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1. The most formal definition of marketing is ------------------------:

(a). identifying and satisfying human and social needs
(b). meeting needs profitably
(c). the process of Planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and
distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual
and organizational goals.
(d). the flow of goods and services from the point of production to the point of

2. Which of the following statements is true?

(a). Demography is the study of human population in terms of size, density, location, age,
gender, occupation, and other statistics.
(b). The Technological environment is made up of institutions and other forces that affect
a society’s basic values, perceptions, preferences and behaviors
(c). The natural environment consists of factors that affect consumer purchasing power
and spending patterns
(d). None of the above

3. The best solution to coordinate Marketing and other functional areas are -------------------
(a). Greater understanding and collaboration
(b). Periodical cross functional meetings
(c). Joint Seminars
(d). All the above

4. Which of the following definitions of ‘market’ is more relevant in today’s business

a. A physical place where people meet and do various transactions
b. A physical place where customers, potential customers, buyers, and sellers gathered
together to buy and sell goods
c. A set of buyers, sellers, intermediaries and organisations who are involved in the
process of exchange
d. A digital space where buyers and sellers present their offerings and requirements
5. The most formal definition of marketing is ------------------------:
a. The selling process which results from the identification and anticipation of customer
b. Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating,
delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners,
and society at large.
c. An accounting process of minimizing costs and maximizing revenues.
d. The supply of goods and services to customers in such a way that the company becomes
the preferred source of supply for customers

6. Management contract is ------------------.

(a). A firm contracts with the manufactures in the foreign market to produce its product
or provide its services.
(b). A firm enters into an agreement with a licensee in a foreign market, for a fee.
(c). A firm supplies management skill to a company that supplies capital.
(d). A firm joins forces with foreign investors to create a local business.

7. Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and ……………………

a) execution
b) selling
c) strategies
d) research

8. This is a group of people in the process of diffusion who enjoy being at the leading edge
of innovation and buy into new products at an early age.
(a). Late majority
(b). Early Adopter
(c). Early Majority
(d). Laggards

9. A company sees its competitor as other companies offering similar products or services to
the same customer at similar price is referred as
a. Form Competition
b. Generic Competition
c. Brand Competition
d. Industry Competition
10. The concept of --------------------- to describe a cluster of complimentary products and
services that are closely related in the minds of the consumers but are spread across a
diverse set of industries.
a. Market Place
b. Market space
c. Meta Market
d. None of the above

11. The concept holds that consumers and businesses, if left alone, will ordinarily not
buy enough of the organization’s products.
a) production
b) selling
c) marketing
d) holistic marketing

12. To recover a significant portion of promotional and research and development costs
through a high margin, which pricing strategy is followed?
(a). Penetration Pricing Strategy
(b). Product Pricing Strategy
(c). Skimming Pricing Strategy
(d). Bundle Pricing Strategy

13. If actual performance exceeds the expected performance of the product, Then customer is
a) Satisfied
b) Dissatisfied
c) Delighted
d) Neutral

14. The corporate tax rate in India has been recently changed. This is an example of change in
------------------ environment
a. Political
b. Legal
c. Environmental
d. Economical
15. In Psychographic segmentation, AIO means:
(a). Attitude, Information, Ownership
(b). Activities, Interests, Opinions
(c). Actions, Insights, Offers
(d). Access, Inputs, Outputs

16. Which of the following is the interpersonal communications about products or services
where a receiver regards the communicator as impartial and is not attempting to sell
products or services?
(a). Word of Mouth (WOM)
(b). Personal Selling (PS)
(c). Direct marketing (DM)
(d). Customer Service (CS)

17. Bread and milk are which kind of products?

a) Specialty Products
b) Convenience products
c) Shopping products
d) Unsought products

18. The Purchase of Goods and Services for use by an organization in producing their goods
and services, to support the daily operations of the organization, or for the resale is called:
(a). Wholesale Marketing
(b). Business- to- Business Marketing
(c). Corporate Marketing
(d). Distribution Marketing

19. People within the same demographic group will exhibit the same psychographic profiles.
a. True
b. False

20. Packaging of cigarette and other tobacco products contain warnings on potential health
hazard of consuming the product. This is an example of companies responding to which
component of their environment?
a. Technical
b. Legal
c. Ecological
d. Economical

