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How does global warming
Earth's climate has changed within the last 800,00 years since
humans have existed on the planet, but for the first time,

contribute to the loss of climate change is affecting the population and the biodiversity
existing on the planet. Healthy ecosystems require the

biodiversity and affect diversity of plant and animal life and we rely on insects to
pollinate our crops and the chemical compositions we use for
human health? medications from plants. The effects and disruptions of
ecosystems can lead to social needs not being met. Such as
By: Ashley Chau biomedical research which relies on plants, animals, and
microbes to understand human physiology and to treat
human diseases. Without this, infectious diseases can cause
The release of emissions into the earth’s atmosphere and
disruptions that reduce the abundance of organisms and
being trapped at the surface can cause global warming
affect deforestation, land-use change, water management,
which leads to climate change. Climate change could cause
irrigation and pesticides.
species to not be able to survive in their new changing
As a cause of this, the population living on the planet can help
environment, resulting in the loss of biodiversity. Therefore better the environment by doing the small things, such as:
causes effects on human health, since the human species carpooling, going waste-free, planting trees or your own
relies on chemical components and plants to understand vegetables/fruits, reducing the amount of time spent using
human physiology and to treat human diseases. electricity, reusing plastic or boycotting companies that
threaten the environment. Simply staying informed on the
The loss of biodiversity is when ecosystems experience a ethics of products you use is another way to help. Behavioral
decrease in diversity in plant and animal life. It could be shifts within the social groups can help shift businesses and
caused by species being removed or the introduction of consumers to use and create sustainable products. Taking
foreign species that could harm the ecosystem and small actions and creating habits will help contribute to the

potentially bring infectious diseases. Nevertheless, global improvement of our environment, halting the loss of
biodiversity and improving human healthy habits.
warming is also a contributing factor in the loss of
biodiversity. Global warming is caused by the carbon
dioxide and other pollutants getting caught in the earth's
atmosphere; while also having sunlight absorbed and solar
radiation on the earth's surface. Due to this and the effects
of climate change, it could force ecosystems to fluctuate,
harming species and forcing humans to adjust to a new
regional climate change.

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