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I n s titu tio n a l M e c h a n is m s

Department of Health & Family Welfare

G ov ernment of G u j arat
J u ly 2 0 0 5

Abbreviations 2

1. Background 3
1.1 Goal of Gujarat State Health Mission 3
1.2 Organization of State Health Mission 4

2. District Health Mission- Gandhinagar District 4

3. Organization of District Health Mission, District Health 5

Society and District Programs
3.1 Composition of District Health Mission 5

4. District Health Society 8

4.1 Objectives of the Society 9

5. Integration of District Health Society, District Health 11

Mission and District Programs
5.1 Process of merger of existing societies into integrated District 12
Health Society

6. District Health Society 12

6.1 Governing Body (GB) 12
6.2 Executive Committee – District Health Society 17
6.3 District Program Committee for Health & FW Sector 18
(Sub Committees)
6.4 District Health Mission Secretariat and District Program 20
Management Unit

Appendix 22-38

I Memorandum of Association for the District Health Society 22

II Rules and Regulations of District Health Society (Gandhinagar) 24
III Bye-laws of the District Health Society (Gandhinagar) 35

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005

AIDS : Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

ANC : Ante Natal Care
ANM : Auxiliary Nurse Midwifes
BHO : Block Health Officer
CDMO : Chief District Medical Officer
CNAA : Community Need Assessment Approach
CPR : Couple Protection Rate
CSSM : Childhood Survival & Safe Motherhood
DHM : District Health Mission
DHS : District Health Society
DM : District Magistrate (District Collector)
DMO : District Malaria Officer
EC : European Commission
FHS : Female Health Supervisor (Lady Health Visitor)
FHW : Female Health Worker (Synonyms ANM)
FOGSI : Federation of Obstetric and Gynecology Society of India.
FRU : First Referral Unit
GB : Governing Body
GR : Government Resolution
IAP : Indian Academy of Pediatrics
ICB : International Competitive Bidding
ICPD : International Conference on Population and development
IDHFW : Integrated District Health and Family Welfare Society
IMA : Indian Medical Association
IMNCI : Integrated Management of Nutrition and Child Illness
IMR : Infant Mortality Rate
IPHA : Indian Public Health Association
LCB : Local Competitive Bidding
LHV : Lady Health Visitor (Now Female Health Supervisor)
MCH : Maternal & Child Health
MDT : Multi Drug Therapy
MHW : Multipurpose Health Worker
MMR : Maternal Mortality Rate
MPS : Multipurpose Supervisor.
NAMP : National Anti Malaria Program
NCB : National Competitive Bidding
NFPP : National Family Planning Program
NMCP : National Malaria Control Program
NMEP : National Malaria Eradication Program
NVBDCP : National Vector Borne Diseases Control Program
PNC : Post Natal Care
RCH : Reproductive & Child Health
RNTCP : Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program
SIP : Sector Investment Program
STD : Sexually Transmitted Diseases
TFA : Target Free Approach
UIP : Universal Immunization Program

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
District Health Mission
Institutional Mechanisms for Implementation

1. Background

Recognizing the importance of Health in the process of economic and social

development and improving the quality of the citizens, the Government of India
has resolved to launch the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) to carry out
necessary architectural correction in the basic health care delivery system. The
Mission adopts a synergistic approach by relating health to determinants of good
health viz. segments of nutrition, sanitation, hygiene and safe drinking water. It
also aims at mainstreaming the Indian systems of medicine to facilitate health
care. The plan of Action includes increasing public expenditure on health,
reducing regional imbalance in health infrastructure, pooling resources,
integration of organizational structures, optimization of health manpower,
decentralization and district management of health programs, community
participation and ownership of assets, induction of management and financial
personnel into district health system, and operationalising community health
centers into functional hospitals meeting Indian Public Health Standards in each
Block of the Country.

The National Rural Health Mission (2005-12) seeks to provide effective health
care to rural population throughout the country. It aims to undertake architectural
correction of the health system to enable it to effectively handle increased
allocations as promised under the National Common Minimum Program and
promote policies that strengthen public health management and service delivery
in the country.

At the National level, the NRHM has a Mission Steering Group (MSG) headed by
the Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare and an Empowered Program
Committee (EPC) headed by the Union Secretary for Health & FW. The EPC
will implement the National Rural Health Mission under the overall guidance of
the MSG.

In this context, the Government of India has requested to the Gujarat State
Government to constitute State Health Mission to achieve the goals of National
Rural Health Mission by improving the determinants of good health in the State.

In accordance with National Mission, the Government of Gujarat plans to set up a

State and District Health Missions for achieving the goal. In order to implement
the Mission, state and district level institutional mechanisms are required. The
following is the Goal and mechanisms at the state level for the Health Mission.

1.1 Goal of Gujarat State Health Mission

The Goal of the Mission is to improve the availability of and access to quality
health care by people, especially for those residing in rural areas, the poor,
women and children in the state.
Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
1.2 Organization of State Health Mission

In Gujarat, the Mission would function under the overall guidance of the State
Health Mission headed by the Chief Minister of the State. The functions under
the Mission would be carried out through the State Health & Family Welfare
Society. The structures of the Mission and Society and their linkages are
mentioned in the following chart and paragraphs.

Organogram of the State Health Mission

State Health Mission

(Chief Minister)

State Health
Governing Body
(Chief Secretary)


Program SPMU & Mission

Committees Secretariat
(Additional (State Health
Directors) Mission Director)

2. District Health Mission - Gandhinagar District

District Level Institutional Mechanisms for Implementation

In order to achieve the goals of State Health Mission, Gujarat, it is proposed to

constitute District Health Missions for each district to cover the entire state, and
set institutional mechanisms for implementing the Mission by integrating all
vertical societies into one integrated district society called “District Health

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
3. Organization of District Health Mission, District Health
Society and District Programs

In accordance with the State Health Mission, every district will have a ‘District
Health Mission’ headed by the President, District Panchayat as a Chairperson of
the Mission. It will have the Chairperson of the Health Committee, District
Panchayat and Regional Deputy Director as Co-Chairs, District Collector as a
Vice Chair, District Development Officer (CEO of the District Panchayat as a
Convener and Chief District Health Officer as Member Secretary & District
Health Mission Director.

District Health Mission

(President, District Panchayat)

(District Collector)

Executive Committee
(District Development
District Program DHS Secretariat /
Committees DPMU
(District Program (Chief District Health
Officers) Officer)

1. TB, Leprosy, Malaria, &

1. 4.
Disease surveillance
Health Training 2. Maternal Health, Child
Health, Family Planning
2. 3. 3. AIDS & Blindness control
FW (RCH) Medical 4. All training institutes and
programs of H & FW of
the district

3.1 Composition of District Health Mission

• Chairperson : President, District Panchayat

• Co-Chair : Chairperson, Health Committee, District
• Vice Chair : District Collector
• Convener : District Development Officer
• Member Secretary : Chief District Health Officer and District
Health Mission Director

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
• Members :

Taluka Presidents from the district, Chair-persons of the Standing

Committees of the District Panchayat, Project Officer (DRDA), Chair-
persons of the Panchayat Samitis and Hospital Management Societies,
District Program Coordinators/Officers for health, PHED, ICDS,
Education, Social welfare, Panchayati Raj, State representative,
representatives of MNGO/NGO, District Program Coordinator (DPMU)

Adequate representation of women in this committee will be ensured.

