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Джон’s Theologoumena: Anothe… Dashboard

Jordan Daniel Wood's "The Whole Mystery of Christ" -

a tentative precis
Creation as Incarnation in Maximus the Confessor

9 min ago

When the only cosmotheanric tool one has is a participatory hammer, every perichoretic
problem one encounters looks like an analogical nail.

The logics of hypostatic identity, generations of difference, reciprocal coinherence &

synergies implicate - not only bilateral, but - symmetric beatific intercourse.

Which is to say, in order to be consistent, logically, i.e. faithful, exegetically & patristically, we
must conclude that beyond knowing real truths ABOUT the divine necessarily entails sharing
the very same enjoyment of self & others WITH the divine.

In drawing distinctions between the logics of essences & hypostases, we mustn't forget that
the latter include the former, w/tropoi encoded in logoi. So, we also need notions like
idiomata, formal distinctions & haecceities to express how persons, divine & human, are
irreducible & indifferent to - but not inseparable from - natures, while otherwise mutually
constituted as Thous generated from "I am."

Our identities & freedoms will thus be - not only never obliterated by, but - epectactically
grown by every unitive advance (yes, amorous).

Constitutively, not a single cosmotheandric, hypostatic entity, not shadow, vestige, image or
likeness, will be excluded from this eschatological destiny.

That would do violence to - not inviolable logoi, but - the divine self-determination of the
Logos, Emmanuel, to act as One with us!

This is dense & needs an unpacking beyond the Bird app. It'll get unpacked, in the Fall, as
hopefully -not a foil to, but - a full-throated endorsement of Jordan Daniel Wood’s book, from
which any coherent notions above were totally lifted & to which, I pray, I've done no harm.

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