Lesson 4 Living Under Nature's Wing: C A D C B A D B D C

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英文 4

enemies. When they finally emerged, covered in mud, their enemies believed they surely must have been
spirits and ran away in fear.

6 Lesson 4 Living under Nature’s Wing The Mount Hagen Cultural Show seeks to preserve peace in the years
if they did not continue this yearly tradition, they 20.
19. . Tribal leaders believe
a peaceful future. Hopefully, this celebration
of multiculturalism can last forever. 18. 「be known as + 身分;地位」表示「以……聞名」。
( C ) 11. (A) with (B) in (C) to (D) on
I. 文意字彙與詞類變化:20% ( A ) 12. (A) tribes (B) adventures (C) traditions (D) species
( D ) 13. (A) so (B) though (C) if (D) as
spanned 1. The construction of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California, s ned
( C ) 14. (A) harvest (B) appeal (C) harmony (D) disturbance
four years—from 1933 to 1937. 金門大橋
( B ) 15. (A) among (B) with (C) through (D) by
plentiful 2. Because of Florida’s p l sunshine all year round, many tourists flock to the
( A ) 16. (A) Dancing (B) Danced (C) To dance (D) Dance
beaches there to enjoy all kinds of water activities.
( D ) 17. (A) make up their mind 下定決心 (B) have their own way 隨心所欲;為所欲為
shallow 3. There is a s w stream by the campsite, so children can play in the water in
(C) eat to their heart’s content 盡情地吃 (D) spread their wings 初試身手
( B ) 18. (A) for (B) as (C) to (D) with
spoil 4. Tommy’s mother wouldn’t allow him to eat between meals for fear that doing so
影響食慾 以免 ( D ) 19. (A) at once 馬上 (B) to date 到目前為止 (C) in the end 最後 (D) to come 在未來
might s l his appetite.
旅行社 ( C ) 20. (A) would not have enjoyed (B) will not enjoy
guaranteed 5. The salesperson at the travel agency g ed that there would be no extra cost for
套裝行程 (C) would not enjoy (D) will not have enjoyed
the package tour. 20. 此題由句意可知,若不每年進行這項傳統,就不會有和平的未
guidelines 6. The technicians in the laboratory are required to follow all g es whenever III. 文意選填:20%(忽略選項大小寫) 來,所以用與現在事實相反的假設語氣 If + S + V-ed/were..., S +
技術人員 would/could/might + VR....。
they are conducting an experiment. 進行實驗
(A) therefore (B) harvest 收穫 (C) score (D) adventurous (E) sample 品嚐
multiplied 7. Since the number of patients who were infected with COVID-19 (multiple)
(F) of (G) elaborate (H) to (I) inhabit 居住 (J) species
in the country, many states issued lockdown orders to their residents.
8. It is expected that 5G technology will not only ensure widespread technological The Bunun are the fourth largest indigenous group in Taiwan. They 21. the rugged mountain
布農族 large numbers of 許多的;大量的 崎嶇的
提升 regions. In April or May of each year, large numbers 22. Bunun people participate in the
access but also enhance global economic (prosperous). appeal to sb. for sth. 向某人請求某事
privacy 9. In the movie The Truman Show, Truman finds out that he is living in a world without Ear-Shooting Festival. During the festival, tribe members appeal 23. the gods for their help in the
(private) and decides to try to escape from it. coming year. Most importantly, they pray for an abundant millet* 24. and a fruitful hunting season.
使降到最低限度 The Bunun are avid* hunters. Traditionally, their hunts focus on two primary 25. of creatures,
consequent 10. In order to minimize the (consequence) harm to the villagers, the
遷移 wild pig and deer. Nowadays, animal hunting is much less common. 26. , young Bunun males use
government has decided to relocate all of them before the typhoon comes.
13. 由句意可知此處表「因為」,故選 as。 bows and arrows to shoot at paper targets. However, the goal remains the same: obtain the highest 27.