Frequency of meetings: Bi annual- once in every six months

Ordinary Business:

Providing health system oversight, consideration of policy matters related

to health and family welfare sector including determinants of good health,
progress review of the DHM implementation, convergence, district plan
allocations, advocacy measures required to promote SHM visibility. The
Chairperson and Mission will ensure intra-sect oral and inter-sect oral
coordination to achieve the mission objective. An issue of the irregular or
inadequate attendance or a poor participation & non-coordination of
member or a particular sector or section will be addressed by the

Existing Institutional Mechanisms at District Level

At present different societies are operational in the districts for implementing
various health and family welfare programs. Presently in Gujarat six different
health societies are working for six different health programs viz - District
Leprosy Society (1988), District Blindness Control Society. (1993), District
Malaria Control Society (1997), District Reproductive & Child Health Society
(1998), District Tuberculosis Control Society (An extension of Leprosy Society in
the 1998) and District AIDS Control Unit (1998)

Evaluation of Health and family welfare Societies in Gujarat

1. The first ever state and district level society for health and family welfare
sector was formed for Leprosy Elimination Program vide state government
resolution (GR) dated December 15, 1988 in pursuance of the instructions
from the Central Government received vide letter no. T.11011/1/86-CCD,
July 21, 1986. Formation of district level societies each in Surat and Bharuch
districts soon followed as being high endemic areas for Leprosy prevalence.
District Development Officer is given the responsibility as a chairperson of
the society and District Leprosy or TB Officer as a Member Secretary as the
case may be.
2. District Blindness Control Society was formed in 1993 followed by State
level structure in the year 2000. District society is chaired by the Collector
cum District Magistrate with District Program Officer (Ophthalmic Surgeon)
as a Member Secretary.
Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
3. Thereafter, State and District Malaria Control Societies came into being
following issuance of Government Resolution dated November 12, 1997.
4. Immediately after that a State Empowered Society for RCH was formed at
state level and Additional Director (Family Welfare) was assigned the
responsibility of a Project Director for RCH. (Vide GR Dated 19/1/98) and
first district RCH society is constituted in 1998. District Development
Officer is given the responsibility as a chairperson of the society and CDHO
as a Member Secretary.
5. TB Control Society was affiliated with the existing Leprosy Society and
designated as Leprosy cum TB Control Society in October 1998. District
Development Officer is given the responsibility as a chairperson of the
society and District TB Officer as a Member Secretary.
6. State AIDS Control Cell which was working since 1992 is transformed as
State AIDS Control Society in the Year 1998 with District AIDS Control
Unit chaired by the Collector cum District Magistrate with CDMO as a
Member Secretary.

Experience in implementing programs through multiple societies

More and more societies for vertical programs have come up with more or less
same members and office bearers causing duplication of efforts and also
resources. Out of six Societies, District Development Officer (DDO) is Ex-
Officio Chairperson in four societies (Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Malaria & RCH)
and the District Collector chairs two societies (Blindness and AIDS control). Both
of them are the key district officials and chair several committees and boards.
This has resulted into duplication of efforts, inputs and other resources. There is a
need to have uniform approaches to all programs including rules,
administrative/financial guidelines, infrastructure and manpower, optimum
resources to perform the tasks that are necessary to function effectively.

Rationale for merging all vertical Societies into one integrated Society-
“District Health Society”

To overcome the problems faced by vertically functioning district societies, it has

proposed to integrate all societies of districts into a single society with the
following justifications.

1. Health cannot be considered in isolation. All activities of the health should be

viewed under one umbrella to ensure coordination amongst them. Any
particular issues may be of high magnitude and require to be adequately
addressed for which vertical approach may be necessary like leprosy
elimination, polio eradication etc. For such issues the concerned executive
committees can certainly emphasize more on individual program point of
view but its working has to be streamlined under one banner in form of a
Governing Body. Hence, integration of all the health activities is necessary.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
2. The integration is expected to help in reduction of duplication of the work.
The integration of programs will bring about a desirable optimization of
inputs, better convergence of services and so as to achieve a desirable
outcome. It will build a feeling of ‘Health Team’ rather than ‘disease-program
specific team’.
3. National Health Policy 2002 also advocates the gradual convergence of health
services pertaining to different health programs under a single field
administration. Recognizing the importance of health in improving the quality
of life of people, Government of India has launched the National Rural Health
Mission (NRHM) to bring in synergy in various determinants of health viz.
sanitation, nutrition, hygiene and safe drinking water. In its core strategies, it
is envisaged to bring in integration in vertical health and family welfare
programs at National, State, District and Block level.

4. District Health Society

To support the District Health Mission, the districts will have an integrated
District Health Society (DHS) and all the existing societies for different health
Programs will be merged with it. The DHS will be responsible for planning and
managing all the health and family welfare Programs in the district, both in the
rural as well as urban areas. Implications of this include district planning to take
note of both treasury and non-treasury sources of funds, even though it may not
be handling all sources directly. Secondly, its geographical jurisdiction will be
the entire district1 (including urban and rural).

Ensuring Inter-sect oral convergence and integrated planning should be a specific

task for the Governing Body of the DHS. DHS will provide the platform where
the three arms of governance – urban health management and district health
administration/ district program officers of NRHM sectors get together to decide
on health issues of the district and delineate their mutual roles and

The DHS will help to strengthen the capacity of district administration,

particularly for planning, budgeting and budget analysis, development of
operational policy2 proposals, and financial management etc. DHS will set up a
District Program Management Unit, which has adequate contingent of staff and
experts. It will have rules, regulations and procedures for hiring the staff and

The 74th Amendment provides for creation of a District Planning Committee to consolidate the plans
prepared by Panchayats and Municipalities in the district and to prepare a draft development plan for the
district as a whole. However, the DPC’s role is limited to planning only and does not include management
At the district level, operational policy will relate to decisions about procedures, priorities etc. that set the
precedent about what management actions are to be followed by the Program managers. For example, the
HS may be authorised to relocate all or some categories of staff within the district. The DHS will be
required to evolve and approve a procedure to be followed by the Program managers in this regard.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
experts both from the open market on contract base, on consultancy as well as on
deputation from the Government.

The DHS is not an implementing agency; it is a facilitating mechanism for the

district health administration and convergence as also the mechanism for joint
planning by NRHM related sectors.

4.1 Objectives of the Society

The ultimate objective of District Health Society is to ensure effective planning,

implementation and monitoring all the health and family welfare programs in the
district with decentralized and integrated efforts to achieve the Mission goals.

In pursuance of the above goal, the objectives of the society are:

1. To frame in the rules and regulation of the society, to reconsider
administrative and financial powers to be given to the concerned health
officials and establish health care service system to achieve the objectives of
National Health Policy-2002 and State Population Policy – 2002.
2. To have integrated planning and implementation of various health programs
for the effective and efficient planning and implementation of the health
3. To make the health system responsive to the needs of the community.
4. To minimize duplication of efforts through optimization of inputs and
resources by consolidating all program efforts under one institution
5. To encourage effective community participation and improve inter-sectoral
coordination though decentralization process.
6. To provide equitable, affordable and acceptable quality care of health
services to the people with accessibility as near as possible to the door step
of the community
7. To provide supportive & effective supervision for implementation of various
health programs.

The Guidelines for Integration of the Societies

1. District Health Society (DHS)

1.1 Name of the Society
The name of the society will be District Health Society (DHS) for the
district of Gandhinagar. This Society will also work as the District Health
Mission under the new program of National Rural Health Mission.
1.2 Office of the Society
The registered office of the Society will be at the premises of the Health
Branch, District Panchayat, Gandhinagar in the state of Gujarat.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
1.3 Components of the Society
DHS will consist of
Governing Body
Executive Committee
Program Committees
1.4 Definition
1. State Government or GoG means the Department of Health and
Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat.
2. Central Government or GoI means the Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare, Government of India.
3. Society means District Health Society (District Health Mission-
4. Governing Body means Governing Body constituted under the
constitution of Society Act, which is the decision- making general
body of DHS.
5. Executive Committee means committee constituted for executing the
Society decisions and programs.
6. Chairperson means Chairperson of the Society
7. Secretary means Member Secretary (District Health Mission Director)
of the Governing Body or Member Secretary of Executive committee
of concerned program.
8. Member means Member of the Governing Body or Executive
Committee and Program committees.
1.5 Functions of the Society
The followings would be the major functions by the society to fulfill its
objectives. These will be carried out as per the approved district action
(i) To have a situational analysis, prepare, approve and implement
comprehensive district health plan, locally relevant and
appropriate to the local needs by the executive committees.
(ii) To carry out need assessment for the training and undertake
relevant training and retraining activities with emphasis on basis of
technical skills including communication skills and on newer
concepts and newer equipment.
(iii) Improve the access to services and ensure referral services.
Regular, good preventive maintenance, prompt repairs, renovate
and upgrade various types of health facilities. To ensure
availability of different equipment, supplies, drugs to provide good
quality services.
(iv) Initiate and undertake education and communication activities to
increase the demand and utilization of health services through area
specific IEC activities. To ensure complete Registration of births
and deaths and to create awareness regarding adverse female sex
(v) Ensure observance of the financial rules framed by the state health
society / central government / governing body including statutory
audit of accounts of the Society on annual basis. To send
consolidated monthly statement of expenditure to state as well as

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
the program specific statement of expenditure quarterly as per the
norms set by the specific executive committees. To send
consolidated report on activities undertaken to state as well as the
program specific report on activities undertaken as per the norms
set by the executive committees. To prepare and submit the
Annual Report of the Society.
(vi) To launch adequate surveillance and containment measures against
locally endemic diseases. To review reports of different executive
committees and send consolidated reports to State. Ensure
assessment of progress by an independent Society at least once in
three years.
(vii) To oversee formation and functioning of Village Health
(viii) In addition to the above, to undertake any other activity that
contributes to the attainment of the objectives and goal of the

5. Integration of District Health Society, District Health

Mission and District Programs

The District Health Mission Secretariat and the State Health Society are inter-
linked in terms of a common secretariat/District Program Management Unit.

