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EHS Department

Environment Occupational Health & Safety Plan

Prepared for:


Name & Designation Signature Date Signed

Authorized by: PROJECT MANAGER

Approved by:

Document No: SKRH-EHS-02
The Project EHS plan provides the definitive requirements and guidance to
ensure that health, safety and environmental matters are effectively
managed throughout a Project’s life-cycle. This plan defines objectives and
describes how these objectives are achieved through an effective
organization and application of a process that ensures hazards and
potential effects are fully evaluated.
Safety plan is project specific and provides guidance on achieving the
 organization, responsibilities and resources;
 compliance with the Regulations;
 compliance with the requirements of IS codes and standards;
 how Hazards and Effects Management will be applied
 planning and procedures;
 implementation and performance monitoring;
 Auditing and review.
It is essential throughout the Project that everyone, SKRH ASSOCIATES
Pvt Ltd will associated with this project, shall comply with clients
Standards, Codes and Practices which impose more (enhanced)
requirements in terms of OHSE matters in addition to Country Local
Legislation and Regulations.

Document No: SKRH-EHS-02
1. Introduction

2. Project Description

3. Site org chat

4. Responsibility

5. Environment Occupational Health and Safety Policy

6. Minimum Safety Standards

7. General Safety Rules and Procedures

8. Performance Monitoring and Reporting

9. Auditing and Reviewing

10.Site Entry Logistics

11.Site Safety Induction

12.Safety Records

13. Basic Safety Rules

14. Emergency Procedures

15. First Aid

Document No: SKRH-EHS-02
APPENDIX A – Emergency Contact List

APPENDIX B – Monthly Safety Statistics


This Site EHS Plan has been produced to assist and contribute to the
establishment of a safe working environment by which all
employees/personnel on site shall participate and benefit.

The Plan covers details of the project, safety requirements, site specific
conditions and other items important to the safe and efficient operation of
the project.
ELECTRICIAN ISTEYAQ/RANJAN 8573938482 / 7205172987


Site Specific Information



Document No: SKRH-EHS-02
Contractor SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltd
Project Management
Consultant KNIGHT FRANK(India) Pvt. Ltd







 Observe and obey general site OHSE rules and regulations,

cautionary instructions, safety signs and symbols etc., which are
displayed in the relevant and prominent locations
 Liaise with client/consultant/local authorities on OHSE matters of the

Document No: SKRH-EHS-02
 Give strong instruction to the sub-ordinates in implementing OHSE
standards as per the project EHS plan
 Ensure that project EHS plan is effectively implemented at the site as
well as camp premises
 Submit EHS reports to the client’s EHS meetings and implement the
recommendations of the meeting in his site
 Acquire knowledge of statutory obligations and ensure its
compliance in his project
 Actively participate in the site EHS meetings (weekly/monthly)
 Actively participate in the investigation of accidents/incidents, internal
EHS audits, EHS Campaign etc., as a tram leader
 Implement suitable incentive schemes to increase the safety
awareness /performance among the employees
 Report all the suggestions of safety professionals and sub-ordinates
on EHS matters to top management for proper evaluation and


 Observe and obey general site EHS rules and regulations,

cautionary instructions, safety signs and symbols

 Implement effective supervision at the work place

 Implement the relevant EHS standards for all activities as per the
project EHS plan and ensure that all measures are taken as per risk

 Implement permit to work as and when it required

 Implement good Housekeeping practices at the work places

 Ensure all relevant PPE’s and tools are available as per nature of
hazard and the job before starting

Document No: SKRH-EHS-02
 Ensure the necessary arrangements are available at site for
prevention and control of fire

 Render help to injured or sick people and provide required medical


 Report all near misses/incidents/accidents to the safety officer

without any delay

 Actively participate in the site EHS meetings, accident/incident

investigation, EHS inspection and Audits, EHS campaign,
emergency evacuation drills

 Ensure the relevant safety instructions, signs and symbols are

displayed in the prominent areas

 Instruct EHS awareness among the work force and Ensure that the
EHS performance awards are distributed to the right persons

 Ensure that Health, Safety and Welfare measures for the work force
are very effective


 Observe and obey general site EHS rules and regulations,

cautionary instructions, safety signs and symbols

 Conduct EHS meeting weekly at the site ,and participate in the

client’s EHS meeting

 Liaison with the client’s safety department.

 Assist the investigation team of accident /incident /near miss and

advice the management on learning points

 Conduct periodical inspection on vehicles, equipment, machineries,

tools and tackles, firefighting, scaffoldings, hoists and cranes etc..,
with relevant check list and maintain update records for all.

Document No: SKRH-EHS-02
 Conduct EHS induction training for all new entrants.

 Maintain and update all EHS related records.

 Preparing risk assessment and method statement for new activity.

 Ensure that the relevant safety instruction, signs and symbols EHS
policy general site rules and regulation emergency evacuation
procedures with emergency conduct telephone no displayed in the
prominent location.

