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VOL. XLV NO. 23 PAGES 24 NEW DELHI 17 - 23 OCTOBER 2020 `12.00


Debolina Saha Narayanan and internship, are they likely to get another
Shubhaankar Ray good internship? and secondly whether

nternships have become the buzz word the chosen internship opportunity will help
for students exploring the job market. them in building their key skills which they

With stiff competition and strain on would ultimately need at their first job?
The process of choosing internships can
available opportunities, especially in the
be varied depending on individual
given backdrop of the continuing COVID-
experience and skill-set of a student.
19 pandemic, internships have become an
The learning should begin during the
important training platform for students
application process itself and valuable
coming from different educational
lessons learnt in being resilient to failures
backgrounds to showcase the breadth of
and honing other soft skills gained while
practical understanding that they have of
pursuing an internship application, will
their chosen area of interest.
undoubtedly come to good use when the
One would have thought that the
candidate later looks for a job.
pandemic would lower the number of
Also, interns should not only aim to build
students pursuing internship they can utilize such opportunities to thought out clear long-term strategy that their technical skills during internships, in
opportunities. On the contrary, there has increase their chances of securing an allows them to showcase their best fact they should place equal attention to
been a surge in remote internships and employment. Internship Bank is one such qualities. Internships should provide building lasting relationships with their
students keen to equip themselves with as platform which provides internship students with ample opportunity to be firm peers and seniors who they end up
many internships as possible. It is in the opportunities to upcoming female on their strengths and in the process help interning with. The internship period
backdrop of increased participation of professionals from lesser known colleges, students standout among their peers, at should be embraced as an opportunity to
students in available internship humble backgrounds. the time of recruitment. go beyond normal networking formalities
opportunities, it is pertinent to outline the The Dilemma Surrounding Choice in Therefore when deciding which and instead be used to build meaningful
points prospective internship applicants Internships internship to opt for, students should ask relationships. Only then will one
should keep in mind when selecting It is important that students choose their themselves two questions. Firstly, whether
internship opportunities and ways in which internships carefully and in line with a well- after successful completion of the chosen Continued on page 2


S.B. Singh Nature of the mains GS papers:
I. Multi-disciplinary syllabus: Each mains GS paper

n the nature of Civil Services exam , one can safely
consists of many disciplines. Paper I combines history, art
say that while preliminary exam only entitles one to
and culture, geography and social issues. Paper II
be considered for writing the main exam, the main exam
includes polity, governance, international relations and
decides both success and rank in the final count. Since
issues of social justice. Paper III is a combination of
bulk of marks are accounted for by the mains papers, it is
economy, disaster management, internal security and
bound to be this way. Taking a count, while optional paper
science and technology. Paper IV is on ethics but in this
carries 500 marks, the four GS papers taken together
paper also, there are topics from ethics, social
carry 1000 marks. Then, the essay paper is allotted 250
psychology ( e.g. attitude and emotional intelligence), and
marks. Thus, the total marks allotted to mains exam is
governance ( e.g. citizen charter, utilisation of public
1750. Personality test, commonly called Civil Services
interview, carries 275 marks. This makes the main exam
II. Dynamic syllabus: The mains GS syllabus is
the deciding factor in the success of a candidate. acquisition of knowledge and use of information in order
dynamic in two senses. One, it is very contemporary and
Unfortunately, many candidates fail to appreciate this fact to make sense of reading books and other sources.
takes up most recent happenings. Two, it is mostly
and opt for facts based, prelims oriented preparations, a Without this skill, the readings will be rendered useless.
Current Affairs based. The static portions are confined to
trend set by the coaching shops by promoting the so II. Linguistic Skills: It means having good command
history, geography, art and culture only. Rest are all
called test series which runs into dozens of numbers. over language in terms of grammar, vocabulary and
current affairs based.
This diverts energy as aspirants struggle with so many structuring of sentences. Your cognitive skills can be put
III. Unconventional questions: By this, it is implied
unnecessary facts at the cost of mains preparations. It to use only by your linguistic skills.
that only few questions can be answered from textbooks.
must be clearly understood that prelims, being just a III. Normative Skills: It means a set of norms or
Majority of them can be attempted only by close
qualifying exam, only requires students to secure the cut standards to evaluate an issue. There will be many areas
observation of events unfolding on a day to day basis.
off marks. The focus should be on mains preparations. in the UPSC mains syllabus where such norms will be
IV. Maturity of knowledge: UPSC itself has notified
While preparing for the mains, one is also preparing for applicable. For example, in the essay paper, you need to
the prelims, because both are interconnected. that no marks will be given for superficial, irrelevant
apply some norms while writing on a philosophical or
Basic skills required for mains: answers. It means that answers to each question must
social topic. In the ethics paper, normative skills will have
I. Cognitive Skills: These skills are necessary for to be applied on many questions. Continued on page 23
2 Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020

CHOOSING THE RIGHT INTERNSHIPS this we mean that interns would do good good idea but is only effective if students
to emulate a good associate and try and have earlier interned at the organization in
Continued from page 1
conduct themselves in a similar fashion. person. This is so because in-person
successful internship provides a strong stands to get the best possible tailor
The quicker the intern develops the good internships help develop soft skills and
stepping stone to the next internship made, most relevant and up-to-date
habits of his senior, the more likely will the build connections in a deeper manner
opportunity and ultimately land first response when such queries are directed
intern be offered a job or another than remote internships. Thus when a
generation professional students with little to the student's LinkedIn contacts who
internship opportunity. However one student has already built such a
or no connections, their dream job. already work in the organization that the
should not become rude and arrogant connection with team-members of an
Students who decide on which student aspires to join. However, as
when trying to 'step-up' and it is important organization, remote internships later
internships to opt for on the basis of their caution students must be mindful of not
to not lose one's humility. More often than could prove to be a good option.
personal ambition, individual personality stalking them and annoying them, as well
not people will only treat a person in the Practical Tips
and personal geographical and financial as asking broad questions. Students are
manner the person projects herself to be. There are many qualities that internship
circumstances fare better than those who most likely to receive a response from
Thus if the intern starts projecting the providers seek in interns. However the
simply apply for an internship without any busy well-established professionals, if the
same confidence and work ethic and two most sought after skills are:
thought. questions asked are specific and show a
discipline of a good associate she is more (i) technical qualifications (i.e,
Making the Decision on Internships well-thought out query. It is important to
likely to be offered a pre-placement offer. knowledge in subject matter of the area
Personal ambition show the person from whom the student
Individual Personality chosen for internship); and (ii) soft-skills
Some students, while in their first year is requesting help that she has already
It is important that interns and students (i.e manner in which the interns conduct
of college already decide on the done all necessary homework on the
play to their strengths and accordingly themselves as members of a team as well
organisation they would like to work for subject.
choose their internship opportunities.If a as with external clients). While internship
when they graduate. Needless to say Students who are unsure on what
student is an extrovert who loves public providers can easily test a candidate's
such students would do well to course of action they should take after
speaking and engaging with people then technical skills in both, in-person as well
concentrate on choosing internships that graduation, should engage and
a career in litigation may be good option as remote internships, soft skills of a
would allow them to build their curriculum communicate with seniors and
for such person. Similarly if a student candidate is best evaluated in in-person
vitae that showcases the skill-sets and professionals in the field that the student
does not enjoy working for 17-18 hours a internships where interns have greater
credentials to their ultimate hiring aspires to engage in. It is important to
day, then working as an in-house counsel scope to build personal rapport with team
manager. This in turn would mean that the learn from the mistakes of seniors and
could be a good option. Likewise,students members as well as with external clients.
students would do good to choose professionals and also understand what
good in research would do well to pursue Excellent interns are those who can
subjects and undertake extra-curricular initiatives and strategies worked for them.
a career with a think-tank. demonstrate both these skills at their
activities that the hiring manager of their Every new individual that the student
Students should simultaneously work internship stint. Both of these skill-sets
dream organization would be interested approaches with the same query, is most
on improving their weaknesses and are 'equally' important much against the
in. For example, if a law-student is sure likely give a new perspective from their
slowly turning their weaknesses into common perception that technical skills
that she wants to pursue an opportunity in own personal experience.
strengths. are more important than soft skills.
corporate law, then to show-case her It is important that throughout the
Briefly put a student's success at her An intern greatly increases the chance
interest in corporate law, she would do internship application process, students
internship place would highly depend on of receiving a pre-placement offer by
well if her academic papers, co-curricular remain cheerful, motivated and keep
how well the student has matched the having a clear understanding of the
activities including participation in relevant away from any negative energy and
internship requirements with her internship provider's expectations of the
moot court competitions. It is important strongly believe that their perseverance
strengths. intern. An applicant can play a pivotal role
that students show a consistent interest in will pay off. Besides, it is also crucial that
Individual Circumstances in directing an internship providers to
their area of interest and have an students learn not to worry or focus on the
When selecting their internships, choose her/him over many other
impressive list of achievements and more things that could go wrong. Even if the
students should also pay attention to their candidates.
probability of grabbing the desired internship does not pan out as per the
individual, geographical and financial Ingredients of an application
internship or job opportunity. initial plan of the student, it can provide
circumstances. Whether or not students Cover letter- including a brief cover
Also, those students who are keen to helpful lesson to the student on the areas
should opt for internships abroad would letter that clearly lays down the qualities
join a particular organization after their or type of organizations that the student
highly depend on whether their individual of the prospective intern which are
graduation can try following the would want to avoid in the future.
and financial circumstances permit such a relevant to the internship requirement. A
'backward approach'. For example,if a Students should take advantage of all
commitment. It is important that students ‘tailored’ cover letter goes to a great
student would want to work at internships to the greatest extent possible
take stock of all these circumstances length in drawing attention of an
organization A, the student would do good and use internships to discover the types
when they take a call to go for foreign internship provider to an intern's profile.
to visit the website of organization A and of work that excite them as well as
internships. Students should refrain from For example, if the internship application
study the job requirements section to understand the nature of work that they
understand the qualifications that are would want to avoid. It is equally choosing brand name of an organization requests certain qualities in a candidate

often requested for future hires. Once the important that students learn to grow and over quality of work.If exposure to good then prospective interns would do well to

student is familiar with the specific job expand their comfort zone with each quality work is compromised no brand re-read those qualities and in their cover
requirements of organization A, he can internship opportunity and pick on new name of an organization will be good letter demonstrate how they successfully
start working towards building those skill- skill-sets that would make them more enough to fill this lacunae.Often, at bring each of those qualities on board.
sets during her under-graduation days by attractive to future employers. smaller companies or firms due to lack of Well formatted and detailed
opting for subjects and extra-curricular Students should treat their internships helping hands interns are handed over curriculum vitae- interns would do well
activities that would hone the sought after as "mini jobs". This outlook would require more responsibilities than they would to remember that a curriculum vitae is the
skills so that upon graduation, her/his students to think of their internships as have been in larger organizations that are first piece of written work that an
consistently built curriculum vitae more than a simple entry into their well-staffed. It is important that students internship provider would assess and
containing relevant skill-sets for curriculum vitae to increase their chances take a step back and clearly understand make call on what the calibre of an intern
organization A would immediately attract for securing a job. If students dream of that if they are unable to talk about the is potentially going to be. Also, interns
the attention of the hiring manager and conducting themselves or professionally exact nature of the work that they should understand that a curriculum vitae
set her apart from other candidates. dressing in a particular manner at their undertook during their internship stint and simply does not list out the technical
The other helpful strategy would be to dream job, it is important then that present their understanding of the various details of a candidate. Curriculum vitaes'
create a LinkedIn profile and start looking students do these things at their issues at hand in the relevant subject show to an internship provider, a
up profiles of persons working at places internships itself. Good practices area at the time of their first job interview, candidate's eye for detail, skills in
where a student aspires to work. Visiting developed during internship days will brand-names of various organizations will organization and presentation of thoughts
and following profiles of individuals become admirable habits when the not take them far. in limited space and efficiency in using
already hired by the organization that the students join their first job and this in turn Furthermore, if students are located at computer programs to make the
student aspires to join, will give an insight would help such students distinguish a geographical location that is remote and curriculum vitae more visually pleasing.
into what is required of the student to join themselves as outstanding professionals. far-away from their desired place of Potential interns are also advised to
the particular organization. Besides for Furthermore, it is important that students internship, they may consider opting for a personalize their curriculum vitae for each
any specific queries, the student always always apply the 'step-up' principle. By remote internship. Remote internship is a Continued on page 23
Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020 3
F. No. 3-09/2020-Admn-V
Government of India
Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying

