Fight For Falklands Freedom: Harold Briley

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Reporting live from Argentina
and the Islands
Harold Briley
Published: May 2022
ISBN 9780750999533
RRP £12.99
“A comprehensive account of the 1982
Falklands Conflict, not just the fighting but all
the events influencing the dispute – political,
diplomatic and historical, from its origins
centuries ago to the present day.” - Sir John
Tusa, former Director of BBC World Service

“No one in Buenos Aires had a more helpful attitude to the Islanders than Harold Briley.
He did a terrific job keeping up morale. The Falkland Islands expressed their appreciation with
a huge banner saying ‘God Bless you, Harold!’”
Sir Rex Hunt, Falklands Governor, 1982
The world was told about the Falkland Islands invasion by radio, the news sweeping across the globe. Historian and
war correspondent Sir Max Hastings, reporting from the Falkland Islands front-line, called it ‘the Radio Man’s War’
because it had a wider and quicker global reach.
Harold Briley was the BBC ‘radio man’ in Buenos Aires. He broke the story on the BBC World Service and brought the
Falklands saga to life. Previously the Falkland Islands were virtually unknown, but after Argentina invaded, and Britain
reacted sending a Task Force 8,000 miles to liberate the Islanders, they made the front pages overnight. Harold Briley
recounts the events of the time, from his eyewitness standpoint, as the man on the ground in Argentina. This book both
recounts events and explains the attitude of the Falklands before and since the conflict, and the activities of the
Argentine dictatorship intent on getting sovereignty.
Author’s interviews included: Margaret Thatcher, Edward Heath; Defence Secretary John Nott; Falklands Governor Rex
Hunt; Admirals Lewin and Woodward, Co. Rick Jolly, Brigadier Julian Thompson, Submarine Commander Wreford-Brown,
Simon Weston; Foreign Minister Guido de Tella, Generals Menendez and Jofre, Admirals Carlos Buser and
Lombardo; and many more

HAROLD BRILEY was a BBC political, defence and foreign correspondent for 30 years, making 12,000 broadcasts, and
filing the Falklands conflict for the US, Canada and South Africa. He also covered the Indo Pakistan Bangladesh War from
Kashmir; Iran, Nicaragua and Uganda revolutions; the Cold War; and the Arab Israeli conflict. Awarded an OBE for services
to journalism and broadcasting, after retiring he spent 20 years as a member of the Falkland Islands Association, editing
their magazine and publications.. He lives in East Sussex.
t p @TheHistoryPress
f i @thehistorypressuk

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