Executive Committee,
District Health Society
(District Development Officer)

District Program Committees

(Respective District Program
District Health Mission Secretariat &
(Chief District Health Officer)

Health Training
[TB, Leprosy, [All training
Malaria, & institutes and
Disease programs of H
surveillance] & FW of the

FW (RCH) Medical
[Maternal [AIDS &
Health, Child Blindness
Health, FP] control]

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
5.1 Process of merger of existing societies into integrated District
Health Society

After the District Health Society has been registered, a special meeting of the
Governing Body of existing district societies in the health sector has to be
convened to adopt the following resolutions:

“Resolved that the existing District Societies for RCH, Blindness Control,
Malaria, Leprosy, TB, and AIDS Control dissolved with immediate effect and that
all assets and liabilities of the said society shall stand transferred to the District
Health Society, Gandhinagar.”

A signed copy of the above resolution has to be then filed with the Registrar of
Societies to complete the process of merger.

6. District Health Society

6.1 Governing Body (GB)

The Governing Body is the highest decision-making and main controlling body of
the Society (DHS). For all purpose GB should be considered as General Body of

The first members of the DHS who have signed the memorandum will be the first
Governing Body of the Society. They will select the additional members of the
Governing Body as suggested in the constitution.

• Chairperson : District Collector

• Co Chair : District Development Officer
• Vice Chair : Regional Deputy Director
• Member Secretary : Chief District Health Officer & District Health
Mission Director
• Members :

Sr. Designation Status in the GC Selection

1. District Collector Chairperson Ex-officio
2. District Development Officer Co-Chair Ex-officio
3. Regional Deputy Director (Health & Vice Chair Ex-officio
Medical Services)
4. Chief District Health Officer District Health Member
Mission Director Secretary
5. Chief District Medical Officer Member Ex-officio
6. Additional District Health Officer Member Ex-officio
7. District RCHO, District Tuberculosis Members Ex-officio
Officer, District Leprosy Officer,
District Program Officer- NPCB and
ICDS, District Malaria Officer
Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
Sr. Designation Status in the GC Selection
8. Professor & Head, Community Member Ex-officio
Medicine, of nearby Medical College
(or nominated by him but not below
the rank of Associate Prof)
9. Superintendent of All FRUs Member Ex-officio
10. One Block Health Officer by rotation Member Ex-officio
to be nominated by CDHO
11. District Information Officer (I&B Members Ex-officio
Dept.), District IEC Officer, District
Planning Officer, District Primary
Education Officer, District Social
Welfare/Defence Officer
12. Executive Engineer (R&B), Members Ex-officio
Executive Engineer (WS&SB),
Executive Engineer (Jilla Panchayat)
13. President of Local Branch of IMA Members Ex-officio
(or) His nominee, President of Local
Branch of IAP (or) His nominee,
President of Local Branch of FOGSI
(or) His nominee
14. Medical Officer DTT Member Ex-officio
15. State Liaison Officer of the district Member Ex-officio
16. Principal Nursing School Member Ex-Officio
17. MNGO (working in the field of H & Members Nominated by
FW), One NGO (working in the field Chairperson
other than Health)
18. One woman MLA, One woman Members Nominated by
President Taluka Panchayat, One Chairperson
woman President of Local Body, One
Leading Private Medical Practitioner
19. District Program Coordinator, DPMU Member Invitee

Frequency of meetings:
Quarterly – Once in three months and preferably prior to District Health
Mission meetings

Ordinary Business of the Governing Body Meeting:

• Approval of District Action Plan and resource allocations including
Urban Health Plan and Submit the same to Executive Committee at
State level for final approval and for getting funds from the state to
carry out the activities to achieve the goals of the District Health
• Program reviews, recommendations and revisions, if required.
• Cross cutting issues and guidance to related departments for NRHM
implementation at the district level
• Consideration of proposals for institutional reforms in the H&FW
• Progress review of implementation of the Annual District Action Plan.
Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
• Inter-sectoral co-ordination: all NRHM and SHM related sectors and
beyond (e.g. administrative reforms across the district, convergence
and common programming, joint reviews, resource sharing, etc).
• Follow up actions on decisions of the District Health Mission.
• Co-ordination with NGOs, Development Partners and other relevant
There shall be the following methods of selection of the members of the Society
1. Ex-officio Members: All the members who are holding the post mentioned in
the constitution will become automatically the member of the governing body
of the Society.
2. Special invitee members : The governing body of the Society may co-opt any
individual who commands prestige in the field of health and family welfare
and can represent the issues concerning health of the community may be
invited as a special invitee member for the relevant concerned agenda, but
they would not have voting rights.
Term of the members of the Governing Body
1. The term of office of an ex-officio member shall continue so long as S/he
holds the office by virtue of which be/ she is such a member.
2. The terms of office of a special invitee member shall be for a period of two
years and on the expiry of said period, S/he shall be eligible for re-

Termination of Membership
Any member who leaves his/her designated post or resigns will cease to be a
member. Any member found working against the interests of the
Society/committee, or legally prosecuted, whose act harms the image or
functioning of the Society may be terminated by 2/3 majority voting in the
governing body meeting out of members present in the meeting.

Powers of the Governing Body

It is a local authority empowered to take all measures considered necessary for
the attainment of the objectives of the DHS within the guidelines from National
or State level pertaining to the concerned program.

Role and Responsibility of the Governing Body

It shall have following responsibilities.
1. Create, monitor and guide the executive committees and other subcommittees
as the case may be. Regularly assess the health situation in the district, review
the community needs, plan and give directives to the executive committees to
fulfill the unmet needs.
2. Consider and approve the comprehensive annual action plan of the society
based on the action plan of all District Executive Committees. Accord due
sanction to the justifiable proceedings of the Executive Committees and
modify if the need be. And also coordinate activities between various
executive committees. Frame a policy and issue guidelines/directions to the
Executive Committees with regard to implementation of the various activities
of the action plan.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
3. The body will meet once in three months and review and approve the
quarterly work report by the Member Secretary of each District Program
4. Approve the annual budget for the district as approved in the Executive
Committee, State Health Society and authorize expenditure for each activity
included in the action plan. The expenditure shall be incurred as per the
provision of bye laws and as per constitution of the Society.
5. Delegate appropriate powers to the Executive Committee, Member Secretary
(District Health Mission Director) to function as Chief Executive of the
Society/ Committee for its smooth functioning. Appoint contractual staff as
per the guidelines decided/recommended up to the optimum strength (need
based). Hire short term contractual subject experts for training, IEC, MIS,
evaluation and health audit to supplement efforts of the fulltime specialists
already working.
6. Appoint the Auditor for the annual statutory audit of accounts of the Society
in accordance with the bye-laws/Government instructions. Approve the
audited accounts of the society. Ensure that in the Review Meeting (for any
aided project- donor project) following documents are placed: Audited
Accounts for the preceding financial year and quarterly such report of a
current year, the update physical and financial progress of the project and the
plan of action for the ensuing year.
7. Approve bye-laws relating to service matters, administration and financial
matters of the Society on the recommendation of the Executive Committee in
accordance with program guidelines issued by Government. Ensure that the
mandated meetings of executive committees or subcommittee/expert groups
whenever constituted are held and the minutes of the meetings are recorded
and maintained and got approved
8. To take decisions in matters that may be referred to it, by the Central or State
Government or by the Chairperson and undertake any activities those are
consistent with the objectives of the society.
9. Authorize Member Secretary (District Health Mission Director) of the body
or to any other office bearer of the Executive Committee to sue or defend the
Society in legal affairs, and sign documents or complaints to be submitted in
the appropriate courts on behalf of the Society.

