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1. at the commencement of any action a muslim says (a) Bisimillah (b) Alhamdulillah
(c) Allahu Akbar (d) Subhanallat
2. before entering a house, one must say (a) Yarhamakallah (b) Yahdikumullah (c) AS-
Salamun alakun (d) Ma Salam
3. another name for Suratul Fatihah is (a) Suratul falaq (b) Surtatul Maidah (c)
Suratul Awwal (d) Itmmul kitab
4. the totalm number of a Raka’ah a muslim offers in the five daily obligatory prayers is (a)
17 (b) 16 (c) 21 (d) 20
5. prophet Muhammed (SAW) was born in the year (a) 580 A.D (b) 570 A.D (c) 590 A.D
(d) 622 A.D
6. Pillars of islam include the following except (a) Iman (b) Salat (c) Hajj (d) Jihad
7. Hadith is the saying of (a) Prophet Ibrahim (b) Prophet Isa (c) Prophet Muhammed
(d) Prophet Ismail
8. The holy book sent to prophet Musa was (a) Injul (b) Tawrah (c) Zabur (d) Suhuf
9. Khadijah offered to marry prophet Muhammad (SAW) because of his ((a) wealth (b)
courage (c) lineage (d) honesty
10.The total number of chapters in the holy Qur’an is (a) 144 (b) 134 (c) 114 (d) 104
11.The articles of faith in islam are (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 7
12.Abdul Muttalib took care of prophet Muhammad (SAW) after the death of his (a) father
(b) brother (c) mother (d) wife
13.Oneness otr unity of God is emphasize in Suratul (a) Ikhlab (b) Kawthar (c) Ma’un
(d) Lahab
14.As-Sawon means (a) prayer (b) pilgrimage (c) almsgiving (d) fasting
15.Muslims greet themselves the world over by saying (a) hi (b) good day (c) As-Salam
alaykum (d) Bi-Salam
16.The prophet who was commanded by Allah to slaughter his child in worship was (a)
Musa (b) Isa (c) Ibrahim (d) Dawud
17.One of the principal idols of the Jahiliyah Arab was (a) Al-Manat (b) Ogun (c) Sango
(d) Obatala
18.The glorification devotee pronounces at the “Ruku” posture in Salat is (a) Sabhanallahi
walaihamdilai (b) La haola wa la quata (c) Al-hamdulilahi (d) Subhana rabbi yal
19.The total number of idols kept in Ka’abah during the Jahiliyyah period was (a) 300 (b)
320 (c) 350 (d) 360
20.The city of Madinah before Hijrah was known as (a) Syriah (b) Yathrub (c) Qatar (d)
21.Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was breastfed by (a) Ammah (b) Khadijah (c) Aishah (d)
22.Muhammad became the prophet Allah at the age of (a) 14 (b) 40 (c) 35 (d) 63
23. During the Friday prayer, the Khutbah (sermon) comes (a) after the prayer (b) during
the prayer (c) beforte the prayer (d) after the Iqaamah
24.The muslim lumar months include the following except (a) Shawwal (b) Yawmul Ahad
(c) Safar (d) Rajab
25.The first man Allah creatyed was (a) Nuh (b) Salih (c) Lut (d) Adam
26.The right response to Asalam alaykum is (a) Amin alaykun Salam (b) Marhaba Bikun
(c) Wa Alaykun Salam (d) Eidul Mubarak
27.Khadijah gave birth to _____ children for the prophet Muhammad (SAW) (a) 6 (b) 5
(c) 4 (d) 7
28.A reverted person into Islam must perform Ghusslu (a) Nifas (b) Haydah (c) Janazah
(d) Dhukhul Islam
29.Belief in the oneness of Allah related to (a) Iman (b) salat (c) Zakat (d) Hajj
30.Ka’abah is the house of (a) Prophet Ibrahim (b) Prophet Muhammad (c) Allah the
most high (d) every muslim
31.Muhammad bu Ismail, one of the collectors of Hadith is commonly known as (a) Abu
Dawud (b) An-Nasai (c) Muslim (d) Al- Bukhari
32.Ghushi ____ is performed only by muslim women (a) Haydah (b) Janabah (c) Janazah
