Eng Modul 2

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Practicum Rules

A. General Rules
1. Practitioners must know all information related to the implementation of the
2. Practitioners must meet all the completeness and requirements of the
practicum, and prepare the stuff that are needed for the practicum according to
the practicum module.
3. All forms of plagiarism, fraud, forgery in practicum activities will be reported
to the Faculty Ethics Commission and will be subject to sanctions according to
the rules at Telkom University institutions.
4. Practitioners are obliged to be polite to fellow colleagues, assistants, lecturers,
and laboratory assistants.

B. Practicum Rules
1. Practitioners are required to use polite language during the practicum.
2. Practitioners must be in a conducive place and must ensure a stable internet
3. Praktikan wajib berpakaian sopan dan rapi :
i. Atasan wajib menggunakan kemeja berkerah, tidak boleh
menggunakan kerah polo dan shanghai.
ii. Bawahan wajib menggunakan rok atau celana bahan, tidak boleh
menggunakan rok ketat maupun celana jeans dan chino.
4. Praktikan wajib hadir tepat waktu dan menggunakan akun SSO saat join room
5. Praktikan wajib on camera selama praktikum berlangsung, dengan posisi
kamera menampilkan kepala hingga dada.
6. Dilarang menggunakan virtual background kecuali background blur.
7. Perizinan tidak mengikuti praktikum maksimal 5 jam sebelum praktikum
berlangsung. Jika tidak mengikuti praktikum tanpa keterangan, maka akan
dianggap alfa dan nilai modul = 0.
8. Apabila terdapat kendala jaringan maupun perangkat praktikum, praktikan
wajib mengirimkan bukti kendala berupa foto dan dikirimkan kepada asisten
selama praktikum berlangsung.
9. Dilarang menggunakan platform komunikasi selain platform meet yang
digunakan untuk kebutuhan praktikum.
10. Dilarang menggunakan handphone kecuali untuk kebutuhan praktikum.
11. Dilarang melakukan tindakan plagiarism, jika terindikasi melakukan
plagiarism maka akan dibawa ke komisi etik dan nilai praktikum = 0.
Theoretical Basis

A. Class Diagram
1. Definition
Class Diagram is a model diagram of UML (Unified Modeling Language)
which is used to describe the relationship between classes in a system. Class
Diagrams represent ideas or concepts which are then translated into program code
that will be implemented in making application features. Class Diagram describes
the structure of the system by showing the system classes, attributes, operations
or methods, and the relationships between objects.

2. Class Diagram Compounding Components

The components that make up the Class Diagram include the following.
● Class Name : Used to distinguish between classes.
● Attribute : Used to store the value of a class. This is a
characteristic of each class.
● Operation / Methode : Used to indicate actions that a class can perform
● Relationship : Used to show the relationship between classes.

3. Relationships Between Classes

In a Class Diagram, one class must have a relationship with another class.
The following are the types of relations in the Class Diagram, namely:
I. Association Relations
Association, which is a static relationship between classes. Generally
describes a class that has attributes in the form of another class, or a class that
must know the existence of another class. The navigability arrows indicate the
direction of the query between classes. In Association relations there are the
same cardinalities as ERD. Cardinality indicates the number of objects that can
be related to other objects.
Contoh :

The example above shows a simple domain model class where there are
3 classes: Member, Sales Order, and Product. We can see that the Member
class can have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of many Sales Order classes.
And each Sales Order class can have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 1
Member class. Sales Order class can have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of
many Product classes. Meanwhile, Product class can have a minimum of 1 and
a maximum of many Sales Order classes.

II. Inheritance / Generalization Relations

Inheritance is a hierarchical relationship between classes. A class can be
derived from another class and inherit all the attributes and methods of the
original class and add new functionality, so it is called a child of the class it
inherits from. The opposite of inheritance is a generalization.
III. Aggregation Relations
Aggregation, namely the relationship between classes that express a
"has-a" relationship.
Example: A car with a rearview mirror.

If we model a car, it can be said that the car has a rearview mirror.
Logically it can be said that a car can function even without a rearview mirror.
The car can be separated from the rearview mirror.

IV. Composition Relations

Composition, namely the relationship between classes that express a
"part-of" relationship.
Example: Car with engine
If we model a car, it can be said that the engine is part of the car.
Logically it can be said that the car cannot be separated from the engine. If the
engine is not in a car then the car does not function as a car.

4. Class Diagram Rules

In the class diagram there are 2 rules, namely:

a. Visibilitas

Simbol Arti

+ Public, can be called from all classes.

- Private, can only be called from within the class itself.

# Protected, can only be called by the class in question and its

derived classes.

b. Scope
Is a way of accessing a method or variable which is divided into 2,
● Classifier member/method
Member or method that can be called without having to instantiate the
● Instance members
Members or methods that can only be called or used if the class has
been instantiated.

5. How to Make Class Diagrams

1. Identifying Class
In the class identification process, the first step that must be done is to
identify the related entities that are taken from the results of object analysis.
Objects can represent something real / real. From these objects, we can
abstract the candidate classes that can be involved in the Class Diagram.

