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General Education Set 1 (250 Items)

1. The right to life, liberty, property as well as the pursuit of happiness are basic human rights which are
embodied in an international document signed by different countries on December 10, 1984. What is this

A. Social Contract

B. Magna Carta

C. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

D. U.S. Constitution

2. Which of the following chronological order for the events in history listed below?

I. Execution of Dr. Jose Rizal

II. Declaration of the First Philippine Republic
III. EDSA Revolution
IV. World War II

a. I, IV, II, III

b. II, I, IV, III

c. II, I, III, IV

d. I, II, IV, III

3. Which primary group is considered the “nursery of human nature”?

a. Play group

b. Peer group

c. Classmate’s group

d. Family group

4. One of the strengths of the Filipino character is “pakikipagkapwa-tao”. This is manifested in all of the
following except one:

a. Pakikiramdam

b. Malasakit

c. Pakikiramay

d. Lakas ng loob

5. In every society, certain position are assigned to individuals on the basis of age, sex, martial status, and
similar other criteria. These patterns are:

a. Universally accepted and practice

b. Learned from parents

c. Taught in schools

d. Culturally defined
6. Which of the following action must be done to show perseverance if you failed in your project the first time
you do it?

a. Stop doing the project and try a much easier one

b. Tell tour teach you will not do it anymore

c. Try and try until you produce one

d. Ask somebody to do it for you

7. Which of the following scientific attitude is shown by the person who keeps seeking answer to things he is
interested with?

a. Curiosity

b. Honesty

c. Open mindedness

d. Resourcefulness

8. Democracy refers to the involvement in the control of government, while an oligarchy relegates control of the
government to:

a. An autocrat

b. A select few

c. The mother country

d. Religious group

9. The benevolent assimilation proclamation on December 21, 1898, was the first official indication of American
policy regarding the Philippines. It is expressly indicated the intension of the United States to say in the
Philippines by exercising the right of sovereignty over the Filipinos. Who was the President who issued this
“Benevolent Assimilation” policy?

a. Eisenhower

b. Wilson

c. McKinley

d. Roosevelt

10. What is the social scientist’s explanation of the relationship of a leader to history?

a. Leaders are a product of their times

b. History is a reflection of great leaders

c. Every great movement is the lengthened shadow of a great man

d. Had any great leader been different that he was, the course of would have been different.

11. Which of the following forces of social change have the greatest impact upon the traditional Filipino family
in the 20th century?

a. Immigration and Migration

b. Socialization and Stratification

c. Specialization and Assimilation

d. Industrialization and Urbanization

12. Through the process of socialization, the individual is able to:

a. Function as contributing member of the group

b. Learn to dialogue with peers and adult

c. Satisfy his personal needs and drives

d. Become an adult member of society

13. Emilio Jacinto’s literary works were written in Tagalog and small part in Spanish. The best in all of his
works was written on October 8, 1897, it was visibly an animation of Rizal’s “Mi Ultimo Adios”. What was the
title of this poem?

a. Mi Madre

b. Ala Patria

c. Ala Juventud Filipina

d. Amor Patrio

14. The committee recommends that she ____ the proposal on time.

a. Submit

b. Submits

c. Submitted

d. Will submit

15. If I were you, I _____ not be joining the contest.

a. Will

b. Were

c. Would

d. Will be

16. We ____ adhere to the school’s policy that “no down payment, no enrolment”.

a. Strict

b. Strictness

c. Strictly

d. Strictest

17. It’s a necessity, I _____ see my thesis adviser.

a. Could

b. Shall

c. May
d. Need to

18. If you had saved you money, you _____ your nephew to school.

a. Would send

b. Send

c. Would have send

d. Will send

19. The school director suggests that the suspended student _____ a written explanation.

a. Makes

b. Make

c. Made

d. Will make

20. I want to find out which is better ______ Superman, X-men and Spider Man.

a. Between

b. From

c. Among

d. With

21. They _____ to Baguio for five hours when the hard rain fell.

a. Had driven

b. Have driven

c. Have been driving

d. Had been driving

22. She is fond _____ stamps and stationeries.

a. By collecting

b. In collecting

c. For collecting

d. Of collecting

23. The rich _____ the most powerful in the society.

a. Was

b. Were

c. Is

d. Are

24. I think one or two of the guests _____ here now.

a. Are

b. Were

c. Was

d. Is

25. Speaker 1: Where were you last night?

Speaker 2: Last night? I am Starbucks SM Manila.

The speaker who committed an error is:

a. Speaker 1

b. Both speakers

c. Speaker 2

d. None of the above

26. Down the street _____ the poor Sampaguita vendors.

a. Live

b. Lives

c. Lived

d. Living

27. Which of the following words has a different sound?

a. Coal

b. Law

c. Caught

d. Bought

28. Which one of the following consonants is a bilabial stop?

a. P

b. M

c. F

d. Z

29. Alex is just as good as _____.

a. Hers

b. She

c. Her

d. Herself

30. Which of the following underlined sounds is voiced?

a. Blush

b. Bugs

c. Kiss

d. Volts

31. There’s too much red ink in the company’s financial statement.

a. Financial loss

b. Financial gain

c. Financial debt

d. Financial obligation

32. In doing things, you must always bear in mind this “Rome was not built in a day.”

a. Accept and bear consequences of you own doing

b. Hatred between forgiven two parties

c. Great things require time & effort

d. Always on the move.

33. Paul is padding on his own canoe because he wants to concentrate on his thesis.

a. To work overtime

b. To work without help

c. To work well in groups

d. To work with the help of someone else

34. Maria is a responsible sister. She always take care of her siblings. In the sentence, she refers to Maria, so
it is called the:

a. Antecedent

b. Reference

c. Predicate noun

d. Pronoun

35. _____ the floods that damaged their crops, the farmers are still hopeful of an abundant harvest.

a. Spite of

b. Despite

c. In spite

d. Despite of

36. Sa bantas na gamit sa pangungusap, ano ang ginagamit pagkatapos ng bating panimula sa liham
pangngalakal at unahan na listahan ng mga salita?

a. Tandang pananong
b. Tuldok

c. Kuwit

d. Tutuldok

37. The Philippines, which is made up of thousands of islands is called _____.

a. Archipelago

b. Cape

c. Peninsula

d. Gulf

38. Find the amount and compound interest converted semi-annually in 3 years on P10,000.00 at 6%

a. P10,990.52

b. P11,940.52

c. P13,500.75

d. P12,600.75

39. What was the central focus of much of Philippine literature during the Hispanic colonial period?

a. Christian faith

b. Struggle against colonial rule

c. Tribal life

d. Copy of literature from Spain

40. The collection of stories of animals which teach moral lessons is _____.

a. The Lion King

b. Aesop’s Fables

c. One Thousand and One Arabian Nights

d. Grimm’s Fairy Tales

41. Reduccion is the Spanish policy provided for the resettlement of Filipino communities to form town centers
called ______.

a. Gobernadorcillos

b. Cabecceras

c. Encomiendas

d. Pueblos

42. The following organs have specific functions EXCEPT _______.

a. Intestine

b. Liver
c. Pancreas

d. Appendix

43. What is our present form of government that characterizes our Republic which elects national and local
officials in government?

a. Indirect or representative democracy

b. Aristocracy

c. Monarchy

d. Direct or pure democracy

44. What is concerned about high and low in voice volume and quality?

a. Pitch

b. Tone

c. Resonance

d. Timbre

45. Tukuyin ang salitang naiiba sa kahulugan: kahindik-hindik, malagim, masalimuot, nakakatakot

a. Masalimuot

b. Nakakatakot

c. Kahindik-hindik

d. Malagim

46. Julie is 14 years old than her niece. Nine years from now, she will be twice as old as her niece. How old is
Julie’s niece?

a. Eight

b. Seven

c. Six

d. Five

47. What are the two digits which when inserted in the figure 785, 3 __ __ will make it divisible by eight?

a. 4 and 0

b. 6 and 3

c. 2 and 0

d. 0 and 0

48. If the area of a rectangular floor is given the polynomial x² + 3x – 18, what is the length of one of its side?

a. X + 3

b. X – 3

c. X + 6
d. X + 2

49. Which of the following set of fractions is arranged in descending order?

a. ¾, 2/3, 1/5

b. 11/12, 3/5, ¾

c. 7/10, 3/5, 2/3

d. ½, ¾, 4/5

50. Which property of real numbers is being illustrated in 5 + (2 + 6) = (5 + 2) + 6

a. Associative property

b. Identity property

c. Commutative property

d. Distributive property

51. Which number is divisible by both 3 and 5?

a. 935

b. 575

c. 640

d. 780

52. It takes 15 lemon fruits to make four glasses of lemon juice, how many fruits will it take to make 24 glasses
of juice?

a. 120 fruits

b. 100 fruits

c. 90 fruits

d. 80 fruits

53. One of the legs of a right triangle is 12 inches long and the other leg is 5 inches long. How long is the

a. 16 in

b. 13 in

c. 10 in

d. 15 in

54. Jailer gets 87, 93, 85 and 86 on four Algebra tests. What grade must he het on her fifth test in order to get
an average of 88?

a. 89

b. 92

c. 56
d. 87

55. A clerk saves about P2,120 a month which is 20% of her monthly salary. How much does she receive per

a. P 6,450

b. P 9,200

c. P 8, 480

d. P 10, 600

56. If a box contains eight green balls and four yellow balls, what is the probability of getting a green ball?

a. 1/3

b. 1/12

c. ½

d. 2/3

57. How many numbers of three different digits can be formed from the digits 3, 4, 5, 6, 7?

a. Thirty

b. Sixty

c. Twenty

d. One hundred twenty

58. The ratio of the sides of an scalene triangle is 1:3:6. If the shortest side is 6m, what is the perimeter of the

a. 45 m

b. 90 m

c. 36 m

d. 60 m

59. Which of the following fractions has the greatest numerical value?

a. 8/9

b. 7/8

c. 9/10

d. 5/6

60. How many infants’ wear can a dressmaker finish in four days if she can finish an average of eighteen
infants’ wear in 1/3 day?

a. 216 infants wear

b. 180 infants wear

c. 74 infants wear
d. None of the above

61. A manufacturing company with 250 workers plans to increase its workers by 30%. How many total workers
will there be?

a. 300 workers

b. 500 workers

c. 450 workers

d. 325 workers

62. What is the remainder when 2x + 3x – 8 is divided by x + 1?

a. 9

b. 7

c. - 7

d. - 9

63. What is the probability of getting the sum of 11 in a single throw of a pair of dice?

a. ¼

b. ½

c. 1/18

d. 2/3

64. What is the 10th number in the sequence 15, 23, 31 . . . .?

a. 87

b. 80

c. 92

d. 100

65. How much is left from a P200.00 bill after paying for 2 dozen of apples at Y pesos per piece?

a. P200 – (12 – Y)

b. P200 – (12 – Y)

c. P200 – 2 (12Y)

d. P200 – 2 (Y – 12)

66. What is the value of x in the equation

8(x – 5) – 5(2x – 3) = x + 11?

a. -12

b. -22

c. -15
d. 12

67.The sum of the two numbers is 10. Three times the smaller exceeds the larger by 2. What is the smaller

a. One

b. Three

c. Four

d. Two

68. How many liters of 70% alcohol solution must be added to five liters of 35% alcohol solution to have 50%

a. 3.00

b. 2.50

c. 3.75

d. 3.25

69. Find the formula for P if A = P + P rt

a. P = A – P rt

b. P = A/1 + rt

c. P = A(1 + rt)

d. P = A/2rt

70. What is the median of set A = (10, 9, 2, 6, 3, 4, 1, 7, 5, 2) if the smallest and largest number are removed?

a. 4

b. 4.5

c. 5

d. 5.5

71. Mahigpit na nilulunggati.

a. Sinisikap

b. Ginagawa

c. Nilalayon

d. Pinupuri

72. Nag-aapuhap ng sasabihin.

a. Nagsusuri

b. Naglulubid

c. Naghahagilap

d. Tumitiyak
73. Talusaling na ugali

a. Masayahin

b. Malungkutin

c. Mapag-aruga

d. Mapamintas

74. Tumimo sa puso.

a. Dumugo

b. Tumagos

c. Sumibat

d. Lumikha

75. Napahinuhod din siya.

a. Napaluhod

b. Napasang-ayon

c. Napabalikwas

d. Napalingon

76. Katangian ng mabuting tagapakinig ay _____.

a. Agad magbigay ng konkluyson

b. Laging nagbigay ng papuri

c. Patapusin ang nagsasalita

d. Di mapakali sa upuan

77. The apocalyptic lecture on the “west valley fault line” warms of serious natural disaster in case of “big
earthquake”. The underlined word means _____.

a. Careless

b. Prophetic

c. Attractive

d. Encouraging

78. What is the significance of evaluation of the audience in speech?

a. Important in choice of subject

b. For planning a speech

c. Important for a big audience

d. As assessment of speech made

79. Anong sawikain ang nagpapahalaga sa “utang na loob”.

a. Huli man daw at magagaling ay nahahabol din.

b. Habang may buhay may pag-asa.

c. Kung may isinuksok, may dudukutin.

d. Ang hindi marunong lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay di makakarating sa patotoonan.

80. The ordering of things according to the importance a person attaches to them is known as ______.

a. Hierarchy of needs

b. Values hierarchy

c. Academic hierarchy

d. Religious hierarchy

81. What is the manner in which the body is carried in oral speaking?

a. Gesture

b. Poise

c. Posture

d. Platform presence

82. Of the accepted aims in studying Political Science, which is NOT regarded as immediately relevant?

a. To understand government and its principles

b. To uphold the ideals and underlying service

c. To win elections and hold public office

d. To learn how government relates with the people it serves

83. Which is TRUE of recessive genes?

a. Will prevent a dominant gene from expressing its phenotype

b. Should be paired with dominant genes for it to be expressed

c. Have more superior photypic traits

d. Will only have phenotypic expression if present as a homozygous genotype

84. Who first used the name “Filipinos” considering the native Filipinos in the Philippines were simply called

a. Creoles (Mixed Hispanic-Filipino blood)

b. Natives of pure blood islanders

c. Chinos or Chinese immigrants to the islands

d. First Filipino clerics Burgos, Gomez and Zamora

85. Tukuyin ang salitang naiiba sa kahulugan: nag-aalab, nag-iinit, nagpupuyos, nanghingalay

a. Nag-pupuyos
b. Nanghingalay

c. Nag-iinit

d. Nag-aalab

86. The EDSA bloodless revolution was supported by a “sea of humanity” united by a common aspiration.

a. Simile

b. Metaphor

c. Hyperbole

d. Personification

87. Ang “lubhang” sa pariralang “lubhang maliksi” ay _______.

a. Panghalip

b. Pang-uri

c. Pandiwa

d. Pang-abay

88. The bond in sodium fluoride is which of the following types of chemical bond?

a. Alkali metals

b. Halogens

c. Alkaline earth metals

d. Rare earth metals

89. What is meant by equating the artist as an “improviser”?

a. He/she projects his experiences of reality

b. He/she selects subjects at random

c. He/she is comfortable with life and craft

d. He/she takes a chance in portraying the beautiful through art

90. Which best exemplifies that culture is transmitted orally?

a. Lina sings a song during a karaoke session

b. Lina adjusted the way she dresses upon advice by her mother

c. Lina writes a journal on her field trip

d. Lina delivers an oral class report

91. What did Emilio Jacinto envision for Filipino fighters in writing the Kartilla Code of Conduct of the

a. Professional soldiers

b. Guerilla fighters
c. Rag-tag fighters

d. Civil guards of Filipinos

92. Of epigrams, what is the meaning of “A friend who knows all about you and loves you just the same?”

a. Friends are for keeping

b. Love friends, not enemies

c. A fried in need is a friend indeed

d. True friendship

93. What type of asexual reproduction occurs when a new organism develops form an outgrowth as
exemplified by corals?

a. Fission

b. Fertilization

c. Sexual reproduction

d. Budding

94. What measure of central tendency can best describe the style of backpacks commonly used by travelers?

a. Mean

b. Range

c. Mode

d. Median

95. Mother finally found the time to rest after ______ the whole day.

a. Working

b. Having worked

c. Had worked

d. Have worked

96. Proseso ng paghahatid ng saloobin, opinion, karunungan sa pamamagtian ng makabuluhang tunog.

a. Pagtatala

b. Pagsasalita

c. Pakikinig

d. Pagbabasa

97. His discussion is excellent and ______ to the case.

a. Connected

b. Unrelated

c. Inaccurate
d. Similar

98. What is the logical fallacy in: “You once sponsored a project of the governor; therefore you are the
governor’s crony.”

a. Illogical conclusion

b. Appeal to popular opinion

c. Association fallacy

d. Circular argument

99. What are the nasal cavities part of?

a. Resonators

b. Reverberators

c. Articulators

d. Vibrators

100. A forest suffered from wildfires and destroys the existing vegetation. However, the soil remained viable.
Five years later, trees and bushes are seen flourishing in the forest once again. This phenomenon is called

a. Tertiary ecological succession

b. Secondary ecological succession

c. Quartemary ecological succession

d. Primary ecological succession

101. Organisms that decompose substances into products that can be useful are called _______.

a. Herbivores

b. Saprolites

c. Carnivores

d. Saprophytes

102. What is the amount due on P12,000.00 after adding the annual interest of 8% for 3 years?

a. P14,880.00

b. P16,800.00

c. P15,880.00

d. P15,800.00

103. The resettlement of Filipino communities to town centers called cabeceras was provided by the Spanish
policy called ______.

a. Encomienda

b. Reduccion
c. Pueblo

d. Gobernadorcillo

104. Noong 1960, itinakda ng kautusan na lahat ng magsisipagtapos sa kolehiyo ay dapat makakuha ng ilang
yunit ng Filipino?

a. 18

b. 24

c. 6

d. 12

105. Julie Gomez work as a saleswoman. She paid a salary of P3,000.00 a week plus 2% commission on
sales over P4,000.00. Find her gross pay for a week in which her sales are P9,500.00

a. P3,150.00

b. P3,210.00

c. P3,110.00

d. P3,250.00

106. Eutrophication which causes the depletion of dissolved oxygen in water results into ________.

a. Decrease in aquatic plants

b. Abundant sea harvest

c. Decrease in dissolved nutrients

d. Diminished sea harvest

107. Of the following, which is an indirect tax?

a. Capital gross tax

b. Wealth tax

c. Corporate tax

d. Excise tax

108. What was the first Sultanate in the Philippines which was founded by Abu Bakar in 1450?

a. Lanao Sultanate

b. Maguindanao Sultanate

c. Buayan Sultanate

d. Sulu Sultanate

109. An example of asexual reproduction is _______.

a. Fertilization

b. Conception

c. Grafting
d. Pollination

110. If carbohydrates are hydrophilic-organic compounds, lipids are ______ organic compounds.

a. Biomolecules

b. Hydrophobic

c. Simple

d. Polypeptido

111. What number must be subtracted from both numerator and denominator of the fraction 11/23 to give a
fraction whose value is 2/5?

a. 2

b. 4

c. 5

d. 3

112. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangkat ng salita ang magkasalungat?

a. Naguguluhan – nagugulumihan

b. Piging – handaan

c. Kanugnog – kalapit – karatig

d. Amok – mahinahon

113. The hierarchy of biology taxonomy has how many levels?

a. 10

b. 5

c. 6

d. 8

114. What mechanism did the government from 1971 – 2003 use through mass media to stay for a decade-
and-a-half power?

a. Public information

b. Freedom of the press

c. Propaganda

d. Liberalization of media

115. The following are homologous organs EXCEPT _______.

a. Human arm

b. seal’s flippers

c. Fish tail

d. Bat’s wing
116. What does the following mean? “Is the world only an illusion, as the Chinese philosophers say “You
cannot visit the same river.”

a. What is true to you is not true to me

b. It is both an illusion and a dream

c. To see is to believe

d. Both the world and its change are real

117. ______ clothing to be worn during summer.

a. Lose

b. Loose

c. Losing

d. Lost

118. Which is divisive in interpersonal relationship in Philippine social culture?

a. Hiya

b. Kanya-kanya

c. Utang na loob

d. Pakikisama

119. Perfumes contain organic compounds called ______.

a. Alcohol

b. Ehters

c. Acids

d. Esters

120. The carpenter finally found the time to rest after _____ whole day.

a. Have worked

b. Will worked

c. Working

d. Had work

121. Ang pagyayabang ay dapat iwasan sa anong uri ng talastasan?

a. Kwentuhan

b. Liham

c. Pagbati

d. Talumpati

122. Mysticism is the outstanding characteristics of which religion?

a. Primitive

b. Western

c. Colonial

d. Eastern

123. The sudden arrival of our “balikbayan” relatives surprised ______ because we were expecting them to
arrive next month.

a. Them

b. Us

c. Him

d. Me

124. The Philippine population _____ increased tremendously in the last decade.

a. Will be

b. Has

c. Have

d. Have been

125. In vitro fertilization is the union of an ovum and a sperm inside the ______.

a. Vase

b. Microscope slide

c. Test tube

d. Receptacle

126. What is philosophical skepticism?

a. Supremacy of reason over faith

b. General disposition to doubt since no facts can be definitely known.

c. Reliance on science, not religion

d. Belief that only material things can be known

127. It is _____ fitting and proper that we organize a party on her birthday.

a. Altogether

b. Alltogether

c. Together all

d. All together

128. The world largest ecosystem of desert is _______.

a. Africa
b. Sahara

c. Libya

d. Saudi

129. What is NOT among the many topics which the political scientist needs to directly consider from a
psychological approach to improve statesmanship?

a. Financial assets

b. Propaganda

c. Public opinion

d. Pressure groups

130. Alin ang isang uri ng awit sa pamamangka?

a. Kunidman

b. Kumintang

c. Pangngaluwa

d. Talindaw

131. Anong uri ng panlapi ang ginagamit sa mga sumusunod na salita: limutin, tukuran, suwagin.

a. Kabilaan

b. Hulapi

c. Gitlapi

d. Unlapi

132. What is income saved but not used through investment?

a. Capital

b. Wealth

c. Deposit

d. Hoarding

133. What is the pressure exerting on the plasma membrane against the cell wall of bacteria, fungi, and plant

a. Osmotic pressure

b. Plasma pressure

c. Turgor pressure

d. Wall pressure

134. Ano ang tawag sa awiting pampatulog nga bata?

a. dung-aw

b. Oyayi
c. Dalit

d. Kutang-kutang

135. Of input devices of the computer, which is the device for pointing and selecting commands?

a. Joystick

b. Scanner

c. Mouse

d. Keyboard

136. The authorities _____ warned the public about the wide-spread of flu virus so people could take

a. Should be

b. Should have

c. Have

d. Should

137. What is the cellular metabolic process that transforms biochemical energy into ATP?

a. Cellular breakdown

b. Cellular respiration

c. Cellular reaction

d. Cellular metabolism

138. Ang kahulugan ng “running out of food” ay ________.

a. Naghahabol ng pagkain

b. Namimili ng pagkain

c. Malakas kumain

d. Kinakapos sa pagkain

139. Who led the representation of the Filipino people during the negotiation between the United States and
Spain for the Treaty of Paris?

a. Doroteo Lopez

b. Galiciano Apacible

c. Mariano Ponce

d. Felipe Agoncillo

140. Isang uri ng pagtatanghal na paligsahan ng dalawang makata na patula na pagtatalo ay tinatawag na

a. Talumpati

b. Bugtungan
c. Sagutan

d. Balagtasan

141. Ang wikang pambansa ay naging moderno nang idagdag sa abakadang Filipino ang ______.

a. c at j

b. f at v

c. x at y

d. w at z

142. He is known as the father of horror stories.

a. William Faulkner

b. Mark Twain

c. Harriet Beecher Stowe

d. Edgar Allan Poe

143. The word “reptile” means:

a. Creeping

b. Water animal

c. Flying animals

d. Repulsive animal

144. What do you mean by the word “Tundra”?

a. Cold

b. Barren

c. Full of trees

d. Treeless

145. Prions that cause diseases are made up of:

a. DNA

b. RNA

c. Cellulose

d. Proteins

146. Which hormones are not involved in the control of glucose metabolism?

a. Insulin

b. Adrenalin

c. Glucagon

d. Cortisone
147. In man, the stimulation of one neuron by an adjacent neuron is associated with the:

a. Secretion of ATP

b. Secretion of neurohumors

c. Release of messenger RNA

d. Production of electrical discharges

148. Hormones produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary secreted throughout life:

a. Prolactin hormones

b. Human growth hormones

c. Adrenocorticotropic hormones

d. Follicle-stimulating hormones

149. A blood abnormality that results from uncontrolled production of abnormal white blood cells by the bone
marrow is known as:

a. Anemia

b. Leukemia

c. Emphysema

d. Thrombosis

150. Which of the following are the products of the light reaction of photosynthesis?

a. ATP and NADPH

b. Sugar and oxygen

c. ATP and oxygen

d. NADPH and oxygen

151. Modern capitalism is the characteristics of _______.

a. Imperialism

b. Socialism

c. Entrepreneurship

d. Colonialism

152. Mario's father is an alcoholic, a chain smoker and a gambler. But Mario is his contrast because he does
not drink, smoke nor gamble. What does this case proved?

a. One’s value system is acquired

b. Values are elusive

c. Values are genetically passed

d. One’s values system is inherited

153. Uri ng bantas na ginagamit sa paghihiwalay ng mga sugnay na sunod-sunod ay ______.

a. Tutuldok

b. Tuldukuwit

c. Kuwit

d. Tuldok

154. Among the Social Sciences, which is concerned with political processes, power struggle and

a. Political Science

b. Anthropology

c. History of Revolutions

d. Psychology of Leaders

155. Mutation occurs when DNA is damaged, not repaired and replicated; the result is ______.

a. Population evolution

b. Genetic disorder

c. Ecological succession

d. Biological rebirth

156. Saprophytes are organisms capable of the important process in which a substance is broken down into a
product that can be useful.

a. Transformation

b. Decomposition

c. Ecological succession

d. Biological rebirth

157. Fresh vegetable in thousand island dressing ______ my favorite entrée.

a. Will be

b. Are

c. Were

d. Is

158. Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid

Every line of the poem consists of eight beats

represented by eight syllables. This is called _______.

a. Rhyme c. rhythm
b. Figure of speech d. onomatopoeia

159. What is Ausubel’s belief on the learning of children?

a. Learn best when given ample opportunity for autonomous discovery

b. Learn best subjects with fewer association

c. Learning is hindered by the use of concrete learning materials

d. Children can be taught concepts in similar ways that adult are taught as long as the materials is

160. Who was the Filipino National Artist for Literature awarded in 1973?

a. Nick Joaquin

b. Beinvenido Snatos

c. N.V.M. Gonzales

d. Jose Garcia Villa

161. The grades in Mathematics of the students in section A are as follows: 80, 75, 60, 95 and 100. What is the
mean absolute deviation of this group?

a. 13.2

b. 12.4

c. 11.7

d. 15.9

162. Who is “Quijano de Manila” in Philippine literature?

a. F. Sionel Jose

b. Jose Garcia Vila

c. Resil Mojares

d. Nick Joaquin

163. Egyptian literature is identified as ______ literature.

a. European

b. Mediterranean

c. African

d. Asian

164. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang di mahalagang salik sa pagtatalumpati?

a. Paksa

b. Okasyon

c. Tagapakinig

d. Pagyayabang
165. Which statement is NOT true of human growth and development?

a. Development is a product of maturation and learning

b. The rate of development is the same of everyone

c. Individual undergoes similar stages of development

d. Development follows a pattern

166. What refers to a computer program?

a. Desktop

b. Software

c. Terminal

d. Hardware

167. The information highway is called ______.

a. ICT

b. Interchange

c. Internet

d. Information technology

168. Ethical conduct governs social research. Which among the following are not related to ethics morality in

a. Erroneous date

b. Respect for confidentiality

c. Voluntary participation of respondents

d. No limit to participants

169. What is a dramatic presentation that originated from the tradition armed encounter between the Christians
and Muslim Filipinos?

a. Cenaculo

b. Moro-moro

c. Comedia de Lara y Espana

d. Zarzuela

170. What are the greatest lyric poems in the literature of the world?

a. The Power of Music

b. The Psalm of Praises

c. Sonnets from the Portuguese

d. The Psalms of King David

171. If you forgot _____ textbook, you can use ______, Mark.
a. His, hers

b. Our, hers

c. Your, mine

d. Your, ours

172. Which condition contradicts the social justice mandate in the 1987 constitution?

a. Creation of economic opportunities for all

b. Sense of dependency among citizens

c. Equitable distribution of wealth

d. Elimination of cultural inequalities

173. To make your presentation readable, select images that will ______ the text on the page.

a. Move

b. Mix

c. Model

d. Match

174. Which of the following when perceived causes action on a reaction?

a. Sight

b. Scent

c. Stimulus

d. Sound

175. The tendency to imitate elders is very strong among children. Teachers should therefore be very good

a. Role models

b. Facilitators

c. Disciplinarians

d. Artists

176. Which need is highlighted by the statement “children cannot learn with empty stomach”.

a. Love and belongingness

b. Esteem

c. Physiological

d. Self-actualization

177. The ordering of human needs from highest to lowest is known as the hierarchy of needs ______.

a. John Dewey
b. Abraham Maslow

c. Jean Jacques Rousseau

d. Edward Thorndike

178. Which of the environmental law requires industries to install anti-population devices and bans the use of

a. Clean Air Act

b. Environmental Security Act

c. Greenpeace Act

d. Anti-Pollutant Act

179. “The writer’s APOCALYPTIC account suggests the end of the world.” The capitalized word means

a. Attractive

b. Encouraging

c. Careless

d. Prophetic

180. What figure of speech is: “A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed against the earth’s sweet flowing

a. Irony

b. Personification

c. Hyperbole

d. Apostrophe

181. Based on the poem, “Sa Aking Mga Kababata” written by Jose Rizal as a young poet, what was he

a. The use of bilingual languages

b. The use of multilingual languages

c. The use of native tongue and the multilingual languages

d. The use of one’s native language

182. Uri ng pagbabagong morponemiko na gumagamit ng pagpapalit ng posisyon ng ponema sa salita.

a. Asisilasyon

b. Paglalapi

c. Metatesis

d. Pagkaltas

183. Which statement/s about the human person is CORRECT?

I. The human person does not live in isolation but in community with other persons.

II. He is inevitably social

III. He is meant to relate to others

a. I, II and III

b. I and II

c. II and III

d. I and III

184. What illustrates a particular data series through rectangles?

a. Line graph

b. Circle graph

c. Pie graph

d. Bar graph

185. Which of the following is NOT true of mentally retarded children?

a. Grasps things easily

b. Limited learning ability

c. Short attention span

d. Delayed development

186. Traditional Japanese poem consisting of 3 lines totaling only 17 syllables and treating of the world in its
natural setting.

a. Haikai

b. Sintishi

c. Tanka

d. Haiku

187. Where did the ancient civilization of China exist?

a. Bay of Bengal

b. Indus River

c. Nile River

d. Yellow River

188. Ibigay ang angkop na damdaming napapaloob sa “Bakit gabi na’y di pa siya dumarating?”

a. Pagkatakot

b. Pagkatuwa

c. Pagkapoot
d. Pagkagalit

189. What was the title of Rizal’s work considered to be his crowning glory as a young poet?

a. Mi Ultimo Adios

b. A La Juventud Filipina

c. A Las Flores del Heidelberg

d. A Mi Madre

190. Filipino migrant writer whose fiction stories reflect the Filipino’s concept of American culture.

a. Bienvenido Santos

b. Ricky Lee

c. Alejandro Rocess

d. Ambeth Ocampo

191. Here is …. “the face that launched a thousand ship”.

a. Helen of Troy

b. Mary of Magdala

c. Princess of the Nile

d. Elizabeth Barreth Browing

192. Sa pangungusap na “Malakas ang boses mo.” Ang salitang malakas ay isang?

a. pang-uri

b. Pandiwa

c. Pangatnig

d. Panghalip

193. Ang simbolong kumakatawan sa mga bagay at mga pangungusap nais ipahayag ng tao sa kanyang kawa

a. Wika

b. Sining

c. Bokabularyo

d. Tunog

194. What figure of speech is the following: “He was helpless as a child.”

a. Irony

b. Alteration

c. Synecdoche

d. Simile
195. Isang uri nga pamamatnubay kung saan ang mga reporter ay lumilihis sa pamatnubay; lumilikha ng
sariling paraan sa mga gawaing pag-ulat.

a. Kombensyunal

b. Masaklaw

c. Masining

d. Di-kombensyunal

196. The principal had issued the memorandum before she ______ the student’s request.

a. Will receive

b. Will be receiving

c. Receives

d. Received

197. Simplify: (8x – 24) / (2x – x – 15)

a. (x – 4) / (x +4)

b. 4 / (x – 13)

c. 8 / (2x + 5)

d. 6 / (2x – 5)

198. Tumutulong ito sa mga salitang nakapag-iisa at may kahulugan. Kilala rin itong salitang-ugat.

a. Morpemang leksikal

b. Malayang morpema

c. Paglalapi

d. Di-malayang morpema

199. Anong anyong pagtanong na pangungusap ang: “Dumaan kana dito, di ba?”

a. Kabilang anyo

b. May karugtong

c. Panang-ayon

d. Pagtanggi

200. Who was the literary figure known as “Huseng Sisiw”?

a. Francisco Baltazar

b. Jose de la Cruz

c. Juan Matapang Cruz

d. Jose Rizal

201. That hard work has its rewards appears to be the _____ of the story.
a. Moral

b. Moralism

c. Morality

d. Morale

202. Simplify: 3(x – 4y) – (4y – 3x) – (2x –y)

a. 4x – 17y

b. -4x + 17 y

c. 4x – 17y

d. -4x – 17y

203. What is considered as the earliest form of writing in the Philippines?

a. Alibata

b. Balitaw

c. Abakada

d. Kalantiaw

204. Ayon sa diin sa pangtig ng salitang PITÓ, anong nais tukuyin ng kahulugan nito?

a. Pangalan

b. Bilang

c. Silbato

d. Lugar

205. “Our extended family temporarily accommodated aunts, uncles, or cousins who had important matters to
settle in the city. There were always close relatives who needed shelter and food and willing to help in the
household chores.

Close relatives in an extended family are provided food and accommodation and in turn help in the household
activities making the relationship _______.

a. Reciprocal

b. Depending

c. Civil

d. Friendly

206. Uri ng pangatnig na gamit sa pagpili, pagbubukod at pagtatangi.

a. Paninsay

b. Panlinaw

c. Pamukod

d. Panapos
207. Kailan nagsimula ang pagkakaroon ng modernisasyon ng wikang pambansa?

a. 1997

b. 1974

c. 1988

d. 1987

208. “Pahalagahan ang pangaral ______ hindi malihis ng landas.” Anong pangatnig ang angkop sa pahayag
na ito?

a. Sakali

b. Hait

c. Nang

d. Habang

209. Who was the Spanish governor-general who established the “tobacco monopoly” in 1781?

a. Basilio Austin

b. Jose Basco

c. Rafael Izquierdo

d. Francisco Rizzo

210. “Huwag makisama sa Zoilo dahil buwaya siya.” Ang salitang buwaya ay tumutukoy sa kahulugang

a. Etimolohiya

b. Pampanitikan

c. Denotasyon

d. Konotasyon

211. All right angles are ______.

a. Parallel

b. Equal

c. Oblique

d. Supplementary

212. Ang pagpapalitan ng mga ideya, opinion, salaysay sa pamamagitang ng mga sagisag ay tinatawag na

a. Pagtuklas

b. Pakikinig

c. Paglalahad

d. Talastasan
212. Article XIV of the 1987 Phil. Constitution states: They (education institutions) shall inculcate patriotism and
nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect for human rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in the
historical development of the country, teach the rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual
values, develop moral character and personal discipline, encourage critical and creative thinking, broaden
scientific and technological knowledge, and promote vocational efficiency.