(d) Jumat
33.All these give ritual bath in Islam except (a) Janabah (b) Janazah (c) Nifas (d)
34.Pick out the odd one (a) Eid prayers (b) Jum’ah prayers (c) Janazah prayer (d)
Maghrib prayer
35.The well known prophet’s daughter was (a) Nafisat (b) Fatimah (c) Halimah (d)
36.A raka’ah is normally performed in the following order (a) Qujam, Ruku, Sujud, Qu’ud
(b) Qiyam, Qu’ud, Ruku, Sujud (c) Qiyam, Sujud, Ruku, Qu’ud (d) Sujud, Qiyam,
Qu’ud, Ruku
37.These people are hadith collectors except (a) Bukhari (b) Muslim (c) Tirmidhi (d)
38.One of the following is incorrect (a) Tawrah-Musa (b) Injil-Isa (c) Zaburah-Da’ad (d)
39.The transliteration of “master of the day of judgement “ in suratul fathia is (a) Ihdinah
siratal mustaqiim (b) Bismillahir Ramanir Rahim (c) Malik Yawmiddin (d) Rabbil
40.The prophet muhamad (SAW) was eight years old when he lost his (a) uncle (b)
grandfather (c) mother (d)_ father
41.Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was nicknamed “al-Amin” because of his (a) simplicity (b)
kindness (c) trustworthy (d) intelligence
42.Which of the following is not correct ? (a) Ar-Rahman – the Beneficient (b) Ar-Rahim-
the merciful (c) Al-Malik- the King (d) Al-Rabb- the sustainer or cherisher
43.Which of the following is unislamic? (a) Idul-Fitr (b) ogun festival (c) naming ceremony
(d) Idul Adha
44.Ghushi _____ is performed after the staoppage of menstrual period. (a) Janabah (b)
Nifas (c) Haydah (d) janazah
45.Al-Taharah means (a) Ablution (b) Ritual bath (c) Piety (d) purification
46.The Surah which must be recited in every salat is (a) Fathiah (b) Nnas (c) Ikhlas (d)
47.Khadijah’s marriage proposal to prophet Muhammad (SAW) was through (a) Maryam
(b) Nafisat (c) Halimah (d) Fatimah
48. The wet nurse who took care of prophet Muhammad (SAW) was (a) Maryam Qittiyah
(b) Halimatush Shadiyah (c) Ummuh Sulamah (d) Ummuh Kutthum
49.The major event that accompanied the birth ofb prophet Muhammad (SAW) in 570 C.E
was (a) Abraha’s attempt to destroy the ka’abah (b) the conquest of Markkah (c) the
drowning of Noah’s prayer (d) the discovery of Zamzam
50.Congregational prayer is more than individual prayer by (a) 10 marks (b) 17 marks
(c) 25 marks (d) 20 marks
51.A special prayer without Ruku or Sujud is (a) Salatul Janazah (b) Salatul Idayn (c)
Salatul Jum’ah (d) Salatul Safar
52.A traveller is to shorten his four raka’ah prayer to (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 4
53.The first rightly guided Khalif was (a) Imar (b) Ali (c) Abu Bakr (d) Uthman
54.Prophet Muhammad (SAW) died in the year (a) 630 A.D (b) 632 A.D (c) 622 A.D (d)
619 A.d
55.The only child who survived the holy prophet was (a) Ruqayah (b) Qasim (c) Ibrahim
(d) Fatimah
56.Suratul Nnas contains_______ verses (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 4
57.Oneness or unity of God is the main lesson contained in Suratul (a) Faththiah (b)
Nnas (c) Falaq (d) Ikhlas
58.Suratul Fatilah has how many verses? (a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 7 (d) 6
59.The shortest Surah in the holy Quran is (a) Ikhlas (b) Nnas (c) Kawthar (d) Falaq
60.Isnad is the _____ of the Hadith (a) compilers (b) custodian (c) memorizers (d)


Attempt all questions

1. Write an essay on the life history of prophet Muhammad from his birth up to the time of his
first marriage.

