Process Perils: Protect Plants From

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Process Safety eHANDBOOK

Protect Plants from

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Consulting. Engineering. Products. Service.

· Over 45 years of innovation in comdust explosion protection.

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PSM Audits Find Confusion Common  6
Issues with operating/safe limits tables arise all too frequently

Safely Use Mobile Devices  15

Understanding ignition sources and levels of device protection
are crucial to eliminating risk

Understand Pressure Effects on Combustible Dust  19

Vessel protection systems help guard against catastrophic explosions

Up Your Fired Heater Safety with TDLS Technology  26

These analyzers offer quick and accurate live gas readings

Additional Resources  32


The Tec Flex strip-wound metal hose bridges

the gap between unlined and lined hoses, pro-
viding flexibility with durability. Using a single
liner, this hose offers the smoothness charac-
teristic in lined hoses.
In addition to increasing hose durability,
it helps to protect transferred material from
becoming damaged by, or stuck in, the hose’s
interior convolutions. It also reduces the
potential for cross-contamination.
According to the company, the design provides a superior seal, eliminating the need to add
packing materials that can make lined hoses even heavier and less flexible.


Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 3

Digitalizing hazardous areas.
Enabling connectivity.
Enhancing mobility.

Smart-Ex® 02 Smartphone Series

for Industrial Hazardous Areas
up to Zone 1/21 and Div. 1

Fauske & Associates, LLC. •  18

Kuriyama of America Inc. •  25

Pepperl+Fuchs •  4

REMBE Inc. •  2

Yokogawa Corp. of America •  14


The Fauske Emergency Relief System Tool (FERST), powered by

ChemCAD, allows users to obtain a vent size quickly for reactive
and nonreactive upset scenarios. The program includes a license
to the DIPPR database granting direct access to more than 2,500
pure component material properties and 40 different thermo-
dynamic mixing models to support the calculations and provide
additional understanding of potential safety concerns.
It is designed to provide recommendations for new, or evaluations of existing, rupture disks
and safety relief valves, including allowable inlet and outlet frictional losses within a relief line.
Sources of overpressure for consideration include reactive vapor systems, reactive hybrid
systems, reactive systems and constant heating (e.g., fire exposure) nonreactive vapor sys-
tems. Two-phase flow can be considered with churn-turbulent, bubbly and homogeneous flow
regimes incorporated.
The software offers GUI functionality in file handling and results reporting and has customizable
plotting capabilities. It also provides a staged approach to emergency relief system design by includ-
ing options to build upon the design and fine tune the analyses by manipulating a range of variables.


Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 5

PSM Audits Find

Confusion Common
Issues with operating/safe limits tables arise all too frequently
By James A. Klein and James R. Thompson, ABSG Consulting

rocess safety audits [1, 2] serve two suggests certain shortcomings continue to
main purposes: (1) feedback on commonly arise. This article looks specifically
process safety program implementa- at issues related to operating limits, required
tion and effectiveness to identify potential under the operating procedure (OP) element,
opportunities for improved performance, and safe limits, required under the process
and (2) compliance with process safety reg- safety information (PSI) element — and pro-
ulations such as the 29 CFR 1910:119 Process vides guidance on how to avoid such findings
Safety Management (PSM) regulation of the through appropriate development and imple-
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Admin- mentation of limits tables.
istration (OSHA) and the 40 CFR 68 Risk
Management Program (RMP) rule of the U.S. Operating limits and safe limits tables are
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). important because they define the ranges of
safe operation for a process, both as operat-
A facility with a process covered by these ing limits in the OPs and as the ultimate safe
regulations must conduct compliance audits (or design) limits in PSI. Exceeding operating
every three years. Facilities in existence when limits can prompt process upsets, quality
OSHA promulgated its regulation in 1992 issues and other problems. Deviating outside
now have performed seven to nine compli- safe limits likely will cause significant process
ance audits. A review of recent audit findings incidents and result in possible equipment
for both long-established and newer plants damage, personnel injuries and environmental

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 6

harm. Failure to properly document these are exceeded. Limits tables, therefore, are
limits can lead to improper operation as well important training tools. Exceeding one
as major operability and safety issues. So, a flow rate may have minor consequences but
plant must spell out the consequences of the exceeding a different flow rate could lead
deviations from these limits, including the to destruction of the plant. Knowing these
safety and health effects on personnel. The differences and how to respond to these
OPs must specify correct operator responses deviations are fundamental to safe design,
to regain desired control of the process. Many operation and maintenance of the plant.
companies choose to combine these sets of
limits tables as part of the OPs for ease of Many companies refer to “safe operating
reference and use; this, while common, some- limits” (SOLs), which also can lead to con-
times also becomes a source of confusion if fusion because the OSHA regulation refers
the information is not clearly presented. only to safe limits and operating limits. SOL
implies that safety, rather than other con-
Based on our experience, having a complete, siderations, determined the operating limits.
accurate and thorough set of operating However, SOLs should not necessarily be
limits and safe limits tables available to equated to safe limits. Auditors should
process operators (particularly board oper- understand company intent and practice
ators) as well as engineers, maintenance relative to the OSHA PSM regulation to
staff, etc., is invaluable in (1) focusing them determine if requirements are being met.
on the important process parameters, (2)
reminding them of the worst-case conse- REQUIREMENTS/BACKGROUND
quences associated with going beyond these The OSHA PSM requirements for operat-
parameters, and (3) providing a ready ref- ing limits and safe limits appear in OSHA
erence for actions to take when parameters 29 CFR 1910:119. OSHA provides additional
guidance in its “Petroleum Refinery Process

Process Safety Operating Safety Management National Emphasis

Information Procedures
Program” [3] and “Process Safety Manage-
Upper/Lower Upper/Lower
Safe Limits Operating Limits ment Supplement B, Voluntary Protection

