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Adama Science and

Technology University


1. Amin Beshir A/UR4113/09
2. Bilisuma Tadesse A/UR14779/10
3. Roba Temesgen A/UR 14355/10
4. Matias Ashenafi A/UR 15061/10
5. Yohanis Abera A/UR14292/10

Submitted to: Dr.T.GopiKrishna 2022/04/28

1. Write major differences between Regression and Re-testing approach

KEY DIFFERENCE Regression testing is performed for passed test cases while
Retesting is done only for failed test cases. Regression testing checks for
unexpected side-effects while Re-testing makes sure that the original fault has been
corrected. Regression Testing doesn’t include defect verification whereas Re-
testing includes defect verification.

2.Explain the bug life cycle stages with neat diagram and describe how bug
priority can be differentiated from severity of the bug.

Bug life-cycle stages:

1. New
When a tester finds a new defect. He should provide a proper Defect document to the
Development team to reproduce and fix the defect. In this state, the status of the defect posted by
the tester is “New”

2. Assigned
Defects that are in the status of New will be approved (if valid) and assigned to the
development team by Test Lead/Project Lead/Project Manager. Once the defect is
assigned then the status of the bug changes to “Assigned”


The development team starts analyzing and works on the defect fix

4. Fixed
When a developer makes the necessary code change and verifies the change, then the status of
the bug will be changed as “Fixed” and the bug is passed to the testing team.

5. Test
If the status is “Test”, it means the defect is fixed and ready to do test whether it is fixed or
6. Verified

The tester re-tests the bug after it got fixed by the developer. If there is no bug detected in
the software, then the bug is fixed and the status assigned is “verified.”

7. Closed
After verified the fix, if the bug is no longer exits then the status of the bug will be assigned
as “Closed.”

8. Reopen

If the defect remains the same after the retest, then the tester posts the defect using the
defect retesting document and changes the status to “Reopen”. Again the bug goes
through the life cycle to be fixed.

9. Duplicate

If the defect is repeated twice or the defect corresponds to the same concept of the bug,
the status is changed to “duplicate” by the development team.

10. Deferred
In some cases, the Project Manager/Lead may set the bug status as deferred.

 If the bug found during the end of the release and the bug is minor or not
important to fix immediately.
 If the bug is not related to the current build.
 If it is expected to get fixed in the next release.
 The customer is thinking to change the requirement.
 In such cases the status will be changed as “deferred” and it will be fixed in the next

11. Rejected
If the system is working according to specifications and the bug is just due to some
misinterpretation (such as referring to old requirements or extra features) then the Team
lead or developers can mark such bugs as “Rejected”

Some other statuses are:

12. Cannot be fixed
Technology not supporting, Root of the product issue, Cost of fixing a bug is more

13. Not Reproducible

Platform mismatch, improper defect document, data mismatch, build mismatch,
inconsistent defects

14. Need more information

If a developer is unable to reproduce the bug as per the steps provided by a tester then the
developer can change the status as “Need more information’. In this case, the tester needs
to add detailed reproducing steps and assign bugs back to the development team for a fix.
This won’t happen if the tester writes a good defect document.

Priority is associated with scheduling while Severity is associated with

functionality or standards. Priority indicates how soon the bug should be fixed
whereas Severity indicates the seriousness of the defect on the product functionality.

3.During the testing of a module tester “ABC” finds a bug and assigned it to
developer. But developer rejects the same, saying that it is not a bug. what
tester, “ABC”, should do?


Tester “ABC” should Send to the detailed information of the bug encountered and check the

4. Describe positive testing and negative testing approaches with suitable



If the input data is used within the boundary value limits, then it is said to be Positive
Testing. If the input data is picked outside the boundary value limits, then it is said to
be Negative Testing. For example – A system can accept the numbers from 0 to 10 numeric
values. All other numbers are invalid values.

5. Explain the significance of Grey box testing, its advantages and disadvantages.

The purpose of grey box testing is to search and identify the defects due to improper code
structure or improper use of applications.


 Grey box testing offers combined benefit of both White box testing as well as Black box
 Grey box testers rely on interface definition and functional specifications instead of
source code.
 Grey-box testers can design excellent test scenarios around communication protocols
and data type handling due to limited information available.
 The testing will be performed from the user point of view instead of designer.
 Testing is done on the basis of high-level database diagrams and data flow diagrams.


 The ability to go over the code and test coverage is limited. Since the access to source
code is not available.
 The tests can be redundant if the software designer has already run a test case.
 Testing every possible input stream is unrealistic because it would take an unreasonable
amount of time; therefore, many program paths will go untested.
 Not suited for algorithm testing.
6. Describe major elements and its functionality of the selenium framework.


Selenium Framework can be defined as a workspace formed to structure

the code created for automating the testing process of a website or a web
application. By using a framework, instead of a tool makes the code
organization efficient, maintenance work easier, and allows multiple users
to comfortably work on the same piece of the program. Selenium has a
range of frameworks for Automation testing; a few of the commonly used
ones are Keyword driven framework, Data-driven framework, and hybrid

7. Write Test Cases using Boundary Value Analysis for a requirement that is
stated as follows:
“In the examination grading system, if the student scores 0 to less than 40
then assign E Grade, if the student scores between 40 to 49 then assign D
Grade, if the student scores between 50 to 69 then assign C Grade, if the
student scores between 70 to 84 then assign B Grade, and if the student
scores 85 to 100 then assign A Grade.”
8. If you hold an 'over60s' rail card, you get a 34% discount on whatever ticket
you buy. If you are traveling with a child (under 16), you can get a 50%
discount on any ticket if you hold a family rail card, otherwise you get a 10%
discount. You can only hold one type of rail card. Construct a decision table
showing all the combinations of fare types and resulting discounts and derive
test cases from the decision table.
9. a. Explain differences between manual testing and automation testing.
b. In which phase of the product lifecycle manual testing is preferable?
c. Write the advantages of automation testing.
d. Explain differences between smoke testing and monkey testing techniques.

10. Explain following testing techniques

a. Usability testing b. Performance testing c. Stress testing
d. Scalability testing e. Compatibility testing f. API Testing
g. Beta testing h. Alpha testing i.Integration

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