21. “Marketing managers will not be able to influence or change the macro environmental
a. True
b. False

22. A person who is in the position of attempting to satisfy their needs at the most basic level
is operating at the level of Maslow’s needs hierarchy called the need for:
(a). Self-Actualization
(b). Self- Esteem
(c). Belongingness
(d). Physiological needs

23. What is the last stage of the consumer decision process?

a) problem recognition
b) post purchase behaviour
c) alternative evaluation
d) purchase

24. In Customer Satisfactions, CPV represents:

(a). Customer Process Value
(b). Customer Perceived Value
(c). Consumer Price Value
(d). Consumer Product Value

25. What is the extended marketing mix for services marketing?

(a). Promotion, Place and Physical Evidence
(b). People, Price and Promotion
(c). People, Process and Physical Evidence
(d). Physical Evidence, Process, price

26. Which of the following is NOT considered a type of reseller?

a) Wholesaler
b) Retailer
c) Manufacturer
d) distributor
27. The information obtained through marketing research, competitive intelligence, and
internal sources are typically integrated into a ---------------.
(a). Net promoter score
(b). Marketing Information System
(c). Key Performance Indicator
(d). Enterprise Resource Planning

28. If a marketing manager divides the market into adventure-oriented or sports-oriented

groups, then she is segmenting on the basis of ________________.
a. Demographics
b. User status
c. Psychographics
d. Needs and Benefits
e. Behavioral

29. The promotion “P” of marketing is also known as .

a) Product Differentiation
b) Distribution
c) Cost
d) Marketing Communication

30. A firm has decided to alter its pricing and promotional strategies in response to slower than
expected job growth and declining personal incomes. The firm is responding to changes in
a. Socio- Cultural Environment
b. Political
c. Technological
d. Economic

31. This is a form of non-personal communication, by an identified sponsor, that is transmitted

through the use of paid-for media:
(a). Personal Selling
(b). Public Relations
(c). Advertising
(d). Direct Marketing
32. Rahul has decided to buy a car. He has selected a few car models and is currently comparing
the features of different models. The stage of buyer decision process Rahul is currently
engaged in is:
a. Need discovery
b. Evaluation of alternatives
c. Purchase Decision
d. Post Purchase behavior

33. When a company distributes its products through a channel structure that includes one or
more resellers, this is known as .
a) Indirect marketing
b) direct marketing
c) multi-level marketing
d) integrated marketing

34. Buying decisions generally follow a pattern of overlapping stages. Which of the following
best describes the typical stages of the buying process?
a. Need recognition> Information search > Evaluation > Decision > Post purchase
b. Need recognition> Evaluation > Information search > Decision > Post purchase
c. Information search >Need recognition> Evaluation > Decision > Post purchase
d. Need recognition > Information search> Decision > Evaluation > Post purchase

35. Which of the following means placing your product or service in as many outlets or
locations as possible in order to maximize the opportunity for customers to find the good
or service?
(a). Exclusive Distribution
(b). Selective Distribution
(c). Direct Distribution
(d). Intensive Distribution

36. Which of the following is not one of the unique characteristics of Services
(a). Intangibility
(b). Perishability
(c). Tangibility
(d). Inseperability

37. Dividing a B2C market on the basis of income is an example of _____________

segmentation while dividing a B2C market on the basis of the attitude, interest and opinion
of consumers is an example of ___________ segmentation.
a. Psychographic, Demographic
b. Psychographic, Behavioral
c. Geographic, Psychographic
d. Demographic, Psychographic

38. An Advertising model in which advertisers bid on key words or phrases relevant to their
target market, with sponsored/paid search engines listings to drive traffic to a website is
(a). Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
(b). Pay Per Click (PPC)
(c). Social Media Marketing (SMM)
(d). Digital Asset Optimization (DAO)

39. .The most basic level of a product is called the:

a) core product.
b) central product.
c) fundamental product.
d) augmented product.