 Check the housekeeping at site

 Check the noise and illumination at site

 To conduct toolbox talk

 To use proper PPE’s according to their work site
 To Co-operate with the management and others to enable
compliance with the statutory requirements
 To report their immediate supervisor hazardous situations and
defect found in the premises plant and equipment
 Actively attend the toolbox meeting and EHS awareness
 Always follow the safety instructions of superior and EHS officer

Document No: SKRH-EHS-02
5. Environment Occupational Health, and Safety Policy


SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltd is committed to develop and construct residential
and non-residential buildings and associated infrastructure, exhibiting a
passion for excellence in all projects. While rendering our construction
service, we shall strive to make sure environmental, health and safety (EHS)
matters as an integral part of our business.

As a responsible corporate citizen and employer, we

commit ourselves to
 Ensure health and safety of all our employees
 Project the Environment against pollution


 We at all levels, shall attach the greatest importance to health and safety of our
personnel and those working on behalf of us, and for protection of the environment.
 We shall comply with all applicable health, safety, environmental laws/regulations
and other requirements to which we subscribe to
 We shall encourage, promote, facilitate and train all the employees for observing safe
work practices and continuously monitor for its effective implementations
 We shall strive constantly towards minimizing all forms of pollution including air,
water, noise and solid waste by installing necessary controls and proving good
working conditions.
 We shall motivate every employee to show concern for personal safety and safety of
all fellow-employees.

Document No: SKRH-EHS-02
 We shall institute adequate management programs to support all the above
commitments and continually improve the same.

Note: This policy and any subsequent modification will be communicated to all employees
and to the people working on behalf of SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltd, and to the public.
Implementation of the policy is a primary objective of the SKRH management and the
responsibility of all employees. The policy is reviewed for its continuing suitability in the
management review meetings

4 April, 2022 Razi Hussain

(CEO, SKRH Associates Pvt Ltd)


SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltd is dedicated to the safety of the people that
occupy the properties we manage, that is our employees, our tenants and
guests. Furthermore, SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltd constantly vigilant of
the effect that our business practices and operations may have on the
environment and our communities. When available and economically
feasible, we will strive toward sustainable practices and solutions.

Occupational Health, Safety & Environment Program Objectives

 Injuries – SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltd we only regard minor first

aid injury of our employee and does not regard the injury of other
personnel or building occupants as an acceptable course of business.
We will systematically review our operations for hazards, provide
regular training of our employees and strive to avoid personal injuries
in the properties we manage.

 Healthy Environment – SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltd is dedicated

to the creation and maintenance of a healthy environment that is so
critical to a productive workplace. We will minimize, and when
feasible, eliminate the use of hazardous materials and components in
our properties.

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Document No: SKRH-EHS-02
 Sustainability – SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltd is mindful of the
environmental impact made by the development, operation and
maintenance of real estate. We will identify, and when feasible, use
sustainable goods and services that are applicable to the
development and operation of real estate.

 Performance – SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltd will routinely measure

and report the performance of its Environmental, Safety and Health
Program. Our primary goal is to achieve and report measurable
improvements in program performance.
Prior to commencing work on Site, the Contractor must make itself aware
of all the requirements for the Works and the Site relating to Environment,
Health & Safety (EHS) matters including all relevant legislation and
standard codes of practice.
Contractor shall comply with all the EHS Requirements listed below which
shall be deemed a fundamental condition of this Contract.
 Contractor must comply in full with all applicable Health & Safety
(H&S) local and national legislation. (e. g. Labour Licence, Insurance
Policy under Workmen Compensation Act, etc.)
In circumstances where there is a conflict between local or national
legislation and these Minimum Safety Requirements (MSR), the higher
(more protective) requirement shall prevail.

 Guardrails are to be provided at all working places and other
locations where persons or materials could fall more than 2.0m / 6'6".
Where this can physically not be achieved, suitable and sufficient fall
protection devices that do not rely on individuals should be provided
and used to establish a safe place of work. (Examples include Safety
Nets closely installed under height works, stretched wire ropes
installed to hook up safety harnesses while workers move from one

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Document No: SKRH-EHS-02
location to another at height, Use of full body safety harnesses with
double lanyards etc.)
Full body harness with double lanyard Proper Access to work platform

 All persons working on suspended scaffolds/cradles/gondolas must

wear and use appropriate fall prevention equipment so as to protect
them effectively at all times when they are at risk from any failure of
any part of the scaffold/cradle/gondola, including its suspension
 Free-standing scaffold towers used externally must not be higher to
the top platform level than three times the minimum base dimension,
unless secured to a permanent structure. For internal use only, the
height to platform may rise to 3.5 times the minimum base dimension.
Wheels must be locked when towers are in use. No person is
permitted to remain on a tower platform while a tower is being moved.
 For cuplock scaffold, its base need to be properly placed on firm
place and plum the level using jack. All the cuplock must be
adequately tight and bracing should be done on every 500mm or
1000mm wherever needed respectively.