Consequences of Consequences of Program” [4]. EPA mandates basically the

Deviation, including Deviation
those affecting the same requirements in its RMP rule.
safety and health Steps required to correct
of personnel or avoid deviation

Two basic approaches exist for meeting

1. Implementing the PSI and OP require-
Figure 1. Creating distinct tables can avoid
confusion about the type of limit. ments separately, with the PSI safe limits

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 7

tables providing the basic process vari- Operating Procedures

ables to be addressed in the operating Upper/Lower Safe and Operating Limits
limits tables in the OPs (Figure 1); or
Consequences of Deviation, including those affecting
2. C
 ombining the PSI and OP requirements the safety and health of personnel

into limits tables in the OPs (Figure 2). Steps required to correct or avoid deviation


Both approaches are valid for meeting the TABLE
Figure 2. A table containing both kinds of limits
regulatory requirements — and both have can reduce the chance of discrepancies arising
pluses as well as minuses if not imple- over time.

mented and maintained appropriately. For

example, combined tables help reduce part of refresher training activities. How-
discrepancies that could develop over ever, improper design and implementation
time in separate tables as process equip- of combined tables can lead to confusion
ment changes occur. Combined tables also around whether limits are safe limits, oper-
undergo periodic scrutiny as part of OP ating limits or something else (e.g., control
reviews to confirm they are current and system alarm points). Table 1 shows an
accurate; therefore, they frequently are example combined limits table.


Consequences Safe Consequences Corrective
Parameter Normal of Deviation Corrective Limits of Deviation Action
Instrument (Process Operating (exceed Normal Action Do Not (exceed Safe (exceed
Tag Variable) Limits Limits) (Troubleshooting) Interlocks Exceed Limits) Safe Limits)

TC-1700 XX-201 Max: Max: •R

 educe air flow TC-1700 will Max: High temperature • Shut off air
Temperature 95°C Poor yield and to oxidizer. activate and: 120°C leads to runaway to oxidizer.
increased side reaction.
• Increase water 1. s hut off the air • O pen cooling
Min: reactions; begin to Min: Temperature
flow to to the oxidizer water valve to
85°C approach runaway N/A increases quickly,
circulation cooler. and circulation coolers
reaction. resulting in a
to 100%. Divert
2. o
 pen water release of gas that
additional cooling
Min: valves to may cause a fire/
water if needed.
Loss of reaction circulation explosion hazard
and lower peroxide coolers 100% to personnel. • Refer to procedure
concentration in if reading is XX “Response to
oxidizer; above 105°C. High Temperature
operability/quality in an Oxidizer”
issues. for further steps.

AI-1703A XX-201 Max: Max: Increase tempera- AI-1703A/B will Max: Explosive atmo- • Shut off air to
AI-1703B Offgas 9% Approach ture to the oxidizer activate and shut 20% sphere is present the oxidizer.
Oxygen explosive by off the air to the in the oxidizer,
• O pen nitrogen
Percentage Min: atmosphere oxidizer if reading Min: resulting in a fire/
1. reducing water valve to the
4% in the oxidizer. above 15%. N/A explosion hazard
flow to the cir- oxidizer vapor
to personnel if an
culation cooler, space.
Min: ignition source is
Poor yield 2. increasing present. • Increase oxidizer
and increased steam flow temperature
side reactions. to the before putting
pre-heater, or air back on the
3. p
 utting steam
on the circula-
tion cooler.

Table 1. Clearly differentiating between normal operating limits and safe limits is essential

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 8

Figure 3 provides a typical way of

thinking of limits. Most processes will Process Incidents/Near Misses

have a normal operating zone, such as Buffer Zone

Upper safe limit
Response Zone
a temperature range from 100–120°C, Upper operating limit
based on safety, quality and other Normal Operating Zone
operability considerations. This range Lower operating limit
Response Zone
is used to define the desired upper Lower safe limit
Buffer Zone
and lower operating limits. Deviations
Process Incidents/Near Misses
above or below the operating limits
will result in troubleshooting activi-
ties by operators and/or automatic Figure 3. Most processes have a normal operating
response by the control system to range with various limits addressing excursions.

return to normal conditions. Usually a

response zone is defined before safe
limits are exceeded, although the avail- Maximum Allowable Working Pressure

able response time may be very short. Upper Safe Limit

In some cases, a buffer zone may exist Pressure Relief (Pressure Safety Valve)

above the safe limits before worst-case Safety Instrumented System (Inhibitor Addition)
consequences can occur. However, in
many cases, the safe limit defines the Upper Operating Limit (High/High Alarm)

point where undesirable safety conse- Control System (High Alarm)

quences are possible without a buffer.

Figure 4 shows these limits and the
activation points for possible process
safeguards for pressure in a reactor REACTION
Figure 4. This chart is a modified version of one
due to a runaway reaction, based on
in “Process Safety: Key Concepts and Practical
layers of protection as evaluated in a Approaches” [5].

process hazard analysis (PHA).

variables for each piece of process equip-
COMMON AUDIT ISSUES ment. Developing this information can be
While the limits table requirements, as a challenge, especially for older processes,
shown in Figures 1 and 2, seem relatively due to limited availability of the PSI. With
straightforward, large processes may need multiple requirements for developing,
to document literally hundreds of limits. documenting and maintaining limits, it is
Critical variables may include temperature, not surprising that process safety audits
pressure, flow rates, levels and many other often identify compliance or improvement

