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Stream C Economic Development

Rules for Policy Discussions

A copy of the rules for Constitution and Policy Discussions has been posted to the CPC website. A brief summary is provided below for ease of reference.

Policy Break-Out Workshops

Policy resolutions to be debated will be broken into three streams by subject matter Break-Out sessions will be moderated Only delegates may speak or vote Subject to the discretion of the moderator in light of time constraints, policy resolutions will be debated in the following manner: o 1 minute to introduce o 1 minute for caucus commentary if required o 1 additional speaker in favour (1 minute order determined by moderator) o 2 speakers against (1 minute order determined by moderator) The moderator will call a vote which shall be counted A maximum of ten (10) policy resolutions per break-out workshop which receive an affirmative vote by a majority of delegates voting in the break-out workshop will be listed on the agenda of Plenary. If more than (10) policy resolutions receive an affirmative vote by a majority of delegates voting in the break-out workshop, then priority shall be given to the policy resolutions that received 80% support and the balance sorted by the highest total absolute votes cast.


If two or more delegates of the Plenary call for debate, the Chair will immediately call for a vote. Only where, in the Chairs determination, the vote shows that a clear majority of delegates wish to have a debate, will a limited debate be permitted in the following manner: o 30 seconds to introduce o 30 seconds for caucus commentary if required o 1 additional speaker in favour (30 seconds order determined by moderator) o 2 speakers against (30 seconds order determined by moderator) Only delegates will be permitted to speak and vote. As provided in the Constitution, a resolution amending either the Constitution or the Policy Declaration may only be amended by a majority of votes cast by delegates and a majority of votes cast by delegates from each of a majority of individual provinces. The territories together shall constitute one province.


Policy Stream Resolution Number Sponsoring EDA


Section Nature of Change

Original Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Modified Text (addition)

Modified Text (deletion)

RESOLUTION C 035 EDA Edmonton Leduc Section G Trade (MODIFICATION)

41. Inter-provincial Trade

The Conservative Party believes that the government is responsible for taking the lead in working with its provincial partners to eliminate inter-provincial trade barriers in commerce, labour, and capital mobility.

41. Inter-provincial Trade

The Conservative Party believes that the government is responsible for taking the lead in working with its provincial partners to eliminate inter-provincial trade barriers in transportation, commerce, labour, and capital mobility.

RESOLUTION C 026 EDA Niagara Falls Section F Economic Development (NEW)

32. Labour
i) The Conservative Party supports the right of workers to organize democratically, to bargain collectively and to strike peacefully while respecting private property and the decision of fellow workers not to participate. ii) We believe that government should work with unions and employers in areas of federal jurisdiction to develop a dispute settlement mechanism to minimize or avoid work disruption.

32. Labour
i) The Conservative Party supports the right of workers to organize democratically, to bargain collectively and to strike peacefully while respecting private property and the decision of fellow workers not to participate. ii) We believe that government should work with unions and employers in areas of federal jurisdiction to develop a dispute settlement mechanism to minimize or avoid work disruption

iii) The Conservative Party supports the right of union workers to a free secret ballot in a strike vote

RESOLUTION C 025 EDA Durham Section F Economic Development (Modification)

32. Labour
i) The Conservative Party supports the right of workers to organize democratically, to bargain collectively and to strike peacefully while respecting private property and the decision of fellow workers not to participate. ii) We believe that government should work with unions and employers in areas of federal jurisdiction to develop a dispute settlement mechanism to minimize or avoid work disruption.

32. Labour
i) The Conservative Party supports the right of workers to organize democratically, to bargain collectively and to strike peacefully while respecting private property and the decision of fellow workers not to participate. Fellow workers should not be penalized for not participating. ii) We believe that government should work with unions and employers in areas of federal jurisdiction to develop a dispute settlement mechanism to minimize or avoid work disruption

RESOLUTION C 017 EDA Oshawa; Whitby-Oshawa; Ajax-Pickering; Pickering-Scarborough East; Durham; Northumberland-Quinte West; Haliburton-Kawartha-Brock; Peterborough Section F Economic Development (NEW)

25. Economic Principles

The Conservative Party believes: i) that it is the responsibility of government to create an economic climate in which Canadians can thrive and prosper, and with their success create quality job opportunities for Canadians; ii) in the principle of maximizing value-added processing in Canada, and the government should create an economic environment that encourages Canadian businesses to export products rather than raw materials; iii) that a dollar in the hand of a Canadian citizen is better than a dollar in the hand of a government bureaucracy. Canadians should be enjoying a higher standard of living, a more competitive economy and greater productivity, similar to our major trading partners; iv) that Canada's competitive position in the world should never be impeded by a lack of ethics in Canada's government; and v) that lower taxes and reduced government interference in the economy will result in more purchasing power in the hands of the people of Canada, which leads to a more competitive economy, greater productivity, more quality job opportunities, and a higher standard of living.

25. Economic Principles

vi) That the Government adopts an aggressive regulatory reform process designed to eliminate red tape.

RESOLUTION C 030 EDA Yukon Section F Economic Development (NEW)

37. Arctic Sovereignty

The Conservative Party believes that demonstrating Canada's presence in the Arctic requires both political and economic development in northern Canada. We believe the government should: i) work with the territories to streamline regulatory processes; ii) make substantial strategic investments in the territories, particularly in transportation infrastructure; and iii) fast-track the devolution of "provincial type" responsibilities to the territories from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and other federal departments.