40. Identify the products that the customer usually buys frequently and with a minimum of
comparison and buying effort
a. Specialty goods
b. Convenience goods
c. Unsought goods
d. Shopping goods

41. This operates algorithmically or using a mixture of algorithmic and human input to collect,
index, store and retrieve information on the web. It makes the information available to
users in a manageable and meaningful way in response to a search query. This referred to
(a). Banner Ads
(b). Pop-Up- Ads
(c). A Search Engine
(d). Apps

42. The process of pursuing both online and offline retail is termed as:
(a). Omni Channel
(b). Consumer Marketing Channels
(c). Industrial marketing Channels
(d). None of the above

43. Mr. Lopez buys goods and services for use in the production of products that are sold and
supplied to others. Mr. Lopez is involved in …………………..
a) consumer buying behavior
b) post-purchase dissonance
c) retail buyer behavior
d) business buyer behavior

44. A ___________ good is purchased without much planning or effort while a ___________
product is purchased on a regular basis by consumers.
a. Staple, impulse
b. Emergency, Staple
c. Impulse, Staple
d. Staple, Emergency

45. -------------------- involves technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business

processes principally- Sales Activities, Marketing, Customer Service and Technical
(a). ERP
(b). CRM
(c). KMS
(d). IOT

46. The demand for a product is ________ when price cut causes revenue to increase.
a) Income elastic
b) Price elastic
c) Cross elastic
d) None of the above
47. _________________ is someone who provides information and significantly impacts the
future of the purchase process.
a. Initiator
b. Decision maker
c. Influencer
d. User
e. Buyer
f. None of the above

48. Contact awarded to lowest bidder is known as

a) Negotiated contract
b) Open bid
c) Closed bid
d) Open contract

49. Carrying the line of only one manufacturer is known as

a) Exclusive assortment
b) Open bid
c) Negotiated contract
d) Deep assortment

50. “Image building” objectives are common in _____ type of market structure?
a) Competition
b) Oligopoly
c) Monopoly
d) Monopsony

51. When the market is run by a small number of firms that together control the majority of
market share is known as

a) Oligopoly
b) Duopoly
c) Monopoly
d) Perfect competition
52. The following is (are) the Tangible source(s)

a) Capital
b) Machines
c) Raw material
d) All of the above

53. The following is (are) the Intangible source(s)

a) Information
b) Time
c) Technology
d) All of the above

54. In marketing, ______ is the focal point.

a) Profit
b) Sales
c) Customer
d) All of the above

55. Reorder point tells

a) When to order
b) How much to order
c) When the order will reach
d) All of the above

56. The brand choice is heavily influenced by reference group in which stage of Product life

a) Introduction
b) Growth
c) Maturity
d) Decline

57. The major components of marketing mix are

a) Product
b) Price
c) Place
d) All of the above

58. ________ guides the development of advertisements and personal sales presentations.


59. Adoption rate will be higher and faster if the product has
a) Lower price
b) Greater utility
c) Compatibility with society
d) All of the above

60. With online advertising program,_________, the companies can reach customers and
grow business.

a) AdWords
b) AdSense
c) AdCity
d) AdAlpha

61. In addition to having an e-business strategy, an e-marketing strategy also needs to be

developed and there are three main operational processes involved. Which one is
a) Customer conversion
b) Customer retention and growth
c) Customer focus group development
d) Customer acquisition

62. What would be the reasoning behind gaining not just quantitative data on customers but
also gathering qualitative data also?

a) To provide insights that can be used to inform strategy

b) To develop customer scenarios
c) To develop customer personas
d) All of the above

63. Target marketing strategy involves the evaluation and selection of appropriate target
market segments and the development of appropriate offers. Which is the correct
sequencing of activities for target marketing?

a) Planning - segmentation - target marketing - positioning

b) Target marketing - positioning - planning -segmentation
c) Segmentation - target marketing - positioning - planning
d) Positioning - segmentation - target marketing –planning

64. There are many differences between marketing communications in the traditional media
(e.g. TV, print, radio) and new digital media (e.g. websites, interactive TV). As far as
interactivity is concerned, traditional media works on a 'push' basis and the marketing
message is broadcast to the customer but what about new digital media?