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 9

opportunities related to limits tables. In the pressure safety valve (PSV) settings as
addition, changing equipment design or providing the operating/safe limits.
regulatory direction may raise issues not
found in previous audits. The first and second instances clearly do
not comply with the regulations because
So, let’s now look at five common issues they do not provide both sets of required
with operating/safe limits observed in PSM limits. In the third instance, many DCS
compliance audits: alarm settings are not established for safety
reasons but for quality or operability pur-
1. Separate operating and safe upper/ poses. Therefore, defaulting to the DCS
lower limits are not provided. The OSHA parameters may indicate the requirements
regulation and good industry practice of operating limits are not well understood.
clearly require/expect each covered pro- In some cases, safe limits also may appear
cess to have two separate sets of limits: in the tables but be difficult to distinguish
• Operating limits, defining the boundaries from quality, environmental and other limits.
outside of which a system upset or abnor-
mal operating condition could occur; and Guidance: Ensure (1) both operating and
• Safe limits, representing the design safe safe limits are provided in the PSI, OPs or
upper and lower limits of the equipment combined tables, and (2) the limits documen-
or process, above or below which opera- tation addresses, as applicable, the different
tion is considered unsafe. zones of operation shown in Figure 3. Also,
avoid imprecise terminology when possible.
However, some facilities still:
• Establish only one set of documented 2. All pertinent operating/safe limits are
“limits” rather than two sets; it often is not addressed. In some cases, inspection of
not clear whether they are operating or the limits tables may suggest certain critical
safe limits. variables are missing (e.g., temperature in
• Specify operating limits in tables in the a reactor), leading to additional discussion
OPs but do not include safe limits in these with site personnel to understand (1) how
OP tables or in separate tables as part of the limits tables were developed and (2)
the PSI. The reverse of this (i.e., estab- why, in the case of high temperature in a
lishing safe limits in tables in the PSI but reactor, the particular limits have not been
not operating limits in tables in the OPs) established. Operating/safe limit tables for
occurs less commonly. all the pertinent process parameters can
• Reference the alarm/interlock settings in be effectively evaluated (as time permits)
the distributed control system (DCS) and by comparing the limits tables data to the

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 10

current PHA for the process and other PSI limits tables perform this work independently,
documentation. This can be done by: without ever looking at the operating/safe
• Reviewing the PHA report worksheets limits through the “lens” of the PHA reports
for parameter deviations leading to or PSI documentation. Audits also provide an
potential hazardous events (e.g., loss of opportunity to review the “reasonableness” of
containment) that are not addressed in the limits. For instance, if the limits table lists
the operating/safe limits. For example, a high pressure safe limit of 100 psig while the
if high flow or high level in a hazard and PSI or PHA shows the related PSV setpoint as
operability (HAZOP) table is shown to 150 psig, a further discussion to understand
lead to hazardous events in the PHA, the difference is warranted.
then it would be reasonable that limits for
these variables should appear in the limits Guidance: (1) Review PHAs and other PSI
tables. Note: PHAs typically do not pro- documents to ensure the limits table con-
vide the actual limits. Use the PSI to find tains appropriate process variables and
this information. values appear correct, (2) clearly address
• Checking listed safeguards in the PHA both upper and lower limits and note as
(e.g., alarms, interlocks and PSVs) or a “not applicable” where no high/low limit
separate safeguards table (if available) exists, and (3) check relevant process
to determine if the operating/safe limits change documentation to see if limits tables
table includes the associated process have been updated as needed.
parameters. If a high flow alarm or PSV
appears as a safeguard, then it would be 3. Consequences of deviation are not
reasonable for the limits table to contain clearly documented. The impact of exceed-
limits for flow or pressure. ing both operating and safe limits must
• Scrutinizing PSI documentation (e.g., pro- be documented. For operating limits, a
cess and instrumentation diagrams and simple description such as “process upset”
equipment design files) for specific equip- or something similar often appears — but
ment to see if the limits table correctly this does not adequately describe the pos-
lists design limits. sible consequences. The PSI element also
requires the consequences of deviation
A review of PHAs and other PSI documen- from safe limits include those “affect-
tation may show the operating/safe limits ing the safety and health of employees,”
tables lack a significant number of pertinent which often is not addressed as part of the
process parameters. This situation often consequences. Fundamentally, all these
develops because the operations and engi- consequences should (1) be consistent,
neering personnel developing/updating the (2) appear in the PHA worksheets, and

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 11

(3) describe potential safety and health distinguish between operating/safe limits and
impacts on personnel, as well as effects on quality, environmental and other limits.
processes and equipment. For example, the
PHA and safe limits table for high pressure 4. Corrective actions are not detailed ade-
in a reactor might indicate overpressure quately. OPs must include the steps required
leading to loss of containment and potential to avoid or correct deviation from operating
toxic exposure to a specific chemical(s) or limits. However, this information is not always
fire/explosion hazards. provided or corrective actions are given for
only some operating limits or with varying
Audits of consequences of deviation degrees of clarity. Although the regulation
often find: does not specifically require the documenta-
• Worst-case consequences are not ade- tion of corrective actions for deviations from
quately addressed (no column provided or safe upper/lower limits, OSHA’s guidance
left blank). indicates that “emergency shutdown” should
• Consequences are worded “leading to be a final corrective action. Obviously, the
a high pressure interlock” or “lifting the steps to correct a deviation outside operat-
PSV” rather than providing the potential ing limits will help prevent upset situations or
worst-case consequence of overpres- going beyond safe limits but the necessary
suring a vessel and loss of containment. actions likely will differ as a potential devia-
Note that activation of a PSV also may tion approaches or exceeds documented safe
result in a hazardous release at the dis- limits. For example, operators typically are
charge point. encouraged to safely shut down a process —
• No mention is made of the safety and even before it reaches an interlock/trip point
health effects on personnel, such as or safe limit — when in doubt about contin-
potential toxic exposure resulting from the ued safe operation.
release of a hazardous chemical.
• Safety consequences are mixed with Guidance: Review PHAs, OPs, emergency
operability/quality/environmen- procedures and other documents as needed
tal consequences. to ensure clear guidance is provided on cor-
rective actions for deviations outside both
Guidance: (1) Review PHAs to ensure proper operating and safe limits.
documentation of the consequences of
deviation outside the safe limits, including 5. Process safeguard setpoints are not
possible worst cases and potential safety and included. It is a best practice to detail at what
health effects on personnel, and (2) clearly point various process safeguards will activate