2. Specifying the Attributes of the Class

In the class identification process, the first step that must be done is to
identify the related entities that are taken from the results of object analysis.
Objects can represent something real / real. From these objects, we can
abstract the candidate classes that can be involved in the Class Diagram.
3. Define Method of Class
At this stage we define the operations (methods) required for each
class. These operations (methods) describe how a class interacts with data.
4. Determining Relationships between Classes
In this step, we can use matrices to define relationships between
classes. We can use verbs that join nouns. The verb in this case, defines the
relationship between two nouns. For example Professor (noun) teaches (verb)
student (noun). After that, determine whether the relationship is association,
generalization, aggregation, or composition.
5. Determining Cardinality
Cardinality (multiplicity) is an indicator with a function describing the
characteristics of the relationship between objects.
B. Sequence Diagram
1. Definition
A Sequence Diagram is a diagram that is used to explain and display the
interactions between objects in a system in detail. Sequence Diagrams can be used to
describe a step taken in response to an event to produce a certain output. Sequence
Diagram consists of 2 dimensions, namely a vertical dimension that shows time and a
horizontal dimension that shows objects.
2. Relationship of sequence diagrams with use case diagrams and class
1) Relation to use case diagrams
The link between Sequence Diagrams and Use Case Diagrams is that in
making Sequence Diagrams it is needed to see the case studies in the Use Case
Diagram. This diagram is specifically associated with Use Case Diagrams so
that the number of Sequence Diagrams adjusts to a large number of use cases
in the Use Case Diagram. If the Use Case Diagram has 4 use cases, then make
4 Sequence Diagrams.
2) Relation to class diagrams
The link between the Sequence Diagram and the Class Diagram is that
the Class Diagram has methods (operations on the Power Designer) that
indicate what the system is doing that will be mapped on the Sequence
3. Entity-Control-Boundary (ECB)
ECB is a simplification of the Model-View-Controller (MVC). ECB is
divided into 3 classes, namely :
1) Entity, is an entity that represents system data. Example: Data, ticket, login,
Customer, etc.
2) Control, is an object that mediates between Boundary and Entity. Control
executes commands coming from the Boundary by interacting with the Entity
and the Boundary Object.
3) Boundary, is an object that interacts with system actors. Example:
UserInterface, DatabaseGateway, etc.

4. Sequence Diagram Notations

Nama Notasi Deskripsi

Actor This component describes a user outside

the system who is interacting with the

Lifeline This component is depicted by a dotted

line. Lifeline has a box that usually
contains an object that serves to
describe the activities of the object.

Call Call message is a type of message that

message represents an operation request from the
target lifeline.

Return Return message is a type of message

message that represents information that is sent
back to the sender of the message.

Self Self message is a type of message that

message represents a message request from the
same lifeline.

Recursive Recursive message is a message that

message represents the information sent

Create Create message is a type of message

message that represents the instantiation (target)
of the lifeline.

Destroy Destroy message is a type of message

message that represents a request to destroy the
target's lifecycle

Duration Duration message is a notation that

message indicates the distance between two time
limits for message requests.

Note Note or notes function to provide notes

to certain elements.

5. Benefits
The other benefits of sequence diagrams are as follows:
● Sequence diagrams are easier to create.
● Easier to do maintenance.
● Easier to update according to changes in a system.
● Allows reverse or forward engineering.
● Used to represent message flow from one object to another.
● Can be used to explore applications or systems.
Practicum Steps

1. Class Diagram
a. Open Visual Paradigm Online.
b. Select Dashboard, select Create New on Class Diagram

c. Before starting work, make sure the work file is saved on each device by
clicking the three lines in the upper left corner, selecting File, then selecting
Save As, renaming the file, then selecting Device.
d. Select class on Class Diagram

e. Rename class according to the case study.

f. Right click select Add Attribute to add attributes to the class.

g. Right click select Add Operation to add an operation to the class.

h. Choose the appropriate relationship to connect between classes.

i. Double click on each end of the relation to enter the Cardinality of each
connected class.

j. The following is an example of the final result of making a Class Diagram.

2. Sequence Diagram
a. Open Visual Paradigm Online.
b. Click Create New, select Use Case Diagram

c. Add Actor
d. To rename an Actor, double click Actor -> enter a name according to the case
study scenario.

e. Add Lifeline
f. To rename a lifeline, double click lifeline -> enter a name according to the
case study scenario and add <> as an ECB (Entity, Control, Boundary) class
g. Create a Message to connect the Actor with the Object (drag and drop from
the actor to the intended Lifeline).

h. Tambahkan nama pada message sesuai studi kasus

i. Add a controller as a mediating object between Boundary and Entity, and add
setter names.

j. Add a Reply Message to add feedback from method calls and names.
k. The following is an example of the final result of making a Sequence

Laboratorium EAD. (2018). Modul Praktikum Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi
Tahun 2021.
Laboratorium EAD. (2021). Modul Praktikum Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi
Tahun 2021.
Tanuwijaya, Christina. (20 Juni 2016). Domain Class Diagram. Diakses dari
Setiawan, Rony. (21 Agustus 2021). Apa Itu Sequence Diagram dan Contohnya.
Diakses dari dicoding.com : https://www.dicoding.com/blog/apa-itu-sequence-diagram/

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