a) There is essentially no difference between traditional and new digital media

b) The consumer is more passive
c) New digital media encourages interactivity
d) None of the above correctly summarise the situation
65. To be effective, an online value proposition needs exceptional, compelling content and
experience for customers from the website and other electronic media. A content strategy
plans and manages this process. Which of the items below is out of place in a content

a) Content engagement strategy

b) Content access platform
c) Content synchronisation
d) Content media

66. Competitor analysis examines competitor use of e-commerce to acquire and retain
customers. How often should this take place?

a) Continuously
b) Twice a year is adequate due to cost implications
c) Once the adoption of e-commerce has been sanctioned and budgeted for
d) At peak business times only

67. Which of the following statements is correct?

a) Marketing is the term used to refer only to the sales function within a firm
b) Marketing managers usually don't get involved in production or distribution decisions
c) Marketing is an activity that considers only the needs of the organization, not the needs of
society as a whole
d) Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating,
delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and
society at large

68. The term marketing refers to:

a) New product concepts and improvements
b) Advertising and promotion activities
c) A philosophy that stresses customer value and satisfaction
d) Planning sales campaigns

69. Which of the following factors contributed to the transition from the production
period to the sales period?
a) Increased consumer demand
b) More sophisticated production techniques
c) Increase in urbanization
d) The Great Depression

70. An organisation with a ______ orientation assumes that customers will resist
purchasing products not deemed essential. The job of marketers is to overcome this
resistance through personal selling and advertising.
a) Production
b) Marketing
c) Relationship
d) Sales

71. Political campaigns are generally examples of:

a) Cause marketing
b) Organization marketing
c) Event marketing
d) Person marketing

72. Which of the following is NOT an element of the marketing mix?

a) Distribution
b) Product
c) Target market
d) Pricing

73. Car (automobile) designers world-wide began working on plans for a dual energy car
a) They realized that such a vehicle was not only feasible, but inexpensive
b) The legal tolerance for noxious emissions from automobiles began to be reduced
c) Noise pollution regulations began to be passed that would outlaw the internal combustion
d) Sweden passed a law that said all new vehicles had to have a provision for

74. Robert is a marketer for a global consumer products company. He is working on the
promotional campaign designed to reach a target audience in a new international
market. Robert is working hard to make sure that the promotional campaign is clearly
understood by the nation's consumers and doesn't offend anyone. Which of the factors
in the external environment is he being influenced by?
a) Socio-cultural environment
b) Competitive environment
c) Economic environment
d) Legal environment

75. The process of collecting information about the external marketing environment is
a) Environmental management
b) Environmental scanning
c) Marketing management

76. A person who is in the position of attempting to satisfy their needs at the most basic
level is operating at the level of Maslow's needs hierarchy called the need for
a) Self-actualization
b) Esteem
c) Physiological
d) social
77. Which of the following is an assumption in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
a) Needs are dependent on culture and also on social class
b) Lower-level needs must be at least partially satisfied before higher needs can affect behaviour
c) Needs are not prioritized or arranged in any particular order
d) Satisfied needs are motivators, and new needs emerge when current needs remain unmet

78. Opinions can be referred to as cognitive and

a) Is a measure of the emotional content of the opinion
b) Deals with the aesthetic content of the opinion
c) Refers to the individual's knowledge and information about an object or concept
d) Measures the speed with which one learns about others opinions

79. Providing free samples of perfumes (scent) in magazines is an example of which of the
a) Classical conditioning
b) Operant conditioning
c) Social learning
d) Behavioral learning
80. Which of the following is NOT an example of habitual decision making?
a) Buying a latte from Starbucks every morning on the way to work
b) Buying your favourite brand of shampoo in your fortnightly grocery shop
c) Setting up a mortgage account with a new bank
d) Running to the shop every Sunday to purchase the

81. Post purchase re-evaluation of the consumer product acquisition process attempts to
measure the degree of:
a) Selling success experienced by the vendor
b) Consumer satisfaction with the purchase
c) Follow-up effectiveness of the firm
d) Advertising influence
on the purchase

82. In marketing ____________ is the focal point.

a. Profit
b. Sales
c. Customer
d. All the above

83. The brand choice is heavily influenced by reference groups in which stage of
product life cycle?
a. Introduction
b. Growth
c. Maturity
d. Decline