Office bearers of the Society

Chairperson, Co Chair, Vice Chair

District Collector will work as the Chairperson and District Development Officer
as Co-Chair and Regional Deputy Director of the concerned region will be the
Vice Chair. The Chairperson, Co Chair and Vice Chair will be selected by virtue
of holding their respective posts in the region / district, they will be ex officio
chairperson / Vice Chair of the Society and on relieving from the post will cease
to be so with immediate effect.

Power of the Chairperson

S/he is the highest decision making office bearer of the Society which co-ordinate
and control the activities and functioning of society as per the constitution.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
Roles and Responsibilities of the Chairperson
1. S/he will preside over all the meetings of the body and will ensure that all
members of the Body take active part and contribute at their best to reach the
collective decisions. S/he will decide issues unanimously or by majority of
2. S/he shall have a power of casting a vote and also performs the
functions/responsibilities as entrusted by the Body from time to time.
3. S/he shall assign functions /responsibilities to Co Chair, andVice- Chair on
behalf of him/her to attain the objectives of the Society.

Powers, Roles and Responsibilities of the Co Chair and Vice Chair

1. Co Chair will preside over the meetings of the body in case of absence of the
chairperson. In absence of Co- chairperson, the Vice Chair will preside. In the
absence all the three, the members present would select the chairperson for
that meeting.
2. Disburse funds and monitor its expenditures as per the rules and regulations
approved by the Body/program guidelines.
3. To take all necessary steps to ensure that proper program guidelines are
followed and carry out execution of the plan, scheme or activity approved by
the Body.
4. RDD will ensure that National and State Program guidelines are followed.

Member Secretary/District Health Mission Director

Chief District Health Officer will be the Member Secretary (District Health
Mission Director) of the Society. He will be selected by virtue of holding his post
in the district and on relieving from the post will cease to be so.

Powers of the Member Secretary/District Health Mission Director

All executive and financial powers of the society shall rest with the Member
Secretary who shall be responsible for coordinating the functions of District
Program Executive Committees.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Member Secretary/District Health Mission

1. Make all executive, logistic and financial arrangements to ensure effective
and smooth functioning of the Society.
2. Preparation of agenda items along with their notes to be placed before the
Governing Body
3. Maintain the records and proceedings of all meetings of the Governing Body.
Ensure actions on the decisions taken in the meetings of the Governing Body
and reporting back their compliance.
4. Administer and operate the funds of the Society in accordance with the
decisions or policy guidelines approved by the Governing Body in accordance
with the bye-laws.
5. Timely submission of the consolidated periodical reports as well as the
program specific reports in the approved formats.
6. Undertake any activity or function or liability delegated or entrusted by the
Governing Committee of the Society from time to time.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
Emergency Powers of the Chairperson and Member Secretary/District Health
Mission Director
Nothing in these rules and regulations shall prevent the Chairperson and Member
Secretary (District Health Mission Director) from exercising all powers of the
Governing Body in case of emergencies and epidemics for achieving the
objectives of the Society. Action taken shall be reported for approval at the next
meeting of the Governing Body.

Remunerations to the Chairperson, Member Secretary and Members

Neither the Chairperson nor any other member/office bearer of the Society shall
be entitled to any remuneration, except that the non-government office bearers of
the Society are entitled to get TA/DA as per the State Government rules while
they are on tour for the Society.

6.2 Executive Committee – District Health Society

• Chairperson : District Development Officer

• Vice Chair : Chief District Health Officer
• Member Secretary : Additional District Health Officer

• Members :
Program Officers of Health and Family Welfare, District Program Officer-
ICDS, DTT MO, Civil Surgeon of district hospitals, Superintendent of
FRUs, CHC Superintendents, Block Medical Officers, Block Health
Officers, Block PHNs, Block IECOs, Urban Hospital Superintendents,
District Program Coordinator (DPMU), etc

Frequency of meetings:
Quarterly- Once in three months and one meeting should just prior to the
governing body meetings of the District Health Society.

Ordinary Business:
• Approval of the Annual District Action Plan.
• Execution of the approved Annual District Action Plan, including
release of funds for programs at district level as per Annual District
Action Plan.
• Approval of the activity wise fund/budget for the activities to be
carried out at district level as per Annual District Action Plan.
• Activity based progress review based on performance bench marks/
process indictors.
• Review of budget versus expenditure (utilization of funds against
• Approval of proposals from local NGOs, private health facilities and
other implementing agencies/ partners, etc.
• Monitoring of integrated working arrangements for intra-sectoral and
inter-sectoral co-ordination for achieving mission objectives.
• Follow up action on decisions of the Governing Body

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
6.3 District Program Committee for Health & FW Sector (Sub

The Governing Body will propose and approve various Program Committees for
Health, FW (RCH), AIDS and Blindness Control, Training as a subcommittees
for the Society.

• Chairperson : Chief District Health Officer

• Vice Chair : Additional District Health Officer
• Member Secretary : Concerned District Program Officer

Composition of the District Program Committees

Sr# Area Programs Chair Members

1. Health TB, Leprosy, Chief Member secretary- Concerned

Malaria, & District district program officer, State H&
Disease Health FW official designated for the
surveillance Officer district, one faculty from the
concerned program/department,
Concerned HOD in respective
programme from medical college,
Urban Health Officers,
Superintendent of one Community
Health Centre, Two Block Health
Officers, one village health
committee chairperson, one NGO
(working in the concerned field of
health), JSA member, District
Program Coordinator (DPMU),
District Accounts Officer, etc
2. FW Maternal Chief Member secretary- Concerned
(RCH) Health, Child District district program officer, State H&
Health, Health FW official designated for the
Family Officer district, one faculty from the
Planning concerned program/department,
Concerned HOD in respective
programme from medical college,
Urban Health Officers,
Superintendent of one Community
Health Centre, Two Block Health
Officers, one village health
committee chairperson, one NGO
(working in the concerned field of
health), JSA member, District
Program Coordinator (DPMU),
District Accounts Officer, etc

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
Sr# Area Programs Chair Members

3. Medical AIDS & Chief Member secretary- Concerned

Blindness District district program officer, State H&
control Medical FW official designated for the
Officer district, one faculty from the
concerned program/department,
Concerned HOD in respective
programme from medical college,
Superintendent of one Community
Health Centre, Two Block Health
Officers, one village health
committee chairperson, one NGO
(working in the concerned field of
health), JSA member, Urban
Health Officers, District Program
Coordinator (DPMU), District
Accounts Officer, etc
4. Training All training Chief Member secretary- DTT MO, One
institutes and District faculty designate for the district
programs of H Health form SIHFW, DTT faculty, FHW
& FW of the Officer training Centre, DTC, one faculty
district from the concerned program/
department, Superintendent of one
Community Health Centre, Two
Block Health Officers, one village
health committee chairperson, one
NGO (working in the concerned
field of health), JSA member etc

Frequency of meetings:
Monthly- Once in a month and one meeting should just prior to the
meeting of Executive Committee, District Health Society

Ordinary Business:
• Review of program progress as per approved work plan and budget
• Assessment of technical and quality aspects of the program
• Assessment of training need of health service providers and district
• Technical review of program proposals/partner agencies competency
• Assessment of program activities versus program objectives
• Program coverage amongst remote, BPL and other indigent sections
• Program reviews and recommendations to Executive Committee,
District Health Society

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
6.4 District Health Mission Secretariat and District Program
Management Unit

The District Health Society Secretariat will consist of all district program officers
supported by a core team of 4 full time contractual program support staff
(DPMU), to support District Health Mission as under

• District Program Coordinator

• District Accounts Officer
• Finance Assistant
• Monitoring & Evaluation Assistant

Once the Secretariat is operationalised (i.e., the above staff is in place and the
office is set up), the District Program Officer posts sponsored under the Centrally
Sponsored Schemes and the contractual staff/consultants under the various Health
Programs and bilateral/multi-lateral funding Programs may be brought under the
District Health Mission Secretariat/District Program Management Unit. These
staff will be on contract with the State Health Society, to work for the District
Health Mission. The Driver will be contracted by the district society.

