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Name: Darious M.

Yr/Crs/Sec: 3BPED-B

A. Briefly explain the question (maximum of 5 lines). If you are

answering by hand, please write legibly.
1. Are all human experiences subject to morality? Why or
why not?
For me yes! because we have this biblical saying that " Certainly, there is no one so
righteous on earth that he always does what is good and never sins." therefore we all
human are subject to morality, even we think that we are righteous in our own sight but
in some aren't, in that perspective experience teach us the lesson, because I believe we
can learn through experienced.

B. Below is a summary of the story of Gyges in Plato’s book,

Republic. Write a short reflection to answer the questions that
“Gyges is a shepherd who stumbles upon a ring
that, at his command, makes him invisible, and
while in that state, he can do anything without
getting caught. So he kills the king, seduces his
wife, and becomes king himself.”
2. QUESTION: Imagine you have the ring of Gyges, would you still do
what is good and what is right? Would you still act morally? Why
should you, or not?
 For me I will not do what he does, murdering is sin if love yourself don't do unto
others a things that might kill you. Doing that is an act of foolishness, as you do
good to your family and friends, do it at the same time to your enemy doing good
to everyone in a sincere heart will be the key for you to get the eternal life
rewards from our great creator which our God the father.

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