Ravindra GPF Part Final

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CF No.

/22 (SA1)

Sub: GPF-Part Final withdrawal-certain application filed by

Sri K. Ravindranadh, Senior Assistant for Part Final
Withdrawal of Rs.1200000/-to meet the Medical
Expenses for his mother -sanction orders-requested.

Ref: 1) Application of Sri K. Ravindranadh, Senior Assistant

2) Kind attention is solicited to the reference cited wherein Sri K.
Ravindranadh, Senior Assistant of this office filed an application stating that his
mother is suffering from ill-health and need costly investigations and to use
costly medicines for her speedy recovery and requested to sanction an amount
of Rs.12,00,000/- towards Part Final withdrawal from his GPF Account
No.11733/CT to meet the medical expenses. In support of his application the
individual submitted the Doctor Certificate.
In this connection it is submitted that according to Rule 15-A of the
GPF Rules Part Final Withdrawal may be sanctioned by an authority competent to
dismiss the subscriber at any time after completion of 20 years of service
(including broken period of service, if any) of a subscriber or within ten years
before the date of his retirement on superannuation, whichever is earlier, from
the amount standing to his credit in the fund for one or more of the following
Further, according to Rule 15-C of the GPF Rules, Part Final
withdrawal can be sanctioned for meeting expenses in connection with the illness
of the subscriber or any person actually dependent on him.
Any amount withdrawn by a subscriber at any time for meeting the
expenses in connection with illness of the subscriber or any person actually
dependent on him shall not ordinarily exceed one half of such amount or six
months Pay whichever is less.
The sanctioning authority may however, sanction the withdrawal of
the amount in excess of this limit up to ¾ of the balance at his credit in the fund
having due regard to (i) the object for which the withdrawal is being made
(ii) the status of the subscriber and
(iii) the amount to his credit in the Fund.
The individual completed 20 years 11 months of service as on the
date of application and eligible for Part Final Withdrawal.
In this connection, it is submitted that he has lying the following
amounts in his GPF Account:

As per GPF Account slip for 2020-21 : Rs.1508006-00

Subscriptions from 3/21 to 02/22 9500 x 12 M: Rs. 114000-00
3/22 to 04/22 10000x 2M : Rs. 20000-00
Total at his credit : Rs.1642006-00

The individual has applied for Part Final Withdrawal of Rs.1200000/-

which comes below to 75% of his total savings. Hence, if the ACST pleases, Part
Final withdrawal applied for may be sanctioned.

Subject to the sanction, proceedings put up below may be approved



Ref: A1/ /2022 Dated .05.2022

Sub: G.P.F.-Part Final withdrawal-Sri K. Ravindranadh, Senior

Assistant, O/o. the Asst. Commissioner(State Tax),
Tanuku-1 circle- Application filed for sanction of GPF
Part Final Withdrawal of Rs.12,00,000/-to meet the Medical
expenses to be incurred on his mother-sanctioned-orders-

Ref: Application of Sri K. Ravindranadh, Senior Assistant



Under Rule 15-C of G.P.F. Rules, Sri K. Ravindranadh, Senior Assistant,

Office of the Assistant Commissioner (State Tax), Tanuku-1 Circle is hereby
sanctioned an amount of Rs.12,00,000/- (Rupees Twelve lakhs only) towards
Part Final withdrawal from out of his GPF Balance vide Account No.11733/CT to
meet the Medical expenses for his mother.
Certified that no GPF Part Final Withdrawal has been sanctioned to the
individual for the same purpose during the financial year 2022-23.
The individual shall note that if any amount of part final withdrawal now
sanctioned is found excess at a later date, such excess amount will be recovered
and credited to the fund in lumpsum immediately without any notice.
The amount of GPF Part Final Withdrawal now sanctioned and drawn must
be utilised only for the purpose for which it is sanctioned.
Necessary entries shall be recorded in the Service Register of the

Asst. Commissioner(ST),

Sri K. Ravindranadh, Senior Assistant, O/o. The ACST, Tanuku-1 Circle.
Copy to the Bill.
Copy to the Sub Treasury Officer, Tanuku.
Copy to R.F.10/2022.
Office of the Asst.Commissioner(ST),
Tanuku-1, Dated .05.2022


1. I.D. No. 0401077

2. Name of the Employee: Sri K. Ravindranadh

3. Designation Senior Assistant

4. Office in which he is working: O/o. The Asst. Commissioner(ST),

. Tanuku-1 Circle.

5. G.P.F. Account No. : 11733/CT

6. As per GPF Account slip for 2020-21 : Rs.1508006-00

Subscriptions from 3/21 to 02/22 9500 x 12 M: Rs. 114000-00
3/22 to 04/22 10000x 2M : Rs. 20000-00
Total at his credit : Rs.1642006-00

(Rupees Sixteen lakhs Forty two thousand six only)

Asst. Commissioner(ST),
Form Application for part-Final Withdrawal of Money Form the Provident
Fund for House Building Purchase or Redemption of House and House-Sites
Higher Education Purpose or marriage or Medical Expenses

