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The Civil War and Its Aftermath Turned the People of My Country Into Retarded Ogres

1861 should be remembered as Confederate Independence Year. More good for the earth would have come from their temporary, destitute freedom. Less species would have suffered worldwide. Global warming might have slowed, and my nations people would have had the opportunity to progress over time into a more humble, less warlike mob of drugged lab rats. The Confederation wanted out of creeping industrial fascism. An agrarian economy with cash crops cotton, tobacco and procreating slaves could support itself, at least for a decade or two before the procreating slaves, overwhelming in number, rose up and slaughtered their oppressors. The dark skins would have a window of opportunity of a decade or two before the light skins could develop their own industrial fascism. Meanwhile, fruits of the bells kitchen garden would not trade well for the metal things needed to quell an overwhelming rebellion. Snotty okra for gatling guns? He-he. No way. So the slow, independent South strolling into the 20th century would either be experiencing its own civil war of rakes and hoes and rotten persimmon bombardments, or the new Haiti would have already instituted its Tim Dove laws. Jeff Davis would be shining shoes for a Nat Turner penny outside Natchez City Hall. Either way, the old Southern white way would have got its just desserts without the help of Northern bankers, industrialists, and multiple farmer boy cannon fodder. And the world would have been better off by far without the post Civil War Military/Media/Medical Industrial complex. I imagine all the good and bad of Northern society at best would have developed into a modern day Netherlands, or for worse, a fascist Germany or Italy, long ago defeated by pretend morally superior nations without an atomic bomb. Today we arent so lucky. The South won. Its leaders waited the prescribed ten to fifteen years of Reconstruction, traded their bull whips in for lynch ropes, and took back Congressional seats by pious campaigns of fear and force. Now the white elite

of the South, who were half to blame for the carnage of the 1860s, and all to blame for slave quarters, sat themselves in tall-back leather chairs, scheming, Were gonna get our revenge on Boston and New York if we have to legislate against the nigger and the North for all of Hells eternity. And they are. So why did the North fight to the death to keep the South unionized? Beats me. Northern industry never invested much of its wealth in quaint Southern towns of violent racial pride. So it had nothing to lose and much to gain with a southern departure. New York already had enough destitute West African and Irish-Italian niggers to stuff into their air-challenged factories. What wealth the South enjoyed beyond cotton and tobacco was trickle down from Northern prosperity. Picturesque, Southern genial society was, and is, a ward of the Federal system. A powerful welfare culture. The result was an illiterate, brutal post Civil War generation, very poor and very bored. Many joined the military. Many invaded the West. Washingtons justifications for heinous acts of the time, whether against the Sioux, African or Philippino, were made in a large part by defeated peoples with a tremendous axe to grind. Their influence grew and grew. Today, people of the Netherlands are more tall, robust and gay than the saturatedfatty folk of the U.S.A. Their south is tulips and pot cafs. Their North is tulips and pot cafs. The majority supports sustainable methods of agriculture, pure juice drinks, pregnant mothers, and joining together to ride bicycles to save the earth (even with the knowledge that their near future is an undersea Atlantis). In the Netherlands it is elementary that since the famous draw at Appomattox Courthouse, the U.S. Southern military elite pushed its Northern brethren to adopt Jerry Falwells Bible as Army field manual. Today the Pentagon is run mainly by children of an angry God. General babies, a l Stonewall Jackson. They are fearful, racist, faux-christian bullies with rage issues, put in charge of nuclear silos and submarines. The Netherlands knows about the hijacking of America by its military. All of earths leaders do. For example, how else to explain why an invasion of sovereign nations a half a world away (Iraq, Afghanistan) was not countered by world war? Because the worlds leaders know damn well who has dominion over the earth. A five minute conventional war would not be tolerated by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Soldier to soldier combat died long before Wilbur and Orville made their contribution to mammal extinction. Killing babies from a very safe distance, has been the U.S. military motto ever since General Sherman concluded that different

colored peoples of any nation or tribe would fight to the death to keep their fair share of tillable earth. Today this modern industrial military is American just like apple pie and picking off an old person from a mile away. Its generals, via the gestures of a puppet government in Washington, have made it very clear to the rest of the world that any brave, armed resistance from other capable nations will result in nuclear armageddon. Immediate annihilation of all the tulips in Amsterdam. In the Netherlands, people are well aware of the Neo-Nazis holding the earth hostage. And they know how this came to be. In 1861 Northern Christians in charge of weapons factories, sympathized with influential abolitionist movements. Southern Christians whipped black people like wild dogs and justified it with the teachings of a sadistic God. Both the North and South were reading the same editions of the New Testament which explained ambiguously how to deal with enslaved families of a different color. They got into a ferocious religious battle. The abolitionist God was victorious, although still very racist, and got so stupid for- giving to allow his ugly side equal membership into heavens situation room. Wars around the world, the tidying up of native peoples and paving of their lands, the leveling of California, draining of the Colorado, the new construction of football stadiums and the re-reconstruction of McDonalds on the same exact spot of soil, among other industrial insanities, has finally lit the fuse of earths nervous breakdown. Along with the eager help of nuke-ready warmongers, Mother Earth is set up nicely to eliminate 75% of her species. This scenario could happen under the rule of any modern, hell-bent psychopathic culture. Its just that doom might have been postponed if the North left the South alone, to justifiably be murdered in its sleep by any desperate lobby with a conscience. So merely a hundred and fifty years later, moments after a mass invasion of a very weak Iraq, slaughtering millions of living creatures, with the ignition of flora and fauna to make a sand dune Jehovah wet his pants from fear, the United States president was asked by a staged reporter if he trusted his faith at this trying time of exploding to pieces other peoples babies. In the Netherlands the question would not be about a genocidal leaders faux-faith in a fighter pilot God, but rather how to compost his drawn and quartered body properly in a flood plain. So not to toxify the tulips you know. It is the Old South that has usurped political action in America. It has got its revenge. The Confederacy is ringmaster of this super silly circus nation, and all earthlings suffer dearly for it.

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