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 12

because this helps operators handle process Hopefully, the information provided here
deviations. What alarms and interlocks are will help you better evaluate and improve
provided and when will they activate? What your operating/safe limits documentation
are the setpoints for pressure relief? This before you receive a regulatory citation or
information may be included in the DCS, in compliance audit finding.
the OPs, in training materials or PSI docu-
ments. Consider adding this information to JIM KLEIN, CCPSC, CPSA, is a Minneapo-
the limits tables so an operator immediately lis, Minn.-based process safety consultant
can put them in context with the defined with ABSG Consulting Inc. JIM THOMPSON,
limits listed in the table. For example, Figure 4 CPSA, is a Louisville, Ky.-based process
shows a chart that details several safeguards safety consultant with ABSG Consulting.
for high pressure in a reactor to activate as Email them at
the upper safe limit is approached. Knowl- and
edge of these setpoints as operators respond
to process deviations is important, both so REFERENCES
the operators can anticipate safeguard action 1. “Guidelines for Auditing Process Safety
and can respond appropriately if the safe- Management Systems,” 2nd ed., Center
guard fails to activate as expected. for Chemical Process Safety/John Wiley &
Sons, Hoboken, N.J. (2011).
Guidance: Consider including process 2. “ Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety,”
safeguard setpoints, as appropriate, in the Center for Chemical Process Safety/John
limits tables. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, N.J. (2007).
3. “Petroleum Refinery Process Safety Manage-
AVOID COMMON ISSUES ment National Emphasis Program,” OSHA
Well-documented operating and safe limits CPL 03-00-004, U.S. Occupational Safety
are an important foundation for safely and and Health Admin., Washington, D.C. (2007).
reliably operating processes containing highly 4. “Process Safety Management Supplement
hazardous chemicals. So, process safety reg- B, Voluntary Protection Program,” U.S.
ulations and industry best practices require Occupational Safety and Health Admin.,
clear documentation in OPs and PSI of limits, Washington, D.C. (2011).
consequences of deviation, and corrective 5. Klein, J.A., and Vaughen, B.K., “Process
actions. Unfortunately, process safety audits Safety: Key Concepts and Practical
continue to find poor understanding and inef- Approaches,” CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla.
fective implementation of these requirements. (2017).

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 13

Improving fired asset safety,
control and optimization.

Single source solution for operational excellence in fired assets

Increased Reduced
Effieciency Emissions

Enhanced Imroved
Operational Operational
Stability Safety

Providing a comprehensive approach to fired asset management that

includes hardware, software, and turnkey project services.

Safely Use Mobile Devices

Understanding ignition sources and levels of device protection
are crucial to eliminating risk
By Justin Olivier, Pepperl+Fuchs, Inc.

obile devices can solve many
challenges in hazardous industrial
environments — from monitoring
lone workers to enabling predictive mainte-
nance to streamlining field support (Figure
1). But a device that lacks the proper pro-
tection could seriously compromise the
safety of your plant and personnel. Even
something as simple as a hot surface on
an unprotected device can have disas-
trous consequences.

Ignition sources are possible even when
unprotected mobile devices are turned
off, including:
• A battery short circuit in an unpro-
tected device
Figure 1. Mobile devices solve a variety of
• A loose battery in an unprotected device challenges in hazardous areas.

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 15

• Electrostatic discharge — for instance, ZONE/DIV. 1 AND ZONE/DIV.

from pulling an unprotected device out of 2 TESTING
a holster Zone/Div. 2 devices are tested only for
the above-listed ignition sources under
Other typical ignition sources include: normal conditions — not if the device devel-
• Hot surfaces and open flames ops a fault. Zone/Div. 1 devices, on the
• Electrical arcs and sparks other hand, are tested in both normal and
• Lightning fault conditions.
• Mechanical friction or impact sparks
• Electromagnetic and optical radiation — Further, the batteries in Zone/Div. 2 devices
i.e., from radios or barcode scanners in an are not tested for temperature increase under
unprotected device short-circuit conditions. Only Zone/Div. 1
devices ensure that temperatures remain low
Intrinsically safe mobile devices ensure enough to prevent an ignition. In short, Zone/
that these potential ignition sources Div. 1 devices are subjected to more stringent
are removed or prevented (Figure 2). tests under both normal and fault conditions.
But to eliminate the risk of explosion,
it is not enough to select just any Answer the questions in Table 1 to help
protected device. determine whether the smartphones,


Figure 2. Intrinsically safe mobile devices ensure potential ignition sources are removed or prevented.

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 16


Are you using Zone/Div. 2 devices in Zone/Div.

Yes High
1 areas?

Are you carrying switched-off Zone/Div. 2 devices

Yes High
through Zone/Div. 1 areas?

Does your Zone/Div. 2 device protect against, and

No High
has it been tested for, all typical ignition sources?

Will your Zone/Div. 2 device be used for multiple

applications in the future, in both Zone/Div. 1 and No High
Zone/Div. 2 areas?

If your Zone/Div. 2 device develops a fault, is it

protected from causing a fire or explosion? (Look for No High
markings such as Ex ic, UL 913, FM2610, or CSA 157.)

Are Zone/Div. 2 and Zone/Div. 1 areas clearly

marked in your plant? Do mobile workers know No High
when they are in a Zone/Div. 1 area?

