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Define Company : OX15

SPRO - > SAP Ref img - > Enterprise Structure - > Definition - > Financial Accounting - > Define
 A company is an organizational unit in Accounting which represents a business organization
according to the requirements of commercial law in a particular country.

Define Company Code : OX02

SPRO - > SAP Ref img - > Enterprise Structure - > Definition - > Financial Accounting - > Edit, copy,
Delete, Check company code
 The company code is an organizational unit used in accounting. It is used to structure the
business organization from a financial accounting perspective.
 Company key may be Alpha-Numeric Four character code.

Assign Company code to Company : OX16

SPRO - > SAP Ref img - > Enterprise Structure - > Assignment - > Financial Accounting - > Assign
Company code to Company

 We can assign one or more Company codes to a Company

 All company codes for a company must work with the same operational chart of accounts and
fiscal year. The currencies used can be different.

Define Business Area : OX03

SPRO - > SAP Ref img - > Enterprise Structure - > Definition - > Financial Accounting - > Define
Business Area
 A business area is an organizational unit within accounting that represents a separate area of
operations or responsibilities in a business organization

Maintain Consolidation Business Area : OCC1

SPRO - > SAP Ref img - > Enterprise Structure - > Definition - > Financial Accounting - > Maintain
Consolidation Business Area
 A consolidation business area is an accounting organizational unit that represents a central
business segment within a business organization and that has a balance sheet which can be
included in business area consolidation.

Assign Business Area to Consolidation Business Area : OBB6

SPRO - > SAP Ref img - > Enterprise Structure - > Assignment - > Financial Accounting - > Assign
Business area to Consolidation Business area.
Define Credit Control Area : OB45

SPRO - > SAP Ref img - > Enterprise Structure - > Definition - > Financial Accounting - > Define
Credit control area
 The credit control area is an organizational unit that specifies and checks a credit limit for

Assign Company code to Credit Control Area : OB38

SPRO - > SAP Ref img - > Enterprise Structure - > Assignment - > Financial Accounting - > Assign
Company code to Credit control area

 Assign Company Code to created Credit Control Area.

Maintain Financial Management Area : OF01

SPRO - > SAP Ref img - > Enterprise Structure - > Definition - > Financial Accounting - > Maintain FM
 The financial management area is an organizational unit within accounting which structures the
business organization from the perspective of Cash Budget Management and Funds Management.

Assign Company Code to FM Area : OF18

SPRO - > SAP Ref img - > Enterprise Structure - > Assignment - > Financial Accounting - > Assign
Company code to FM area

 Assign Company Code to created FM Area.

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