Suspended Platform
 We will use trained competent person for the installations and
operation of suspended platforms. we will ensure daily and after any
emergency stop, operator carrying out the a check and through
inspection to make sure the equipment is in perfect condition for

Holes, Shafts, Floor Penetrations

 Holes, shafts and edges from or through which persons could fall a
distance of more than 2 metre /6ft 6in must be clearly marked with

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signage or other means and be adequately protected by covers or
barriers so as to prevent falls of persons and materials.

Temporary Electrical System

 All temporary electrical circuits must include a Residual Current
Device, Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker or Ground Fault Circuit
Interrupter at source.


 Powered cranes and hoists, aerial platforms and scissors lifts must
have a competent driver, certified by a qualified third party.
Additionally, the above items must be certified as safe to use by a
local government approved third party.
 Adequate lighting must be provided to enable safe access to and
egress from every place on a site where persons are liable to work;
this is in addition to task lighting.
 For tower crane, it must be operated by competent licensed person
after third party certificate. Signal man must be train for all lifting
operation. Nylon Web slings and steel cable sling must be
periodically check and documented.

Check List
 We will follow all relevant check lists for all equipments.


The safety of workplace is the responsibility of everyone, Managers,

Supervisor, Foremen fellow employees and workmates. We all have a
part to play in helping to provide and maintain an accident-free working
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Document No: SKRH-EHS-02
environment. In order to achieve this, it is very important to follow the
proper safety rules and common-sense safety practices at all times.

1. Observe any special safety rules established at the job site by the
client or the Principle Contractor.
2. Specific tasks will require Permits-to-Work.
3. Check all tools and cables for defects daily. Do not use if defective.
4. Observe and follow all posted rules and regulations.
5. Do not smoke at your workstation or on site.
6. Horseplay, disorder or any such actions will not be tolerated.
7. No tradesmen/employee under the apparent influence of alcohol,
drugs or narcotics will be allowed on site. This includes where an
individual for medication purposes is using prescribed drugs as it may
impair the ability to work.
8. Report all injuries, no matter how slight to your local first aider or site
supervisor and the Site safety adviser.
9. Report all accidents causing damage to property to your Site Safety
10. Report all unsafe working conditions beyond your control to your
11. All operatives must be trained and competent to operate any
equipment on site, do not start to operate any equipment unless trained
and authorized to do so.
12. All motor and power units shall be shut down during repairs,
lubrication, refuelling or when making adjustments.
13. Only qualified persons shall operate motorized power equipment,
who shall manipulate the controls from the correct position.
14. When an operator departs from his/her equipment, it shall be shut
15. Operators shall not wear loose or torn clothing, which might get
caught in moving parts or on levers.
16. Selected PPE is to be worn correctly when instructed/Risk
Assessments dictate.
17. All power-operated tools shall have guards in place when in use.

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Good housekeeping is essential to maintain safe and healthy conditions in

the workplace and site. Housekeeping is a daily job and should not be left
until a scheduled day, clean up as you work.
1. Keep fire exit routes, corridors, aisles, passageways, stairways and
doors free from obstruction or hazard.
2. Keep floors free from debris and clean up spillages promptly as these
3. Protruding nails/screws may present a hazard. They should therefore
be removed from re-usable boards, planks and timber. Protruding
nails/ screws in scrap timber should be bent flush, hammered in or
4. Tools should not be left lying around. Put them away when a job is
finished, or at the end of each working day.
5. Job areas should be kept clean. Dispose of debris and scrap
6. Use the correct waste disposal containers for debris and rubbish.
7. Keep toilets and wash-up areas clean.
8. Spillages of gases, liquids or other materials, which may be
flammable, toxic or hazardous, must be reported to your Site Safety
9. If in doubt about cleaning up procedures try to contain the spillage,
referring to the material safety data sheet for the product, and contact
your Site Safety Adviser.

Environmental and Waste Disposal

You must pay due regard to the environment by protecting air, water, soil,
animal and plant life from any adverse effects of your work activities.

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Document No: SKRH-EHS-02
1. All waste material must be handled, stored and disposed of in a safe,
approved manner.
2. No waste, chemicals or any other substance may be deposited into
drains or on premises.
3. Advised must be taken in advance of any operation, which will
generate undue noise, vibrations, dust, fumes etc.
4. Controls must be implemented and used to control the effects of such
work - e.g. the use of extraction systems.
5. Noisy activities must be minimized. It may be necessary to carry out
such work outside normal office hours.
6. At the end of the job or contract all areas are to be cleared of waste
material and the site is to be left in a clean and tidy condition.
7. The Principle Contractor shall be responsible for the safe disposal of
waste arising from activities under his/ her management. All waste
must be disposed of in accordance with the legislation relevant to the
waste category involved and appropriate certification obtained.