Does your insurance liability cover incidents

caused by Zone/Div. 2 devices found in Zone/ No High
Div. 1 areas?

Table 1. Asking the following questions can help determine whether the mobile devices in your plant
are putting personnel, assets and the environment at risk. Note: This information is intended for
educational purposes only.

tablets, scanners and other mobile devices • Select manufacturers with a proven track
in your plant are putting personnel, assets record of delivering mobile devices for
and the environment at risk. use in hazardous areas.
• Do not compromise on safety. Always
ELIMINATE RISK consult safety and certification
Using the wrong mobile device creates an specialists.
enormous amount of risk. To eliminate risk,
follow these basic steps: JUSTIN OLIVIER is product manager, Mobility,

• Use the correctly certified and marked at Pepperl+Fuchs, Inc. He can be reached at

devices in hazardous areas.

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 17

Safer Process Scale-up

Data Collection & Hazard Identification

Small-scale, easy to use, low-phi

adiabatic calorimeters to safely
evaluate reactive hazards

Measure directly scalable temperature

and pressure rise rates
Simulate potential upset (abnormal)
Quickly screen for unknown reactive hazards
Characterize two-phase flow regime

 Obtain data required for estimation of

critical safety parameters

Data Application & Hazard Consequences


Powered by CHEMCAD

Powerful simulation tool in accordance with DIERS methodology  Contract testing

Directly apply low phi-factor calorimetry data to full scale vessels
 Laboratory safety equipment
 FERST software & free trial
Two-phase flow consideration and built-in physical properties
 Engineering design
Rupture disk, PSV, pipe pressure loss, and valve stability evaluations
 Training
Reactive and nonreactive venting with integrated fire heat input calculations

Rigorous thermodynamic mixing capabilities

Advanced simulation options (e.g. multiple vessels and dynamic venting)

Understand Pressure Effects

on Combustible Dust
Vessel protection systems help guard against catastrophic explosions
By Jeramy Slaunwhite, REMBE Inc.

hen handling bulk combus- accelerated rate that is not necessarily
tible particulate, the risk of visible but can become evident.
fire and explosion is a reality
and must be managed to prevent injury, Pressure is transmitted by compressed gases
property damage and production loss. that exert forces on impingement surfaces
Industrial fires are more frequent than in their path. Pressure effects can be real-
explosions, with the primary damage ized in many ways, including open pressure
stemming from the effects of heat and waves, contained pressure, transferred pres-
smoke that then lead to property damage sure and released pressure. Open pressure
and limited personnel injuries. effects of even a small dust deflagration can
be a motive force, disturbing and elevat-
One major difference with explosions is ing settled dust layers to fuel a secondary
pressure effects. Combustion, by defini- explosion. Expanding combustion gases
tion, generates gases as a byproduct of pressing on an enclosure’s interior surfaces
the reaction. Unlike the visible flame and can challenge the containment’s integrity,
smoke from conventional burning, com- resulting in catastrophic rupture and rapid
bustible dust explosions involve rapid gas and fire release. Pressure can transfer
combustion, which produces gases at an from one enclosure to another through open

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 19

connections, with potentially damaging Higher rates of pressure rise and maximum
effects under various scenarios. pressures will require more responsive
protection systems to manage the rapidly
Combustible dust explosion safety con- produced gases and pressure. For dusts,
siders the occurrence and development of these material characteristics can vary with
dust explosions and applies solutions to moisture content, particle size distribu-
manage the hazards. The optimal approach tion and concentration. This highlights the
to explosion safety is preventive measures importance of testing representative sam-
to limit fuel or ignition sources; however, ples of the actual handled materials.
this often is not a standalone, reliable
approach, and provisions must be in place EXPLOSION PROTECTION BY
to protect against dust explosions after PRESSURE CONTAINMENT
ignition has occurred. Explosion protection by pressure con-
tainment uses high-strength, pressure
Explosion pressure effects in vessels are shock-resistant vessels designed in accor-
managed by high-strength design and dance with applicable pressure vessel codes
construction to withstand the pressure and regulations.
forces, rapid interruption of the combus-
tion process to halt the pressure-inducing The containment vessel design typically must
gas production or controlled pressure-relief be pressure-certified with significant safety
venting to exhaust the gases before reach- factors as the consequences of failure can be
ing damaging pressures. The design and extreme. Pressure shock-resistant design and
application of explosion safety systems for construction is heavy and expensive, increas-
process vessels must consider expected ing exponentially with increases in vessel
combustion gas pressure, the equipment’s size. Connected equipment and explosion
pressure resistance strength and induced isolation systems also must be considered for
pressures from the protection system and the design and ratings when used as part of a
the process. pressure containment system.

All explosion protection strategies must EXPLOSION PROTECTION BY

take into consideration the fuel of combus- CHEMICAL SUPPRESSION
tion. Combustible dusts can be tested in Chemical explosion suppression systems
accordance with applicable standards to operate by rapidly injecting an extinguish-
determine the maximum deflagration pro- ing powder (typically sodium bicarbonate)
duced pressure in a closed volume and the into the vessel upon combustion detection.
rate of pressure rise. Deflagration detection often is identified by