What does the provision imply?

a. Christian and catholic schools are expected to be the lead implementors of Values Education

b. Values education in schools is the foundation of a strong republic

c. The teaching of Values Education in schools has a legal basis.

d. The teaching of Values Education is voluntary on the part of schools.

213. After _____ all day, father finally found the time to rest.

a. Having worked

b. Working

c. Had worked

d. Have worked

215. The empty board _____ on the table.

a. Was leaving

b. Were leaving

c. Were left

d. Was left

216. Isang uri ng tsanel ng komunikasyon na gamit ang computer at iba’t ibang network.

a. Website

b. Router

c. Software

d. Internet

217. Governor-General Narciso Claveria was responsible for the _______.

a. Abolition of the Galleon Trade

b. Establishment of the Tobacco Monopoly

c. Use of Spanish surname by Filipinos

d. Establishment of Galleon Trade

218. Drama _____ to be the most interesting co-curricular activity of the year.

a. Appearing

b. Appears
c. Are appearing

d. Appear

219. Which of the following classroom practices would be likely to increase retention?

a. Organized materials according to shared attributes instead of objects means

b. Structure materials without using topic sentences

c. Present many general questions before introducing new materials

d. Ask many questions following the presentation of new information

220. Saan kabilang na uri ng tayutay ang pahayag na: “Kapalaran, huwag ka sanang mailap.”

a. Pagtawag

b. Palit-saklaw

c. Pagmamalabis

d. Palit-tawag

221. What is the art and science that deals with the morality of human acts?

a. Axiology

b. Ethics

c. Aesthetics

d. Logic

222. Nakikipag-away sa speaker. Ito ay pakikinig na ______.

a. Pasibo

b. Masusi

c. May hugod

d. Kombatib

223. Who is considered as the Father of Iloco Literature?

a. Pedro Bucaneg

b. Pedro Paterno

c. Francisco Balagtas

d. Juan Crisostomo Sotto

224. Baghad is to Iraq and ______ is to Syria.

a. Yemen

b. Jordan

c. Turkey

d. Damascus
225. What was the name of forced labor imposed during the Spanish regime?

a. Recopilacion

b. Bandala

c. Servicio manual

d. Polo

226. Which program application provide users with a mean to organize and present information through the
use of text, numbers, graphs, sounds and visual images?

a. Word processing

b. Multimedia

c. Spreadsheet

d. Publisher

227. The human person is an individual self-concious being of incalculable value in himself. What does this

a. Every human person’s value is dependent on his situation in life.

b. A human person once handicapped, aged and defenseless hence less inner value.

c. He cannot be a mere interment of the society and of the state.

d. He has value only in retardation to the community.

228. Many children _____ for a parent’s affection.

a. Longing

b. Longs

c. Long

d. Are longing

229. Social network services available through the computer is _____.

a. i-pad

b. Facebook

c. Wikipeda

d. Google

230. The human person is multi-dimensional. What does this imply?

I. He has a self-distinct from his being a person in community

II. The person as self grows by himself

III. The person as self grows by developing his faculties in contact with the world and others in the

IV. The person as self grows by taking active role in improving that community
a. I, II and IV

b. I, II and III

c. II, III and IV

d. I, II, III and IV

231. Ang kahulugan ng: “My bank account is in the red.”

a. Nanakawan

b. Bale-wala

c. Nakapag-ipon

d. Malapit na maubos

232. The proposed project ______ within the budget of the school.

a. Are appearing

b. Is appearing

c. Is

d. Are

233. Uri ng pagsulat na ang pokus ay ang imahinasyon ng manunulat upang pukawin ang damdamin.

a. Jornalistik

b. Akademiko

c. Malikhain

d. Teknikal

234. Nakapandidiri ang asong kalye na ______.

a. Dumihan

b. Ma-dumi

c. Madumi

d. Dumumi

231. An atom of silicon has a mass number of 28 and an atomic number of 14. How many protons are in this

a. 28

b. 7

c. 12

d. 14

236. Who has always been called the Morning Star of English literature.

a. Lord Tennyson
b. Sir Walter Scott

c. Shakespeare

d. Geoffrey Chaucer

237. Technology _____ dramatically in the twenty-first century.

a. Has improved

b. Did improved

c. Is improved

d. Was improved

238. Ang mga pamilang na isahan, waluhan, animan ay pamilang na ______.

a. Patakaran

b. Palansak

c. Patakda

d. Panunuran

239. Many children ______ left to the care of relatives while the parents work.

a. Are

b. Is

c. Has been

d. Will be

240. She hurt _____ while she was slicing the onions.

a. Himself

b. Myself

c. Ourselves

d. Herself

241. Mr. Tolentino was concerned about the safety of motorists and so he issued circular containing ______
safety instructions.

a. Himself

b. Themselves

c. His

d. Their

242. The green revolution refers to food production by planting vegetables and fruit trees. A natural resource
that has not been sufficiency developed is the world’s bodies of water which promise abundant resource of
food. Referred to as blue revolution this food source refers to _______.

a. Corals
b. Fish

c. Algae

d. Seashells

243. Some animals perform services to assist man. Canines serves in war and in peace. Cats safeguard the
home from pets. Pigeons can transmit messages. It is possible that these animals are ______.

a. Fed

b. Drugged

c. Trained

d. Kept

244. Nelson Mandela sacrificed so much in his life – family, friends, and big chunk of his life for things he
believed in a democratic South Africa, with equal rights and a beacon of hope for the rest of the world.

Nelson Mandela’s dream for South Africa, which was realized, was ______.

a. Cooperation c. democracy

b. Unity d. supremacy

245. “As far back as I can remember, our family had always been an extended one. Our grandmother was the
mainstay in the family, the silent strength behind our mother who is her daughter.”

The informal guide and honorary household chief in the extended family is the ______.

a. Grandmother c. father

b. Mother d. aunt

246. Shirley has not forgotten that she was betrayed by her best friend and carried such ______ in her deeply
offended heart for a long time.

a. Rancor

b. Doubt

c. Souvenir

d. Offense

247. Even when her friends betray her, Perla bears no rancor in her heart because she is not ______.

a. Embarrassed

b. Consoled

c. Bitter

d. Insulted

248. Clara would read any book or magazines she could lay her hands on and read from cover to cover in out
sitting. She is such a ______ reader.

a. Tedious

b. Serious
c. Leisurely

d. Voracious

249. A lot of water ______ needed to irrigate the parched land.

a. Is

b. Are being

c. Is being

d. Are

250. You _____ finished eating before we arrive.

a. Have

b. Should

c. Have been

d. Will have
General Education Set 2 (150 Items)

1. I can't find _________ calculator; may I use _________, Richard?

A. A. my, yours C. his, yours

B. B. my, his D. yours, mine

2. Of the following remarks from workers, which deserve a higher wage owing to effective speech that
increases work efficiency?

A. I have strong hands, willingness and honesty in work

B. I have strong hands and I am a willing worker.
C. I like people and listen to respond to their opinions and needs.
D. I have work well and plan my work to accomplish more

3. Among the kinds of listening, which is the type that most students do in the classroom?

A. For inspiration
B. For information and ideas
C. For "escape"
D. For enjoyment

4. In the speech process, which is concerned with amplifying and enriching the voice, using human amplifiers
such as the nose, windpipe and chest?

A. Resonation
B. Inflection
C. Phonation
D. Articulation

5. "I have always been financially independent by continuing to teach even when I got married. At times though
when the cares of life weighed heavily on me, I would think of my mother and her example of making the most
of what she had. She did her household chores, methodically, tutored us in our lessons and gave modest
contributions to worthy causes." What adjective best describes the mother?

A. A. suffering C. dutiful
B. B. sacrificing D. overworked

6. Because it will adversely affect the population's food supplies, the most DISADVANTAGEOUS source of
energy is ____________.

A. A. wind C. geothermal
B. B. sun D. plants

7. Imprisoned for 27 years, Nelson Mandela realized his dream of a free and non-racial South Africa by
forgiving his oppressors and negotiating in good faith for the peaceful transition to democracy. Nelson Mandela
demonstrated his trait of

A. friendliness C. forgiving
B. determination D. loyalty
8. What is the figure of speech in the sentence: "The sun was a ball of fire over the mountain"?

A. Personification C. Metaphor
B. Simile D. Hyperbole

9. Let us campaign for the total ban ___________ of harmful insecticides.

A. with the use C. on the use

B. on using D. with using

10. "The writer's APOCALYPTIC account suggest the end of the world". The capitalized word means

A. attractive C. prophetic
B. careless D. encouraging

11. "Your statements are IMPERTINENT to the case". The capitalized word means _________.

A. important C. violent
B. irrelevant D. malicious

12. If I ___________ known you before, we could have arranged a joint project.

A. have C. could
B. had D. will

13. The proposed project _________ within the budget of the school.

A. are C. are appearing

B. is appearing D. is

14. I thought the task was heavy for Samantha and _________.

A. A. me C. myself
B. B. her

15. You ________ finished eating before we arrive.

A. should C. have
B. have been D. will have

16. Select the most appropriate heading for the paragraph: "Stephen Crane was born in 1971 in New Jersey,
but his family settled in New York. His father, a Methodist minister died when Stephen was nine years old. He
came to know New York through its slum and street life, particularly in Bowery."

A. Stephen's family and boyhood

B. Stephen's genealogy
C. Stephen as an Orphan
D. The New York Slums

17. Select the most appropriate heading for the paragraph: Before he has any actual knowledge of war,
Stephen Crane wrote the American classic "The Red Badge of Courage," which made him an overnight
success. He wrote "The open Boat" as a result of a shipwreck he experienced on his way to Cuba to report a
war in progress there?
A. A shipwreck
B. Stephen's Educational Experience
C. The Open Boat
D. Stephen's Writings

18. The _________ lesson of the story is that honesty is the best policy.

A. A. morality C. moralism
B. B. morale D. moral

19. "Red letter day" is__________

A. A. idiom C. simile
B. B. hyperbole D. metaphor

20. For the synecdoche figurative expression "It was a black tie affair" what is the equivalent meaning?

A. A. Party for men only C. Senior citizen's meeting

B. B. Formal gathering D. Costume party

21. For the synecdoche figurative expression "My mother has a green thumb. I can't wait to show you her
garden,” what is the equivalent meaning?

A. She grows a vegetable garden

B. She cultivates a garden
C. She takes care of flowering plants
D. She is good at gardening

22. What figure of speech is: "O wild west wind!"

A. A. irony C. apostrophe
B. B. metaphor D. hyperbole

23. What role of the women is displayed by the lines in Luis Dato's Spouse: "She holds no joys beyond the
day's tomorrow, finds no world beyond her love's embrace, looks upon the form behind the furrow, her mind,
motion, time and space?"'

A. A. Work partner C. House wife

B. B. Lady entrepreneur D. Career woman

24. What became prophetically true in France when Edwin Markham saw the French peasant as "The man
with the Hoe, a plundered slave under the rule of kings and princes”?

A. French revolution
B. Advent of mechanized agriculture
C. Cult of Reason in France
D. Napoleon's imperial rule

25. Filipino writer whose stories and poems depict Filipino-Spanish cultural beliefs and traditions.

A. Edilberto Tiempo C. N.V.M. Gonzales

B. Bienvenido Santos D. Nick Joaquin
26. "To be or not to be" is the beginning of the soliloquy of __________

A. Richard III C. Macbeth

B. Julius Ceasar D. Hamlet

27. Kailan nagsimula ang pagkakaroon ng modernisasyon ng wikang pambansa?

A.1974 C.1987
B. 1997 D.1988

28. Ang mga salitang teka, saan, tena, dali ay nagtataglay ng ________.

A. asimilasyon C. pagkaltas
B. metatesis D. tono

29. Ano ang tumutukoy sa bilang ng pantig sa bawat taludtod ng tula?

A. Diin C. Sukat
B. Tugma D. Talinghaga

30. Tumutulong ito sa mga salitang nakakapagpag-iisa at may kahulugan. Kilala rin itong salitang-ugat.

A. Paglalapi
B. Malayang morpema
C. Di-malayang morpema
D. Morpemang leksikal

31. Ang pagpapalitan ng mga ideya, opinion, salaysay sa pamamagitan ng mga sagisag at tinatawag na

A. pagtuklas C. talastasan
B. paglalahad D. pakikinig

32. Wikang nabuo mula sa pangunahing wika ng isang lugar o lalawigan na kadalasang sinasalita sa ibang
bayan ng naturang lugar.

A. Etnolek
B. Ekolek
C. Sosyalek
D. Dayalek

33. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang nararapat sa komunikasyon na pasulat?

A. Lakas ng boses
B. Maayos na pagpapalugit
C. Maliksing mga mata
D. Pagkibit ng balikat

34. Ang simbolong kumakatawan sa mga bagay at pangyayaring nais ipahayag ng tao sa kanyang kapwa ay

A. tunog C. bokabularyo
B. sining D. wika
35. Ano ang kalabang mortal ng pakikinig?

A. Talinghaga C. Okasyon
B. Ingay D. Oras

36. Ano ang pinakapayak na anyo ng salita na walang kahalong panglapi?

A. Ponema C. Gitlapi
B. Laguhan D. Salitang-ugat

37. Sa pangungusap na "Malakas and boses mo, "anong bahagi ng pangungusap ang salitang

A. Pandiwa C. Pang-uri
B. Pangatnig D. Panghalip

38. Ang katumbas na bigkas ng titik Q sa kasalukuyan ay: __________

A. ku C. kuyu
B. kuya D. kyu

39. Bahagi ng pananaliksik kung saan matatagpuan ang panimula, kaligiran ng pag-aaral at konseptuwal

A. Kabanata II C. Kabanata IV
B. Kabanata I D. Kabanata III

40. Anong paraan ng pagkuha ng balangkas ang ginagamitan ng sunud-sunod na tatlong tuldok para ipakita
na may mga bahaging hindi na sinipi sa talata?

A. Sinopsis C. Abstrak
B. Elipsis D. Sintesis

41. Pahayag na pasaklaw na nabubuo sa pamamagitan ng personal na panlasa o pagpili

A. Probable generalization
B. Subjective generalization
C. Analytical generalization
D. Categorial generalization

42. Dulog pampanitikan na nagbibigay ng diin ng sariling panlasa ng bumabasa, Kilala rin ito bilang reader-
response theory.

A. Antropolohiya C. Patalambuhay
B. Impresyonista D. Pansikolohiya

43. Layunin ng tagapagsalita na may malakas na "sense of humor"

A. manghikayat C. magpatibay
B. manlibang D. magkwento

44. Proseso ng paghahatid ng saloobin, opinion, karunungan sa pamamagitan ng makabuluhang tunog

A. pakikinig C. pagsasalita
B. pagbabasa D. pagtatala
45. Nakikipag-away ka sa speaker. Ito ay pakikinig na ____________

A. masusi C. kombatib
B. pasibo D. may lugod

46. Paraan ng pagbasa na ginagamit kung ang akda ay mahirap unawain:

A. preview C. masuri
B. muling-basa D. kaswal

47. Simplify: x-3y (x-8y) - (-6xy+7x)

A. -6x+3xy+24y2
B. 6x-3xy-24y2
C. -6x+3xy
D. -6x-3xy

48. A recipe calls for 2 cups of milk for every 7 cups of flour. A chef will use 28 cups of flour, how many cups of
milk must he have?

A. 10 C.12
B. 8 D. 14

49. How many seconds are there in a 24-hour day?

A. 86,400 C.1,779
B. 1,690 D. 84,600

50. What number must be subtracted from both numerator and denominator of the fraction 11/23 to give a
fraction whose value is 2/5??

A. 4 C. 2
B. 3 D.5

51. Among the given decimals, which is equivalent to 9%?

A. 9.0 C. 0.09
B. 0.009 D. 0.9

52. Simplify: 5-[2-(-4)+11-8]

A. 4 C.-4
B. 9 D.6

53. The sum of three consecutive integers is 123. What are the integers?

A. 42, 44, 46 C. 39, 40, 41

B. 40, 41, 42 D. 41, 43, 45

54. Total amount after adding 8% interest for 3 months of P6,000.00?

A. P11,500.00 C. P10,500.00
B. P6,120.00 D. P11,050.00
55. Subtract 5a-2b from the sum of 7a+5b and a+b

A. 3a+8b C.8a+12b
B. -3a+14b D. 3a-14b

56. Which are the prime factors of 56?

A. 7,4, 2 C. 7, 8
B. 14,2, 2 D. 7,2, 2,2

57. Find the least common multiple of 9a2-1, 6a3 - 2a2, 9a+3

A. 6a3 (3a+1)(3a-1) C. 6a3(3a2+1)(3a-1)

B. 6a(3a+1)(3a-1) D. 6a2 (3a+1)(3a-1)

58. If 50% of x is 20, what is 20% of x?

A. 16 C. 8
B. 27 D. 12

59. Interest at 8% for 3 months on P6.000.00

A. P150.00 C. P50.00
B. P120.00 D. P250.00

60. The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 2, 3 and 4 is ___________.

A. 24 C. 13
B. 14 D.12

61. Simplify: (8x – 24) / 2x² - x – 15

A. 8 / (2x + 5) C. (x-4) / (x +4)

B. 4 / (x – 13) D. 5 / (2x -5)

62. The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 22,15, 7 is ___________.

A. A. 1 C.2
B. B. 3 D. 4

63. How many prime numbers are there between 1 and 100?

A. 25 C. 23
B. 24 D.22

64. A Toyota car travelling at a rate of 70 km. per hour leaves the house 2 hours after a Kia car has left and
overtakes it in 5 hours. At what rate was the Kia car travelling?

A. 20 kilometers per hour

B. 30 kilometers per hour
C. 40 kilometers per hour
D. 50 kilometers per hour
65. The largest common-factor of two or more numbers is called?

A. Greatest common factor

B. Prime factor
C. Least common factor
D. Prime common factor

66. Factor: 2X2 + 7x - 15

A. (x - 5)(2x + 3)
B. (x + 5) (2x - 3)
C. (2x + 5) (x - 3)
D. (2x - 5)(x + 3)

67. The island of Luzon is estimated to be 100,000 square kilometers. In exponential form can be expressed
as ________.

A. 1x106 C. 1x104
B. 105 D. 106

68. Mr. Lazarte had incurred the following expenses in his trips to the Mindanao islands; P3.200.00; P2.500.00
and P1,500.00. What percent of this total monthly budget P40.000.00 did he spend for this trip?

A. 35% C. 30%
B. 18% D. 20%

69. In a University, the ratio of female professors to the male professors is 8:5. If there are 75 male professors,
how many are female professors?

A. 180 C. 375/8
B. 120 D. 225

70. Simplify: (x2 - y2) / (x - y)

A. -x-y C. -x+y
B. x+y D. y-x

71. Simplify: 6-[3-(4)+11 +8].

A. 26 C. 20
B. -26 D. -12

72. Which are the prime factors of 56?

A. 7, 2, 2, 2 C. 7, 4, 2
B. 14,2, 2 D. 7, 8

73. The grades in Mathematics, of the students in section A are as follows: 80,75, 60, 95, 100. What is the
population variance of their group?

A. 230 C. 264
B. 270 D. 206
74. Which among the measures of central tendency is not influenced by outliers?

A. Median C. Mean
B. Weighted Mean D. Mode

75. The grades in Mathematics of the students in section A are as follows:80, 75,60,95,100. What is the
population standard deviation of their group?

A. 1.58 C. 16.73
B. 1.48 D. 14.97 (Correct Answer: 14.35)

76. In how many ways can 5 girls be seated in a row of 5 seats?

A. 95 C.105
B. 100 D.120

77. If a die is rolled, what is the probability of getting a number divisible by 2?

A. 1/6 C.1/2
B. 1/4 D.1/3

78. Which of the following is a product of 13 and an integer?

A. 1326 C. 1343
B. 1323 D.131

79. In an English test, eight students obtained the following scores: 12, 10,13,11, 15, 20,19,17. What is the
median score?

A. 15.5 C.16.5
B. 14 D.17

80. A rectangular block of steel has dimensions of 5 meters x 10 meters x 15 meters and weights, 1,000 N.
How should this block be placed on a surface to exert the lease pressure on the surface?

A. On the 10 meters by 15 meters side

B. On the 5 meters by 15 meters side
C. On the 5 meters by 10 meters side
D. All sides have equal pressure

81. If a student has an average of 76% on his first two tests, and has an average of 85% on the next four tests,
what is his final average on all six tests?

A. 82.5% C.81.3%.
B. 80.5% D.82.0%

82. What percent of 75 is 15?

A. 20% C. 38%
B. 30% D. 40%
83. The grades in Mathematics of the students in section A are as follows: 80, 75, 60, and 95,100. What is the
mean absolute deviation of this group? (Correct Answer: 12.4)

A. 15.9 C. 14.61
B. 13.2 D.11.7

84. A ball is drawn at random from a box containing 6 red balls, 4 white balls and 5 blue balls. Find the
probability that it is blue.

A. 1/3 C. 4/15
B. 2/5 D. 4/5

85. The altitude of a triangle is 5 meters and the base is 20 meters. What is the area of the triangle?

A. 50 square meters C. 24 square meters

B. 20 square meters D. 60 square meters

86. What thin structures are essential for cytokinesis, amoeboid movement and changes in cell shape?

A. Nanofilaments C. Microfilaments
B. Pseudo filaments D. Myosin filaments

87. What is the classification for polysaccharides, triglycerides, polypeptides and nucleic acids?

A. Acids and bases C. Phospholipids

B. Macromolecules D. Carbohydrates

88. Of the following organisms, which are included under Kingdom Plantae?

A. Fungi C. Prokaryotes
B. Magnolidae D. Protozoa

89. Which of the following is the lowest rank of coal and is otherwise called brown coal?

A. Bituminous C. Anthracite
B. Lignite D. Charcoal

90. If carbohydrates are hydrophilic-organic compounds, lipids are ________ organic compounds .

A. hydrophobic C. polypeptide
B. simple D. biomolecules

91. Which element has Te as its Symbol?

A. Terbium C. Tellurium
B. Titanium D. Technetium

92. What is the term for the slowing-down response by the frog's circulatory during the cold season?

A. Cold-blooded reaction C. Hibernation

B. Temperature response D. Estivation

93. Which of the following is a vitamin?

A. Niacin C. Pepsin
B. Mucin D. Trypsin
94. Which element has Ca as its symbol?

A. Cadmium C. Carbon
B. Californium D. Calcium

95. A generalized image of an object is _________.

A. concept C. impression
B. definition D. mental picture

96. Which of the following processes involves chloroplast?

A. Conversion of light energy to chemical energy

B. Formulation of reproductive cells
C. Cell division
D. Protein synthesis

97. Besides solid, liquid and gas, what is the fourth form of matter?

A. Plasma C. Foam
B. Gel D. Colloid

98. Which of the following is a heterotroph?

A. Moss C. Algae
B. Grasshopper D. Fern

99. Which type of reaction does the general equation (AB+energy->A+B) show?

A. Endothermic synthesis
B. Exothermic decomposition
C. Exothermic synthesis
D. Endothermic decomposition

100. Iron is what type of magnetic material?

A. Non-magnetic C. Paramagnetic
B. Ferromagnetic D. Diamagnetic

101. Humans reproduce when an ovum is combined with a sperm leading to the development of an embryo.
This form of reproduction is called__________

A. Binary fission C. Budding

B. Asexual reproduction D. Fertilization

102. Of the following which is an example of physiological adaptation that allows survival among plants or

A. Frog's powerful hind legs to jump away from predators

B. Bright colors of insect-pollinated flowers
C. Chameleon's ability to change color with its environment
D. Walking sticks' unique shape and color
103. Which of the following activities help reduce water pollution?

A. Use of soap and detergents

B. Desalination of sea water to potable water
C. Setting up flood control systems
D. Treating waste water prior to discharge.

104. What is the main organ for respiration?

A. esophagus C. nose
B. lungs D. heart

105. What technology technique is employed during breeding in captivity in order to restore the populations of
endangered and threatened species to safe levels?

A. Artificial insemination C. Cross pollination

A. Cobalt radiation D. Genetic engineering

106. What is the molecule that allows plants to capture energy from sunlight?

A. ATP C. Carbohydrates
B. Oxygen D. Chlorophyll

107. Dengue is an infectious disease transmitted by an organism classified under which phylum?

A. A. chordate C. hemichordata
B. B. arthropoda D. Echinodermata

108. The source of water pollution is when water from a river is mixed with the contents of a septic tank, this
called ____________.
A. water condensation
B. water manipulation
C. Point source water pollution
D. Non – point source

109. What is unique feature of fungi?

A. They contain mitochondria
B. They contain genetic material
C. Some are capable of bioluminescence
D. They combined chitins and glucans in their cell wall

110. What diagnostic test allows microorganism to multiply in a medium under controlled laboratory condition
in order to determine the cause of an infectious disease?

A. Microbial culture C. Urinalysis

B. Chest x-ray D. Complete blood count

112. The union of an ovum and sperm inside a test tube is _________.

A. embryology C. in vivo fertilization

B. in vitro fertilization D. polination
113. What are the small hair-like structure that serve a sensory function in eukaryotic cells?

A. Cilia C. Actin filaments

B. Centromere D. Plasma membrane

114. Which of the following process best explains the evolution of life forms or gradual transformation of

A. New combination of genes C. Isolation

B. Natural selection D. Genetic drift

115. Which technology can lead to the formation of a new genetic trait?

A. Tissue culture C. Exposure to radiation

B. Embryo transplant D. Asexual reproduction

116. Of the following, which is an example of natural altered state of awareness?

A. Sedation C. Sleep
B. Intoxication D. Drug "high"

117. Object, person, or situation which when perceived causes action or reaction

A. sound C. sight
B. stimulus D. scent

118. Which characterizes psychologically healthy people?

A. concerned with goals beyond themselves

B. feels superior over others
C. can't accept others as they are
D. pre-occupied only with their interests

119. Who was the orator of the Reform Movement and first editor of La Solidaridad?

A. Jose Rizal C. Juan Luna

B. Marcelo del Pilar D. Graciano Lopez Jaena

120. Which is the fundamental law of the Philippines?

A. The Philippine Constitution

B. The Ten Commandments
C. The Civil and Crime Codes
D. The Bill of Rights

121. What law passed on August 1909 by the U.3 Congress established a partial free foreign trade for the

A. Underwood-Simmons Act
B. Bell Trade
C. Payne-Aldrich Act
D. Treaty of General Relations

122. Which state policy provides for preferential attention to the welfare of the less fortunate members of the
Philippine society?

A. Bill of Rights C. Distributive justice

B. Social justice D. Criminal justice

123. Which condition contradicts the social justice mandated in the 1987 Constitution?

A. Sense of dependency among citizens

B. Creation of economic opportunities for all
C. Elimination of cultural inequalities
D. Equitable distribution of wealth

124. What is the term for the unpleasant sensation or frustration when a traditional-bound Filipino goes to the
U.S and observes the open display of love and emotions?

A. Culture relativism C. Culture shock

B. Culture cosmopolitanism D. Culture phobia

125. One of the pledges of the President of the Philippines is to defend its:

A. Constitution
B. Land
C. Citizens
D. Islands

126. When teachers brand as "pilosopo" students who ask questions, they communicate the NEGATIVE
sociological principle that ___________.
A. asking questions in class is a sign of inattentiveness
B. passive and conformity are worth perpetuating
C. asking questions in class is a sign of ignorance
D. teachers are all knowing and cannot be questioned

127. Which law set a full free trade policy abolishing the quota limitations on Philippine exports to the United

A. Payne-Aldrich Act
B. Underwood-Simmons Act
C. Hare-Hawes Cutting Act
D. Bell Trade

128. What problem can result owing to bias among parents and the youth towards manual or technical
occupations, e.g. masons, mechanics, plumbers, etc.?

A. Boss mentality C. Blue collar mania

B. White collar mania D. Technocrat mind

129. When one controls the supply/production of goods, this implies

A. inflation C. monopoly
B. economic stability D. economic equilibrium

130. Which enacted by the U.S Congress in 1916 established a bicameral legislature in the Philippines with the
senator (upper House) and House of Representative (Lower house)to be composed of elected Filipinos?

A. Philippine Legislative Law C. Cooper Act

B. McKinley Law D. Jones law

131. What is considered the earliest form of writing in the Philippines?

A. Alibata C. Abakada
B. Kalantiao D. Balitaw

132. During the 17-I8th century Hispanic era, what was the highest post a native‘ or Chinese-mestizo can
attain at the municipal level, equivalent to local bureaucrats namely the mayors today?

A. Governadorcillo C. Cabeza de barangay

B. Tanientes de justicia D. Directorcillo

133. During the Hispanic era, native and Chinese male mestizo 16-60 years old are obliged do forced labor for
forty day. How can exemption be made?

A. Getting a cedula personal

B. Give santorum tax to the church
C. Paying the bandala
D. Paying the falla (exemption fee)

134. Which Spanish policy provided the resettlement of Filipino communities to form town centers of
A. Assimilation C. Reduccion
B. Esseminda system D. Bandala

135. How can Dr.Jose Rizal's La Liga organization be likened according to present-day social

A. National political party like LP, NP, Lakas

B. Shadow government
C. National socio-civic organization
D. Street parliamentarian movement

136. What was the social relevance of Noli and Fili to conditions among Filipinos during me late 19th century

A. Unfulfilled secularization movement of Gom-Bur-Za

B. Need for violent uprising against Hispanic imperial rule
C. Rule of friars over Hispanic colonial governments
D. Human civil oppression of native Filipinos

137. Who was the literary figure known as "Huseng Sisiw"?

A. Jose de la Cruz
B. Jose Rizal
C. Juan Matapang Cruz
D. Francisco Baltazar

138. Famous ballerina who brought ballet to children of various economic levels

A. Lea Salonga C. Nora Aunor

B. Aiza Seguerra D. Liza Macuja

139. Art is product of man's need to express himself with a high degree of sensitivity towards his environment.
Who is the painter of fisherfolks and farmers of his hometown in Rizal?

A. Vicente Manansala
B. Carlos V. Francisco
C. Anita Magsaysay
D. Fernando Amorsolo

140. What is the best reason for holism in art education?

A. Everyone is a potential artist with talents of his/her own

B. Art means the beautiful in human creativity
C. Aesthetic development is for total growth
D. We can be unique artists in our degree of growth

141. Art is the handmaid of religion. Why do Jews and Muslims allow signs and symbols and not human beings
in religious art?

A. People might worship images themselves

B. Signs and symbols display hidden mysteries
C. Human figures are difficult art forms.
D. They display more traditional themes

142. Taoism is another Chinese philosophy about the same period as Confucianism; but more spiritual rather
than ethical interest as it stressed that nature contains a divine impulse that directs all life. Who is the
philosopher behind Taoism?

A. Confucius C. The Buddha

B. Lao-Tzu D. Sidharta Gautama

143. Due to close family ties, Filipino families are generally

A. nuclear C. divided
B. extended D. secular
144. What contained the concrete promise of the Americans to Filipinos independence "as soon as stable
government can be established"?

A. Preamble of the Jones Law

B. Fairfield Bill of 1924
C. Preamble of the Commonwealth Government
D. First 1919 Parliamentary Mission to the U.S

145. What symbol is used to make the text bold?

A. Ctrl + X C. Ctrl.+ B
B. Ctrl + 0 D. Ctrl + V

146.____________means the graphics will be displayed more than once.

A. texting C. tiling
B. timing D. tagging

147. Which is the brain of the computer?

A. RAM C Program
B. CPU D. Password

148. CTRL is a symbol for _________.

A. control key C. backspace

B. entry key D. alter key

149. The acronym HTML means Hyper Text Mark-up_________.

A. Line C. Language
B. Letter D. Label

150. Three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference is called__________.

A. Internet C. Audio-visual
B. Hologram D. Network
General Education Set 3 (200 Items)

1. Had I student very well, I _____ rewarded with vacation in the U.S.
a. Was
b. Would have been
c. Will be
d. Would be

2. When helping in the kitchen, I am always careful not to hurt _____

a. Ourselves
b. Myself
c. Herself
d. Himself

3. Neither the teacher nor the students _____ present in the affair.
a. Were
b. Are
c. Was
d. Is

4. My sister and I met an acquaintance of ______ on the shopping mall.

a. Ourselves
b. Us
c. Ours
d. Mine

5. We admire _____ when Cynthia speaks English fluently with _____.

a. Him, Them
b. Her, Ours
c. Her, Us
d. Him, We

6. We admire _____ when Cynthia speaks English fluently with _____.

a. Him, Them
b. Her, Ours
c. Her, Us
d. Him, We

7. The student’s request to re-set the test ____ reasonable.

a. Were
b. Very
c. Are
d. Is

8. “My concept of inner peace came from my mother’s daily activities which I now recall with fondness and
awe. She was a full-time housewife wholly dependent on my father’s monthly salary. How she made both ends
meet, guided us in our students and did small acts of charity on the side was beyond me.” based on the
recount, the mother’s financial resource were ______.
a. More than enough
b. Abundant
c. Enough
d. Limited

9. “The figures must be TRANSMUTED in order to understand the grade.” The capitalized word means
a. Estimated
b. Changed
c. Surpassed
d. Summed

10. Some preachers suggest the ____ that the end of the world is near.
a. Proposal
b. Prophetic
c. Prophecy
d. Prophet

11. The courage of the child who saved his brother from a raging for is worth ____.
a. Emulating
b. Mentoring
c. Narrating
d. Watching

12. The expression of “baduy” connotes:

a. Uneducated
b. Awkward looking
c. Low profile
d. Smart

13. Several factors must be assessed to arrive at a sound _____.

a. Query
b. Decision
c. Change
d. Problem

14. “Because of PROFANITY the program was suspended from television.” The capitalized word means?
a. Obscenity
b. History
c. Decency
d. Falsehood

15. A story put together through an exchange of letter is called _____ literature.
a. Fiction
b. Epistolary
c. Episodic
d. Classic

16. What figure of speech is: “The Lord is my shepherd.”

a. Simile
b. Hyperbole
c. Irony
d. Metaphor

17. What figure of speech is: “He is the black sheep of the family.”
a. Metaphor
b. Simile
c. Alliteration
d. Hyperbole

18. “Sturdy and strong, the Filipinos are like the molave.” is ______.
a. Simile
b. Irony
c. Metaphor
d. Hyperbole

19. “She is a lovely rose.” is _______.

a. Simile
b. Hyperbole
c. Irony
d. Metaphor

20. “… it droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven.” is what figure of speech?

a. Personification
b. Simile
c. Hyperbole
C. Metaphor

21. In William Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice”, Portia the judge said: “The quality of mercy is not strained;
it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath… it is twice blesst; it blesseth him that gives
him that takes. ‘Tis mighter than the mightiest… and one is likened to God when mercy seasons justice.”
The main though of the excerpt is that _______.
a. Mercy is only for deserving
b. Mercy is limited in extent
c. Mercy is spontaneous and freely given
d. Mercy comes from the rain.