2. State the five (5) names of Allah contained in the opening chapter of the Qur’an (Suratul


1. Suratul Kafirun has _____ verses (a) 8 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7

2. Al- Qur’an contains ____ chapters (a) 112 (b) 113 (c) 116 (d) 114
3. “Say, Allah is one”, is a verse in (a) Syuratul Adiyah (b) Suratul Asr (c) Suratul
Falaq (d) Suratul Iklas
4. Another name for Suratul Fatihah is (a) Sab’al Mathani (b) Kawthar (c) Masad (d)
5. The piecemeal revelation of the Qur’an took a period of____ years (a) 40 (b) 33 (c) 23
(d) 13
6. Hadith is categorized into ____ according to its authenticity (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 3
7. Isnad is the ______ of a Hadith (a) compiler (b) custodian (c) memorizer (d)
8. Hadith consist of ____ parts (a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 5 (d) 2
9. The sayings, action and reactions of the prophet (SAW) is said to be (a) Athar (b)
Hadith (c) Ijma’a (d) Qur’an
10.Sahih Hadith is regarded as (a) fabricated (b) good (c) sound (d)_ weak
11.God consciousness in Arabic means Al (a) Amanah (b) Hidayah (c) Sabr (d)
12.The following are example of good manner except (a) cleanliness (b) eating on the
street (c) maintaining of good relation (d) peace talk
13.Islam encourages all the following except (a) backbiting (b) forgiveness (c) generosity
(d) marriage
14.The following were condemn by islam except (a) adultery (b) bribery (c) corruption
(d) friendship
15.Al _____ was the bookm revealed to prophet Ibrahim (a) Injil (b) Tawah (c) Suhuf (d)
16.Amgels are created from (a) dust (b) fire (c) light (d) water
17.Angel in charge of rain is (a) Alid (b) Azra’il (c) Mika’il (d) Raqib
18.The following are revealed books except (a) Injil (b) Muwatta (c) Tawrah )(d) Zaburah
19.Which of the following does not belong to the articles of faith? (a) Allah (b) Angels
(c)Destiny (d) Prayer
20.The name of Allah , Al-Kaliq maeans (a0 the creator (b) the fashioner (c) the Lord (d)
the Maker
21. Angel Jubril isd responsible for (as) death (b) rain (c) revelation (d) trumpet
22.Human being are created from (a) air (b) fire (c) light (d) Mud
23.The obligatory prayers are observed (a) five times daily (B) once in a day (c) once in a
week (d) only on Friday
24.Saltul Jumu’ah has ____ raka’ah (a) 4 (b) 10 (c) 2 (d) 3
25.Ghushi al ____ is performed after the stoppage of menstrual blood (a) Dhukhul islam
(b) haydah (c) Nifas (d) Janabah
26.Dry ablution means al (a) Ghushi (b) Wudu (c) Tayammum (d) Instiiya
27.At-Jaharah means (a) ablution (b) dry ablution (c) purification (d) ritual bath
28.How many Tashahud are their in salatul Maghrib? (a). 5 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 2
29.Salatul Maghrib consist of ______ raka!ahs (a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4
30. Abstaining from eating, drinking and seual intercourse is called ____ (a) Hajj (b) siyam
(c) salah (d) zakah
31.Which of the obligation prayers has the least number of Raka!ahs? (a|) Asr (b) Ishai (c)
Maghrib (d) Subh.