The District Program Coordinator is seen as the key player not only in setting up
and operationalising the DHS secretariat, but also in arranging managerial and
supportive assistance to the district health administration, including general
management and logistic support. The staff on contract will play a supportive role
in implementing District Health Mission and responsibility of the implementation
will be with the respective district program officers/district administration.

The specific responsibilities of the District Program Coordinator, DHS will

include, but not be limited to the following:
Management of DHS Secretariat

(a) Facilitate the working of the DHS as per the bye-laws of the Society.
(b) Maintain administrative, technical and financial files, records of the
(c) Support District Health Mission Director in organising meetings of the
Governing Body and Executive Committee including preparation of
agenda notes, circulation of minutes and compilation of action taken
reports etc.
(d) Organise audit of the society funds and preparation of quarterly and
annual reports of the DHS as required.
(e) Preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports (both
physical and financial), submission of the report to Executive
Committee and State Program Management Unit

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

(a) Create and maintain district resource database for the health sector
including manpower, buildings, equipments and other support
infrastructure. And provide it to SPMU as and when required.
(b) Assist the Chief District Health Officer and district program officers of
the health and family welfare programs in developing the ‘District Work
Plan’ based on the State Health Mission goals and programs.
(c) Organise activities related to health initiatives
(d) Undertake regular monitoring of initiatives being implemented in the
district and provide regular report and feedback to the Society and
others who are entitled to receive Reports of the Society [District
Collector, Chairperson, District Panchayat, designated authority State
Government, etc] through District Health Mission Director.
(e) Ensure compilation, analysis & presentation of relevant information in
meaningful formats and assist the Chief District Health Officer and/or
DDO in making informed discussions.
(f) Develop strategies/plans to improve the quality of services and present
to the Society for approval.

Inventory management, Procurement & Logistics

a) Facilitate preparation of District Logistics Plan for optimal allocation of

resources at each facility.
b) Ensure timely collection and compilation of ‘demands’ and their timely

Appendices to facilitate creation and functioning of District Health Societies

Memorandum of Association for the District Health Society (Gandhinagar) (Appendix-I)

Rules and Regulations of District Health Society (Gandhinagar) (Appendix-II)
Bye-laws of the District Health Society (Gandhinagar) (Appendix-III)

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005



1. Name of the Society The Name of the Society shall be “District Health Society,
Gandhinagar or DHS (Gandhinagar)”
2. Area of operation The area of operation of the Society shall be whole of
district Gandhinagar.
3. Location The Society shall have its office at the office of Chief
District Health Officer, Gandhinagar district, situated at
District Panchayat, Health Branch, Sector: 17, Gandhinagar
382 017 Gujarat
4. Objectives The Society shall assist district health administration in the
implementation of various health Programs and projects in
the district, with special emphasis on priority sectors like
reproductive and child health, population control, control
of malaria, TB and leprosy and prevention of blindness and
malnutrition etc.
5. Scope of functions To achieve the above objectives, the Society shall direct its
resources towards performance of the following key tasks:
• To act as the nodal forum for all stakeholders –line
departments, PRI and NGOs- to participate in planning,
implementation and monitoring of the various health and
family welfare Programs and projects in the district.
• To receive, manage and account for the funds received from
the State Government (including State level Societies in the
health sector) for implementation of Centrally Sponsored
Schemes in the district.
• To strengthen the technical / management capacity of the
District Health Administration through recruitment of
individual / institutional experts from the open market
• To facilitate preparation of integrated district health
development plans, for health and its various determinants
like sanitation, nutrition and safe drinking water, etc.
• To guide the functions related to ‘Total Sanitation
Campaign’ at the District level.
• To mobilize financial and non-financial resources for
complementing/supplementing the health and family welfare
activities in the district.
• To assist hospital management societies in the district.
• To undertake such other activities for strengthening health
and family welfare activities in the district as may be
identified from time to time, including mechanisms for intra
and inter-sectoral convergence of inputs and structures.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
6. First members of The names, addresses, occupations and designations of the
Governing Body First Members of the Governing Body of the Society to
whom by the rules and regulations of the Society, the
management of the affairs of the Society is entrusted as
required under section 2 of the Societies Registration Act,
1860 (No. XXI of 1860) are as follows:-
Sr. Status in Attested
Name Occupation and address Signature
No. Society by
1 Ms Sonal Mishra, District Collector, Chairperson
IAS M S Building,
Opp Civil Hospital,
Gandhinagar 382017
2 Mr. M T Joshi, District Development Co-Chair
IAS Officer, District Panchayat,
Sector 17,
Gandhinagar 382017
3 Dr Dinkar Raval Chief District Health Officer, Member
District Panchayat, Secretary
Sector 17,
Gandhinagar 382017
A copy of the rules of the Society certified to be a correct copy by three members of
the Governing Body is filed along with this Memorandum of Association.

Dated: __________________

7. Declaration We, the several persons whose names and addresses are given
below having associated ourselves for the purpose described in
this Memorandum of Association do hereby subscribe our
names to this Memorandum of Association and set our several
and respective hands hereunto and form ourselves into a
Society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act,
No.XXI of 1860): this19th day of July 2005 at Gandhinagar.

Sr. Status in
No. Governing Body
1. District Collector Chairperson
2. District Development Officer Co-Chair
3. Regional Deputy Director Vice Chair
4. District Health Officer & District Health Mission Director Member Secretary
5. Additional District Health Officer and District RCH Officer Members
6. Project Officer (DRDA) Member
7. District Officers -TB, Malaria, Leprosy, Ophthalmic, AIDS Members
control, EMO, MO-DTT, DTC, DIECO, District PHN, etc
8. District Officer of PHED, ICDS, Education, Social Welfare, Members
Panchayat, representatives of medical Association, MNGO/NGO
representative, Urban Health Officer, Superintendents of district
hospitals & FRU, Trustee/ superintendents of trust hospitals,
District Program Coordinator (DPMU), etc, etc
Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005




1.1 These Rules and Regulations shall be called “The Rules and Regulations of the
District Health Society (Gandhinagar)”.

1.2 These Rules shall come into force with effect from the date of registration of the
Society by the Registrar of Societies.


2.1 In the interpretation of these Rules and Regulations, the following expressions
shall have the following unless inconsistent with subject or context:

“Act” means Societies Registration Act, 1860.

“Central Government” means the Government of India.
“DHS” means the District Health Society
“Executive Committee” means the Executive Committee as referred to in these
“District Program Officer” means the Program Manager cum Convener of the
Society as referred to in these Rules.
“Governing Body” means the Governing Body of the Society as referred to in
these Rules.
“Member” means the Member of the Society as referred to in these Rules.
“Rules” means these Rules and Regulations registered along with the
memorandum of Association & as may be amended by the Governing Body of
the Society from time to time.
“Secretariat” means the Secretariat of the Society as referred to in these Rules.
“State Government” means the Government of Gujarat
“Year” means the financial year, namely from 1st April of a calendar year to 31 st
March of the next calendar year.


3.1 Registered office of the Society shall be situated at the Office of the Chief District
Health Officer, Gandhinagar, having its office at District Panchayat, Health
Branch, Sector: 17, Gandhinagar 382 017 Gujarat

3.2 The jurisdiction of the Society shall be the whole of Gandhinagar.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005

4.1 The following shall be the members of the Society:

• First members of the Governing Body (As per Appendix-I, Section 6)
• Additional ex-officio members of the Governing Body (As per Appendix-I,
Section 7)
• The Governing Body may determine representatives of other organizations as
• Individuals as may be nominated by the Governing Body from time to time.

