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website : Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman 01942 727271 email : Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 01942 725522 Parish website : Masses for the week 11 - 19 June 2011 Pentecost First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Parishioners Sunday 10.00am Harry Roberts Weekday Masses Monday 9.00am Private Intention Tuesday 9.00am Harry Whortley Wednesday 9.00am Eileen Witherington 7.30pm Confirmation Mass Thursday 9.00am George Cole Friday 9.00am Irene Green & family Saturday 10.00am First Holy Communion Mass Trinity Sunday First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Parishioners Sunday 10.00am Philip Robinson The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for Teresa and Bernard Kilcoyne and family. Eucharistic Service: Mon - Fri 7.30am Rosary Mon - Fri 8.30am; Sun 9.30am No Confession No Novena Holy Hour Friday 7pm - 8pm Memorial Book 12th June Margaret OConnell Patrick Coen Kenneth Brownbill Mary Mather Vincent Rotheram Agnes Houlton 13th June John Prestage 15th June Mary Irene Lowe 16th June Jane Topping Mary ODonnell Mary (Molly) Wilson 17th June Irene Green Margaret Daniels


Liverpool R.C. Archdiocesan Trustees Reg. Charity No. 232709

Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman

Many Thanks to Fr Hubert Strowbridge for standing in for me in my absence last weekend and to Fr Ommer and all who helped keep the normal cycle of events going during the week. Needless to say, this will become even more important over the next few months. With You Always ; This week sees the official launch in the Archdiocese of the new programme of Family Catechesis for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. We also have our own parish version of what this means in practice: i) Baptism : on Sunday after Mass, we welcome into Gods family Nathan Anthony Orrell who will be baptised. The Christian Community welcomes you with great joy. ii) Confirmation : on Wednesday evening at 7.30pm, Bishop Malone will be with us to confirm a number of our young people in Years 8 + 9. At this time of Pentecost, we pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide them in the years ahead. Please do all you can to join us for this important celebration. iii) Eucharist : on Saturday morning at 10am, children in Year 3 from Our Ladys School will be making their First Holy Communion. Please pray for them that they may come to know and love the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. On Tuesday 28th June, a series of meetings will begin in which we will explore how we can assist families in preparing for their childrens first Sacraments. This is something in which we all have a part to play. All welcome. Let Us Pray the Mass : Our Liturgy newsletter this week looks at the structure of the Liturgy of the Word, and how the Readings, Psalms and Gospel relate to each other. Please also pay particular attention to the new translation of the Creed which we will use from September. Flower Arranging Wednesday at 1.30pm in the Smith Room. Ladywell Pilgrimage ; a coach will leave St Wilfrids at 12 noon on Saturday 25 June. To book a seat, please phone the Parish Office on 866102. There is no charge but a donation is requested towards the cost. Last weeks collection ; Gift Aid : 252.30 Loose Plate : 258.42 Total : 510.72. Many Thanks. Question of the Week : What important task do you need the grace of the Holy Spirit for at this moment of time?

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