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New Era University

College of Engineering and Architecture

CE 222-18 – Engineering Survey - 2CE
Final Quiz – 2nd semester 2021-2022

Name: BUHAY, JEAN RUZZEL Date: APRIL 25, 2022

Problem Solving: Write your solution and answers on the space provided at the end of each question.
ID no.19-11800-137. remove all zeroes, take the last three numbers, abc = 137

1. Given symmetrical parabolic summit curve with g1= 10 %, g2= -8 %, L = 113.7 m. The elevation of Sta PC 1 + 000 is 200 m.

Determine the following: (35 pts)

a.) The value of vertical of set at station PI; H = 2.56
b.) Elevation at x=40 from PC; Elev60 = 202.73
c.) Elevation at x= 40 from PT; Elev(L-40) = 207.33
d.) The Distance of highest point from PC; S1= 63.17 m
e.) The Elevation of the highest point = 203.157 m
f.) The elevation of PI is = 210 m
g.) The elevation of PT is = 205.452 m

2 Given symmetrical parabolic sag curve with g1= - 11%, g2= 14%, and length of 113.7 m. The elevation of Sta PC at 1 + 000 is 200 m.

Determine the following: (30 pts)

a.) The value of vertical of set at station PI; H = 3.55
b.) Elevation at x= 40 from PC; Elev40 = 197.36
c.) Elevation at x= 40 from PT; Elev(L-40) = 202.14
d.) The Distance of lowest point from PC; S1= 50.028 m
e.) The Elevation of the Lowest point = 198.95 m
f.) The elevation of PT is = 7.959 m

3. Given unsymmetrical parabolic summit curve with L1= 140m, L2= 113.7, g1= 4% and g2= -6 %. The elevation of PC at station 1 +
000 is 200 m.

Determine the following 35 pts

a. The value of H at Sta PI is H = 3.14
b. The Elevation at sta 1+080 is Elev080= 201.6
c. The Elevation at sta 1+140 is Elev140= 202.46
d. The Elevation of sta 1+200 Elev200 = 201.877
e. The distance of highest point from PC; S1= 124.84
f. The Elevation of the Highest point HP =203.7186
g. The Elevation of the Highest point PT = 202.4996
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a. Determine the maximum vertical offset H;

L 113.7
H= ( g1 −g 2 ) H= ¿
8 8
H = 2.56

b. Determine the Elevation at x = 40 from PC; Elev60;

h x =g1 x

h 40=( 0.1 ) ( 40 )=4 m

H 2 2.56 2
y 40= x= (40)
‘ L 2
= 1.27
2 2
Elev40 = Elev PC + h – y
Elev40 = 200 + 4 – 1.27
Elev40 = 202.73
c. Determine the Elevation at x = 40 from PT; Elev(L-40);

h L−40=( 0.1 )( 73.7 )=7.37

4 (2.56)(7.37)2
y L−40=
= 0.04
Elevation L−40 =¿ 0.04)
Elevation L−40 =207.33

d. Determine the Distance of highest point from PC;

g1 L
S 1=

S1 =
( 0.1 )−(−0.08)

S1=63.17 m

e. Determine the Elevation of the highest point;

H y
= 2
L S1
( )
2.56 y
113.7 63.172
( )
𝐲𝐬𝟏 ys 1= 3.16

hs 1 = ( g¿¿ 1)( s ) =( 0.1 ) ( 63.17 )=6.317 m ¿


Elevation at Highest Point

Highest Point = Elev PC + hs − ys 1 1

= 200 + 6.317 – 3.16

Highest Point = 203.157

f.Determine the Elevation of PI;

Elev PI = Elev PC + g1
= 200 + (0.1) (100)
Elev PI = 210 m

g.Determine the Elevation of PT;

Elev PT = Elev PI - g2
= 210 + (-0.08) ( 2

Elev PT = 205.452 m

a. Determine the maximum vertical offset H;