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 20

a rate of pressure rise associated with rapid for large low-strength vessels, can approach
combustion of a dust cloud. To achieve or exceed the enclosure’s material strength.
successful combustion suppression, the
powder must be injected and disbursed in EXPLOSION PROTECTION BY
milliseconds to extinguish the developing DEFLAGRATION VENTING
deflagration. This is accomplished by the Explosion venting is a passive protection
powder’s storage and release, in cylinders strategy in which relief vents open at a
and under pressure, where compressed defined pressure to relieve the expand-
nitrogen can exceed 800 psi. ing gases and fireball of a dust explosion
inside an enclosure to a safe area. Effective
While the volume of compressed gas typi- explosion venting will open at a designed
cally is only around 20 liters per cylinder, the burst pressure (Pstat) to vent the confined
injected expanding gas imposes pressure dust explosion safely so that the maximum
effects on the protected enclosure in addi- internal pressure (Pred) is maintained safely
tion to pressure rise from combustion gases below the enclosure strength (Pes).
produced up to the point of extinguishment.
The pressure effects of suppressant injection The Pstat must be less than the Pred to allow
can be particularly troublesome for small and for fast relief and some additional pressure
large protected volumes. A small protected rise as combustion continues (Figure 1).
vessel has less physical volume to accom-
modate the expanding injection gas and can Explosion vents typically are single-use rup-
experience an elevated residual pressure. ture panels or hinged reclosing doors with

On the other end of the

spectrum, large ves-
sels often require many
suppressant cylinders
to achieve a reliable
extinguishment cover-
age. The simultaneous
discharge of multiple
cylinders under hun-
dreds of psi of pressure
can produce a surge
pressure in the pro-
Figure 1. Pstat must be sufficiently high to avoid premature opening due
tected volume, which, to process influences.

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 21


DOOR LATCH Standard 68.
Figure 2. Hinged explosion
doors are subject to corrosion
and deterioration. Elevated pressure applica-
tions must factor in a higher
a mechanical closure. Explo- vent opening pressure
sion vents are designed and to avoid premature vent
manufactured to an accepted deployment. Similarly, subat-
standard such as NFPA 68 or mospheric process pressures
EN 14491. While explosion vents must be considered when
are not required by NFPA to be third par- selecting and applying explosion vents to
ty-certified, the Pstat of explosion vents must resist the vacuum conditions that could
be reported as a nominal value with a plus implode misapplied vent panels (Figure 3).
and minus tolerance documented by the
vent manufacturer. VESSEL STRENGTH
The primary intent of all explosion protec-
Rupture panel-style explosion vents typi- tion systems is to prevent a process vessel’s
cally have a more accurate Pstat and reliable catastrophic failure. The reliability of meet-
tolerance than hinged explosion doors, ing this objective depends highly on the
which can be susceptible to corrosion and confidence of defining the enclosure failure
deterioration of mechanical hinges and strength. The protection system design is
latches (Figure 2). based on this value with safety factors to

A small delay in vent opening because of

a higher-than-expected Pstat can result in a
detrimental increase of the realized internal
pressure of a vented explosion.

In addition to fuel characteristics, several

strength and pressure factors must be
considered carefully when performing the cal-
culations to determine the required venting
relief area. If the protected vessel is expected
to operate more than 0.2 bar below or above TRIPLE-LAYER EXPLOSION VENT WITH
atmospheric pressure, different calculation Figure 3. Vacuum conditions can implode vent
formulae must be used to determine the vent panels and must be kept in mind.

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 22

ensure the event pressure remains

below the enclosure strength.

For explosion pressure contain-

ment, vessels may be subject to
the requirements of local pres-
sure vessel codes such as ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
or EN 14460 Explosion Resistant
Equipment. The reliability of these
design ratings is critical as the STRESS-STRAIN CURVE
basis of safety and the consider- Figure 4. This chart shows 2/3 yield and 2/3 ultimate stress
added. (
ation for extreme consequences Strain_Ductile_Material.png [accessed 2022-03-17])
of failure. For pressure-reduced
protection techniques, NFPA 68 Section The enclosure strength or pressure resis-
6.3.1 provides requirements for the maxi- tance of a vessel can be defined by the
mum tolerable pressure. Where enclosure designer or manufacturer or by third-party
deformation is not tolerated, the maximum engineering analysis. When manufacturers
Pred must be two-thirds of the enclosure are defining it, they are attesting to the
yield strength considering the material of equipment’s design and construction typi-
construction. cally by engineering stress analysis design
or physical pressure testing.
This is typical where the enclosure is
intended to be reused following a protected When manufacturer strength data is not
explosion event. In cases in which plastic available for an enclosure, it must be deter-
deformation can be tolerated (but rupture mined. In some instances, a conservative
is to be prevented), the maximum Pred must assessment can be used to determine the
be two-thirds of the enclosure’s ultimate maximum tolerable Pred. FM Global loss pre-
strength (Figure 4). vention data sheet 7-76 “Prevention and
Mitigation of Combustible Dust Explosions
This provides a safety factor between and Fire” provides generic assumed Pred
the calculated maximum pressure and values for typical rectangular and cylindrical
the enclosure pressure resistance, which equipment. Caution is recommended when
accounts for rapid dynamic stresses from using assumed or generic values, especially
explosion pressures as compared to static for existing installations, which can be
stresses used for design. subject to influential factors.

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 23

Figure 5. This baghouse dust collector shows stress fatigue cracking (left) and hopper hammer
dimpling (right).