84. The major components of marketing mix are _________ .

a. Product
b. Price
c. Place
d. All of the above

85. Selling includes _____________.

a. Advertising
b. Transfer of title from seller to buyer
c. Sales Promotion
d. Personal Selling

86. .Direct marketing is found more suitable to which of the following products?
a. Agriculture Products
b. Television
c. Vacuum Cleaner
d. Shoes

87. Blue revolution refers to _________.

a. Aquaculture
b. Milk
c. Poultry
d. None of those
88. Which is not a level of brand loyalty?
a. Brand Preference
b. Brand Recognition
c. Brand insistence
d. Brand Equity

89. Market in which supply is greater than demand?

a. Buyers Market
b. Sellers Market
c. Retail Market
d. Wholesale Market

90. ……………pricing is the approach of setting a low initial price in order to attract a
large number of buyers quickly and win a large market share.
a) Market-skimming
b) Value-based
c) Market-penetration
d) Leader

91. The negative feelings which arise after purchase causing inner tension is known as
a. Cognitive Dissonance
b. Post Purchase Dissonance
c. Buyer’s Remorse
d. All of the above

92. Setting price on the basis of the total cost per unit is known as __________.
a. Cost Based Pricing
b. Demand Based Pricing
c. Competition Based Pricing
d. Value Based Pricing

93. Price points of Rs. 1, Rs.2, Rs.3 etc are used for FMCG brands known as ___________
a. Cost Plus
b. Value
c. Power price points
d. Penetration

94. What is the basic property of a service which makes it different from a product.
a) Shape
b) Size
c) Very expensive
d) Intangibility

95. _________ is not an e – payment in India.

a. Credit Card
b. Wallet
c. Electronic Cheque
d. Debit Card

96. Test marketing in new process development is of __________ types.

a. 4
b. 7
c. 5
d. 3

97. ________ buy products and _________ use it.

a. Customers & Consumers
b. Consumers & Customers
c. Buyers & Sellers
d. Buyers & Customers

98. The task of any business is to deliver--------------at a profit.

a) customer needs
b) customer value
c) products and services
d) improved quality

99. Launching a product in a small part of the market is called ___________.

a. Commercialization
b. Competitive Response
c. Test Marketing
d. Competitive Analysis

100. _____________ emphasizes on the product & ___________ emphasizes on the

customers needs and wants.
a. Selling & Marketing
b. Marketing & Selling
c. Customer & Consumer
d. Marketing & Consumer

101. The Promotion ‘P’ of marketing is also known as _________.

a. Cost
b. Marketing Communication
c. Distribution
d. Product Differentiation

102. A product with the _______ is a green product

a. Agmark
b. ISI mark
c. ISO mark
d. Ecomark
103. Motives which are driven by learning, perception and attitude are known as ___________.

a. Emotional Motives
b. Patronage Motives
c. Rational Motives
d. Psychological Motives

104. Marketing is a __________ process.

a. Goal - Oriented
b. Exchange
c. Social
d. All of the above

105. Using a successful brand name to introduce additional items in a given product
category under the same brand name (such as new flavors, forms, colors, added
ingredients, or package sizes) is called a(n):

a) line extension.

b) brand extension.

c) multibranding.

d) new brands.

106. When a consumer dislikes a product and is even ready to pay a price to avoid is known
as _________.
a) Latent Demand
b) Nonexistence Demand
c) Negative Demand
d) Declining Demand

107.In marketing terms, QSP stands for _________.

a) Quality, Service and Price
b) Quality, Service and Product
c) Quality, Sales and Product
d) Quality, Sales and Price
108. Value _________ with quality and service and ________ with price.
a) Increases, Decreases
b) Increases, Increases
c) Decreases, Increases
d) Decreases, Decreases

109. The formula _______ is the essence of strategic marketing.

a) CRM – Customer Relationship Management
b) STP – Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
c) TPD – Targeting, Positioning & Distribution
d) None of the Above
110. Many people want BMW, but only few are able to buy is an example of _________.
a) Need
b) Want
c) Demand
d) Status
111. ___________ is not a type of marketing concept.
a) Production Concept
b) Selling Concept
c) Societal Marketing Concept
d) Supplier Concept

