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cz TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) Individual Prep Course Syllabus

Lesson Overview of Lesson Plan Key Content Covered

1&2 • An introduction to the TOEIC • 7 parts of the TOEIC test:
• Handing over of OXFORD
Preparation Pack and 1. Photos
Package 2. Question – Response
• Methodology description and 3. Conversation
explanation 4. Talks
• English skills to be developed during 5. Incomplete Sentences
the course 6. Cloze Passages
• Outlining of essential vocabulary 7. Reading Comprehension
areas to be covered
• Introduction of a systematic approach • Vocabulary Skills:
to building vocabulary
1. Analyze Word Parts
• Review Contracts h/o 2. Recognize Grammatical
• Monitor vocabulary log Forms
• Go through Marketing h/o 3. Recognize Word Families
4. Create Personal Dictionary
• GRAMMAR: Adjectives 5. Daily Log

• Vocabulary of Contracts and


• Adjectives – descriptive phrases and

determiners – explanation and
• Home Assignment: Contracts
handout (h/o)

3&4 • Review Contracts h/o • Vocabulary of Contracts and

• Monitor vocabulary log Marketing
• Go through Marketing h/o • Adjectives – descriptive phrases and
• GRAMMAR: Adjectives determiners – explanation and
• Monitor vocabulary log exercises
• Go through Business Planning h/o • Vocabulary of Warranties and
• GRAMMAR: Adverbs Business Planning

• Adverbs – date/time/sequence
markers/frequency words–
explanation and exercises
• Home assignment: Warranties h/o
and Conferences h/o

5&6 • Review Warranties h/o and • Vocabulary of Conferences and

Conferences h/o Banking
• Vocabulary Progress Test 1
• Monitor vocabulary log • Vocabulary Progress Test 1 General
Business: Contracts, Marketing,
• Go through Banking h/o Warranties, Business Planning,
• Home assignment: Accounting h/o TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) Individual Prep Course Syllabus

7&8 • Review Accounting h/o & Taxes h/o • Vocabulary of Accounting and
• Go through Investments & Financial • Nouns – count/non-
Statements h/o count/singular/plural– explanation
and exercises
• GRAMMAR: Nouns

9&10 • Review Taxes and Financial • Vocabulary of Taxes and Financial

Statements h/o Statements
• Monitor vocabulary log • Exam Practice: OXFORD Prep
• Exam Practice: Chapter 2 OXFORD Chapter 2 – General Business and
Prep Finance – Listening Strategy (PT1
• GRAMMAR: Conditionals and 2)
• GRAMMAR: Parts of Speech & • Conditionals – would/should -
Sequence of Tenses explanation and exercises
• Home Assignment: Vocabulary
Progress Test 2 Finance and
Budgeting – Banking; Accounting;
Investments; Taxes; Financial
11&12 • Review Taxes h/o • Exam Practice: OXFORD Prep
• Monitor vocabulary log Chapter 2 – General Business and
• Finance:
• Pt3 – Identify performance
level/Identify characteristics
• Pt4 – Identify a point of view/Identify
the situation
• Pt5 – Identify word families/Identify
sequence of tenses
• Parts of Speech – Nouns; Verbs;
Adjectives; Adverbs; Pronouns;
Conjunctions; Prepositions; Articles -
explanation and exercises
• Sequence of Tenses - explanation
and exercises
• Home Assignment: Review Strategies
13&14 • Recap of Pts1-5 • Exam Practice: OXFORD Prep
• Exam Practice: Chapter 2 OXFORD Chapter 2 – General Business and
Prep Finance:
• GRAMMAR: Adjectives
• Review and feedback session o Pt6 – Identify the
• Go through Office Technology h/o context/Identify determiner
o Pt7 – Identify sequence of
requirements/Identify reason
o Chapter Review

• Adjectives – Determiners repeated

• Review of Chapter 2 with feedback
and students‘ questions session

• Vocabulary of Computers and Office

• Home Assignment: Computers h/o & TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) Individual Prep Course Syllabus

Office Procedures h/o

15 & 16 • Review Computers h/o & Office • Vocabulary of Office Procedures and
Procedures h/o Electronics
• Monitor vocabulary log • Prepositions of Location – over;
• Go through Electronics h/o above; on top of; besides; by; next
• GRAMMAR: Prepositions of Location to; between; behind; under; below; in
Go through Job Advertising and front of - explanation and exercises
Recruiting h/o • Home Assignment: Correspondence
• GRAMMAR: Review Adjectives and h/o

