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• ‘शिक्षा का अधिकार’ विषय पर एक विज्ञापन तैयार करें l
• मीराबाई के जीिन पर आिाररत एक पररयोजना तैयार करें l
• दिए गए धित्र को आिार बनाकर एक लघु कथा शलखिए l

1. Project work-
From the chapter, “The Midnight Visitor”, we come to know that presence of mind
comes out of a sense of preparedness. State how you would deal with the following
situations using determiners:
• A fire starts in the kitchen
• A boy starts to choke while having a meal
• A family member does not return home at the usual time
• An electrical appliance starts to emit sparks with a hissing sound

2. Construct a dialogue between a doctor and a patient who has recovered from
COVID-19 using modals in about 150 words.

1. Find the zeros of the following quadratic polynomials and verify the
relationship between the zeros and the coefficients:
a) 4x²-4x-3
b) 5x²-4-8x
c) 2√3x²-5x+3
2. Find the quadratic equation for each of the following whose sum and
product of the zeroes respectively are,
a) 5/2, 1
b) 0, -1
3. Solve the following equations graphically.
a) 2x+3y=2; x-2y=8
b) 3x+2y=4; 2x-3y=7
4. Solve by substitution method:
a) x+y=3; 4x-3y=26
b) 2x-3y=13; 7x-2y=20.
5. Half the perimeter of a rectangular garden, whose length is 4 m more than its
width, is 36 m. Find the dimensions of the garden.
6. Solve 2x + 3y = 11 and 2x – 4y = – 24 and hence find the value of ‘m’ for which y
= mx + 3.
7. Five years hence, the age of Jacob will be three times that of his son. Five
years ago, Jacob’s age was seven times that of his son. What are their present
8. A motorboat whose speed is 18 km/hr in still water takes 1 hr more to go 24 km
upstream than to return downstream to the same spot. Find the speed of the


In a white chart paper, draw all the different cases of image formation in Concave
mirror and Convex mirror. Take help from NCERT book.

Make a project on
"Effects of oxidation in our daily life".
( Maximum 8 to 10 pages,
Use channel file and file papers, pictures may be used but the project should be hand

Prepare a project on the topic 'Insect Pheromones'.
(Maximum 10 pages, Introduction, Conclusion and Acknowledgement should be
included. Use channel file and file papers. Pictures can be print outs but project
should be hand written.)
1. GEOGRAPHY: On the Political Map of India mark the following:
The area where the following soil are found-
● Mountain/Forest soil
● Alluvial soil
● Arid soil
● Black soil
● Laterite soil
● Yellow/ Red soil

2. On the Political Map of India mark the following River valley project and name
the river on which it is situated:
● Bhakra Nangal Project
● Salal project
● Ranapratap project
● Gandhisagar project
● Sardar sarovar
● Tungabhadra Project
● Nagarjunasagar project
● Hirakud
● Tehri river valley project

ECONOMICS: Complete the provided question answer of Economics CH-2 The

Sector of Indian Economy

HISTORY: Explain any three beliefs of the conservatism that emerged after 1815.

Explain the contribution of Otto von Bismarck in German unification.

Explain any three ways in which nationalist feelings were kept alive in Poland in the
18th and 19th centuries.

Make a PowerPoint presentation on "Elon Musk and Tesla ". Minimum 10 slides. Send
it to my email id (


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