These factors on enclosure strength include people, property and processes. It may be
the geometry, materials, fabrication meth- possible to offset some uncertainty with
ods and external influences affecting the engineering judgement in the evaluation of
condition such as corrosion, modifications, points of conservatism inherent in a protec-
deterioration and damage. For example, it tion system’s design and the application of
may not be prudent to assume the man- safety factors on design variables.
ufacturer or generic strength values for a
vessel in service for 20 years while exposed When evaluating and applying explosion
to climate conditions or where physi- protection systems, the most significant
cal damage is apparent due to fatigue or consideration should not be how to mini-
hammering a hopper to aid material flow mize costs. It can be more advantageous
(Figure 5). to understand all the relevant design influ-
ences to optimize the selection, applicability
When considering the risks associated with and reliability of explosion safety systems.
estimated or assumed enclosure strengths
in combustible dust explosions, keep in JERAMY SLAUNWHITE, P. ENG., is an explosion safety

mind not only the equipment’s condition consultant at REMBE Inc. Contact him at jeramy.slaun-

but also the consequences of failure on

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 24

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Since 1968

Up Your Fired Heater Safety

with TDLS Technology
These analyzers offer quick and accurate live gas readings
By Kevin Finnan, Yokogawa Corp. of America

mproved instrumentation, analytical operations that includes purging the com-
technology and proven holistic control bustion chamber of fuel and then bringing
methodologies have enabled fired heater the fired asset to a safe and stable low-
operators to improve safety while optimiz- fire condition. To ensure safety, the BMS
ing efficiency, throughput, emissions and employs several interlocks and permissives.
asset lifespan. Although safety always is pri-
ority number one for fired assets, justifying After start-up, the BMS monitors all fired
expenditures purely for safety purposes can heater operations and can take immediate
be difficult. Because other improvements action if it detects an anomaly. For example,
are tangible, return-on-investment (ROI) it monitors the burner flame, stopping the
analyses usually dictate investments in fuel flow in case of a “flame-out.” Similar to
these critical plant components. the start-up sequence, the BMS uses a shut-
down sequence with the requisite interlocks
Typically, safe heater operation is the and permissives to ensure safety.
responsibility of a burner management
system (BMS). A BMS uses a controller TDLS MEASUREMENT
that safely allows start-up, normal opera- TECHNOLOGY ENHANCES SAFETY
tions and shut-down of a boiler, furnace, While a BMS is only as good as its input
heater or other fired asset. During start-up, sources, a relatively new generation
the BMS abides by a specific sequence of of analyzers provides further safety

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 26

improvement opportunities. Industry

groups have recognized the traditional
approach to O2 content measurement in
gas-fired heaters using zirconium oxide
probes presents a safety hazard because
the probes operate above the methane
(CH4) ignition temperature. Cases have
been documented in which a zirconium
oxide probe ignited natural gas that had
leaked into an idle fired asset. Fired heaters are key components throughout
the process industries.

Analytical techniques include tunable diode

laser spectroscopy (TDLS), which mea- long-term cost of ownership. Other than the
sures the amount of laser light absorbed initial configuration, no regular calibration
as a beam travels through a gas. A TDLS is needed.
analyzer can be installed in a fired asset’s
radiant zone and provide accurate, repeat- For fired assets with complex burner
able and uncorrupted live O2 measurements arrangements such as ethylene crackers,
safely without contacting the process pyrolysis furnaces and reformers, a TDLS
Safety Inherent
gases (Figure 1). With To The TDLS
no moving parts, Technology
analyzer often will be placed in the cross-
the TDLS analyzer offers a high mean time over section between the radiant and
n In-Situ n Interference Free
between failure (MTBF) and, thus, a low, convection sections.
n N2 or Instrument Air Cooling & Glass Cleaning n Safely non-contacting

Sensor Laser
Control Unit O2 Unit



O2 O2

Gas Flow

© Yokogawa Electric Corporation

Figure 1. A TDLS analyzer installed in the fired asset’s radiant zone provides accurate and repeatable
live O2 measurements.

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 27

TDLS ENABLES A METHANE emissions while improving efficiency and

BMS PERMISSIVE throughput. In the radiant zone, the TDLS
In addition to O2, TDLS technology can analyzer can update the BMS or combustion
provide CO and CH4 measurements. The controls with a live O2 reading on a sub-
methane detection capability allows for two-second cycle.
additional safety as the CH4 measurement
can be used as a BMS start-up permissive, Using a slow, inaccurate traditional
preventing ignition when a dangerous, fuel- approach of measuring combustion gases
rich condition exists within the fired heater. forces plants to be unnecessarily conserva-
Without this detection, heaters are subject tive with O2 levels. Given complete mixing,
to “huffing” (minor explosions that may not a precise or stoichiometric amount of air
cause damage) or even more serious and is required to react with a given quantity
potentially fatal explosion events. of fuel to produce complete combustion.
Because conditions never are ideal in real-
OPTIMIZING COMBUSTION world applications, additional or “excess”
CONTROL O2 TRIM air must be supplied to burn the fuel com-
The zirconium oxide probe technology typi- pletely. Safe combustion at 1% O2 or lower
cally employed for O2 measurements cannot on gas heaters and furnaces is possible, but
be located in high-temperature radiant few plants operate their fired asset any-
sections. Usually, they are placed after the where close to this level. But if they could
convection section or in the stack, adding do it safely, why not?
long measurement delays, often more
than 30 seconds. Even worse, this loca- Too little excess air results in a “fuel-rich”
tion subjects the measurements to tramp situation, producing a flue gas containing
air, arbitrarily skewing the readings based unburned combustibles such as carbon
on various events such as wind, humidity, monoxide, soot or smoke. This situation
ambient temperature and fired asset load. results in a loss of efficiency because not
Not only does the zirconium oxide tech- all the potential energy from the fuel is
nology present a potential ignition safety captured in the combustion process. Fired
risk, but it also contributes to excessive assets that run fuel-rich are wasting fuel,
fuel consumption, excessive emissions and which increases emissions. In addition, this
decreased production. is not a safe situation as the unburned fuel
possibly could come into contact with an
Conversely, in addition to improving safety, ignition source further down the process,
a TDLS analyzer enables tighter, more resulting in convection section afterburning
responsive O2 trim control, decreasing or an uncontrolled explosion.

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 28

Efficiency is lost in air-rich combustion because

excessive air flow results in heat loss.