Department of Fisheries
1st Floor, Chanderlok Building, 36th Janpath, New Delhi -110 001
Subject : Recruitment to one post of "Assistant Director (Official Language)" in 4. Applications received after the due date or without ACRs or otherwise found
Level 10 (Rs. 56100-177500/-) of the Pay Matrix in Central Institute of Fisheries incomplete will not be considered.
Nautical and Engineering Training H. Qtrs, Kochi, a subordinate office of the (Yoginder Kumar)
Department of Fisheries, on Composite Method (Promotion plus Deputation Under Secretary to the Government of India
(including short term contract)) basis-regarding. Annexure-I
One post of "Assistant Director (Official Language)" in Level 10 (Rs. 56100-
177500/-) of the Pay Matrix (Group "A' Gazetted , Non-Ministerial) in Central Institute
of Fisheries Nautical and Engineering Training, H.Qtrs, Kochi is proposed to be filled 1. Name and Address (in Block letters) :
up on Composite Method (Promotion and Deputation (including short term contract) 2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) :
basis from amongst the Officers from the Central Government or State Governments or 3. i) Date of entry into service
UTS or PSUS or Recognized Research Institutions or Universities or Statutory bodies ii) Date of retirement under Central/State
or Autonomous bodies or Semi-Government organizations:- Government Rules
(a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or
4. Educational Qualifications
(ii) with 3 years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular
basis in Level-7 in the pay matrix (Rs. 44900-142400/-) or equivalent in the parent 5. Whether Educational and other qualifications
cadre or department; and required for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification
(b) possessing the following educational qualifications and experience, namely: has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed
Essential: in the Rules, state the authority for the same)
(i) Master's degree of a recognized university in Hindi with English as a compulsory or Qualifications/Experience required as men- Qualifications/Experience
elective subject or as a medium of examination at the degree level. Or tioned in the advertisement/vacancy circular possessed by the officer
Master's degree of a recognized university in English with Hindi as a compulsory or Essential Essential
elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level. Or A) Qualification A) Qualification
Master's degree of a recognized university in any subject other than Hindi or English
B) Experience B) Experience
with Hindi medium and English as compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of
examination at the degree level. Or Desirable Desirable
Master's degree of a recognized university in any subject other than Hindi or English A) Qualification A) Qualification
with English medium and Hindi as compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of B) Experience B) Experience
examination at the degree level. Or
5.1 Note: This column needs to be amplified to indicate Essential and Desirable Qualifications
Master's degree of a recognized university in any subject other than Hindi or English
as mentioned in the RRs by the Administrative Ministry/Department/Office at
with Hindi and English as compulsory or elective subject or either of the two as a
the time of issue of circular and issue of advertisement in the Employment News.
medium of examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at the degree
5.2. In the case of Degree and Post Graduate Qualifications Elective/main subjects
and subsidiary subjects may be indicated by the candidate.
(ii) Three year's experience of using or applying terminology (Terminological work) in
Hindi and translation work from English to Hindi or vice-versa, preferably of technical 6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries
or scientific literature under Central Government or State Governments or Autonomous made by you above, you meet the requisite Essential
body or Statutory organizations or PSUS or Universities or Recognized Research or Qualifications and work experience of the post.
educational institutions. Or 6.1 Note: Borrowing Departments are to provide their specific comments/views
Three year's experience of teaching in Hindi and English or research in Hindi or English confirming the relevant Essential Qualification/work experience possessed by
under Central Government or State Governments or autonomous body or statutory the Candidate (as indicated in the Bio-data) with reference to the post applied.
organizations or PSUS or Universities or Recognized Research or educational 7. Details of Employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly
institutions. authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.
Desirable : Studied one of the languages other than Hindi included in the 8th schedule Office/ Post held on From To *Pay Band and Grade Nature of Duties
of the constitution at 10th level from a recognized board. Institution regular basis Pay/Pay Scale of the (in detail) highlig-
Note-1: Departmental Senior Translator in level-7 in the pay matrix (Rs. 44900- post held on regular hting experience
142400/-) with 3 years' regular service in the grade shall also be considered along with basis required for the
outsiders. In case he or she is selected, the post shall be treated as shall be deemed post applied for
to have been filled by promotion. Otherwise, it will be treated as having been filled by
deputation (including short-term contract).
Note-2: The departmental officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of
promotion will not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation (including * Important: Pay Band & Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the
short term contract). Similarly, Deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for officer and therefore, should not be mentioned. Only Pay band and Grade Pay/
appointment by promotion. Pay Scale of the post held on regular basis to be mentioned. Details of ACP/MACP
Note-3: Period of deputation (including short term contract) in another ex-cadre post with present Pay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by
held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization the Candidate, may be indicated as below:
or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not to exceed three years. Office/ Pay, Pay Band and Grade Pay From To
The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation(including short term contract) Institution drawn under ACP/MACP Scheme
shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of the receipt of applications.
Job description : Over all supervision of all the works in the Hindi cell. Vetting of all
the translated material, calendar, annual report etc. in the Hindi cell. To acquaint
8. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or
officers and staff of institute and units with the Official Language Act. Rules and other
Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or Permanent
important orders relating to the implementation of Official Language and to assist and
help them in the implementation of the same. To ensure proper compliance of the 9. In case the present employment is held on
provisions of the official language act and the orders pertaining to Hindi Teaching deputation/contract basis, please state-
Scheme and official language policy in the Institute headquarters and units. Handle a) The date b) Period of c) Name of the d) Name of the post
classes for the employees and officers in the Hindi Karyasala in the Institute and also of initial appointment on parent office/organi- and Pay of the post
other Central Government establishments. To conduct inspection in the various appointment deputation/contract zation to which the held in substantive
sections on the progressive use of Official Language. Holding duties as Secretary of applicant belongs capacity in the
the Official Language Implementation committee of the Institute. Prepare action plans parent organisation
in accordance with the annual programme for the implementation of official language
and to achieve the targets in implementation of Official Language. Supervise the
functioning of Hindi Library. Any other duties assigned by the superiors. 9.1 Note: In case of Officers already on deputation, the applications
The initial place of posting will be at CIFNET H.Qtrs., Kochi. of such officer should be forwarded by the parent Cadre/Department
2. The pay of the official selected will be governed by the provisions laid down in the alongwith Cadre Clearance, Vigilance Clearance and Integrity
Department of Personnel and Training's O.M.No.6/8/2009-Estt(pay II) dated 17th June Certificate.
2010 as amended from time to time. 9.2 Note: Information under Column 9 (c) & (d) above must be given in
3. Applications from eligible officers in the given proforma (in duplicate) may be all cases where a person is holding a post on deputation outside the
forwarded through proper channel to the Director, Central Institute of Fisheries cadre/organization but still maintaining a lien in his parent cadre/
Nautical and Engineering Training, Foreshore Road, Cochin- 682016 within a organisation.
period of 60 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the 10. If any post held on deputation in the past by the applicant,
Employment News alongwith copies of upto date ACRs for the last five years, duly date of return from the last deputation and other details.
attested by an officer of the level of Under Secretary or above, vigilance clearance and 11. Additional details about present employment:
integrity certificate. Cadre controlling authority may also kindly ensure that while Please state whether working under (indicate the
forwarding the application they should verify and certify that the particulars furnished by name of your employer against the relevant column)
the officer are correct. It may also be certified that no major or minor penalty was a) Central Government
imposed on the officer during the last 10 years of his service. b) State Government Continued on page 4
4 Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020
Government of India Secretariat of the Election
Serious Fraud Investigation Office Commission of India
2nd Floor, Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001
B-3 Wing, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 No. 181/1/2020 (Requisition)
No. 02/01/2017-Admn/SFIO/Vol.Ill Election Commission of India proposes to obtain the services of 08 (Eight) Assistant
It is proposed to fill up the following vacancies in this office on deputation (including Section Officers (ASOs) (which may increase or decrease) in Level 7 of the Pay
short term contract) basis: Matrix (Rs. 44,900 - 1,42,400/-) (Group 'B', Non-Gazetted, General Central Service]
on deputation basis from amongst the following:-
Category of post Tentative no. Tentative Level in the pay
Officers under the Central Government:-
of vacancies Place of Posting matrix or pay scale
a) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis; or
Private Secretary 08 (eight) Delhi/Mumbai/Kolkata/ Level 07 in pay matrix (ii) With five years regular service in posts in Level 4 (Rs. 25,500-81,100/-) of the Pay
Chennai/Hyderabad (Rs. 44900-142400) Matrix and;
Interested and willing govt. employees may forward their application complete in all b) Having two years' experience in establishment or election matters.
respect through proper channel in the prescribed format to The Director, Serious 2. The initial period of deputation will be for three years, which may be extended till
Fraud Investigation Office, 2nd Floor, Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan, B-3 the services are required in the Commission.
Wing, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 within 45 days from the 3. The pay and allowances of the selected persons will be regulated in accordance
date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News. For details, with the Department of Personnel and Training OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-II), dated
17.06.2010, as amended from time to time.
etc. visit
4. Eligible and interested persons and whose services can be spared immediately by
Applications received after the due date or without ACRs/APARs, Vigilance Clearance
their parent office may apply, through proper channel in prescribed format (Annexure-
or otherwise found incomplete will not be considered.
l), to the undersigned latest by 29.10.2020.
Additional Director [Adm.] 5. While forwarding the application in the prescribed format, it may be ensured that
davp 07102/11/0004/2021 EN 23/59 following documents are enclosed with the applications:-
I. Attested copies of the Character Rolls of the person concerned for the last three
Continued from page 3 years.
c) Autonomous Organization II. Vigilance clearance and Integrity Certificate.
d) Government Undertaking III. Statement of Penalties imposed, if any, during the last ten years.
e) Universities 6. Selection will be based on qualifying in the Interview/Personal Talk conducted by
f) Others the Commission. The candidates selected will not be allowed to withdraw their
12. Please state whether you are working in the same Department candidature subsequently. No TA/DA or any other allowance shall be provided for
and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade. Interview/Personal Talk.
7. Incomplete applications, in any form, will not be considered.
13. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which
8. The vacancies cited above are not final and may change as per the need and
the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale.
requirement of the organization.
14. Total emoluments per month now drawn (B.C. PATRA)
Basic Pay in the PB Grade Pay Total Emoluments SECRETARY
15. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central Bio-Data Proforma
Government Pay Scales, the latest salary slip issued by the Organisation showing 1. Name and Address (in Block letters)
the following details may be enclosed. 2. Date of Birth (in Christian era)
3. Date of Retirement
Basic Pay with Scale of Pay Dearness Pay/Interim relief/ Total
4. Educational Qualifications
and rate of increment other Allowances etc., (with Emoluments
5. Service and cadre to which belong
break-up details)
6. Whether belongs to SC/ST
7. Details of Employment (in chronological order). Enclose a separate sheet, duly
16. A Additional information, if any, relevant to the post you authenticated by your signature if the space below is insufficient.
applied for in support of your suitability for the post.
Office/lnstitution/ Post held From To Scale of pay & Nature of
(This among other things may provide information with regard to
Orgn. Basic Pay Duties
(i) Additional academic qualifications (ii) Professional training and
(iii) Work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy
Circular/Advertisement). 8. Nature of present employment i.e. ad-hoc or (Temporary) quasi-permanent or
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient) permanent
16. B Achievements: 9. In case the present employment is held on deputation/contract basis, please
The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to: state:
i) Research publications and reports and special projects; a. The date of Initial appointment
ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation; b. Period of appointment on deputation/contract
iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies; and 10. Additional details about present employment. Please state whether working
iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the organization; under:
v) Any research/innovative measure involving official recognition; a. Central Government
vi) Any other information. b. State Government
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient) c. Autonomous Organization
17. Please state whether you are applying for deputation (ISTC)/ d. Government Undertaking
Absorption/Re-employment Basis. 11. Are you in revised scale of pay? If yes, give the date from which the revision took
# (Officers under Central/ State Governments are only eligible place and also indicate the pre-revised scale.
for “Absorption”. Candidates of Non-Government Organizations 12. Existing total emoluments drawn per month
are eligible only for Short-Term Contract). 13. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your
# (The option of ‘STC/ ‘Absorption’/ ‘Re-employment’ are suitability for the post. Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient.
available only if the vacancy circular specially mentioned 14. Remarks
recruitment by “STC” or “Absorption” or “Re-employment”) Signature of the candidate
18. Whether belongs to SC/ST
Forwarding Note by the Employer :
I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware It is certified that :
that the information furnished in the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents (i) Information given in the above proforma is correct as per the service record of the
in respect of Essential Qualification/Work Experience submitted by me will also be
applicant and the applicant fulfils the eligibility criteria mentioned in the Circular.
assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. The
(ii) The applicant is clear from vigilance angle and no disciplinary proceedings are
information/details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge
pending or being contemplated against the officer.
and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld.
(iii) The integrity of the applicant is beyond doubt.
Date __________ (iv) That no major/minor penalty has been imposed on the applicant in last 10 years.
(Signature of the Candidate) (v) The cadre controlling authority of the applicant has given its clearance for his
Address ________________ applying for the above post.
CERTIFICATION BY THE EMPLOYER/CADRE CONTROLLING AUTHORITY (vi) The ACR Dossier of the applicant is enclosed with the application.
The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and (Signature with seal of the authorized signatory
correct as per the facts available on records. He/she possesses educational on behalf of the employer)
qualifications and experience mentioned in the advt. If selected, he/she will be relieved davp 52101/11/0006/2021 EN 23/2
2. Also certified that: India or above are enclosed.
i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/ iv) No major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or
Smt. ....................................... A list of major/minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is
ii) His/her integrity is certified. enclosed (as the case may be)
iii) His/Her CR Dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the ACRs for the last 5 Countersigned
years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. of
EN 23/53 (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal)
Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020 5