1. Name of the Subscriber : K. RAVINDRANADH

a. Mobile No. : 9440261688
b. Emp ID : 0401077

2. Designation : Senior Assistant

3. Pay : Rs.55520/-
4. Name of the Provident Fund Account No. : 11733/CT
5. (a) Balance at the credit of the subscriber on the As per Acct Slip 2020-21 Rs.1508006/-
date of application: Subscriptions 9500 x 12 M Rs. 114000/-
Note: In the case of part final withdrawal for house 10000 x 2 M Rs. 20000/-
Building and marriage purpose as well as purchase of Total at his credit Rs.1642006/-
house/house-site. The total balance at the credit of --
all the provident funds should be taken into account
If the subscriber subscribes to more than one
Provident fund.
(b) If it is a second part final withdrawal for the purpose
of carrying out additions and alterations to or --
reconstruction of a house acquired with the help
of withdrawal already made or which may be made
up future from the Provident Fund.
(i)Amount of part-final withdrawal already taken
(ii) Balance at credit at the time of making the first part-
final withdrawal
6. Amount required in the case of construction of house --
for for the purchase of a house site, the number of
installments in which it is required should be stated.

7. The purpose for which the amount is required : Medical Expenses

(A) If it is for house building or for the purpose purchasing a --

house site or for express purpose of repayment
of any loan taken under:
(i) For purchasing a house
(ii) For constructing, reconstructing a house;
(iii) For redemption of a house;
(iv) For making additions or alterations to a house;
(v) For purchase of a house site;
(vi) For repayment of a loan expressly taken for the
purchase of a house-site; and
(vii) For repayment of any loan taken under;
(B) If it is for higher education; --

(i) Relationship with the person (who is actually

dependent on the subscriber) for whom the
withdrawal is required;

(ii) The specific course taken by the person and the --

Name and place of the institution;

(iii) Whether the course is for more than three years --

and beyond the High School stage;

(v) Whether this is the first or the second with- --

drawal for the current year;

(vi) The date of previous withdrawal or advance, if any, --

taken for this purpose.

© If it is for marriage or betrothal ceremony expenses --

(i) Whether for the marriage or betrothal ceremony

of the subscriber’s daughter/son or for any other
female relation dependent on the subscriber,
who has no daughter;

(ii) Whether any advance under ordinary rules has

been drawn in respect of the betrothal ceremony --
or marriage for which the present withdrawal is
sought for;

(iii) Actual date fixed for celebration of the betrothal --

ceremony or marriage

8. (i) Total service including broken periods, if any, : 20 Yrs 11 Months

(ii) Period of service required on the date of : 13 Yrs 03 Months

application for attaining the age of
superannuation; and

(iii) The date of superannuation : 31.08.2035

9. (a)(i) Actual cost acquiring the house or house site; --

(ii)Anticipated cost of house proposed to be built/re-built;

(iii)Anticipated cost of additions or alterations to be
made to the house;
(vii) Actual amount required for redemption of the
house or house site;
(viii) Total amount and date of loan taken for the
purchase of house- site and the amount
outstanding against that loan on date;

(b) Particulars of expenses required to be incurred on --

the higher education: and

© Amount required for meeting marriage expenses,

indicating the number of marriages to be celebrated. --

10. For Medical Expenses : Rs.12,00,000/- (Rupees Twelve lakhs

only) to meet the Medical expenses to
be incurred on my mother.

11. Amount of instalment or instalments last taken, if any,

For house building or / and purchase of house-sites --
(State particulars of amount, dates on which taken).

12. Amount, if any, received already from Govt. for

purchase of house-site of house building
purpose other than from the Provident Fund --

Signature of the applicant:

Designation: Senior Assistant
Recommended/Not Recommended

Signature of the Head of Office

or Drawing Officer

No…………………………………….. Dated the……………………………………………..

The above particulars have been verified to be correct
Fowarded to the (in triplicate).

(I) The part-final withdrawal has been recommended under rule……15-C…;

(II) I have satisfied myself that conditions prescribed in rules……15-C………. referred to above
have been fulfilled and that the subscriber has produced to me the necessary deed and
papers which are enclosed;

(III) The applicant has signed the undertaking prescribed in rule…15-C……………and that the same
is forwarded herewith;

(IV) I have verified the progress of construction of the house and that the 2 nd/3rd 4th instalment
of the withdrawal may be paid;

(V) I have satisfied myself that the applicant has not take any loan/assistance under (any scheme
sponsored by the ………….or from any other Govt. source and that the necessary note has
been made regarding the verification of the requirements laid down in Rule…………………in
case of complete repayment of loan during the service of subscriber;

(VI) No part final withdrawal has been granted previously to the subscriber for the same
purpose; and,

(VII) In addition to the part-final withdrawal. No temporary advance has been granted to the
subscriber for the same purpose now.
Note : Delete the certificate not applicable.
(Certificate in items(ii)-(iii)and(iv) above are not necessary if the part-final withdrawal is
for Higher Education or for betrothal ceremony or marriage purpose)

Signature :
Dated the………………………………….

No ………………………

Sanction of the Assistant Commissioner(State Tax), Tanuku-1 circle is conveyed

to the part-final withdrawal of Rs.12,00,000/- (Rupees Twelve lakhs only) the amount being

drawn in ……0….instalments.

Signature :
Designation :
Dated the…………………………………

Forwarded to 1, The Accounts officer………………………………….for necessary action

Signature :
Designation :

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