II. 綜合測驗:20% 15. 此格考 with + O + OC 的用法,用來說明附帶狀態,O 是 colorful headdresses and face and win bragging rights for the year.
paint,OC 為介系詞 on。 巴布亞新幾內亞 射箭
For three days every August, the sleepy town of Mount Hagen in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea In addition to the archery competition, visitors can 28. distinctive tribal foods such as smoked
be home to 是……的家鄉
comes alive for the Mount Hagen Cultural Show. The Highlands are home 11. many indigenous meat. Local women in 29. blue dresses and headbands serve up these delicacies. More unique and
cultures. More than one hundred local 12. participate in this annual festival. In addition, hundreds of characteristic dishes are also available for those who are 30. and dare to try them. Be sure to mark
international tourists attend the festival each year 13. it offers a cultural experience like no other. the Ear-Shooting Festival on your calendar!
The main purpose of the event is to demonstrate the 14. that exists among the different cultures. 註:millet 小米 avid 熱衷的
開始跳舞 頭飾
Teams take to the floor 15. colorful headdresses and face paint on. 16. noisily and joyfully 21. I 22. F 23. H 24. B 25. J
together, the performers express the close bond shared by the country’s native peoples. For onlookers, it’s 26. A 27. C 28. E 29. G 30. D
旁觀者 26. 前句提到現在狩獵已較不常見,而此句說射的是紙耳,可知兩句之間有因果關係,答案選 therefore。
an opportunity to 17. and discover the cultural wonders of Papua New Guinea.
IV. 篇章結構:8% 30. 從後面的 dare to try them 可知答案選 adventurous。
One group receives special attention each year. Known 18. the Asaro Mudmen, this group acts
傳說 據說
out a performance based on an ancient legend in which the Mudmen supposedly hid underwater from their (A) Held every April since 1965 in Iqaluit, this festival celebrates, among other things, the coming of
16. 此題考分詞構句,原句可寫為 The performers dance noisily..., and they express,動作 spring and the sun. 伊魁特(位於加拿大北部巴芬島南方)
dance 為主動,故寫為分詞構句時使用現在分詞。 6-1 (背面尚有試題) 61004S2-R
31. 前句說到因紐特人,可知此處應該會繼續介紹此族群,故答案選(D)。 Solib
32. 前句提及 Toonik Tyme 這個節慶,可知此處會接著介紹此節慶,故答案選(A)。 In our opinion, “responsible” visitors are those who try to minimize their negative social and
environmental influence on Lanyu. Such visitors care about the well-being of our community and hope
(B) Other highlights of the festival included a traditional clothing show, a crafts fair, a dog sled race,
to gain a deeper understanding of Tao culture instead of rejecting it or making snap judgments about
手工藝品市集 雪橇
and even a swimming party. it. Instead of treating our tribe like a “human zoo,” responsible tourists try to “immerse” themselves in
our lifestyle.
(C) This was followed on Friday the 12th by a city tour in the morning, a barbecue lunch, and a children’s
33. 由前句提到的 4 月 11 日星期四以及後句提到的 13 號星期六可知 Gomaro
snowmobile race in the afternoon.
雪上摩托車 此處內容會發生在這兩個時間點中間的時間,故答案選(C)。 I agree. However, I sometimes feel upset because some tourists misunderstand our culture in a
(D) They are traditionally fishermen and hunters, targeting such creatures as whales, polar bears, and hurtful way.
seals. Mr. Anderson
How? Can you explain with examples?
The Inuit are a group of indigenous peoples who live north of the Arctic Circle in Canada, Greenland,
因紐特人 北極圈 格陵蘭 ( C ) 35. What is the meaning of “immerse”? (3%)
and Alaska. 31. The region in which they live is too cold for agriculture, and thus Inuit people live
莓果 海藻 35. 由前文提到的 gain a deeper understanding of Tao culture 和
challenging lives in a harsh environment. The Inuit diet consists of various grasses, berries, and seaweed (A) Solve an inconvenience.
Instead of treating our tribe like a “human zoo”可知答案為(C)。
that can be gathered at different times throughout the year. More than fifty years ago, a festival was (B) Disturb the peace in a place.
36. 由 misunderstand our culture in a hurtful way 可知
established to share the joys and hardships of Inuit life. (C) Become a member of a group.