Too much excess air results in an “air rich” fuel, varying heat demand loads, fouling
situation, resulting in complete combustion of the burner system and mechanical wear
and safety, but also producing undesirable of the combustion equipment. Because
effects. Efficiency is lost in air-rich combus- many of these factors are changing contin-
tion because excessive air flow results in uously, the ideal amount of excess oxygen
heat loss. More fuel is required to generate constantly varies. What is the ideal excess
the same amount of heat flux into the tubes, air setpoint?
so fuel is wasted. Because air consists of
more than 78% nitrogen, increasing the air CO TRIM CONTROL FOR
used for combustion increases nitrogen IDEAL EXCESS O2
concentration significantly. When exposed CO is the most sensitive indicator of incom-
to high combustion temperatures, it can plete combustion. As the amount of excess
form “thermal NOx” such as NO or NO2. O2 is reduced, the emergence of CO will occur
before other combustibles — unburned fuels
The ideal situation is to provide just enough — appear. When the concentration of CO
excess air to produce complete combustion reaches the specified upper limit, the excess
while providing a minimal safety margin O2 concentration is at its lowest accept-
that accommodates uncontrollable tran- able level. A minimal oxygen safety factor is
sients and incorporating an extra level added, becoming the new excess O2 setpoint.
of security that ensures all combustibles Periodically, the CO breakthrough point can
are consumed. be tested, thus reestablishing the safe excess
O2 setpoint.
Meeting these two constraints produces the
highest efficiency, highest production and CO trim control of excess O2 concentra-
lowest emissions while ensuring maximum tion assures minimal energy loss, maximum
safety. The amount of excess air in the flue efficiency and reduced NOx emissions
gas is determined by measuring the O2 con- independent of heater load, fuel type, LHV,
centration. The ideal excess O2 level — the humidity, moisture content in the fuel and
lowest possible that allows complete com- other variables that make excess O2 control
bustion — depends on several factors: the difficult. The key to obtaining these benefits
fuel type, the burner type, humidity changes is an accurate and reliable measurement of
in the air, moisture content changes in the CO in low ppm levels (Figure 2).

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 29


Figure 2. This chart shows an oil-burning heater safely operating at 1.6% O2, less than half the oxygen
level traditionally used by operators of this unit.

CO VISIBILITY IMPROVES SAFETY for approximately five months while the

CO detection also improves safety by pre- auxiliary boiler was replaced, resulting in
venting afterburning, which could result in tens of millions of dollars of lost production.
an explosion. As convection section tube
walls are thinner than the radiant section HOLISTIC CONTROL BEYOND THE
tubes, they are not designed for radiant BMS — OTHER SAFETY BENEFITS
heating associated with afterburning. By deploying a holistic methodology that
consists of contemporary measurement
Furthermore, elevated CO is a warning for and control technologies in conjunction
accumulated combustibles. Recently, an with updated operation and maintenance
ammonia-based fertilizer plant suffered a procedures, fired heater users can realize
severe auxiliary boiler explosion. The root significant improvements in energy effi-
cause was a faulty exhaust fan, which led to ciency, production, asset lifespan — and
an accumulation of combustion gases. Not safety. The solution is automation plat-
realizing the severity of the fuel-rich condi- form-independent. Substantially fewer
tion, an operator opened a port to obtain a trips and increased asset life result from
better view inside the unit. a stabilized coil outlet temperature and
O2 content in the flue gas. For fired assets
The sudden inrush of air caused the explo- such as steam methane reformers which
sion. Despite severe burns, the operator use catalyst in the tubes, avoiding trips can
fortunately survived. The boiler and its asso- be critical to extending the life of the cat-
ciated steam methane reformer were idled alyst and delaying an extremely expensive

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 30

catalyst change turnaround. Trips always performance in a tangible manner that pro-
are inherently dangerous, as well. vides a justifiable ROI.

A real-time heating value estimate enables Operators can realize an immediate safety
continuous air-to-fuel ratio bias to stabilize improvement by replacing zirconium oxide
combustion and heat transfer into the tubes. probes with TDLS analyzers to measure the
That calms fired asset operation significantly compositions of exhaust gases. The TDLS
while minimizing the thermal stresses on the technology also enables fast, closed-loop
tubes, even under conditions such as wide control of the O2 content, which results in
swings in demand or fuel heating value. This improvements in fuel efficiency, production,
feedforward LHV information makes the fired emissions and asset life.
asset easier and, thus, safer to operate.
While a post-combustion CO measure-
Well-balanced burners reduce maintenance ment provides for tighter O2 control, it also
costs and allow longer run times between improves safety as a rapid measurement to
turnarounds. Balancing the burners and determine the presence of unburned fuel
stabilizing the coil outlet temperature and prevent afterburning.
equalizes the load and reduces the aging
of all radiant section components. Slowing A TDLS analyzer can also provide the CH4
asset aging improves plant safety. content to a BMS for use as a “purge com-
plete” permissive.
For ethane crackers, reduced coking results
in fuel savings, more prolonged and cleaner When used in conjunction with TDLS tech-
production runs and maintenance cost nology, a platform-independent, holistic
reductions. Stabilized combustion reduces control technology can improve fired
tube deposits, which accelerate at high heater safety and performance by provid-
temperatures. By smoothing out tempera- ing considerable functionality beyond the
ture peaks, fired asset operators reduce the existing BMS capabilities. CO trim control of
necessary decoking and maintenance time excess O2, balanced burners, improved heat
required. Less decoking and less mainte- transfer, stable coil outlet temperatures
nance equate to improved safety. and substantially fewer trips contribute to
these benefits.
Contemporary measurement and control KEVIN FINNAN is advisor, Market Intelligence and Strat-

technologies allow fired heater oper- egy at Yokogawa Corp. of America. Reach him at Kevin.

ators to enhance safety and improve

Process Safety eHANDBOOK: Protect Plants from Process Perils 31

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