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 Dunning is similar to reminder notice to our business partners for their overdue or open
items or outstanding Balances.
 Dunning letter summarizes overdue invoices record and asks for payment to be made.
 We configure Dunning program for accounts receivable and accounts payable.

Define Dunning Area : OB61

SPRO - > SAP Ref img - > Financial Accounting (New) - > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
- > Business Transaction - > Dunning - > Basic Settings for Dunning - > Define Dunning Areas

 Dunning areas are used if several organisational units are responsible for carrying out
Dunning within one Company code.
 The above mentioned organisational units are referred to as Dunning Areas.
 The Dunning areas with the required Dunning procedure are to be entered into the
customer or vendor master record if there have different dunning procedure.

Define Dunning block reason : OB18

SPRO - > SAP Ref img - > Financial Accounting (New) - > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
- > Business Transaction - > Dunning - > Basic Settings for Dunning - > Define Dunning Block reason.

 Define reason for a dunning block under a key.

 The key can be entered in an item or in the account of a Business Partner.

Define Dunning Procedure : FBMP

SPRO - > SAP Ref img - > Financial Accounting (New) - > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
- > Business Transaction - > Dunning - > Dunning Procedure - > Define Dunning Procedure.

 In this activity enter the settings that control the dunning program by,
Specifies the company codes to include the Dunning
Setting up the Dunning Procedure want to use
 Dunning Procedures are Company Code independent, they Determine the
Dunning interval, the grace period for the Due date, and the number of
Dunning Levels
 Can also set the dunning levels at which want to list all due items from an
account in the dunning notice.
Setting the Dunning Charges
Specifying the net payment due date at which a particular Dunning level is reached
Specifying the Dunning notice you want to send to your Customers.
Assign Dunning Procedure to Customers : FD02

 Assign Dunning Procedure to Customer Master Data.

Dunning Wizard : F150

Accounting - > Financial Accounting - > Accounts Receivable - > Periodic Processing - > Dunning

 Running the Automatic processing of Dunning

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