Gomaro 接下來的回應會與誤解或不尊重達悟族文化
Toonik Tyme is a ten-day celebration of the Inuit people and their culture. 32. In this part of the (D) Keep something in a good condition. 的狀況有關,故答案選(C)。
world, people live in almost continuous darkness during the winter months, so the return of daylight is a ( C ) 36. Which of the following is most likely to be Gomaro’s response? (3%)
welcome event. Temperatures still remain frigid—about -15 degrees Celsius—but people can once again (A) We speak our own language and have award-winning writers. We are proud of our own
get out and around, visit their neighbors, and begin their traditional fishing and hunting activities. culture.
According to the festival’s website, the 2019 event began with an opening ceremony on Thursday, (B) My neighbor had a car accident last month. The other driver, who was a tourist, was
April 11th. 33. On Saturday the 13th, there were rabbit-hunting and bird-hunting competitions as well drunk at the time.
as a fishing contest, and a bonfire activity for teenagers brought the day to a close. Sunday the 14th offered (C) A visitor once commented that we didn’t cover our bodies with appropriate clothes when
a Meet the Husky Dogs event in addition to a ten-kilometer ski race. he saw us in our traditional outfit.
34. The closing weekend featured an igloo-building contest and a competition to make tea and (D) While many visitors buy souvenirs to take home, believing that they are benefiting the
bannock (a traditional flat bread). The main event on the festival’s final day—one that likely made some local industry, many of these souvenirs are not even produced here.
34. 因為上一段描寫了此節慶的活動,所以可知這裡會接 37. What are the two things Solib and her family do to let visitors get a better experience of Tao culture?
visitors uncomfortable—was a seal-skinning contest.
Toonik Tyme celebrates a unique and daring culture. In a region far away from most tourist maps, the Copy the two sentences. (6%)
Inuit have been making more from less for centuries. ①We share with our guests the ways that we protect the natural resources here and preserve our
31. D 32. A 33. C 34. B heritage. ②Also, we encourage them to make their visit “responsible.”
V. 混合題:12% ★素養題 答時,須能分析、歸納文本訊息,並由前後文線索推敲字義。此外,學生須能從 VI. 翻譯:20%(38 至 39 每格 2 分,40 至 42 每題 4 分,為⼀題組)
Below is a conversation in a speaking class at a school on Lanyu. Mr. Anderson, the teacher, invited the 38. 說來奇怪,知道我們都面臨同樣的困境似乎讓痛苦比較好過。
students to share their ideas on “Indigenous Tourism.” Strange to say, knowing that we were all in the same boat seemed to make the pain
more bearable.
Mr. Anderson
Indigenous Tourism not only provides opportunities for us to support our economy but also enables 39. Simon 很幸運,因為他一大學畢業,他叔叔就庇護他並提供他一份工作。
us to engage in meaningful interactions with our culture. However, with our cultural origins fading Simon is very lucky because when he was fresh out of college, his uncle took him under his
in the modern world, we are now concerned about how Indigenous Tourism might harm as well as
wing and offered him a job.
benefit us. Does anyone want to share his or her thoughts?
40. Kelly 不知道穿著鞋子進入房子在日本是被視為不禮貌的。(with + O + OC)
Solib Kelly isn’t aware that entering a house with her shoes on is considered bad manners in Japan.
My family runs a guesthouse. We particularly enjoy giving our guests opportunities to experience Tao
culture during their stay. We share with our guests the ways that we protect the natural resources here 41. 因為日本人傳統上用餐時會坐在榻榻米地板(tatami floors)上,保持地板乾淨很重要。
and preserve our heritage. Also, we encourage them to make their visit “responsible.” These are the Since the Japanese traditionally sit on tatami floors while eating meals, keeping floors clean is very
interactions we expect to have with our guests to make Indigenous Tourism meaningful and beneficial.
Niray 42. 如果 Kelly 事先知道這項習俗,她會脫掉鞋子並換上拖鞋。(用與現在事實相反的假設語氣)
What do you mean by “responsible”? If Kelly knew the custom in advance, she would take off her shoes and change into slippers.
37. 由 giving our guests opportunities to experience Tao culture during their stay 以及 These are the interactions...可知
Solib 該段話中提到的是她們做了什麼來提升遊客的文化體驗。

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