Permits are required for work involving:

1.General Work Permit
2. Night Work Permit
3. Hot works.
4. Machinery and pressure systems.
5. Live Electricity.
6. Working at Height – where applicable.
7. Confined Spaces
8. Working in a Fire Compartment/protected area, staircase, means of
escape and/or Fire Exit.

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The essential features of Permits-to-Work are:

1. Clear definition of who may authorize particular work.

2. Clear identification of who is responsible for specifying the necessary
precautions to be taken.
3. Effective instruction and training to all personnel in the issue and use
of permits.
4. Performance monitoring in order to ensure that the safe system is
implemented as intended.
5. The permit is therefore a written document that gives authorization to
certain people to carry out specific work within certain time
constraints. It sets out the main precautions needed to complete the
work safely and without any risks to the safety and health to those
people who are involved.

The mere issue of a Permit-to-Work does NOT:

I. Simply give permission to carry out dangerous work or

II. In it make a job safe



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Manual Handling
Manual Handling activities should be reduced to a minimum with the use of
mechanical means being the first choice. It is understood in the
construction industry manual handling is an evitable fact. Only those
trained and able may manually handle loads. The Key consideration is to
keep the load small and manageable – small loads with frequent moves are
better than one heavy lift that results in injury, time off work and no pay!..
 First steps are to assess the load and use an appropriate mechanical
lifting aid.
 Know your route of travel and that it’s clear of obstacles and people.
 Secure loads before moving them.
 Use proper lifting techniques when manually handling material.
 Get down close to the load.
 Keep your back straight and keep your chin up.
 Lift gradually, using your legs. Do not jolt or twist. Get help for bulky
or heavy loads.
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 If, while carrying or pushing a load, it should become unbalanced and
start to fall, let if fall clear rather than risk serious strain in attempting
to balance it alone

Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a last resort measure to control risk

once all alternatives have been explored.

Head Protection

1. Safety helmets are essential where there is a risk of head injury.

2. Welders exposed to the hazards of falling objects from overhead must
wear welding safety helmets.
3. Always wear a helmet where there is a risk from falling objects from
overhead working.
As means to identify the staff, contractor’s workers and other personnel
the following colour code for the safety helmets shall be followed.

 Engineer : White
 Safety : Green
 Supervisor : Blue
 Electrician : Red
 Workers : yellow
 Visitors : Grey

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Eye and Face Protection

1. It is important to wear the appropriate eye protection when working with

potential hazards such as flying chips, sparks, metal filings, other flying
objects; selecting the correct impact grade and whether suitable for
chemical/solvent is vital.
2. Wear protective lenses when exposed to the radiation effects of welding
or burning.

Hearing Protection

1. When working in areas where noise levels are at or above the daily
personal noise exposure of 80 dB (A) suitable ear protectors must be worn.

Hand Protection

1. Wherever the risk assessment dictates, gloves should be worn.

2. New gloves should be examined before use.
3. Electricians using insulated gloves should check them for defects daily.
4. Ensure hand protection is of the correct type.

Body Protection

1. Suitable coveralls, and where necessary disposables when used in

asbestos controlled conditions – also think about hoods and over boot
2. Hi-Visible waistcoats/ vests and jackets where required.

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Foot Protection

1. Safety footwear must be provided and worn where it is identified in the

risk assessment. Safety footwear is mandatory on the project loading bay.
2. If working with concrete or other caustic type materials, wear appropriate
safety boots and eye protection.

Personal Protective Equipment Checklist

Personal protective equipment used at site must be of IS approved and

shall contain following enlisted below:

1. Safety helmet with roller adjustments

2. Safety Shoes with steel toes
3. Safety harness with double liner
4. Safety net
5. Safety goggles
6. Apron
7. Welding shield attached with helmet
8. Face shield attached with helmet
9. Hand gloves (Leather glove, Rubber glove & Clothe gloves)
10. Dust mask (Nose Masks)
11. Earplug

Working at Height

1. Access Equipment includes but is not limited to all forms of

equipment, portable or otherwise, that enables access to working
above the floor/ ground surfaces.
2. Working at Height is adequately assessed and properly planned, via
risk assessment and method statements by trained and competent
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3. Collective measures for protection should be employed as a first step,
i.e. edge protection with barrier/guardrails over individual measures,
i.e. individual safety harnesses. Harnesses and systems are to be fit
for purpose and users trained in its use.
4. Ladders, stepladders are not acceptable on site. Permit-to-Works are
required where the uses of ladders/stepladders are the only options.
5. A specific Risk Assessment and Method Statement must be in place
and agreed before a Permit-to-Work is issued.
6. All access equipment must be numbered and tagged in accordance
with an inspection regime and a suitable tag system fixed where
7. Any defective/damaged Access Equipment is to be marked
accordingly, e.g. “DO NOT USE”, and taken out of service - being
isolated from potential use. Isolate from use when under
alteration/repair or destroy them immediately.
8. Where Ladders should extend at least 1.00Meter or four rungs above
the place of landing.
9. The ladder must be set up properly at the correct angle with the base
one out for every four up.
10. When carrying a ladder or stepladders single-handed, be
especially careful to ensure that the ladder clears persons and
objects in the vicinity, if in doubt get help.
11. Tools should be carried in a belt or shoulder bag. Alternatively,
they may be lifted and lowered by means of a suitable line.
Scaffolds and Towers
1. Only use a scaffold/Tower scaffold if your supervisor has informed
you, it is safe to do so.
2. Never make alterations to a scaffold and/or Tower scaffold unless
you are trained and have been authorized to do so by your
supervisor. Attach warning signed prevent use while
alterations/repairs are underway.
3. Immediately report any defect in the scaffolding/tower scaffold system
to your supervisor.

