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Ways you can do this:

* Handwrite * Create a PowerPoint presentation
* Google Docs (typing) * Google Docs (voice-to-text)
* Create a poster on the large poster paper
(pencils, colored pencils, pens, markers)

Go to our website ,

then Astronomy, then Galaxies

Learn the definition of “galaxy.”
Distinguish between shapes of the major galaxy types.
Discover where we lie within our galaxy.
Understand why the Milky Way galaxy appears the way that it does.

I. Based on our website, what is a galaxy?

II. Pick any two galaxy types from our graphic. Name them, and describe the
difference between them. Do your best to carefully draw them.

III. Where in our galaxy is our solar system? Look at the images, and describe our
location, in your own words.
IV. When we look up at night, what part of our galaxy do we see?
Why does it look like this?


Go to our website ,

then Astronomy, then Galaxies
Discover how we can use photography to better image our galaxy.
Understand how different wavelengths of light allow us to see different parts of our galaxy.
Learn how we have recently imaged the center of our galaxy.
Describe how our galaxy is clustered together with other galaxies.

I. How can we better see the center of our galaxy?

What is going on in the image shown here?

II. Regular photography only uses visible light. Now look at our galaxy with other
wavelengths. Talk with the teacher, and find out which part of the electromagentic
spectrum this kind of light is.

a) b) c)

d) e)

III. What would we see if we used different wavelengths of light to look at other galaxies?

Radio -

Infrared -
Optical -

UV (ultraviolet) -

X-ray -

IV. Imaging the center of our galaxy. You’re looking at the center of our galactic home,
the Milky Way, as imaged by 64 radio telescopes in the South African wilderness. How
does this image differ from the center of the galaxy that was seen in all of our previous


External links

How We Discovered the Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy

By Erika K. Carlson

Good text details here

Watch Stars Orbit The Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole

(Excellent GIF)

Video: Unprecedented 16 year long study tracks stars orbiting Milky Way Black Hole, ESO
(European Southern Observatory)
“In a 16-year long study, using several of ESO's flagship telescopes, a team of German
astronomers has produced the most detailed view ever of the surroundings of the
monster lurking at our Galaxy's heart — a supermassive black hole. The research has
unravelled the hidden secrets of this tumultuous region by mapping the orbits of almost
30 stars, a five-fold increase over previous studies. One of the stars has now completed
a full orbit around the black hole.

By watching the motions of 28 stars orbiting the Milky Way's most central region with
admirable patience and amazing precision, astronomers have been able to study the
supermassive black hole lurking there. It is known as "Sagittarius A*" (pronounced
"Sagittarius A star"). The new research marks the first time that the orbits of so many of
these central stars have been calculated precisely and reveals information about the
enigmatic formation of these stars — and about the black hole to which they are bound.”
- ESO/ S. Gillessen, R. Genzel


Ways you can do this:

* Handwrite * Create a PowerPoint presentation
* Google Docs (typing) * Google Docs (voice-to-text)
* Create a poster on the large poster paper
(pencils, colored pencils, pens, markers)

Go to our website ,

then Astronomy, then

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