17&18 • Review Correspondence h/o • Vocabulary of Correspondence, and

• Monitor vocabulary log Go through Job Advertising and Recruiting
Applying and Interviewing, and Hiring • Adjectives Review – descriptive
and Training h/os phrases
• GRAMMAR: Adverbs Review 2 • Adverbs Review – frequency words
Vocabulary of Applying and
Interviewing, and Hiring and Training
• Adverbs Review 2 –
date/time/sequence markers
• Home Assignment: Vocabulary
Progress Test 3 Office Issues –
Computers; Office Technology; Office
Procedures; Electronics;
Correspondence & Salaries and
Benefits h/o

19&20 • Review Vocabulary Progress Test 3 • Vocabulary of Salaries and Benefits,

& Salaries and Benefits h/o and Promotions, Pensions, and
• Monitor vocabulary log Awards
• Go through Promotions, Pensions, • Prepositional Objects – noun phrase
and Awards h/o following a preposition - explanation
• GRAMMAR: Prepositional Objects and exercisesExam Practice: Chapter
Exam Practice: Chapter 1 OXFORD 1 OXFORD Prep – Offices and
Prep Personal
• Pt1 – Identify an event/Identify the
• Pt2 – Identify characteristics/Identify a
frequent action
• Pt3 – Identify a method/Identify
• Pt 4- Identify specific dates/Identify
• Home Assignment: Vocabulary
Progress Test 4 Personnel - Job
Advertising and Recruiting; Applying
and Interviewing; Hiring and Training;
Salaries and Benefits; Promotions, TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) Individual Prep Course Syllabus

Pensions, and Awards

21&22 • Review Vocabulary Progress Test 4 • Exam Practice: Chapter 1 OXFORD

• Exam Practice: Chapter 1 OXFORD Prep – Offices and Personal
Prep • Pt5 – Identify objects and
• GRAMMAR: Prefixes and Suffixes; prepositions/Identify correct word
Verb Tenses; Pronouns • Pt6 – Identify verb tenses/Identify
correct form of pronoun
• Pt7 – Identify a location/Identify
context/Identify a result
• Chapter Review
• Prefixes – dis; de; mis; sup; out; pro-;
inter; post; multi; auto; pro; vice-;
• Suffixes – er; ess; let; hood; ship; ery;
ful; ian; i; ese; ite; ist; ism; ation; al;
ness; ify; less
• Verb Tenses – present time frame;
past time frame; future time frame
• Pronouns – subject pronouns; object
pronouns; possessive pronouns
• Home Assignment: Grammar review
exercises from grammar subjects
covered for Chapter 1 OXFORD Prep
• Home Assignment: Review strategies
from Pts1-4

23&24 • Review of Grammar Home • Vocabulary of Trains and Hotels

Assignment • Active Sentences – subject/agent;
• Go through General Travel, and active verb; object/recipient -
Airlines h/os explanation and exercises
• Monitor vocabulary log • Passive Sentences – recipient;
• GRAMMAR: Parts of Speech Review passive verb; optional agent -
Go through Hotels h/o explanation and exercises
• GRAMMAR: Active/Passive
• Vocabulary of General Travel, and
Airlines Parts of Speech Review -
Nouns; Verbs; Adjectives; Adverbs;
Pronouns; Comparative/Superlatives;
Conjunctions; Prepositions; Articles
• Home Assignment: Trains h/o & Car
Rentals h/o

25&26 • Review Trains h/o & Car Rentals h/o • Vocabulary of Car Rentals
• Monitor vocabulary log • Vocabulary Progress Test 5 Travel -
• Vocabulary Progress Test 5 General Travel; Airlines; Trains;
• GRAMMAR: Verbs + Preposition Hotels; Car Rentals
• Exam Practice: Chapter 4 OXFORD • Verbs + Prepositions –
Prep separable/non-separable -
explanation and exercisesExam
Practice: Chapter 4 OXFORD Prep –
• Pt1 – Identify a Situation/Identify a
correct word
• Pt2 – Identify time/Identify time
markers in yes-no questions
• Pt3 – Identify topic of TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) Individual Prep Course Syllabus

conversation/Identify reasons for

• Pt4 – Identify speaker and target
listeners/Identify quantity and amount
• Home Assignment: General exercises
on the vocabulary and phrases of

