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A Critique Paper Presented to Mr. Gerald S. Hibaya MAED

Southern Paramedical and Technological College
Panabo City


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for English

For Academic and Professional



September 2021
An informative article of how do filipinos lived their lives in ages with those more than

20 typhoons that whipped through their country. Many of then ghave had experiences of those

great and small typhoons at a very young age. And before I continue to give my critic about the

article, I’d like to give a short summary of the article, “Childhood in the path of Typhoons”.

“Filipios are used to typhoons”, the author said. Who grew up in the Philippines

experiencing more than 20 typhoons that caused tragedy over the years. At a young age, they

were experiencing such natural calamity that by just a smell of the air, signal warnings and just

by the look in the clouds they already know what might happen the following days.

In her province, Cebu city, where she grew up a siren would blow a signal warnings from

1 to 2 giving informations of how mionor the rain can affect their lives on a daily basis. During

these times they are excused to go tyo school but allowed to go on movies or at their friends

house. But when the signal is giving warnings of 3 to 4, the situation needs a seruious attention

for them to stay inside their own house and be safe because it meant that the rain and the wind

are very powerful. It would be able to uproot trees, breakdown baranches and electricity and

corrugated roofs might fly. Since then, phones and TVs should be turned off for safety purposes

only and wait til the storm calms down and be allowed to go out.

“The thing: Even though haiyan was the strongest typhpoon recorded in the hisytory to

make a landfall, they didn’t have the collectivbe mermory of something this poiwerful. No one

expected the great destruction of haiyan. No one expected its 15 to 20 feet tsunami-like surge.”

“The irony: Many people died in the evacuation centers or gymnasiums or churches

where they sought refuge from drowning and buildings collapsing.”

“A fact: The death toll will rise because the Philippines has 7,100 islands and in those

islands, many costal villages have not yet been accounted for.”
I agree with the author about her insights whenever typhoon strikes the country. I agree

with the facts, irony and the thing that really got my attention while reading the article. This

article didn’t only helped me with the informations I got being based in Mindanao but it also

gives awareness to what I must do to be ready enough and keep myself even more safer than

ever before the typhoon would land at my province.

These three things she stated about were main problems in the midst of typhoons are so

true that people tend to neglect the serious issue that needed an action. Somehow I also asked

myself what I must do to prevent such sad scenarios, this article made me realize what I might

be able to do and help the government. On the otherhand, it shouldn’t only be the government

to be blamed such problems because there are people doesn’t listen or even just obey the rules

given to them. In short, being hardheaded is commonly the main cause of the rising death tolls

in the Philippines.


A Critique Paper Presented to Mr. Gerald S. Hibaya MAED

Southern Paramedical and Technological College
Panabo City


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for English

For Academic and Professional



September 2021
“Everyone in everywhere has the right to water.” Yes, but some people around the world

didn’t have the knowledge about rights that put them to a hard situation about water. “..around

1 in 10 people still do not have the access to imprroved water sources.”

World Water Day being celebrated every 22nd of March. Getting the attention of everyone

about rights to water like this years them “Leaving no one behind.” Dr. Gundo Weiler, WHO

representative in the Philippines said, “Water is an extremely important reource that we cannot

live without. But there are Filipinos who are still being left behid in terms of access to improved

water , specially in rural communities.”

Acute watery diarrhoea, one of the to 10 leading cause of death in the Philippines over

139,000 lives. And this situation could worsen due to El Nino and climate change that have

serious health consequence. Even in Metro Manila, the nation’s capital, had a recent

watershortage that highlights the uncertainty of water.

“Inadequate and intemittent water supply in Metro Manila and in other parts of the

country can have serious health conseqences. When water is scarce, people are often forced to

rely on drinking water sources that may not be safe.” Even for hygienical purposes some people

don’t enough to wash themselves that causes foodborn and waterborne diseases. Due to water

shortage some people tend to

grade: 30/50

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