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Earnnktt , we hope

you enjoyed this

short therapeutic

Below are the two colors you have received.

One of them is your personality color which
describes who you are mentally, physically,
and spiritually. The other one is your color
therapy which describes what you lack or
need in life.

Hold to save as your wallpaper

What Color you are:

Attributes: Dependable, Practical, Directive
Dependability is a key feature that characterizes
people, like you, whose personality color is blue.
Blues tend to be rule-following, dependable, long-
enduring, and tenacious. You make sacrifices in
order to rise up the ranks in the world. You put in
the extra hours in the office. You always fill out your
taxes and pay your bills on time.
You have a plan that you stick to. You never stand
people up and are always timely. Most importantly,
you’re there for your loved ones when they need
you most. You lend an ear, do favors, and don’t
disappoint. You don’t cheat and try to be 100%
honest in all aspects of life. You value honesty
above all.

You might miss out on fun once and a while, due to

your discipline. But in your mind, it’s worth it in the
long-run. One night of partying isn’t worth not
being at your best for work in the morning. You like
routines and outlines, things that maintain
structure. Organization is key to the way you
operate; it’s what makes you staunch, loyal, and

Hold to save as your wallpaper

Your Deepest Need is to create balance in all

areas of your life, to be respected for who you are
and to find your place in the world with a deep
feeling of belonging. it is the transition between two
non-colors, neither black nor white. It takes the
middle ground, neither one way nor the other.

Wearing gray can appear conservative, reliable,
formal and independent. However, too much gray
can appear boring, uncaring, cold and aloof.


Incorporating gray at home can portray maturity
and responsibility. Being both motionless and
emotionless, gray is solid and stable, creating a
sense of calm and composure, relief from a chaotic
world. However, Too much of the color gray creates
sadness and depression and a tendency to
loneliness and isolation.

Did you feel at peace

while expressing yourself
through colors?

That was a form of

therapy. If you would like
to learn more about
yourself through therapy
and counseling services,
add us on Line: @CUSW.

And don't forget to share

your result on Instagram
and tag us

This quiz is powered by TERAPIA.CUSW


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