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262 Part 1 Finunciul Acc:ounting


Case 9-'l
Xytech, Inc.*
Xytech was a high-tech company that had been started March 2l the bank agreed to increase the $ 100,000
by three partners in early 20X0. Their successful prod- balloon note to $ 150,000; the $50,000 proceeds were
uct designs led to rapid growth of the company, with used to repay Cabot's $50,000 loan, The net income
resulting needs for additional capital to support the for the year was $26,000.
growth. This case describes the major financing trans- 20X3: In anticipation of a public offering of Xytech,
actions entered into by Xytech in its first l0 years of Inc., stock, the firm effected a I ,000-for- I stock split in
existence. The firm's earnings history also is given. November. The year's net income was $43,000. Calcu-
You are to write a journal entry for each transaction late the 20X3 basic earnings per share amount.
as it is described. You should be explicit about what 20X4: In January the firm went public. An invest-
noncurrent liability and owners' equity-that is, in- ment banker sold 100,000 newly issued shares at S7 .7 5
vested capital-accounts are affected by the transac- per share. The banker's fee and other issuance costs
tions, but effects on assets (including cash) and current amounted to $55,000. The year's net income (after stock
liabilities can be recorded in a single account, 'A&CL." issuance costs) was $68,000. Prepate a statement of in-
20X0: The firm began as a partnership on January vested capital as of December 31,20X4.
10, with the three equal partners, Able, Baker, and 20X5: In January the company issued 500 2}-year
Cabot, each contributing $ 100.,000 capital. The ac- bonds with a face value of $ I ,000 each and a coupon
countant set up a capital account for each of the three rate of 6 percent. Although the bonds were issued at
partners. On April I the partners arranged with a bank p&r, because of issuance costs the proceeds were only
a $ 100,000, 8 percent, five-year "balloon" note, which $950 per bond. Part of the proceeds was used to repay
meant that only quarterly interest was payable for five the firm's prior long-term debt. The year's net income
years,, with the principal due in full as a lump sum at was $85,000.
the end of the fifth year. The firm's net loss for 20X0 20X6: [n April Able and Cabot each sold 25,000 of
was $54,,000. A salary for each partner was included in their common shares, receiving proceeds of $ I 1 per
the calculation of net loss; no other payments were share. The company earned net income of $ 1 I 1,000.
made to the partners. On December 3 I the firm declared a dividend of $0.15
20X1: To help the firm deal with a short-term liq- per share, payable January 3 1, 20X7 , to holders of
uidity problem, oo April 26, Cabot liquidated some record as of January 15. Prepare a statement of invested
personal securities and loaned the firm the $50,000 capital as of December 31 , 19X6.
proceeds. Cabot expected to be repaid these funds in 20X7: Feeling that the market was undervaluing the
no more than one year. In October Baker's ownership company's stock, in June the management decided to
interest in the firm was sold out equally to Able and purchase 20,000 shares on the open market. The pur-
Cabot, with Baker receiving a total of $ I 10,000 in chase was effected July I ataprice of $ l0 per share. The
notes and cash from Able and Cabot. The firm had shares were held as treasury stock, avarlable for possi-
$ 12,000 net income for the year. Able and Cabot ble reissuance. The year's net income was $ 152,000. In
planned to incorporate the firm as of January l,2AX2. Decembeq a $0.20 per share dividend was declared,
Prepare a statement of invested capital for the partner- payable the following month. Calculate the year's earn-
ship as of Decembcr 3 1 , 20X l . ings per share.
20X2: The firm was incorporated on January l, as 20XB: In January the company issued 4,000 shares
plarrned. The articles of incorporation authorized of convertible cumulative preferred stock with an an-
500 shares of $ 100 par value common stock, but only nual dividend rate of $5 per share. Proceeds of the is-
100 sharcs were issued- 50 each to Able and Cabot. On suance were $200,000. Each share was convertible upon
the holder's demand into two shares of Xytech com-
* Copyright O Robert N. Anthony, Harvard Business School. mon stock. Net income before preferred dividends was
Chapter 9 Sources o/'Capital: Ov;tters'Equitv 263

$186,000. In December, a dividend of $0.25 per com- declared a 5 percent stock dividend. The market price of
rnon share was declare d, payable the following month. the common stock on December 3 I was $ I 7 per share.
Calculate the basic and diluted earnings per share of No shares of preferred stock were converted during the
common stock in 20X8. year. Calculate the basic and diluted earnings per share
20X9: Net income before preferred stock dividends for 20X9 and prepare a statement of invested capital as
was $252,000. Instead of paying a cash dividend to of December 31. What is the company's debt/capitaliza-
common stock shareholders, on December 31, the firm tion ratio ?t year-end?

Case 9-2
Innovative Etrgineering eompanyx
Innovative Engineering Company was founded by two this would mean that the 90 percent that would be
partners, Meredith Gale and Shelley Yeaton, shortly owned by Gale and Yeaton would have a value of
after they had graduated from engineering school. $900,000. Although this was considerably higher than
Within five years, the partners had built a thriving Innovative's net assets, they thought that this amount
business, primarily through the development of a was appropriate in view of the profitability of the prod-
product line of measuring instruments based on the uct line that they had successfully developed.
laser principle. Success brought with it the need for A little calculation convinced them, however, that
new permanent capital. After careful calculation, the this idea (hereafter, proposal A) was too risky. The re-
partners placed the amount of this need at $ I .2 mil- sulting ratio of debt to equity would be greater than
lion. This would replace a term loan that was about to 100 percent, which was considered unsound for an in-
mature and provide for plant expansion and related dustrial company.
working capital. Their next idea was to change the debt/equity ratio
At first,, they sought a wealthy investor, or group by using preferred stock in lieu of most of the debt.
of investors, who would provide the $ I .2 million in Specifically, they thought of a package consisting of
return for an interest in the partnership. They soon $200,000 debt, $900,000 preferred stock, and
discovered, however, that although some investors $ 100,000 common stock (proposal B). They learned,
were interested in participating in new ventures, however, that Arbor Capital Corporation was not inter-
none of them was willing to participate as partner in ested in accepting preferred stock, even at a dividend
an industrial company because of the risks to their that exceeded the intercst rate on debt. Thereupon,
personal fortunes that were inherent in such an they approached Arbor with a proposal of $600,000
arrangement. Gale and Yeaton therefore planned to debt and $600,000 equity (proposal C). For the
incorporate the Innovative Engineering Company, in $600,000 eqr-rity, Arbor would receive (i.e.., 40 per-
which they would own all the stock. ccnt) of the comrron stock.
After further investigation, they learned that Arbor The Arbor rcprescntative was considerably inter-
Capital Corporation, a venture capital finn,, rnight be ested in the conrpany and its prospects but explained
interested in providing permanent financing. In think- that Arbor ordinarily did not participate in a rnajor fi-
ing about what they should propose to Arbor, their first nancing of a rclatively new company unless it obtained
idea was that Arbor would be asked to provide $ I .2 mil- at least 50 percent equity as part of the deal. They were
lion. of which $1.1 million would be a long-term loan. interested only in a proposal for $300,000 debt and
For theother 00.,000, Arbor would receive | 0 percent
SI $900,000 for half of thc equity (proposal D). The
of the Innovative common stock as a "sweetener." If debt/equity ratio in this proposal was attractive, but
Arbor would pay $ I 00.,000 for I 0 percent of the stock, Gale and Yeaton were not happy about sharing control
of the company eqLlally with an outside party.
Befbrc proccccling furthcr, they decided to see if
Copyright O James S. Reece. thcy could locate another venture capital investor who

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