22. Though nothing can bring back

The hour of splendor in the glass,
Of glory in the flower
We will grieve not,
Rather find strength in what remains behind.
This stanza expresses _______.
a. Grief
b. Hope
c. Loss
d. Despair

23. Cognitive skills are not easily observable because they are _____.
a. Overt
b. Psychological
c. Hidden
d. Mental
24. The celebrated play of William Shakespeare about two ill-starred who come from warring families.
a. Romeo and Juliet
b. Hamlet and Ophelia
c. Anthony and Cleopatra
d. Ana and the King

25. Who is the father of Modern Psychology?

a. Watson
b. Freud
c. Thorndike
d. Wundt

26. Famous sculptor of landmark structures.

a. Jacinto
b. Manansala
c. Castrillo
d. Cuevas

27. What is the lowest form of learning?

a. Perceiving
b. Responding
c. Conditioning
d. Teaching

28. Which of the following is the study of human behavior?

a. Philosophy
b. Morality
c. Psychology
d. Ethics

29. The Filipinos are deeply religious; however, sometimes this religiously instills the NEGATIVE attitude of
a. Social responsibility to participate in the development of the society
b. Resignation and ends up into doing nothing to improve one’s condition
c. Total surrender to God in times of helpless is best.
d. God who is omnipotent and omniscient will allow what is best.

30. Which of the following statements is true about textbook laid on the table?
a. No force is acting on it.
b. The textbook undergoes acceleration.
c. The sum of the forces acting upon it is zero.
d. The textbook undergoes deceleration.

31. Analects which are short and witty sayings that treat of moral values and good human relation, are
attributed to:
a. Mao Tze Tung
b. Confucious
c. Mencius
d. Lao-Tzu

32. Which of the following is an artistic tradition that seeks to revive past glory in various forms?
a. Antique
b. Modern
c. Contemporary
d. Classical

33. What is the application of the principles of theories of human behavior in teaching and learning?
a. Educational theory
b. Educational philosophy
c. Educational psychology
d. Educational sociology

34. “I am a retired public school teacher. As a teacher, I was branded as a terror in school. The pupils dreaded
the day they would enter my class. Little did they know that behind my unpopular façade was a heart full of
compassion. But how did I earn moniker? I did not tolerate dirty pupils in my class. I wanted them to know that
cleanliness of body was good for their health. I inspected their teeth, nails, footwear, handkerchief, clothes,
ears, noses and hair.”
The public school teacher gives much importance to her pupils’ _______.
a. Cleanliness
b. Study
c. Absence
d. posture

35. Considering the “tayo-tayo” mentality of the Filipinos, one goal for CHANGE that should be worked on is to
develop ______.
a. A sense of common good
b. A sense of national pride
c. “Pakikisama”
d. The habits of discipline and hard work

36. Who is the proponent of the arena theater?

a. Carpio
b. Tinio
c. Montano
d. Avellana

37. She is known for the love of sonnets she wrote.

a. Paz Marques Benitez
b. Edith Trempo
c. Gilda Cordero Fernando
d. Ophelia Dimalanta

38. What is the collection of Indian sacred hymns?

a. Rig Veda
b. Mahabhrata
c. Upanishad
d. Ramayana

39. Which is NOT a characteristic of people of with a strong sense of self-efficacy?

a. View challenging problems as tasks to be mastered.
b. Recover quickly from setbacks and disappointments.
c. Avoid challenging tasks.
d. Develop deeper interest in the activities in which they participate.

40. Who is the first mythical geographer who was recognized due to his vivid description of lands and people
encountered by his hero Ulysses?
a. Virgil
b. Plato
c. Homer
d. Cicero

41. Haiku is a traditional Japanese poems consisting of _____.

a. Eight lines ending in rhyming couplet with death as topic.
b. Lines of poetry in free verse with ordinary things as topic.
c. Three lines totaling 17 syllables with nature as topic.
d. Four lines that rhyme in his fiction as topic.
42. This Filipino writer in English who used Hispanic-Filipino culture and traditions in his fiction works.
a. Edilberto Tiempo
b. Nick Joaquin
c. Sionil Jose
d. Jose Garcia Villa

43. Who is the famous composer from Angono who is also a national artist?
a. Buenaventura
b. Cenizal
c. San Pedro
d. Cayabyab

44. Which among the following is the part of the newspaper where you can see the opinions of people?
a. Classified Section
b. Obituary
c. Headline
d. Editorial Section

45. Which best describes the division of the legislature into the Senate and the House of Representatives?
a. Bicameralism
b. Bipartisanship
c. Unicameralism
d. Co-legislative powers

46. Who was the last Spanish Governor-General of the Philippines?

a. Ramon Blanco
b. Diego de los Rios
c. Basilio Agustin
d. Fermin Jaudenes

47. Which demonstrates interconnectedness between social and environmental injustice?

a. Industrialized countries toxic disposed to poorer countries
b. Temperature warming and rise of sea level
c. Desertification of verdant regions
d. Extinction of rare animal species

48. Participation in governance, including the right to vote and seek public office is secured within the
citizenry’s _____.
a. Political rights
b. Right of suffrage
c. Socio-civic rights
d. Right to due process

50. Tax imposed on all employed and practicing professionals

a. Income tax
b. Real estate tax
c. Community tax
d. Inheritance tax

51. Which policy of the state proved preferential attention to the welfare of the less fortunate members of the
Philippines society?
a. Social justice
b. Criminal justice
c. Distributive justice
d. Bill of rights

52. What is the possible consequence of meritocracy in a social system?

a. Rule by the wealthy and powerful
b. Leadership by people of talent
c. Culture of elitism
d. Rule by those noble truth

53. Which constitutional safeguard prevents on branch of government from becoming powerful or abusive?
a. Impeachment
b. Ombudsman
c. Check and balance
d. Laissez Faire

54. What is the predominant characteristic of eastern religion?

a. Optimism
b. Secularism
c. Mysticism
d. Pessimism

55. What economic policy in 16th century in Europe influenced Spain’s expansionist policy to discover new
a. Spice-trading
b. Capitalism
c. Mercantilism
d. Colonialism

56. The right involved in the “writ of habeas data” is _______.

a. The right of information privacy
b. Right to gather information data
c. The right to search for information
d. Right to transmit data

57. Whose philosophy advocates the use of reason in understanding the existence of God?
a. St. Benedict
b. St. Peter
c. St. John
d. St. Thomas Aquinas

58. Which is a check on the executive department by the judiciary in the principle check and balance among
branches of the government?
a. Impeachment of the Chief of Justice of the Supreme Court
b. Determining the salary of the President and Vice-President
c. Declaring a legislative measure unconstitutional
d. Declaring an act of the President unconstitutional.

59. Which is the fundamental law of the land?

a. Bill of Rights
b. Constitution
c. Civic Criminal
d. Ten Commandments

60. Gregoria de Jesus saw her husband _____ charge treason by fellow Filipinos who have formed the
Philippine Revolutionary force to fight Spain.
a. Marcelo H. Del Pilar
b. Emilio Aguinaldo
c. Andres Bonifacio
d. Jose Rizal

61. What did Nelson Mandela mean to South African and the rest of the world? He gave up armed struggle
and chose the peaceful way to freedom. Nelson Mandela is a world leader who is a model of _____.
a. Black supremacy
b. Armed struggle
c. Non-violence
d. Imprisonment

62. Which band played the Marcha Nacional Filipino of the national anthem on June 12, 1898 during the
declaration of Philippine Independence?
a. Pangkat ng Kawayan ng Pateros
b. Kawit Cavite Band
c. Malabon Band
d. San Francisco del Monte Band

63. Agency tasked to nurture Philippine Arts

a. NBI
b. CCP

64. The ultimate objective of the comprehensive Agrarian Reform is:

a. Abolish share tenancy in favor of lease tenancy
b. Distribute all arable lands to the landless
c. Establish once cultivated land
d. Ensure the cultivation of an idle island.

65. Which was the first labor union in the country founded by Isabelo de los Reyes on July 1901?
a. Association of the Philippine Labor
b. Union Obrera Democratica
c. Union Trabejadores de Filipinos
d. Association de Compania Tabacalera

66. Through the Galleon Trade (1565-1815), the Philippines had extended contacts with _____.
a. Spain
b. Spice Island
c. China
d. Mexico

67. How many days are needed after which an enrolled bill becomes a law?
a. 75 days
b. 90 days
c. 60 days
d. 30 days

68. What law passed on August 1909 by the U.S. Congress established a partial free trade in the Philippines?
a. Bell Trade
b. Payne-Aldrich Act
c. Treaty on General Relations
d. Underwood-Simmons Act

69. In a matriarchal family which family member plays the leading role?
a. Grandmother
b. Mother
c. Oldest sister
d. Aunt

70. Who was the Spanish mestizo priest who first lead the native secular clergy in the Secularizaion Movement
in 1861?
a. Father Jacinto Zamora
b. Father Gregorio Aglipay
c. Father Pedro Pelaez
d. Father Jose Burgos

71. What was the term given by Marcelo H. Del Pilar to hidden control and domination by Spanish religious
priests over the colonial government?
a. Pase region
b. Las suerte partidas
c. Complace
d. Frailocracia

72. While authority should be respected, its opinion may be an error. Which of the following represents a
better/more certain avenua to the truth?
a. Replication (repeat and check)
b. Selective observation
c. Overgeneralization
d. Fallacious reasoning

73. Who is known as the “Father of the Local Government Code”?

a. Joey Lina
b. Joseph Estrada
c. Jovito Salonga
d. Aquilino Pimentel

74. Who was the first editor of La Solidaridad and an orator of the Reform Movement?
a. Juan Luna
b. Graciano Lopez Jaena
c. Jose Rizal
d. Marcelo H. Del Pilar

75. The Philippines is the only _____ country in the world.

a. Communist
b. Buddhist
c. Christian
d. Muslim

76. In social trends, how do you call those who are for the revival of the classics?
a. Existentialists
b. Rationalists
c. Humanists
d. Reformists

77. What happens to a good action when it is perform on account of an evil motive?
a. It becomes good
b. It becomes evil
c. It becomes morally good
d. It becomes an amoral act

78. The tax required to be paid annually by all adult citizens of the Philippines is the _____.
a. Community tax
b. Income tax
c. Real estate tax
d. Inheritance tax

79. The fundamental right invoked by filling the “writ of amparo” is ______.
a. The right to due process
b. The right to self-defense
c. The right to be defended by a public attorney
d. The right to life, liberty and security

80. What is one of the man-made wonders in the Philippines?

a. Rice terraces
b. Mount Makiling
c. Manila Bay
d. Taal Volcano

81. As a Social Science teacher, which should Teacher Nora avoid?

a. Abreast with all the other issues
b. Appreciative of change
c. Facilitator of learning
d. As a sage on the stage

82. Governor general Narciso Claveria was responsible for the ______.
a. Abolition of the Galleon Trade
b. Establishment of the Tobacco Monopoly
c. Use of Spanish surname by Filipinos
d. Establishment of the Galleon Trade

83. Whose philosophy gives prominence to faith in understanding the existence of God?
a. St. Benedict
b. St. Peter
c. St. Augustine
d. St. John

84. Who among the following Filipino statesmen was the most vocal to speak against the country’s policy of
close association with Americans?
a. Claro M. Recto
b. Manuel Luis Quezon
c. Cayetano Arrelano
d. Jose P. Laurel

85. Of the seven continents comprising continues land mass surrounded by big bodies of water, the biggest
(30.1 percent of the earth is) _____.
a. Asia
b. Australia
c. Europe
d. Northern America

86. Civilization is where large ideas and tools, as well as human settlements flourished. Where do historians
say civilization had first been born?
a. China
b. Middle east
c. Egypt
d. Jordan

87. Which is the largest country in Asia?

a. China
b. Philippines
c. Japan
d. Thailand

88. What was the power to set aside certain by the Kingdom of Spain to the Governor-General of the
a. Veto Power
b. Condign Power
c. Conditioned Power
d. Compensatory Power

89. What best describes the form of government of England with its parliament, a prime minister and a queen
(or king)?
a. Constitutional Monarchy
b. Anarchism
c. Ethnocracy
d. Demarchy

90. Who was the revolutionary leader who refuse to surrender to the Americans even after General Malvar’s
surrender, and declare himself President and Commander-in-Chief of the Supreme Government of the Tagalog
a. Julian Montalan
b. Macario Sakay
c. Licerio Geronimo
d. Artemio Ricarte

91. Which religious missionaries first arrived in the Philippines?

a. Dominicans
b. Franciscan
c. Jesuits
d. Augustinians

92. Who were the aboriginal settlers in the islands, prior to succeeding migrants who crossed the seas from the
Southern Philippines?
a. Sumatians
b. Malayans
c. Borneans
d. Negritos

93. What religious institution is the only living remnant of the Philippine Revolution of 1896 today?
a. Philippine Independent Church
b. Roman Catholic Church
c. Unitarian Church of the Philippines
d. United Church of the Philippines

94. The Philippines lies in the ______, an area where many volcanoes are active.
a. Archipelagic Fault Line
b. Pacific Ring of Fire
c. Wheel of Fire
d. Volcanic Rim

95. The energy source which is abundant in the Philippines but still not fully developed is the?
a. Gas
b. Sun
c. Sea
d. Mineral

96. Which is an example of a non-pathogenicmicroorganism?

a. Palsmodium falcipanum
b. Influenze sp.
c. Probiotic such as bifidobacteria
d. Yersinia pestis

97. Monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides are types of

a. Proteins
b. Lipids
c. Nucleotides
d. Carbohydrates

98. Air like food and water is an essential element in human existence. Carried by the wind, polluted air called
______ falls to earth poisoning fish and destroying vegetation.
a. El Niño
b. Greenhouse rain
c. La Niña
d. Acid rain

99. What are the components of a fungal cell wall?

a. Chitin, proteins and sugar
b. Nucleic acids, proteins, and sugars
c. Lipids, proteins, and sugars
d. Cellular and proteins

100. What is the molecule that allows plants to capture energy from sunlight?
a. Carbohydrates
b. Chlorophyll
c. ATP
d. Oxygen

101. What will happen to a plant cell in a hypotonic solution?

a. The plant cell will have edema
b. The plant cell will rupture
c. No effect on the cell
d. The plant cell will swell

102. An ant colony stores food in the summer, defends itself by stinging enemies and invades a competing ant
colony and steals larvae and use them as new workers. What is the term to best describe how this species
copes with everyday life?
a. Ecological defeat
b. Environmental habitation
c. Ecological success
d. Ecological niche

103. What are the thin structures essential for cytokinesis, amoeboid movement and changes in cell shape?
a. Myosin filaments
b. Pseudo filaments
c. Monofilaments
d. Microfilaments

104. A toothpick can sit on the surface of water due to _______.

a. Surface tension
b. Buoyancy
c. Atmospheric pressure
d. Viscocity

105. In a flame test, the presence of boron in a solution is evident by what color of flame?
a. Bright green
b. Gold
c. Brick red
d. Lilac

106. What is true of metalloids?

a. Conduct heat better than metals
b. Conduct heat better than non-metals
c. Have properties of both metals and non-metals
d. Conduct heat and electricity less effective than non-metal

107. What are the hormones responsible for plant growth, promoting auxiliary bud growth and apical
a. Auxins and gibberellins
b. Cytokinins and gibberellins
c. Auxins and abscisate
d. Cytokinins and auxins

108. Which of the following is the CORRECT name for the compound MnF3?
a. Manganese Flouride (III)
b. Manganese (III) Flouride
c. Manganese (I) flouride (III)
d. Manganese (III) flouride (III)

109. Which of the following is a heterotrophe?

a. Algae
b. Fern
c. Grasshopper
d. Moss

110. Polysaccharides, triglycerides, polypeptides, and nucleic acids are classified as ______.
a. Carbohydrates
b. Acids and bases
c. Phopholipids
d. Macromolecules

111. Which of the following is a measure of pressure, defines as one newton per square meter?
a. Pascal
b. Atomic units
c. Milliliter
d. Poise

112. A metric carat is a unit of mass for measuring gemstones. It is equivalent to _______.
a. 1, 000 mg
b. 200 mg
c. 2 kg
d. 100 mg

113. Kingdom plantea includes which organism?

a. Prokaryotes
b. Fungi
c. Magnolidae
d. Protozoa

114. Science provides knowledge through disciplined observation. Which of the following is NOT a
characteristic of scientific assertion?
a. Logic and validity
b. Empirical support
c. Conformity with actual observation
d. Hearsay

115. Damage to DNA that is not repaired and the replicated can result in genetic orders.
a. Mutation
b. Pathology
c. Embryology
d. Speciation

116. What organism would most likely be in an arctic environment (tundra biome)?
a. Crocodile
b. Turtle
c. Rice bird
d. Walrus

117. How are the bats able to navigate in the dark without bumping into anything?
a. They emit sound waves whose returning vibrations can detect the presence of objects
b. They are able to fluoresce in the dark
c. They have supersonic eyesight
d. They can disappear

118. This demonstrated the feeding connections between all the life forms _____.
a. Nutrition cycles
b. Food web
c. Biochemical pathways
d. Fossil cycle

119. One instance of taking away the life of another person without due process is _____.
a. Euthanasia
b. Salvaging
c. Capital punishment
d. Suicide

120. A species of fish lived in a lake. When a dam was constructed in the area, a group of fish was separated
and populated a new pond. They then developed differing characteristics and became a distinct species.
Which of the following concepts explain this speciation?
a. Geographical isolation
b. Chronotopic isolation
c. Episodic isolation
d. Behavioral isolation

121. The protein shell of a virus is called ______.

a. Capsid
b. Iambda bacteriophage
c. Virions
d. Capsomeres

123. In the pacific area, a storm is called ______.

a. Hurricane
c. Typhoon
d. Cyclone

124. When the North Pole is tilted towards the sun, it is summer and when the sun shines all the time both day
and night, what is this called?
a. Twilight sun
b. Northern light
c. Summer light
d. Midnight Sun

125. The Kyoto protocol, which requires countries to reduce greenhouse emission, is a practice that advocates
a. Environmental protection
b. Sustainable potential
c. Ecological destruction
d. Forest demolition

127. In an English test, eight students obtained the following scores: 10, 15, 12, 18, 16, 24, 12, 24/. What is the
median score?
a. 14
b. 14.5
c. 15.5
d. 15

128. Find the least common multiple of 5, 2, 7.

a. 35
b. 140
c. 15
d. 70

129. A Toyota car travelling at a rate of 70 km per hour leaves the house 2 hours after a Kia car has left and
overtakes it in 5 hours. What rate was the Kia car travelling?
a. 30 kilometers per hour
b. 50 kilometers per hour
c. 20 kilometers per hour
d. 40 kilometers per hour

130. If is the average or arithmetic mean of x an -5 is 10, then what must be the value of x?
a. 15
b. 25
c. 30
d. 20

131. Which of the following gives the numerical value of the population?
a. Range
b. Statistics
c. Parameter
d. Variable

132. The grades in Mathematics of students in section A are as follows: 80, 75, 60, 95, and 100. What is the
population variance of their group?
a. 230
b. 270
c. 264
d. 224
Correct answer: 206

133. Which among measures of central tendency is not influenced by outliers?

a. Mode
b. Mean
c. Weighted mean
d. Median

134. If a die is rolled, what is the probability of getting a number described by 2?

a. ½
b. 1/3
c. ¼
d. 1/6

135. If a student has an average of 76% on his first two tests and has an average of 85% on the next four
tests, what is the final average on all six tests?
a. 82.0%
b. 82.5%
c. 80.5%
d. 81.3%

136. In the example of 10 to the 5th power + 6x, the exponent is ______.
a. Y
b. 15
c. 5
d. 10

137. Simplify: 6 – [3 – (4) + 11 + 8]

a. -26
b. 20
c. 26
d. -20

138. Simplify: [(3x – 12) / (3x)] divided by (x – 4)

a. 3x
b. x – 4
c. x
d. 1/x

139. In an English test, eight students obtained the following scores: 12, 10, 13, 11, 15, 20, 19, 17. what is the
median score?
a. 14
b. 16.5
c. 17
d. 15.5

140. Simplify: (3x – 9) / (2x – 9)

a. 3 / (x – 3)
b. 3 / (x + 3)
c. 3 / (x + 1)
d. 3 / (x – 1)

141. What are the prime factors of 120?

a. 2 x 2 x 2 x 6 x 5
b. 2 x 4 x 3 x 5
c. 2 x 3 x 4 x 5
d. 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5
142. What is the least common multiple of 12 and 60?
a. 340
b. 140
c. 120
d. 360

143. The least common multiple (LCM) of 2, 3, and 4 is _____.

a. 13
b. 14
c. 24
d. 12

144. Simplify (2x – 2y) / (x + y)

a. y – x
b. x – y
c. -x - -y
d. -x + y

145. Simplify 3 (x – 4y) – (4y – 3x) – (2x + y)

a. 4x + 17y
b. -4x + 17y
c. 4x – 17y
d. -4 – 17y

146. The sum of the sides of a polygon is the _____.

a. Area
b. Volume
c. Legs
d. Perimeter

147. The altitude of a triangle is 5 meters and the base is 20 meters. What is the area of the triangle?
a. 50 square meters
b. 60 square meters
c. 20 square meters
d. 24 square meters

148. A rectangular block steel has dimensions of 5 meters x 10 meters x 15 meters and weighs 1000 N. how
should this block be placed on the surface to exert the least pressure on the surface?
a. On the 5 meters by 15 meters side
b. On the 5 meters by 10 meters side
c. All sides exert equal pressure
d. On the 10 meters by 15 meters side

149. The measure of an angle is 25 more than its supplement. What is the measure of the larger angle?
a. 110.5 degrees
b. 95.5 degrees
c. 102.5 degrees
d. 77.5 degrees
150. In how many ways can 5 girls be seated in a row of 5 seats?
a. 95
b. 120
c. 105
d. 100

151. What percent of 75 is 15?

a. 20%
b. 30%
c. 38%
d. 40%

152. How long will it take A and B together, to finish a job which can be done by A alone in 6 days and be
alone in 3 days?
a. 2 ½ days
b. 2 days
c. 3 days
d. 3 ½ days

153. Guzman Company manufactures beds. In its catalogue, a double bed is priced at P5,000.00 less a
discount to the trade of 20%. What will Rosan Departments Store have to pay for the bed?
a. P4,000.00
b. P4,500.00
c. P4,000.00
d. P4,980.00

154. A recipe calls for 2 eggs for every cup of flour. If a head chef uses 28 cups of flour, how many eggs will he
a. 56 eggs
b. 14 eggs
c. 65 eggs
d. 55 eggs

155. What is the total amount after adding interest of 8% on P10,000.00 for 3 years?
a. P12,400.00
b. P11,000.00
c. P13,400.00
d. P15,000.00

156. The fraction halfway between 3/7 and 4/7 is _______.

a. ½
b. 1/3
c. ¼
d. 1/8

157. The slope of a line described by the equation 3x = (y + 4) 2 is _____

a. 6
b. 3
c. 4
d. 8

158. It can be used to show the progress in academic grades over four quarters.
a. Circle graph
b. Line graph
c. Pie graph
d. Bar graph

159. It illustrates how a portion of the data relates with the whole.
a. Line graph
b. Pie graph
c. Bar graph
d. Area diagram

160. Activities connected by a computer system is described as _______.

a. Virtual
b. Distance
c. Network
d. Online

161. Which symbol is used to open a document?

a. Ctrl + V
b. Ctrl + S
c. Ctrl + D
d. Ctrl + O

162. Messages are easily transported anywhere in the world through the ______.
a. E-shopping
b. E-registry
c. E-mail
d. E-learning

163. ALT is the symbol for ______

a. Back space
b. Alter key
c. Enter key
d. Control key

164. Which of the following is not an input device?

a. Keyboard
b. Mouse
c. Monitor
d. Gaming application

165. Piliin ang angkop na pagpapakahulugan.

Bilang at sukat kung mangusap ang dalaga.
a. Mahirap unawain
b. Mahina ang boses
c. Madaldal
d. Maingat

166. Ito ay pagbasa ng pansamantala o di palagian. Ginagawa ito kung nais magpalipas ng oras.
a. Scanning
b. Pre-viewing
c. Kaswal
d. Masusi

167. Isang paraan ng pagkuha ng datos na ginagamitan ng sunod-sunod na tatlong tuldok para ipakita na may
mga bahaging hindi na sinipi sa talata.
a. Ellipsis
b. Abstrak
c. Synopsis
d. Sintesis

168. Uri ng sanaysay na pangkaraniwan ang paksa, waring nakikipag-usap lamang.

a. Malikhain
b. Malaya
c. Masining
d. Maanyo

169. Nagpapahayag na ang wika ay nauunawaan ng lahat at napagkasunduan ng isang lahi/pangkat.

a. Dinamiko
b. Likas
c. Arbitrary
d. Masistema

170. Ano ang bantas na ginagamit sa pagitan ng panlaping ika at tambilang?

a. Gitling
b. Tuldok
c. Panaklong
d. Kuwit

171. Isang uri ng pamahayan na nag-uulat ng mga tunay na pangyayari batay sa pag-aaral, pananaliksik o
pakikipanayam at sinusulat sa paraang kawili-wili ay ______
a. Pangulong tudling
b. Kumento
c. Lathalain
d. Editoryal

172. “Kapapasok pa lang niya sa silid”. Ang pandiwa ng pangungusap ay nasa aspetong _______.
a. Imperpektibo
b. Kontimplatibo
c. Pangnagdaan
d. Perpektibo

173. Katangian ng mahusay na mananaliksik na marunong tumanggap ng kritisismo para sa ikagaganda ng

a. Malikhain
b. Bukas ang isipan
c. Maparaan
d. Marunong tumanggi

174. Ibigay ang angkop na damdaming napapaloob sa “Bakit gabi na ay di pa sya dumarating?”
a. Pagkatuwa
b. Pagkapoot
c. Pagkatakot
d. Pagkagalit

175. Sistematikong paglalarawan ng mga datos na estatistika?

a. Talahanayan
b. Grapo
c. Balangkas
d. Mapa

176. Pag-aaral ng mga tuntunin kung paano inaayos ang mga salita sa loob ng pangungusap.
a. Semantika
b. Syntax
c. Pragmatika
d. Ortograpiya

177. Pangungusap na tumutukoy sa pangyayaring pangkalikasang pangkapaligiran.

a. Temporal
b. Eksistensyal
c. Penomenal
d. Modal

178. Orihinal: Mother cooked adobo for kuya Manuel.

Salin: Si nanay ay nagluto ng adobo para kay kuya Manuel. Ito ay pagsasaling?
a. Adaptasyon
b. Malaya
c. Idyomatiko
d. Literal

179. Tumutukoy ito sa bilang ng pantig sa bawat taludtod ng tula.

a. Talinghaga
b. Kariktan
c. Tugma
d. Sukat

180. Sa anong bahagi ng pananaliksik matatagpuan ang mga lugar at babasahing mapagkukunan ng mga
literatura at pag-aaral?
a. Kabanata V
b. Kabanata IV
c. Kabanata I
d. Kabanata II

181. Ang wastong kahulugan ng: “The present problem is only a storm in a teacup.”
a. May galit
b. Bale wala
c. Matagumpay
d. Buong puso

182. Pinakapayak na anyo ng salita na walang kahalong panlapi.

a. Gitlapi
b. Ponema
c. Salitang ugat
d. Laguhan

183. Nagpapahayag ng lebel ng wika na impormal na nalikha at nabuo sa pagsama-sama ng mga salitang
pinaikli o pinahaba.
a. Kolokyal
b. Lalawiganin
c. Pampanitikan
d. Balbal

184. Uri ng panghalip na ginagamit na panturo sa mga bagay.

a. Palagyo
b. Pamatlig
c. Panaklaw
d. Palayon

185. Uri ng pagbabagong morponemiko na gumagamit ng pagpapalit ng posisyon ng ponema sa salita.

a. Asimilasyon
b. Paglapi
c. Pagkaltas
d. Metatesis

186. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang di-mahalagang salik sa pagtatalumpati?

a. Okasyon
b. Paksa
c. Pagyayabang
d. Tagapakinig

187. Ang pariralang nalaglag-nahulog ay nagpapakahulugan ng _______.

a. Magkahawig
b. Magkapares
c. Idyoma
d. Magkapares

188. Sa pangungusap na “Malakas ang boses mo.” Ang salitang malakas ay _______.
a. Pangatnig
b. Panghalip
c. Pang-uri
d. Pandiwa

189. Anu ang salitang ugat ng PINAGLABANAN?

a. Laban
b. Ilaban
c. Labanan
d. Paglaban

190. Ito ang rutang dinaraanan ng mensahe ng tagapagsalita.

a. Participant
b. Tsanel
c. Konteksto
d. Pidbak

191. Kalabang mortal ng pakikinig.

a. Ingay
b. Okasyon
c. Oras
d. Salita

192. Paraan ng pagbuo ng salita na ginagamitan ng tatlong uri ng panlapi.

a. Kabilaan
b. Laguhan
c. Inunlapian
d. Hinulapian

193. Isang uri ng pagmamatnubay kung saan ang mga reporter ay lumilihis sa pamatnubay; lumikha sila ng
sariling paraan sa mga gawaing pag-ulat.
a. Kombensyunal
b. Masaklaw
c. Masining
d. Di-kombensyunal

194. Ang pagpapalitan ng mga ideya, opinyon, salaysay sa pamamagitan ng mga sagisay ay tinatawag na
a. Pagtuklas
b. Pakikinig
c. Paglalahad
d. Talastasan

195. Uri ng pagsulat na ang pokus ay ang imahinasyon ng manunulat upang pukawin ang damdamin.
a. Jornalistik
b. Akademiko
c. Malikhain
d. Teknikal

196. Piliin ang salitang walang diptonggo.

a. Musika
b. Bahay
c. Kasuy
d. Sisiw
197. Nakapandidiri ang asong kalye na _______.
a. Dumihan
b. Ma-dumi
c. Madumi
d. Dumumi

198. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang di-mahalagang salik sa pagtatalumpati?

a. Paksa
b. Okasyon
c. Tagapakining
d. Pagyayabang

199. Ang simbolong kumakatawan sa mga bagay at mga pangungusap nais ipahayag ng tao sa kanyang
kapwa _______.
a. Wika
b. Sining
c. Bokabolaryo
d. Tunog

200. Ang mga salitang teka, saan, tena, dali ay nagtataglay ng

a. Asimilasyon
b. Metatesis
c. Tono
d. Pagkaltas
General Education Set 4 (250 Items)

1. What factor was a major cause of both World War I and World War II?

a. The spread of Marxian ideas into Europe

b. The dropping of atomic bombs
c. Nationalism and national borders
d. The rise of totalitarian fascist states

2. In which organization is the Philippines a member to fight communist aggression?

b. ASA
c. UN

3. The theory that population increases by geometrical ratio while the means of subsistence increases by
arithmetical ratio is attributed to?

a. Karl Marx
b. Robert Malthus
c. Emile Durkheim
d. Aristotle

4. In what instance is the Filipino double-standard morality shown?

a. A couple brings their sick child to the doctor then later to the espiritista
b. Young parents bring up their children in a manner different from how they were brought up
c. Illiterate parents are eager to send their children to school even if they themselves did not go to school
d. A married man who flirts with someone else other than his wife seems acceptable but a married
woman who flirts with another man is condemned.

