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Ketua PT Maju Jaya Furniture : Gilbert

Gilbert : Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, introduce me Gilbert Hutauruk and my team
from Company Maju Jaya Furniture would like to thank the director of Company Bina Satria
Abadi Sentosa and all of his staff who have given us the time and opportunity to establish
business relationships with wood as raw material for finished products. us later. We hope that
our discussion today will be a good way for good cooperation between us in the future.

Ketua PT Bina Satria Abadi Sentosa : Elisabeth

Elisabeth : First of all, thank you to the director of Company Maju Jaya Furniture for entrusting
us as a producer of raw material sources in the company where you work. Our company is
certainly very happy and appreciate it. Of course we will provide excellent service with quality
wood that is legal to use. We also hope that our contract at this meeting will continue until the
agreement of both parties.

Gibert : Well, ma'am, as a buyer, we will explain what we need in cooperation in this business. I
gave the opportunity to my staff, Ms. Mega, to present her presentation

N1 PT Maju : Megawati

Megawati : Thanks to the director for giving me the time and opportunity.

Well here I will explain the raw material components that we need for our finished product,
which is as shown on the screen :

Satuan Unit Jumlah Pembuatan Jenis kayu

5000 Unit 1000 Meja Pinus

1500 Unit 2000 Pintu Mahoni

2000 Unit 100 Lemari Jati

Megawati : Here our company first needs five thousand units to manufacture one thousand tables
using pine wood, the second one thousand five hundred units to manufacture two thousand doors
using mahogany and the third our company requires two thousand units to produce one hundred
cabinets using this type of teak wood.
B1 PT Bina Satria Abadi Sentosa : Febrina

Febrina : Well, thank you for the request from your company regarding the price of raw
materials. For that request, previously we will try to explain the price of your company's request,
which is as shown on the screen:

Satuan Unit Harga per unit Jenis Kayu Total

5000 unit Rp.70.000 Pinus Rp.350.000.000

1500 unit Rp.55.000 Mahoni Rp.82.500.000

2000 unit Rp.100.000 Jati Rp.200.000.000

Febrina : Here first, our company opens the price for one unit of Pine wood at a price of seventy
thousand, so the total price according to the request is three hundred and fifty million rupiah,
secondly for one unit of Mahogany wood, we open the price of fifty five thousand, so the total
the price according to the request became eighty-two million five hundred rupiah and the third
for the purchase of one unit of teak wood we opened at a price of one hundred thousand, so the
total requested was two hundred million rupiah. So this is roughly the price per unit that we offer
to your company.

N2 PT Maju Jaya Furniture : Novia

Novia : First of all, I would like to thank PT Bina Satria Abadi Sentosa for explaining the price
per unit for each different type of wood. But when it comes to asking for a price reduction,
because the price that the company offers is too expensive and high, especially in the current
Covid era, people rarely buy household furniture due to unstable financial conditions.

Ketua PT Bina Satria Abadi Sentosa : Elisabeth

Elisabeth : You can compare prices from other wood supply companies, the quality of all wood
processed by our company is guaranteed to be durable, good and always satisfy consumers with
the type of wood we have and produce.

N3 PT Maju Jaya Furniture : Annisa Septia

Annisa Septia : When compared to other timber companies and differing much more
expensively, what makes this company's raw material price more expensive?
B2 PT Bina Satria Abadi Sentosa : Paskah

Paskah : Well, of course our company dares to make prices that are more expensive and different
from other companies because there are several factors that are taken into consideration in
making the price, one of which is the cost of transportation.

The cost of transporting this wood directly from the Flores forest and it is so far away that it
takes a long time and is high risk, as shown in the screenshot

Jenis Kayu Unit kayu Biaya angkut Lama waktu eksplotasi

Pinus 5000 unit Rp.50.000.000 1 bulan

Mahoni 1500 unit Rp.20.000.000 20 hari

Jati 2000 unit Rp.30.000.000 25 hari

Paskah : Here the first is for the type of pine wood as many as five thousand units, the
transportation cost is fifty million with an exploitation period of one month, the second is for the
type of mahogany as much as fifteen hundred units, the transportation cost is twenty million with
an exploitation period of twenty days and the third type of teak. as many as two thousand units
with a transportation cost of thirty million with an exploitation period of twenty five days. So
this is approximately the price of transportation costs that are considered in making our company

N4 PT Maju Jaya Furniture : Angelina

Angelina : Well, we know that transportation costs greatly affect the company's wood prices
because we have got an idea from the extremes of roads, weather and rough ground relief that
greatly affect accessibility and affordability in product mobilization. Therefore, we want you to
explain that there are other factors of course, which affect the price of wood significantly as you
have described. Thank you

B3 PT Bina Satria Abadi Sentosa : Rama Dani

Rama Dani : Well then, another factor besides transportation costs that our company considers is
the processing cost. The cost of processing wood is very much different based on its type.
Because the texture, shape and quality of the wood grain is of good quality, it will be very
difficult to process considering the high price, so it takes professionals and sophisticated
machines to process it, we can see it as shown on the screen.
Jenis Unit kayu Biaya pengolahan Lama waktu