L 113.7
H= ( g2 −g 1 ) H= ¿
8 8
H = 3.55
b. Determine the elevation when x = 40 m from PC;
a. Determine the vertical increment when x = 40 m
h x =g1 x
h 40 =¿ (0.11) (40)
= 4.4 m
b. Determine the vertical offset when x = 40 m
4H 2
y= 2
4(3.55) 2
y= 2
= 1.757
c. Determine the Elevation when x = 40 m
elev 40 =¿ Elev PC – h + y

elev 40 =¿ 200 – 4.4 + 1.757

elev 40 = 197.357 m
c. Determine the elevation when x = 40 m from PT;
h L−40=( 0.11 )( 73.7 )=8.11

4 (3.55)(73.7)2
y L−40=
2 =5.97
Elevation L−40 =¿ 5.97)
Elevation L−40 =¿ 202.14

d. Determine the distance of Lowest point from PC

g1 L
g1 + g2
S1 =

‘hs = g1hs
‘hs= 0.11 (50.028 - 000) = 5.5

S2 = L-S1
S2= 113.7 – 50.028
S2= 63.672
4H 2
' ys= 2
4 ( 3.55 )
' ys= 2
( 63.672 )2
( 113.7 )
' ys=4.45

e. Determine the Elevation of the Lowest Point;

LP = Elev PC - h + y
= 200 – 5.5 + 4.45
LP = 198.95

f. Determine the Elevation of PT;

' h=g2
' h=(0.14)
= 7.959

a. The value of H at Sta PI;
L1 L2 ( g1−g2 )
2 ( L 1 + L2 )
H= (140 )( 113.7 ) ¿ ¿

b. The Elevation at Sta 1+080 is Elev080;

' h 080= ( 080 )( 0.04 )=3.2

y 080 3.14
= 2
080 (140)
y 080 =1.60
Elev 080 = Elev PC + h 080− y 080
= 200 + 3.2 – 1.60
Elev 080 = 201.6

C. The Elevation at Sta 1+140 is Elev140; at L1 y = H = 3.14

' h 080= (140 )( 0.04 )=5.6

Elev at Sta 140 = Elev PC + h140 – H

Elev at Sta 140 = 200 + 5.6 – 3.14
Elev 140 = 202.46

D. The Elevation at Sta 1+200 is Elev200; x = 200 – 140 = 60 m

L1 g 1−2 H
g3 =

( 140 ) ( 0.04 ) −2(3.14)

g3 =

‘h200 = 60 (0.00485714285)
‘h200 = 0.291

y 3.14
= 2
(60) (113.7)

Elev 200 = Elev 140 + h – y

Elev 200 = 202.46 + 0.291 – 0.874
Elev 200 = 201.877

e. The distance of highest point from PC;

g1 L 1
( 0.04)(140)
S 1=
S1=¿ 124.84 m

g. The Elevation of the Highest point HP;

g 1 L1 (0.04)(140)
= =2.8<3.14
2 2
ys 1 H
s12 L12
y s1 3.14
( 124.84 ) ( 140 )2

y s 1=2.497

‘a = (140 – 124.84) ( g1 ¿
‘a = (15.16) (0.04)
‘a = 0.6064

Elev of Vertex = Elev PC + L2 g 2

= 200 + (113.7) (0.06)
= 200 + 6.822
Elev of Vertex = 206.822

HP = Elev Vertex – a – y
HP = 206.822 – 0.6064 – 2.497
HP = 203.7186
e. The Elevation of the Highest point PT;

g 1 L1 (0.04)(140)
= =2.8<3.14
2 2

g L
S2= 2 2
( 0.06)(113.7)2

ys 2 H
= 2
s2 L2
ys 2 3.14
( 123.513 ) ( 113.7 )2

y s 2=3.705

‘a = (113.7 – 123.513) ( g2 ¿
‘a = (-9.813) (-0.06)
‘a = 0.58878

Elev of Vertex = Elev PC + L1 g1

= 200 + (140) (0.04)
= 200 +5.6
Elev of Vertex = 205.6

HP = Elev Vertex – a – y
HP = 205.6 – 0.6064 – 2.497
HP = 202.4966

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