The Union Public Service Commission will hold the Reference is invited to our Advertisement No. 03/19 published in the
Combined Geo-Scientist (Stage-l) Examination, 2021 Employment News dated 28.09.2019 to 04.10.2019 inviting applications
on 21st February, 2021 for recruitment to the posts of from candidates, who are domiciled in any of the seven Northern Eastern
Chemist Group 'A' in the Geological Survey of India states of India, for filling up vacancies for the post of Deputy Field Officer
and Scientist 'B' (Hydrogeology) Group 'A', Scientist (GD) by regional direct recruitment on language basis, in Government of India
'B'(Geophysics) Group 'A' and Scientist 'B' (Chemical)
organisations. As part of selection process, written examination was held on
Group 'A' in the Central Ground Water Board. The
12.01.2020 at five centres viz. Guwahati, Tezpur, Dibrugarh, Shillong & Aizwal
Stage-ll of the Combined Geo-Scientist Examination,
2021 will be held on 17th and 18th July, 2021. The for candidates found eligible in terms of the laid down eligibility criteria in the
examination will be held at various centres across the aforementioned advertisement for this post. Computer Proficiency Test (CPT)
country. and Interviews were held for candidates, who successfully qualified the written
Candidates are required to apply online at examination, during August 2020. Candidates with following Roll Numbers only. No other mode have been declared successful in the selection process :-
is allowed for submission of application. For
619210036, 619210364, 619101082, 619061602, 619101297, 619101289,
details regarding Eligibility Conditions, the
619210627, 619210223, 619061746, 619061639, 619241871, 619241837,
Syllabus and Scheme of the examination, Centres
of examination, Guidelines for filling up application 619061523, 619241949, 619241931, 619101015, 619242018, 619242017,
form etc., aspirants must refer to the Detailed 619101191, 619180775, 619101107, 619061644, 619180856, 619180923
Notice of the Examination, which will be available (Total-24)
on the following path in the Commission's Website davp 58101/11/0019/2021 EN 23/35
from 7th October, 2020 :- ......... Examinations ........
Active Examinations
EN 23/55

EN 23/7

F.No. F. 11011/22/2005-N
Government of India

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

(Nursing Section)
Nirman Bhavan
New Delhi
Dated 08/10/2020
Subject: Application for the post of Professor cum Vice
Principal at Rajkumari Amrit College of Nursing, New Delhi on post has been extended. Applications of the willing and eligible DISCLAIMER
The views expressed by the authors in the
deputation (including short-term contract) basis - reg. candidates may now be forwarded to the undersigned latest by 31st articles published in the Employment News are
their own. They do not necessarily reflect the
Reference Ministry's vacancy circular in Employment News dated October, 2020. views of the government or the organisations
04-10 July, 2020 inviting applications for the post of Professor cum 3. Other criteria / details would remain the same. they work for. The contents of the
advertisements published in the Employment
Vice Principal at Rajkumari Amrit College of Nursing, New Delhi on (Dr. Rathi Balachandran) News belong to the organisation or their
deputation (including short-term contract) basis. Assistant Director General (Nursing) representatives. The Employment News is in
no way responsible for any liability arising out
2. It is hereby informed that the last date for applying to the said EN 23/52 Tele No. 011-23061033 of the contents/text of these advertisements.
6 Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020

EN 23/5

EN 23/11

(A Central University)
Employment Notification No. 3/2020 Dated 21st September, 2020
Online applications are invited from Indian nationals for filling up
the following Group-A, B & C Non-Teaching positions in Assam
(i) Registrar* (1, UR) (ii) Finance Officer* (1, UR) (iii) Librarian
(1, UR) (iv) Director*, College Development Council (1, UR)
(v) Assistant Registrar (1, OBC)
Pay in pay matrix: Rs. 1,44,200 (Level-14: Rs. 1,44,200-
2,18,200) & (Level-10: Rs. 56,100-1,77,500)
(i) Hindi Translator (1, UR)
Pay in pay matrix: Rs. 35,400 (Level-6: Rs. 35,400-1,12,400)
(ii) Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) (2; 1 SC, 1 EWS)
Pay in pay matrix: Rs. 18,000 (Level-1: Rs. 18,000-56,900) EN 23/20
*The Post of Registrar, Finance Officer and Director, College
Development Council is tenure post for a period of 5 (five)
years and she/he shall be eligible for reappointment. Lokpal of India
Candidates who have already applied against the employment
Plot No.6, Vasantkunj Institutional Area
notification no. 1/2020-RECT dated 01.01.2020 and 2/2020
dated 28.05.2020 for Group-A posts need not apply again for New Delhi-110070
the said posts.
Last date for submission of online application form, payment of Lokpal of India is going to fill up two posts of Court Master in the Pay Level-11 (Rs. 67700- 208700/-) as
fees and application form PDF download is 30th October, 2020
upto 5.00 pm. per 7th CPC and three posts of Court Steno/Assistant Registrar in the Pay Level-8 (Rs. 47600-151100/-)
Last date for submission of downloaded application form along with as per 7th CPC on Deputation/Transfer basis from the eligible candidates working in the
the enclosures is : 6th November 2020 upto 5:00 p.m.
The detailed eligibility criteria, pay matrix, general instruction as Ministries/Departments of the Central Government and Autonomous/Constitutional Organizations/
well as other details like mode of submission of forms & fees etc.
can be seen & downloaded from Assam University website Tribunals following the Central Government Rules/norms/procedures/pay scales etc. The details of
Registrar i/c eligibility criteria of advertisement may be seen at the website of Lokpal of India (
davp 21240/11/0011/2021 EN 23/3 EN 23/13
Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020 7
Government of India

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship

Directorate General of Training
Advertisement No. DGT-A-35017/03/2020-Estt.I(Adm.II)
Subject: Filling-up of 13 nos. vacant post of Deputy Director of Training under qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the rules, state the
Women Training Cadre in Pay Matrix Level-11 (Rs. 67,700-2,08,700), on authority for the same).
deputation basis at various field institute of Directorate General of Training, New Qualification/Experience Qualification/experience
Delhi, located all over India - regarding. required Possessed by the officer
The Directorate General of Training is looking for the service of suitable Officers for
Essential: 1.
appointment to the post in Deputy Director of Training, Women Training on
deputation (including short term contract) for its Head Quarter at Delhi and Women 2.
Training Institutes located at Noida, Jaipur, Allahabad, Kolkata, Indore, Mumbai, 3.
Mohali, Hyderabad, Agartala, Jammu and Shimla. The details of post, eligibility criteria, Desirable: 1.
job requirement, age limit, qualification and experience required for the post are
indicated in Annexure-I below.
2. The pay and other terms and conditions of deputation will be regulated in accordance 6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet the
with DOPTs OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt (Pay-1) dated 17.06.2010 as amended from time to requirements of the post.
time. Cadre Authorities/Head of Departments are requested to forward application of 7. Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet, duly
the eligible and willing candidates whose services can be spared on deputation authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.
(including short term contract) basis immediately, so as to reach the Under Secretary Office/Institution Post Held From To Scale of Nature of
(Estt.I), Directorate General of Training, Room No. 109A, First Floor, Employment pay and basic duties (in
Exchange Building, Pusa Complex, New Delhi-110012 within 60 days from the date pay details)
of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News. The application
Forms/Curriculum Vitae Proforma are at Annexure-II and for other necessary details,
the candidates are advised to visit and download from the DGT website 8. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or
1. Application in prescribed format - Annexure-II duly completed signed by the 9. In case the present employment is held on deputation/contract basis, please state
candidate and countersigned with seal by the Cadre/Appointing authority. a. The date of initial appointment
2. Attested copies of ACRs for the last 5 (five) years duly attested, on each page with b. Period of appointment on deputation/contract
seal by an Officer with the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of India. c. Name of the parent office/organisation to which you belong.
3. Integrity Certificate. 10. Additional details about present employment please state whether working under
4. Vigilance Clearance. (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column).
5. No major or minor penalty certificate for the last 10 years of his service. a. Central Govt.
6. A certificate to the effect that the particulars furnished by the candidate have been b. State Government
verified and found correct as per service records. c. Autonomous Organisations
7. Cadre Clearance Certificate. d. Government Undertakings
(PVR Rajasekharam) e. Universities.
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India f. Others
Annexure-I 11. Please state whether you are working in the same Department and are in the feeder
13 nos. of Post of Deputy Director of Training (Women Training) in Pay Matrix grade or feeder to feeder grade.
Level-11. 12. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which the revision took
Method of Recruitment: Deputation (including short term contract) place and also indicate the Pre-revised pay scale.
Eligibility criteria: Deputation (including short term contract):- 13. Total emoluments per month now drawn.
Officers of the Central Government or State Government or Union Territories or 14. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your
Autonomous or Statutory Organization or Public Sector Undertakings or University or suitability for the post. (This among other things may provide information with regard to
Recognized Research Institution: (i) Additional academic qualifications
(A)(i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in parent cadre or department; (ii) Professional training and
Or (iii) Work experience over the above prescribed in the Vacancy
(ii) with five years regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a Circular/Advertisement.
regular basis in posts in Level-10 or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; 15. Please state whether you are applying for Deputation(ISTC)/Absorption/Re-
and employment Basis. (Officers under Central/State Government are only eligible for
(B) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience as under- 'Absorption. Candidates of non-Government Organisations are eligible only for Short
Essential: Term Contract)
(i) A degree in Engineering or Technology (Electronics and Communication, Information 16. Whether belongs to SC/ST.
Technology, Computer Science, Fashion Designing) from a recognized University or 17. Remarks (The candidates may indicate information with regard to):
Institute; i. Research publications and reports and special projects
(ii) Five years industrial or teaching experience in relevant field from any Government ii. Awards/scholarship/official Appreciation
organization or University or Institution created by an act of Parliament or State iii. Affiliation with the Professional bodies/institutions/societies and
legislature or autonomous bodies or PSUs of state or UT or Central Government. iv. any other information.
Desirable: (Note: Enclose a separate sheet if the space is insufficient).
(i) Master of Business Administration from a recognized University or Institute. Additional Information
Note 1: The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre 18. Whether the present post held is on substantive basis or on officiating basis
post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other or on deputation/short term contract.
organization or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed four 19. Pay Matrix Level of the present post held.
years. 20. If Pay Matrix Level in S. No. 19 above is not that of the substantive post held (i.e
Note 2: The maximum age-limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding that on deputation/short term contract/ACP Scheme upgradation/MACP upgradation).
fifty six years as on the last date of receipt of applications. Then the substantive pay (Pay Matrix Level).
Note 3: The departmental officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware
promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation, that the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by me will also be
similarly, the deputationist shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post.
promotion. Date :
ANNEXURE-II Signature of the Candidate
Address :
1. Name and address (in block letter)
2. Date of birth (in Christian era) Countersigned
3. Date of retirement under Central/ State Govt. Rules
4. Educational qualification (Employer with Seal)
5. Whether educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied (if any EN 23/18

Council of Scientific and 1,82,200-2,24,100) plus allowances as applicable in CSIR.

Industrial Research (CSIR) For eligibility criteria and other conditions, please see the detailed/complete
advertisement No. 02/2020 on CSIR website
Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg
New Delhi-110001 Applications/nominations may be sent alongwith complete bio-data and list of
Advt. No. 02/2020 publications/patents etc. through email on email ID or by post to
Applications/nominations are invited for the positions of DIRECTOR of CSIR- Director Recruitment Cell, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (CSIR-IITR), Lucknow. (CSIR), Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 on or before
CSIR invites applications/nominations for the position of DIRECTOR of CSlR-lndian 23.10.2020.
Institute of Toxicology Research (CSIR-IITR), Lucknow in Level 15 of pay-matrix (Rs. davp 36202/11/0011/2021 EN 23/4
8 Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020
(An autonomous Institution under
Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India)
New Delhi

The National School of Drama, an autonomous institution
under Ministry of Culture, Government of India invites
applications for various vacant posts. The details of vacant
posts are indicated below:-
Librarian 1 Post (UR)
Level - 10 (Rs. 56100 - 177500)
Assistant Director (Official Language) 1 Post (UR)
Composite Method - By Deputation
(Including short -term contract)/ Promotion
Level - 10 (Rs. 56100 - 177500)
P. S. to Director 1 Post (UR)
Level - 7 (Rs. 44900-142400)
Sound Technician 1 Post (UR)
Level - 7 (Rs. 44900 - 142400)
Upper Division Clerk 2 Posts (SC-1, ST-1)
Level - 4 (Rs. 25500-81100)
Reception Incharge 1 Post (UR)
Level - 4 (Rs. 25500-81100)
Assistant Photographer 1 Post (UR)
Level - 4 (Rs. 25500-81100)
Percussionist Gr. Ill 1 Post (UR)
Level-4 (Rs. 25500-81100)
Carpenter 1 Post (UR)
Level-4 (Rs. 25500-81100)
Electrician (Grade I) 1 Post (UR)
Level-4 (Rs. 25500-81100)
Master Tailor 1 Post (UR)
Level-4 (Rs. 25500-81100)
Lower Division Clerk 1 Post (OBC)
Level-2 (Rs. 19900-63200)
Multi Tasking Staff 13 Posts (UR-5, SC-2,
Level - 1 (Rs. 18000-56900) ST- 1, OBC-4, EWS-1)
Candidates are required to apply online only by using the Website - or Please visit
NSD Website: for details. Last date for receipt of
applications is 06.11.2020.
Detailed information about the recruitment and instructions for filling
up online applications are available on the above mentioned URL.
Candidates working in Govt. Deptt./Autonomous organisation/PSU
and fulfilling the requirements are required to submit No Objection
Certificate from the present employer at the time of final
examination/Skill Test as applicable.
Age relaxation will be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC
and other specified categories, as per orders of the Govt. of India.
Employees of National School of Drama are entitled to age
relaxation as per revised Recruitment Rules of NSD and DoPT
Guidelines. The age limit as indicated will be reckoned as on
No TA/DA will be paid by the National School of Drama for attending
the interview. However, candidates belonging to SC/ST category will
be paid 2nd Class railway/bus fare by the shortest route from their
place of residence to New Delhi and back on production of
railway/bus tickets/receipts.
EN 23/19
Number of posts may vary and the National School of Drama
reserves the right to increase or decrease number of posts and may
or may not fill any post(s) and its decision in the regard shall be final.
Applicants for the above vacant posts with reference to the
advertisement dated 15.06.2019 issued earlier are required to apply
Application Fee & Mode of Payment:
Application fee of Rs. 200/- for UR and Rs.-100/- for OBC (Non
Creamy Layer) is to be paid online through Net Banking, Credit or
Debit Card.
Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and
Persons with Disability eligible for reservation are exempted from
paying application fee. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any
davp 09130/11/0010/2021 EN 23/58