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4. Place adequate signage on the scaffold displaying its suitability for
5. Obtain a handover certificate from the person who erected and
inspected the scaffold before use. Regular recorded inspection must
take place. Fitted ‘tag’ is a good form of information.
6. Where Ladders are permitted, to internal access to scaffolds/tower
systems, these are placed on a firm surface; ladders should extend at
least 1.00Meter or four rungs above the place of landing and tied.
7. The ladder must be set up properly at the correct angle with the base
one out for every four up.
Power Operated Hand Tools
Only Employees who have had special training in their use May only
use power-operated tools.
Make sure electrical extension cords, welding leads, and other wiring is
properly insulated. Do not use frayed or damaged cables.
 Make sure the switch is OFF before plugging into an electrical outlet
and again before un-plugging.
 Keep moving parts of power tools away from your body to reduce risk
of entanglement.
 When using power tools in a limited movement area observe a few
special precautions:
 Get a good footing.
 Use both hands.
 Keep cords clear of obstructions.
 Do not over-reach.
 Before putting a tool down make sure it is switched off and is no
longer in motion.
 When using air powered tools turn off air at outlet to relieve the
pressure before disconnecting.
 Compressed air must not be used for cleaning purposes.
 Also see conditions under ‘Electrical’.
 Equipment used must be assessed to reduce the likelihood of
vibration affecting the body.

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 Suitable hand protection should be provided for the task, including
correct eye-protection and selecting the correct impact grade.
 Vibration that is likely to transmit through the building structure must
be minimized. These works should be carried out ‘out of hours’ where
Compressed Gas Cylinder Use
1. Trained persons must only use gas cylinders.
2. All cylinders should be labelled to show their contents. Do not use or
accept any cylinder if the contents cannot be positively identified.
3. Only use cylinders in a vertical position unless specifically designed
to be used otherwise.
4. Before connecting a cylinder to equipment or pipe work ensure that
the regulator and pipe work is suitable for the gas and pressure being
5. Always double check that the cylinder/gas is the right one for the
intended job and cylinders are kept and secured with proper Trolley.
6. Keep cylinders at a safe distance from the welding or cutting
7. Close cylinder valves when work is finished and when cylinders are
empty and moved.
8. Empty gas cylinders must be marked as such, the valves must be
closed and valve protection caps put in place.
9. Never use oxygen as a substitute for compressed gas.
Never let oil or grease touch cylinder fittings. High-pressure oxygen
will react violently with oils or greases.
10. FLASH BACK ARRESTER must be provided both the ends of
the hose pipe, i.e., with the regulator & torch.
11. Oxygen / Acetylene / Fuel Gases/ Compressed or Liquefied
12. We will also ensure no domestic LPG cylinder is used in
any respective industrial usage.
All gas cylinders shall be stored, transported and handled
as per the requirements of Gas Cylinder Rules, 1981.

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1. Valve protection caps must be in place when compressed gas

cylinders are transported, moved or stored.
2. Gas cylinders must never be dropped or struck against one another.
3. Never roll a cylinder, use a cylinder trolley.
4. Do not attempt to catch a toppling cylinder.
5. Use suitable cradles, slings or clamps when lifting with a crane or
hoist. Do not use the valves, caps or shrouds for lifting unless
specifically designed for the purpose.
6. Cylinders should not be raised or lowed by forklift trucks unless
adequate precautions are taken by the use of a purpose made
cylinder carrier.
1. All cylinders must be properly secured when stored or in use
according to manufactures guidelines.
2. Cylinders must be stored where they cannot come into contact with
an electrical circuit.
3. Full or empty compressed gas cylinders should be stored in a well-
ventilated area, away from sources of heat and ignition.
4. Oxygen should be stored at least 3 meters from fuel gas cylinders or
separated by a five- foot (1.5 meter) high barrier, which has a one-
hour fire rating.

