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The analogy that I wanted to use was the Golden Hercules Beetle. Not only is its golden color
impressive, the massive size as well as the length from the tip of its thoracic horn to the end of
its hinglegs (which earned it a Guinness World Record) make these beetles so great. These
beetles are also one of the strongest insects with an ability to carry up to 850 times its own
weight, earning itself the name Hercules. I also chose a Rhinoceros Beetle because it is both an
insect, my favorite creatures, and because they were part of my childhood when I used to catch
Rhinoceros Beetles and Stag Beetles with my cousins while I lived in Japan.

Golden Hercules Beetles have stunning, bright colors on their elytras (the hard outer shell that
covers their wings) ranging from the golden color seen in the example to an olive green.
However, the beetle can become completely black if the atmosphere is gloomy or humid. This
closely reflects my personality because I am always seen as cheerful and happy by my friends
and family. I always have a “bright personality” and like to make sure that everyone that I am
close to feels comfortable and safe, often reminding them that I am always there for them. Much
like how the beetle’s color changes, my personality also changes with the attitudes of others. I
become more hyper and enthusiastic when I am with friends who are also that way, or
uninterested and solemn if the people surrounding me are like that. However, despite those
“gloomy” attitudes, I like to think that I am always “golden” even if it's hidden at times.

The thorax in an insect is one of the major identifying factors that separate them from other
organisms since the others usually only consist of a head and abdomen segments. The thorax
in insects connect the head and abdomen as well as where all the legs are connected, meaning
that the thorax is extremely important in bringing everything together. The “head” would be my
knowledge in biology, such as animal science, botany and sometimes geology, but especially in
entomology (insects). Entomology brings me so much joy because ever since I was little, I
would always be playing outside observing insects. They were also the one constant in my life
because I always moved to different states, having to leave my friends behind, but I always
knew that wherever I went, there would always be bugs. The “abdomen” would be all
essential/necessary things that I am grateful for. I’m grateful that my family, friends and I are all
healthy and come along together very well. I also love to hang out with them and just be near
them. I'm also grateful for having the opportunity to go to college and achieve my dream by
pursuing a degree in Entomology, which not a lot of people know/can follow their dreams. The
“legs” would be all the things that motivate me to move forward and keep pushing, despite
difficult obstacles, such as my family and especially my friends.

Not only is the Golden Hercules Beetle known for their immense strength, their horns are also
powerful weapons used to throw off their enemies. Rhinoceros Beetles are extremely territorial
and would use their horns to knock off competitors. I get my strength from my friends and family
because they are always there for me when I need help. They are the “horns” that help me
knock any stress or doubt out of my mind and stand my ground.

Insects have hard exoskeletons that act as a shield to protect their bodies. When they are
pinned/preserved, scientists don't have to do anything extra to these insects because the
exoskeletons do not rot and are extremely durable. On top of that, beetles have a hardy elytra,
made to protect the more delicate hind wings, important in their flight. My plan for the future is to
first get my Master’s degree in Entomology, which I am enrolling in as a faster paced course
designed to make obtaining the Master’s degree faster. Then, I plan to pursue a Doctorate
degree, then work at either NCIS or CIA as a Forensic Entomologist. Then, when I am done
with that, I would like to become a museum curator for the Entomology exhibits until I retire. The
wings would be my plan, something that is very important for me. The elytra would be both my
will and the support from my friends and family to keep following my dream, no matter how
difficult it gets because obtaining a Doctorate is bound to be extremely stressful.l

Golden Hercules Beetles have very strong, spiny legs that help them move forward and grip
onto tree bark when flipping their opponents off their tree. My friends and family would be the
“legs” for my analogy because they always push me to become a better person as well as guide
me to my goal whenever doubt creeps up on me. I can always count on them to hype me up
and cheer me on, which helps me a lot, especially in the past few years when I was struggling
with some of my classes. They always made sure to encourage me, helping me push through
some of my difficult times

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