The views expressed by the authors in the articles published in the
Employment News are their own. They do not necessarily reflect the
views of the government or the organisations they work for. The contents
of the advertisements published in the Employment News belong to the
organisation or their representatives. The Employment News is in no way
responsible for any liability arising out of the contents/text of these
EN 23/14 advertisements.
Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020 9
No. A-12025/3/2015-SA
Government of India
Ministry of Consumer
Affairs, Food & Public

of Food
& Public
Applications are invited from
the eligible officers for filling up
one vacant post of Assistant
Professor (Physical
Chemistry), a General Central
Service, Group 'A' Gazetted,
Non-Ministerial post in Level-11
of the Pay Matrix at National
Sugar Institute, Kanpur, a
subordinate office in the
Department of Food & Public
Distribution, Ministry of
Consumer Affairs, Food &
Public Distribution, by
Composite method: Promotion/
Deputation (including short-
term contract). Details of the
post, eligibility conditions etc.
may be accessed from the
Department's website:
2. Applications of only such
officers/ candidates will be
considered as are routed
through proper channel and
are accompanied by:-
(i) * Bio-data - Certification part
to be filled up and
countersigned by the
Employer/Cadre Controlling
Authority. Each page of the
Bio-data and all supporting
documents to be attested by an
officer not below the rank of
Under Secretary.
(ii) Photocopies of APARs for
the last five (5) years duly
attested on each page by an
officer not below the rank of
Under Secretary.
(*) as per prescribed
proforma available on the
3. Applications of suitable and
eligible officers and who can be
spared immediately in the EN 23/34
event of selection may be sent
directly to the Under ¡ê◊Í ∑¥§Œ˝Ëÿ Áfl‡flÁfllÊ‹ÿ No.A-12023/01/2019-Estt.I
Secretary (SA), Department Government of India
Central University of Jammu
of Food & Public
⁄ÊÿÊ - ‚ÍøÊŸË (’ʪ‹Ê), Á¡‹Ê ‚Ê¥’Ê-181143 Ministry of Rural Development
Distribution, Ministry of
¡ê◊Í (¡ê◊Í ∞fl¥ ∑§‡◊Ë⁄)
Consumer Affairs, Food & Rahya - Suchani (Bagla), District Samba - 181143 Department of Rural Development
Public Distribution, (Room Jammu (J&K) Extension of last date for submission of applications for one post of
No. 291), Krishi Bhawan, Ph: 01923-249658, Website:
Deputy Director (Budget and Accounts) in the Department of
New Delhi - 110 001 within a WRITTEN TEST FOR NON-TEACHING POSTS ON 20.10.2020
period of 60 days from the It is hereby notified that written test for various non-teaching posts Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development on deputation
date of publication of this advertised vide Employment Notification No. 26 dated 03.01.2020 basis.
advertisement in the will be held on 20.10.2020 in Academic Block, Central University of Kind attention is invited to Department of Rural Development,
Employment News. Jammu. Candidates may download their admit cards from the Ministry of Rural Development's vacancy circular for filling up one
Unemployed and private University website w.e.f. 06.10.2020. For further details, please visit
post of Deputy Director (Budget and Accounts) on deputation
candidates are not eligible; University website
(Dr. Ravi Kumar) basis, published in Employment News (4th July - 10th July, 2020). In
therefore, they need not
Registrar this regard it is informed that last date for submission of applications
apply. for the aforesaid post has been extended up to 15.11.2020. For
(Mahender Singh)
Under Secretary to the details, please see Ministry of Rural Development's Website
No. CUJ/Admin/Empl.Not.26/2020/623
Government of India
Date: 30.09.2020
EN 23/32 Tel. No.: 23388544 EN 23/23 EN 23/27
10 Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020
No. Q-14012/1/2017-Admn.NLM
Government of India
Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi
The National Livestock Mission (NLM) Division of Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying invites
applications for the following post:
S. Name of the post, **No. of Method of recruitment Address for sending
No. classification and scale vacancies application
1. Fodder Agronomist in Level-10 01 Deputation (including Shri Narender Kumar,
of the pay matrix corresponding short term contract) Under Secretary (Admn.
to pre-revised Pay Band of NLM), Room No. 530,
2. Rs. 15,600-39,100/- + Grade 02 Deputation (including Department of Animal
Pay of Rs. 5400/- short term contract)/ Husbandry and Dairying,
absorption Krishi Bhawan, New
**The number of vacancies of the post mentioned above may increase or decrease.
2. For eligibility criteria, i.e. educational qualification, experience, bio-data proforma etc., the applicants
are advised to refer to the official website of this Department i.e. The applications for
the post, complete in all respects, should be forwarded through proper channel to the respective address
mentioned above within 60 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
3. The name of the post applied for should be super scribed in bold letter on the envelope containing the
(Narender Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
EN 23/25 EN 23/28 Tele: 011-23097051

No.A-12026/1/2020-Estt.VII/184 Commission except where there has been merger of more than one pre-revised scale
Government of India of pay into one grade with a common grade pay or pay scale, and where this benefit
shall extend only for the post(s) for which that grade pay or pay scale is the normal
Central Water Commission replacement grade without any upgradation.
Sewa Bhawan, Room No. 528(N) 5. The pay of the officers selected will be regularized in accordance with the DOPT, OM
R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110066 No.2/29/91-Estt.PC(ll) dated 05.01.1994 as amended from time to time.
Deted : 5th October, 2020 6. Other terms/conditions as stipulated in Orders/Rules issued by the Govt. of India
OFFICE MEMORANDUM from time to time will also be applicable.
Sub: Filling up the post of Storekeeper at HOC, CWC, Guwahati under the office 7. It is requested that application in duplicate in the prescribed Proforma along with:-
of B&BBO,CWC, Shillong on deputation/ absorption basis - regarding. (i) Attested copies of APARs for last five years.
It is proposed to fill up one post of Storekeeper in level-4 in the pay matrix (Rs. 25500- (ii) Vigilance Clearance Certificate.
81100) as per 7th CPC, (in PB-I of Rs. 5200-20200/- with grade pay of Rs. 2400/- as (iii) No Penalty Statement and Integrity Certificate in respect of interested and eligible
per 6th CPC) at HOC, CWC, Guwahati under the office of B&BBO,CWC, Shillong on officers, who can be spared immediately in the event of their selection, may be
deputation/absorption basis from amongst Central/State Government Officers fulfilling forwarded to this Commission within 45 days from the date of issue of this
following eligibility conditions :- circular/publication in Employment News, whichever is later.
Officers under the Central Government or State Government: 8. Applications received after the prescribed time limit or otherwise found incomplete
a) i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or will not be entertained.
ii) With eight years regular service in the post in the level-2 in the pay matrix (Rs. (RAJESH SHARMA)
19900-63200) as per 7th CPC (PB- 1 Rs. 5200-20200 along with grade pay Rs.1900 Under Secretary
as per 6th CPC) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and Tel : 29583287.
b) Possessing the educational qualifications and experience as under. PART-I
i) Graduation from a recognized University/ Institution. BIO-DATA
ii) Three years experience of holding stores and store accounts. 1. Name
2. Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organization or 2. Date of Birth
Department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not to exceed 3 years. 3. Date of retirement under Central
3. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding fifty- Government or State Government Rules
six years as on the closing date for receipt of applications. 4. Education Qualifications
4. For the purpose of appointment on deputation basis, the service rendered on a
5. Whether experience required for the post are satisfied
regular basis by an officer prior to 1st January, 2006 or the date from which the revised
pay structure based on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission 6. Present post held, date from which held and the
has been extended, shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding pay band and grade pay therein
grade pay or pay scale extended based on the recommendations of the said Pay 7. Whether willing to be considered for
(a) On deputation basis (b) On absorption basis
8. Indicate the choice of place of posting on
Cement Corporation of India Limited selection to the post
9. Experience holding Stores and Store Accounts
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Regd. Office: Core-V, Scope Complex, 7- Lodhi Road 10. Details of Service:
(1) Name of the posts held and employer
New Delhi- 110003
(2) From To:
CIN: U74899DL1965GOI004322
(3) Pay Band + Grade Pay
Advertisement No. AT/02/2020 (4) Nature of appointment i.e. whether ad-hoc or regular
Cement Corporation of India Ltd. CCI is a Central Govt. Public Sector Undertaking 11. Whether belongs to SC/ST
engaged in manufacturing and marketing of cement.
12. Address for communication and Telephone number
CCI is looking for dynamic and result oriented Artisan Trainees, for the following
13. Remarks if any
positions which are initially meant for Bokajan Unit (Assam), however, their posting
after successful training will carry all India service liability: Date : (Signature of Candidate)
Post Code Name of the Post Discipline No. of Posts Max. Age
1 Artisan Trainee Electrician 05 27 (TO BE FILLED BY LENDING AUTHORITY)
2 Artisan Trainee Welder 03 27 1. Certified that the particulars given by Shri/Kumar/Smt._______
Designation ___________ Part-l are correct. .
3 Artisan Trainee Fitter 04 27
2. Certified that no Vigilance/Disciplinary case is either pending or contemplated
4 Artisan Trainee Mining 02 27 against him/her.
5 Artisan Trainee Production 06 27 3. In case of selection he/she will be relieved of his/her duties immediately to take up
his/her new assignment.
The cut-off date for reckoning Age, Qualification, etc. will be 30.09.2020
4. His/her attested copies of APARs for last five years, No Penalty Statement
Link to apply shall be available from 05.10.2020 (1000 HRS) onwards to 25.10.2020 Certificate and Integrity Certificate are enclosed.
(1700 HRS)
Last date for submission of application- 25.10.2020 (1700 HRS)
(Name of the Authority)
For detailed advertisement, please visit Website: in Career section.
Please note that Addendum/Corrigendum, if any, issued in relation to above
Department/Ministry :_________
advertisement, will be published at
Official Seal________
EN 23/6 Manager (HR)
EN 23/33 Telephone No. _____
Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020 11

EN 23/42

EN 23/45

F.No. 6-20/2019-lNM [79255]

Jawaharlal Nehru University
Government of India
New Delhi-110 067
Advt.No. 10/RC(NT)/2020 Ministry of Agriculture &
Applications are invited from eligible bonafide Indian Citizens for Farmers Welfare
filling up of the following non-teaching posts on Deputation basis
for a period of one year in the Jawaharlal Nehru University Department of
(JNU), New Delhi as per details given below:-
S. No. Name and Pay Level of the post No. of Posts Agriculture
EN 23/29 1. Section Officer
Level-7, Rs. 44900-142400
04 Cooperation &
All India Institute of [Pre-revised Pay Band-2 (Rs. 9300-34800)
plus Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-]
Medical Sciences 2. Senior Assistant 02 Welfare
Level-6, Rs. 35400-112400
Rishikesh- 249203 [Pre-revised Pay Band-2 (Rs. 9300-34800) Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi
Advt. No. 2020/134-137 Date: 08.10.2020 plus Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-] NOTICE
3. Personal Assistant 08
Recruitment Notice Level-6, Rs. 35400-112400
It is informed to all the
AIIMS Rishikesh is invited online applications from eligible [Pre-revised Pay Band-2 (Rs. 9300-34800) concerned candidates that the
plus Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-]
candidates to fill post of Superintending Engineer (Advt. No. recruitment process for filling
4. Stenographer 01
2020/134), Financial Advisor (Advt. No. 2020/135), Executive Level-4, Rs. 25500-81100 up one post of Regional
[Pre-revised Pay Band-1 (Rs. 5200 -20200)
Engineer (Civil) (Advt. No. 2020/136) & Executive Engineer plus Grade Pay Rs. 2400/-] Director in National Centre of
(AC&R) (Advt. No. 2020/137) on DEPUTATION BASIS. For essential eligibility criteria and other general terms and Organic Farming, Ghaziabad
conditions, please visit JNU website
For detailed description of qualification & other eligibility criteria (a subordinate office under
The eligible and interested persons may apply in the format
please visit the Institute website: available on the University website and may Department of Agriculture,
forward the application duly completed along with requisite
Last date of submission of online application form is documents, so as to reach to the Office of the Assistant Cooperation and Farmers
30.11.2020. Registrar (Recruitment Cell), Room No. 131, Administrative Welfare), published vide
Block, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Mehrauli Road, New
RECRUITMENT CELL Delhi-110067 latest by 16.11.2020 (up to 5:30 PM). Application advertisement number EN 45/2
received after due date will not be entertained.
AIIMS, Rishikesh EN 23/41 in Employment News dated 8-
EN 23/15 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU UNIVERSITY 14 February, 2020 has been
Vacancy Circular
F.No. 01(10)/2019-ABCD cancelled due to unavoidable
Government of India MeitY, in the pay scale of Level-15 of the Pay Matrix (Rs. 1,82,200/- Rs.
administrative reasons. No
Ministry of Electronics and 2,24,100/-) through either of Direct Recruitment /Absorption/
Deputation/ Deputation (including short term contract) modes. Last further correspondence in this
Information Technology
date for receipt of application would be the day falling after 45 days
Electronics Niketen, 6-CGO Complex regard will be entertained by
from the date of publication of the advertisement in the
New Delhi-110003 the Department.
Employment News.
Subject:- Inviting application for filling up the post of Director
2. Further, details and application form can be obtained from (Anil Jain)
General, Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), an
websites of MeitY ( STPI( DoPT
Autonomous Society under MeitY. Under Secretary to the
( and National Career Service Portal
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY)
( Government of India
proposes to fill up the post of Director General, Software
Technology Parks of India (STPI), an Autonomous Society under davp 06101/11/0012/2021 EN 23/37 EN 23/30 Tel: 011-23389357
12 Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020

Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020 13
14 Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020

Continued on page 15
Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020 15
Continued from page 14

EN 23/47

Bharat Sarkar/Govt. of India issue of the said circular. The advertisement for the aforesaid posts was published
Grih Mantralaya/Ministry of Home Affairs in the Employment News dated 7 - 13 March, 2020. Subsequently, vide this office's

Office of the Registrar circular no. A-35013/4/2019-Ad-III/324 dated 19.05.2020, the last date for accepting
applications against the aforesaid posts was further extended for period of 60 days
General, India i.e. upto 19.07.2020.
2. In the present circumstances raised due to outbreak of COVID-19 in the country, it
Ad-Ill Section, Wing-A, First Floor, NDCC-II Building has been decided to extend the last date for accepting applications against the
Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110011
aforesaid posts for a further period of 45 days w.e.f. the date of issue of this
File No. A-35013/4/2019-Ad-III Date: 31.08.2020
Filling up various posts on deputation basis (including short term contact) in the
3. The Eligibility, Terms & Conditions, Pro-forma for application and Duties &
Office of the Registrar General, India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi as well
Responsibilities to the posts will remain intact as issued by this Office's earlier Circular
as Directorates of Census Operations located in the State capitals of India -
Extension of last date for applications. no. A-35013/4/2019-Ad-III/201 dated 25.02.2020 which may be seen at website
Refer to this office's circular no. A-35013/4/2019-Ad-III/201 dated 25.02.2020 vide or in the Employment News dated 7-13 March, 2020.
which applications were invited from the eligible and willing officers of Central (Santosh Kumar)
Govt./State Govt./Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Organizations for filling up Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
various Group 'A' & Group 'B' posts (fourteen different type of posts) on deputation 011-23438278
basis (including short term contract) in ORGI (Hqrs.) and DCOs within the 60 days of davp 19109/11/0005/2021 EN 23/36
16 Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020

÷Ê⁄Uà ¬˝ÁÃ÷ÍÁà ◊ÈŒ˝áÊ ÃÕÊ ◊ÈŒ˝Ê ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ ÁŸª◊ Á‹Á◊≈U«U

Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd.
÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U ∑§ ¬Íáʸ SflÊÁ◊àflÊäÊËŸ
Wholly Owned by Govt. of India
Advt.No. 04/2020-OP
Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL), a Schedule ‘A’ Mini- SC/ST candidates and 13 years for PWD OBC candidates (of central list) for posts
Ratna Category–I Central Public Sector Enterprise wholly owned by Government of where reservation for PWD is admissible.
India, started functioning as a Corporatized entity with effect from 13th January, 2006. z Relaxation of age would be permissible to persons with disabilities as per the extant
The objective and the business of the Company is designing, manufacturing security rules only to such persons who have minimum 40% disability.
papers, Printing Currency & Bank notes, Passports, non-judicial stamp papers, postage z Relaxation in upper age limit to Ex-servicemen will be as per extant Government
stamps and Minting of the Coins. rules.
SPMCIL is under the administrative control of Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry z Computation of age, minimum post-qualification experience and qualification
of Finance having its registered and Corporate Office at Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, shall be as on 18.11.2020
Janpath, New Delhi – 110001. z There shall be no age bar for the in-service SPMCIL employees who fulfil the
The Operational Units of the Company are strategically located across the Country essential qualification and experience provided they have at least three years of service
having its four Mints at Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Noida, four Currency / left as on the date of advertisement.
Security presses at Nashik, Dewas and Hyderabad, besides a high quality Paper z No relaxation in upper age limit is admissible to SC/ST/OBC candidates
manufacturing mill at Hoshangabad and Currency Paper manufacturing Unit at applying for UR vacancies.
With the above background, the Company is looking forward to recruit high caliber and Rs. 600/- (Non-Refundable) for candidates belonging to General, EWS and OBC
talented professionals having potential to work in the domain of Materials Categories (including Ex-Servicemen)
Management, Research & Development, Human Resource and Legal in the Intimation charges of Rs. 200/- (Non Refundable) for candidates belonging to
Organization and accordingly invites applications for the following posts: SC/ST/PWD Categories)
S. Name of the Post Level Pay Total Maximum The fees is inclusive of GST.
No. scale Numbers of Age (As on The applicants have to pay the application fees online as per the method explained in
(IDA) Post(s)* 18.11.2020) para-5B. Transaction charge if any levied by the Bank for the payment of above
application fees is to be borne by the applicants. Payment in any other manner will not
1. Assistant Manager E-1 7
be accepted and the applicant will also not be eligible. Applicants paying lesser fees will
(Materials) (5-UR, 1-OBC, 30 year
also not be eligible. Fees once paid will not be refunded.
4. SELECTION PROCEDURE: Selection process for the posts will comprise of an
2. Assistant Manager E-1 Rs. 40000- 4 30 year online test (75% weightage) and Interview (25% weightage). The candidates will be
(R & D) 140000 (3-UR, 1-OBC) shortlisted in the order of merit in the respective category in the ratio of 1:4.
3. Assistant Manager E-1 3 (3-UR) 30 year i. The objective type online examination will consist of following components
(HR) Sr. Name of the Test No. of Max. Version Time
4. Assistant Manager E-1 2 (1-UR, 1-SC) 30 year No. Qs. Marks
(Legal) 1 Professional Knowledge 60 90 Hindi & English Composite
Note: *Out of the above mentioned 16 vacancies, 1 post is earmarked for PWD 2 General Awareness 15 15 language except time of
Category under horizontal reservation. English language 120
I - ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (As on 18.11.2020):- 3 English Language 15 15 section Minutes
Assistant Manager (Materials) at E-1 level-
4 Logical Reasoning 15 15
Essential Qualification: 1st class degree in Engineering in the discipline of
5 Quantitative Aptitude 15 15
Mechanical/Electrical/Pulp & Paper Technology/Electronics/Printing Technology.
And Total 120 150
Two years Post Graduate degree/Post Graduate diploma/MBA in the area of Material ii. The exact date, session reporting time of the examination will be mentioned in the
Management/Stores Management/Purchase/Operations Management/Supply Chain call letter. The examination will be conducted online in venues given in the respective
Management/Logistics Management. call letters. The applicants are requested to keep checking the Company’s website
Assistant Manager (Research & Development) at E-1 level- for any change in the examination date/other information.
Essential Qualification: 1st class B.Tech/B.E. in the area of Mechanical/Electrical/ iii. The online examination will be conducted at various centers in Delhi/Noida/
Electronics/ Chemical/Metallurgy/Pulp & Paper Gurugram/Faridabad.
OR 1. No request for change of centre/venue/date/session for Examination shall be
1st class full time M.Sc. in Chemistry entertained.
Assistant Manager (HR) at E-1 level- 2. SPMCIL however, reserves the right to cancel any of the Examination Centres and/
Essential Qualification: 1st class full time Master’s Degree in PM & IR/MSW/MBA or add some other Centres, at its discretion, depending upon the response,
with HR elective from recognized University / Management Institute or 1st class two administrative feasibility, etc.
years full time Post Graduate Diploma in Management with HR Elective claiming to be 3. SPMCIL also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any centre other than the
equivalent to MBA from recognized University/ Management Institute. one he/she has opted for.
Desirable: 4. Candidate will appear for the examination at an Examination Centre at his/her own
z LL.B risks and expenses and SPMCIL will not be responsible for any injury or losses etc. of
z Industry knowledge. any nature.
Assistant Manager (Legal) at E-1 level- 5. HOW TO APPLY-
Essential Qualification: 1st class degree in Law (Regular course) from Govt. DETAILED GUIDELINES/PROCEDURES FOR:
recognized University/Institute. A. APPLICATION REGISTRATION
Desirable: Law degree from a National Law School/ Law Faculty of Delhi University B. PAYMENT OF FEES
z Before applying applicants should ensure that they fulfil all the Eligibility criteria as Candidates can apply online only from 19.10.2020 to 18.11.2020 and no other
mentioned in the advertisement for the posts. Company will take up verification of mode of application will be accepted.
eligibility with reference to the original documents only after they have qualified in the IMPORTANT POINTS TO BE NOTED BEFORE REGISTRATION
online examination result. If the candidates are not found eligible during the document Before applying online, candidates should-
verification process, they will not be allowed for the next stage of the selection process i. Scan their photograph and signature ensuring that both the photograph and signature
and their candidature will be rejected. Their admission to all the stages of recruitment adhere to the required specifications as given under Guideline for photograph &
process will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility criteria signature scan and upload.
mentioned in this advertisement. Applicants who do not fulfill age as on closing date of ii. Have a valid personal email ID and mobile no., which should be kept active till the
receipt of applications and the minimum educational qualification as on closing date of completion of this Recruitment Process. SPMCIL may send intimation to download call
receipt of applications are not eligible and need not apply for the post. letters for the Examination etc. through the registered e-mail ID. In case a candidate
1. IMPORTANT DATES- does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID
Opening of website link for applying 19.10.2020 and mobile no. before applying on-line and must maintain that email account and
online application mobile number.
iii. PAYMENT OF FEE ON LINE: 19.10.2020 to 18.11.2020 (Till 5:30 P.M.)
Closing date for applying online 18.11.2020 (till 5:30 P.M.) Rs. 600/- (Non-Refundable) for candidates belonging to General, EWS and OBC
Payment of fees in online mode 19.10.2020 to 18.11.2020 (till 5:30 P.M.) Categories (including Ex-Servicemen)
Online Examination The date will be informed on the Intimation charges - Rs. 200/- (Non Refundable) for candidates belonging to
website SC/ST/PWD Categories)
Bank Transaction charges for Online Payment of application fees/intimation charges
Link for download of admit cards Around 10 -15 days before the
will have to be borne by the candidate.
from the website examination
2. AGE LIMIT- 1. Candidates to go to the SPMCIL website click on the Career” link
z The upper age limit specified in the advertisement is for general candidates from the and click on option "APPLY ONLINE" against the advertisement Advt. 04/2020-OP,
open market. which will open a new screen.
z Upper age relaxation by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates (for
2. To register application, choose the tab "Click here for New Registration" and enter
reserved posts.
z Upper age relaxation by 10 years for PWD Unreserved candidates, 15 years for PWD Continued
Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020 17
Name, Contact details and Email-id. A Provisional Registration Number and Password with photograph / valid recent Identity Card issued by a recognized College/ University/
will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidate should note Aadhar card/ E-Aadhar Card with a photograph/ Employee ID/ Bar Council Identity
down the Provisional Registration Number and Password. An Email & SMS indicating Card with photograph should be submitted to the invigilator for verification. The
the Provisional Registration number and Password will also be sent. candidate’s identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the call letter, in the
3. In case the candidate is unable to complete the application form in one go, he / she Attendance List and requisite documents submitted. If identity of the candidate is in
can save the data already entered by choosing "SAVE AND NEXT" tab. Prior to doubt the candidate may not be allowed to appear for the Examination.
submission of the online application, candidates are advised to use the "SAVE AND Ration Card and Learner’s Driving License is not valid id proof for this project.
NEXT" facility to verify the details in the online application form and modify the same if NOTE: Candidates have to produce in original the photo identity proof and submit
required. Visually Impaired candidates should fill the application form carefully and photocopy of the photo identity proof along with Examination call letter as well as the
verify/ get the details verified to ensure that the same are correct prior to final Interview Call Letter while attending the examination/ interview respectively, without
submission. which they will not be allowed to take up the examination/ interview. Candidates must
4. Candidates are advised to carefully fill and verify the details filled in the online note that the name as appearing on the call letter (provided during the process of
application themselves as no change will be allowed after clicking the FINAL SUBMIT registration) should exactly match the name as appearing on the photo identity proof.
BUTTON. Female candidates who have changed first/last/middle name post marriage must take
5. The name of the candidate or his /her Father/ Husband etc. should be spelt correctly special note of this. If there is any mismatch between the name indicated in the Call
in the application as it appears in the Certificates/ Mark sheets/Identity proof. Any Letter and Photo Identity Proof the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the
change/alteration found may disqualify the candidature. examination. In case of candidates who have changed their name, will be allowed only
6. Validate your details and Save your application by clicking the 'Validate your details' if they produce original Gazette notification / their original marriage certificate / affidavit
and 'Save & Next' button. in original.
7. Candidates can proceed to upload Photo & Signature as per the specifications given 9. ACTION AGAINST CANDIDATES FOUND GUILTY OF MISCONDUCT/ USE OF
in the Guidelines for Scanning and Upload of Photograph and Signature detailed under UNFAIR MEANS-
z Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any
point "C".
8. Candidates can proceed to fill other details of the Application Form. particulars that are false, tampered with or fabricated and should not suppress any
9. Click on the Preview Tab to preview and verify the entire application form before material information while submitting online application.
z Bringing Mobile phone/Communication device/any other electronic device in the
examination Hall will be deemed GUILTY OF MISCONDUCT & suitable actions will be
10. Modify details, if required, and click on 'FINAL SUBMIT' ONLY after verifying and
taken including immediate expulsion of candidate from the examination hall.
ensuring that the photograph, signature uploaded and other details filled by you are
i. Applicants are advised in their own interest to apply online much before the closing
11. Click on 'Payment' Tab and proceed for payment.
date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/
12. Click on 'Submit' button.
failure to log on to the Company’s website on account of heavy load on internet website
jam. SPMCIL takes no responsibility for applicants not being able to submit their
application online within the last date on account of aforesaid reasons or any other
1. The application form is integrated with the payment gateway and the payment
reasons beyond the control of SPMCIL.
process can be completed by following the instructions.
ii. Any information submitted by an applicant in his/her application shall be binding on
2. The payment can be made by using Debit Cards, Credit Cards and Internet Banking.
the applicant personally and he/she shall be liable for prosecution/ civil consequences
3. After submitting your payment information in the online application form, PLEASE
in case the information/tails furnished by him/her are found to be false at a later stage.
iii. The SC/ST/PWD applicants claiming reservation in eligibility criteria should keep a
REFRESH BUTTON IN ORDER TO AVOID DOUBLE CHARGE. photocopy of the Caste/Tribe/Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authority,
4. On successful completion of the transaction, an e-Receipt will be generated. the Government of India format for claiming the benefits of reservation in Civil Posts
5. Non-generation of 'e-Receipt' indicates PAYMENT FAILURE. On failure of payment, and services for these categories under the Government of India at the time of
Candidates are advised to login again using their Provisional Registration Number and verification or at any date after being advised about the same.
Password and repeat the process of payment. iv. Persons with Disability must produce a copy of the certificate of their disability issued
6. Candidates are required to take a printout of the e-Receipt and online Application by authorities empowered to issue such certificate at the time of verification or on any
Form containing fee details. Please note that if the same cannot be generated, date after being advised about the same.
online transaction may not have been successful. v. The applicants belonging to OBC should submit a photocopy of the certificate issued
7. For Credit Card users: All charges are listed in Indian Rupee. If you use a non- by the Competent Authority in the format prescribed for claiming services under the
Indian credit card, your bank will convert to your local currency based on prevailing Government of India at the time of certificates verification or on any date after being
exchange rates. advised about the same. The certificate, inter alia, must specifically state that the
8. To ensure the security of your data, please close the browser window once your applicant does not belong to the socially advanced sections/Creamy Layer. The
transaction is completed. certificate should have been obtained from the Competent Authority. The OBC
9. There is facility to print application form containing fee details after payment of fees. applicants coming under ‘Creamy Layer’ will be treated as ‚ “General” category
10. No other mode of payment of fees will be accepted. applicant and hence they should select their category in online application as ‘General’.
C. GUIDELINES FOR SCANNING AND UPLOAD OF PHOTOGRAPH It may be noted that only the castes/subcastes figuring in the Central List (Govt. of
(4.5CM × 3.5CM) & SIGNATURE- Before applying online a candidate will be required India) will be considered accordingly OBC caste/Sub-caste figuring in the concerned
to have a scanned (digital) image of his/her photograph and signature as per the State list but not in Central List will not be considered under OBC category. At the time
specifications given in the portal. of Interview, candidates belonging to OBC Category will have to produce latest OBC
Candidate should also ensure that photo is uploaded at the place of photo and Certificate (Non Creamy Layer) not older than 6 months, in the format prescribed by
signature at the place of signature. If photo in place of photo and signature in place of Govt. of India issued by Competent Authority for appointment to the post under Govt.
signature is not uploaded properly, candidate will not be allowed to appear for the of India and for Central Govt. PSU.
exam. If the photo is not uploaded at the place of Photo Admission for Examination will vi. Applicants already in service of Govt./Quasi Govt. Organizations, Public Sector
be rejected/denied. Candidate him/herself will be responsible for the same. Candidate Banks/Undertakings and Autonomous Bodies will have to submit No Objection
must ensure that Photo to be uploaded is of required size and the face should be Certificate from their Employer at the time of Interview.
clearly visible. Candidates should ensure that the signature uploaded is clearly visible. vii. Persons who have been dismissed from the service of any organization need not
Applicants who have registered online will be allowed to download online call letters for viii. The decision of SPMCIL, in all matters relating to this recruitment will be final and
the Online examination on the basis of the information furnished in the online binding on the applicants. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be
application. No separate call letters will be sent by post. No detail scrutiny will be entertained by SPMCIL in this behalf.
carried out at the time of issuing call letters Online. The call letters can be downloaded ix. Selected candidates are liable to be posted to any of the Units/Corporate Office of
from the Company’s website Once the applicant clicks the relevant SPMCIL.
link he/she can access the window for call letter download. The applicant is required to x. In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of clauses in any version of
use (I) Registrations Number/ Roll Number, (II) Password/ Date of Birth for this advertisement other than English, the English version shall prevail. Any resultant
downloading the call letter. Applicants are required to affix recent recognizable disputes arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to sole jurisdiction of the
photograph on the call letter preferably the same as provided during registration. courts situated in Delhi.
Applicants have to appear at the examination centre with (i) Original call letter and (ii) xi. Canvassing in any form will be treated as a disqualification.
Original photo Identity Proof as specified and mentioned in call letter. Applicants are xii. No correspondence from applicants regarding their eligibility to apply for the above
also required to bring one photocopy of the original photo identity proof. Intimation for posts will be entertained.
downloading call letter will also be sent through email/SMS to the email id and mobile xiii. Please also refer to‚ “How to apply” and “Frequently asked question” section under
number as given by them in the online application form. However, applicants should the link “Click here for applying online” in case of any difficulty in applying online.
keep checking the website for latest updates. xiv. Any corrigendum/addendum to this advertisement will be displayed only on
7. CANDIDATES REPORTING LATE i.e. after the reporting time specified on the call the Company’s website Therefore applicants are advised to keep
letter for Examination will not be permitted to take the examination. The reporting time checking the Company’s website for any update.
mentioned on the call letter is prior to the Start time of the test. Though the duration of xv. The Company’s reserves the right to cancel the Advertisement fully or partly on any
grounds and such decision of the Company will be displayed only on the Company’s
the examination is 90 mins., candidates may be required to be at the venue for about
website It will not be intimated to the applicants individually.
3 hours including the time required for completion of various formalities such as
xvi. Instances for providing incorrect information and/or process violation by a
verification and collection of various requisite documents, logging in, giving of
candidate detected at any stage of the selection process will lead of disqualification of
the candidate from the selection process and he/she will not be allowed to appear in
any SPMCIL recruitment process in the future. If such instances go undetected during
In the examination hall as well as at the time of interview, the call letter along with
the current selection process but are detected subsequently, such disqualification will
original and a photocopy of the candidate’s currently valid photo identity (bearing
take place with retrospective affect.
exactly the same name as it appears on the call letter) such as PAN Card/ Passport/
xvii. Execution of Bond: The new recruits at E-1 level shall be liable to execute a bond
Permanent Driving Licence/ Voter’s Card/ Bank Passbook with photograph/ Photo
of Rupees Three Lakhs to serve the Company for a minimum period of three years.
identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer on official letterhead along with photograph
/ Photo identity proof issued by a People’s Representative on official letterhead along Continued on page 18
18 Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020