5. Which part of Asia does the Arabian peninsula occupy?

a. Northwest
b. Southeast
c. Southwest
d. Northeast

6. The important factors which have contributed to the weakness in the internalization of desirable values is

a. Lack of models among the very people expected to exemplify these values
b. Use of approaches which are mainly cognitive rather than effective
c. Lack of follow up systems from one grade level to another
d. Minimum recognition and appreciation given to teachers

7. To govern is to rule and the government rules by laws. Whose main duty is the enforcement of laws?

a. Police department
b. Judiciary department
c. Legislative department
d. Executive department

8. The term that refers to the class of Filipinos who were free and independent

a. Timawa
b. Maharlika
c. Aliping namamahay
d. Aliping saguiguilid

9. The Spanish expedition responsible for naming the archipelago Filipinas

a. Magellan’s expedition
b. Loarca expedition
c. Legaspi expedition
d. Villalobos expedition

10. The third and last military governor of the Philippines was

a. Gen. Wesley Merritt

b. Gen. Elwell Otis
c. Gen. Arthur MacArthur
d. Gen. Douglas MacArthur

11. Which Katipunan member commuted from Cavite to Manila to buy materials used to make ammunitions?

a. Teresa Magbanua
b. Agueda Esteban
c. Teodora Alonso
d. Trinidad Tecson

12.Which economic system is based on free enterprise?

a. Globalism
b. Mixed economies
c. Capitalism
d. Communism

13. How is the so-called colonial mentality manifested?

a. Cultural relativism
b. Cultural diversity
c. Xenocentrism
d. Ethnocentrism

14. Which is a safeguard against unfair trade practices like short-weighing?

a. Total Quality Movement

b. Consumerism
c. Consumer vigilance
d. Substandardization

15. If the seven continents were arranged from largest to smallest, in which order does Australia fall?
a. 4th
b. 5th
c. 6th
d. 7th

16. In which continent can we find stormy Cape Horn which is known as the graveyard of ships and sailors?

a. Africa
b. Australia
c. South America
d. Asia

17. Which led to the creation of Pakistan as a nation in 1947? Religious differences between

a. Hindus and Christians

b. Christians and Muslims
c. Hindus and Buddhists
d. Hindus and Muslims

18. Which is common to Sun Yat Sen and Mahatma Gandhi?

a. Promoted a society ruled by religious leaders

b. Rejected violence as a way to political power
c. Led a successful nationalistic movement in their respective countries
d. Supported Marxist philosophy to change existing governments

19. Nebuchadnezzar was to the Babylonian Empire as Asoka was to the ______ Empire.

a. Roman
b. Gupta
c. Greek
d. Maurya

20. With the opposition of the parity rights in mind, who does NOT belong to the group?

a. Claro M. Recto
b. Jose Laurel
c. Manuel Roxas
d. Pedro Taruc

21. When the Filipino reformists asked for the assimilation of the Philippines by Spain, what did they ask for?
For the Philippines to ____.

a. Become independent from Spain

b. Become a province of Spain
c. Be independent from Spain with certain conditions
d. Be represented in the Spanish Cortes

22. Who among the Presidents changed the date of our celebration of Independence day from July 4 to June
a. Ramon Magsaysay
b. Diosdado Macapagal
c. Carlos Garcia
d. Ferdinand Marcos

23. In which country did the Philippines participate in the world’s peacekeeping operations by sending doctors,
nurses, soldiers and police?

a. Israel
b. East Timor
c. Iraq
d. Iran

24. In which poem did Rizal write about offering one’s life for one’s country?

a. A La Juventud Filipina
b. Song of Maria Clara
c. Sa Aking mga Kabata
d. Mi Ultimo Adios

25. As an effect of our geography, in which of the following island/s do people travel mostly by water?

a. Luzon
b. Mindanao
c. Visayas
d. Visayas and Mindanao

26. As an insular country, to which principle does the Philippines adhere when it comes to territorial boundary?

a. Two hundred nautical miles of the country’s coast

b. Three hundred fifty nautical miles from shore
c. Three-mile territorial limit
d. Archipelagic doctrine

27. Which part/s of the Visayas has/have comparatively more excessively moist climate and limited arable

a. Western
b. Eastern
c. Eastern and Central
d. Central and Western

28. Which follows Pres. Garcia’s “Filipino First Policy”? Filipinos

a. Should buy and consume Filipino products only

b. Should not contribute to the brain drain problem
c. Should be selective in the entry in the entry of foreign professionals in the country
d. Were to be given first preference in all matters related to the economic development of the country

29. Aside from the Philippines, which countries claim part of the Spratly islands in the South China Sea?
a. China, Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia
b. China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia
c. Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Malaysia
d. China, Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia

30. The following are our constitutional rights EXCEPT to

a. Free access to legal assistance which shall not be denied due to poverty
b. Have access to all records of the government
c. Be presumed innocent until proven guilty
d. Form association and labor unions

31. Art song, Tagalog love song, a passionate lyrical song with a theme professing true love.

a. Balintaw

b. Danza

c. Kumintang

d. None of the above

32. Which of the following styles of performing is used by Schoenberg in his composition “Pierrot Lunnaire”?

a. Inversion

b. Sprechstimme

c. Rap

d. Retrograde

33. What is the attack beat of the Philippine National Anthem?

a. Down beat

b. Up beat

c. 2nd beat

d. None of the above

34. Rizal’s Biñanero teacher in Spanish.

a. Juan Fernando Samonte

b. Justiniano Aquino Cruz

c. Jose Antonio Santos

d. Mariano Lopez Sevilla

35. Some history books tells us that the 1st Catholic mass in the Philippines which was officiated by Fr. Pedro
Valderama on March 31, 1521 was not in Limasawa Island, Southern Leyte but in

a. Masao, Butuan, Agusan del Norte

b. Cebu

c. Homonhon, Southern Leyte

d. Mactan Island, Cebu

36. The year 1762 was a time in Philippine history that the country had three governor-generals each claiming
to be the real head of the colony. Who is not one of them?

a. Cesar Fallet

b. Dawson Drake

c. Simon Anda

d. Archbishop Antonio Rojo

37. Who among the following was the painter of “Una Mestize Mercadera Manila”?

a. Vicente Manansala

b. Juan Luna

c. Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo

d. Damian Domingo

38. This famous play of Shakespeare deals with the racial discrimination against the Jews.

a. The Merchant of Venice

b. The Travelling

c. Julius Ceasar

d. Romeo and Juliet

39. The major purpose of taxation is to ______.

a. Provide State income

b. Redistribute the monetary resources

c. Lessen the disposable income

d. Control financial deficit

40. The EDSA revolution started with

a. The holding of snap election

b. The assassination of Ninoy Aquino

c. The founding of RAM

d. The protest of Enrile and Ramos

41. According to Rizal himself, he took the term Noli Me Tangere which means “Touch Me Not” from the Bible.
From what Gospel was Noli Me Tangere taken?

a. St. Luke 24:12

b. St. Luke 24:44

c. St. John 20:17

d. St. John 20:15

42. Ama ng Linggwistikang Pilipino.

a. Dr. Cecilio Lopez

b. Lope K. Santos

c. Jose Rizal

d. Pascual Poblete

43. What are the living creature’s system called?

a. Tissue

b. Cell

c. Organ

d. Organism

44. The male hormone testosterone, which maintains spermatogenesis is synthesized and released by?

a. Spermatogenic cells

b. Sertoli’s cells

c. Seminal vesicles

d. Leydig’s cell

45. It is the religion of the Celts.

a. Taoism

b. Buddhism

c. Druidism

d. Belgaesm

46. This is the biggest and largest body ocean that surrounds the Pangaea before it splits and broke up into
large bodies of continents.

a. Panthallassa

b. Baltic Sea

c. Oceanic Crust

d. Polar Ice melts

47. Who prove that light is composed of several colors?

a. Archimedes

b. Galileo

c. Isaan Newton

d. Albert Enstien

48. Pandaka Pygmaea is once known as the smallest fish in the world. This fish is found in what lake?
a. Lake Baikal

b. Lake Taal

c. Laguna Lake

d. Lake Buhi

49. Cocos, Naza and Juan de Fuca are examples of?

a. Continents

b. Plates

c. Sea

d. Oceans

50. Whooping cough is also known as?

a. Diptheria

b. Tuberculosis

c. Pertussis

d. Polio

51. Fifth disease is also known as?

a. Tuberculosis

b. Whooping cough

c. Erythema Infectiosum

d. Alzheimer disease

52. Structure that provides nutrition to spermatozoa

a. Sertoli cells

b. Leydig cells

c. Vas deferens

d. Seminal vesicle

53. Which writers’ organization tried to create a wide reading public for Filipino writers by printing low-cost

a. The Veronicans

b. Barangay Writers Project

c. Philippine Book Guild

d. Philippine Writers League

54. Anong natural resources and makikita sa likod ng bagong 10 pesos ng Pilipinas?

a. Tarsier
b. Perlas

c. Kapa-kapa

d. Waling-waling

55. Who was the first Filipino mountain climber to reach the peak of Mount Everest?

a. Edwin Pastor Emata

b. Leonardo Guirere

c. Leo Oracion

d. None of the above.

56. This is the Island Born of Fire.

a. Masbate

b. Camiguin

c. Sulu

d. Siquijor

57. In Hindu and Buddhist mythology, this symbol refers to a female spirit of the clouds and waters, or a nymph
of the sky.

a. Avadana

b. Mandala

c. Apsara

d. Jataka

58. What rhythmical devise is used in this line from The Small Key “… even the low square nipa house that
stood in unashamed relief against the gray green haze of grass and leaves.”

a. Alliteration

b. Assonance

c. Consonance

d. Anaphora

59. When was the historic man’s first landing on the moon’s surface?

a. May 16, 1969

b. July 20, 1969

c. August 23, 1969

d. September 29, 1969

60. Which of these animals is a source of serum?

a. Frog

b. Snake
c. Turtle

d. Crocodile

61. A coil of wire is placed in a changing magnetic field. If the number of turns in the coil is decreased, what will
happen to the voltage induced across the coil?

a. Remain constant

b. Be excessive

c. Decrease

d. Increase

62. In the early days of 1982-1985, the terms “gay cancer” and “gay plague” were also known as ____.

a. Borderline Personality Disorder

b. Acquire Immunodeficiency Syndrome

c. Bipolar disorder

d. Kaposis Sarcoma

63. The Parthenon is an iconic building in Athens that dedicated to whom Greek goddess?

a. Queen Hera

b. Artemis

c. Persephone

d. Athena

64. This statue is known for the most beautiful body of a woman.

a. The Winged Victory

b. Venus de Milo

c. The Little Mermaid of Denmark

d. The Statue of Liberty

65. This is the highest voice of a male singer.

a. Monotone

b. Auto tone

c. Tenor

d. Bass

66. At what level of organization of organism shows the interaction of molecules within one cell?

a. Molecular level

b. Cellular level

c. Tissue level
d. Organ level

67. Decomposition is a process in which a substance is broken to make it useful in other processes. The
organisms that are capable of decomposing a substance are called.

a. Autotrophs

b. Heterotrophs

c. Saprotrophs

d. Producers

68. A person with diabetes has insulin deficiency. Which organ secretes insulin?

a. Liver

b. Kidney

c. Pancreas

d. Thyroid

69. Which of the following pairs of body parts is considered homologous?

a. Human arms and seal’s flippers

b. Appendix and tail bone

c. Lungs and gills

d. Ectoderm and endoderm

70. What do you call the molecules that contain the organism’s genetic information?

a. Organelles

b. Nucleic acid

c. Nucleus

d. Mitochondria

71. What hormones in plants are responsible in promoting auxiliary budding and apical dominance?

a. Auxins and gibberilins

b. Cytokinins and gibberilinies

c. Auxins and abscisates

d. Cytokinins and auxins

72. A razor blade can float on the surface of water because of

a. Surface tension

b. Capillarity

c. Bouyant force

d. Liquid pressure
73. The smallest particle of an element that could not be further divided but still retain the properties of such
element is called

a. Proton

b. Electron

c. Molecule

d. Atom

74. Which of the following substances listed below is considered a colloid?

a. Water

b. Alcohol

c. Soda

d. Milk

75. What term is given to the surface of the Earth between the Tropic of Cancer and the Equator?

a. Great Circle

b. Meridian

c. Zone

d. Solstice

76. Brine is formed when sodium chloride is dissolved in water. This is an example of a

a. Gas-gas solution

b. Gas-liquid solution

c. Solid-liquid solution

d. Liquid-gas solution

77. Where does visible light fall on the electromagnetic spectrum?

a. Between infrared and ultraviolet radiations

b. Between FM and AM radio waves

c. Between microwaves and infrared radiations

d. Between gamma rays and x-rays

78. What is the main function of the Geiger counter?

a. To identify the epicenter of the earthquake

b. To detect radiation

c. To determine the presence or crude oil in the Earth’s crust

d. To measure the heat of a given body

79. The major concern about global warming arises from increase concentration of
a. Greenhouse gases

b. Acid rain

c. Photochemical smog

d. Aerosols

80. Which of the following does not contribute to greenhouse effect?

a. Use of detergent

b. Forest fires

c. Burning of waste

d. Deforestation

81. Multiply (3 – 2i) (3 + 2i)

a. 9 – 4i

b. 13

c. 9 – 6i

d. 4i

82. A piece of rope is divided into three part in the ratio 1:2:3. Find the total length of the rope if the longest part
is 4 units more that the second part.

a. 6

b. 12

c. 24

d. 30

83. Find the equation of the line perpendicular to x + 2y – 6 = 0 and passed through the origin.

a. –x + 2y = 0

b. 2x + y = 0

c. -2x – y = 0

d. 2x – y = 0

84. One card is taken from a deck of card. What is the probability of getting a face card?

a. 1/3

b. 7/12

c. 3/13

d. 2/3

85. What is the dimension of a rectangle whose perimeter is 54m if the length is 3m less than twice its width?

a. 8 m by 17 m
b. 11 m by 6 m

c. 17 m by 10 m

d. 12 m by 15 m

86. A fair die is rolled. Find the probability that the number 1 will appear?

a. 1/6

b. 1

c. 50%

d. 2/3

87. A solution contains 36% sulfur. What fraction, in lowest term, is the solution?

a. 36/100

b. 3/10

c. 0.36

d. 9/25

88. If 2/3 of the workers in a factory go on vacation in May and ½ of the remainder take their vacations in June,
what fraction of the workers takes their vacations at other times of the year?

a. 1/3

b. 1/6

c. 0

d. ¼

89. If coconuts are twice as expensive as bananas, and bananas are one-third as expensive as mangoes,
what is the ratio of one mango to one coconut?

a. 3/2

b. 2/3

c. 1:6

d. 6:1

90. A piece of wire 30 meters long is divided into 3 parts in the ratio 1:2:3. Find the difference between the
shortest part and the longest part.

a. 15m

b. 10m

c. 5m

d. 8m

91. Find the simple interest at 6% for 6 months on P8,000.

a. P180
b. P240

c. P200

d. P175

92. A recipe calls for 4 eggs for every 8 cups of flour. If a cook uses 30 cups of flour, how many eggs are

a. 12

b. 8

c. 10

d. 15

93. The largest common factor of 2 or more number is called ______.

a. Prime Factor

b. Greatest Common Factor

c. Prime Common Factor

d. Least Common Multiple

94. A triangle with no sides equal.

a. Equilateral

b. Isosceles

c. Scalene

d. Right

95. What is associated with the slow processing of public documents?

a. Wire taping

b. Green tape

c. Red tape

d. White tape

96. Newest continent found and is considered as a “lost continent”

a. Sealandia

b. Rodonia

c. Rodinia

d. Zealandia

97. Origin of the modern man

a. Tabon

b. Sapiens
c. Erectus

98. On an average, how many liters of blood a human body have?

a. 2-3 liters

b. 4-5 liters

c. 5-6 liters

d. 6-7 liters

99. Original name of Scarborough

a. Bajo de Skarburo

b. Bajar Scarborough

c. Bajar Salinoc

d. Bajo de Masinloc

100. What problem can result owing to bias among parents and the youth towards manual or technical
occupations, e.g. masons, mechanic, plumber, etc.?

a. Boss mentality

b. Blue collar mania

c. White collar mania

d. Technocraft mind

101. Jose Rizal’s novel which revealed the abuses of the Spanish government in the Philippines and the
sufferings of the Filipinos.

a. Noli Me Tangere

b. Mi Ultimo Adios

c. La Solidaridad

d. La Independencia

102. Ang mga salitang teka, saan, tena, dali ay nagtataglay ng _______.

a. Pagkaltas

b. Tono

c. Metatesis

d. Asimilasyon

103. Tumutukoy ito sa taas-baba ng bigkas ng pantig ng isang salita upang maging mabisa ang pakikipag-

a. Diin

b. Antala

c. Tono
d. Segmental

104. Uri ng pangatnig na ginagamit sa pagpili, pagbubukod at pagtatangi ay ______.

a. Pamukod

b. Panapos

c. Paninsay

d. Panlinaw

105. Ang wikang nabuo mula sa pangunahing wika ng isang lugar o lalawigan na kadalasang sinasalita sa
ibang bayan ng naturang lalawigan ay tinatawag na ______.

a. Ekolek

b. Dayalek

c. Etnolek

d. Sosyalek

106. Ang pariralang naglaglag-nahulog ay napapakahulugan ng ______.

a. Magkahawig

b. Magkasalungat

c. Magkapares

d. Idyoma

107. Ano ang kahulugan ng “Neneng is the apple of Daddy’s eyes”?

a. Paborito ni Daddy ang mansanas

b. Mahal ni Daddy si Neneng

c. Si Neneng ay tulad ng mansanas

d. Tawag-pansin ang mansanas

108. Uri ng pagsasaling-wika na tumutukoy sa mga disiplinang akademikong agham, kalikasan at lipunan ay
tinatawag na _____.

a. Pangkasaysayan

b. Pangkultura

c. Teknikal

d. Pampanitikian

109. Isang disenyo ng pananaliksik na nagsisiyasat sa pamamagitan ng palatanungan o pakikipagpanayam.

a. Sarbey

b. Case study

c. Feasibility study

d. Etnograpiya
e. 110. Ang wastong kahulugan ng: “The present problem is only a storm in a teacup.”

f. a. Bale-wala

g. b. Buong puso

h. c. May galit

i. d. Matagumpay

111. Sa anong bahagi ng pananaliksik matatagpuan ang mga lugar at babasahing mapagkukunan ng mga
literature at pag-aral?

a. Kabanata I

b. Kabanata IV

c. Kabanata II

d. Kabanata V

112. Isang uri ng pamahayagan na nag-uulat ng mga tunay na pangyayari batay sa pag-aaral, pananaliksik o
pakikipanayam at isinulat na paraang kawili-wili.

a. Editorial

b. Pangulong tudling

c. Lathalain

d. Kumento

113. Uri ng pagsulat na ang pokus ay ang imahinasyon ng manunulat; pukawin ang damdamin.

a. Malikhain

b. Journalist

c. Teknikal

d. Akademiko

114. Regala Company manufactures beds; in its catalogue, a double bed is priced at P5,000 or less a discount
of 20%. What will Riza have to pay for the bed she ordered?

a. P4,150.00

b. P4,100.00

c. P4,200.00

d. P4,000.00

115. How many numbers are there between 1 and 100?

a. 24

b. 23

c. 22

d. 25
116. A recipe calls for 2 cups of milk for every 7 cups of flour. A chef will uses 28 cups of flour, how many cups
of milk must he have?

a. 12

b. 10

c. 14

d. 8

117. If Karl has an average of 76% on his first two tests and has an average of 85% on the next four tests,
what is his final average on all six tests?

a. 82.5%

b. 80.5%

c. 81.3%

d. 82.0%

118. In point of population, which nation is the largest state with a population placed at about 1.2 billion

a. Indonesia

b. China

c. India

d. United States

119. What percent of 75 is 15?

a. 30%

b. 49%

c. 20%

d. 38%

120. The side opposite the right of a right angle is the _____ and each of the other low side is ______.

a. Hypotenuse, leg

b. Opposite, adjacent

c. Leg, hypotenuse

d. Adjacent, opposite

121. If two legs of one right triangle are equal respectively to two legs of another, the right triangles are

a. Congruent

b. Complementary

c. Supplementary
d. Adjacent

122. Which among the measures of central tendency is not influenced by outliers?

a. Mean

b. Weighted mean

c. Median

d. Mode

123. What measures of central tendency can best describe the size of T-shirts commonly worn by teenagers?

a. Mode

b. Mean

c. Range

d. Median

124. Which organism is an example of a fungus?

a. Algae

b. Yeast

c. Euglenoids

d. Entamoeba

125. Which of the following is an example of a useful function for bacteria?

a. Can clean up an oil spill by digesting hydrocarbons

b. May be used as vectors to introduce proteins

c. Can synthesize new forms of heavy metals

d. May be pathogenic and cause human disease

126. Which protist can cause dysentery?

a. Gorilla beringei

b. Plasmodium vivax

c. Streptococcus

d. Entamoeba histolyica

127. Which organism is classified under Kingdom Fungi?

a. Red algae

b. Microsporidia

c. Diatoms

d. Streptocuccus

128. The waste product of photosynthesis is ______.

a. Carbon monoxide

b. Nitrogen

c. Carbon dioxide

d. Oxygen

129. Human reproduce when an ovum is combined with a sperm leading to the development of an embryo.
This form of reproduction is called ______.

a. Asexual reproduction

b. Fertilization

c. Budding

d. Binary fission

130. A hypothetical ecosystem contains lettuce (the producer), a caterpillar (the primary consumer), a small
passerine bird (the secondary consumer) and a lion (the tertiary consumer). A gardener arrives and sprays
pesticide, killing all the caterpillars. What can happen to the ecosystem?

a. The passerine birds will thrive

b. The lions will eventually die

c. The passerine birds will convert to herbivores

d. The lettuce will wilt and die

131. An important endocrine gland that is shaped like a bow-tie and located in the neck is called ______.

a. Pituitary gland

b. Parathyroid gland

c. Adrenal gland

d. Thyroid gland

132. The molecules that contain an organism’s genetic make-up are called ______.

a. Genetic membrane

b. Nucleic acid

c. Nucleolus

d. Cytosal

133. What is the process used by plants to convert the energy from sunlight into chemical energy?

a. Photosynthesis

b. Diffusion

c. Phytochemical conversion

d. Cytolysis

134. Who was the Father of Modern Taxonomy and responsible for coining the term Homo sapiens for human?
a. Chatton

b. Aristotle

c. H. Copland

d. Linnaeus

135. What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy a p orbital?

a. 6

b. 10

c. 18

d. 14

136. A population of rabbits lives in stable habitat, with no changes in the environment for a long time. How will
genetic drift possibly affect his population?

a. It may decrease genetic variation

b. It may promote the dominance of the rabbits with superior traits

c. It will decrease the population of the rabbits

d. It will stimulate the appearance of new traits

137. The bond sodium fluoride is which of the following types of chemical bond?

a. Halogens

b. Alkali metals

c. Rare earths

d. Alkaline earth metals

138. The Brundtland Commission defines it as: “development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

a. Ecological development

b. Environmental development

c. Sustainable development

d. Uncompromising development

139. Alcohol is a class of organic compound characterized by ______.

a. A halogen attached to an alkyl group

b. A carbonyl group bonded to two carbon atoms

c. A hydroxyl bonded to an alkyl group

d. A carbonyl attached to an either linkage

140. The right to search for information is invoked through the _______.

a. Writ of habeas corpus

b. Writ of certiorari

c. Writ of habeas data

d. Writ of amparo

141. The biggest of the seven continents of the world is _______.

a. Asia

b. Australia

c. Africa

d. Europe

142. Which law set a full trade policy abolishing the quota limitations on the Philippines extort to the United

a. Payne-Aldrich Act

b. Underwood-Simmons Act

c. Bell Trade

d. Hare-Hawes Cutting Act

143. Which power of the state enables it to impose charge of burden upon persons, property or property rights
for the use and support of the government expenditures for social services and a way of revenue collection?

a. Eminent Domain

b. Expropriation

c. Value Added Tax

d. Taxation

144. What kind of cooperative system sells farmers’ agricultural produce?

a. Service cooperative

b. Producers cooperative

c. Marketing cooperative

d. Multi-purpose cooperative

145. The economic policy that good action is one that helps the greatest number of people is called _______.

a. Mercantilism

b. Colonialism

c. Capitalism

d. Utilitarianism

146. Which contradicts the Filipino family value of sacrifice?

a. Willingness to forgive

b. Delayed satisfaction of desires

c. Inability to forgive

d. Tolerance of pain and mistakes

147. The smallest unit of society is the _______.

a. Church

b. Family

c. Purok

d. Government

148. Is it correct to say that “Bahala na” is a Filipino negative trait?

a. Yes, it is tantamount to leaving one’s fate to another

b. It depends on the situation of the person saying it

c. It depends on the intention of one’s action

d. No, “bahala na” is an altitude of daring combined with genuine concern

149. Birth place of Jose Rizal

a. Intramuros, Manila

b. Calamba, Laguna

c. Malolos, Bulacan

d. Kawit, Cavite

150. What does a professional code of conduct prescribe?

a. Civic conduct for all

b. Professional traditions and mores

c. Moral and ethical standards

d. Stricter implementation of laws

151. Due to close family ties, Filipino families are generally _______.

a. Secular

b. Nuclear

c. Extended

d. Divided

152. The Philippine President who was known as “the man of the masses” was

a. Fidel Ramos

b. Ramon Magsaysay

c. Manuel Quezon

d. Manuel Roxas
153. A recently awarded national artist for sculpture was ______.

a. Baco

b. Abueva

c. Alcantara

d. Luna

154. The stage actress who brought fame to her country through her international awards for ther sate
performances was ______.

a. Isay Alvarez

b. Geneva Cruz

c. Lea Salonga

d. Sharon Cuneta

155. Which characterizes psychologically healthy people?

a. Pre-occupied only with their interest

b. Concerned with goals beyond themselves

c. Feels superior over others

d. Can’t accept others as they are

156. The sum total of a person’s efforts to cope with stressful situations in life is called ______.

a. Reaction

b. Anger

c. Defense mechanism

d. Emotion

157. It is the process of sorting, recovering and disseminating recorded data through the computer.

a. Information technology

b. Information utilization

c. Information retrieval

d. Information science

158. _______ means the graphics will be displayed more than once.

a. Texting

b. Tagging

c. Timing

d. Tiling

159. Face-to-face communication is made possible via the computer through ______.
a. Twitter

b. E-mail

c. Skype

d. Google

159. Messages are easily transported anywhere in the world through the _______.

a. e-shopping

b. e-learning

c. e-register

d. e-mail

160. The acronym of HTML means Hyper Text Mark-up ______.

a. Line

b. Letter

c. Language

d. Label

161. Three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference is called ______.

a. Internet

b. Hologram

c. Audio-visual

d. Network

162. The information clerk stays ______ the phone most of the time.

a. By

b. Over

c. In

d. At

164. Which of the following is a product of 13 and an integer?

a. 1326

b. 1314

c. 1323

d. 131

165. Nagpapahayag na ang wika ay naunawaan ng lahat at napagkasunduan ng isang pangkat.

a. Likas

b. Arbitraryo
c. Masistema

d. Dinamiko

166. Bahagi ng pananaliksik kung saan matatagpuan ang panimula, kaligirang pag-aaral at konsetuwal

a. Kabanata IV

b. Kabanata II

c. Kabanata III

d. Kabanata I

167. A sea is a great body of salty water smaller than an ocean, more or less landlocked. Which is a large part
of the ocean or sea partly enclosed by land?

a. Strait

b. Lake

c. Canal

d. Gulf

168. What is the unique future of fungi?

a. They have combined chitins and glucans in their cell wall.

b. Some are capable of bioluminescence

c. They contain mitochondria

d. They contain genetic material

169. Who was elected Speaker of the Philippine Assembly in 1907?

a. Manuel Roxas

b. Claro M. Recto

c. Manuel Quezon

d. Sergio Osmena Sr.

170. Typical of Greek civilization (800 – 600 B.C.E.) without which a single political unit was able to stay

a. Towns and Cities

b. Strong Army

c. Strong Navy

d. City States

171. Anong uri ng panaguri ang ginagamit sa pangungusap na: “Siya ay huwarang mag-aaral.”

a. Pangalan

b. Pandiwa
c. Panghalip

d. Pang-uri

172. Ang kahulugan ng salubong ang kilay ay ______.

a. Galit

b. Ganti

c. Ganado

d. Gala

173. Pinaalahan ako na magsikap ______ mabuti sa pag-aaral.

a. Tunay

b. Ng

c. Nang

d. Higit

174. Dulog pampanitikan na nagbibigay ng diin ng sariling panlasang bumabasa. Kilala rin ito bilang reader-
response theory.

a. Impresyonista

b. Pansikolohiya

c. Antropolohiya

d. Patalambuhay

175. Identify the range of f(x) = (x + 5) / (x² - 1)

a. Negative numbers

b. Integers

c. Real numbers greater than or equal to 1

d. Fallacious reasoning

176. Mr. Lazarus had incurred the following expenses in his trips to Cebu islands: P3,200.00, P2,500.00 and
P1,500.00. What percent of this total monthly budget of P40,000.00 did he spend for this trip?

a. 35 percent

b. 18 percent

c. 20 percent

d. 30 percent

177. Why does toothpaste help control tooth decay?

a. It cools the mouth and prevent germs from multiplying

b. It removes bad odor that remains after eating

c. It neutralizes acidic food particles that remain in the mouth

d. It surrounds the teeth with protective substances

178. Is the symbol for _______.

a. Control keys

b. Backspace

c. Enter keys

d. Alter keys

179. The barangay is seeking _____ injury to the settle of the issue.

a. Judicial

b. Judiciary

c. Juridical

d. Judicious

180. Miguel always gets what he wants ______ explaining very well the reason for this request.

a. By

b. At

c. On

d. It

181. Factorize: 2x² + 7x - 15

a. (x – 5) (2x + 3)

b. (2x + 5) ( x – 3)

c. (x + 5) (2x -3)

d. (2x – 5) (x + 3)

182. Who was the second editor of “La Solidaridad” with the penname Dolores Manapat?

a. Mariano Ponce

b. Graciano Lopez Jaena

c. Marcelo H. del Pilar

d. Jose Rizal

183. The family members were _____ in the beach party.

a. Together

b. Altogether

c. All together
d. Together all

184. Pahayag na pasaklaw na nabubuo sa pamamagitang ng personal na panlasa o pagpili.

a. Categorical generalization

b. Analytical generalization

c. Subjective generalization

d. Probable generalization

185. Identify the domain of f(x) = (x + 5) / (x² - 1)

a. Negative numbers

b. Positive real numbers

c. All real numbers except 1 and -1

d. All real numbers

186. If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal, the figure is a ______.

a. Shambers

b. Square

c. Rectangle

d. Parallelogram

187. Simplify: [(3x – 12)] divided by (x – 4)

a. x

b. 3x

c. 1 / x

d. x – 4

188. Who was appointed Field Marshal of the Philippine Army responsible for the defense of the country prior
to the Japanese invasion?

a. Gen. Carlos P. Romulo

b. Gen. William Howard Taft

c. Gen. Douglas McArthur

d. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower

189. Political idealists advocate ideals in politics such as justice, fairness. Political realist have a more realist
viewpoints of politics, aptly stated by “Might is right.” who among the following is more a political realist rather
than political idealist?

a. Julius Caesar

b. Mahatma Ghandi

c. Martin Luther King

d. Benigno Aquiono Jr.

190. In the Atlantic region, a storm is called _______.

a. Typhoon

b. Storm

c. Cyclone

d. Hurricane

191. Various expeditions by Spanish adventures were completed by the 17th century resulting in the Hispanic
conquest of Latin America. Who was the Spanish commander who lead an expedition against the Incas
Empire setting up settlements as far as Buenos Aires in 1536?

a. Hemon Cortez

b. Basco Dagama

c. Inez dela Cruz J.R. Pole

d. Pizzaro

192. Who is the first man to replace myth with natural laws and uses observing that all living things are
elements of nature?

a. Aristotle

b. Pythagora

c. Cladius Ptolemy

d. Thales of Melitus

193. Though nothing can bring back

The hour of splendor in the grass

Of glory in the flower

We will grieve not

Rather find strength in what remains behind

The stanza is an example of ______.

a. Rhyme c. Sonnet

b. Haiku d. Free verse

194. A good way to make you web pages attractive is by applying:

a. Shades

b. Graph

c. Color

d. Figure

195. Graph of constant function

a. Line down to the left

b. Vertical line

c. Line up to the right

d. Horizontal line

196. Which of the following is the most reliable tool for determining the student’s ability to write?

a. Rubric

b. Evaluation instrument

c. Achievement test

d. Portfolio

197. “Only the heart can see rightly.” This statement is lifted from what particular novel?

a. The Prince and the Pauper

b. The Little Prince
c. The Right One
d. The Pearl

198. Sa anong antas ng pagbasa natuto ang isang tao ng magbasa ng “between the lines”. Ito ay antas na:

a. Paktuwal

b. Interpretative

c. Literal

d. Transaktib

199. Alin sa mga panlapi ang nagsasaad ng palaging kilos o paggawa?

a. Pa-an

b. Pala

c. Mang

d. Taga

200. For one to be a great gardener, he/she must have a GREEN THUMB. Which figure of speech was used in
this statement?

a. Metonymy

b. Alliteration

c. Synecdoche

d. Assonance

201. Do not worry about a thing, I am sure everything will be _______.

a. Alright
b. Allright

c. All right

d. Al right

202. What is the antonym of the capitalized word in the sentence, “She usually doesn’t ABASE herself
whenever she does something worthy of praise.”

a. Humble

b. Decreased

c. Demoted

d. Exalted

203. The president of the class seems to be TIRELESS in her job. What does the capitalized word mean?

a. Indefatigable

b. Congenial

c. Versatile

d. Frail

204. In the poem “Ode to the West Wind”, Percy Shelly directly addressed the west wind. What figure of
speech was used predominantly in the poem?

a. Personification

b. Metaphor

c. Apostrophe

d. Oxymoron

205. Which of the following organism below does not belong to the group?

a. Dimo flagellates

b. Amoeba

c. Paramecium

d. Yeast

206. What is the origin of the word paper?

a. Paperus

b. Papyrus

c. Papirus

d. Pafyrus

207. English Sonnet : Shapespeare ; Italian Sonnet : _______

a. Boccaccio

b. Dante
c. Petrarch

d. Alighieri

208. It is the collection of religious poetry written by Rabindranath Tagore

a. Gitanjali

b. Mahabhrata

c. Bhagavad Gita

d. The Ramayana

209. “The sun was a ball of fire over the mountain.” is an example of what figure of speech?

a. Personification

b. Simile

c. Metaphor

d. Hyperbole

210. “It droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven.”

a. Personification

b. Simile

c. Hyperbole

d. Metaphor

211. For synecdoche figurative expression, “It was a black tie affair.”

a. Party for Men Only

b. Formal Gathering

c. Senior Citizen’s Meeting

d. Costume Party

212. A collection of 10,000 leaves with 4,500 poem in several forms.

a. Noh Drama

b. Haiku

c. Man’yoshu

d. Kana

213. What is the most important element of poetry?

a. Meter

b. Rhyme

c. Figurative Language

d. Rhythm
214. What fallacy is committed when one uses a threat in his argument?

a. Ad Hominem

b. Ad Mesericordiam

c. Ad Baculum

d. Ad Populum

215. The term thespian was taken from Thespis, a 6th B. C. poet who was said to have been the founder of
Greek drama and the first actor. Thespian means _____.

a. Orator

b. Actor

c. Speaker

d. Teacher

216. Which among the following sets of words has no connection with each other?

a. Deed : Act

b. Artificial : Fact

c. Corps : Familiar

d. Credible : Integrity

217. Which among the following sets of words is not correlated with each other?

a. Rise : Ascension

b. Peaceful : Undistributed

c. Prodigy : Offspring

d. Recipe : Formula

218. What is the opposite of the phrase “praise glowingly”?

a. Euphoria

b. Euthanasia

c. Persiflage

d. Mercy

219. Which among the following is not a reason behind the lack of preservation of pre-Hispanic written forms of

a. The Spaniards destroyed pieces of literature because they have pagan themes.

b. Our ancestors did not use sturdy materials.

c. Most of the literary pieces are done in oral tradition.

d. The Philippines has no writing system during those times.

220. The potter transformed an AMORPHOUS slab of clay into a beautiful jar. What is the meaning of the
capitalized word?

a. Fragile

b. Shapeless

c. Expensive

d. Weightless

221. Which of the following sets of words has no correlation with each other?

a. Clever : Ingenious

b. Formerly : Fore

c. Double : Twofold

d. Elegy : Oration

222. The phrase “increasing wealth” can be associated with the word _____.

a. Ubiquity

b. Affluence

c. Omnipotent

d. Perilous

223. In Noli Me Tangere, Maria Clara exemplified the following Filipino traits of a Filipino woman except:

a. Modesty

b. Emancipation

c. Devotion

d. Purity

224. Which of the following sets of words has no correlation with each other?

a. Variety : Species

b. Sensuous : Senses

c. Troupe : Company

d. Their : In that place

225. When a student deletes, adds, and substitutes syllables and sounds, he/she is exemplifying which skill?

a. Segmenting

b. Counting

c. Blending

d. Manipulating

226. Which of the following sets of words has no correlation with each other?
a. Congenial : Cheerful

b. Garments : Clothes

c. Coarse : Harsh

d. Cite : Position

227. Why __________ at us?

a. Are those men staring

b. Those men are staring

c. Are those staring men

d. Those are staring men

228. To develop fluency, this type of reading is done when a model reads a passage then the students shortly
follow after.

a. Repeated reading

b. Echo reading

c. Choral reading

d. Chunk reading

229. The speaker has an IRRESPRESSIBLE sense of humor. The capitalized word means _____.

a. Undoubted

b. Magnificent

c. Unstoppable

d. Funny

230. In the sounds D, T, S, Z, L, N, and TH, which articulator is the most active?

a. Lips

b. Teeth

c. Tongue

d. Hard Palate

231. What is the real activity of Science that takes place in the minds of scientists?

a. Interpretation of data and observations

b. Setting up of materials before performing experiment

c. Formulation of hypothesis

d. Application after drawing conclusion

232. The Sky is Blue, the Sunset is Red-Orange, and the clouds are white due to _____ of light.

a. Refraction
b. Scattering

c. Diffraction

d. Dispersion

233. These are the thin structures for cytokinesis amoeboid movement and charges in the cell shape.

a. Nanofilaments

b. Microfilaments

c. Myonsinfilaments

d. Pseudofilaments

234. What will happen to a plant cell in a hypotonic solution?

a. The plant cell will developed a thickened cell wall.

b. The plant cell will shrivel.

c. No effect on the plant cell.

d. The plant cell will swell.

235. What will happen to a plant cell in a hypertonic solution?

a. The plant cell will developed a thickened cell wall.

b. The plant cell will shrivel.

c. No effect on the plant cell.

d. The plant cell will swell.

