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Planning Issues I will face and overcome _ X

Planning For Theoretical Problems

Problems I may encounter when How I plan to resolve these problems

researching and planning

Cant contact an expert on my genre / field Do extra research on interviews with

of work professionals - Research more techniques

Research their work instead and take notes of

any pointers or lines within the work to follow
and add to my own

Target audience is too broad Limit main work and research to the most
popular age group within my target audience
Eg. Too many ages in one category or an [eg. My film could appeal to people 16 - 45, but
overflow of information and pointers to the main audience could be around 18 - 25
include in my production / research people

No useful response to surveys Gather a responsible group of people who still fit
my target audience and send the survey to them

Unable to find any books or written work Analyse more videos and pointers, Or go back to
look at interviews

Planning for practical and technical problems

iPad loses storage Save each frame I draw / animate to my USB

stick and my laptop just in case I lose any
frames or work while in the process of editing or

No suitable shooting location for a hospital Create a mock scene from materials I already
own / buy materials

Camera battery dies / Camera stops Bring extra camera / phone with storage in case
working on filming day I cant film

Difficult schedule with actors Direct shots that can be filmed on different days
and plan scenes which include actors on
confident days of availability

Weather Disruption Most of the filming will be done outside and rain /
bad weather suits the atmosphere I am for. If
days are not as planned, either find another
suitable day or colour correct when editing if no
days work

Storage issues Empty SD card / Buy an extra SD card just in

Unsaved Edit of Production Same with the USB stick
Save regularly and organise save files when
editing and not editing
Planning Issues I will face and overcome _ X
Mid Production [after research] Check Up

Some of my struggles lay in the technical work of it all. I wasn't confident in the aesthetic
that I was going for as while I was researching, I found great inspiration for my short, but no
useful edits or features to include in the future editing process. I was happy with the vieo
research i had put in, in reference to Petscop and The Walten Files, but was discouraged
as I couldn't research further on Local 58 and The mANDELA cATALOGUE as i felt those
related to my aesthetic and how my production would be set up. However I was still able to
support my production with the rest of my research. Another issue I had was facing my
location. I wasn't sure on how I would plan with filming. I found that finding a location of a
plain white room, or one similar to a hospital that I could film in. That would be something
that I would figure out when my planning started.

Planning Issues I will face and overcome _ X

End of Production - Check Up

I struggled with animation throughout the beginning of planning, more so in the 2 weeks of
half term and the following week after, as I had lost the iPad I was using to animate. I was
unable to create any work for my short film and felt useless for the weeks that I had nothing
to do. I was given a WACOM style tablet from the college to use but found it to be too
difficult to use for the time frame I had and the energy it would take to create the many
frames I would have needed for the short. Luckily I had found the iPad in time to still
animate and have time to edit. Another struggle I had was how I was filming with my actors.
One of my actors had contacted me the morning of shooting telling me he wasn't able to
come in, however the script was able to be changed as he only had a background role for
aesthetic purposes so it wasn't much of a loss for my short. I then found out about 10
minutes after filming ended that he was at college and told me he was able to film but we
had then finished so i used the footage i had filmed for the final short.

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