Office of the Seamen's Sainik School Rewa (MP)

(Functioning under Sainik Schools Society, New Delhi)
Provident Fund Commissioner RECRUITMENT OF PGT BIOLOGY
(Under Ministry of Shipping) (NOTE: THIS IS NOT A STATE OR CENTRAL GOVT JOB)
KRUPANIDHI, 3rd Floor, 9, Walchand Hirachand Marg 1. Sainik School Rewa is inviting applications for the post of PGT Biology (Number of
Ballard Estate, Mumbai-400001 Vacancy-01) for regular appointment.
Re-advertisement for the post of Administrative/ Qualifications and Conditions
Assistant Accounts Officer Heads PGT Biology
Applications are invited from eligible and interested persons for filling up posts of Gender All
Administrative/Assistant Accounts Officer (AAAO) in the Seamen's Provident Essential M.Sc. Ed. in the subject concerned from Regional Institute of
Fund Organisation, 3rd Floor, 9, Walchand Hirachand Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai Academic Education, NCERT; OR
Qualification (a) Master's degree in Botany or Zoology with Zoology or Botany/
in the Pay matrix level-7 of Rs. 44,900-1,42,400 as per 7th CPC (pre-revised scale of
Master's Degree in Zoology with Botany at Graduate level / M.Sc. in
Rs. 9,300-34,800 + GP Rs. 4,600) Group 'B' non-Gazetted- non-Ministerial on transfer Life Science with Zoology and Botany at Graduate Level; And
on Deputation basis-reg. (b) B.Ed. or equivalent from any recognised institute.
¾ Last date for receipt of application in the office will be 60 days from the date Desirable Candidates having proficiency in teaching in English, Teaching
of publishing the vacancy in the Employment News. Academic experience in residential English medium school, Proficiency in
¾ For details login to website either or Qualification games, sports and co-curricular activities will be given due weightage.
Candidates with knowledge of IT will be preferred.
under vacancy.
EN 23/26 Reservation The post is reserved for OBC, Non Creamy Layer Category.
Age 21 to 40 yrs
Continued from page 17 Pay and Other Benefits
11. GUIDELINES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES USING A SCRIBE Permanency Permanent absorption after successful completion of probation
The visually impaired candidates and candidates whose writing speed is adversely period of 01 year (Extendable to 02 years).
affected permanently for any reason can use their own scribe at their cost during the Pay Scale Pay Level 8 of VII CPC
online examination, subject to limits as in (i) and (ii) below. In all such cases where a Retirement Age 60 years (subject to fulfillment of Terms & Conditions)
scribe is used, the following rules will apply: Pension Through NPS
z The candidate will have to arrange his/her own scribe at his/her own cost. Other Free Accommodation / HRA, LTC, Gratuity and Subsidized Education
z The scribe arranged by the candidate should not be a candidate for the same facilities for 02 children.
examination. If violation of the above is detected at any stage of the process, 3. Structure of Selection Process :-
candidature of both the candidate and the scribe will be cancelled. Candidates eligible Examination PGT Biology
for and who wish to use the services of a scribe in the examination should invariably 1st Phase Written Examination
carefully indicate the same in the online application form. Any subsequent request may
2nd Phase Class Demonstration
not be favourably entertained.
3rd Phase Interview
z A person acting as a scribe for one candidate cannot be a scribe for another
After each phase names of shortlisted candidates selected for the next phase will
be published in the School Website. Structure of Selection Process can be altered
z The scribe may be from any academic stream. However for Specialist Officers’ posts
by School Authority/ Selection Panel without intimation to the candidates.
the scribe should be from an academic stream different from that prescribed for the
4. How to Apply - Desirous candidates should apply to the Principal, Sainik School,
Rewa (MP) 486001 in prescribed format available in school website
z Both the candidate as well as scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking alongwith attested copies of certificates and
confirming that the scribe fulfils all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a scribe mentioned testimonials. Candidates of OBC, Non Creamy Layer Category, are required to submit
above. Further in case it later transpires that he/she did not fulfill any laid down their caste certificate issued by competent authority (Format available in school
eligibility criteria or suppressed material facts the candidature of the applicant will stand website). Please superscribe the envelope with the name of post applied for.
cancelled, irrespective of the result of the online examination. Applications received late / without deposition of application fee / not in prescribed
z Those candidates who use a scribe shall be eligible for compensatory time of 20
format will be rejected without any intimation.
5. Application Fee - Application fee (non-refundable) of Rs 500/- to be deposited in
minutes for every hour of the examination or as otherwise advised.
the School's Bank Account (i.e. Bank - Punjab National Bank, Branch - Sainik
z Only candidates registered for compensatory time will be allowed such concessions
School Rewa, IFSC Code - PUNB0629300, Account Number -
since compensatory time given to candidates shall be system based, it shall not be 0491012100000017). Proof of deposition of Application Fee required to be attached
possible for the test conducting agency to allow such time if he / she is not registered with application.
for the same. Candidates not registered for compensatory time shall not be allowed 6. Last date for submission of application is 21 Days from the date of publication
such concessions. of the advertisement in the Employment News. The school will not be responsible
(i) Guidelines for Candidates with loco motor disability and cerebral palsy- for any postal delay and no claim will be entertained. Applications received after last
date will not be entertained.
A compensatory time of twenty minutes per hour or otherwise advised shall be
7. Date of Examination: Date of 1st Phase Examination will be published in School
permitted for the candidates with loco motor disability and cerebral palsy where website at least 15 days prior to the examination. Selection process will be conducted
dominant (writing) extremity is affected to the extent of slowing the performance of as per the latest guidelines of Govt. of India or Govt. of MP on COVID-19. TA/DA to
function (minimum of 40% impairment). shortlisted candidates is not admissible.
(ii) Guidelines for Visually Impaired candidates- 8. The school administration reserves the right to increase / decrease / cancel the
Visually Impaired candidates (who suffer from not less than 40% of disability) may opt vacancy due to administrative / policy reasons. No formal intimation will be given to
to view the contents of the test in magnified font and all such candidates will be eligible applicants.
EN 23/10 Principal Sainik School Rewa
for compensatory time of 20 minutes for every hour or otherwise advised of
delayed process of test delivery shall be summarily rejected from the process.
These guidelines are subject to change in terms of GOI guidelines/ clarifications, if any,
7. Decision of SPMCIL in all matters relating to recruitment will be final and binding on
from time to time.
the candidate. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by the
SPMCIL in this behalf.
1. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
8. If the examination is held in more than one session, the scores across various
2. Candidates may apply for only one post from among the different posts advertised
sessions will be equated to adjust for slight differences in difficulty level of different test
as the online exam for all the posts may be conducted on the same day.
batteries used across sessions. More than one session are required if the nodes
3. Mere conformity to the job requirement will not entitle a candidate to be called for
capacity is less or some technical disruption takes place at any center or for any
interview. Management reserves the right to reject any application without assigning
any reason and to raise the eligibility standard advertisement criteria to restrict/regulate
9. SPMCIL would be analyzing the responses (answers) of individual candidates with
the number of candidates to be called for interview. The recruitment process can be
those of other candidates to detect patterns of similarity of right and wrong answers. If
cancelled / suspended / terminated without assigning any reason. The decision of the
in the analytical procedure adopted by SPMCIL in this regard, it is inferred/ concluded
management will be final and no appeal will be entertained.
that the responses have been shared and scores obtained are not genuine/ valid,
4. The vacancies advertised are tentative and may increase/decrease as per
SPMCIL reserves right to cancel the candidature of the concerned candidates and the
organizational requirement.
result of such candidates (disqualified) will be withheld.
5. For appearing in the online test, reimbursement of travel fare shall not be admissible.
10. Instances for providing incorrect information and/or process violation by a
Those candidates who are shortlisted in online test and appear for the Interview after
candidate detected at any stage of the selection process will lead of disqualification of
due verification of their documents, will be entitled for reimbursement of train fare (to
the candidate from the selection process and he/she will not be allowed to appear in
and fro) from nearest station to the place of Interview by 3-tier AC Class.
any SPMCIL recruitment process in the future. If such instances go undetected during
6. The possibility of occurrence of some problem in the administration of the
the current selection process but are detected subsequently, such disqualification will
examination cannot be ruled out completely which may impact test delivery and/or
take place with retrospective affect.
result from being generated. In that event, every effort will be made to rectify such
11. Allowances such as HRA, medical reimbursement, performance related pay,
problem, which may include movement of candidates, delay in test. Conduct of a re- Gratuity, Leave encashment, etc. are admissible as per the rules of the Corporation.
exam is at the absolute discretion of test conducting body. Candidates will not have any Addl. General Manager (HR)
claim for a re-test. Candidates not willing to move or not willing to participate in the EN 23/46
Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020 19