27&28 • Exam Practice: Chapter 4 OXFORD • Exam Practice: Chapter 4 OXFORD

Prep Prep – Travel
• GRAMMAR: Subject and Verbs of a
Sentence; Verb Agreement o Pt5 – Identify the parts of
• Go through Doctor’s Office and speech/Identify appropriate
Dentist’s Office h/os preposition
• Monitor vocabulary log o Pt6 – Identify verb +
combinations/Identify subject-
verb agreement
o Pt7 – Identify
restrictions/Identify time/
Identify location

• Subject and Verbs of a Sentence –

subject; predicate; verb - explanation
and exercises
• Verb Agreement – singular subject +
verb; plural subject + verb; separation
by preposition; separation by clause;
gerunds take singular verb -
explanation and exercises
• Vocabulary of Doctor’s Office, and
Dentist’s Office
• Home Assignment: Review of
Chapter 4 OXFORD Prep and
Grammar covered in Chapter &
Health Insurance h/o

29&30 • Review of Pharmacy h/o • Vocabulary of Health Insurance, and

• Monitor vocabulary log Hospitals
• Vocabulary Progress Test 6 • Vocabulary of Pharmacy
• Vocabulary Progress Test 6 Health -
• Go through Hospitals h/o Doctor’s Office; Dentist’s Office;
• Go through Movies h/o Health Insurance; Hospitals;
• Exercises to deepen understanding Pharmacy
and use of movie language • Vocabulary of Movies
• Go through Theatre and Music h/os • At The Movies; Movies Word Search;
Movie Survey
• Vocabulary of the Theatre, and of
• Home Assignment: Movie Cloze Text;
Movie Crossword & TOEIC Sample
Questions Focused on Health &
Pharmacy h/o TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) Individual Prep Course Syllabus

31&32 • Review of Vocabulary Progress Test • Count Nouns – singular count nouns
9 & Shipping h/o taking a/an; plural count nouns taking
• Monitor vocabulary log some/any; plural count nouns taking
• GRAMMAR: Nouns – Singular/Plural; many/a few
Nouns – Count/Non-count • Non-count nouns – much;a little; a
great deal of; a lot...of; lots of
• Exam Practice: Chapter 5 OXFORD • Synonyms – place of work/hard
Prep working
• GRAMMAR: Synonyms • Exam Practice: Chapter 5 OXFORD
Prep – Technical Areas

o Pt1 - Identify the specific

details/Identify the similar
sounding words
o Pt2 – Identify possible
reason/Identify possible
o Pt3 – Identify a time/Identify
correct occupation
o Pt4 – Identify the tone/Identify
points of view
o Pt5 – Identify count & non-
count nouns/Identify

33&34 • Review Home Assignment • Vocabulary of Museums and Media

• Monitor vocabulary log • Cause and Effect – Sentences
• Go through Media h/o indicating what happened and why -
explanation and exercises
• GRAMMAR: Cause
• and Effect/Stative Verbs Go through • Stative Verbs – Verbs of sense,
Property and Departments h/o emotion, perception, measurement,
and relationship - explanation and
• GRAMMAR: Gerunds and Infinitives exercises
• Vocabulary of Property and
• Gerunds – subject/object nouns;
object of a preposition; following a
preposition; verbs and phrases -
explanation and exercises

• Infinitive – following verbs; following

verb + noun/pronoun; verbs and
phrases - explanation and exercises
• Home Assignment: Vocabulary
Progress Test 7 Entertainment –
Movies; Theatre; Music; Museums;
Media & Museums h/o &
Gerund/Infinitive practice + Board
Meetings and Committees h/o

35&36 • Review Home Assignment • Vocabulary of Board Meetings and

• Monitor vocabulary log Committees, Quality Control, and
Renting and Leasing
• Go through Quality Control and • Vocabulary of Product Development,
Renting and Leasing h/os and Renting and Leasing TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) Individual Prep Course Syllabus

• Vocabulary Progress Test 8 • Parallel Structures – Parallel past

simple, adjectives, infinitives, and
• GRAMMAR: Parallel Structure gerunds - explanation and exercises
• Vocabulary Progress Test 8
Management Issues – Property and
Departments; Board Meetings and
Committees; Quality Control; Product
Development; Renting and Leasing
• Home Assignment: Product
Development h/o

