Tieng Anh Thuong Mai

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Unit 1 – Careers

1. Do you have a career plan?

- Yes. Now, I am finding a part-time job like teaching assistant or tutor or some kinds of job related to major
- In this summer, I tend to apply for an internship at Vinfast to improve my professional skill and have a better CV
2. Where do you want to be in 10 years time?
- In the next 10 years, I want to have a stable job in technology field because I can see how demand of technology jobs
is increasing in the future not only in Asia but also in the rest of the world.
3. Which of the following would you prefer to do: working for one company during your whole career, working for
several different companies or working for yourself?
I think it depends on occasions. You know having a stable job in one company is ok for me but I want to work for the
company that offer a lot of potential opportunities to develop my career so I think I would choose to work for several
different companies. Moreover I think it helps to gain more knowledges, experiences for my daily life.
4. Which department of a company would you like to work in?
I would like to work in the Logistics or Human Resources department because this 2 jobs are now becoming more and
more popular and it will offer more opportunities to develop my career. Moreover, both of these jobs will be stable and
developed for more 5 or 10 years next.
5. What should a person do to get ahead in his/her career?
- The first things that comes to my mind first is planting a career plan. I think people should know what things they can
do really well or bad and what skills or knowledges they need while they still study at a university
6. How can social-networking sites make or break your career?
First, these day with the advent/explosion of the technology, people can easily find a job in many social-networking
platform. However, a lot of company reject candidates or fired their staff because of their bad behaviours in Facebook
or Instagram
7. What shoud you not do on your social networking pages?
Absolutely not have a bad words, share something have a bad things related to job or just simple that don’t message
complaining about your jobs.
8. What do you hope to do in the future in your career?
I hope to be a researcher of food products such as noodles because I want to formulate my new product and give
nutrious food which help people not only for their healthy life but also for their long life.
9. Do you think there is an ideal career for you? What is it? Why?
Yes, I think interpreter is suitable for me because now I am now majoring in Business English in Vimaru University.
Moreover I can have high salary for this job. If I have some kinds of special abilites or good at english, I can make a
huge money from this job
10. What is the best advice you have been given during your career or your studies?
All of the mentors in my university advised me to focus on my study on the 1st years instead of doing part time job
because if I spent to much time in part time job I will no time for my study and that will cause a bad result.
Unit 2 – Companies
1. What is the difference between a family-owned company and a multinational company?
Family-owned family is led by the family members while the leaders of multinational company can be people who
have different nationalites, cultures or religions
2. What is the difference between a multinational and an international company?
3. Which of these companies do you or would you like to work for: a family-owned company, a multinational company
or your own company (be self-employed)?
4. Which business sector would you like to work in?
5. Would you like to run your own company?
6. One of the articles you read in this unit is Tata. Can you tell what is special about the company?
7. One of the articles you read in this unit is John Lewis. Can you tell what is special about the company?
8. Which company in your country is doing (not) well at the moment? Explain.
Unit 4 – Great ideas
1. Most of the best ideas are discovered by accident. Do you agree or disagree?
2. Research and development is the key to great business ideas. Do you agree or disagree?
3. There is nothing wrong with copying and improving the ideas of others. Do you agree or disagree?
4. The best way to kill an idea is to take it to a meeting. Do you agree or disagree?
5. What do you think are some of the best ideas in the last 20 years?
6. What should companies do to encourage new ideas?
7. Can you give an example of products which were completely original and later copied?/ are green? won an award?
were developed from customer ideas?
8. What will be the best business idea in the next 15 years?
9. What would you like someone to invent?
10. What makes a business idea a really great idea?
11. The best number for a meeting is six people or fewer. Do you agree or disagree?
12. Never have food or drink during a meeting. Do you agree or disagree?
13. Always start and finish a meeting on time. Do you agree or disagree?
14. You should sit round a table when you have a meeting. Do you agree or disagree?
15. A meeting must always have a leader. Do you agree or disagree?
16. At a formal meeting, each person should speak in turn. Do you agree or disagree?
Unit 5 – Stress
1. Do you like working under pressure? Why? / Why not?
2. Why do people become workaholics?
3. How important is the working environment in reducing stress?
4. What isa good work—life balance for you?
5. Is it easier for men than women to be a manager?
6. Is it important to have a certain level of stress in the workplace?7. What are the major pressures that business owners
might have?
8. Should companies do more to reduce stress at work? What could they do?
9. What are the main sources of stress at work?
10. How can people get away from work stress?

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