236. Art is product of man’s need to express himself with a high degree of sensitivity towards his environment.
Who is the painter of fisherfolks and farmers of his hometown in Rizal?

a. Vicente manansala

b. Carlos V. Francisco

c. Anita Magsaysay

d. Fernando Amorsolo

237. The human body temperature is _____.

a. 37 F

b. 98.4 F

c. 104 F

d. 445 F

238. Segmented worm that can be used for anticoagulation.

a. Earthworms

b. Leeches
c. Tape worm

d. None of the above

239. Which kind of relationship is manifested by algae and fungi in lichen?

a. Commensalism

b. Competition

c. Predation

d. Symbiosis

240. Same structure but different function is known as ______.

a. Vestigial

b. Analogous

c. Natural selection

d. Homologous

241. Of the following terms, the one that does not belong to the group is the _____.

a. Computer

b. Centrifuge

c. Hypothesis

d. Hemodialyzer

242. What do you call an organism that feed on another organism for survival?

a. Parasite

b. Commensal

c. Prey

d. Host

243. The branch of biology that deals with the study of animal behavior is called?

a. Psychology

b. Taxonomy

c. Ecology

d. Ethology

244. What term is given to a single living thing which is interacting in a given environment?

a. Cell

b. Organism

c. Population

d. Community
245. Prokaryotic cells are different from eukaryotic cells because prokaryotes have _____.

a. Small ribosomes used for protein synthesis

b. Nucleic acids found inside a nucleus

c. Mitochondria that participates in cellular respiration

d. Genome that is located in the nucleoid

246. “My mother has a green thumb. I can’t wait to show you her garden!” What is the meaning of the figurative
language used in the sentence?

a. Her mother is a vegetarian

b. Her mother owns a garden
c. Her mother cultivates a garden
d. Her mother is good at gardening

247. Which of the following speech processes deals with the amplification and enrichment of the voice with the
use of amplifiers like the chest, windpipe and nose?

a. Phonation

b. Inflection

c. Articulation

d. Resonation

248. In peace education, which is NOT included?

a. Conflict resolution

b. Negotiation

c. Mediation

d. Competition

249. When fifteen students fall in line according to age, the eight student has the _______ age.

a. Mean

b. Median

c. Mode

d. Average

250. A two-loved endocrine gland which is located in the neck and regulates metabolism is known as ______.

a. Pituitary gland

b. Thyroid gland

c. Parathyroid gland

d. Adrenal gland
General Education Set 5

Social Science (120 Items)

1. Which Spanish policy provided the resettlement of communities to form town centers of cabeceras?

a. Assimilation

b. Reduccion

c. Essimenda System

d. Bandala

2. Also known as the “Dark Continent”

a. Asia

b. Africa

c. Oceania

d. North America

3. The President known to have been figured in a controversy over the “Golden Arinola”

a. Ferdinand Marcos

b. Elpidio Quirino

c. Diosdado Macapagal

d. Ramon Magsaysay

4. Every June, Manila has its festival of outstanding Filipino films. This was a project initiated by

a. Arsemio Lacson

b. German Moreno

c. Antonio Villegas

d. Ramon Bagatsing

5. Known as the man with many talents.

a. Epifanio Delos Santos

b. Jose Rizal

c. Juan Luna

d. Fernando Amorsolo

6. The picture of our national hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal has appeared in Philippine money since _____.

a. 1903
b. 1912

c. 1907

d. 1902

7. The following characteristics were used by Rizal to describe Maria Clara except?

a. Modesty

b. Loveliness

c. Charming

d. Piety

8. What is the predominant characteristic of eastern religion?

a. Optimism

b. Secularism

c. Mysticism

d. Pessimism

9. Taoism is another Chinese philosophy about the same period of Confucianism; but more spiritual rather than
ethical interested as it stressed that nature contains a divine impulse that directs all life. Who is the philosopher
behind Taoism?

a. Confucius

b. Lao-tzu

c. The Buddha

d. Sidharta Gautama

10. Which is the government charge or burden in land and structure?

a. Real estate tax

b. Inheritance tax

c. Community tax

d. Value added tax

11. An important challenge facing the Constitutional Convention was how to balance the

a. Needs of Eastern and Western States

b. Interests of large and small states

c. Demands of farmers

d. Right of women
12. During WWII, which never became a member of the Allied Powers?

a. Soviet Union

b. France

c. Britain

d. China

13. Pilipinong rebulosyunaryong pinuno na nakipagsabwatan sa mga puwersang Britanyo upang patalsikin ang
pamamahalang Kastila.

a. Diego Llorico

b. Dante Silay

c. Diego Silang

d. Miguel Silang

14. The Sahara Desert is located

a. In Northern Africa

b. In Southern Africa

c. In Eastern Africa

d. In Western Africa

15. Which date is the oldest?

a. 1301 AD

b. 12000 BCE

c. 1044 CE

d. 120 BC

16. Which Chaldean King formed an alliance with the Scythians and Medes to form the Second Babylonian

a. Nabopolasar

b. Ashurbanipal

c. Shalmaneser

d. Nebuchadnezzar

17. Jose Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere is inspired by the novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe entitled

a. War and Peace

b. Uncle Tom’s Cabin

c. Tom Sawyer

d. Les Miserables

18. Pen name of Severino Reyes

a. Buan

b. Quijano de Manila

c. Lola Basyang

d. Tandang Sora

19. Right of the government to use private property of land for road establishment and improvements.

a. Expropriation right

b. Right of way

c. Taxation

d. Eminent Domain

20. Which is NOT a characteristic of people of with a strong sense of self-efficacy?

a. View challenging problems as tasks to be mastered.

b. Recover quickly from setbacks and disappointments.

c. Avoid challenging tasks.

d. Develop deeper interest in the activities in which they participate.

21. Which band played the Marcha Nacional Filipino of the national anthem on June 12, 1898 during the
declaration of Philippine Independence?

a. Pangkat ng Kawayan ng Pateros

b. Kawit Cavite Band

c. Malabon Band

d. San Francisco del Monte Band

22. Who advocated the process of Filipinization in the Philippines during the American colonial period?

a. William Howard Taft

b. Francis Burton Harrison

c. Frank Murphy

d. Dwight Davis

23. What is the term for a Spanishborn Spaniard or mainland Spaniard who resided in the New World or the
Spanish colonies like the Philippine?
a. Peninsulares

b. Sangley

c. Mestizo y Sangley

d. Insulares

24. Ano ang pangalan ng aso ni Rizal?

a. Burgos

b. Pedro

c. Usman

d. Cesar

25. Kailan nagsimula nag pagkakaroon ng modernisasyon ng wikang pambansa?

a. 1974

b. 1987

c. 1997

d. 1988

26. _______ rejected Aguinaldo as president.

a. Acta de Propaganda

b. Acta de Malolos

c. Acta de Tejeros

d. Acta de Katipunan

27. The first poem written by Jose Rizal

a. To the Women of Malolos

b. To the Filipino Youth

c. Mi Ultimo Adios

d. La Solidaridad

28. Sino ang kinikilalalng “Ama ng Sarswelang Tagalog at Ama ng Dulaang Tagalog”?

a. Severino Reyes

b. Aurelio Tolentino

c. N.V.M. Gonzalez

d. Alejandro Abadilla
29. Which Spanish Governor General had the program on Tobacco Monopoly in 1782?

a. Jose Basco

b. Narciso Claveria

c. Gaspar dela Torre

d. Eulogio Despujol

30. Who among the leaders of the Katipunan used the penname Agapito Bagumbayan?

a. Julian Felipe

b. Andres Bonifacio

c. Pio Valenzuela

d. Emilio Jacinto

31. Siya ay kilala sa tawag na “Taga-ilog”

a. Jose Abad Santos

b. Antonio Luna

c. Lope K. Santos

d. Jose Abadilla

32. Which kind of cooperative promotes thrift and savings among its members and create funds in order to
grant loans for productivity?

a. Credit Cooperative

b. Consumer Cooperative

c. Producers Cooperative

d. Service Cooperative

33. This hurricane cause a huge devastation in New Orleans in the United States of America. Which hurricane
was this?

a. Sandy

b. Irene

c. Katrina

d. Rita

34. What is the oldest religion in Asia?

a. Christianity

b. Hinduism
c. Islamism

d. Buddhism

35. This is the surface of the Earth between the Tropic Cancer and Arctic Circle.

a. Plane

b. Circle

c. Zone

d. Cone

36. Tinaguriang “Ama ng Pahayagan Tagalog”

a. Pascual Poblete

b. Mariano Ponce

c. Garciano Lopez Jaena

d. Severino Reyes

37. The meaning of Philippine National Anthem which was composed by Julian Felipe was similar to ______’s
national anthem.

a. Cuba

b. Spain

c. Mexico

d. Britain

38. SONA stands for

a. State of the Nation Address

b. State of the National Assembly

c. Speech of Noynoy Aquino

d. Status of the Nation Address

39. Who is the proponent of the arena theater?

a. Carpio

b. Tinio

c. Montano

d. Avellana

40. Who was given the honor as “First True Poet” in 1708?

a. Jose dela Cruz

b. Felipe de Jesus

c. Francisco Balagtas

d. Jose Corazon de Jesus

41. The Old Testament was originally written in what language?

a. Hebrew

b. Arabic

c. Korean

d. Latin

42. Which civic society aimed to unite the Filipino people before Rizal’s deportation to Dapitan?

a. La Solidaridad

b. La Liga Filipina

c. La Politica del Filipinos

d. La Propaganda

43. Social Studies is a component of which subject in high school?

a. English

b. Science

c. Filipino


44. Who was considered as the architect of Egyptian pyramids?

a. Thutmose II

b. Kaleb

c. Imhotep

d. Karnak

45. The social science share many commodities like the

a. Faces on understanding and explaining human behavior

b. Systematic collection and application data

c. Use of scientific method

d. All of the above

46. The former name of Mexico during the Spanish


a. Hispana Mejicana

b. Nueva España

c. Castilla y Leon

d. Verriena Mejicana

47. Who is the proponent of “Sala Theather”?

a. Daisy Avellana

b. Severino Montano

c. Naty Rogers C.

d. Nick Joaqiun

48. Who is the famous composer from Angono who is also a national artist?

a. Buenaventura

b. Cenizal

c. San Pedro

d. Cayabyab

49. A social science teacher conducts a research on the best practices of teaching AP in Grade 9. What kind of
research does the teacher conduct?

a. Action Research

b. Applied Research

c. Basic Research

d. Field Research

50. Ang orihinal na manuskirto ng Noli Me Tangere ay ipinagkaloob kay ______.

a. Ferdinand Blumentrit

b. Andres Bonifacio

c. Emilio Jacinto

d. Maximo Viola

51. He was the longest serving Spanish governor-general.

a. Basilio Agustin

b. Camilo de Polavieja

c. Rafael Maria de Aguilar

d. Rafael de Izquerdo

52. What is the name of the very first library in the world?

a. Beijing Imperial Library

b. Ashurbannipal Library

c. UST Library

d. Alexandria Library

53. He is a Filipino general who has a nickname of “Vibora”

a. Andres Bonifacio

b. Artemio Ricarte

c. Macario Sakay

d. Miguel Malvar

54. While credit cards can boost consumer buying, what is the danger to consumers?

a. Materialistic attitude to buying

b. Dept with high interest payments

c. Proliferation of plastic money

d. Surge in estafa cases

55. The oldest form of Egyptian writing.

a. Alphabet

b. Cursive

c. Hieroglyphics

d. Stone carving

56. He was the Philippine President who changed Philippine Independence Day from July 4 to June 12?

a. Ramon Magsaysay

b. Diosdado Macapagal

c. Manuel Roxas

d. Carlos P. Garcia

57. The book that was written by Antonio Pigafetta during Magellan’s expedition.

a. Circumnavigation Around The World

b. Voyager Around The World

c. The First Voyage Around The World

d. Top Of The World

58. Who shall have the exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachment?

a. House of Blue Ribbon Committee

b. House of Representatives

c. House of the Senate

d. Speaker of the House

59. Which city is the capital of the Assyrian Empire?

a. Assur

b. Agad

c. Babylon

d. Nineveh

60. Areas in both the tundra and subarctic zones have frozen layers of soil called ______

a. Steppes

b. Permafrost

c. Ice caps

d. Grasslands

61. Sa anong taon at petsa ginanap ang pagbomba sa Pearl Harbor sa Hawaii?

a. September 7, 1941

b. June 8, 1942

c. December 7, 1941

d. November 3, 1943

62. Saan kabilang ang imperyo ng Japan sa panahon ng una at ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdigan

a. Axis Power

b. Allied Forces

63. Voting is a privilege in a democracy. Those who are deprived their votes are normally _____

a. Franchised

b. Exiled

c. Disenfranchised
d. Execute

64. How do countries register dislike or disagreement of another country’s discussion through diplomatic

a. File a diplomatic protest

b. Recall all its nations

c. Declare war immediately

d. Retaliate by arresting national of the country

65. To be a moral person is to _____

a. Know and act upon the “ought to be” and the “ought to do”

b. Be integrated in speech, feelings, thinking and action

c. Be able to follow the dictates of one’s experience

d. Be acceptable by society

66. The theory that population increases by geometrical ratio while the means of subsistence increases by
arithmetical ratio is attributed to?

a. Karl Marx

b. Robert Malthus

c. Emile Durkheim

d. Aristotle

67. Which part of Asia does the Arabian peninsula occupy?

a. Northwest

b. Southeast

c. Southwest

d. Northeast

68. Which Katipunan member commuted from Cavite to Manila to buy materials used to make ammunitions?

a. Teresa Magbanua

b. Agueda Esteban

c. Teodora Alonso

d. Trinidad Tecson

69. How is the so-called colonial mentality manifested?

a. Cultural relativism
b. Cultural diversity

c. Xenocentrism

d. Ethnocentrism

70. Spanish missionaries played a major role not only in propagating the Christian faith but also in the political,
social, economic and cultural aspects of the Filipinos. This referred to as ______.

a. Frailocracy

b. Pharisaical

c. Secularization

d. Friars

71. He is known for his mathematics of they eye, theories of vision, ideas on the visual perception of space,
color vision research, and on the sensation of tone, perception of sound, and empiricism in the physiology of

a. Franz Joseph Gall

b. Rene Descartes

c. Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz

d. Charles Darwin

72. Which Gladiator carries a dagger and shield and also wears a leather belt and leg band?

a. Andabatus

b. Thracian

c. Myrmillo

d. Secutor

73. The world’s first nation state was created in _____

a. Egypt

b. India

c. England

d. New York

74. The framers designed a system of checks and balances to

a. Share power between states

b. Make it difficult to amend the Constitution

c. Make the Constitution the supreme law of the land

d. Keep any one branch of government from becoming too powerful

75. What is the longest river in the United States?

a. Missouri River

b. Nile River

c. Mississippi River

d. Colorado River

76. The duties of American citizens include obeying laws, paying taxes, defending the nation, serving in the
court and

a. Attending church

b. Attending school

c. Volunteering

d. Voting

77. In the Preamble, what phrase means “maintaining peace and order” in our country?

a. Establish justice

b. Secure the blessings

c. Insure domestic tranquility

d. We the people

78. What is the largest desert in the world?

a. Sahara

b. Arabian

c. Kalahari

d. Gobi

79. In what year did America officially declare war against Spain?

a. 1893

b. 1895

c. 1898

d. 1901

80. Which of the following supports the claim that benefits of the Columbian Exchange did not outweigh the

a. Without Columbus’s discovery there’d be no United States

b. Native Americans were introduced to horses

c. Native Americans were exposed to many European diseases like small pox

d. Food became cheaper for many Europeans

81. The French term for middle class is _____

a. Politique

b. Bourgeoisie

c. Estate

d. Bureaucracy

82. Why was James Madison is known as the “Father of the Constitution”?

a. He took so many notes

b. His influence was so great during the convention

c. He was the smartest delegate

d. He did so much research

83. The heart of the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great was located in the present-day country of ______

a. Saudi Arabia

b. Turkey

c. Greece

d. Iran

e. Pakistan

84. Which religion believes that through meditation humans can develop peace and solve their problems?

a. Christianity

b. Islam

c. Buddhism

d. Judaim

85. Which battle/attack signified the beginning of the American Civil War?

a. Battle of Lexington and Concord

b. Attack on Fort Henry

c. Attack at Fort Sumter

d. Attack at Fort Summer

86. Which religion has the 4 Noble Truths?

a. Hinduism

b. Islam

c. Christianity

d. Buddhism

87. The Native Americans called these crops the “Three Sisters”

a. watermelons, strawberries and peanuts

b. Tomatoes, avocados and potatoes

c. Peas, collards and pumpkins

d. Corn, squash and beans

88. Who was the leader of the Nazi’s during World War II?

a. Tony Blair

b. Stalin

c. Adolf Hitler

d. King George

89. _____ is directing water from the source to an area where there is no water.

a. Flooding

b. Trapping

c. Irrigating

90. Supporters of the New Constitution were known as ______

a. Republicans

b. Patriots

c. Anti-federalists

d. Federalists

91. How was Harold Godwinson rumoured to have been killed at the Battle of Hastings?

a. Head chopped off

b. Arrow in the eye

c. Sword in the heart

d. Fell off his horse

92. What river did Mexico say was the southern boundary of Texas?
a. Rio Grande River

b. Brazos River

c. Red River

d. Nueces River

93. Volunteerism involves giving _____ to other without receiving payment.

a. Money

b. Orders

c. Responsibilities

d. Time and services

94. The branch of government that carries out law is _____

a. Executive

b. Electoral College

c. Judicial

d. Legislative

95. What is the term for the dominance and power asserted by one nation over less powerful nations?

a. Socialism

b. Imperialism

c. Domesticism

d. Racism

96. What is the name of the political part most often associated with Nelson Mandela?

a. National Party

b. African National Congress

c. South African Worker’s Party

d. Socialist Party of South Africa

97. Battle of Mactan

a. April 17, 1941

b. April 27, 1521

c. May 27, 1521

d. May 17, 1941

98. Leader of revolt in Tarlac

a. Francisco Dagohoy

b. Francisco Makabulos

c. Raja Sulayman

d. Raja Humabon

99. First woman fighter in Panay

a. Trinidad Tecson

b. Teresa Magbanua

c. Marina Dizon

d. Agueda Esteban

100. Ina ng Balintawak

a. Melchora Aquino

b. Gabriela Silang

c. Gregoria de Jesus

d. Teresa Magbanua

101. Ecosystem is the relationship between the physical and biological environment in a certain plain. Among
desert ecosystems, the world’s largest ecosystem is ______

a. Sahara

b. Tianshan

c. Sonoran

d. Antartica

102. If Bukidnon and Lanao are/is plateau. Zamboanga is more of a/an?

a. Island

b. Valley

c. Archipelago

d. Peninsula

103. An element which is widely used in industry as a purifier.

a. Oxygen

b. Nitrogen

c. Carbon
d. Hydrogen

104. Is believed to be the most important metallic element in industry.

a. Iron

b. Sulfur

c. Sodium

d. Magnesium

105. He computed the height of the great pyramid in Egypt.

a. Aryabhata

b. Ptolemy

c. Eratosthenes

d. Thales

106. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform and cooperatives are meant to?

a. Eradicate poverty in the country

b. To make all citizens equal

c. To improve on the country’s literary rate

d. Bridge the gap between the rich and poor

107. The Philippine archipelago is located between _____ and _____.

a. Japan – Korea

b. Vietnam – Thailand

c. Taiwan – Borneo

d. South Korea – Japan

108. He was considered as the first teacher in ancient China?

a. Lao Tzu

b. Mo – Tzu

c. Shintoism

d. Confucius

109. The Father of Computer Science.

a. Adam Lovelace

b. Alan Turing
c. Albert Einstein

d. Georg Cantor

110. Ano ang pangalan ng micro-satelite na ginawa ng Pilipinas?

a. Diwata 1

b. Bulalakaw Uno

c. Hiwaga 1

d. Pilipinas 1

111. Born in Sta. Cruz, Manila on August 2, 1799. he was the parish priest of Bacoor, Cavity at the time he
was involved in the Cavite Mutiny of 1872.

a. Andres Urdanete

b. Vicente Garcia

c. Jacinto Zamora

d. Mariano Gomez

112. Ang may-akda ng kauna-unahang aklat na nilimbag sa Pilipinas, ang “Doctrina Christiana”.

a. Fr. Domingo de Nieva

b. Fr. Pedro Pelaez

c. Fr. Martin de Goiti

d. Fr. Juan de Polavieja

113. Where did Apolinario dela Cruz or Hermano Pule establish the Confradia de San Jose (Confraternity of
St. Joseph)?

a. Manila

b. Pasay

c. Tayabas

d. Sta. Misa

114. Which of the following are the problems of Commonwealth?

I. National Security

II. Social Stability

III. Economic Problem

IV. Language Problem

a. I, II, and III

b. I and III

c. II, III, IV

d. I, II, III, IV

115. When did President Quezon proclaimed “Tagalog” as the National Language?

a. December 30, 1937

b. December 31, 1937

c. December 30, 1938

d. December 31, 1938

116. Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino, Jr. was assassinated on _______.

a. August 21, 1983

b. August 22, 1984

c. August 22, 1983

d. August 21, 1984

117. President Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial Law on _________.

a. September 23, 1972

b. September 24, 1972

c. September 25, 1972

d. September 26, 1972

118. What is being celebrated every 22nd of April?

a. Mother Language Day

b. International Day of Tolerance

c. Earth’s Day

d. None of the Above

119. What is the Ancient Greeks form of writing?

a. Cunieform

b. Hieroglyphics

c. Gothic

d. Bousterophedon

120. What is the latest addition to our departments added in 2016?



c. DAR


Science (75 Items)

1. Chemical substances found in the living system that catalyze chemical reactions are called ______?

a. Electrolytes

b. Neutralizes

c. Buffers

d. Enzymes

2. Which of the following pairs of body parts is considered homologous?

a. Human arms and Seal’s flippers

b. Appendix and tail bone

c. Lungs and gills

d. Ectoderm and endoderm

3. Why are our lips “redder” than our palm?

a. There is increased blood flow in the lips.

b. Lips are heavily keratinized.

c. Lips epidermis is thinner

d. Many blood vessels are located around the lips

4. Non-renewable resource that have not yet developed in the Philippines.

a. Coal

b. Sea

c. Wind

d. Water

5. Element X has an electron configuration of 1s² 2s² 2p². Based on the information given, element X belongs
to a/an ______ family.

a. Alkali metal

b. Halogen
c. Inert gas

d. Conage

6. Which of the following item could best called biodegradable?

a. Phosphate detergents

b. Polystyrene cups

c. Polyvinylchloride pipes

d. Cellulose

e. Aluminum

7. Iron is what type of magnetic material?

a. Ferromagnetic

b. Diamagnetic

c. Paramagnetic

d. Non-magnetic

8. What will happen to a plant cell in a hypertonic solution?

a. The plant cell will have edema

b. The plant cell will rupture

c. No effect on the cell

d. The plant cell will shrink

9. Which of the following is not considered as useful function of bacteria?

a. They act as decomposers of dead organism

b. They can synthesize enzymes to make vitamins

c. They can clean up spill by digesting hydrocarbons

d. They can be pathogenic

10. The product of a reaction between alcohol and organic acid is.

a. Ether

b. Ester

c. Ketone

d. Aldyhyde

11. Who discovered penicillin?

a. Fleming

b. Mendel

c. Curie

d. Darwin

12. What diagnostic test allows microorganisms to multiply in a medium under controlled laboratory condition in
order to determine the cause of an intentions disease?

a. Microbial culture

b. Chest x-ray

c. Complete blood count

d. Urinalysis

13. Which of the following is not fuel source?

a. Battery

b. Crude oil

c. Coal

d. Wood

14. Pteridology is a sub-branch of ______.

a. Botany

b. Paleontology

c. Genetics

d. Zoology

15. _____ is to insects as toxicology is to _____.

a. Entomology : Toxicity

b. Ichthylogy : Poison

c. Etymology : Toxicity

d. Entomology : Poison

16. A junior high student on a field trip dips a tiny collecting bottle into the sunny water of a pond, and returns a
sample to the science lab. Upon examining a drop of the water under microscope, she will most likely see:

a. Rapidly moving, green-colored euglena

b. Giant kelp and parasitic amoebas

c. Slime molds inflecting aquatic bacteria

d. Brownish colored euglena without chloroplasts

17. Which of the following is not a DNA nucleotide?

a. Cytosine

b. Guanine

c. Adenine

d. Uracil

18. Compactness of a matter

a. Mass

b. Volume

c. Density

d. None of these

19. How many twenty thousands are there in one million?

a. 500

b. 50

c. 100

d. 1000

20. Which has the highest density?

a. Cola

b. Distilled water

c. Salt water

d. Cooking oil

21. Which of the following light colors have the highest energy?

a. Red

b. Yellow

c. Green

d. Blue

e. Violet

22. Who among the following scientists formulated the “Germ Theory of Disease”?

a. Adolf Eduard Myer

b. Louise Pasteur

c. Edward Jenner

d. Robert Koch

23. Which complex is not involved in the establishment of conditions for ATP synthesis

a. Photosystem I

b. ATP Synthase

c. Photosysment II

d. Cytochrome Complex

24. Considered as one of the world’s greatest short stories, and it sis Edgar Allan Poe’s story of terror about a
hypochondriac living in morbid fear.

a. Annabel Lee

b. The Fall of the House of Usher

c. Macbeth

d. The Raven

25. He invented his twenty-power telescope and discovered that the moon was “imperfect”.

a. Aristotle

b. Da Vinci

c. Galileo

d. Einstein

26. What characteristics of living things is shown by mimosa pudica (makahiya) when its leaflets fold upward
when touched?

a. Adaptation

b. Development

c. Growth

d. Irritability

27. Hair, skin and finger nails are part of what organ system?

a. Endocrine system

b. Lymphatic system

c. Immune system

d. Integumentary system
28. He is the inventor/discoverer of vulcanizing the rubber

a. Charles Goodyear

b. Charles Darwin

c. John Dalton

d. Rudolph Diesel

29. Studies show that there are parts of the body that have lost their usefulness and which may later
disappear. What are these organs called?

a. Residual

b. Extinct

c. Fossilized

d. Vestigial

30. Which of the following is involved in the success of Gregor Mendel’s experiment?

a. Inclusion of Math

b. Laboratory Procedure

c. Logical Analysis

d. Set-up Experiment

31. What is the resistance of 100 watts, 110 volts incandescent lamp?

a. 121 ohms

b. 115 ohms

c. 125 ohms

d. 12.1 ohms

32. Which antidote would have a similar effect if vinegar or citrus juice were not available?

a. Milk

b. Vegetable Oil

c. Raw Egg White

d. Water

33. All are characteristics of mammals, except:

a. Endothermic

b. Egg-laying

c. Feathered
34. This is a segmented worm that can be used to facilitate anticoagulation.

a. Leeches

b. Maggots

c. Earthworms

d. Bloodworms

35. A deformity involving one foot or both.

a. Cerebral Palys

b. Spermarch

c. Club foot

d. Menarche

36. Insulin is secreted by the ____.

a. Pancreas

b. Liver

c. Intestine

d. Kidney

37. The “red tide” phenomenon causes what particular marine organism to be poisonous for human

a. Arthropods

b. Algae

c. Earthworm

d. Mollusks

38. What is the main organ for respiration?

a. Brain

b. Liver

c. Lungs

d. Skin

39. Is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen

a. Iron

b. Calcium carbonate

c. Nitric acid
d. Ammonia

40. Which of the following is a colloid?

a. Water

b. Soda

c. Milk

d. Gasoline

41. Gas produced by plants at night.

a. Nitrogen

b. ATP

c. Oxygen

d. Carbon dioxide

42. What do you call the organisms who only eats plants and algae?

a. Predator

b. Carnivore

c. Herbivore

d. Omnivore

43. A mango tree was planted beside a sampaguita plant in a garden. It demonstrate what kind of relationship?

a. Predation

b. Commensalism

c. Competition

d. Mutualism

44. What is the basis for clarifying plants based on phylogenetic considerations?

a. Natural composition
b. Physical composition
c. Structural similarities
d. Evolutionary sequences

45. An atom of silicon has a mass number of 28 and atomic number of 14. How many protons are in this atom?

a. 14

b. 12

c. 28
d. 7

46. Humans reproduce when an ovum is combined with a sperm leading to development of an embryo. This
form of reproduction is called _____.

a. Asexual reproduction

b. Fertilization

c. Budding

d. Binary fission

47. Hair and fingernails are made up of what substance?

a. Sorotonin

b. Melanin

c. Keratin

d. Melatonin

48. A paper clip (toothpick) can sit on the surface of water due to?

a. Atmospheric pressure

b. Surface tension

c. Viscosity

d. Bouyancy

49. The Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis are cause by the interaction between charge particles and
Earth’s magnetic field. What layers of Earth’s atmosphere contains these particles?

a. Exosphere

b. Ozonosphere

c. Mesosphere

d. Thermosphere

50. The scientist who formulated a heliocentric model of solar system was ______.

a. Descartes

b. Copernicus

c. Ptolemy

d. Galileo Galilei

51. A stretch rubber band has?

a. Kinetic Energy
b. Elastic Potential Energy

c. Electromagnetic Energy

d. Nuclear Energy

52. Humans have _____ pairs of chromosomes.

a. 20

b. 24

c. 23

d. 22

53. Which has the higher specific heat capacity, water or sand?

a. Neither

b. Sand

c. Both

d. Water

54. Which of these does not belong to the other three terms?

a. Colloid

b. Element

c. Suspension

d. Solution

55. Which of the following is heterogeneous?

a. Rain water

b. Sea water

c. Clean air

d. Kerosene

56. Of the state of matter, which has the weakest intermolecular force of attraction?

a. Plasma

b. Liquid

c. Solid

d. Gas

57. To be safe in the unlikely case of lightning strike, it is best to be inside a building framed with ______.
a. Steel

b. Cement

c. Iron

d. Wood

58. Where does protein synthesis takes place?

a. Lysosomes

b. Ribosome

c. Endoplasmic Reticulum

d. Golgi Bodies

59. Egg-laying mammals are called _____

a. Vivaparous

b. Oviparous

60. The powerhouse of the cell

a. Ribosome

b. Mitochondria

c. Chitin

d. Lipids

61. Which among the following gases traps the highest amount of heat a given point in time?

a. C02 – Carbon Dioxide

b. CH4 – Methane

c. H2O (gas) – Water Vapor

62. The following are examples of six-carbon sugars, EXCEPT _____

a. Dextrose

b. Ribose

c. Fructose

d. Galactose

63. Chemical substances found in the living system that help regulate acid-base balance are called _____.

a. Electrolytes

b. Neutralizers
c. Buffers

d. Enzymes

64. The chemical process involved in the formation of salt is called ______

a. Combination

b. Dehydration

c. Neutralization

d. Synthesis

65. Which monosaccharide is a component of ripened mangoes?

a. Glucose

b. Fructose

c. Galactose

d. Sucrose

66. Which type of lipids is a biological component of the cell membrane?

a. Fats

b. Waxes

c. Phospholipids

d. steroids

67. The basic unit of protein molecules are the _____

a. Amino acids

b. Nucleic acids

c. Fatty acids

d. Enzymes

68. Which of the following common sugars is considered the sweetest?

a. Glucose

b. Fructose

c. Sucrose

d. Maltose

69. The polysaccharide temporarily stored in the liver of animals as instant source of energy is _____

a. Cellulose
b. Chitin

c. Glycogen

d. Starch

70. _____ is a complex carbohydrate commercially used in paper-making and biologically helps reduce the risk
of colon cancer.

a. Cellulose

b. Chitin

c. Glycogen

d. Starch

71. _____ are proteins that help speed up chemical processes in the body.

a. Antibodies

b. Receptors

c. Enzymes

d. Hormones

72. Which of the following nitrogenous bases is NOT a component of DNA?

a. Adenine

b. Guanine

c. Thymine

d. Uracil

73. What is the most abundant inorganic compounds?

a. Oxygen

b. Hydrogen

c. Water

d. Nitrogen

74. Refers to a disorder which muscular control and coordination are impaired due to brain damage.


b. Cerebral Palsy

c. Dyslexia

d. Dysphasia

75. The approximate distance of the Earth from the Sun.

a. 146.9 million cm

b. 149.6 million km

c. 149.6 million cm

d. 146.9 million km

English (95 Items)

1. It is a collection of religious poetry written by Rabindranath Tagore

a. Mahabharata

b. Gitanjali

c. The Ramayana

d. Bhagavad Gita

2. The greatest metaphysical poet and best remembered for his use of metaphysical conceits in the Holy

a. George Herbet

b. John Donne

c. Andrew Marvell

d. John Milton

3. Samuel Clemens is popularly known as _____.

a. The Barrettes

b. Ulysses

c. Abe Lincoln

d. Mark Twain

4. You are the sunshine of my life.

a. Metaphor

b. Hyperbole

c. Irony

d. Metonymy

5. The author of a modest Proposal and Gulliver’s travel.

a. Jonathan Swift

b. Ben Jonson
c. Christopher Marlowe

d. Edmund Spenser

6. Father of English essay

a. Francis Bacon

b. William James

c. Edgar Allan Poe

d. Alexander Dumas

7. Even when her friends betray her, Becky bears no rancor in her heart because she is not ______.

a. Insulted

b. Embarrassed

c. Consoled

d. Bitter

8. We listened to a LOQUACIOUS speaker. The BOLD word means?

a. Simple

b. Quiet

c. Lousy

d. Verbose

9. “To be or Not to be” is the beginning of the brooding soliloquy of the character of one of the play of William
Shakespeare. Who is that character?

a. Anthony

b. Hamlet

c. Macbeth

d. Romeo

10. He is recognized as the Father of American Literature.

a. Rabindranath Tagore

b. Geoffrey Chaucer

c. Washington Irving

d. Charles Dickens

11. This poet is recognized as the greatest pastoral poet of all times.

a. Robert Frost
b. William Faulkner

c. Elizabeth Frost

d. Wallace Stevens

12. He is considered as the greatest English writer. He is also known as the “Bard Of Avon”.

a. Francis Bacon

b. William Shakespeare

c. Sir Walter Scott

d. Geoffrey Chaucer

13. Message for the dead.

a. Elegy

b. Sonnet

c. Eulogy

d. Ballad

14. He is the Father of Inductive Reasoning and Father of English essay.

a. John Bunyan

b. Geoffrey Chaucer

c. John Milton

d. Francis Bacon

15. The president deliver his speech with candor.

a. Energy

b. Beliefs

c. Frankness

d. Jokes

16. It is the longest epic ever written.

a. Mahabharata

b. Lam-ang

c. Siegfried

d. Lament

17. Mark Twain’s novels Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are set in the ______ river.
a. Nile

b. Mississippi

c. Amazon

d. Rio Grande

18. These two words lack correlation:

a. Forcible : Violent

b. Formally : Conventionally

c. Fictitious : False

d. Indict : To write

19. Why ______ at us?

a. Are those ladies laughing

b. Those are ladies laughing

c. Are laughing those ladies

d. Those ladies are laughing

20. Who is considered the MOST outstanding among Filipino playwrights in English?

a. Leon Ma. Guerrero

b. Wilfredo Ma. Guerrero

c. Severino Montano

d. Carlos P. Romulo

21. These are sounds produced with little obstruction in the vocal tract and are generally voiced. They are
described in terms of tongue height, frontness, lip rounding and tenseness.

a. Consonant

b. Phonemes

c. Morphemes

d. Vowels

22. The “Dead Stars” symbolizes ______.

a. The love of Esperanza for Alfredo

b. The love of Alfredo for Julia

c. The love of Julie for Alfredo

d. The love of Alfredo for Esperanza

23. The wounded soldiers were visited by the president who honored them with ____ for their _____.

a. medals – valor

b. money – sacrifice

c. gun salute – bravery

d. appointments - dedication

24. Boiled camote with butter _____ my favorite snack.

a. Are

b. Is

c. Will be

d. Shall be

25. Teaching the connections between sounds and spelling is called _____

a. Phonetics

b. Phonics

c. Phonology

d. Morphology

26. Which intonation pattern is applicable to the statement below?

I’m looking for a blue book not a red book.

a. Rising – Falling Intonation or 2-3-1

b. Rising Intonation or 2-3-3

c. Non-final Intonation or 2-3-2-3-1

d. Falling Intonation or 1-2-1

27. These sounds are produced with the obstruction of airflow. The airflow is either blocked momentarily or
restricted so much that noise is produced as air flows past the constriction.

a. Phonemes

b. Morphemes

c. Consonants

d. Vowels

28. Consonants are described in terms of physical dimensions such as the following, EXPECT:

a. Systematic Variations in Production

b. Place of Articulation
c. Manner of Articulation

d. Voicing

29. A type of literature which narrates heroic deeds and supernatural happenings with local color and which
people sing or chant

a. Epic

b. Poetry

c. Verse

d. Riddles

30. What season is it, with the line, “He ruffles every lily-pond? Where blossoms kiss and part.”

a. Spring

b. Winter

c. Autumn

d. Summer

31. “Helen of Troy is the face who launched a thousand ship.”

