Within The Social Sciences There Is A Debate About

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Within the social sciences there is a debate about whether or not Sociology is a science.

Why are the

major positions in this debate (25 marks)

Social sciences are often disregarded as not being as important as the natural sciences or even the
earth sciences. Despite the fact that social sciences are and have been responsible for creating and
understanding our social interactions and how they have shaped our understanding of society and
people. This paper seeks to evaluate this debate and prove that sociology is a science as it is
empirical. Therefore experiments can be conducted and it is comparable with other disciplines.
Unfortunately, there is some terminological inefficiency in sociology which might invalidate its
scientific purpose.

Sociology is a science because it is able to conduct experiments and provide theories. Durkheim’s
study of suicide is possibly the best example of this. He presented his findings into four distinct
categories of egotistic, altruistic, anomic and fatalistic suicide. Durkheim was able to present these
four distinct types with each type being supported by biological and personable data. This experiment
was able to provide tangible reasons behind suicide. Sciences are expected to see problems and
provide answers to the problems even if that sparks another question. Durkheim’s study was not the
last sociological study that was able to give sociological answers surrounding phenomenons in our

Sociology is a science as it is objective and empirical. Sociology is an empirical science as it is able to

continue collect objective data. Despite the fact that sociology studies the social institutions that have
been around for years, there is still new data to be collected and new data o be assessed. Sociologie
research has proven to be objective as researchers are also objective as in order to better understand
the society, biases and judgements are not integral parts of research. Its objectivity is sometimes
unreliable as if the researchers are not able to detach from their biases to do the research, then the
data becomes muddied.

Sociology is a science as it’s experiments and findings are comparable with natural sciences. Science is
defined as he intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure
and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Sociology
findings are able to be use in various settings across the board. As these studies can be used in
criminal cases, educational settings and familial settings.This is due to the fact that sociological studies
often question and answer the origin of social norms, beliefs and institutions. Sociological findings can
often be tested in a different science disciplines if the need arises. Once again referring to Durkheim’s
study of suicide, psychologists are able to understand that stress and the other biological and physical
factors are indeed a factor in suicides. Additional, sociology can be combined with other sciences to
form new opinions and theories such as sociobiology.

Unfortunately, there is a downside to sociology being a science as there is terminological inefficacy.

This refers to different terms in sociology often being up to speculation or inference from persons. His
is not the same with other science as technical terms such as scalpel and beaker can never be
misinterpreted. However, in sociology caste and class are often times confused with each other or are
misinterpreted. This inefficacy shows that sociology can sometimes be inaccurate or incomplete in
providing explanations behind social institutions. Therefore, affecting the validity of arguments and
theories brought forward by sociologists.

In summation, sociology is a science based in explaining society and its institutions. This might not
have to with the natural world and its environment but it deals with the people in the natural world.
Sociological theories are always essential in explaining how society functions, therefore its scientific
nature should not be a question.

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