32.Rakaah is a ____ of salah (a) combination (b) completion (c) whole (d) unit.
33.Washing of the face is ______step in water abhittion (a) allowed (b) forbidding (c0
obligatory (d) recommendable.
34.The following spoils water from purity EXCEPT ____ (a) blood (b) honey (c) mud (d)
35.Salatul shgi wal Witr have ___ (a) 4 Rakah (b) 1 Raka!ah (c) 3 Raka!ah (d) 2 Raka!ah
36.The first caller of prayer in Isalam was ___ (a) Abu-Bakar (b) Ali (c) Bilal (d) Umar
37.During the Jahiliyyah period, Arabs were divided into __groups. (a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4
38. Aws and Khazraj wre the tribe in ___ (a) Abyssinia (b) Habasha (c) Madinah (d)
39.There were ___ numbers of idols in Ka!abah during the Jahliyyah period (a) 200 (b)360
(c) 360 (d) 400
40.Al-Ansar refer to the people of ____ (a) Abyssinia (b) Yathrib (c) Taif (d) Yemen
41. Al-Muhajirun refers to the people of (a) Makkah (b) Yathrib (c) Yerrian (d) taif
42. Prophet Muhammed (SAW) belong to _______ tribe. (a) Aws (b) Khazraj (c) Quaraysh (d)
43.Prophet Muhammed (SAW) received his first revelation in the cave of ________ (a) Khaf (b)
Hirah (c) Thawr (d) Iqrah
44.The first person that accepted Islam among the youth was (a) Zayd bn Thabit (b) Ali bu
Aki-Talib (c) Anas bu Malik (d) Abdullah bu Umar
45.The period of the Prophet’s birth coincides with the attack of _______(a) Ka’abah (b) Quds
(c) Yemen (d) Yathrib
46.The name of Prophet Muhammed’s mother was Aminat bint _______ (a) Jash (b) Wahab
(cc) Wahid (d) Walid
47.Abu – Bakr (R.A) was the ______ rightly guided caliph (a) 4th (b) 2nd (c) 1st (d) 3rd
48. Suratul Nasr takes its name from the _____ verse of the Surah (a) 1st (b) 2nd (c) 3rd (d)
49.The revelation of the Qur’an started in _____ C.E (a) 510 (b) 610 (c) 619 (d) 622
50.Initially, the Qur’an was revealed and recorded on the following EXCEPT (a) Bones (b)
Leather (c) Paper (d) Leaves
51.The first Surah in the arrangement Of al-Qur’an is Surah _____ (a) Alaq (b) Fatihah (c)
Ikhlas (d) Nnas
52.Alladhinahun Yura’un is a verse in Suratul ___(a) Fil (b) Kawthar (c) Ma’un (d) Nasr
53.Anas, who related Hadith 13 of An-Nawani collection was a _____ to the Prophet (SAW)
(A) Brother (b) houseboy (c) secretary (d) Son
54.Islam ordains Muslims to be _______ to his parents (a) closer (b) obedient (c) reserved (d)
55.Cigarette smoking is Haram because it is ________(a) bitter (b) harmful (c) smoky (d)
56.Salam is recommended when a Muslim _____ (a) is entering the toilet (b) is leaving the
house (c) is to start eating (d) meet a fellow Muslim
57.One of the most basic qualities of a Muslim leader is ______ (a) eloquence (b) intelligence
(c) justice (d) strength
58.Fulfillment of promises mean to keep one’s ______ (a) loyalty (b) pledge (c) sincerity (d)
59.One of the following is not an act of Taharah (a) ahushi (b) Tayaminum (c) Wudu c (d)
60.Khadijah was _______ years old when she married the prophet (SAW) (a) 25 (b) 30 (c) 45
(d) 40
Attempt all the questions
1. Highlight the names of the ten Angels mentioned in the Qur’an and their functions.
2. Mention the Ulul Azm among the prophets of Allah.

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