What figure of speech is used in the given sentence?

a. Tautology

b. Synecdoche

c. Personification

d. Anaphora

32. “A man is known by the company he keeps.” This is an example of a ______.

a. Report

b. Proverb

c. Poem

d. Rule

33. Wise people can _____ with frustrations.

a. Cope in

b. Cope up

c. Cope

d. Cope on

34. Except for profanity, I liked the story. What is the story about?
a. Shamelessness

b. Kind words

c. Wordiness

d. Obscenities

35. Which of the following words are missplelled?

1. Transgression

2. Transcent

3. Inmunity

4. Percieve

a. 2 & 3

b. 2, 3 & 4

c. 1, 3 & 4

d. 1, 2 & 3

36. In his despair, Judas ______ himself.

a. Hang

b. Hung

c. Hunged

d. Hanged

37. A speech by a person who reveals his thoughts.

a. Sonnet

b. Metaphor

c. Soliloquy

d. Simile

38. These stories, which reflect the people’s belief, are handed down from one generation to another by word
of mouth.

a. Novels

b. Folktales

c. Prose

d. Poetry

39. The figure of speech, which uses exaggerated statement for aesthetic reason.
a. Alliteration

b. Onomatopoeia

c. Hyperbole

d. Metaphor

40. A collection of literary pieces.

a. Prose

b. Biography

c. Anthology

d. Diary

41. If he ____ the class president, he would have won the leadership award.

a. Was

b. Is

c. Were

d. Are

42. A verse with 14 iambic pentameter lines

a. Ballad

b. Verse

c. Sonnet

d. Epic

43. Pen name of Mary Ann Evans

a. George Elliot

b. Robert Browning

c. Mark Twain

d. Edgar Allan Poe

44. The Epic of Gilgamesh was written by which ancient civilization?

a. Akkadian

b. Sumerian

c. Egyptian

d. Indian
45. Greatest American writer of horror and detective stories.

a. Albert Camus

b. Edgar Allan Poe

c. Justin O’Brien

d. James Joyce

46. Jacee was confused when she printout her speech because it had slashes after some words. What should
she do when seeing a double slash?

a. Stop at the speech

b. Wait for the audience reaction

c. Continue the speech

d. Pause for a full second

47. A poem made by Edgar Allan Poe who’s story is all about a maiden who lived in a kingdom by the sea.

a. The City in the Sea

b. For Annie

c. Annabel Lee

d. To the River

48. “May-Day Eve” is one of the literary masterpieces of ______.

a. Emmanuel Arguilla

b. Carlos P. Romulo

c. Nick Joaquin

d. Edgar Allan Poe

49. The author “Annabel Lee” which is about the death of a beautiful woman.

a. Robert Frost

b. Homer

c. Edgar Allan Poe

d. Herman Hesse

50. “Two heads are better than one” means that it’s better for two people to think of a solution than just one
person. This is a classic example of this figure of speech.

a. Simile

b. Metaphor
c. Synecdoche

d. Metonymy

51. The planets of the solar system have mythological references. They are based on what genre of

a. Greek Mythology

b. Roman Mythology

c. Norse Mythology

d. European Mythology

52. A new show _____ on ABS-CBN two days ago.

a. Launched

b. Was launched

c. Will be launched

d. Is launching

53. In the courtroom, the judge said that the findings have no bearing because they are _____.

a. Inaccurate

b. Inadmissible

c. Confusing

d. Inedible

54. The newly elected president demonstrated great APLOMB in dealing with the nasty and foul questions
thrown by the reporters. The capitalized word means:

a. Nervousness

b. Hesitation

c. Composure

d. Anger

55. “The goddess Aphrodite is the phantom of delight.” the sentence is an example of

a. Metaphor

b. Simile

c. Irony

d. Hyperbole

56. In the poem Invictus, the line “My head is bloody, but unbowed.” is an example of
a. Metaphor

b. Oxymoron

c. Irony

d. Hyperbole

57. “Red Letter day” is a/an _______.

a. Idiom

b. Hyperbole

c. Simile

d. Metaphor

58. It is raining cats and dogs. Sophia, may I borrow _____ umbrella? I left _____ inside the car.

a. Your, mine

b. Yours, my

c. You’re, mine

d. Your, my

59. The _____ of the story is that honesty is the best policy.

a. Moralist

b. Moral

c. Morality

d. Morale

60. Based on the reports of the inspector, the edifice collapsed because of ______ joints.

a. Loose

b. Losing

c. Lose

d. Lost

61. Behaviorism or cognitivism _____ is a philosophy of education that teachers can adopt.

a. Is

b. Are

c. Was

d. Were
62. In an English class, one complete statement is dictated as the students are asked to identity which of the
two was meant by the speaker:

I. He said I stink.

II. He said “iced ink”

What particular property of suprasegmental is depicted in the examples?

a. Intonation

b. Stress

c. Juncture

d. Pitch

63. Who is the Greek tragic writer who wrote Medea?

a. Aristotle

b. Sophocles

c. Euripides

d. Aeschylus

64. The army’s retreat was IGNOMINOUS. What does this mean?

a. Reputable

b. Honorable

c. Shameful

d. Mysterious

65. The heart of the 1987 Constitution centers on:

a. Political Rights

b. Moral Rights

c. Bill Of Rights

d. Social And Economic Rights

66. If I _____ rich, I would travel abroad every year.

a. Were

b. Am

c. Should be

d. Was

67. The book Historia Plantrum is written by?

a. Aristotle

b. Lamarck and Treviranus

c. Theophrastus

d. Hippocrates

68. Select the sentence that clearly and effectively states the idea and has no structural errors.

a. The weather service expects temperatures to not rise.

b. The weather service expects temperatures to no to increase.

c. The weather service expects temperature not to rise.

d. The weather service expects temperature not to increase.

69. “Quo Vadis” is a historical novel by Henryk Sienkieuricz which means?

a. What are you doing?

b. Why are you doing this?

c. How is life?

d. Where are you going?

70. Technology _____ dramatically in the twenty-first century.

a. Was improved

b. Has improved

c. Is improved

d. Did improve

71. The sentence “My head is bloody, but unbowed.” is an example of a/an _______.

a. Metaphor

b. Simile

c. Alliteration

d. Hyperbole

72. The cause of power outage was a _____ connection.

a. Lose

b. Loose

c. Lost

d. Losing
73. If I _____ known you before, we could have become partners for a project.

a. Will

b. Could

c. Had

d. Have

74. The _____ of the story is that friendship is sacred.

a. Morale

b. Message

c. Moral

d. Lesson

75. A bread and butter sandwich _____ my favorite morning snack.

a. Is

b. Has been

c. Are

d. Have been

76. I watched the _______ news on TV.

a. Late

b. Lately

c. Later

d. Latest

77. Which poem by William Ernest Henley answers the question; “Do humans control be their own lives?”

a. Remember

b. Invictus

c. Precious Stones

d. The Alderking

78. What do you mean by Acapella?

a. Duet

b. With accompaniment

c. Solo singing
d. Without accompaniment

79. “Your statements are IMPERTINENT to the case.” The capitalized word means ______.

a. Important

b. Irrelevant

c. Violent

d. Malicious

80. “Let us campaign for the total ban ______ of harmful insecticides.”

a. With the use

b. On using

c. On the use

d. With using

81. She is known for her PENCHANT for jewelry. The bold word means?

a. Aversion

b. Dislikes

c. Avoidance

d. Fondness

82. After several years of being single, she become an APE LEADER

a. Lonely

b. Old maid

c. Martyr

d. Mysterious

83. Who was the foremost French short story writer

a. Anatole France

b. De Maupassant

c. Balzac

d. George Eliot

84. Who is the American writer behavior behind the naturalistic novel “Red Badge of Courage”

a. Mark Twain

b. Charles Dickens
c. Stephen Crane

d. George Orwell

85. Which of the following is a work of Samuel Langhorne Clemens?

a. Animal Farm

b. Uncle Tom’s Cabin

c. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

d. The Scarlet Letter

86. Who wrote the oratorical piece entitled “The Gettysburg Address”

a. George Washington

b. Victor Hugo

c. Abraham Lincoln

d. Carl Sandburg

87. The Father of English Tragedy

a. Geoffrey Chaucer

b. William Shakespeare

c. C. Marlowe

d. Robert Frost

88. He was known as the Father of American short story and American literary criticism.

a. Poe

b. Hawthorne

c. Frost

d. Browning

89. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” An inspirational quote from?

a. Confucius

b. Aristotle

c. Mencius

d. Lao Tzu

90. Consonants are described in terms of physical dimensions such as the following, EXCEPT:

a. Systematic Variations in Production

b. Place of Articulation

c. Manner of Articulation

d. Voicing

91. In a class, the teacher made the students produce the sound /n/ first before introducing the words, nice,
need and neck which have the beginning sound /n/. The scenario depicts what concept of linguistics?

a. Phonetics

b. Phonics

c. Phonology

d. Morphology

92. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her
brood under her wings.”

a. Allusion

b. Simile

c. Apostrophe

d. Metaphor

93. Which of the following speech articulators does most of the work in sounds like d, t, s, z, i and th?

a. Lips

b. Tongue

c. Teeth

d. Soft palate

94. The Scottish folklorist and writer of fairy tales.

a. Andrew Lang

b. Cosmo Gordon Lang

c. John Dunmore Lang

d. Fritz Lang

95. He is best known as the author of the epic Ramcharitmanas, a retelling of the Sanskrit Ramanaya based
on Rama’s life.

a. Abu Bakhar

b. Valmiki

c. Tulsidas

d. Vyasa
Philippine History (210 Items)

1. Who was the revolutionary leader known as the Brain of Katipunan?

a. Emilio Jacinto

b. Apolinario Mabini

c. Andres Bonifacio

d. Emilio Aguinaldo

2. What do you call the power granted by the King of Spain to the Governor General of the Philippines to set
aside a certain law?

a. Veto

b. Cumplase

c. Visita

d. Patronato real

3. Who was the Spanish governor-general who establish the tobacco monopoly?

a. Basilio Agustin

b. Rafael Izquerdo

c. Jose Basco

d. Francisco Rizzo

4. How long did the tobacco monopoly implemented in 1781 lasted?

a. 100 years

b. 81 years

c. 95 years

d. 120 years

5. What was the newspaper of the Katipunan?

a. Diariong Tagalog

b. Muling Pagsilang

c. La Independencia

d. Kalayaan

6. When was Manila formally opened to international trade?

a. 1834

b. 1855
c. 1840

d. 1872

7. From 1571 to 1884, Filipinos aged 19-60 years old were required to pay taxes called tributo. But in 1884, the
Spanish Government abolished the tribute and instituted another form of taxation. What was this new tax

a. Sanctorum

b. Cedula Personal

c. Diezmos Prediales

d. Donativo

8. Which economic Policy implemented by the Spanish government required each province to meet the quota
of commodities assigned to it?

a. Galleon trade

b. Tobacco Monopoly

c. Encomienda

d. Bandala

9. When was the Katipunan founded?

a. July 7, 1892

b. July 7, 1896

c. July 6, 1892

d. July 6, 1896

10. Hudhud is an epic of which ethnolinguistic group?

a. Ifugao

b. Ilocano

c. Bicolano

d. Maranao

11. The Tagalog lullaby is called _____.

a. Uyayi

b. Ihiman

c. Kutang-kutang

d. Chua-ay
12. Who was the companion of Ruy Lopez de Villalobos who gave the Samar-Leyte region the name Felipinas
in honor of King Philip II of Spain?

A. Bernardo de la Torre

B. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi

C. Antonio Pigafetta

D. Andres de Urdaneta

13. Who was the leader of the longest revolt against the Spanish colonization in the Philippines which lasted
from 1744-1829?

a. Francisco Dagohoy

b. Francisco Maniago

c. Apolinario dela Cruz

d. Andres Malong

14. What was the first sultanate in the Philippines which was founded by Abu Bakr in 1450 AD?

a. Sulu Sultanate

b. Maguindanao Sultanate

c. Lanao Sultanate

d. Buayan Sultanate

15. The Muslim/Moslems in the Philippines were called by Spaniards _____.

a. Moros

b. Criollos

c. Lumads

d. Indios

16. What city was established by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi as the first permanent settlement of the Spaniards
in the Philippines?

a. Cebu

b. Tacloban

c. Manila

d. Ilo-ilo

17. What city in the Philippines was named by the Spaniards as “San Miguel” and was later renamed
“Santisimo Nombre de Jesus”?

a. Manila
b. Cebu

c. Bacolod

d. Ilo-ilo

18. Jose Rizal was ordered by Governor General Eulogio Despujol deported to Dapitan in 1892. In what
province in Mindanao can Dapitan be found today?

a. Zamboanga del Norte

b. Zamboanga del Sur

c. Davao del Sur

d. Davao del Norte

19. Who was the first president of La Liga Filipina?

a. Ambrosio Salvador

b. Deodato Arellano

c. Marcelo H. Del Pilar

d. Jose Rizal

20. Where was Jose Rizal buried after his execution at Bagumbayan Field (now Luneta) on December 30,

a. Manila North Cemetery

b. Calamba Laguna

c. Fort Santiago

d. Paco Cemetery

21. What was the only living remnant of the Philippine Revolution of 1896?

a. Philippine Independent Church

b. Union Obrera

c. Kartilla

d. Protestant Church

22. Who was the founder and editor of the newspaper “La Independencia”?

a. Antonio Luna

b. Apolinario Mabini

c. Graciano Lopez Jaena

d. Marcelo H. del Pilar

23. Who wrote the “El Verdadero Decalogo” (The True Decalogue)?

a. Apolinario Mabini

b. Emilio Jacinto

c. Emilio Aguinaldo

d. Andres Bonifacio

24. Who wrote the Code of Conduct of the Katipunan memebers called “Kartilla”?

a. Emilio Jacinto

b. Andres Bonifacio

c. Pio Valenzuela

d. Apolinario Mabini

25. What was the first newspaper in the Philippines that printed only fifteen issues?

a. Del Superior Gobierno

b. Diario de Manila

c. Diariong Tagalog

d. Doctrina Cristiana

26. What was the first daily newspaper in the Philippines?

a. La Esperenza

b. Diario de Manila

c. El Catolico

d. Circulo Hispano-Filipino

27. Aside from Marcelo H. del Pilar, who was the other publisher of the Diariong Tagalog, the first bilingual
newspaper in the Philippines that first appeared in June 1882?

a. Mariano Ponce

b. Jose Ma. Basa

c. Basilio Teodoro

d. Jose Ma. Panganiban

28. How was forced labor during the Spanish Regime called?

A. Bandala

B. Polo

C. Servicio Manual
D. Recopilacion

29. Governor-General Narciso Claveria was responsible for the ____.

a. Use of Spanish surname by Filipinos

b. Establishment of the bandala system

c. Abolition of the Galleon Trade

d. Establishment of Tobacco System

30. What was the name of the first labor union in the country founded by Isabelo delos Reyes on July 1901.

a. Association of Philippine Labor

b. Union Trabajadores de Filipinos

c. Asociacion de Compania Tabacalera

d. Union Obrera Democratica

31. Who wrote the seditious play “Kahapon, Ngayon at Bukas?

a. Juan Abad

b. Severino delos Reyes

c. Aurelio Tolentino

d. Juan Matapang Cruz

32. What was the law passed by the Philippine Commission in 1907 which prohibited the public display of all
flags, banners, symbols and other paraphernalia used by the Filipino resistance movement against the United

a. Sedition Law

b. Flag Law

c. Press Censorship Law

d. Law on Suppression Nationalism

33. Aside from Secretary of Justice, what was the other cabinet position occupied by Filipino until 1916?

a. Secretary of Agriculture

b. Secretary of Trade and Commerce

c. Secretary of Finance

d. Secretary of Foreign Affairs

34. Which among the positions in the cabinet was the last one given to the Filipinos only in 1935 by the

a. Secretary of Finance
b. Secretary of Foreign Affairs

c. Secretary of National Defense

d. Secretary of Public Instruction

35. What was the law passed by the US Congress on May 24, 1934 that set the date of Philippine
independence from the Americans on July 4, 1946 after 10 year preparatory or transition period under a
commonwealth government?

a. Tydings-Mcduffie Law

b. Hare-Hawes-Cutting-Law

c. Jones Law

d. Cooper Act

36. What law was enacted by the US Congress on August 1909 that established a partial free trade in the

a. Bell Trade Act

b. Underwood-Simons Act

c. Payne-Aldrich Act

d. Treaty of General Relations

37. In 1913, another law was passed by the US Congress which abolished the quota limitations on Philippine
exports to the United States. This law set the establishment of a full free trade policy in the Philippines until
1934. What was this law?

a. Bell Trade Act

b. Payne Aldrich Act

c. Underwood-Simons Act

d. Hare-Hawes Cutting Act

38. Gregoria de Jesus was the wife of _____.

a. Andres Bonifacio

b. Marcelo H. del Pilar

c. Emilio Jacinto

d. Jose Rizal

39. What law provided for the establishment of a lower house of Congress called National Assembly and the
election of its members in 1907?

a. Jones Law

b. Philippine Bill of 1902/Cooper Act

c. Tydings-Mcduffie Law

d. Commonwealth Act of 1937

40. This institution whose members were appointed by the US President served as the Upper house or Senate
of the Philippines until it was abolished due to enactment of the Jones Law in 1916. What was the name of the

a. Philippine Commission

b. Philippine Senate

c. Philippine Congress

d. Philippine Assembly

41. Which law enacted by US Congress in 1916 provided for the establishment of a bicameral legislature in the
Philippines wherein both the members of the Senate (Upper House) and the House of Representatives (Lower
House) will be composed of elected Filipinos?

a. Reorganization of the Philippine Legislature Act

b. Cooper Act

c. Jones Law

d. McKinley Law

42. Under which American Governor General’s term was the policy of Filipinization implemented?

a. Francis Burton Harrison

b. Frank Murphy

c. Henry Ide

d. Leonard Wood

43. Who was elected as Speaker of the Philippine Assembly in 1907?

a. Manuel Quezon

b. Sergio Osmena Sr

c. Manuel Roxas

d. Claro M. Recto

44. Who was the first Senate President of the Philippines elected by members of the Senate in 1916?

a. Sergio Osmena

b. Manuel Roxas

c. Manuel Quezon

d. Claro M. Recto
45. Who was the last Spanish Governor-General of the Philippines?

a. Fermin Jaudenes

b. Diego de los Rios

c. Basilio Agustin

d. Ramon Blanco

46. Who was the first American Military Governor of the Philippines?

a. Elwell Otis

b. Arthur McArthur

c. Wesley Meritt

d. William Taft

47. Who was the first American Civil Governor of the Philippines?

a. William Howard Taft

b. Henry Ide

c. Frank Murphy

d. Leonard Wood

48. Who was the President of the 1934 Constitutional Convention who led the drafting of the 1935 constitution?

a. Eulogio Rodriguez

b. Sergio Osmena

c. Claro M. Recto

d. Juan Sumulong

49. Who among the members of propaganda Movement used the penname Dimasalang and Laong Laan?

a. Marcelo H. del Pilar

b. Jose Rizal

c. Graciano Lopez Jaena

d. Antonio Luna

50. What was the event that took place on Aug. 23, 1896 which was also known as the formal or official
beginning of the Philippine Revolution against Spain?

a. Battle of San Juan del Monte

b. Battle of Pinaglabanan

c. Cry of Pugadlawin
d. Cry of Balintawak

51. Which among the policies implemented by the Spaniards provided for the resettlement of Filipino
communities by combining different barangays to a town center called cabecera.

a. Assimilation

b. Reduccion

c. Encomienda System

d. Bandala

52. What was the first act or law passed by the National Assembly under the commonwealth Government?

a. National Defense Act

b. Gabaldon Act

c. Anti-Dummy Law

d. The National Language Act

53. Who was appointed by the Commonwealth Government as “Field Marshal of the Philippine Army” and was
largely responsible for the country’s defense system that was easily crushed by the Japanese invaders during
World War II?

a. Gen. Douglas MacArthur

b. Gen. Willian Howard Taft

c. Gen. Wesley Merritt

d. Gen. Carlos P. Romulo

54. Which nation temporarily occupied Philippines particularly Manila from 1762-1764?

a. Germany

b. France

c. Great Britain

d. United states

55. Who was the first bishop of the Catholic Church who arrived in the Philippines in 1581?

a. Fray Domingo de Salazar

b. Fray Andres de Urdaneta

c. Fray Martin de Rada

d. Fray Diego de Herrera

56. Which among the different religious orders arrived first in the Philippines?

a. Recollects
b. Dominicans

c. Jesuits

d. Augustinians

57. According to Prof. Teodoro Agoncillo, which among the following events gave birth to Philippine

a. Execution of Rizal

b. Execution of Gomburza

c. Execution of Bonifacio

d. Victory of Lapulapu in Mactan

58. What was the name given to the Chinese community in Manila during Spanish Period?

a. Chinatown

b. Parian

c. Binondo

d. Ongpin

59. The Filipino or Native elites during Spanish period were referred to ___.

a. Principalia

b. Creoles

c. Insulares

d. Indios

60. The revolt of a religious confraternity “Confradia de San Jose” headed by Apolinario dela Cruz in 1841 took
place in what province?

a. Laguna

b. Tayabas

c. Bulacan

d. Tarlac

61. What was the highest position in the government that a Filipino could occupy during the Spanish colonial

a. Corregidor

b. Cabeza de Barangay

c. Alcalde Mayor

d. Gobernadorcillo
62. The Philippine National Anthem’s original title was “Marcha Filipina Magdalo” which was later changed to
“Marcha Nacional Filipina” by its composer Julian Felipe. What was the band that first played the National
Anthem on June 12, 1898 in Kawit, Cavite?

a. Pangkat Kawayan ng Pateros

b. Kawit Band

c. San Francisco de Malabon Band

d. Philippine Constabulary Band

63. In the 19th century, the name of the town proper called “cabecera” was changed. How is this called today?

a. Poblacion

b. Plaza

c. Centro

d. Visita

64. Who was known as the “Brain of Revolution”?

a. Emilio Jacinto

b. Andres Bonifacio

c. Emilio Aguinaldo

d. Apolinario Mabini

65. Who was the President of women chapter of the Katipunan?

a. Gregoria de Jesus

b. Josefa Rizal

c. Melchora Aquino

d. Marina Dizon

66. Who led the Sakdal Revolt on May 2-3, 1935 to oppose the plebiscite for the ratification of the 1935
constitution which paved the way for the establishment of the commonwealth government?

a. Benigno Ramos

b. Crisanto Evangelista

c. Isabelo de los Reyes

d. Dominador Gomez

67. When was the commonwealth government inaugurated?

a. November 15, 1935

b. November 30, 1935

c. December 15, 1935

d. December 30, 1935

68. Who was regarded as the “Father of Malolos Constitution”?

a. Julian Felipe

b. Felipe Calderon

c. Apolinario Mabini

d. Pedro Paterno

69. The Biak-na-Bato Constitution was said to be a carbon copy of the constitution of ____.

a. United states

b. Mexico

c. Cuba

d. France

70. The first American public school teachers who came to the Philippines on board the SS Thomas were
called ___.

a. Thomasites

b. Educators

c. Sholars

d. Pensionados

71. On July 26, 1941, the Philippine regular and reserve forces were incorporated into the United states Army
under the command of Douglas MCArthur. What was the name given to the combined Filipino and American

a. Civilian Armed Force Geographical Unit (CAFGU)

b. United States-Philippines Combioned Forces (USPCF)

c. Civilian Home Defense Force (CHDF)

d. United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE)

72. Who was the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Imperial Forces that occupied the Philippines?

a. Gen. Shintaro Oda

b. Gen Tomuyuki Yamashita

c. Gen. Masaharu Homma

d. Gen Suzuki Kawasaki

73. Who succeeded Gen. MacArthur as commander of the USAFFE when he left the Philippines for Australia
on March 11, 1942?

a. Gen. Felix Greene

b. Gen. Jonathan Wainwright

c. Gen. Walter Cushing

d. Gen. Parker Calbert

74. The island of Corrigidor was chosen by Gen. MacArthur as the last bastion of defense against the
Japanese invasion. In what province can the island of Corrigidor be found?

a. Cavite

b. Bataan

c. Zambales

d. Rizal

75. The “death march” which started from Bataan to San Fernando, Pampanga ended in the town of ____.

a. Capas

b. Tarlac

c. Paniqui

d. Concepcion

76. Who was the President of the Japanese Puppet Republic or the Second Philippine Republic?

a. Jose P. Laurel

b. Benigno Aquino Sr.

c. Jose Vargas

d. Manuel Roxas

77. What was the policy or program implemented by Japan that aims to get the support and cooperation of the
Asians against the western imperial powers. This policy pursues the slogan “Asia for the Asians” but in reality it
means “Asia for the Asians under the leadership of Japan?

a. Japan Incorporated

b. Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

c. Asian Free Trade Cooperation Sphere

d. Anti-Imperialist League in Asia

78. What was the only political party allowed to exist during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines?

a. Kapisanan sa Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas (KALIBAPI)


c. Nacionalista Party

d. Liberal Party

79. What was the term given to the Japanese Military police in the Philippines during the Japanese

a. Shogun

b. Samurai

c. Kempetai

d. Ninja

80. Who succeeded Manuel Quezon as President of the Commonwealth Government after his death in 1944?

a. Manuel Roxas

b. Sergio Osmena Sr.

c. Benigno Aquino Sr.

d. Jose P. Laurel

81. What name was given to the pro-Japanese Filipinos who served as spies for Japanese troops against the
Filipino Guerillas?

a. Huks

b. Kempetai

c. Makapili

d. Maka-hapon

82. Which among the guerilla units during the Japanese occupation could be considered as the “most
successful guerilla unit” because of its pre-war mass base in Central Luzon headed by Luis Taruc?

a. Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon (HUKBALAHAP)


c. Maharlika Guerilla Unit

d. Makapili

83. Who was the editor of the Guerilla newspaper “The Liberator” that circulated in Cavite, Manila, Rizal and
Bulacan in 1914?

a. Teodoro Locsin Sr.

b. Leon Ty

c. Luis Taruc
d. Ferdinand Marcos

84. What was the most famous guerilla newspaper during the Japanese occupation in the island of Panay?

a. Free Panay

b. Panay Daily Bulletin

c. Kalibo War Bulletin

d. The commentator

85. When was the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii?

a. December 25, 1942

b. December 7, 1942

c. December 25, 1941

d. December 7, 1941

86. The only contact of the Filipinos with the outside world during the Japanese occupation was through this
radio station. What was this radio station?

a. Radio Veritas

b. Radio San Francisco

c. Radio Australia

d. Radio Bandido

87. What was the trade agreement between the Philippines and the United States signed in 1946 that provided
for the continuation of the free trade relations between the two countries until 1954?

a. Bell Trade Act

b. Tydings-McDuffie Law

c. Spooner Trade Act

d. Underwood-Simmons Act

88. One of the provisions of the Bell Trade Act was the granting of special privilege to the Americans in the
Philippines to have equal rights with Filipinos to exploit natural resources and own companies like public
utilities that Constitution exclusively grants ,majority control of ownership to Filipino Citizens. How was this
special privilege or equal rights with Filipinos Given to Americans called?

a. Parity Rights

b. Extra-Territorial Rights

c. Special Treatment Clause

d. Equal Opportunity Rights

89. Because of the massive destruction suffered by the Philippines during the Second World War, the US
Congress passed a law in 1946 granting a package of financial aid that consisted of $800 million to pay private
individuals who suffered property losses during the war and another $620 million for the Philippine
Government’s use to rehabilitate the country. What was this law?

a. Tydings Rehabilitation Act

b. Bell Rehabilitation Act

c. Cooper Rehabilitation Act

d. MacArthur’s rehabilitation Act

90. The package of economic and financial aid under the Tydings Rehabilitation Act for the Philippines was
attached with a condition that the exact amount will only be given if the Philippine Government accepts the Bell
Trade Act. If the Philippine Government rejects the Bell Trade Act, the American Government will only give not
to exceed a certain amount of money. How much was this amount?

a. $ 500

b. $ 1000

c. $ 1 million

d. $ 100 milion

91. Who was the Philippine president who approved the “Parity Rights” and the Bell Trade Act?

a. Ramon Magsaysay

b. Sergio Osmena Sr.

c. Manuel Quezon

d. Manuel Roxas

92. Who was the President of the Philippines who was known as the “Father of Philippine Industrialization”?

a. Manuel Roxas

b. Elpidio Quirino

c. Ramon Magsaysay

d. Sergio Osmena

93. How many Filipino leaders served as presidents of the third republic?

a. Six

b. Seven

c. Eight

d. nine
94. Who was the Philippine President who was responsible for changing the date of independence from July 4
to June 12?

a. Carlos P. Garcia

b. Diosdado Macapagal

c. Manuel Roxas

d. Ramon Magsaysay

95. Who was the first and only president of the Philippines reelected in his position after the second world war?

a. Diosdado Macapagal

b. Ferdinand Marcos

c. Ramon Magsaysay

d. Manuel Roxas

96. Who was the Philippine President known for his program of Filipino First Policy?

a. Elpidio Quirino

b. Ramon Magsaysay

c. Ferdinand Marcos

d. Carlos Garcia

97. Who was the Philippine President was criticized as the most pro-American?

a. Diosdado Macapagal

b. Manuel Roxas

c. Ramon Magsaysay

d. Corazon Aquino

98. Who was the president of the Philippine known as “poor boy of Lubao”?

a. Manuel Roxas

b. Diosdado Macapagal

c. Elpidio Quirino

d. Carlos Garcia

99. Where in the Philippines can one find the animal called “tarsier”?

a. Bohol

b. Mindoro

c. Palawan
d. Cebu

100. Given the exact date when Marcos officially announced the declaration of Martial Law?

a. September 23, 1972

b. September 21, 1972

c. September 24, 1972

d. September 30, 1972

101. What was the proclamation or decree of President Marcos that provided for the declaration of martial law
in the Philippines in 1972?

a. Proclamation 1081

b. PD 27

c. PD 1080

d. Proclamation 1020

102. The commemoration of the declaration of martial law was based on the date that was written on the
Marcos declaration declaring martial law in the Philippines and not on the date Marcos officially announced in
public the placing of the Philippines under martial law. What was the exact date written on the proclamation?

a. September 21, 1972

b. September 22, 1972

c. September 23, 1972

d. August 21, 1972

103. Who was the first president of the 1971 constitutional convention that drafted the 1973 constitution
popularly known as the “Marcos Constitution”?

a. Carlos Garcia

b. Diosdado Macapagal

c. Benigno Aquino Jr.

d. Imelda Marcos

104. After the death of President Garcia, who replaced him as President of the 1971 Constitutional

a. Benigno Aquino Jr.

b. Diosdado Macapagal

c. Jose Diokno

d. Jovito Salonga
105. In what province can the tamaraw be found?

a. Bohol

b. Palawan

c. Mindoro

d. Cagayan

106. Where in the Philippines can the mousedeer be found?

a. Bohol

b. Mindoro

c. Davao

d. Palawan

107. The first millennium sunrise in the Philippines took place in?

a. Mt. Diwalwal

b. Mt. Apo

c. Mt. Pulag

d. Mt. Kitanglad

108. Who was known as the father of Local Government Code?

a. Joey Lina

b. Jovito Salonga

c. Aquilino Pimentel

d. Joseph Estrada

109. The form of government during Martial Law according to President Marcos was _____.

a. A dictatorship

b. Democracy from the center

c. A republic

d. Constitutional Authoritarianism

110. Who was the senate president in 1991 who led the majority of senators to reject a new treaty extending
the presence of the US military bases in the Philippines?

a. Ernesto Maceda

b. Jovito Salonga

c. Neptali Gonzales
d. Blas Ople

111. The snap election in the Philippines took place on ______.

a. February 7, 1986

b. February 14, 1986

c. February 21, 1986

d. February 25, 1986

112. What federation of Southeast Asian countries did the Philippine become a founding member in 1967?



c. Bandung Conference


113. Who was the Philippine President responsible for the establishment of MAPHILINDO, the forerunner of

a. Diosdado Macapagal

b. Ferdinand Marcos

c. Carlos Garcia

d. Ramon Magsaysay

114. Where was the earliest known and scientifically established abode of man in the Philippines located?

a. Tabon Cave in Palawan

b. Callao Cave in Cagayan

c. Manunggul Cave in Palawan

d. Homonhon in Leyte

115. To what family of languages, does Tagalog and other languages in the Asia Pacific region belong?

a. Australoid

b. Malay

c. Negritoes

d. Austronesian

116. The pre-Hispanic priests or priestess were called babaylan in the Visayas but in the Tagalog regions they
were called _____.

a. Diwata
b. Arbularyo

c. Katalonans

d. Umalohokan

117. The pre-colonial mourning of the dead chief was called _____.

a. Morotal

b. Laraw

c. Maglahi

d. Balata

118. What was the nationality of Ferdinand Magellan?

a. Portuguese

b. Spaniard

c. Italian

d. Dutch

119. Who was the commander of the ship Victoria that led the 17 other remaining Spaniards under Magellan’s
expedition to complete the first circumnavigation of the world?