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Abrasive Wheels

1. Ensure power supply is isolated before attempting task.

2. Only mount an abrasive wheel if you have been trained to do so.

3. Ensure that the correct spindle has been fitted on an abrasive wheel
before use.
4. Guards must always be in position and the work rest properly
adjusted before starting the machine.
5. Never use the sides of the wheel and always avoid extensive
pressure, which may burst the wheel.
6. Never use an abrasive wheel for grinding materials other than ferrous
7. Suitable goggles must be worn whilst using abrasive wheels.

Welding and Burning

Welding and burning operations present a high risk of personal injury or
fire. You are therefore required to follow established procedures. This
requires that you provide a suitable Risk Assessment and Method
Statement for ‘Hot Works’ and that a Permit-to-Work is obtained.
1. A ‘hot works’ permit must be obtained before use of any welding
equipment or open flame or metal cutting/grinding is undertaken on
the premises. The permit must be kept by the work. The type and
power usage of welding machines must be stated before a permit will
be granted.
2. A responsible employee, for example a works Supervisor, must
supervise and approve any welding/burning or cutting/ grinding work.
3. ‘Hot work’ permits are ‘time limited’ and are not to be extended for
any reason. Work is to ‘Stop’ at the agreed time; any further time or
changes in activity must be agreed in good time before continuing.
4. No plant or vessel that contains, or has contained any explosive or
flammable substance shall be subjected to any welding, brazing or

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5. Prior to starting any welding operation inspect the work area to make
sure that no sparks or molten metal will fall on combustible materials.
6. The frames for all welding operations must be earthed.
7. Ensure that there is adequate fire extinguishing equipment available
in the area.
8. Welding is not allowed near fire system sprinkler heads or smoke
detectors until precautions have been taken to prevent operation of
the sprinkler/detector.
9. Security must be informed before work commences and when
sprinkler/detector is switched back to normal action.
10. Site welding must be kept to a minimum and must be screened
to prevent glare.
11. Appropriate protective equipment must be used at all times.
12. Local exhaust ventilation must be considered when heating or
welding metals of a toxic nature. Operatives must wear filter type
13. Welding equipment must be screened or removed at the end of
each working period; this especially applies to gas bottles.
14. A ‘FIRE WATCH’ is to be established and in place for 1 (one)
hour after any ‘Hot Works’ has ceased.
15. The contractor must adhere to all conditions of the permit AT
A systematic approach mentioned below shall be followed for
collecting health, safety and environmental data, for target setting and
for performance monitoring and reporting.
 Total reportable cases
 Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions
 Exposure hours
 Near misses incidents & Accidents
 Safety induction
 Audits
 Annual performance targets

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An audit program shall be implemented to verify the effectiveness
of the managements system, identify areas for improvement and
confirm that OHSE risks have been effectively managed. Auditing shall
be carried out in three phases starting from prestart up audits, pre
handover audits and construction phase audit by means of routine
inspections on daily/weekly basis.
Employee Screening:-
SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltd will ensure prior to the appointment,
every workman undergoes screening system to scrutinize his suitability to
the work then he is engaged. No child labour (Below 18 Years and above
55 years) will be allowed to work
Inside the premises and same will be ensured through proper screening or
verification of age proof certificate if required. The Contractors shall
furnish the information required in the form and declare the health
condition of the employees. After screening, all employees must attend
the safety Induction programme and Pre-task safety instruction.
SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltdwill ensure all workers shall receive site-
specific safety induction/orientation, before they are involved in any
activity at site. They must be made aware of site safety rules, provisions
of first aid and welfare facilities such as drinking water, washing place,
toilets, rest rooms, etc.

Task related Safety Instruction:-

will ensure all workers shall receive at
least one specific task-related training/skilling session per week. This
may be achieved by using Toolbox talks &/or induction to Safe Work
Method Statement.
Incident/Injury Reporting & Investigation:-

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will report and record all incidents,
which have potential to cause injuries and damages and also injuries
including first aid cases. Lost Time Injury (LTI) or serious injury must be
intimated immediately as soon as possible by phone. (If an injured
person doesn’t likely to report to work in his next following shift, it is to
be recorded as Lost Time Injury)

Job Safety Analysis & Safe Work Method Statement:-

will produce detailed Job Safety
Analysis / Safe method of work for approval and use only approved work
methods only. No work shall start without approved Job Safety Analysis /
Safe Work Method Statement. All workers and supervisors must be
inducted to Job Safety Analysis / Safe method of work.


