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Assessment 2

 Instructions and Guide

 Natalie Stein RNM – Acting Unit Coordinator

 You will need to structure your essay as per the SNM assignment guidelines.
 This guide is just a guide. It is not designed for you to copy and paste. You
must paraphrase well to avoid a high similarity.
 I have included a critique checklist (as used in class) this IS NOT to be
submitted. This is a tool to assist you in critiquing, planning, and writing
your essay
Essay Instructions
 As a future registered nurse, you need to be able to think critically and analyse nursing practice. As per
the NMBA standards for practice, to plan and implement appropriate care to patients, nurses need to
access, analyse, and use the best available evidence, that includes research findings for safe quality

This assessment requires you to critique an article:

 Wilson, L., Kapp, S., & Santamaria, N. (2019). The direct cost of pressure injuries in an Australian
residential aged ace setting. International Wound Journal, 16(1), 64-70. https://onlinelibrary-wiley-
 In 1200 words (+/-10%), discuss your critique of
this article concentrating on the following areas

 Methodology (Design)
 Sampling
 Ethics

Due to the limited word count, you will be unable

to perform a full critique of this article. Focusing
on these 3 areas will give you a good
understanding of what is required to critique

Tip – Read Chapter 4 of Ellis, your core text

Help With Writing
 Academic essay tip sheet >> essay.pdf (
 Another essay tip sheet >>ld.php (
 Welcome - Academic Skills in Nursing and Midwifery - LibGuides at Edith
Cowan University

 Workshops
 ECU Intranet | Academic Skills : Study assistance : My Studies : Student
 Set the scene for your reader.
 Your introduction should consist of one paragraph only
 Approx 10% of word count
 Can include references
Body Paragraphs
 Each body paragraph should commence with a topic sentence that identifies
the main topic for that paragraph.
 The next few sentences should discuss the topic in more detail.
 The final sentence should summarise the content that you have discussed
and link to the next paragraph.
 This prevents your paragraphs sounding like dot point and allows your essay
to flow when read.
Example of First Paragraph
“ The methodology used for the reviewed study was (…) It is a
(quantitative/qualitative) methodology which is (is not) frequently used
methodology in nursing research (insert reference for support)”
You are then to discuss this methodology
 What are its main features
 What have other authors (from references) said about its suitability for this
methodology of research
 Was it appropriate or not for this study?
Example of Second Paragraph
“This study was conducted using purposeful/non purposeful participants
which is/is not appropriate in (quantitative/qualitative) research (ref)”
You are then to discuss in more detail for sampling
 What are the pros and cons
 Could this then cause selection bias?
Example of Third Paragraph
“The authors of the reviewed article have (have not) clearly outlined the ethics processes they
followed in undertaking the study. This is important because (what have other authors said
about the importance of ethics in research?) Adherence to ethics processes was demonstrated
by identifying the ethics approval received from … As argued by Black and White (2019),
confidentiality and anonymity are also important aspects of ethical research.”
You can then discuss for ethics
 Did the authors state adherence to confidentiality and anomymity
 Was there any process states regarding
 Gaining informed consent
 Freedom from coercion
 Right to withdraw

**Remember these are examples**

Forth Paragraph
 This is not the conclusion
 This allows you to summarise with references
 In view of the foregoing discussion, the quality of the article is rated as
(low/moderate/high). This rating was applied because … (this discussion should be
supported with quality literature.
 What have others said about the importance of quality research, transparency and
disclosure in articles, etc?
 Did you detect any flaws in the article? What have other authors said about flaws in
research or the articles reporting that research?
 Was the article easily readable? Were the results presented clearly? Was it easy to
identify the argument/s?
 A summary of your critique
 You are not introducing any new information therefore there are to be NO
references in your paragraph
 Finish your conclusion with a concluding statement
 Title page (remember page number 1 starts here)
 Table of contents
 Use headings
 End text reference list starts on a new page
 APA 7 th referencing please
 SNM assignment guidelines to be used

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