countries worldwide. > The coaching industry continues to grow at a rate of approximately 20% per year. > Coaching is currently a $1 billion a year industry. > 70% of coaches work mostly by telephone and email with a nationwide practice. > There are over 50 coach training schools located worldwide. > The four countries leading in the coaching profession are; U.S.A., England, Japan, and Australia. > Over 70% of coaches are female. > Average age of coaches range between 40 - 55. > Only 10% of coaching falls into the realm of executive coaching. > The demand for paid coaching is nearly equal between men and woman.

There have been several surveys done to measure the effectiveness of coaching. The easiest type of coaching to measure return on investment is, obviously, in the business industry, where one of the most popular surveys resulted in a 529% ROI. Another apporximated a 6 time, 600% ROI.

The Denver Post says,

"They call themselves 'coaches'and they're a new breed of career counselors multiplying nationwide, promising to help unblock barriers to success, and make you a happier, better person, to boot."

The Los Angeles Times says,

"Many independent business owners seek out coaches to help them stay on track as they build their businesses."

Newsweek says,

(Coaches) - - they're part therapist, part consultant - and they sure know how to succeed in business."

The Sunday Oregonian says,

"Progressive managers and consultants have long made coaching part of their jobs, helping employees improve their work habits and interpersonal skills. But in recent years, coaching has emerged as a distinct occupation and source of help in the workplace."

No matter where you are along life's journey, there is most always a desire for

more. More love, more time, more success, more money, closer relationships, a deeper feeling of meaning in life, etc. It is the nature of human beings to want to attain more, become more, and be more - and most of us struggle with how to obtain whatever "more" we're looking for. Many people believe that "hard work & doing it on your own" are keys to finding the life, money, success or happiness that they seek. They believe that a price must be paid to attain what they want, and often that price includes poor health, not having enough time to enjoy life or family & friends, strained relationship and/or lessened productivity. The saddest part is that, even though this effort may result in more of something, it is often NOT the "something more" you had in mind - and you are soon back to where you started or - even worse, further away from your real intentions, aspirations and goals.

Be sure to check-out my other pages. They are loaded with more information and the "Getting Started" page will give you all the options available to begin coaching with your own Life Coach, plus, how to contact me for a free, no obligation coaching session to experience "being coached" and to find out if we would make a good team to begin your journey towards reaching your goals and having the life you've always wanted.

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