Immediately a new worker commences on site he or she will be site
inducted by the Supervisor foreman from the contractor. The induction will
involve the points listed below:
a) Site specific information, that being project history, description of
project and key dates, Principal Contractor’s Safety information.
b) Introduction to SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltd site team and their roles.
c) Emergency and evacuation procedures.
d) First aid and accident procedures.
e) Employer’s responsibility.
f) Site regulations covering such items as house rules, general
behaviour, exposure to occupied buildings, and people who
occupy them.
g) Site specific items.
h) Site establishment indicating, toilets, access, evacuation areas
and first aid.
Pre-Task Safety Instruction

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The safety steward from each vendor is the leader of his team and his
team needs to know how to do every job. The hazard / risk assessment,
procedure or method statement for a particular identified task and
related information needs to be briefed to the team by the leader.
Entry Pass

Photo Identity Card will be issued to the workers working inside the
premises of construction Site & the photo ID cards should be laminated
and tags to be provided.
Workers to have an identity card with the following minimum contents



Age & Sex:

Blood Group:
Category: ID Number:

Emergency Contact Number: Authorised By:

Signature with Seal

Tool Box Talks / PEP Talks:-

In order to enhance the safety awareness amongst workmen, safety in

charge / safety stewards / site engineers of the vendor shall conduct pep
talks on daily basis at various locations. He / She shall organize the
meeting with the help of Safety Manager/Site Staff. He / She shall explain
the safety precautions to be followed.

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Toolbox talks are means to motivate, educate and communicate with the
 Toolbox talks shall be held daily at the respective worksites and will
be conducted by the Site safety stewards before start of job.
 The Project safety personnel will arrange a topic for toolbox talks
and deliver it to all supervisors so that they can thereafter present it
to their teams.
 The toolbox talk should last for 10 to 15 minutes.
 Once the topic has been presented, discussion should arise on any
matter of topical OHSE interest such as recent incidents or future
training courses.
 Target attendance is for all members of the workforce.
 Records of attendance shall be completed and returned to the Safety
 Any items for action will be followed up by the concerned Safety
 Project Manager, EHS Manager and third party Safety Engineer/
Manager shall monitor effectiveness of toolbox talk delivery from
time to time.

Safety Committee:-
The Site Safety Committee shall be composed of representatives of all
echelons of all site departments, and specific contractors.
The Project Manager shall chair this committee and the committee shall
meet fortnightly.
The Contractor Safety Representatives (where applicable) and members of
Construction Supervision shall be scheduled to attend the meetings.
Safety committee shall meet once in a month in order to bring out solutions
to the problems related to EHS.
The responsibilities of this committee shall include the following:
 Providing an overall objective analysis of the field Safety
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 Perform periodic site inspections involving the Site Safety
Committee members.
 Reporting observations and recommendations to the project
and its management by the issuance of fortnightly safety
meeting minutes.
 The minutes of the meeting shall be distributed to the
members, Client and RO.
 The agenda shall include
 Injury and Accident Record,
 Safety Inspection Report,
 Safety Training,
 Safety Objective,
 Old Business, and
 New Business.


The following safety records to be maintained at the project site:
1. Induction Training Record
2. Toolbox talk records
3. PPE issued record
4. Accident / Incident / Near Miss report record
5. First-aid Register
6. Accident investigation reports
7. Safety committee meeting minutes
8. Safety inspection by Safety committee
9. Safety inspection by Safety Personnel
10. Daily observation record

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11. Safety training records
12. Weekly, monthly safety audit Record.
13. Job Safety Analysis
14. Safety promotion
15. Permit-to-work
16. Accidents statistics
17. Adult workers Register.
18. Monthly safety reports.
19. Dangerous goods register
20. Firefighting equipment’s status record
21. RA Report
22. Method Statement
23. MSDS records
24. Waste disposal records
25. Check list record
26. TPI record for all Tools and Tackles.


1. Work will commence only after site induction and submission of

company details, insurance details and relevant trade Licence where

2. Report immediately any condition or practice you think might cause

injury to employees or damage to equipment.

3. When in doubt ask, don’t take chances.

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4. Whenever you or the equipment you are operating is involved in an
accident, regardless of how minor, report it immediately.

5. Contractor should employ only skilled/ certified workers for work and
should comply with all the norms and Legislative requirements.



7. Use the right tools and equipment for the job, use them safely and
replace when faulty.

8. Wear approved personal protective equipment as directed. Keep it in

good condition and replace it when necessary.

9. Good housekeeping is to be maintained at all times

10. Do not interfere with firefighting equipment.

11. Obey traffic laws whilst driving.

12. When lifting, bend your knees, grasp the load firmly, and then raise
the load keeping your back as straight as possible. Get help for heavy

13. Think safe living habits both on and off the job.

14. Keep track and ensure the following


* Do not enter other work areas without proper authorization.

* Use established aisles and walkways, do not take short cuts between
desks and equipment.

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* Passageway and emergency exit doors must be kept clear at all time.
* Material temporarily left in must be stacked properly with a sign placed
to warn others.
* Good housekeeping shall be maintained at all work areas. Clean up at
the end of the day and completely before handing over of job.

