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Author: tushar 18 Jul 2009 Member Level: Silver Points : 4 (Rs 2) Voting Score: 2 India is still a developing economy. In spite of that we are progressing in fields like technology and science, many basic amenities are still not provided to the whole nation. Backward areas in Bihar and many other tribes and villages do not have light and water even in this age of advancement. Whole of the world thinks that India is becoming a powerhouse because they judge India on the basis of lifestyle of cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Chandigarh. They know nothing about the states and areas which are still deprived of amenities like food, clothes and shelter. Author: Suraj Nayak 23 Jul 2009 Member Level: Gold Points : 1 Voting Score: 2

Yes,India is still a developing country. India has all the resources required to be a developed country. But for some reason we havent been able to harness them. Author: KARUNA 23 Jul 2009 Member Level: Silver Points : 2 Voting Score: 0

India is still a developing country but we are on the right path towards worlds giant country. In another 5 to 10 years the whole world will depend on Indians.i can sure you india will be developed country before 2020.i feel indians are not motivated to start business across the globe rather they prefer to work across the globe. if we became the boss for many countries then no doubt we are the giant among all other nations Author: raoof 08 Aug 2009 Member Level: Bronze Points : 2 Voting Score: 0

'India is not poor country,but with poor people' as said by home minister Mr.p.chidambaram...because of our laws having holes for rich people and poor responsibility of our citizens towards development of nation(as we are focusing our development in the cause of other's decline),here richer gets more richer and poor gets more poor..... Author: Sirajudeen 08 Aug 2009 Member Level: Silver Points : 2 Voting Score: 0

Dr. Abdul Kalam has a dream that India will be listed under developed country in 2020. Most of the Indians are living in villages and it is the backbone of India. Cities are well developed modernized and equipped with all facilities. Villages are still in the lower level. There are more villages in India still with no roads and no electricity.

India can only be a developed country when the differences between a village and city get removed M.M. Sirajudeen Author: robin toshniwal 15 Oct 2009 Member Level: Silver Points : 0 Voting Score: 0

India is growing country because we have both economy as well as power but it are not utilized in proper way and the present poverty structure is says about it power lies only in some hands like Mittal, Ambani and the major factor is corruption that our ministers do. There are many plans for education and government spends huge amount of it but actually the fact is that only part of it is well implemented and other goes in hand of the needy. Most of the population of India lives in village or rural areas where there is poor service and most of them are illiterate and there is 0 % of technology. Author: ataul haque 17 Oct 2009 Member Level: Silver Points : 5 Voting Score: 0

india is still a growing country. yes its really miserable and i personally feel disgusting to hear this. we are having the second largest human resource. the best quality of minds. best researchers, scientists. best humanitarian, agricultarian. best doctors in the world. we are the part and parcel to every countries economy growth. we are having enough resources to be self sufficient in food and marketing industry. we are having the third largest army in the world. we have our own satellites system. our own navigation system. largest telecom and it industry like infosys bharti airtel. in almost every aspects of technology india is excelling. no one can say us backward country or people. still we are developing. why not a developed nation even after 62years of independence. this pains a lot. we ourselves are responsible for the status of our country. we can't blame anyone. we ourselves have to take steps and initiatives to complete our beloved apj abdul kalam's vision of a developed nation till 2020. jai hind!! Author: 23 Oct 2009 Member Level: Bronze Points : 1 Voting Score: 0

There are many reasons.But we can simply say its because of bad attitude in every one ,in every field.If all ,including the youth are ready to work for the nation ,nothing can stop us. Author: Pawan Tejwani Score: 0 31 Oct 2009 Member Level: Bronze Points : 2 Voting

India is still developing because we have been in the race of technology with other countries since from many years, but still we are not upto the mark for the same. we are trying to get at the point where no one can defeat us. For your information these are indian engineers which are in technical industries and are occupying more than 50% of the jobs world wide. So its upto you How you are taking indias development. whether you want to see india as developed country as in case of technology or developing in case of basisity.

Thanks... Author: anudeep 01 Nov 2009 Member Level: Silver Points : 2 Voting Score: 0

It can be seen in different ways. India is emerging as a world power and it will probably reach that stage by 2020.We Indians are proud to be born in India. I love my country. It will reach the world's top 5 developed countries by 2020 for sure. This is the reason why many developed nations are coming forward to maintain good relations with India. Now India maintains third largest military force in the world. India is playing an important role in SAARC, WTO, UNO and many other organisations. Thus by 2020 it will definitely emerge as a leading power. JAIHIND Author: Vignesh Kumar Score: 0 04 Nov 2009 Member Level: Silver Points : 2 Voting

80% of India's wealth is shared by 20% of the people. It is high time we check whether the revenue generated by us contributes to Indian economy. After the 1991 liberalization, Foreign Direct Investments have grown. Indians are more inclined towards the developed comforts of the west. When the billion strong family of India can turn the world around, the still growing economy of India is unacceptable Author: kishor 04 Nov 2009 Member Level: Bronze Points : 5 (Rs 1) Voting Score: 0

India is not fully developed country.In India some fields like technology,science, and other which are the main part in development are not yet developed. As like in America,Japan,these country are very welled developed in technology as well as other fields. Growth rate of India medium than the other developed countries. 80% part of India,villages,are yet not very well developed.If this part should be developed first then India well came into developed country. Author: [Anonymous] 06 Nov 2009 Member Level: Silver Points : 2 Voting Score: 0

It can be seen in different ways. India is emerging as a world power and it will probably reach that stage by 2020.We Indians are proud to be born in India. I love my country. It will reach the world's top 5 developed countries by 2020 for sure. This is the reason why many developed nations are coming forward to maintain good relations with India. Now India maintains third largest military force in the world. India is playing an important role in SAARC, WTO, UNO and many other organisations. Thus by 2020 it will definitely emerge as a leading power. JAIHIND Author: [Anonymous] 06 Nov 2009 Member Level: Silver Points : 2 Voting Score: 0

Dr. Abdul Kalam has a dream that India will be listed under developed country in 2020.

Most of the Indians are living in villages and it is the backbone of India. Cities are well developed modernized and equipped with all facilities. Villages are still in the lower level. There are more villages in India still with no roads and no electricity. India can only be a developed country when the differences between a village and city get removed Author: Ramanathan. G Score: 0 06 Nov 2009 Member Level: Silver Points : 2 Voting

Hi, It doesn't mean that India is a developing country because of most of the Indians are living in villages. There are few criteria to mean India as a developing country. Actually the term developing country reveals that the earning of a man in a nation is less than the need. Dr. Abdul kalam says India should emerge as a super power and he doesnt mean that India should be a developed country. Developing country is assigned with the help of poverty line too. In our country nearly 35% of the people are below the poverty line having food for once a day. If India should be in stay in the List of developed nations, income of each and every citizen should be more than the need. Let us work hard to bring that day and we will proudly say that "SHINING INDIA". Author: O P Sharma 07 Nov 2009 Member Level: Silver Points : 2 Voting Score: 0

Hi Although it is true that India is still a growing country but if our Govt. become sincere about our country's progress, not their own progress which is in practice, then there is no any doubt that our India will be a developed country very soon because our country has lot of resources as well as very good and strong infrastructutre. Author: Rahul Goyal 07 Nov 2009 Member Level: Silver Points : 1 Voting Score: 0

yes , India is still growing country because till now about 40% population are under poverty line .they even didn;t have 25 paise to fulfil our stomach.our Indian government are taking steps day by day to control this poverty. our technology are not up to date.

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