4.2 The membership of an ex-officio member of the Society and of the Governing
Body shall stand terminated when S/he ceases to hold the office by virtue of
which S/he was member and his/her successor to the office shall become such

4.3 Non-official members of the Society will be nominated by the Chair-person with
the approval of the Governing Body. Nominated members shall hold office for a
period of three years from the date of their nomination by the Chair-person. Such
members will be eligible for re-nomination for another period of 3 years.

4.4 The Society shall maintain a roll of members at its registered office and every
member shall sign the roll and state therein his/her rank or occupation and
address. No member shall be entitled to exercise rights and privileges of a
member unless S/he has signed the roll as aforesaid.

4.5 All members of the Governing Body shall cease to be members if they resign,
become of unsound mind, become insolvent or be convicted of a criminal offence
involving moral turpitude or removal from the post by virtue of which s/he was
holding the membership.

4.6 Resignation of membership shall be tendered to the Governing Body in person to its
Member Secretary and shall not take effect until the Chairperson has accepted it on
behalf of the Governing Body.

4.7 If a member of the Society changes his/her address S/he shall notify his/her new
address to the Member Secretary who shall thereupon enter his/her new address
in the roll of member. But if a member fails to notify his/her new address the
address in the roll of members shall be deemed to be his/her address.

4.8 Any vacancy in the Society or in the Governing Body shall be filled by the
authority entitled to make such appointment. No act or proceedings of the
Society or of the Governing Body shall be invalid merely by reason of the
existence of any vacancy therein or of any defect in appointment of any of its

4.9 No member of the Governing Body, except the Member Secretary to be appointed
as per these Rules, shall be entitled to any remuneration.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005

5.1 The following shall be the bodies and authorities of the Society:
• Governing Body
• Executive Committee
• Sub-Committees of the Executive Committee, such as Program Committee


5.2.1 All members of the Society as set out in para 4.1 shall constitute the Governing
Body of the Society.
5.2.2 The first members of the Governing Body of the Society shall be those mentioned
in Clause 6 of the Memorandum of Association. They shall hold office until a
new Governing Body is appointed according to these Rules.

5.2.3 The management of the affairs of the Society shall be entrusted to Governing
Body and the property of the Society shall be vested in the Governing Body.

5.2.4 The Society may sue or be sued in the name of the Member Secretary of the
Society or of such other members as shall, in reference to the matter concerned,
be appointed by the Governing Body for the occasion.


5.3.1 The meetings of the Governing Body shall be held at least twice a year and at
such time and place as the Chairperson shall decide. If the Chair-person receives
a requisition for calling a meeting signed by one-third members of the Governing
Body, the Chair-person shall call such a meeting as soon as may be reasonably
possible and at such place as s/he may deem fit.

5.3.2 Following minimum business shall be brought forward and disposed off in every
meeting of the Governing Body:

• Annual report of the Society relating to last financial year, including (a)
income and expenditure account, (b) balance sheet and (c) audit report
• Physical and financial progress of the Programs / projects in the current year
• Work Plan (including budget) for the next financial year.
• Other business brought forward with the assent of the Chair-person

5.3.3 Every notice calling meeting of the Governing Body shall state the date, time and
place at which such meeting will be held and shall be served upon every member
of the Governing Body not less than twenty one clear days before the date
appointed for the meeting. Such notice shall be issued by the Member Secretary
of the Society and shall be accompanied by an agenda of the business to be placed
before the meeting provided that accidental omission to give such notice to any
member shall not invalidate any resolution passed at such meeting. In the event
of any urgent business the Chairperson may call the meeting of the Governing
Body at clear ten days notice.
Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
5.3.4 The Chair-person shall Chair the meetings of the Governing Body. In his/her
absence, the Governing Body shall elect one from among the members present as
Chairperson of the meeting.

5.3.5 One third of the members of the Governing Body, including the substitutes
nominated under Rule 5.3.7 present in person, shall form a quorum at every
meeting of the Governing Body.

5.3.6 All disputed questions at the meeting of the Governing Body shall be determined
by votes. Each member of the Governing Body shall have one vote and in case of
a tie, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.

5.3.7 Should any official members be prevented for any reason whatsoever from
attending a meeting of the Governing Body, the Chair-person of the Society shall
be at liberty to nominate a substitute to take his place at the meeting of the
Governing Body. Such, substitute shall have all the rights and privileges of a
member of the Governing Body for that meeting only.

5.3.8 Any member desirous of moving any resolution at a meeting of the Governing
Body shall give notice there of in writing to the Member Secretary of not less
than ten clear days before the day of such meetings.

5.3.9 Any business which it may become necessary for the Governing Body to perform,
except the agenda prescribed for the full meeting as set out in para 5.3.2 above,
may be carried out by circulation among all its members and any resolution so
circulated and approved by majority of the members signing shall be as effectual
and binding as if such resolution had been passed at a meeting of the Governing
Body provided that at least one third members of the Governing Body have
recorded their consent of such resolution.

5.3.10 In the event of any urgent business, the Chairperson of the Society may take a
decision on behalf of the Governing Body. Such a decision shall be reported to
the Governing Body at its next meeting for ratification.

5.3.11 A copy of the minutes of the proceedings of each meeting shall be furnished to
the Governing Body members within 2 weeks after completion of the meeting.


5.4.1 The Governing Body will have full control of the affairs of the Society and will
have authority to exercise and perform all the powers, acts and deeds of the
Society consistent with the aims and objects of the Society.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
5.4.2 In particular and without prejudice to the generality of foregoing provision, the
Governing Body may:

• Make, amend, or repeal any bye laws relating to administration and

management of the affairs of the Society subject to the observance of the
provisions contained in the Act, provided that such amendments are brought
to the Governing Body after obtaining endorsement / approval from the State
• Consider the annual budget and the annual action plan, its subsequent
alternations placed before it by the Member Secretary from time to time and
to pass it with such modifications as the Governing Body may think fit.
• Monitor the financial position of the Society in order to ensure smooth
income flow and to review annual audited accounts.
• Accept donations and endowments or give grants upon such terms as it thinks
• Delegate its powers, other than those of making rules, to the Chair-person,
Member Secretary or other authorities as it may deem fit.
• Authorise the Member Secretary to execute such contracts on behalf of the
Society as it may deem fit in the conduct of the business of the Society.
• Appoint committees, sub-Committees and Boards etc. for such purpose and
on such terms as it may deem fit, and to remove any of them.
• Recruit administrative / technical staff for the Society secretariat as per the
Operational Manual of the Society.
• Procure goods and services in accordance with the procedures laid down in
the Operational Manual of the Society.
• Do generally all such other acts and things as may be necessary or incidental
to carrying out the objectives of the Society or any of them, provided that
nothing herein contained shall authorize the Governing Body to do any act or
to pass any bye-laws which may be repugnant to the provisions hereof, to the
powers hereby conferred on the Governing Body and other authorities, or
which may be inconsistent with the objectives of the Society.



5.5.1 The Chair-person shall have the powers to call for and preside over all meetings
of the Governing Body.

5.5.2 The Chair-person may himself/herself call, or by a requisition in writing signed

by him/her, may require the Member Secretary to call, a meeting of the
Governing Body at any time and on the receipt of such requisition, the Member
Secretary shall forthwith call such a meeting.

5.5.3 The Chair-person shall enjoy such powers as may be delegated to him by the
Society and the Governing Body.

This provision is being made to ensure that the DHS in other districts also benefit from avenues of
improvements identified in a district.
Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
5.5.4 The Chair-person shall have the authority to review periodically the work and
progress of the Society and to order inquiries into the affairs of the Society and to
pass orders on the recommendations of the reviewing or inquiry Committee.

5.5.5 Nothing in these Rules shall prevent the Chairperson from exercising any or all
the powers of the Governing Body in case of emergencies in furtherance of the
objects of the Society. However, the action taken by the Chairperson on such
occasions shall be reported to the Governing Body subsequently for ratification.



5.6.1 The Governing Body will constitute an Executive Committee which will be
responsible for acting for and doing all deeds on behalf of the Governing Body
and for taking all decisions and exercising all the powers, vested in the Governing
Body except those which the Governing Body may specifically specify to be
excluded from the jurisdiction of by the Executive Committee.