a. Antonio Pigafetta

b. Sebastian del Cano

c. Andres de Urdaneta

d. Pedro Chirino

120. Where is the island of Moluccas, the Spice island located today?

a. India

b. Malaysia

c. Indonesia

d. Papua New Guinea

121. Who was the leader of Manila when the Spaniards headed by Martin de Goiti arrived in 1570?

a. Rajah Sikatuna

b. Rajah Lakandula

c. Rajah Sulayman

d. Rajah Tupas
122. What was the countervailing economic philosophy or ideology in Europe in the 16th century that guided
and influenced Spain in implementing an expansionist policy.

a. Capitalism

b. Mercantilism

c. Socialism

d. Liberalism

123. Which war in Europe led to the British occupation of Manila from 1762 to 1764?

a. Bourbon War

b. Seven Years War

c. War of Roses

d. Crusades

124. The opening of Suez Canal reduced considerably the travel distance between the Philippines and Europe.
When was the opening of the Suez Canal?

a. 1869

b. 1871

c. 1879

d. 1881

125. What was the lawmaking body or legislature during the Spanish occupation of the Philippines?

a. Casa Tribunal

b. Recopilacion

c. Royal Audencia/Real Audencia

d. Consejo de Indias

126. Who was the sole representative of the Spanish Crown in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial

a. governor-general

b. Viceroy of Mexico

c. Archbishop of Manila

d. Alcalde Mayor

127. The Supreme Court during the Spanish period was the _____.

a. Residencia

b. Casa Tribunal
c. Ayuntamiento

d. Royal Audencia

128. During the Spanish colonial period, which institution conducted the investigation of the outgoing officials
particularly the governor general for the purpose of punishing corrupt and dishonest officials?

a. Residencia

b. Audencia

c. Visita

d. Recopilacion

129. What was the privilege of an alcalde mayor to engage in trade while in office during the Spanish regime

a. Cumplace

b. Indulto de Comercio

c. Pase Regio

d. Las Siete Partidas

130. What was the term given by Marcelo H. del Pilar to the form of government during the Spanish colonial
period wherein the government was controlled and dominated by the friars?

a. Theocracy

b. Divine monarchy

c. Frailocracia

d. Absolute monarchy

131. What was the primary duty of the gobernadorcillo during the Spanish colonial period?

a. Recruit workers for the polo

b. Collect taxes

c. Implement orders of the governor-general

d. Maintain peace and order

132. How were the workers serving under the forced labor during Spanish regime called?

a. Polista

b. Reservas

c. Trabajadores

d. Indios Bravos

133. The payment for exemption to render the forced labor during the Spanish Regime was called?
a. Boleta

b. Falla

c. Situado

d. Indulto

134. What was the term given to the friars who do not belong to any religious order during the Spanish

a. Regular

b. Secular

c. Cur Parroco

d. Missionaries

135. Most of the goods carried or loaded from Manila by the galleon came from ____.

a. China

b. Philippines

c. India

d. Southeast Asia

136. How many galleon ships usually arrived in the Philippines within one year?

a. One

b. Two

c. Five

d. Ten

137. Who was the governor-general who founded the “Economico de los Amigos del Pais” and the “Real
Compania de Filipinas”?

a. Rafael Izquirdo

b. Valeriano Weyler

c. Jose Basco

d. Carlos Maria dela Torre

138. Who was the Spanish governor-general in the Philippines when the Gomburza execution took place?

a. Valeriano Weyler

b. Rafael Izquirdo

c. Fermin Jaudanes
d. Camilo Polavieja

139. Who wrote the book entitled “Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas”?

a. Pedro Chirino

b. Antonio de Morga

c. Gregorio Sanciangco

d. Antonio Pigafetta

140. Intramuros was an example of what type of western architecture introduced by Spaniards in the

a. Antillean

b. Real

c. Walled Architecture

d. Cottas

141. What was the first printed book in the Philippines which was introduced by Dominicans?

a. Doctrina Christiana en Lengua Española y Tagala

b. La Esperanza

c. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas

d. Filipinas Dentro De Cien Años

142. Who was the literary artist known as “Huseng Sisiw”?

a. Jose dela Cruz

b. Apolinario dela Cruz

c. Francisco Baltazar

d. Juan Matapang Cruz

143. What is the literary form of Francisco Baltazar’s “Florante at Laura”?

a. Awit

b. Korido

c. Comedia

d. Moro-moro

144. What was the first college in the Philippines founded by the Jesuits in 1589?

a. Collegio of San Juan de Letran

b. College of San Jose

c. College of San Ignacio

d. College of San Ildefonso

145. What was the first college for girls in the Philippines which was established in 1589?

a. Collegio de Santa Potenciana

b. Collegio de santa Isabel

c. Collegio de la Concordia

d. Collegio de Sta. Rita

146. The Spanish Mestizo priest who was the first organized leader of the Filipino secular clergy in the
Secularization Movement and editor of its newspaper “El Eco Filipino”

a. Father Pedro Pelaez

b. Father Domingo Salazar

c. Father Jose Burgos

d. Father Jacinto Zamora

147. What was the term given to the primary objective of the propaganda movement for the Philippines to
become a province of Spain?

a. Autonomia

b. Reformation

c. Assimilation

d. Independencia

148. The orator of the reform movement, who wrote “Fray Botod” and served as first editor of La Solidaridad

a. Graciano Lopez Jaena

b. Marcelo H. del Pilar

c. Mariano Ponce

d. Antonio Luna

149. What was the newspaper of the Propaganda Movement?

a. El Eco Filipino Varios

b. La Solidaridad

c. Discursos y Articulos

d. La Independencia

150. Who was the second editor of the La Solidaridad and used the penname Dolores Manapat?
a. Marcelo H. del Pilar

b. Graciano Lopez Jaena

c. Jose Rizal

d. Marcelo H. del Pilar

151. Who among the members of propaganda movement used the penname Taga-ilog?

a. Antonio Luna

b. Jose Ma. Basa

c. Jose Rizal

d. Marcelo H. del Pilar

152. Who among the propagandist used the penname Kalipulako?

a. Mariano Ponce

b. Juan Luna

c. Faustino Lichauco

d. Felipe Agoncillo

153. Who was the first woman to become a mason and was initiated as member of the lodge “Walana” on July
18, 1893?

a. Josefa Rizal

b. Gregora de Jesus

c. Rosario Villaruel

d. Marina Dizon

154. What was the highest rank among members of the katipunan who used password “Rizal”?

a. Kawal

b. Anak ng Bayan

c. Bayani

d. Supremo

155. A false address was given as the place where the Katipunan newspaper “Kalayaan” was printed to avoid
detection by the Spaniards. Where was this place?

a. Yokohama, Japan

b. Hongkong

c. Madrid, Spain
d. London, Great Britain

156. Who was the revolutionary leader who started the revolution in Nueva Ecija and led the attack against the
Spanish forces in the town of San Isidro on September 3, 1896?

a. Mariano Llanera

b. Mamerto Natividad

c. Feleciano Jhocson

d. Antonio Luna

157. Who among the revolutionary leaders used the penname Agapito Bagumbayan?

a. Andres Bonifacio

b. Emilio Jacinto

c. Pio Valenzuela

d. Emilio Aguinaldo

158. When was the “Battle of Manila Bay”?

a. May 1, 1898

b. August 13, 1898

c. February 4, 1899

d. February 6, 1899

159. Who was the representative of the Filipino people in the negotiation of the Treaty of Paris?

a. Felipe Agoncillo

b. Doroteo Lopez

c. Mariano Ponce

d. Galicano Apacible

160. Who was the last Filipino general who surrendered to the Americans on April 16, 1902?

a. Miguel Malvar

b. Ramon Diokno

c. Artemio Ricarte

d. Julian Montalban

161. Where was Aguinaldo captured by the Americans on March 23, 1901?

a. Palanan, Isabela

b. Echague, Isabela
c. Tumauini, Isabela

d. San Mariano, Isabela

162. Who was the Filipino revolutionary leader who led the Filipino troops in the “Battle of San Mateo” on
December 18, 1899 which resulted in the killing of an American general named Henry Lawton?

a. General Licerio Geronimo

b. General Vicente Lukban

c. General Miguel Malvar

d. General Antonio Luna

163. What treaty signed between the US Government and the Sultan of Sulo on August 20, 1899 provided that
“Muslim and the Americans could co-exist peacefully?

a. Bates Treaty

b. Forbes Treaty

c. Taft Treaty

d. Raja Muda-Taft Treaty

164. Who led the American troops in the capture of Aguinaldo on March 23, 1901?

a. Henry Lawton

b. Frederick Funston

c. Arthur Macarthur

d. Felix Greene

165. Who was the Filipino revolutionary leader who refused to surrender to the Americans after General
Malvar’s surrender, founded the Supreme Government of the Tagalog Archipelago and declared himself as its
President and Commander-in-Chief?

a. Makario Sakay

b. Julian Montalan

c. Licerio Geronimo

d. Artemio Ricarte

166. What was the title of the editorial of the newspaper “El Renacimiento” published in October 30, 1908
criticizing the secretary of the interior Dean C. Worcester who in turn filed a libel suit against the owner and
editor of the newspaper which ended in its closure?

a. Independence Now!

b. Philippines for the Filipinos

c. Birds of Prey (Aves de Rapiña)

d. The Corrupt Politician

167. Who was the owner of the nationalist newspaper “El Renacimiento” and its tagalog counterpart “Muling

a. Martin Ocampo

b. Rafael Palma

c. Maximo Kalaw

d. Fidel Reyes

168. During the American occupation the Philippine Assembly sent a representative of the Filipino people in
the US Congress. What was the position called?

a. High Commissioner

b. Resident Commisioner

c. Ambassador

d. Representative

169. During the commonwealth Government what was the representative of the US President in the
Philippines called?

a. Civil Governor

b. Resident Commissioner

c. High Commissioner

d. Ambassador

170. If Frank Murphy was the first US High Commissioner, who served the last and later became the first US
ambassador to the Philippines in 1946?

a. Douglas MacArthur

b. Paul V. McNutt

c. Henry Ide

d. Edward Lansdale

171. What was the present position of the Secretary of Education called during the American occupation?

a. Secretary of Public Instruction

b. Secretary of Public Education

c. Secretary of Normal Education

d. Secretary of Schools
172. Which law passed during the American occupation provided limits in the ownership of lands on individuals
for 16 hectares and 1024 hectares for corporation?

a. Cooper Act or the Philippine Bill of 1902

b. Friar Land Act

c. Homestead Act

d. Land Registration Act

173. Besides the administration of the currency, what was the only other aspect on the reins of government
which was not placed completely in the hands of the Filipinos but still under the control of the Americans during
the Commonwealth Government?

a. Finance

b. National Defense

c. Foreign Relation

d. Trade and commerce

174. What was the most urgent problem confronted by the officials of the Commonwealth Government when
they took over the reins of government from the Americans in 1935?

a. Fear of Japanese aggression

b. Dependency of the economy from the US

c. Control of the Chinese of the Economy

d. Cultural bankruptcy of the Filipinos

175. What law was passed by the Philippine Assembly during the commonwealth period aimed at presenting
the foreigners particularly the Chinese from controlling the economy?

a. Anti-dummy law

b. Filipino First Policy

c. New Omnibus Investment Act of 1935

d. Philippine Trade Law

176. What program or policy was instituted by President Manuel Quezon under the commonwealth
Government which was sometimes called Quezonian Socialism because its particular objective was to give
justice to the common tao?

a. Rice share Tenancy

b. Friar Land Act

c. Quezon Para sa Mahirap Program

d. Social Justice Program

177. What was the primary export of the Philippines to the United States from 1902-1918?

a. Abaca

b. Sugar

c. Tobacco

d. Coconut oi

178. Who founded the peasant organization “Sociedad Ti Mannalon” in Pangasinan and led the “Tayug
Uprasing” in 1931?

a. Pablo Bulan

b. Pedro Kabola

c. Pedro Calosa

d. Dionisio Magbuelas

179. Who founded the guerilla newspaper “The Saber” in Bicol?

a. Salipada Pendatum

b. Juan Frivaldo

c. Roque Ablan

d. Wenceslao Q. Vinzons

180. Who headed the the people’s court that was tasked to prosecute Filipino collaborators during the
Japanese occupation of the Philippines?

a. Manuel Roxas

b. Lorenzo Tañada, Sr

c. Sergio Osmeña

d. Benigno Aquino Sr

181. What special government agency was established by Pres. Corazon Aquino in 1986 that was tasked to
recover ill-gotten wealth acquired by the Marcos family, their relatives and cronies during their 20 years of
authoritarian rule in the Philippines?

a. Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG)

b. Presidential Commission for the Ill-Gotten Wealth Recovery

c. Presidential Commission on Government Assets Recovery

d. Task Force Recovery

182. Who was the first vice-president to be elected President of the Philippines after the Marcos regime?
a. Joseph Estrada

b. Salvador Laurel

c. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

d. Arturo Tolentino

183. When was Andres Bonifacio executed by the Magdalo soldiers headed by Lt. Lazaro Makapagal at Mt.
Tala in Cavite?

a. May 10, 1897

b. May 15, 1897

c. May 30, 1897

d. June 6, 1897

184. Who was the Filipino general assassinated by the Kawit Company at Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija in 1899?

a. Artemio Ricarte

b. Makario Sakay

c. Antonio Luna

d. Gregorio del Pilar

185. When was the First Philippine Republic popularly known as the Malolos Republic inaugurated?

a. January 23, 1899

b. January 24, 1899

c. January 25, 1899

d. January 30, 1899

186. Who was the first appointed President of the Cabinet and Secretary of Foreign Affairs under the Malolos

a. Apolinario Mabini

b. Cayetano Arellano

c. Pedro Paterno

d. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera

187. How many members were elected/appointed to the Malolos Congress?

a. 136

b. 142

c. 120
d. 80

188. Who was elected president of the Malolos Congress on September 15, 1898?

a. Pedro Paterno

b. Felipe Calderon

c. Benito Legarda

d. Gregorio Araneta

189. What was the popular name of the “First Philippine Commission” sent by the American Government to the
Philippines that offered an “autonomy proposal” to the Filipino revolutionaries in May 1899?

a. Taft Commision

b. Harrison Commision

c. Schurman Commission

d. Wood Commission

190. What was the age requirement for the qualification of voters during the American occupation?

a. At least 21 years old

b. At least 18 years old

c. At least 23 years old

d. At least 25 years old

191. In what year were women give the right to vote in the Philippines?

a. 1937

b. 1935

c. 1907

d. 1916

192. Which government body established by Governor General Francis Burton Harrison was tasked to advise
the governor-general on matters of public importance?

a. Presidential Advisory Group

b. Board of Control

c. Council of State

d. Chief of staff

193. In what place in Metro Manila did the battle of San Juan del Monte took place on august 30, 1896?

A. Mandaluyong
B. San Juan

C. Quezon City

D. Manila

194. In what province were the evidences of artifacts and tools used by man belonging to the “homo erectus
philipinensis” discovered?

a. Cagayan

b. Palawan

c. Agusan

d. Batanes

195. Which city was first named by the Spaniards as Nueva Caceres

a. Naga

b. Cebu

c. Vigan

d. Manila

196. Where is the “Moriones” festival celebrated?

a. Marinduque

b. Cebu

c. Davao

d. Aklan

197. After the arrest and deportation of jose Rizal on July 6, 1892 to dapitan, the members of the La Liga
Filipina were divided into two factions. The radical group headed by Andres Bonifacio formed the Katipunan
while the reformist faction founded another organization. What was the name of this organization?

a. La Solidaridad

b. Asociacion de Paz

c. Cuerpo de Compromisarios

d. Asociacion de Autonomia

198. Who wrote Dasalan at Tocsohan, Kadakilaan ng Dios, Amain Namin and La Soberania Moniacal?

a. Jose Rizal

b. Graciano Lopez Jaena

c. Marcelo H. del Pilar

d. Antonio Luna
199. Who was the general of the revolution who did not recognize the Pact of Biak na Bato in 1987 and instead
established the Central Executive Committee in Central Luzon?

a. Francisco Makabulos

b. Macario Sakay

c. Feliciano Jhonson

d. Artemio Ricarte

200. What branch of the Armed Forces of the Philippines was the first established by the Americans on July
18, 1901 to fight the Filipino revolutionaries whom the Americans called insurrectos, bandidos and ladrones?

a. The Army

b. Philippine National Police (PNP)

c. Philippine Constabulary (PC)

d. Scout Rangers

201. What kind of Government was first established by Emilio Aguinaldo in the Philippines after his arrival from
Hongkong on May 19, 1898?

a. Military Government

b. Revolutionary Government

c. Republic

d. Dictatorial Government

202. Who was the Filipino general of the revolution who was known as the “Hero of Tirad Pass?

a. Gregorio del Pilar

b. Antonio Luna

c. Vicente Lukban

d. Miguel Malvar

203. The greatest general during the Philippine- American War. He could have suppressed the Americans if he
was not executed.


204. Who among the Philippine Presidents sponsored the establishment of an anti-communist organization
composed of different countries known as Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) in Manila on
September 1954?

a. Manuel Roxas

b. Elpidio Quirino

c. Ramon Magsaysay
d. Carlos P. Garcia

205. In what city did Gen. Tomuyuki Yamashita surrendered to the Americans during the last days of the
Second World War?

a. Zamboanga

b. Ilo-ilo

c. Baguio

d. Laoag

206. Who was the “Lakambini ng Katipunan”?

a. Gregoria de Jesus

b. Marina Dizon

c. Marcela Agoncillo

d. Teresa Magbanua

207. Who was the President of the Magdiwang faction of the Katipunan in Cavite?

a. Mariano Alvarez

b. Emilio Aguinaldo

c. Santiago Alvarez

d. Baldomero Aguinaldo

208. The formal colonization of the Philippines took place after the Americans established a military
government. When was the American Military Government in the Philippines established?

a. August 13, 1898

b. August 14, 1898

c. August 15, 1898

d. August 21, 1898

209. Who founded the Maguindanao Sultanate?

a. Sharif Kabungsuan

b. Makhdum

c. Abu Bakr

d. Nur Misuari

210. What province in the Philippines was often referred to as Ma-i by the Chinese in the 14th century?

a. Mindoro
b. Palawan

c. Manila

d. Sulu

Rizal (64 Items)

1. On his last night in Manila, Rizal rode about the city and its suburbs. He was accompanied by _____.

a. Uncle Antonio Rivera

b. Paciano

c. Soledad

d. Both Uncle Antonio Rivera and Paciano

2. When did Rizal left for Spain to complete his university studies and improved his knowledge of arts &
sciences and his God-given talents?

a. May 3, 1880

b. May 3, 1881

c. May 3, 1882

d. May 3, 1883

3. Rizal’s departure for Spain was kept secret to avoid detection by the colonial officers and friars, but the
following below knew that Jose was leaving EXPECT

a. His parents

b. His sisters

c. Uncle Antonio Rivera

d. Paciano

4. In Singapore, Rizal boarded this French steamer named ______, which was sailing to Europe.

a. Belvic

b. Salvadora

c. Hayfong

d. Djemnah

5. In the steamer bound to Europe, Jose tried to speak French with some passengers but to his surprise the
bookish French which he learned from Ateneo couldn’t be understood. Jose tried to do the following EXCEPT

a. Speak it with Latin and Spanish words

b. Aid it with much gesticulation

c. Aid it with frequent sketching on paper

d. Speak it with German and Greek

6. Where did Rizal hear mass at the sunrise of his embarkation date to Madrid, Spain?

a. Sto. Domingo Church

b. San Agustin Church

c. Manila Cathedral

d. San Francisco Church

7. On June 2, 1882, Rizal arrived at the city of _____ (Red Sea terminal of the Suez Canal), whose beautiful
moonlight of this picturesque city reminded him of his family and Calamba.

a. Colombo

b. Singapore

c. Aden

d. Suez

8. Rizal landed this place to see the interesting spots of ______, the Mediterranean terminal of Suez Canal,
where he heard the multi-racial residents speaking a babel of tongues – Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish,
Greek, Egyptian, etc.

a. Point de Galle

b. Port Said

c. Colombo

d. Aden

9. In his two-day sojourn in the English colony of Singapore, what did Rizal particularly admire?

a. Their languages and culture they spoke

b. Their customs and traditions that were somewhat alike to the Filipinos

c. The confidence which natives of Singapore seemed to have in their government

d. Their discipline and strict compliance of imposed laws

10. The editor of Diariong Tagalog who congratulated Rizal for the article and requested him for some articles

a. Marcelo H. del Pilar

b. Juan Luna

c. Francisco Calvo

d. Antonio Luna
11. The article that Rizal wrote in Diariong Tagalog urging his compatriots to love their fatherland just like his
prize-winning A La Juventud Filipina

a. Los Viajes

b. Felicitacion

c. Amor Patrio

d. Revista de Madrid

12. The article that Rizal wrote in Madrid on November 29, 1882 which was returned to him because the
Diariong Tagalog ceased publication.

a. Los Viajes

b. Felicitaction

c. Amor Patrio

d. Revista de Madrid

13. Rizal visited _____ (in Marseilles) where Dantes (hero of the Count of Monte Cristo) was imprisoned.

a. Tower of Babel

b. Chateau d’ If

c. Hanging Garden of Babylon

d. Point de Galle

14. Naples: Italy; Marseilles: France; Port-Bou: ______

a. Spain

b. Germany

c. Japan

d. Singapore

15. Filipinos in Barcelona, some of whom were Rizal’s school mate in Ateneo gave him party at their favorte
café in _____

a. Hotel de Paz

b. Plaza de Cataluna

c. Las Ramblas

d. Port-Bou

16. While sojourning in Barcelona, Rizal received a sad news about the _____ that was ravaging Manila and
provinces causing Calamba folks to have afternoon novenas to San Roque and nocturnal processions and
prayers to stop dreadful epidemic, which Spanish authorities were impotent to check. What was the disease?
a. Dengue

b. Malaria

c. Typhoid fever

d. Cholera

17. On November 3, 1882, Rizal enrolled in Universidad Central de Madrid (Central University of Madrid) in
two courses aside from his studies in painting and sculpture in Academy of San Carlos, lessons in French,
German and English under a private instructor, and practice in fencing and shooting in the Hall of Arms of
Sanz y Carbonell. What was the 2 courses that he matriculated in Universidad Central de Madrid?

a. Philosophy and Letters & Medicine

b. Philosophy and Latin & Medicine

c. Philosophy and Latin & Diploma in Surveying

d. Ophthalmology and Philosophy

18. Rizal invested his three pesetas (peseta is the currency of Spain between 1869 and 2002) on _____

a. Lottery ticket

b. Wine

c. Food

d. Books

19. The historic waterway Suez Canal, which was traversed by Rizal for 5 days, was constructed by the
famous Frenchman named _______

a. Ferdinand Magellan

b. Ferdinand de Lesseps

c. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi

d. Juan de Salcedo

20. A liberal-minded Spaniard and Civil Governor of Manila (during General Carlos Ma. de la Torre’s
administration) whom Rizal used to visit the home of every Saturday evening because the hero was far away
and lonely in Madrid. He and other Filipino students played parlor games with his 2 daughters.

a. Guillermo Puatu

b. Francisco Calvo Muñzoz

c. Ramon Blanco

d. Don Pablo Ortega y Rey

21. On August 22, 1883, Rizal wrote a lovely poem entitled A La Senorita C.O. y R. who was he dedicating the
poem to?
a. Leonor Rivera

b. Pilar

c. Consuelo

d. Concepcion

22. Shortly after Rizal’s arrival in Madrid, he joined the Society of Spaniards and Filipinos, in which the
members of the society requested him so he wrote a poem entitled Me Piden Versos (They Asked Me for
Verses). What’s the name of the organization?

a. Circulo Hispano-Filipino

b. El Consuejo de los Dioses

c. Liceo Artistico-Literario

d. Marian Congregation

23. Rizal as lover of books was able to build up a fair-sized private library. His collection of books, to name a
few, were The Bible, Hebrew Grammar, Lives of Presidents of the United States from Washington to Johnson,
History of the French Revolution, Ancient Poetry, the Byzantine Empire, the Characters of la Bruyere, the
Renaissance, Uncle Tom’s Cabby Harriet Beecher Stowe, Works of Alexander Dumas, and so on. Who is the
owner of the second-hand book store where Rizal purchased books from?

a. Señor Roses

b. Francisco Calvo Muñoz

c. Juan de Salcedo

d. Jose M. Cecicilio

24. In 1883, Rizal joined the Masonic Lodge Acacia and his Masonic name is Dimasalang. His reasons why he
became a Mason: (1) the abusive bad friars in the Philippines and he needed the help of the Masons as shield
to use in his fight against evil forces of tyranny. On November 15, 1890, he became a Master Mason in ______

a. La Liga Filipina

b. Lodge Solidaridad

c. Circulo Hispano-Filipino

d. Propaganda Movement

25. At the National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid in 1884, joined by many painters in Europe in that art
competition, Luna won first prize (gold medal) for his ______

a. Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace

b. Spolarium

c. Felicitacion

d. Uncle Tom’s Cabin

26. Rizal graduated a degree of Licentiate in Medicine in June 1884 at Universidad Central de Madrid as well
as a degree of Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters in such school with rating of _____

a. Aprobado (passing grade)

b. Bueno (good)

c. Notable (very good)

d. Sobrasaliente (excellent)

27. After Rizal completed his studies in Madrid, Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to specialize in

a. Optometry

b. Philosophy and Letters

c. Ophthalmology

d. Philosophy and Latin

28. After completing his studies at Universidad Central de Madrid, on his way to Paris for further study in
Ophthalmology, he stopped at Barcelona to visit his friend named ______, a medical student and a member of
a rich family of San Miguel, Bulacan.

a. Don Miguel Morayta

b. Señor Eusebio Corominas

c. Paz Pardo de Tavera

d. Maximo Viola

29. During his week-stay in Paris, Rizal befriended _____ the editor of La Publicidad.

a. Don Miguel Morayta

b. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera

c. Paz Pardo de Tavera

d. Señor Eusebio Corominas

30. Owner of La Publicidad and statesman whom Rizal made a crayon sketch when Rizal went to Paris visiting
Maximo Viola.

a. Don Miguel Morayta

b. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera

c. Dr. Louis de Weckert

d. Señor Eusebio Corominas

31. In October 1885, Rizal living in Paris, where he sojourned for about 4 mounts, worked as an assistant to
_____ leading French ophthalmologist.
a. Felix Pardo de Tavera

b. Dr. javier Galezowsky

c. Dr. Louis de Weckert

d. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera

32. Rizal discussed with Luna, the great master of brush, by posing as model in several painting. In Luna’s
canvas “The Death of Cleopatra” posing as a/an _____.

a. Ferdinand Magellan

b. Lapu-lapu

c. Dagohoy

d. Egyptian priest

33. In another Luna’s great painting “The Blood Compact”, Rizal posed as _____ while Dr. Trinidad Pardo de
Tavera posed as Legaspi

a. Spanish priest

b. Lapu-lapu

c. Dagohoy

d. Sikatuna

e. Egyptian Priest

34. In Heidelberg, Rizal worked in the clinic of _____, famous Polish ophthalmologist.

a. Felix Pardo de Tavera

b. Dr. Javier Galezowsky

c. Dr. Louis de Weckert

d. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera

35. The Austrian professor, Director of Ateneo of Leitmeritz, whom Rizal had long and frequent
correspondence as their beautiful friendship lasted all their lives.

a. Dr. Javier Galezowsky

b. Dr. Louis de Weckert

c. Jose Alejandrino

d. Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt

36. Rizal sent two books entitled “Arithmetica” written in Spanish and Tagalog by University of Santo Tomas
Press in 1868. The author was _____, a native of Santa Cruz, Laguna.

a. Felix Pardo de Tavera

b. Rufino Baltazar Hernandez

c. Jose Alejandrino

d. Marcelo H. del Pilar

37. Rizal stayed in Leipzig from August 14, 1886 – October 29, 1886, he translated Schiller’s _____ from
German to Tagalog so that Filipinos might know the story of Swiss independence.

a. Fairy Tales

b. Travels in the Philippines

c. William Tell

d. The Count of Monte Cristo

38. In Berlin, Rizal was enchanted because of the scientific atmosphere and the absence of racial prejudice.
And he came in contact with the German scientist-traveler named ______. Who was the author of travelers in
the Philippines which Rizal read and admired for such author foretell the downfall of the Spanish rule and the
coming of Americans to the Philippine shore.

a. Dr. Feodor Jagor

b. Alexander Dumas

c. Hans Andersen

d. Beecher Stowe

39. Rizal lived in Berlin not just as mere student or a curious tourist, but for the following reasons EXCEPT

i. To gain further knowledge of ophthalmology and sciences & languages

ii. To observe the conditions of the German nation and associate with the German scientists and scholars

iii. To finish his novel El Filibusterismo

a. I only

b. II only

c. III only

d. I and II

40. The winter of 1886 was his darkest winter in Berlin for the following reasons EXCEPT:

i. He ate only one meal a day consisted of bread and water or some cheap vegetable

ii. The diamond ring from Saturnina got lost

iii. He had no money arrived from Calamba and could not pay his landlord

a. I only

b. II only
c. III only

d. I and II

41. How much did Rizal owed to Maximo Viola so that the novel Noli Me Tangere could be printed?

a. P100.00

b. P150.00

c. P200.00

d. P300.00

42. In Rizal’s Europe tour, he (together with Viola) visited such because of the following reasons:

i. To further study ophthalmology and sciences & languages

ii. Rizal was interested in botany to study numerous varieties of extraordinary beauty and size

iii. To visit Dr. Adolph B. Meyer

a. I only

b. II only

c. III only

d. II and III

43. In Leitmeritz, when Rizal and Viola was visiting Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt, who was amazed by
Rizal’s fluency in German language that Rizal was asked how long did he study German. Then Rizal answered
eleven months.

a. Alcalde Mayor

b. Governor General

c. Gobernadorcillo

d. Burgomaster

44. In Prague, as part of Europe tour, Viola and Rizal visited the famous cave where the Catholic saint was
imprisoned. Who was that saint?

a. San Antonio Padua

b. Saint Francisco de Assissi

c. Saint Pascual Bailon

d. San Juan Nepomuceno

45. One of the greatest novelists in Europe (Austrian novelist) whom Rizal and Viola visited in Vienna and
armed with letter of recommendation from Blumentritt, years later he spoke highly of Rizal, “whose genius he
so much admired”.
a. Alexander Dumas

b. Eugene Sue

c. Beecher Stowe

d. Norfenfals

46. After the publication of Noli Me Tangere, Rizal was warned not to return home by the following people

i. Silvestre Ubaldo

ii. Josephine Bracken

iii. Paciano and Jose M. Cecilio

a. I only

b. II only

c. III only

d. I and II

47. Rizal, deciding to return home, left Rome by train for Marseilles, a French port. And on July 3, 1887 he
boarded what steamer?

a. Tabo

b. Djemmah

c. Hayfong

d. Salvadora

48. In Saigon, on July 30, 1887, he transferred to another steamer, which was Manila-bound. What was that
steamer he was riding?

a. Tabo

b. Djemmah

c. Hayfong

d. Salvadora

49. In his hometown (Calamba), patients form Manila and provinces flocked to such town, which Rizal came to
be called _____ because he came from Germany, bust attending his lucrative medical practice.

a. Doctor Laon

b. Doctor Dimasalang

c. Doctor Uliman

d. Doctor Soliman
50. While the storm over the Noli was raging in fury, Rizal was not molested in Calamba because of this
Governor-General that assigned a bodyguard for Rizal. Who was that governor-general?

a. Terrero

b. Blanco

c. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi

d. Juan Salcedo

51. The lieutenant who defended Rizal in the court whom the latter chose because the former’s name was
familiar to him, for the former was the brother of Rizal’s bodyguard in 1887.

a. Juan Salcedo

b. Blanco

c. Pio Valenzuela

d. Luis Taviel de Andrade

52. The lottery prize that Rizal won.

a. P10,000

b. P20,000

c. P30,000

d. P40,000

53. In his aspiration to reconcile Rizal with the church, Fr. Pastells sent one or the following:

I. Father Obach

II. Father Jose Villaclara

III. Father Paula de Sancher

a. I only

b. II only

c. I and II

d. All of the above

54. When Rizal was exiled in Dapitan, the different perspectives of Rizal’s “many-splendored genius” were
enhance such as the following EXCEPT

a. Rizal as Educator

b. Rizal as a Traveler

c. Rizal as a Farmer

d. Rizal as Inventor and Scientist

55. What is Jose Rizal’s height?

a. 4’ 9”

b. 4’ 10”

c. 4’ 11”

d. 5’ 0”

56. When was Rizal arrested and deported to Dapitan (without benefit of trial)

a. June 21, 1892

b. June 26, 1892

c. July 3, 1892

d. July 7, 1892

57. Rizal was accused of this/these crime/crimes.

i. Rebellion

ii. Sedition

iii. Illegal association

a. I only

b. I and II

c. I and III

d. All of the above

58. On July 31, 1896, Rizal’s four year exile in Dapitan came to an end. At midnight of that date he left,
together with Josephine, Narcisa, Angelica (Narcisa’s daughter), his three nephews and 6 of his loyal pupils,
on the steamer named _______.

a. España

b. Castilla

c. Isla de Luzon

d. Isla de Panay

59. One of the priest who visited Rizal before the latter was executed whom Rizal made an image of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus during the latter’s Ateneo days

a. Fr. Antonio Rosell

b. Fr. Luis Viza

c. Fr. Federico Faura

d. Fr. Jose Vilaclara

60. The exact time Rizal died when he was shot at Bagumbayan field by firing squad.

a. 6:00 AM

b. 6:15 AM

c. 6:30 AM

d. 7:03 Am

61. Ano ang pangalan ng kabayo ni Jose Rizal?

a. Usmna

b. Utlig

c. Josep

d. Alipato

62. Being a rationalist in life, what was the reported request of Dr. Jose Rizal to his executioners in

a. Not to miss their target

b. Not to shoot him at the back

c. Shoot to kill

d. Not to shoot him on the head

63. Jose P. Rizal was born at _______.

a. Biñan, Laguna

b. Calamba, Laguna

c. Dapitan

d. Kawit, Cavite

64. What was the title of Rizal’s work considered to be his crowning glory as a young poet?

a. A Las Flores del Heidelberg

b. Mi Ultimo Adios

c. A Mi Madre

d. A La Juventud Filipina

1. The gifted physician-novelist of the Propaganda


2. The number of languages which Rizal could speak.


3. First written novel of Rizal


4. Place where the novel Noli Me Tangere was published

BERLIN (1887)

5. City where the novel El Filibusterismo was published

GHENT (1891)

6. The Spanish priest who denounced Dr. Jose Rizal’s novels as enemies of the Catholic religion.


7. A supporter of the Propaganda movement and Rizal’s best friend.


8. The first poem written by Rizal


9. The best poem ever written by Dr. Jose Rizal.

MI ULTIMO ADIOS (Ang Huling Paalam)

10. The most cultured of the reformist.


11. Known as “Dimasalang” and “Laon Laan”


12. The book written by Rizal in defence of alleged laziness of the Filipinos

LA INDOLENCIA DE LOS FILIPINOS (The Indolence of the Filipinos)

13. Pen name used by Rizal is his writings in La Solidaridad


14. Spanish govern who signed the death sentence of Dr. Jose Rizal


15. A translation of Rizal’s farewell poem written by Andres Bonifacio in Tagalog


16. Date of found of the fortnightly newspaper “La Solidaridad”

FEBRUARY 15, 1889

17. Date of last issue of La Solidaridad

NOVEMBER 15, 1895

18. The first Spanish friar to attack “Noli” and “El Fili”


19. Place where Dr. Jose Rizal conceived the idea of establishing La Liga Filipina, a civic association
composed of Filipinos


20. Helped Dr. Jose Rizal in preparing the constitution of La Liga Filipina


21. Date when Rizal was exiled to Dapitan

JULY 14, 1892

22. Dr. Jose Rizal dedicated his famous poem “A La Juventud Filipina” (To The Filipino Youth) to


23. To whom did Dr. Jose Rizal send his letter with this line: “I am innocent of the crime of rebellion. I am going
to die with a tranquil conscience.”


