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Stream A Canadas Social Fabric

Rules for Policy Discussions

A copy of the rules for Constitution and Policy Discussions has been posted to the CPC website. A brief summary is provided below for ease of reference.

Policy Break-Out Workshops

Policy resolutions to be debated will be broken into three streams by subject matter Break-Out sessions will be moderated Only delegates may speak or vote Subject to the discretion of the moderator in light of time constraints, policy resolutions will be debated in the following manner: o 1 minute to introduce o 1 minute for caucus commentary if required o 1 additional speaker in favour (1 minute order determined by moderator) o 2 speakers against (1 minute order determined by moderator) The moderator will call a vote which shall be counted A maximum of ten (10) policy resolutions per break-out workshop which receive an affirmative vote by a majority of delegates voting in the break-out workshop will be listed on the agenda of Plenary. If more than (10) policy resolutions receive an affirmative vote by a majority of delegates voting in the break-out workshop, then priority shall be given to the policy resolutions that received 80% support and the balance sorted by the highest total absolute votes cast.


If two or more delegates of the Plenary call for debate, the Chair will immediately call for a vote. Only where, in the Chairs determination, the vote shows that a clear majority of delegates wish to have a debate, will a limited debate be permitted in the following manner: o 30 seconds to introduce o 30 seconds for caucus commentary if required o 1 additional speaker in favour (30 seconds order determined by moderator) o 2 speakers against (30 seconds order determined by moderator) Only delegates will be permitted to speak and vote. As provided in the Constitution, a resolution amending either the Constitution or the Policy Declaration may only be amended by a majority of votes cast by delegates and a majority of votes cast by delegates from each of a majority of individual provinces. The territories together shall constitute one province.


Policy Stream Resolution Number Sponsoring EDA


Section Nature of Change

Original Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Modified Text (addition)

Modified Text (deletion)

RESOLUTION A - 079 EDA Regina QuAppelle Section V National Defence and Security (NEW) NEW

123. Veterans
viii) A Conservative Government will continue to ensure Veterans have the benefits and services they deserve after a life-time of dedication to their country.

RESOLUTION A 078 EDA Perth-Wellington Section U Foreign Affairs (NEW) NEW


A Conservative government will adopt a proactive approach to reducing human smuggling abroad, through sanctions and legal interruptions of human smuggling intended for Canada; and promote democratic and responsible government in areas of the world where refugees originate.

RESOLUTION A 051 EDA Oshawa; Whitby-Oshawa; Ajax-Pickering; Pickering-Scarborough East; Durham; Northumberland-Quinte West; Haliburton-Kawartha-Brock; Peterborough Section K Social Policy (MODIFICATION)

69. Shared Parenting

The Conservative Party believes that in the event of a marital breakdown, the Divorce Act should grant joint custody, unless it is clearly demonstrated not to be in the best interests of the child. Both parents and all grandparents should be allowed to maintain a meaningful relationship with their children and grandchildren, unless it is demonstrated not to be in the best interest of the child.

69. Shared Parenting

The Conservative Party believes that in the event of a marital breakdown, the Divorce Act should grant joint custody and/or shared parenting, unless it is clearly demonstrated not to be in the best interests of the child. Both parents and all grandparents should be allowed to maintain a meaningful relationship with their children and grandchildren, unless it is demonstrated not to be in the best interest of the child.

RESOLUTION A 050 EDA - Edmonton Mill Woods Beaumont Section K Social Policy (MODIFICATION)

68. Family and Marriage

The Conservative Party believes that the family unit is essential to the well-being of individuals and society, because that is where children learn values and develop a sense of responsibility. Therefore government legislation and programs should support and respect the role of the Canadian family. i) The Conservative Party believes in the right and duty of parents to raise their own children responsibly according to their own conscience and beliefs. We believe no person, government or agency has the right to interfere in the exercise of that duty except through due process of law. ii) The Conservative Party believes that Parliament, through a free vote, and not the courts should determine the definition of marriage. The Conservative Party supports the freedom of religious organizations to determine their own practices with respect to marriage. iii) A Conservative Government will support legislation defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

68. Family and Marriage

The Conservative Party believes that the family unit is essential to the well-being of individuals and society, because that is where children learn values and develop a sense of responsibility. Therefore government legislation and programs should support and respect the role of the Canadian family. i) The Conservative Party believes in the right and duty of parents to raise their own children responsibly according to their own conscience and beliefs. We believe no person, government or agency has the right to interfere in the exercise of that duty except through due process of law. ii) The Conservative Party believes that Parliament, through a free vote, and not the courts should determine the definition of marriage. The Conservative Party supports the freedom of religious organizations to determine their own practices with respect to marriage. iii) The Conservative Party A Conservative Government will supports legislation defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. iv) The Conservative Party supports the freedom of religious organizations to refuse to perform unions or allow the use of their facilities for events that are incompatible with their faith and beliefs.