5.6.2 The composition of the Executive Committee shall be as follows:

Sr Status in Executive
Name / designation
No. Committee
1. DDO cum CEO, District Panchayat Chairperson
2. Chief District Health Officer Vice Chair
3. Additional District Health Officer Member Secretary
4. Program Officers of Health and Family Members
Welfare, District Program Officer- ICDS, DTT
MO, Civil Surgeon of district hospitals,
Superintendent of FRUs, CHC Superintendents,
Block Medical Officers, Block Health Officers,
Block PHNs, Block IECOs, Urban Hospital
Superintendents, District Program Coordinator

5.6.3 The Executive Committee may co-opt additional members and/or invite subject
experts to its meetings from time to time.

5.6.4 Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be convened by the Member

Secretary by giving clear seven days notice in writing along with the Agenda
specifying the business to be transacted, the date, time and venue of the meeting.

5.6.5 Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at least once every month or
more frequently as necessary.

5.6.6 The minutes of the Executive Committee meetings will be placed before the
Governing Body at its next meeting.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
5.6.7 The Executive Committee may appoint one or more Program-committees for the
purpose of day-to-day execution of the various Programs.

5.6.8 The Program Committee will submit a monthly performance / progress report to
the Executive Committee which shall incorporate these into the consolidated
progress reports to be placed before the Governing Body.


5.7.1 Governing Body, with the assistance of the Member Secretary, will establish a
Secretariat of the Society consisting of technical, financial and management
professionals to serve as the District Program Management Support Unit (DPMU)
to assist the district health administration.

5.7.2 The Secretariat shall consist of such technical / management units as set out in the
Operational Manual prescribed by the State Government.

5.7.3 The district level officers appointed under on-going projects sponsored by
development partners, if any, shall be physically co-located in the Society
Secretariat office4.


5.8.1 The Secretariat of the Society shall consist of the Member Secretary and Staff of
the Society.

5.8.2 The Secretariat will be responsible for day-to-day management of the Society’s
activities. In particular, it will be responsible for performing all functions of the
Society as set out in article 5 of the MoA.

5.8.3 The Secretariat will provide Technical Support to the District Health Mission. It
will also be responsible for financial management of funds of the Society.
5.8.4 The funds sanctioned by the Governing Body/Executive Committee shall be
released by the two authorized signatories and a copy of the sanction order
marked to the DPMSU for financial management of the same.


6.1 The funds of the Society shall consist of the following:

• Grant-in-aid from the State Government and/or State Health Society
• Grants-in-aid from the Central Government, if it decides to give the whole or
part of grants directly to District Society.
• Grants and donations from trade, industry, institutions and individuals.
• Receipts from disposal of assets.
• The assets and liabilities of all Societies merged into the integrated Society
shall be subsumed within the new Society.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005

7.1 The Society shall cause regular accounts to be kept of all its monies and
properties in respect of the affairs of the Society. A Central cash pool system will
be developed for the society from where funds will be transferred to each
program accounts. A computerized finance management system based on
Entrepreneur Resource Planning (ERP) will be introduced for the society in due
course of time.

7.2 The Executive Committee may cause separate Bank Accounts in respect of each
scheme or separate ledgers for each scheme under one account. In such an event,
the Governing Body shall prescribe written instructions relating to submission of
Statement of Expenditure (SoE) for each scheme. The separate Accounts of
different Programs could be audited by different auditors, and submitted to
Program Units separately. However, the DPMSU will ensure one integrated audit
of the District Health Society.

7.3 The accounts of the Society shall be audited annually by a Chartered Accountant
firm included in the panel of Comptroller and Auditor General of India or any
qualified person appointed by the Government of India/State Government and
any expenditure incurred in connection with such audit shall be payable by the
Society to the Auditors. The Office of the Accountant General of State may also,
at its discretion, audit the accounts of the society.

7.4 The Chartered Accountant or any qualified person appointed by the Govt. of
India/State Government in connection with the audit of the accounts of the
Society shall have the same rights, privileges and authority in connection with
such audit as the Auditor General of the State has in connection with the audit of
Government accounts and in particular shall have the right to demand the
production of books, accounts, connected vouchers and other necessary
documents and papers.

7.5 The report of such audit shall be communicated by the auditor to the Society,
which shall submit a copy of the Audit Report along with its observation to the
State Government.

7.6 The Auditor shall also forward a copy of the report to the following:

• A designated authority of the State Health Society as may be determined by

its Governing Body / Executive Committee
• The District Collector
• Chairperson of the Governing Body of the Society and State Government or a
designated authority of the State level society.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005

8.1 The account of the Society shall be opened in a bank approved by the Executive
Committee of the District Health Society as may be specified by the MoHFW,
Government of India or Executive Committee of the State Health Society. All
funds shall be paid into the Society’s account with the appointed bank and shall
not be withdrawn except through a cheque, bill note, other negotiable instruments
or through electronic banking (e-banking) procedures signed/electronically
authorised by such authorities of the Society Secretariat as may be determined by
the Executive Committee. This account should be managed jointly by the District
Development Officer (Chairperson of the Executive Committee) and Chief
District Health Officer (District Health Mission Director / Member Secretary of
Executive Committee).

8.2 The society can open separate program accounts in the bank and approved funds
could be transferred to the program account. Joint signatory of Chief District
Health Officer and respective program officer should manage this account
(Member Secretary of the respective program committee). The petty cash account
is to be managed from the respective program accounts. (Not from the district
society account)

8.3 The Society shall switch over to e-banking procedures as and when the MoHFW,
Government of India directs the Society to do so as the principal donor to the


9.1 A draft annual report and the yearly accounts of the Society shall be placed before
the Governing Body at next meeting for consideration and approval. A copy of
the annual report and audited statement of accounts as finally approved by the
Governing Body shall be forwarded within six months of the closure of a
financial year to the following:
• District Collector/DM,
• Chair-person, Governing Body, and
• Designated authority of the State Government


10.1 The Society may sue or be sued in the name of Society through its Member

10.2 No suit or proceedings shall abate by the reason of any vacancy or change in the
holder of the office of the Chairperson or Member Secretary or any office bearer
authorised in this behalf.

10.3 Every decree or order against the Society in any suit or proceedings shall be
executable against the property of the Society and not against the person or the
property of the Chairperson, Member Secretary or any office bearer of the

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
10.4 Nothing in sub-rule 10.3 above shall exempt the Chairperson, Member Secretary
or office bearer of the Society from any criminal liability or entitle him/her to
claim any contribution from the property of the Society in respect of any fine to
be paid by him/her on conviction by a criminal court.


11.1 The Society may amend these Rules provided that such changes shall not alter the
nature and /or the objectives and/or the purposes for which it has been set up. The
proposals for any amendments shall be carried out only through the following

11.1.1 Proposals for amendments have been circulated to all members of the Governing
Body and have been duly included in the written agenda of the ensuing meeting
of the Governing Body or a special meeting of the Governing Body;

11.1.2 The Governing Body has endorsed the proposal at least 3/5th of the members of
the Governing Body; and

11.1.3 The State Government has communicated, in writing, its endorsements to the
Governing Body resolution for the amendment.


12.1 The Governing Body may resolve to dissolve the Society by bringing a proposal
to that effect in a special meeting to be convened for the purpose, provided that
the proposal for dissolution has been duly approved /endorsed through the process
prescribed for amendment as set out in para 11.1 of these Rules.

12.2 The dissolution proceedings shall be made in accordance with the provisions of
the Act as amended from time to time in its application in the State.

12.3 Upon the dissolution of the Society, all assets of the Society, after the settlement
of all its debts and liabilities, shall stand reverted to the State Government for
such purposes as it may deem fit.



13.1.1 All contracts and other instruments for and on behalf of the Society shall be
subject to the provisions of the Act, be expressed to be made in the name of the
Society and shall be executed by the persons authorised by the Governing Body.

13.1.2 No contracts for the sale, purchase or supply of any goods and material shall be
made for and on behalf of the Society with any member of the Society or his/her
relative or firm in which such member or his/her relative is a partner or
shareholder or any other partner or shareholder of a firm or a private company in
which the said member is a partner or director.
Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005

13.2.1 The Society shall have a common seal of such make and design as the Governing
Body may approve. The society shall use the common letterhead, as approved by
the governing body for all its official purposes, including contracts.


