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Stream B Role of Government, Taxation and Crime

Rules for Policy Discussions

A copy of the rules for Constitution and Policy Discussions has been posted to the CPC website. A brief summary is provided below for ease of reference.

Policy Break-Out Workshops

Policy resolutions to be debated will be broken into three streams by subject matter Break-Out sessions will be moderated Only delegates may speak or vote Subject to the discretion of the moderator in light of time constraints, policy resolutions will be debated in the following manner: o 1 minute to introduce o 1 minute for caucus commentary if required o 1 additional speaker in favour (1 minute order determined by moderator) o 2 speakers against (1 minute order determined by moderator) The moderator will call a vote which shall be counted A maximum of ten (10) policy resolutions per break-out workshop which receive an affirmative vote by a majority of delegates voting in the break-out workshop will be listed on the agenda of Plenary. If more than (10) policy resolutions receive an affirmative vote by a majority of delegates voting in the break-out workshop, then priority shall be given to the policy resolutions that received 80% support and the balance sorted by the highest total absolute votes cast.


If two or more delegates of the Plenary call for debate, the Chair will immediately call for a vote. Only where, in the Chairs determination, the vote shows that a clear majority of delegates wish to have a debate, will a limited debate be permitted in the following manner: o 30 seconds to introduce o 30 seconds for caucus commentary if required o 1 additional speaker in favour (30 seconds order determined by moderator) o 2 speakers against (30 seconds order determined by moderator) Only delegates will be permitted to speak and vote. As provided in the Constitution, a resolution amending either the Constitution or the Policy Declaration may only be amended by a majority of votes cast by delegates and a majority of votes cast by delegates from each of a majority of individual provinces. The territories together shall constitute one province.


Policy Stream Resolution Number Sponsoring EDA


Section Nature of Change

Original Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Modified Text (addition)

Modified Text (deletion)

RESOLUTION B 016 EDA - Bramalea Gore Malton; DonValleyEast; DufferinCaledon Etobicoke North; Kitchener Conestoga; Etobicoke Lake shore;Kitchener Waterloo; Lambton Kent Middlesex; Markham Unionville; Mississauga East Cooksville; Mississauga S outh; Mississauga Streetsville; NewMarket Streetsville; Newmarket Aurora; ParkdaleHigh Park; Richmond Hill; Oak Ridges Markham; Simcoe Grey; St.Pauls; Toronto Centre;Vaughan; York Simcoe Section E Fiscal (NEW)


21. Supporting Families

iv) The Conservative Party recognizes the value of the home caregiver and supports tax relief for families who provide homecare

RESOLUTION B 059 EDA Kenora Conservative Association Section M Criminal Justice (NEW) NEW

M) 98. Justice no specific area

The CPC supports our Canadian justice system as defined by our Charter and Constitution and does not support a parallel justice system which would contravene our existing rights and freedoms.

RESOLUTION B 061 EDA Calgary Southwest, Kildonan St.Paul Section M Criminal Justice (NEW) NEW

98. Sexual Exploitation in Canada

i) The Conservative Party of Canada reject the normalization of prostitution and declare that human beings are not objects to be enslaved, bought and sold; and ii) The Conservative Party of Canada develop a comprehensive strategy to address and prevent the legalization of keeping a common bawdy house, living off the avails of prostitution, and communication for the purpose of prostitution.

RESOLUTION B 003 EDA Nanaimo-Alberni Section B Government Accountability (MODIFICATION)

5. Government Duplication and Waste

The Conservative Party believes the government should implement detailed processes to streamline government services and eliminate waste, unnecessary overlap and duplication between the levels of government.

5. Government Duplication and Waste

The Conservative Party believes the government should implement detailed processes to streamline government services and eliminate waste, unnecessary overlap, and duplication between the levels of government. and within and between the Departments of the Federal Government.

RESOLUTION B 009 EDA - Brome-Missisquoi Section E Fiscal (NEW)

19. Tax Code Simplification

The Conservative Party favours a simplification of the federal tax code, to reduce the complexity of tax calculations for ordinary Canadians.

19. Tax Code Simplification

That Canadas Conservative government should simplify the Income Tax Act, remove many of the complexities that have been built up over the years and simplify the Income Tax form.The Conservative Party favours a simplification of the federal tax code, to reduce the complexity of tax calculations for ordinary Canadians.

RESOLUTION B 055 EDA Lethbridge Section M Criminal Justice (MODIFICATION)

88. Dangerous Offenders

i) Anyone convicted of three offences causing death or serious harm against a person, arising from separate occurrences, should be automatically designated as a dangerous offender and should bear the onus of proving that they are not a danger to society. This would not preclude the Crown from pursuing dangerous offender status for any other offender deemed to fit the criteria. ii) We believe that the government should seek Dangerous Offender Status (and mandatory life sentences) for any person convicted of a third serious violent offence, criminal organization offence, terrorism offence or serious drug trafficking offence.