112.Today marketing must be understood in a new sense that can be characterized as

a) “Get there first with the most”
b) “Management of youth demand”
c) “Satisfying customer needs”
d) “Telling & Selling”
113. When customer expectations regarding product quality, service quality and value –
based price are met or exceeded ________ is created.
a) Planning Excellence
b) Customer Satisfaction
c) Quality Rift
d) Value Line
114. Better products, Better value, Better living” is the mission statement of which
b) HUL
c) P&G
115.At a fast – food restaurant, what is marketed?
a) Goods
b) Service
c) a&b
d) None of the Above
116. Which of the following definition of marketing is formulated by the Chartered Institute of

a) The selling process which results from the identification and anticipation of customer
b) Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,
communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers,
clients, partners, and society at large.
c) An accounting process of minimizing costs and maximizing revenues.
d) The supply of goods and services to customers in such a way that the company
becomes the preferred source of supply for customers

117. __________ is the general term for a buying and selling process that is supported by
electronic means.
a) Internet commerce
b) Web commerce
c) Computer commerce
d) Electronic commerce

118. Which of the following is the best definition of value?

A) A technical measure of a company's selling price relative to its production costs.

B) A measure of the mark-up charged by companies
C) The lowest prices available to consumers.
D) The best ratio of benefits to costs available to buyers.

119.A firm has decided to alter its pricing and promotional strategies in response to slower than
expected job growth and declining personal incomes. The firm is responding to changes in its:
a). Socio-cultural environment
b). Political environment
c). Economic environment
d). Demographic Environment

120. Which of the following is least likely to be associated with a firm's macro-environment?
a) Study of the changing birth rate
b) Analysis of household savings ratios
c) A new staff incentive scheme
d) Cultural convergence

121. Buying decisions generally follow a pattern of overlapping stages. Which of the following
best describes the typical stages of the buying process?
a) Need recognition> Information search > Evaluation > Decision > Post purchase
b) Need recognition> Evaluation > Information search > Decision > Post purchase
c) Information search >Need recognition> Evaluation > Decision > Post purchase
d) Need recognition > Information search> Decision > Evaluation > Post purchase

122. According to research, there are four factors that influence consumer buyer behavior:
A) Psychological, Personal, Social, CRM Systems
B) Cultural, Organizational, Personal, Psychological
C) Cultural, Social, Personal, Psychological
D) None of the above

123. One traditional depiction of marketing activities is in terms of the marketing mix or four Ps.
The four Ps are characterized as being

a) product, positioning, place, and price

b) promotion, place, positioning, and price
c) place, promotion, production, and positioning
d) Product, Price, Promotion and Place

123. Which of the following is NOT a recognized basis for segmenting markets?

a) Socio-economic
b) Demographic
c) Competitive position
d) Psychographic

124. The Consumers five steps of adopting a new product refer to which of the following?
A). Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Trial, Adoption
B). Awareness, Promotion, Evaluation, Trial, Adoption
C). Adoption, Interest, Evaluation, Trial, Promotion
D). Awareness, Interest, Cash Cows, Trial, Adoption

125. .The core product is best defined as:

a) The fundamental benefit of the product
b) The Secondary benefit
c) The Tangible Product
d) The augmented Product

126. The firm selects a number of segments, each objectively attractive and appropriate is --------
---- Targeting
a) Single Segment Targeting
b) Selective Targeting
c) Mass market Targeting
d) Market Specialization

127. The term marketing mix refers to

a) A composite analysis of all environmental factors inside and outside the firm
b) A series of business decisions that aid in selling a product
c) The relationship between a firm's marketing strengths and its business weaknesses
d) A blending of four strategic elements to satisfy specific target markets

128. At what stage in the product life cycle does the sales growth start to slow down?
a) Growth Stage
b) Maturity Stage
c) Saturation Stage
d) Decline Stage

129. Which of the following is NOT one of the four philosophies of marketing?

a) production orientation
b) societal marketing orientation
c) sales orientation
d) promotion orientation

130. A Product whose volume of demand increases greatly following a small reduction in price is
said to be:
a). Inelastic
b). Highly Inelastic
c). Highly elastic
d). Perfectly elastic