37. Arctic Sovereignty

iv) We are committed to working in partnership with the governments of Yukon, NWT, and Nunavut to assert and maintain sovereignty in the Canadian Arctic with clear, effective and consistent rules and with an integrated, coordinated resource management approach to meet the challenges associated with increased exploration, development and marine traffic in the Arctic.

RESOLUTION C 031 EDA Calgary Centre Section F Economic Development (MODIFICATION)

38. Long-Term Energy Framework

i) The Conservative Party believes that Canada has a natural economic advantage due to an abundance of fossil fuels, uranium, renewable sources of biomass fuel, hydro power generation, and some of the world's best wind regimes. We believe that government should develop a renewable and non-renewable energy framework which takes into account outstanding obligations and which will meet our long-term requirements for domestic consumption and export. We believe that strengthening energy market integration will ensure greater reliability of energy supplies across Canada. We encourage the government to explore ways to reduce barriers to the movement of energy products across provincial and other borders.

38. Long-Term Energy Framework

i) The Conservative Party believes that Canada has a natural economic advantage due to an abundance of fossil fuels, uranium, renewable sources of biomass fuel, hydro power generation, and some of the worlds best wind regimes. We believe that government should develop a renewable and non-renewable energy framework which takes into account outstanding obligations and which will meet our long-term requirements for domestic consumption and export. We believe that strengthening energy market integration will ensure greater reliability of energy supplies across Canada. We encourage the government to explore ways to reduce barriers to the movement of energy products across provincial and other borders. The government of Canada should provide leadership and work closely with provincial and territorial governments to align energy goals in the best interests of all Canadians and seek to achieve a positive impact on energy infrastructure development, energy supply and energy demand in Canada by removing artificial barriers to interprovincial and international energy trade.

RESOLUTION C 064 EDA Wild Rose Section N Communications (NEW) NEW

100. The Conservative Party recognizes the vital importance of internet connectivity to full Canadian participation in global economic, social, and cultural communities. The government should create an environment that encourages private sector investment to increase broadband infrastructure, especially in rural and remote areas of Canada.

RESOLUTION C 018 EDA Edmonton Leduc Section F Economic Development (NEW)

25. Economic Principles

The Conservative Party believes: i) that it is the responsibility of government to create an economic climate in which Canadians can thrive and prosper, and with their success create quality job opportunities for Canadians; ii) in the principle of maximizing value-added processing in Canada, and the government should create an economic environment that encourages Canadian businesses to export products rather than raw materials; iii) that a dollar in the hand of a Canadian citizen is better than a dollar in the hand of a government bureaucracy. Canadians should be enjoying a higher standard of living, a more competitive economy and greater productivity, similar to our major trading partners; iv) that Canadas competitive position in the world should never be impeded by a lack of ethics in Canadas government; and v) that lower taxes and reduced government interference in the economy will result in more purchasing power in the hands of the people of Canada, which leads to a more competitive economy, greater productivity, more quality job opportunities, and a higher standard of living.

25. Economic Principles

The Conservative Party believes: i) that it is the responsibility of government to create an economic climate in which Canadians can thrive and prosper, and with their success create quality job opportunities for Canadians; ii) in the principle of maximizing value-added processing in Canada, and the government should create an economic environment that encourages Canadian businesses to export products rather than raw materials; iii) that a dollar in the hand of a Canadian citizen is better than a dollar in the hand of a government bureaucracy. Canadians should be enjoying a higher standard of living, a more competitive economy and greater productivity, similar to our major trading partners; iv) that Canada's competitive position in the world should never be impeded by a lack of ethics in Canada's government; and v) that lower taxes and reduced government interference in the economy will result in more purchasing power in the hands of the people of Canada, which leads to a more competitive economy, greater productivity, more quality job opportunities, and a higher standard of living. vi) that the government of Canada takes action to accelerate Canadas productivity growth rate by: a) increasing human capital through better secondary, post-secondary and job related education as well as more efficient immigration of skilled workers; b) encouraging efficiency and innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises through greater R & D, capital investment and organizational sophistication

RESOLUTION C 034 EDA West Nova Section G Trade (NEW)

41. Inter-provincial Trade

The Conservative Party believes that the government is responsible for taking the lead in working with its provincial partners to eliminate inter-provincial trade barriers in commerce, labour, and capital mobility.

41. Inter-provincial Trade

i) The Conservative Party believes that the government is responsible for taking the lead in working with its provincial partners to eliminate inter-provincial trade barriers in commerce, labour, and capital mobility. ii) The Conservative Party of Canada recognizes and supports that professional certification obtained through a recognized certification process in one province or territory shall entitle that person to work in their profession in any other province or territory. Further the Conservative Party of Canada supports and encourages cooperation between provinces toward the standardization of certification processes.

RESOLUTION C 023 EDA - Edmonton-Strathcona Section F Economic Development (NEW)

29. Infrastructure
The Conservative Party believes the government should allocate a portion of federal retail gasoline taxes to the provinces and territories to fund infrastructure.

29. Infrastructure
i) The Conservative Party believes the government should allocate a portion of federal retail gasoline taxes to the provinces and territories to fund infrastructure. ii) To augment direct Government support for infrastructure, the CPC supports using the P3 funding model to expand and hasten the renewal of Canadas infrastructure.

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