School Based Assessment 2022 GRADE 4 (Section-A) ENGLISH PART - B (Subjective Type)

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GRADE 4 ( Section-A )
ENGLISH PART – B (Subjective Type)
School : GHS CHAK 449 GB TANDLIANWALA FSD (EMIS: 33160422)

General Instructions for Teachers : :‫ااسذتہ ےک ےیل ومعیم دہاایت‬

1. It is mandatory to use Rubrics for marking of papers for uniform marking throughout the Punjab.
‫۔ رپیپ یک امرگنک ےک ےیل روربرسک اک اامعتسل رضوری ےہ ات ہک وپرے اجنپب ںیم اسکیں ایعمر ےک اسھت امرگنک وہ ےکس ۔‬۱
2. In case of any ambiguity, please consult rubrics manual, rubrics video or PEC trained LMT of your district.
‫ ےس راہطب رک ےتکس ںیہ ۔‬LMT ‫ ےک رٹڈنی رکدہ اےنپ علض ےک‬PEC ‫روربسک وڈیوی ای‬،‫ آپ روربسک ونیملئ‬،‫۔ یسک ااہبم یک وصرت ںیم‬٢
3. If a student writes anything other than that given in textbook or model answer of rubrics and if that is correct, please award
him/her marks.
‫ ۔ ارگ اطملعبل دریس اتکب ای روربسک ںیم وموجد امڈل وجاب ےک العوہ ھچک اتھکل ےہ اور وہ درتس ےہ وت اےس اس ےک ربمن دےی اجںیئ ۔‬٣
4. No marks will be given for irrelevant answer.
‫ ۔ ریغ ہقلعتم وجاب ےک وکیئ ربمن ںیہن دےی اجںیئ ےگ ۔‬٤

Question No.1:
Item Rubric (English) :

1. sources
2. use
3. purposes
4. growing
5. future

Award of Marks:

Total awarded Marks …………………… Marks (10)

5 Relevant words --------------------------- Marks (10)
Each word  ---------------------------  Marks (2)

Deduction of Marks:

Irrelevant content will not be marked.

Question No.2:
Item Rubric (English) :
Sample Answer

First of all, add water in the kettle and put it on fire. Let it be there for three to five minutes. Add sugar, tea, and milk to it. Keep it there for
three to five minutes. Tea is ready now.

Award of Marks:

Irrelevant content will not be marked.

a. 05 Relevant Sentences --------------------------- Marks (5)

Conventions of paragraph writing

b. Sequence -----------------------------------Marks (1)

c. Formal Language and Word Choice --------------------------- Marks (2)

d. Sentence Structure--------------------------- Marks (2)

Scoring Rubrics:

a. Five Relevant Sentences

 Any five (05) relevant sentences to the topic will be awarded and assigned 01 mark for each sentence

Total Marks= (5)

b. Main Idea

 All the 05 sentences are in sequence =  Marks(01)

 The sequence is missing. =  Mark (0)

c. Formal Language and Word Choice

 Uses formal language = Mark (2)

 Inconsistent or Inappropriate language; No adjectives or adverbs or noun phrases. = Mark (0)

d. Sentence Structure

 Uses simple sentence structure. For example “Morning walk is good for health. It is….”

  = Mark (2)

 Uses sentence fragments for example, “The morning walk”. = Mark (0)

2. Deduction of Marks:


 No mark will be deducted up to 3 mistakes of punctuation, grammar and spelling.

 Every four mistakes of punctuation, grammar and spelling will lead to deduction of one mark from gained marks.

 Capitalization errors will be included in the punctuation errors.

 Maximum deduction of marks of punctuation, grammar and spelling will not exceed 2 marks.

Question No.3:
Item Rubric (English) :
Answer key:

1. cool, 2. responded, 3. amazing, 4. is known 5. brilliant

Award of Marks:

For each correct replacement = 2 Marks

For each incorrect replacement = 0 Marks

Question No.4:
Item Rubric (English) :
Sample answer:


    The Headmaster,

    Govt Islamia High School, Kasur.


     I beg to state that my name has been struck off for a long absence from school. I had been suffering from fever for fifteen days. I
request you to allow me re-admission to the school. I shall be very thankful to you for this favour.

Yours Obediently,

Name: ______

Class: _______
Date: 09/09/2021

Scoring Rubrics:

•    Correction of five layout mistakes = 5 Marks

•    Correction of four spelling mistakes = 4 Marks

•    Correction of one faulty sentence= 1 Mark

Question No.5:
Item Rubric (English) :
Award of marks:


Award 1 mark for each correct word pronunciation.

Award 5 marks for correct five pronunciations.
Award 0 marks for wrong pronunciation.


Award 0.25 marks for each correct spelling response.

No marks will be deducted for 3 spelling mistakes.

Copyright © 2021 All rights reserved. Developed By: PEC IT TEAM

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