37&38 • Review Home Assignment • Review Vocabulary Progress Test 8

• Monitor vocabulary log • Exam Practice: Chapter 3 OXFORD
• Exam Practice: Chapter 3 OXFORD Prep – Housing and Property
o Pt1 – Identify the physical
relationship between
objects/Identify irrelevancies
o Pt2 – Identify things/Identify
the status of the situation
o Pt3 – Identify a
recommendation or
suggestion/Identify requests
o Pt4 – Identify the
problem/Identify possible

o Pt5 – Identify cause and

effect/Identify stative verbs
o Pt6 – Identify the appropriate
use of the gerund or
infinitive/Identify the parallel

o Pt7 – Identify the target

audience/Identify the activity
or event/Identify a time

39&40 • Go through Shopping and Ordering • Vocabulary of Shopping and Ordering

Supplies h/os Supplies
• Monitor vocabulary log • Prepositional Phrases with by –
• GRAMMAR: Prepositional Phrases means; time; position; agent -
with by explanation and exercises
• Go through Invoices and Inventory • Vocabulary of Shipping, Invoices; and
h/os Inventory
• Home Assignment: Shipping h/o &
Vocabulary Progress Test 9
Purchasing – Shopping; Ordering
Supplies; Shipping; Invoices;

ADDITIONAL • GRAMMAR: Conditionals/Participles • Conditionals – real future possibility;

–ed & -ing present unreal possibility; past unreal
PRACTICE • Exam Practice: Chapter 5 OXFORD possibility
Prep • Participles: past participle –ed &
• Go through Selecting a Restaurant present participle -ing TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) Individual Prep Course Syllabus

SETS and Eating out h/os • Vocabulary of Selecting a Restaurant

• Review Ordering Lunch h/o & and Eating out
Ordering Lunch h/o • Exam Practice: Chapter 5 OXFORD
• Monitor vocabulary log Prep – Technical Areas
• Go through Selecting a Restaurant • Pt6 - Identify conditional
and Eating out h/os sentences/Identify participle
• Vocabulary Progress Test 10 adjectives
• Monitor vocabulary log • Pt7 – Identify possible
reasons/Identify a planned
• OXFORD Prep Practice Test 1 – action/Identify a person
Timed Listening Test (45min) • Vocabulary of Selecting a Restaurant
• Review of OXFORD Prep Practice and Eating out
Test 1 – Timed Reading Test • Vocabulary of Cooking as a Career
and Events
• Vocabulary Progress Test 10 -
• OXFORD Prep Practice Test 2 –
Restaurants and Events - Vocabulary
Timed Listening Test (45min)
of Selecting a Restaurant; Eating out;
• Review of OXFORD Prep Practice
Ordering Lunch; Cooking as a
Test 2 – Timed Reading Test
Career; Events
• Vocabulary of Cooking as a Career
• Final Feedback and Troubleshooting and Events
Session • Vocabulary Progress Test 10 -
Restaurants and Events - Vocabulary
of Selecting a Restaurant; Eating out;
Ordering Lunch; Cooking as a
Career; Events
• OXFORD Prep Practice Test 1 –
Listening (timed test):

o Pt1 – Qs 1 to 10 – Photos
o Pt2 – Qs 11 to 40 – Question
o Pt3 – Qs 41 to 70 –
o Pt4 – Qs71 to 100 – Talks

• Home Assignment: OXFORD Prep

Practice Test 1 – Timed Reading Test

o Pt5 – Qs 101 to 140 –

Incomplete Sentences
o Pt6 – Qs 141 to 152 – Cloze
o Pt7 – Qs 153 to 200 –
Reading Comprehension

• OXFORD Prep Practice Test 2 –

Timed Listening Test (45min):

o Pt1 – Qs 1 to 10 – Photos
o Pt2 – Qs 11 to 40 – Question
o Pt3 – Qs 41 to 70 –
o Pt4 – Qs71 to 100 – Talks TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) Individual Prep Course Syllabus

• Home Assignment: OXFORD Prep

Practice Test 2 – Timed Reading Test

o Pt5 – Qs 101 to 140 –

Incomplete Sentences
o Pt6 – Qs 141 to 152 – Cloze

o Pt7 – Qs 153 to 200 –

Reading Comprehension

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