131. consists of dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers on the basis of needs,
characteristics, or behavior who might require separate products or marketing mixes.
a) Product differentiation
b) Market segmentation
c) Market targeting
d) Market positioning

132. A Value- based pricing strategy involves which of the following?

a) The Pricing is product driven; the input comes from calculus and controlling
b) Setting Price based on buyers’ perceptions of value rather than on seller’s cost
c) The company adds up the costs of making the product and sets a price that covers the
cost plus target profit
d) None of the above

133. Strategies that are used for new product pricing are called which of the following?
a). Market- Skimming Pricing and Market- Penetration Pricing
b). Market- Skimming Pricing and Market- Product Pricing
c). Market- Segmentation Pricing and Market- Penetration Pricing
d) None of the above

134. Which of the following statement is true?

a). Price Elasticity: a measure of sensitivity of demand changes in Price
b). If demand hardly changes with a small change in price, the demand is inelastic
c). If demand changes greatly, the demand is elastic
d). All the above

135.The first step in developing effective channel design is:

a). Establishing channel objectives
b). Analyzing customer needs
c). Identifying major channel alternatives
d). Evaluating major channel alternatives

136. Consumer durables sector pursues ------------------- distribution

a) Intensive distribution
b) Exclusive distribution
c) Selective distribution
d) None of the above

137. Products that are usually purchased due to adversity and high promotional back up rather than
desire are called:

a) Sought goods
b) Unique goods
c) Unsought goods
d) Preferred goods

138.When a company distributes its products through a channel structure that includes one or more
resellers, this is known as --------------
a) Indirect Marketing
b) Direct Marketing
c) Multi- Level Marketing
d) Integrated Marketing

139.Identify the products that the customer usually buys frequently and with a minimum of
comparison and buying effort
a) Specialty
b) Convenience
c) Unsought
d) Augment

140. The -------------------------Market is made up of members of the distribution chain.

a) Consumer
b) Business-to-business (industrial)
c) Channel
d) Institutional


1) Explain the market environment with internal and external factors.

2) Explain the model of consumer behaviour and its’ relationship with marketing
3) How does packaging helps in ensuring the safety of the products? Explain the types
of packaging with symbols.
4) Promotional activities are more beneficial for marketers than for consumer not
society. Justify your stand with examples.
5) Elucidate the types of risks involved in the field of marketing with suitable cases.
6) Explain Marketing Environment for the business enterprise of consumer goods.
7) Discuss the factors influencing consumer behavior and explain the buyer behavior
8) Analyze the stages in new product development with suitable examples
9) Illustrate the four stages of Product life cycle with reference to instant noodle product
10) Elucidate the importance of physical distribution for auto component manufacturers.
11) Discuss why it is necessary for a marketer to study the marketing environment? What are
the environmental variables to be taken into consideration?
12) Explain the nine main bases of market segmentation with suitable examples.
13) Analyze the various elements of marketing mix and elucidate its importance in achieving
marketing objectives.
14) Explain the process of Building a Brand with examples.
15) Evaluate the different types of pricing methods and analyze which pricing methods is
suitable to gain market share.
16) Elucidate the channel design process suitable for car passenger vehicle segment in
automobile industry.
17) Explain Marketing Environment for the business enterprise of consumer goods.
18) Discuss the factors influencing consumer behavior and explain the buyer behavior models.
19) Analyze the stages in new product development with suitable examples
20) Illustrate the four stages of Product life cycle with reference to instant noodle product
21) Elucidate the importance of physical distribution for an auto component manufacturers.
22) Choose a company of your choice and explain how micro environmental factors affecting
its operations.
23) Explain the Core Concept of Marketing
24) Explain the concept of product life cycle.
25) How do marketing strategy and marketing mix strategy change across the PLC stages?
26) Outline the stages in new product development.
27) Explain Market Segmentation, targeting and positioning with a real life example.
28) What are the objectives for pricing decisions? What methods are used to arrive at pricing
decision when the market is competitive?
29) Explain the new Product development process with suitable examples.
30) Explain Consumer Buying Behavior Process.
31) Why is it necessary for a marketer to study the marketing environment? What arc the
environmental variables to be taken into consideration?

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