Jawaharlal Nehru University

NEW DELHI - 110067
Advt. No. 11/RC (NT)/2020
Online applications are invited in the prescribed Application Form
from eligible candidates for appointment to the post of Controller of
Examinations. The post of Controller of Examinations carries Scale
of Pay Level-14 (Rs.144200-218200) with rationalized Entry Pay of
Rs. 1,44,200 as per 7th CPC Pay Matrix.
Essential Qualification & Experience:
(a) Master's degree with at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent
grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed.
(b) At least 15 years of experience as Assistant Professor in the
Academic Level-11 and above or with 8 years of service in the
Academic Level-12 and above including as Associate Professor
along with experience in educational administration, OR
(c) Comparable experience in research establishment and/ or other
institutions of higher education, OR
(d) 15 years of administrative experience, of which 8 years shall be
as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post.
Note: 5% relaxation in percentage of marks at Master's level from
55% to 50% will be extended to SC/ST/PwD categories and to
the existing incumbents who are already in the University
system as provided under UGC guidelines issued from time to
Desirable: Adequate experience in the pre-conduct and post-
conduct of university examinations or other comparable
examinations. Working knowledge of examination software and
results automation. The preference will be given to those having
working experience of Govt. University administration/central
educational institution administration.
Note: The appointment shall be made for a tenure of 5 years which
can be renewed for similar term by the Executive Council of the
University. For candidates applying on deputation basis from Govt.
or any other organization/institution, the terms and conditions of
his/her service shall be governed by the Deputation Rules of the
Government of India. However, the age of retirement would be 62
years and the post does not carry the facility for re-employment.
Job Description: Subject to the provisions of the Act, Statutes and
Ordinances, the Controller of Examinations shall perform the duties
in regard to the arrangements for the conduct of examinations and
such duties and functions as may be assigned to him from time to
time by the Executive Council/Vice-Chancellor.
Age Limit: Not more than 58 years.
The eligible and interested persons may apply online through the
University website Applications through any
other mode, except online, will not be accepted. The applicants
shall upload photograph, signature, copies of essential
qualifications, experience, date of birth, caste/PwD certificate, NOC
from the present employer etc. within one month of the
publication of this advertisement in the Employment News.
Any addendum/corrigendum shall be posted only on the
University website.
EN 23/43 JNU

F. No. 1-34/2019-Admn
Government of India

National Disaster Management Authority

NDMA Bhawan, A-1, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110 029
Tel. No. 26701796, 26701834 (Fax)
NDMA invites applications from persons having requisite qualification and experience from Indian national for following positions:-
SI. Name of Position Post in No. of Educational Qualification Post Qualification Experience
No. Nature Vacancy
1. Consultant Contractual 1 Master Degree or equivalent in Law from a recognized University. 1. Candidates should have 5-10 years and above post
Grade-II (Legal) Applicants having experience as Practicing Advocate in Court qualification experience in the relevant fields.
of Law preferably Supreme Court/High Court is desirable. 2. For details visit at
2. Consultant Contractual 1 Essential :- Master's Degree in Social Science/Museology/ 1. Candidates should have 5-10 years and above post
Grade-II (Museums Architecture/Conservation/Civil Engineering/Design/Disaster qualification experience in the relevant fields.
and Cultural Heritage Management/History/Heritage Management Archaeology/ 2. The candidate should have post qualification
Sites & Precincts) Urban Planning. experience in the field of Heritage like conservation,
Desirable :- Persons with M.Phil, Ph.D, additional qualifications, management of historical monuments and museums
Research experience, published papers and post qualification preparation of guidelines on above issues.
experience in the relevant field would be preferred. 3. For details visit at
2. Age:- Maximum 50 years (upto 62 years for retired employees from Central/ State Government)
3. Remuneration Band :- Rs.1,25,000/- -1,75,000/- pm.
4. The detailed terms and conditions and eligibility criteria (educational qualification, age, experience etc) for engagement of above positions are indicated in the Term of
Reference (ToR) of the above positions and may be seen on NDMA website at NDMA reserve the right to offer lower position of Consultant if no candidate
found fit for desired position of Consultant.
5. Essential /desirable educational qualifications and experiences will be verified with original certificates.
6. Interested individuals may send their bio-data in the prescribed proforma available on the NDMA website alongwith certificates establishing their educational qualification,
experience to Shri Abhishek Biswas, Under Secretary (Admn.), National Disaster Management Authority, NDMA Bhawan, A-1, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110029,
Phone No. 011-26701796 within 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in the Employment News.
(Abhishek Biswas)
EN 23/51 Under Secretary (Adm)
20 Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020

Government of India Annexure-I

Ministry of Environment, Forests &

Climate Change
Regional Office (NERO), Shillong
(Filling up of vacant post on Deputation Basis)
Applications are invited from eligible candidates to fill up the
following posts in the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate
Change at the Regional Office (North Eastern Zone), Shillong from
amongst the officials of Central Government or State Government (s)
or Union Territories or Public Sector Undertakings or Recognized
Research Institutions or Universities or Statutory or Autonomous
Organizations on deputation as per following Pay Scales.
Applications are invited within 60 days of publication of this
advertisement in Employment News.
1. Personal Assistant 1 post (Level -6 Rs. 35400-112400)
2. Junior Hindi 1 post (PB 2 Rs. 9300-34800 with
Translator Grade Pay 4200/-)
3. Upper Division Clerk 2 post (Level-4 Rs. 25500-81100)
For details of posts, qualifications required terms and conditions,
period of deputation, age limit, how to apply and last date, etc.
please visit advertisement in Home Page of MoEF&CC's website ( -advertisements).
Head of Office
EN 23/9 Regional Office, Shillong

EN 23/21

National Institute of Plant

Health Management
EN 23/16 Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GOI
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 030, Telangana, INDIA
Telephone : 9140-24015374, Tele-Fax : 9140-24015346
e-mail :,
National Institute of Plant Health Management invites applications for the following posts. The gist of pay
and the number of posts are given below:
SI. Name of the Post Direct / Age limit No. of Reservation Scale of Pay/
No. Deputation Posts for Direct Pay in Pay
Recruitment Matrix
as per roster (7th CPC)
1 Registrar Deputation i. Shall not exceed 01 NA Level- 12
56 years (Rs. 78,800-
2 Assistant Direct i. Upto 45 years 01 SC Level- 10
Director (Rs. 56,100-
(PM & RA) 1,77,500)
3 Scientific Officer Direct / i. Upto 35 years 01 OBC Level - 07
(Residue & New Deputation* ii. Relaxable in the (Rs. 44,900 -
Molecule Analysis) case of 1,42,400)
4 Upper Division Direct i. Upto 35 years 01 UR Level-4
Clerk (Rs. 25,500-
*Rule of reservation does not apply for candidates applying on deputation basis.
Age limit will be reckoned with reference to the closing date for receipt of the applications.
The upper age limit is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC candidates in respect of vacancies which are reserved
for them. SC/ST/OBC candidates have to produce a caste certificate in GOI prescribed proforma issued
by the Competent Authority for claiming age relaxation. Copy of caste certificate should be sent along
with the application.
The applications in prescribed proforma should be sent in sealed cover superscribed as "Application
for the post of ................." so as to reach the Registrar, National Institute of Plant Health
Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030, Telangana, in hard copy.
The last date for receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in
Employment News.
The details of educational qualifications, experience, age and other eligibility criteria, syllabus, duties of
the posts etc. along with application proforma may be accessed from web
EN 23/17 EN 23/8 REGISTRAR i/c
Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020 21
Government of India

