NAACP Letter To Abbott Re NRA

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May 25, 2022

The Honorable Greg Abbott

The Capitol
P. O. Box 12428
Austin, TX 78711

Dear Gov. Abbott:

You say you “don’t know the answer” to the endless, senseless school shootings. We have the answer: gun
regulations. Where do you begin? By skipping this week’s National Rifle Association conference.

Mass shootings are preventable. The evidence is undebatable: it is far too easy to access assault rifles in the
United States, and certainly in Texas. The overwhelming majority of Americans want common-sense gun
control, yet the NRA’s position on the Second Amendment offers no room for compromise and ambiguity.

Governor, your attendance at the event right after 19 innocent children were murdered by a gun sends a
message that guns are more important than the lives you represent. Which is more important to you?

We implore you to make the right decision. Do not attend. Instead, with grave urgency, enact common-sense
gun control measures in your state that will save countless innocent lives, including those of children.


Derrick Johnson

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