Pinus 5000 unit Rp.450.000.000 1 bulan

Mahoni 1500 unit Rp.100.000.000 20 hari

Jati 2000 unit Rp.350.000.000 25 hari

Rama Dani : Here the first is for the type of pine wood as many as five thousand units, the
processing cost is four hundred and fifty million with an exploitation period of one month, the
second is for the type of mahogany as much as fifteen hundred units, the processing cost is one
hundred million with a period of exploitation. twenty days and the third for the type of teak as
much as two thousand units, the processing cost is three hundred and fifty million with an
exploitation period of twenty five days. So this is approximately the price of the processing costs
that are considered in making the price of our company.

Ketua PT Maju Jaya Furniture : Gilbert

Gilbert : Well, first of all, I would like to thank PT Bina Satria Abadi Sentosa for explaining the
transportation costs and processing costs for the types of wood you offer to us. However, if
allowed, I would like to ask for a price reduction, because the price you offer is too expensive.
Especially for teak wood. Thank you

Ketua PT Bina Satria Abadi Sentosa : Elisabeth

Elisabeth: Well, at the request of PT Maju Jaya Furniture, after we considered our company
carefully with field technical staff, management and accountants.

We will display the revised price, as seen on the screen

Satuan Unit Harga perunit Jenis Kayu Total

5000 unit Rp.60.000 Pinus Rp.300.000.000

1500 unit Rp.50.000 Mahoni Rp.75.000.000

2000 unit Rp.80.000 Jati Rp.160.000.000

Elisabeth : This is the revision of the price we gave to your company, here the first is for the type
of pine wood as many as five thousand units, we make the price per unit to sixty thousand, so
according to the request it becomes three hundred million rupiah, the second for the type of
mahogany as much as one thousand five hundred units, we make the price per unit is fifty
thousand, so according to demand it becomes seventy-five million rupiah, and the third for the
type of teak wood as much as two thousand units, we make the price per unit is eighty thousand,
so according to request it becomes one hundred and six tens of millions of rupiah. This is an
explanation of the unit price that we have revised from the results of negotiations from our

N1 PT Maju Jaya Furniture : Megawati

Megawati : OK, the price that your company has described is reasonable to realize considering
the current high demand for wood, especially during the current covid era, so we can accept it
with the consideration of our team as well. However , we are concerned about the legality of PT
Bone 's products because from the beginning of the discussion no one has explained the legal
aspects of timber and permits and so on . Can you explain what legalizations you have? Thank

B1 PT Bina Satria Abadi Sentosa : Febrina

Well here I will display the Timber Legality Certificate from Our Company as seen on the screen

Regarding the legal aspect, our Timber Legality Verification System or SVLK functions to
ensure that wood products and their raw materials are obtained or come from sources whose
origins and management meet legal aspects. Article twenty-one of Law Number thirteen years
two thousand and thirteen, Everyone is prohibited from using timber resulting from illegal
logging and/or illegal use of forest areas originating from conservation forests. A timber legality
verification system is implemented in Indonesia to ensure that all timber products circulating and
traded in Indonesia have a convincing legality status. Consumers abroad no longer need to doubt
the legality of wood originating from Indonesia. That is all and thank you

Ketua PT Maju Jaya Furniture : Gibert

Gilbert : Alright, From the results of our negotiations earlier, we are very happy, your company
is willing to accept and provide a price from our company's request, then to strengthen our
cooperative relationship, we want to enter into a cooperative contract relationship between our
company, ma'am so that in the future there will be no problems.

Ketua PT Bina Satria Abadi Sentosa : Elisabeth

Elsiabeth : Well, sir, I'm happy, your advice is very good, our company should enter into a
cooperation contract so that in the future there will be no problems.

Gilbert : Okay ma'am. As you can see on the screen, our company has made a MoU, ma'am, so
what's your company's opinion, are there any objections to the sentence or article or are there any
other corrections regarding the MoU of cooperation between our companies.

Elisabeth : According to our company, it looks good sir, in accordance with the laws and
sanctions listed in the attachment to the MOU.

Gilbert : Ok, ma'am, thank you, because our meeting in Zoom did not allow signing it, so later I
will send my team, Ms. Paskah Halawa, to deliver any documents that your company will need
to sign later.

Elisabet : Okay sir

Gilbert : Ok, ma'am, with the end of this cooperation agreement, I represent my company, very
happy to be able to work with your company, hopefully in the future our cooperative relationship
will always be good, ma'am.

Elisabet : Ok sir, from our company we are also very grateful for trusting us as a manufacturer of
furniture raw materials from a good company.

Gilbert : Ok ma'am, we and my team beg to go live, ma'am. Good afternoon

Elisabet : Ok ma'am, we and my team beg to go live, ma'am. Good afternoon

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