13.3.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Rules, the State
Government and/or Ministry of Health & Family Welfare may appoint one or
more persons to review the work and progress of the Society and hold enquiries
into the affairs thereof and report thereon. The Central Government may also
cause the accounts of the Society to be audited by the internal audit parties of the
Chief Controller of Accounts, MoHFW, GOI or do Management Audit through
the Financial Management Group, and issue directions, as deemed appropriate, to
the Society.

13.3.2 The Chair-person of the Governing Body shall have the right to nominate one or
more persons to be part of the review / enquiries.

13.3.3 The progress review reports and / or enquiry reports shall be included in the
written agenda of the ensuing meeting of the Governing Body.

We, the undersigned being three of the members of the first Governing Body of
the District Health Society, certify that the above is a correct copy of the Rules
and Regulations of the said Society.

Name and address Signature
1 Ms Sonal Mishra, IAS
District Collector,
M S Building, Opp Civil Hospital,
Gandhiangar, Gujarat 382017
2 Mr M T Joshi, IAS
District Development Officer,
District Panchayat, Sector 17,
Gujarat 382017
3 Dr Dinkar Raval,
Chief District Health Officer,
District Panchayat, Sector 17,
Gujarat 382017

Dated: _________________________

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005



A Procurement Policy and Procedures

Procurement of goods and services will be organized as per the procedures

recommended by the State Society. Commitments made to multilateral/bilateral
donor agencies with regard to Procurement Procedures under different Projects
would be honored.

B Procedure for release of funds

Funds would be ordinarily released from State Health Society to District Health
Society in two branches. The Society funds shall be drawn through cheques
and/or bank drafts or through e-banking mechanism as and when the same is

Two authorized signatories comprising of CDHO and Member-Secretary of the

concerned Program committee shall sign all cheques.

All releases will be made on the basis of a written authorization from the
Member-Secretary of the concerned Program committee.

Wherever releases are decided to be made through bank drafts and/or through e
banking, the concerned authorized signatories shall sign the authorization letter to
the bank.

Note: Wherever, under e-banking procedures, releases are to be made through

electronic authorization to the bank to issue cheque/draft/account transfer on
behalf of the Society, the electronic authorization will be executed by the same
two authorized functionaries of the Society secretariat who have been authorized
to sign cheques on the basis of a written authorization from the
concerned/designated authorities.

B.1 financial powers

The Governing Body may review and revise the financial powers of the office
bearers of the bodies of the Society on an annual basis and revise the same, if
considered necessary.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
C Financial Powers of the Office Bearers of the Society (Governing Body,
Executive Committees, Program Committee) and Member Secretary

Type of expenditure Authority Extent of power

Approval of Plans & Release of Funds

1. Approval of District Plan Governing Full powers (subject to the

Body approval of the State
Health Society)
2. Approval of Urban Plans and City plans Executive Full powers (subject to the
Committee approval of the State
Health Society)
3. Release of funds to Hospitals/ hospital District Health
societies; block Medical Officers and other Mission
implementing agencies as per approved norms Director and
by State Health Society and/or proposals Member-
approved by State. Secretary of the Full powers
4. Release of funds for implementation of concerned
plans / allocations approved by Governing Program
Body / Executive Committee, as approved by Committee
the Executive Committee
5. Expenditure proposals not covered under categories A and/or B

5.1: Procurement of goods Chair-person, Up to Rs 5 lakh per case at

Governing a time maximum of Rs
5.2: Repairs and minor civil works Body 30.00 lakh per annum
Chair-person, Up to Rs. 3.00 lakh per
5.3: Procurement of services for specific tasks Executive case at a time maximum of
including outsourcing of support services Committee Rs 15.00 lakh per annum
5.4: Miscellaneous items not mentioned Chair-person, Up to Rs. 2.00 lakh at a
above such as hiring of taxis, hiring of Governing time subject to a maximum
auditors, meetings and workshops, training, Body of Rs. 10.00 lakh per
purchase of training material/ books and annum
magazines, payment of TA/DA allowances Chair-person, Up to Rs 1.00 lakh at a
for contractual staff and/or non-official Executive time, subject to a
invitees to DHS meetings and/or officials Committee maximum of Rs. 10.00
deputed to meetings outside the district. lakh per annum
Member- Up to Rs 50,000/- at a time
Secretaries of subject to a maximum of
the Program Rs. 5.00 lakh per annum.
FRU/CHC Up to Rs. 25,000/- at a
Superintendents time subject to a maximum
of Rs. 2 lakh per annum
MO Up to Rs. 10,000/- at a
time subject to a maximum
of Rs. 50,000/- per annum
(for PHCs and SCs under
his/her jurisdiction)

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
D Human Resources Policy and Procedures

D.1 Recruitment and Appointment

Recruitment would be through either of the following two routes:

• Appointments from open market: all such appointments will be on contractual
basis for a fixed tenure of 11 months.
• Appointments on “Deputation” basis: all such appointments will be regulated
in terms of State Government rules relating to Deputation.

Recruitment may either be made by the State Health Society [e.g. recruitment of
Member Secretary from the open market or recruitment of District program
coordinators on deputation basis] OR by the DHS OR a combination of both a
may be determined by the State Society.

All appointments would be temporary and would be made for the contract /
deputation period as may be determined by the State Health Society.

D.2 Terms of appointment (applicable to Society staff and Consultants)

The terms of appointment of the staff of the Society shall be regulated in terms of
the guidelines that may be provided by the State Government.

D.3 Compliance of Statutory Requirements

The Society shall register itself with relevant government agencies for the
purpose of complying with the statutory requirements including regulations
governing deduction of tax at source relating to the staff, consultants and experts
employed by it and/or consultancies / contracts awarded by it in the course of
performance of its tasks.

D.4 Leave rules

Holidays, Casual Leave, Medical Leave: The Society staff and the full time
consultants shall be governed by the State Government rules, in so far as
observance of holidays and grant of casual / medical leave is concerned.

Leave without pay: The Society staff (including full time consultants) shall be
entitled to take leave without pay in exceptional circumstances. The Member
Secretary can sanction this, after recording the reasons. For the Member
Secretary, this would have to be endorsed by the District Health Mission
Director/Vice Chair, Executive Committee.

D.5 Training and capability development

Full time consultants and staff of the Society (including staff on deputation)
would be encouraged to take up skill development courses, short term courses,
trainings and even correspondence courses which further their employment
prospects, enhance their skills, and build up Society capabilities.

Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005
D.6 Travelling / Dearness Allowance (TA/DA) Rules

Travel within and outside State: Travel of Society staff (including those who are
employed by the Society on deputation/contract basis) shall be governed as per
the entitlements given in the table below. Within State travel, the existing TA/DA
government rules will apply as per eligibility for respective cadres.

Entitlement District Health Mission District Program Junior / clerical

Director & Member Officers staff
Secretary (Category I) (Category II) (Category III)
Entitlement for By air By 2nd AC 2 nd AC or 3rd
travel (outside state) AC
Entitlement for road Office Vehicle or Taxi Office Vehicle or Bus/Shared taxi
travel (1) Taxi (2)
Per-diem when hotel Rs. 500/- per day Rs. 300/- per day Rs. 200/- per
is not used (outside day
Per-diem when hotel Rs. 1000/- per night (3) Rs 500/- per night Rs. 300/- per
is used (3) (outside (3) night (3)

Notes: (1) The Society shall create a panel of accredited taxi operators through
open tender for hiring the taxis for the travel of Society staff.
(2) The District Health Mission Director and/ or Member Secretary can allow the
junior staff to use a taxi for undertaking travel as per an approved itinerary.
(3) The Society shall identify and negotiate a standard/discounted tariff for its
staff / employees with the State Tourism Corporation, guest houses of PSUs and
budget / hotels. In the absence the negotiated hotels/ rates, it will be subject to

Travel outside the State: Travel outside the State shall be regulated on a case to
case basis in accordance with delegated financial powers as indicated in Section-
C above (Financial Powers, item 5.4).

D.7 Deduction of Tax at Source

Tax will be deducted at source as per income tax rules and the Society shall
register itself with the relevant authorities in this regard.


Gandhinagar District Health Mission- July 2005

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