RESOLUTION A 049 EDA Crowfoot Section K Social Policy (MODIFICATION)

66. Student Loans

i) The Conservative Party supports limiting the inclusion of parental income and assets in the assessment of loan applications. ii) We support providing greater flexibility to students paying back federal student loans by implementing Income Contingent Loans and providing a preferred interest rate on student loans post-graduation.

66. Student Loans

The Conservative Party believes that post-secondary education is to be available to Canadians through a Student Loan program that provides funds to those in need. This program is to be student focused and is to promote ease of access for all students. i) The Conservative Party supports limiting eliminating the inclusion of parental income and assets in the assessment of loan applications and supports a loan availability model based on personal resources. ii) We support providing greater flexibility to students paying back federal student loans by implementing Income Contingent Loans and providing a preferred interest rate on student loans post-graduation.

RESOLUTION A 048 EDA Charlottetown Section K Social Policy (NEW) NEW

65. Post-Secondary Education

v) The CPC recognizes the investment of Canadian students and will make an additional eight months of interest relief available on Canada student loans to allow students to better adapt to evolving market conditions.

RESOLUTION A 072 EDA Niagara Falls Section T Immigration and Refugees (MODIFICATION)

113. Settlement Support

The Conservative Party wants to ensure that immigrants have the best possible opportunity to contribute to Canadas economic and social well-being. Support from settlement organizations and the broader community plays an important role. The Conservative Party believes in: i) working cooperatively with the provinces and municipalities on policy relating to settlement support for immigrants; ii) addressing the need for adequate and equitable resources to provide language instruction (in order to allow immigrants to achieve functional capability in one of the two official languages), encourage community mentoring, build job search skills and offer other settlement services to meet the needs of immigrants, including children; iii) working to streamline the funding process to deliver enhanced funding stability and allow long-term planning by service providers; and iv) examining the feasibility of having federal funds for settlement services follow the movement of newcomers from one region to another.

113. Settlement Support

ii) addressing the need for adequate and equitable resources to provide language instruction (in order to allow immigrants to achieve functional capability in one of the two official languages), encourage adaptation to Canadian values and traditions and community mentoring, build job search skills and offer other settlement services to meet the needs of immigrants, including children;

RESOLUTION A 075 EDA Nanaimo Alberni Section T Immigration and Refugees (NEW)

117. Refugee Determination

The Conservative Party is proud of Canadas humanitarian tradition of providing safe haven to those who have had to flee their homeland, and we welcome refugees to Canada. We believe the government should promote the integrity and fairness of our refugee determination system, and should ensure that decisions are made expeditiously and with respect for due process. We believe the current appeals process is flawed and moves far too slowly. The Conservative Party believes in: i) streamlining the process of validating refugee claims; ii) where the Immigration and Refugee Board finds claimants do not qualify as genuine refugees, ensuring such individuals are escorted from Canada in a timely manner and provided with the information they need to start the proper process of applying for an immigration permit from abroad; iii) giving greater priority to refugees identified pursuant to the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees; iv) implementing a fully merit-based process for Immigration and Refugee Board appointments; and v) developing a refugee appeals process that is fair and timely.

The Conservative Party supports Canadas humanitarian tradition welcoming bona-fide persons who have complied with the Canadian refuges program in an orderly manner and with respect to due process. We further believe that the current appeals process is seriously flawed, moves far too slowly and is of excessive expense to the taxpayer.

The Conservative Party believes in: i) ii) Streamlining the process of validating refugee claims by developing a refugee appeal process that is fair and timely and which defends the integrity of our refugee program; Revisiting the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada that awards persons entering Canada illegally with the full benefits of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Upgrading the Refugee Board system to utilize independent tribunals of properly qualified individuals; Charging such tribunals to examine refugee claims in one continuous process which would contain only one level of legal appeal;

iii) iv)

v) vi)


Ensuring that where claimants are found not to qualify as genuine refuges, such individuals are removed from Canada expeditiously following a final decision; Establishing a process for revoking the citizenship of naturalized Canadians who are criminally-convicted of assisting in organized people smuggling or otherwise facilitating the entry of bogus refuges into Canada; and, Developing up-to-date statistical information related to the settlement experiences of refugee groups in Canada (to include the costs to Provinces and municipalities, cost to the medical system, subsequent employment history, subsequent criminal behavior, etc.)