24. The priest who baptized Rizal


25. Philippine president who made Devember 30 as the Day of National Mourning in Rizal’s honor


26. The Rizal family has this many siblings


27. In 1868, Don Kiko brought Rizal to this pilgrimage


28. Left an impression to Rizal about sacrifice on one’s life


29. Rizal started his formal schooling in


30. Our national hero was born on ______

JUNE 19, 1861

31. The complete name of our national hero.


32. The law which provides that “courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, shall be included in the curricula of all schools, colleges and
universities, public or private.

R.A. 1425 / RIZAL LAW

33. Jose Rizal was fondly called ____ by his family and friends.


34. What was Filibustero mean?


35. In what school did Jose Rizal finish his medical course?


36. Jose Rizal’s true love who personified Maria Clara in his novel Noli Me Tangere.


37. Jose Rizal died at the age of _____


38. The mother of Jose Rizal was imprisoned for how many years due to allegedly poisoning her cousin-in-


39. The godfather of Jose Rizal


40. The ninth child of Francisco and Teodora who was an epileptic and died a spinster.


41. Jose Rizal’s first teacher


42. The title “El Filibusterismo” means


43. The main character of Noli Me Tangere is


44. The main character of El Filibusterismo is


45. The novel, Noli Me Tangere is about


46. The novel El Filibusterism is about


47. The novel, Noli Me Tanger is dedicated to


48. Noli Me Tangere was inspired by


49. Simoun is a wealthy jeweler who came back to the Philippines after how many years?


50. Crisostomo Ibarra was a student abroad who had his homecoming after how many years?

51. Pilosopo Tasyo is a character in Noli Me Tangere personified by whom in reality.


52. The heaven-sent financer of Noli Me Tangere


53. The novel, El Filibusterismo came off the press with the financial assistance of


54. The girlfriend of Isagani who dumped him or another man, believing that she has no future if she marries


55. The famous Rizal monument in Luneta was not a work of a Filipino but a Swiss sculptor. Who was that


56. Rizal discovered 3 species:

DRACO RIZAL (Wandolleck), a specie of flying dragon

RACHPHOROUS RIZAL (Boetger), a hitherto unknown specie of toad

APOGONIA RIZALI (Heller), a small bettle, which were later name after him

57. At what age could Jose Rizal read and write?


58. The surname Mercado when translated to English means?


59. Rizal’s dog name is


60. Name of Dr. Jose Rizal’s son

FRANCISCO (He name his son after his father Franciso Mercado)
General Education (March 2019 Science 60 Items)

1. Two block pots of the same size are filled with boiling water. One pot is colored white and the other is black.
In which pot will water cool faster?

A. In the black pot

B. In the white pot
C. In both pots
D. Will cool at the same time

2. Also known as a “living world”

A. Population
B. Bio community
C. Biosphere
D. Ecosystem

3. What are the hormones responsible for plant growth for promoting auxiliary bud growth and apical

A. Auxins and gibberellins

B. Cytokinins and gibberellins
C. Auxins and absciscate
D. Cytokinins and auxins

4. Which of the following organism is included under Kingdom Plantae?

A. Fungi
B. Magnilidae
C. Prokaryotes
D. Protozoa

5. Production of fossil fuels, petroleum and coal will run out in the near future, it is called _____.

A. Renewable resources
B. Natural resources
C. Non-renewable resources
D. Bio-resources

6. Why are the nights cooler when the sky is clear than when it is overcast?

A. Cooler air holds less vapor

B. There is no cloud cover to prevent heat from escaping
C. There is less humidity
D. Wind is stronger when it is overcast

7. When does temperature inversion occur?

A. Cool air is trapped under warm air

B. Warm air is trapped under cool air
C. Winds blow fast and slow alternately
D. Cool air rises above warm air
8. Which is true about the lithosphere?

A. Crust and upper mantle

B. Crust and water on it
C. Continents and crust
D. Crust and the core

9. A paper clip can sit on the surface of water due to?

A. Atmospheric pressure
B. Surface tension
C. Viscosity
D. Bouyancy

10. Organic compounds used in perfumes and food colorings

A. Alcohol
B. Ethers
C. Acids
D. Esters

11. Which is an alkaloid?

A. Nicotine
B. Aspirin
C. Eucalyptus
D. Menthol

12. A rectangular block steel has dimensions of 5 meters x 10 meters x 15 meters and weighs 1000 N. how
should this block be placed on the surface to exert the least pressure on the surface?

A. On the 5 meters by 15 meters side

B. On the 5 meters by 10 meters side
C. All sides exert equal pressure
D. On the 10 meters by 15 meters side

13. The protein shell of virus is called ________.

A. Nucleolus
B. Nucleic acid
C. Nucleus
D. Capsid

14. An ant colony stores food in the summer, defends itself by stinging enemies and invades a competing ant
colony and steals larvae and uses them as new workers. What is the term to best describe this species to cope
with everyday life?

A. Ecological defeat
B. Environment habitation
C. Ecological success
D. Ecological niche
15. Humans reproduce when an ovum is combined with a sperm leading to development of an embryo. This
form of reproduction is called _____.

A. Asexual reproduction
B. Fertilization
C. Budding
D. Binary fission

16. Predation is a relationship exemplified by _____.

A. An orchid attached to the trunk of a Narra tree

B. A hunter shooting a duck in the forest and having it for dinner
C. A tapeworm living in the gastrointestinal tract of a toddler
D. A clownfish living within the sea anemone

17. Who was the father of modern taxonomy and responsible for coining the term Homo sapiens for humans?

A. Chatton
B. Aristotle
C. H. Copeland
D. Linnaeus

18. A population of rabbits live in a stable habitat with no changes in the environment for a long time. How will
genetic drift possibly alter this population?

A. It may decrease genetic variation

B. It will promote the dominance of the rabbits with superior traits
C. It will decrease the population of the rabbits
D. It will stimulate the appearance of new traits

19. The feeding connections between all the life forms are referred to as _____.

A. Nutrition cycles
B. Food web
C. Biochemical pathways
D. Fossil cycle

20. What diagnostic test allows microorganisms to multiply in a medium under controlled laboratory condition in
order to determine the cause of an intentions disease?

A. Microbial culture
B. Chest x-ray
C. Complete blood count
D. Urinalysis

21. An atom of silicon has a mass number of 28 and atomic number of 14. How many protons are in this atom?

A. 14
B. 12
C. 28
D. 7
22. Insulin is secreted by the ____.

A. Pancreas
B. Liver
C. Intestine
D. Kidney

23. What organism would most likely in an arctic environment?

A. Turtle
B. Maya bird
C. Crocodile
D. Walrus

24. The “red tide” phenomenon causes what particular marine organism to be poisonous for human

A. Arthropods
B. Algae
C. Earthworm
D. Mollusks

25. What is true of metalloids?

A. Conduct heat better than metals

B. Conduct heat better than non-metals
C. Have properties of both metals and non-metals
D. Conduct heat and electricity less effective than non-metal

26. Which of the following is a colloid?

A. Water
B. Soda
C. Milk
D. Gasoline

27. The law of heredity were the results of the study of ______.

A. Fleming
B. Mendel
C. Curie
D. Darwin

28. What is the basis for clarifying plants based on phylogenetic considerations?

A. Natural composition
B. Physical composition
C. Structural similarities
D. Evolutionary sequences
29. Who discovered penicillin?

A. Fleming
B. Mendel
C. Curie
D. Darwin

30. What are the two waste products of Citric Acid Cycle?

A. Hydrogen and carbon dioxide

B. Carbon dioxide and water
C. Hydrogen and nitrogen
D. Hydrogen and water

31. If a mango has a genotype of XXyy, what possible genetic variations can a single seed have?

A. XY, xy
B. xY, XY, Xy, XY
C. Xy
D. xy

32. Light travels fastest in _____.

A. Air
B. Plastic
C. Glass
D. Water

33. What is the main organ for respiration?

A. Brain
B. Liver
C. Lungs
D. Skin

34. In 4 basic morphologies, what is the shape of vibrio-cholera?

A. Rod-shaped
B. Spiral shaped
C. Comma-shaped
D. Spherical shaped

35. There is a need of well-defined and agreed upon that is used as a standard of all measurements.

A. Yard
B. Unit
C. Meter
D. Quantity
36. In which rock layer are remains of aquatic organisms commonly found?

A. Igneous
B. Intrusive
C. Metamorphic
D. Sedimentary

37. Substances which cause chemical changes in food are called?

A. Vitamins
B. Red cells
C. Enzymes
D. Hormones

38. Which of the following pairs demonstrates symbiosis?

A. Bee and flower

B. Monkey and banana
C. Chick and corn plant
D. Termites and wood

39. Animals which live on land but return to the water breed.

A. Reptiles
B. Mammals
C. Amphibians
D. Crustaceans

40. The constantly changing condition form hour to hour and even day to day is characteristic of a condition

A. Typhoon
B. Weather
C. Climate
D. Depression

41. What is the normal body temperature?

A. 37 °C
B. 47 °C
C. 30 °C
D. 27 °C

42. What is the reason why a passenger tends to move forward when the car suddenly stops?

A. Law of interaction
B. Law of acceleration
C. Law of inertia
D. Law of motion
43. Bats are able to navigate in the dark without bumping into anything because they ______.

A. Are able to fluoresce in the dark

B. Have supersonic eyesight
C. Omit sound waves
D. Can disappear in the dark

44. The spreading of colors by a prism is called?

A. Scattering
B. Interference
C. Dispersion
D. Reflection

45. When you got sun burns, this is due to ______.

A. Conduction
B. Radiation
C. Convection
D. Contact

46. When a rocket releases powerful exhaust gas to have a lift, the law behind is _____.

A. Law of interaction
B. Law of acceleration
C. Law of inertia
D. Law of motion

47. This is a sound that has a frequency below 20 Hz.

A. Ultrasonic sound
B. Infrasonic sound
C. Low sound
D. Pitch

48. It is the capacity to do work.

A. Force
B. Energy
C. Distance
D. Speed

49. It is referred to as the energy in motion.

A. Heat energy
B. Kinetic energy
C. Potential energy
D. Mechanical energy
50. What heat transfer occurs when heat is transferred by liquid?

A. Contact
B. Conduction
C. Radiation
D. Convection

51. What weather instrument measures temperature?

A. Radiosonde
B. Rawind
C. Psychrometer
D. Thermometer

52. It is a term used to describe the change from solid to gas without passing to liquid state?

A. Condensation
B. Precipitation
C. Evaporation
D. Sublimation

53. Energy at rest is called ______.

A. Electrical energy
B. Potential energy
C. Mechanical energy
D. Kinetic energy

54. What is the lifespan of an eyelash?

A. One week
B. One month
C. One day
D. Three months

55. Heat will always flow from ______.

A. Cold to hot body and vice versa

B. Cold to hot body
C. Hot to cold body and vice versa
D. Hot to cold body until equilibrium

56. Which of the following forms of energy is emitted as waster energy into the environment?

A. Chemical energy
B. Light energy
C. Heat energy
D. Potential energy
57. You won the jackpot prize in the lottery. The price money cannot be paid in currency but only in gold.
Applying your knowledge is chemistry, select the largest amount of gold between the given choices below. (Au
= 197).

A. 297 g of gold
B. 40 Kg of gold
C. Avogadro’s number of atoms gold
D. 22.4 moles of gold

58. Light travels fast in ______.

A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Air
D. Vacuum

59. The so-called mirage is cause by ______.

A. Zinc container
B. Carbon rod
C. Asphalt seal
D. Electrolyte

60. Hemophilia is a common sex-linked disorder that is X-linked recessive trait. If a man is hemophiliac, this
means that _____.

A. He got the disease from his mother

B. He will have children with hemophilia
C. All his brothers and sisters will be hemophiliac
D. None of his brothers and sisters will be hemophiliac
Additional Science Questions 100 Items

1. Which distinguishes a plant cell from an animal cell?

A. Cell wall
B. Cell membrane
C. Nucleus
D. Mitochondria

2. How many meters are there in 5 kilometers?

A. 50 meters
B. 500 meters
C. 5,000 meters
D. 50,000 meters

3. Which of the following describes the cell membrane?

A. Permeable
B. Impermeable
C. Semi-permeable
D. Rigid

4. Which of the following is an example of diffusion?

A. Spreading of radioactive particles around the world

B. Spreading of fragrance in a room
C. Spreading of diseases in a city
D. All of the above

5. Which is known as "blood sugar”?

A. Sucrose
B. Lactose
C. Fructose
D. Glucose

6. Which life characteristic illustrates perpetuation of species?

A. Reproduction
B. Irritability
C. Growth
D. Motion

7. Which among the following vitamins is soluble in water?

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B1
C. Vitamin B12
D. Vitamin C

8. Which tenet is NOT included in the Cell Theory?

A. All living things are made up of cells.

B. Cells are the basic unit of life.
C. All cells have DNA.
D. Cells come from pre-existing cells.

9. Which combined functions of the following is most involved when a boy swims?

A. Muscles, bones and hair

B. Blood and muscles
C. Bones, nerves and muscles
D. Nerves and reproductive organs

10. Bones: Osteocytes; Brain:_________

A. Nephrons
B. Neurons
C. Sarcomere
D. Impulse

11. In the DNA molecule, Guanine lies opposite to ______.

A. Uracil
B. Cytosine
C. Adenine
D. Thymine

12. Complete the reaction: Water + CO2 -> Sugar + ______.

A. Ethanol
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon dioxide

13. When a cell is immersed in a hypertonic salt solution, water will _________.

A. move out of the cell

B. move into the cell
C. not move anywhere
D. move into the nucleus

14. Who invented the first improvised incubator for premature newborns?

A. Gregorio Y. Zara
B. Fe del Mundo
C. Leon Maria Guerrero
D. Juan Salcedo

15. Which carbohydrate is the primary component of insects’ exoskeleton?

A. Cellulose
B. Starch
C. Chitin
D. Glycogen

16. Which statement is FALSE?

A. The more specialized the cell, the less frequently it divides.
B. Cell division is slow in embryos but goes faster with age.
C. Mitosis forms 2 identical cells.
D. Cell division is important in growth.

17. When you have a defective gallbladder, you should lessen the intake of _______.

A. meat
B. fatty food
C. starchy food
D. sugar

18. Which best describes the “table sugar”?

A. A monosaccharide
B. A combination of two glucose
C. A disaccharide
D. Also known as maltose

19. Which is a unicellular organism?

A. A Bacterium
B. A Mammal
C. The Brown Algae
D. A Gymnosperm

20. Which is an example of a saturated fat?

A. Olive oil
B. Lubricant oil
C. Fish oil
D. Lard

21. What organism would most likely be in arctic environment?

A. Frog
B. Turtle
C. Rice bird
D. Walrus

22. A relationship in which one organism is helped and another organism is neither helped nor hurt is called

A. mutualism
B. parasitism
C. commensalism
D. herbivory

23. Which are the producers in aquatic ecosystems?

A. planktons
B. corals
C. sea worms
D. small fishes
24. Who said that living cells come from pre-existing cells?

A. Schleiden
B. Schwann
C. Virchow
D. Hooke

25. If your body cell with 46 chromosomes will undergo mitosis, what would be the number of chromosomes for
each daughter cells?

A. 2
B. 23
C. 46
D. 92

26. Which is the filtering unit of a kidney?

A. Nephron
B. Urethra
C. Sarcomere
D. Loop of Henle

27. What relationship exists when flowers are pollinated by bees?

A. Mutualism
B. Commensalism
C. Parasitism
D. Competition

28. What is the green pigment in plant that harvests energy from the sun?

A. chloroplast
B. chlorophyll
C. green leafy vegetable
D. green flower

29. Which is NOT an example of a protein?

A. Antibodies
B. Venom
C. Glucose
D. Antigen

30. Who observed cork cells using a microscope and coined the word “cell”?

A. Leeuwenhoek
B. Hooke
C. Brown
D. Darwin

31. Which kind of reproduction is widespread among animals?

A. Fertilization
B. Budding
C. Pollination
D. Binary Fission

32. Which cell transport does NOT require energy?

A. Passive Transport
B. Active Transport
C. Phagocytosis
D. Exocytosis

33. What are the raw materials for photosynthesis?

A. Carbon dioxide and water

B. Oxygen and carbohydrates
C. Sunlight and oxygen
D. Oxygen and food

34. Where do light-dependent reactions occur?

A. Stroma
B. Thylakoid membranes
C. Matrix
D. Inner membrane

35. In a cardiac arrest, traces of lactic acids are found in the heart tissues. This proves that a cardiac arrest is
a(n) ___________.

A. aerobic process
B. anaerobic process
C. Calvin cycle process
D. light-dependent process

36. What kind of energy is stored in an ATP molecule?

A. light energy
B. chemical energy
C. nuclear energy
D. kinetic energy

37. What is a True-breeding Plant?

A. Plants that are in the pea family.

B. Plants that can self-fertilize.
C. Plants that have opposite traits.
D. Plants that have different colors.

38. Which is the universal blood donor?

A. Blood type A
B. Blood type B
C. Blood type AB
D. Blood type O

39. Which type of cell is produced through meiosis?

A. Cheek cell
B. Skin cell
C. The ovule
D. A neuron

40. How many chromosomes are present in a skin cell?

A. 44
B. 45
C. 46
D. 47

41. If a cell having 30 chromosomes undergo mitosis, how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have at
the end of the process?

A. 15
B. 10
C. 30
D. 60

42. Who is the Father of Genetics?

A. Mendel
B. Darwin
C. Einstein
D. Aristotle

43. Who is the Father of Evolutionary Biology?

A. Mendel
B. Darwin
C. Aristotle
D. Crick

44. What separates the two daughter cells in plants during cytokinesis?

A. Cell plate
B. Cleavage furrow
D. Water

45. Which shows pairing of analogous structures?

A. Hands of man: Hands of Frog

B. Wings of birds: Wings of fly
C. Legs of apes: Legs of monkeys
D. Flippers of whales: Flippers of dolphins

46. At what stage in the Evolution by Natural Selection is when organisms compete for limited resources?

A. Struggle for existence

B. Variation
C. Overpopulation
D. Fitness
47. Which is the universal genetic code for all organisms?

D. Proteins

48. Which hominid species are labeled as “upright man”?

A. Homo sapiens
B. Homo erectus
C. Neanderthals
D. Homo habilis

49. Which taxon includes the others?

A. genera
B. order
C. class
D. family

50. Predation is a relationship exemplified by

A. an orchid attached to the trunk of a Narra tree

B. a hunter shooting a duck in the forest and having it for dinner
C. a tapeworm living in the gastrointestinal tract of a toddler
D. a clownfish living within a sea anemone

51. Where can we find cardiac muscles?

A. heart
B. eye
C. stomach
D. bladder

52. In many cells, the organelle that controls the cell’s activities is the ________.

A. cell membrane
C. nucleus
D. cytoplasm

53. Which of these is NOT caused by a virus?

A. chicken pox
B. tuberculosis
C. the common cold
D. influenza

54. Which refers to the degree of closeness of measurements to the true value?

A. accuracy
B. precision
C. uncertainty
D. calibration

55. Which taxonomic sequence indicates general to specific?

A. genus – species – order – class – family

B. species – genus – family – order – family
C. kingdom – phylum – family – class – order
D. class – order – family –genus – species

56. Which model shows total energy available per trophic level?

A. energy pyramid
B. food chain
C. pyramid of numbers
D. pyramid of biomass

57. The asexual reproduction which occurs when a new organism develops from an outgrowth is called

A. fission
B. budding
C. fertilization
D. grafting

58. When lighted, the energy of the alcohol in a lamp is _____.

A. transformed from heat to chemical energy

B. lost while heating is done
C. transformed from chemical to heat energy
D. completely destroyed

59. Which of the following is the by-product of photosynthesis?

A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Carbohydrates

60. What happens during Metaphase?

A. Sister chromatids separate from each other.

B. The nuclear membrane starts to disappear.
C. Chromosomes align in the center.
D. Two new nuclei are formed.

61. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of life?

A. reproduction through gametes

B. moving from place to place
C. responding to stimuli
D. maintaining a relatively constant internal condition

62. Which is true about dominant genes?

A. They prevent the expression of other genes when paired.
B. They should be paired with recessive genes.
C. They cannot be expressed if heterozygous.
D. They are aggressive and express the more beneficial traits.

68. Which of the following is a heterotroph?

A. Moss
B. Algae
C. Grasshopper
D. Fern

69. Which of the following is a “cold-blooded” organism?

A. Arctic fox
B. snake
C. penguin
D. polar bear

70. Which of the following is a detritivore?

A. mushroom
B. earthworm
C. decomposing bacteria
D. vulture

71. Which of the following refers to an object, person, or situation which when perceived causes an action or a

A. sound
B. sight
C. stimulus
D. scent

72. Why does a rose flower appear red?

A. The petals absorb the red portion of the light spectrum.

B. The petals reflect the red portion of the light spectrum.
C. The red portion is of long wave length.
D. Multiple reflection makes red prominent.

73. The first step in the scientific method is ______.

A. testing a hypothesis
B. making observations
C. forming a hypothesis
D. analyzing data

74. Which is the application of scientific concepts and principles?

A. Ecology
B. Technology
C. Physiology
D. Biology
75. Sakura’s blood type can mix well with other blood types she receives in transfusion. Which might be
Sakura’s blood type?

A. Type O C. Type AB
B. Type B D. Type A

76. One who attempts a new way of doing things or applies a new solution to a problem is said to possess

A. curiosity
B. open-mindedness
C. responsibility
D. creativity

77. In which kingdom should molds be classified?

A. Protista
B. Fungi
C. Monera
D. Animalia

78. Which organisms are responsible for the return of substances in the bodies of the dead plants and animals
to the soil?

A. Producers
B. First-order consumers
C. Decomposers
D. Consumers

79. Which is an example of a prokaryote?

A. Entamoeba histolytica
B. Mushroom
C. yeast
D. coli

80. The following are generally accepted principles in ecology that need to be considered in environmental
education EXCEPT

A. infiniteness of resources
B. interdependence
C. biological diversity
D. ecological stewardship

81. Bagoong smells because ____________.

A. air and volatile particles from bagoong mix and get spoiled further
B. that is the natural scent of bagoong
C. molecules from bagoong spread in air
D. it uses spoiled fish as ingredients

82. What intermolecular forces do geckos and other lizards use to stick to walls and ceilings?

A. Van der Waals forces

B. Static ionic attractions
C. Hydrogen bonding
D. Covalent bonding

83. How is oxygen released into the Earth’s atmosphere?

A. Burning of forests
B. Photosynthesis in plants
C. Burning of fossil fuels
D. Volcanic eruptions

84. Which vitamin is lacking in a person who suffers osteoporosis and rickets (osteomalacia)?

A. Vitamin B1
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D

85. A Moneran which lacks peptidoglycan in its cell wall is a(n) ______.

A. fungus
B. archaeabacterium
C. algae
D. animal

86. Moss: Non-vascular plant; Fern: ________.

A. Angiosperm
B. Gymnosperm
C. Seedless vascular plant
D. Green Algae

87. Which is a characteristic of an invertebrate?

A. Lacks cell membrane

B. Lacks vertebral column
C. Lacks legs
D. Lacks wings

88. Where do sea anemones and corals belong?

A. Phylum Cnidaria
B. Phylum Echinodermata
C. Phylum Arthropoda
D. Phylum Molluska

89. Which organism is described as having two scaly legs and a pair of wings?

A. A bird
B. A reptile
C. A mammal
D. A fish

90. Which is an example of a mammal that lays eggs?

A. Kangaroo
B. Sea Eagle
C. Duck
D. Platypus

91. Which type of tissue connects and binds tissues and organs?

A. Adipose
B. Connective
C. Muscular
D. Nervous

92. Which is NOT an organ for excretion?

A. Liver
B. Lungs
C. Kidneys
D. Anus

93. Where does reabsorption happen?

A. Glomerulus
B. Ureter
C. Urinary Bladder
D. Loop of Henle

94. Which refers to the space in between neurons?

A. Synapse
B. Stigma
C. Axon
D. Dendrites

95. Which part of the brain controls life-sustaining activities?

A. Medulla Oblongata
B. Cerebellum
C. Cerebrum
D. Spinal Cord

96. Which process moves bolus down into the stomach?

A. Peristalsis
B. Egestion
C. Grinding
D. Chyme

97. Which part of the small intestine is the most active?

A. Jejunum
B. Ileum
C. Duodenum
D. Colon
98. How many bones does an adult human being have?

A. 206
B. 216
C. 226
D. 246

99. When muscle pairs work oppositely, these muscles are called _______.

A. antagonistic pair
B. abs
C. biceps muscles
D. dynamic duo

100. What kind of cells produce the melanin?

A. Melanocytes
B. Keratinocytes
C. Sebaceous glands
D. White heads cells

 SKYPE – face to face communication

 First UP President – Rafael Palma
 First Filipino Poetess – Leona Florentino
 First Filipino Canon Maker – Panday Pira
 Peacemaker of the Revolution – Pedro Paterno
 Founder of Philippine Socialism – Isabelo delos Reyes
 The Man of Many Talents – Epifanio delos Santos
 The Great Plebian – Andres Bonifacio
 Outstanding diplomat of the 1st Philippine Republic – Felipe Agoncillo
 Memoria fotografica / photographic memory – Jose Ma. Panganiban
 Owner of real property need to pay – Real Property Tax
 First and longest running comics – Kenkoy
 Lowest land point – Dead Sea
 Driest place on Earth – McMurdo Dry Valleys
 Deepest Area ever discovered – Marianas Trench
 Hottest place on Earth – Death Valley on California
 Christopher Marlowe – Father of English Tragedy
 Washington Irving – Father of American Literature
 Father of Indian Independence – Mahatma Gandhi (Great Soul)
 Beowulf – first great work of English literature
 Insulin – secreted by the pancreas
 Block steel – 10 x 15 m side
 Bukanegan – Ilocano Balagtasan
 Dekalogo – Bonifacio (10)
 Kartilya – Jacinto (13)
 Pilosopong Tasyo – Pasyano Rizal
 Lupang Tinubuan – best story during Japanese occupation
 Monkey and the Turtle – Jose Rizal
 Blended learning – actual classroom and online instruction
 Elizabeth 1 – Virgin Queen
 Corazon Aquino – komisyong pangwika
 Mirage – asphalt seal
 Kyoto Protocol – sets mandatory limit greenhouse gas emissions
 Brundtland Commission – sustainable development
 Francisco Pizarro Gonzalez – conquered the INCA EMPIRE
 Powerpoint – clear and organized presentation
 IMPROMPTU – paksa ay hindi binigay bago magsimula ang talumpati
 Frailocracia – hidden control of friars
 Frailocracia - Marcelo H. del Pilar
 Shape of brick – Rectangle
 Penicillin discovered by – Alexander Fleming
 Pagbabagong anyo ng bayan – Reduccion
 Permutation of 9P9 – 362 880
 Absolute mean – 14.35 or 14.5
 Oldest religion in Asia – Hinduism
 GULF is a sea partly enclosed by land
 ZONE is the surface between Tropic of Cancer and Arctic Circle
 Aquilino Pimentel – Father of Local Government Code
 CITY STATES is a single political unit
 Salubong ang kilay – GALIT
 Opposites sides are equal – RECTANGLE
 Douglas McArthur is the field Marshall of the Philippine Army
 VETO POWER is the to set aside a certain grant
 Spreadsheet – perform computation
 Graphics – maps, illustrations, symbols
 Spanish: sarswela – American:bodabil
 Mpagkumbaba: pagong – mapagmataas:matsing
 Jose Rizal – Martyr of freedom
 Basal o di kongkreto – katalinuhan
 Computers are used at HOME
 Folkdance from Mexico except POLKA
 Everything seems to be all right
 Greatest legacy of Spain in Philipines –Christianity
 Payak and kayarian ng salitang gamot
 Residence certificate – sedula during Spanish occupation
 Philippine National Anthem – Spanish
 Pagsulong:pagbagsak
 Bulaklak:napagmasdan (hindi tugma)
 Gestures culturally defines habits – communicate through gestures differently
 Nakatiwangwang lupa – inaanod -basura



 ISHMAEL BERNAL (Manila) – the genius of Philippine cinema, Himala, Pahiram ng isang
 AMADO HERNANDEZ (Tondo, Manila) – labor leader (Luha ng Buwaya, Isang Dipang Langit)
 CARLOS P. ROMULO (Intramuros) – Pulitzer Award for Journalism (I Walked with Heroes)
 N.V.M. Gonzales (Mansalay or Mindoro) – Filipino in rural and urban landscapes (The Wind of
April, The Bamboo Dancers)
 EDITH TIEMPO (Bayambang) – fusion of style and substance (The Little Marmoset, Bonsai)
 ROLANDO TINIO (Tondo) – Teatro Pilipino (Larawan)


 JUAN NACPIL (Quiapo) – Quiapo church, reconstruction of Rizal house

 PABLO ANTONIO (Binondo) – simplicity, no clutter, FEU administration
 LEANDRO LOCSIN (Silay) – CCP complex

Visual Arts

 FERNANDO AMORSOLO (Paco) – First National Artist 1972, Grand old man of Phillippines
Art, backlighting technique, Maiden in a Stream, Dalagang Bukid
 NAPOLEON ABUEVA (Tagbilaran) – Father of Modern Sculpture, youngest, The
 GUILLERMO TOLENTINO (Malolos) – UP Oblivion, Bonifacio Monument


 LEVI CELERIO (Tondo) – music using leaf, Ang Pasko ay Sumapit, Ikaw, Kahit Konting
Pagtingin, Atin CU Pung Singsing, Itik Itk

 LEONOR OROSA-GOQUINGCO (Jolo) – The Trailblazer, Mother of Philippines Theater



 CATALINO BROCKA (Pilar) – film director, Tinimbang ka Ngunit Kulang, Maynila sa Kuko ng


 Father of Chemistry - Lavoisier

 Father of Modern Taxonomy – Linnaeus
 Father of Genetics – Mendel
 Father of Modern Science – Galilei
 Possible consequence of eutrophication/hypertrophication – significantly diminished sea
harvest by fishermen
 Disturbed ecosystem can recover naturally through ECOLOGICAL SUCCESION
 Useful function of microorganism - can clean up an oil spill by digesting hydrocarbon
 1st stage of muscle rigidity – Parkinson’s disease
 Atomic Mass of Francium – 223 Atomic Mass Unit
 Curium – 247 atomic mass unit
 Einsteinium – 252 amu
 Molar mass of nicotine – 162.23g/mol
 Maltose – 342.3 g/mol
 Atoms of the same element – Isotope
 Compounds with same number of atoms – isomer
 Discovery of radioactivity – Becquerel
 Phylogenetics describes the evolutionary sequence of organisms
 Unicellular organism – bacteria
 Crops/foods – agriculture
 Solid Liquid Solution – sodium chloride in water
 Smallest particle – Atom
 Activity of science – INTERPRETATION
 Time it takes to decay half of the nuclei – half life
 First synthetic element – technetium
 Element with highest electro negativity – fluorine
 Most abundant elements in a living matter – CHNOPS (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen) 4
most abundant CHON
 Most abundant element in atmosphere – nitrogen
 Earth’s crust – oxygen
 Hottest gas – acetylene/oxy acetylene
 Very hot gas of nuclei and electron – plasma
 Light with greatest photon energy – violet
 Changes in the moon – 8
 Energy is absorbed – endothermic
 Released – exothermic
 Air, water, land – biosphere
 Protest that causes malaria – plasmodium
 Photosynthesis an also occur in BLUE-GREEN ALGAE
 Electron transport chain occurs in the MITOCHONDRIA
 Does not need a hard shell to protect its egg –frog
 Isomer of glucose – fructose
 IVF babies – test tube babies
 Mineral in blood clotting – calcium
 Vitamin in blood clotting – K
 True of recessive genes – homozygous genotype
 Scurvy is deficiency of ASCORBIC ACID
 Fungi that absorb nutrient from dead matter – saprophytes


 A professional teacher should faithfully observe code of ethics

 Chinese – Great Grandfather of Rizal (father side)
 Spanish/Japanese – mother side
 Cock fighter – principal form of entertainment (brought by Chinese)
 Rice terraces – man made wonder
 Kung Fu Tzu (Confucius) – not a religious leader
 Bubonic plague – black death
 ISIS – Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
 TRAIN – Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion
 PAR – Philippine Area of Responsibility
 GAD- Gender and Development
 LASER – Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
 SCUBA – Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
 Coron, Palawan – best scuba diving site
 Mindanao – land of promise
 Stratification – grouping, layering, stratifying society
 Excise tax – tax paid for commodity
 Tuan Masha’ka / Karim of Makdum – introduced Islam on the Philippines
 Abu Bakar – Founded Sulu sultanate
 Sultanate of SULU – First sultanate
 Lope de Vega – established national theater in Spain
 Fr. Andres de Urdaneta – discovered Galleon Trade Route
 Manila – distinguished and ever loyal city
 Spain claimed Philippines by – discovery/conquest
 Situado – annual subsidy of Mexican government to the Philippines
 Illustrados – wealthy and educated Filipno
 Primary objective of Katipunan – Civic, Political and Moral
 Kalayaan – newspaper of Katipunan


 Literal – explicitly states what it means (what, when, who, when, where)
 Interpretative – relationship of ideas (why, what if and how)
 Applied – analyze, synthesize and evaluate
 Amorcon Amorsepaga – love begets love
 Sinequanon – indispensable
 An nauseaim – disguting
 Quo vadis - where are you going
 Veni, vedi, bici – I came, I saw, I conquer
 Res ipsa loquitor – the thing speaks for itself
 Lingua franca – common language
 In loco parentis – in place of a parent
 Connoisseur - expert in taste
 Soiree – evening party
 Chauffeur – driver
 Mesdames – plural of madame
 Manila times – oldest existing newspaper
 Panchatantra – collection of Indian fables
 Matsou basho –greatest haiku poet
 Gullivers travel – Jonathan Swift satire on human folly and stupidity
 Satirika – pang-uuyam sa politika/lipunan
 Middle ages – Ear of knights and castles in English literature
 Tagore – first Asian writer to receive nobel prize
 Calidasa – great writer on his time
 Book burning – literary demonstration
 Renaissance – rebirth in French
 O captain! My Captain – commemorates the life of Abraham Lincoln
 Uncle Tom’s Cabin – triggered American Civil War
 Euripides – greek dramatist/author of Alcestis
 Great Sphinx – half lion half human
 Comparative and superlative – adjective with inflectional morphemes


 51 – not a prime number

 199 – largest prime number less than 200
 45 and 46 – consecutive number with sum of 92
 50 and 52 – sum of 102
 360 – LCM of 12, 10 9
 Monagon – 27 diagonals
 110 – quadrilateral (360)

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