88. Dangerous Offenders

i) Anyone convicted of twothree offences causing death or serious harm against a person, arising from separate occurrences, should be automatically designated as a dangerous offender and should bear the onus of proving that they are not a danger to society. This would not preclude the Crown from pursuing dangerous offender status for any other offender deemed to fit the criteria. ii) We believe that the government should seek Dangerous Offender Status (and mandatory life sentences) for any person convicted of a secondthird serious violent offence, criminal organization offence, terrorism offence or serious drug trafficking offence.

RESOLUTION B - 060 EDA Calgary Southeast Conservative Association Section M Criminal Justice (NEW) NEW

98. Canadian Citizenship and High Treason

The Conservative Party of Canada believes that any Canadian citizen, whether by birth or by naturalized grant of Canadian citizenship or by claim of landed immigrant or refugee status in Canada who commits treason by taking up arms against the Canadian Forces or the Forces of Canadas Allies automatically invalidates his or her Canadian citizenship or claim to Canadian citizenship and, if and when returned to the jurisdiction of the Canadian Legal System, should be tried for high treason under the Canadian Criminal Code.

RESOLUTION B 012 EDA Cambridge Section E Fiscal (MODIFICATION)

20. Tax Relief

v) Canada's tax system must be built on a foundation of fairness. We encourage the government to continue to close loopholes such as the use of offshore tax havens which erode the Canadian tax base and allow companies to avoid paying Canadian taxes.

v) Canada's tax system must be built on a foundation of fairness. We encourage the government to continue to close loopholes such as the use of offshore tax havens which erode the Canadian tax base and allow companies to avoid paying Canadian taxes. The Conservative Party supports the concept that all taxation must be fair and be reasonable. The government should work to eliminate instances of taxation on taxation.

RESOLUTION B 038 EDA Saskatoon-Humboldt Section I Environment (MODIFICATION)

47. Clean Air and Greenhouse Gas Reductions

i) The Conservative Party supports the legislated emissions caps introduced in the 39th Parliament to fight smog-causing pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds, and supports the initiative to cut air pollution from industry in half by 2015. ii) We support the mandatory renewable fuel content in gasoline requirement that was enacted in the 39th Parliament, and support more stringent automobile fuel efficiency standards. iii) We support a domestic cap-and-trade system that will allow firms to generate credits by reducing smog-causing pollutants. iv) We support the initiative, started in the 39th Parliament, to move from a voluntary approach to greenhouse gas emissions, which had allowed industry to keep polluting, to an integrated regulatory framework with mandatory emission reduction targets across all major industries. v) We support the reduction of greenhouse gases per unit of production by means of targets that become progressively more restrictive each year.

47. Clean Air and Greenhouse Gas Reductions

i) The Conservative Party supports the legislated emissions caps introduced in the 39th Parliament to fight smog-causing pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds, and supports the initiative to cut air pollution from industry in half by 2015. ii) We support the mandatory renewable fuel content in gasoline requirement that was enacted in the 39th Parliament, and support more stringent automobile fuel efficiency standards. iii) We support a domestic cap-and-trade system that will allow firms to generate credits by reducing smog-causing pollutants. iv) We support the initiative, started in the 39th Parliament, to move from a voluntary approach to greenhouse gas emissions, which had allowed industry to keep polluting, to an integrated regulatory framework with mandatory emission reduction targets across all major industries. v) We support the reduction of greenhouse gases per unit of production by means of targets that become progressively more restrictive each year.

RESOLUTION B 005 EDA Calgary Southeast Section C Democratic Reform (NEW)

10. Electoral Reform

The Conservative Party believes the discussion of possible changes to the electoral system is valuable in a healthy democracy. i) In reviewing options for electoral reform, we believe the government should not endorse any new electoral system that will weaken the link between Members of Parliament and their constituents, that will create unmanageably large ridings, or that will strengthen the control of the party machinery over individual Members of Parliament. ii) A national referendum should be held prior to implementing any future electoral reform proposal.

10. Electoral Reform

The Conservative Party believes the discussion of possible changes to the electoral system is valuable in a healthy democracy. i) In reviewing options for electoral reform, we believe the government should not endorse any new electoral system that will weaken the link between Members of Parliament and their constituents, that will create unmanageably large ridings, or that will strengthen the control of the party machinery over individual Members of Parliament. ii) A national referendum should be held prior to implementing any future electoral reform proposal. iii) The publicly-funded annual payment to federal political parties of $1.95 per vote received in the previous federal election should be cancelled immediately and there should be no additional public funding of federal political parties beyond that presently contained in the Elections Canada Act.

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