RESOLUTION A - 046 EDA Crowfoot Section K Social Policy (MODIFICATION)

65. Post-Secondary Education

The Conservative Party believes in greater accessibility to education by eliminating as many barriers to post-secondary education as possible. The transfer should be distributed to provinces and territories on the basis of the numbers of enrolled students. We believe strongly that provincial jurisdiction must be respected. However, the federal government must play a role in addressing tuition and standards. i) We support removing post-secondary education funding from the Canada Social Transfer and creating an independent Canada Education Transfer. The Transfer should be funded at a base level and increased annually according to inflation and demographic growth. It should be negotiated with the provinces and territories to ensure the funding is targeted to post-secondary education. ii) We believe the government must ensure that scholarships and bursaries, which were made tax-free in the 2006 budget, are not taxed in the future. iii) We believe the government should revamp the federal student loan program to eliminate the inclusion of parental income and assets in the assessment of loan applications. iv) As the Millennium Scholarship Program currently only assists six per cent of students, we believe the government should channel these funds into the student loan program to help more students obtain post-secondary education.

65. Post-Secondary Education

The Conservative Party believes in greater accessibility to education by eliminating as many barriers to post-secondary education as possible. The transfer should be distributed to provinces and territories on the basis of the numbers of enrolled students. We believe strongly that provincial jurisdiction must be respected. However, the federal government must play a role in addressing tuition and standards. i) We support removing post-secondary education funding from the Canada Social Transfer and creating an independent Canada Education Transfer. The Transfer should be funded at a base level and increased annually according to inflation and demographic growth. It should be negotiated with the provinces and territories to ensure the funding is targeted to post-secondary education. ii) We believe the government must ensure that scholarships and bursaries, which were made tax-free in the 2006 budget, are not taxed in the future. iii) We believe the government should revamp the federal student loan program to eliminate the inclusion of parental income and assets in the assessment of loan applications. iv)iii) As the Millennium Scholarship Program currently only assists six per cent of students, we believe the government should channel these funds into the student loan program to help more students obtain post-secondary education.


EDA Nanaimo-Alberni Section K Social Policy (MODIFICATION)

65. Post-Secondary Education

The Conservative Party believes in greater accessibility to education by eliminating as many barriers to post-secondary education as possible. The transfer should be distributed to provinces and territories on the basis of the numbers of enrolled students. We believe strongly that provincial jurisdiction must be respected. However, the federal government must play a role in addressing tuition and standards. i) We support removing post-secondary education funding from the Canada Social Transfer and creating an independent Canada Education Transfer. The Transfer should be funded at a base level and increased annually according to inflation and demographic growth. It should be negotiated with the provinces and territories to ensure the funding is targeted to post-secondary education. ii) We believe the government must ensure that scholarships and bursaries, which were made tax-free in the 2006 budget, are not taxed in the future. iii) We believe the government should revamp the federal student loan program to eliminate the inclusion of parental income and assets in the assessment of loan applications. iv) As the Millennium Scholarship Program currently only assists six per cent of students, we believe the government should channel these funds into the student loan program to help more students obtain post-secondary education.

65. Post-Secondary Education

The Conservative Party believes in greater accessibility to education by eliminating as many barriers to post-secondary education as possible. The transfer should be distributed to provinces and territories on the basis of the numbers of enrolled students. We believe strongly that provincial jurisdiction must be respected. However, the federal government must play a role in addressing tuition and standards. i) We support removing post-secondary education funding from the Canada Social Transfer and creating an independent Canada Education Transfer. The Transfer should be funded at a base level and increased annually according to inflation and demographic growth. It should be negotiated with the provinces and territories to ensure the funding is targeted to post-secondary education. ii) We believe the government must ensure that scholarships and bursaries, which were made tax-free in the 2006 budget, are not taxed in the future. iii) We believe the government should revamp the federal student loan program to eliminate the inclusion of parental income and assets in the assessment of loan applications.

iv) As the Millennium Scholarship Program currently only assists six per cent of students, we believe the government should channel these funds into the student loan program to help more students obtain post-secondary education.

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