Smoking, Alcohol & Drug

* Smoking, alcohol, drugs and carrying weapons at site is strictly



* SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltd planning team will review and take
approval of any kind of chemical products (even welding rods, surface
cleaning products, solvents or any kind of chemical substances) from
safety and stores departments. This is accomplished by submitting a
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) will be displayed in stores and
same will be provided to client.
* Large container of chemicals is not allowed to be brought into site.
Use small container holding only the enough quantity for the day work.
Store flammable chemicals properly and ensure it is capped when not
in use.
Electrical Safety
* Do not tap electricity directly from the distribution boxes without first
informing Electrician.
* To avoid electrical hazards, be alert and ensure to avoid
conditions that allows electricity to cause harm: loose or broken
Insulation on wires, lose or broken fuses, improper connection
between devices, broken or defective plugs, improper ground at the
plug, and loose or broken switches.

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* Do not place liquid chemicals near electrical equipment. Liquids
spillage onto electrical equipment could create a fire or electrical
* Electrical supply connections for lighting and power should be
necessarily through an ELCB of proper rating

Fire Safety

* Contractor shall study the emergency exit floor plan located at the
work site.
* Only when it is safe to do so, use fire extinguishers to fight the fire.
* When fires is detected and out of control, leave your work area
immediately, walk to the nearest emergency exit and assemble at a
safe distance and re-enter the site only after clear instructions from the
responsible persons.

Equipment & Operational Safety

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* Contractor shall provide suitable personal protective equipment
when the job requires. This includes but is not limited to safety
helmets, safety glasses, face shields, ear plugs, respirators, hand
gloves & safety shoes.
* When working on machines that are provided with safety covers or
safety guards, operate these machines only when the guards are in
* When license or permit to work are issued by the government
agencies, a copy must be displayed at the work site.
* Contractor performs hot work where sparks or heat is produced
(e.g. using welding equipment, open flame cutting and incendiary
devices) shall implement safety measures to prevent accident.
Contractor should take permits in the required format at least 1 day
before the hot work is done.
* Ladders used in site shall have slip-resistant bases and defect
free. Inspection of all ladders must be carried out. A ladder is
considered damaged if it has broken rungs, missing steps or other
construction defects.
* Wooden Ladders and scaffoldings are prohibited in site.
* Proper scaffolding should be used for any work more than of fifteen
minutes of duration unless and other wise approved by client. Do not
stand on the top two steps of a ladder as it can become unstable. Use
ladder of the correct height. Ask for help when in doubt.
If Accident Occurs.
 When accident, incident or injury happens, all work shall be stopped
immediately. Attend to the injured first and seek help immediately.
 First aid treatment should be provided even for the slightest injury.
 Work related accidents and injury shall be reported immediately to
client. Investigation shall be carried out for injury that resulted in lost
working days. Investigation must be forwarded to client.

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* SKRH ASSOCIATES Pvt Ltd will ensure all wastes generated as a
result of the contract must be removed by contractor on a daily or
weekly basis.


Accident/Injury Reporting
All injuries must be reported to your foreman and Site Manager ON
THE DAY THEY OCCUR and same as conveyed to client.
This reporting procedure is important for the following reasons:

 Neglected minor injuries can become more serious.

 Events contributing to the cause of the injury must be corrected to

protect you and others to avoid repetition.

 Late reports may jeopardise any claim arising for Workers

Compensation, etc.
Accidents that do not cause injury must also be reported to client as
soon as possible after they occur.
When any emergency occurs on site, the following procedures must be


 A fully equipped First Aid kit will be maintained on site.

 First Aid Location to be cleared marked in the working areas.

 If the nature of the injury is such that it can be treated by client the
First Aid Officer, then in the first instance this will be done, but
should it require treatment (medical) beyond the limits of the First
Aid Officer, then the appropriate course of action will be taken and
further assistance will be called for.

 All accidents or injuries of whatever severity shall be reported to the

Project Manager.

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The FIRST AID KIT should consist as enlisted below as per BOCW Acts 1996.

 Assorted adhesive dressings

 Dettol
 Triangular bandage
 1- Inch roller bandage.
 3- Inch roller bandage.
 ½ Dozen packet of cotton wool
 Scissors
 Safety pins
 Tie on labels
 Small size prepared sterile dressing
 Lint or Gauze, plain white
 Sal volatile or smelling salt
 Resuscitator
Appendix A


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FIRE SERVICES: 101, +9140 66601600


CONTROL ROOM: 100, 08413222033, 9490617213


(Near to site)



Electricity board: TOLL FREE 1912,


Evacuation Assembly Area(s)

In times of emergency assembly point is in SITE OFFICE.

First Aid Location details: will be displayed as per site requirement:

First Aid Kit located in the site offices of all contractors.

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Appendix B

Monthly Safety Statistics Description Current cumulative Remarks


1 Safe man

2 Safe man days

3 First aid injury

4 Reportable

5 Fatal

6 Near miss

7 Dangerous

Photographs on Safety Instructions

First Day Safety Induction Briefing to new workmen

Pathway (NON-PPE AREA) from main gate to Office.

A board of Project safety statistics is displaying at main gate.
Fire Point Installed at every Fire Prone Areas.
Displaying Emergency Contact Nos. in front of Workmen Induction.

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Thank you!

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