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File No.

RT-1 1 036/56/201 g-MvL-part(l


T *"**t
No. RT- 1 1 03 6 t 56t20 1 9-MVL I

Government of lndio
t-____ tlinistry of Road Transport and Highwoys
Transport Bhawan,1, partiament Street, New ___*I-*l
Dethi_1 10001.

Dr/!.J rhel.l ober, 2o2o
1' The Principal secretaries/ secretaries, Departments
of rransport of a1 the
States / UTs
2. The Transport commissioners of a[ the States/UTs.

Subject: Replacement of High security Registration prates

in case of damage.

It has been brought

to the notice of the Ministry
damage/breakage of a singte or att Hilh securityReel;iiuiron for issues pertaining
ptates (HSRP).
to the

2' ln this connection, reptacement of damaged High security Registration ptates be

carried out as under :-

i' For a two wheeler, in case of damage

to one HSRP, singte HSRp (front or rear)
be reptaced and payment be taken for one
HSRp onty.
ii' For the vehictes where 3rd registration ptate/sticker
damage to one Metat HSRP, singt6 HSRP
appticabte, in case of
reptaced and charges be taken ior one
registrarion ptate/sticker be
Metat itsRp ano 3rd registration ptate/sticker

iii' For the vehictes where 3rd registra.tion

ptate/sticker is appticabte, in case of
damage to both the Metat HSRP; both
plate/sticker be reptaced and charges
the-m"tiiisnp atong with 3rd registration
be taken accordingty.
iv'where 3rd registration ptate i.e. onty the
sticker is damaged, onty 3rd registration
ptate i'e' the be
plate/sticker onty.
replaced and .nir!", o" tJken f;3,ri registration
v' Updation of information with respect to
reptacement with the reason in the
shatl be carried out bv the Authorir"J
o"ururzvenoor'J"rilnut"o by'AHAN
::tffi:: oEMs

v' The reptacement for any existing registration

ptate may be made by the motor
vehicles deaters or the authorised high
security registration ptate manufacturer
supptier, onty after ensuring that the otd ptate
has been surrendered and shredded.
The destruction of the registration ptate
shatt be carried out by registration ptate
issuance agency before attotment of
new registration ptate. The destruction
shatt be generated with suitabte evidence
and tinked /stored electronicatty in the
database and shatt be made avaitabte
to competent authority as and when required.
File No.RT-l 1 036/56/201 9.MVL-part(t )

/ theft of registration ptate, FIR shoutd be fited with police station by

ln case of tost
the vehicte owner and copy of the FrR must be submitted to registration plate
issuance agency to maintain the record.

3. Proper record of the damaged HSRps be maintained.

yours faithfu[[y,

Copy to :
Sh Gautam Ghosh, DDG, NIC for inforamation and n/a

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