Ministry of Skill
Development &
Directorate General of Training
Advertisement No. DGT-A-35017/02/2020-Estt.I(Adm.II)
Subject: Filling-up vacant post of Director of Training under Women Training
Cadre in Pay Matrix Level-13, on deputation basis at Directorate General of
Training, New Delhi- regarding.
The Directorate General of Training is looking for the service of suitable Officers for
appointment to the post of Director of Training, Women Training on deputation
(including short term contract) for its Head Quarters at New Delhi. The details of post,
eligibility criteria, job requirement, age limit, qualification and experience required for
the post are indicated in Annexure-I below. The pay and other terms and conditions of
deputation will be regulated in accordance with DOPTs OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt (Pay-1)
dated 17.06.2010 as amended from time to time. Cadre Authorities/Head of
Departments are requested to forward application of the eligible and willing candidates
whose services can be spared on deputation (including short term contract) basis
immediately, so as to reach the Deputy Secretary (Admn.), Directorate General of
Training, Room No. 109A, First Floor, Employment Exchange Building, Pusa
Complex, New Delhi-110012, within 60 days from the date of publication of this
advertisement in the Employment News. The Application Form/Curriculum Vitae
Proforma are at Annexure-II and for other necessary details, the candidates are
advised to visit and download from the DGT website
1. Application in prescribed format — Annexure-II duly completed signed by the
candidate and countersigned with seal by the Cadre/Appointing authority.
2. Attested copies of ACRs for the last 5 (five) years duly attested, on each page with
seal by an Officer with the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of India or
3. Integrity Certificate.
4. Vigilance Clearance.
5. No major or minor penalty certificate for the last 10 years of his service.
6. A certificate to the effect that the particulars furnished by the candidate have been
verified and found correct as per service records.
7. Cadre Clearance Certificate.
(Sonu Bhatia)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
One Post of Director of Training (Women Training) in Pay Matrix Level-13.
Method of Recruitment : Deputation (including short term contract)
EN 23/38
Eligibility criteria : Deputation (including short term contract) :-
Officers under the Central Government or State Governments or Union Territory 8. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or
Administration or PSUs or Recognized research institution or University or statutory or Permanent.
autonomous organization: 9. In case the present employment is held on deputation/contract basis, please state
(A) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or a) The date of Initial appointment
(ii) With five years regular service in the post Level-12 in the pay matrix or equivalent b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract
in the parent cadre or department; and c) Name of the parent office/organization to which you belong.
(B) Possessing the educational qualification and experience as under :- 10. Additional details about present employment please state whether working under
(i) A degree in Engineering or Technology in Electronics and Communication or (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column)
Information Technology or Computer Science or Fashion Designing from a recognized a) Central Government b) State Government
University or Institute; c) Autonomous Organizations d) Government Undertakings
(ii) Ten years experience relating to planning or organizing or implementation of training e) Universities f) Others
in Technical or Vocational Training Institute or Organization after acquiring qualification 11. Please state whether you are working in the same Department and are in the
mentioned at (B) (i) above including at least two years administrative experience. feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade.
Desirable : 12. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which the revision took
(i) Master of Business Administration from a recognized University or Institute. place and also indicate the pre-revised scale.
Note-1 : The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre 13. Total emoluments per month now drawn.
post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organi- 14. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your
zation or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed five years. suitability for the post. (This among other things may provide information with regard to
Note-2 : The maximum age-limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding (i) Additional academic qualifications (ii) Professional training and
fifty six years as on the last date of receipt of applications. (iii) Work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy Circular/
Annexure-II Advertisement).
CURRICULUM VITAE PROFORMA 15. Please state whether you are applying for deputation (ISTC)/Absorption/Re-
1. Name and Address (in Block letters) : .................................................................... employment Basis. (Officers under Central/ State Governments are only eligible for
2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) : .............................................................................. “Absorption”. Candidates of Non-Government Organizations are eligible only for Short-
3. Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules : ................................. Term Contract).
4. Educational Qualifications : .................................................................................... 16. Whether belongs to SC/ST.
5. Whether Educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied. 17. Remarks (The candidates may indicate information with regard to):
(If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in i) Research publications and reports and special projects;
the Rules, state the authority for the same) ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation;
Qualifications/Experience Qualifications/Experience iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies; and
required possessed by the officer iv) Any other information.
Essential : (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient)
1. Additional Information
2. 18. Whether the present post held is on substantive basis or on officiating basis or on
deputation/short term contract.
19. Pay Matrix Level of the present post held.
Desirable : 1.
20. If Pay Matrix Level in S. No. 19 above is not that of the substantive post held (i.e
2. that on deputation/short term contract/ACP Scheme upgradation/MACP upgradation).
6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet
Then the substantive pay (Pay Matrix Level).
the requirements of the post.
I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware
7. Details of Employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly
authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient. that the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by me will also be
assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post.
Office/ Post held From Scale of Pay Nature of Duties
Date : .....................
Institution To and Basic Pay (in detail)
Signature of the Candidate
Address : .............................
(Employer with Seal) EN 23/48
22 Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020
F. No. 1(183)/2018-CCA (Vol. I)
Cabinet Secretariat
Government of India
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention
Office of Controller of Certifying Authorities 1st Floor, Chanakya Bhavan, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-21

Electronics Niketan, 6, CGO Complex Subject : Filling up of one post each of Joint Director and Technical Officer in
Lodi Road, New Delhi -110 003 the NACWC, Cabinet Secretariat on deputation basis- advertisement in the
Subject:- Filling up of one post of Assistant Controller (Technology) in Level- Employments News and two leading English Newspapers regarding.
13A in the pay matrix Rs. 1,31,100-2,16,600/- (Pre-revised: PB-4 Rs. 37,400-
67,000 with Grade Pay of Rs. 8900/-) in the Office of Controller of Certifying The vacancy circular for One post each of Joint Director and Technical Officer was
Authorities on deputation or transfer (Absorption) basis. published in the Employment News dated 11-17 July, 2020 for receiving of
1. It is proposed to fill up one post of Assistant Controller (Technology) is likely to applications for the ibid post through proper channel.
be vacant on 01.02.2021 in the Office of the Controller of Certifying Authorities, by
2. For aforesaid post, now, it has been decided to further extend the last date of
deputation or transfer (absorption) basis from the eligible and interested candidates.
The deputation period will be initially for two years and based on performance the submission of applications upto 7th November, 2020. Details in this regard may be
incumbent could be considered for absorption subsequently. The detail of the post, seen on the website of NACWC i.e. (S.R. Meena)
eligibility criteria, proforma etc., is available on website of the Office of CCA
Under Secretary & Head of Office
2. Applications of eligible and interested persons of the Ministry/ Department may be Phone- 011-24675528, Fax-011-24675767
forwarded in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-ll) through proper channel to Gp Email :
Capt Pradeep Mehta, Director (Fin & Admn), Office of Controller of Certifying
davp 58101/11/0020/2021 EN 23/56
Authorities, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Electronics
Niketan, 6, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003 within 45 days from the
date of publication of this advertisement. The appointment on "Deputation basis", ÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U/Government of India
the deputation would be governed by the terms and conditions contained in
Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay.ll) dated 17th ÁflûÊ ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ/Ministry of Finance
June 2010.
3. The criteria for the above posts are as under: - ⁄UÊ¡Sfl Áfl÷ʪ
(i) Post : Assistant Controller (Technology)
(ii) Number of Post : 01 (One) Department of Revenue
(iii) Age limit : The maximum age limit for appointment on
Deputation shall not be exceeding 56 years as Invites applications for one post of Joint Commissioner, Office of the
on the closing date of receipt of applications. Competent Authority & Administrator [Smugglers and Foreign Exchange
(iv) Scale of Pay : Level- 13A (Rs. 1,31,100-2,16,600/-) Manipulators (Forfeiture of Property) Act, 1976 and Narcotic Drugs and
(v) Educational qualification : Refer to website (www.cca.
(vi) Classification : Equivalent to Group 'A' posts in Central Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985], Chennai in the pay level -12, Rs. 15600-
Government. 39100 with grade pay Rs. 7600/- (pre-revised) on deputation basis from officers
(vii) Method of Recruitment : By deputation or transfer (Absorption). If selection of Central Government.
on deputation, the deputation period will be initially
for two years and based on performance, the The last date of receipt of application for the post in the Department is 60 days
incumbent could be considered for absorption from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News.
subsequently. For details, please login to website
(Gp Capt Pradeep Mehta)
EN 23/31 Director (Fin & Admn) davp 15301/11/0005/2021 EN 23/57

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Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020 23

CHOOSING THE RIGHT INTERNSHIPS weeks (unless told to follow-up at a internships and not otherwise.
different period) should be good without Prospective interns could at all times,
Continued from page 2
the intern running the risk of irritating reach out to internship facilitating
internship application in accordance with help interns in making a good impression.
internship offerors. platforms and apply for internships via this
the specific requirements of the internship Create and save your internship
Anticipate and voluntarily respond website.
as requested by the internship offeror. application in a commonly accessible
to questions that the internship Additionally it also helps if prospective
While the process of tailor-making a format- it is best to draft and save all
provider may ask after reviewing an internship applicants monitor the success
curriculum vitae as per the needs of a application documents in commonly used
internship application- In case a
specific required position may seem like a pdf or docx format as opposed to any stories which are advertised on social
prospective intern has secured a low
time-consuming and tedious process, a other form. It would be good for students media platforms. This is so because if
grade in a particular semester or has
prospective intern's chances of success to check if their documents look fine on a three students have already been
failed to undertake any internship during a
at an internship place increases many mobile phone and that the formatting of selected to intern at an organization, then
particular semester, it would be helpful for
times more when she takes out the time documents do not run all over the place a prospective internship applicant would
such prospective interns to voluntarily
to match her qualifications with the when viewed on a phone. Interns should do good to avoid applying to that
provide information on why the grades
requirements of the internship offeror. save their internship application were low or why there was a gap in an organization in the same month during
Eye-catching subject line- those documents by, "their name followed by internship chain? Reasons for such fall- which the previously selected interns are
interns who include an eye-catching the name of their document and the date out should be explained in a positive due to start their internship. However, it is
subject line when sending their curriculum on which the document was created". manner. For example, participation and
perfectly fine for prospective interns to
vitae and internship applications for Such attention to detail definitely helps an winning in some competition could be the
example subject lines such as, 'Topper of intern to make a good impression. Others choose to apply to organisation A at a
reason why a student's grade fell or why
ABC College Seeks An Internship consciously choose simple email different start date.
the student had to miss out on doing an
Opportunity" or similar such subject lines addresses which internship provider can internship in a particular semester. (Authors work with Internship Bank
are more likely to get a positive response easily remember and type. Students should keep in mind that being e-mails:
to their internship application than others. Follow up on application- when a proactive is always appreciated than
Needless to say an internship provider prospective intern follows up on the status being reactive. Therefore, it is important Views expressed are personal
would be receiving multiple applications of an internship application, it shows an that students take a step back and Image Courtesy : Google
so it always helps if the intern could make intern's eagerness to join the understand what questions internship
her application stand out. Some interns organization. Also, given that most of the provider may ask them after reviewing
nowadays send a short video of time internship providers are busy their internship application and
themselves letting the internship provider individuals there is a strong chance of accordingly volunteer such information in
know why their application should be their missing out on internship their cover letter. However, such reasons
selected over others, while others attach applications if not for timely follow-ups should only be provided where a student
their writing sample (even when not from diligent students. Following up on has a strong justification to explain the
specifically requested for). Such steps internship applications, once in 2 to 3 sudden dip in grades or gaps in

CIVIL SERVICES MAINS EXAM ... facts to be presented, then, 2. Economic Survey better to rely on current parts of
Continued from page 1 follow point wise presentation. 3. Vijay Joshi: The long road to the topics, as no books covering
But even in point wise development the exact syllabus are available.
reflect a candidate's mature Emphasis should be put on such (The author is a Mentor and
presentation, introduction will be 4. Geography: all NCERT
under-standing of the issue. Just areas. Never forget that you can Academician, email: sb_singh
required. books on Geography
relying on commercialized never do a complete
Don't underline your answers 5. Goh Cheh Leong: certificate
preparation. Therefore, go for Views expressed are personal
market materials can not lend Geography Image Courtesy : Google
unnecessarily. It's not really
full maturity as they are just covering a substantial portion of Ethics
needed. Let the examiner find
the syllabus intelligently. DISCLAIMER
compiled materials and most of out what you have written. I. Peter Singer: Ethics
The views expressed by the
them furnish similar information. Answer writing: Since there II. Peter Singer: Ethics in real
Unless really required, don't authors in the articles published
will be 20 questions in each GS make charts and diagrams. An world in the Employment News are their
Instead, one must read from
III. ARC II report no. 4 on ethics own. They do not necessarily
paper, covering them all will essay format of writing will
standard sources. For example, reflect the views of the
challenge your time manage- in governance government or the organisations
the current international order is always be better. Without charts
Social issues they work for. The contents of the
ment. There will be 10 questions and diagrams, answers look advertisements published in the
in a chaotic flux. To understand I. Vinita Pandey: Indian Society
to be answered in 150 words clean and uncluttered. Employment News belong to the
it, one may read a recent book and Culture organisation or their
and rest 10 in 250 words. Thus, Suggested Book list for
by Shashi Tharoor titled: "A new (The lists are indicative only) representatives. The Employment
you have to write 4000 words in mains exam: News is in no way responsible for
For areas like disaster
world disorder". On such original History: any liability arising out of the
three hours. It works out to 8-9 management, internal security, contents/text of these
topics, available market 1. Bipan Chandra: India's
minutes per question. Unless science and technology, it's advertisements.
materials are poor substitutes for struggle for independence
you perfect your writing speed in
original readings. 2. Bipan Chandra: India since
advance, you are most likely to Employment News
Thus, a true understanding of independence
leave some questions Deepika Kachhal
the nature of the mains exam will 3. R.C. Pradhan: Raj to Swaraj
unanswered. I suggest at least General Manager
lead to better performance. Just 4. A.R. Desai: social back-
10 full tests in each GS paper Hasan Zia, Senior Editor
following the syllabus ground of Indian nationalism
should be practiced before the Ambrish B. Kishore, Editor
Art and culture:
mechanically, in a routinised way exam. It means you should start Shikha Baraily, Editor
1. A.L. Basham: The wonder
is bound to result in poor it early and not just before the Ikra Khan, Editor (Advt.)
that was India
performance. exam. You need to get your P.K. Mandal, Sr. Artist
2. Gazetteer of India: Art and
How to cover the mains answers evaluated by a truly
Culture, volume II Employment News
syllabus: Since the syllabus is knowledgeable person to get Polity 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, C.G.O Complex Lodhi Road
only indicative, one needs to correct feedback or some wrong 1. P.M. Bakshi: Indian Constitu- New Delhi-110003
enlarge it's scope by breaking it feedback can harm your tion e-mail: director.employmentnews
into various components. The prospects. Answers should be 2. Granville Austin: Constitution Advertisement :
best way to do this is to look at introduced well and while of India
Editorial : 24369443
last several years' questions and introducing, mention the central 3. M.P. Singh: Indian
Advertisement : 24369429/30
locate the areas from where theme of the question. If the Federalism
questions are framed. It must be Tele Fax : 24369430
question needs more analysis Economy
noted that from some areas, Circulation : 24365610
than facts, follow a paragraph 1. Misra and Puri: Indian
questions are asked regularly. wise writing. If it requires many Economy Accounts (Advt.) : 24369419
DELHI POSTAL REGD. NO. DL-SW-05/4101/18-20U(C)-108/18-20 Licensed to Post without prepayment RNI 28728/1976 Delhi RMS, Delhi-110006 16/17.10.2020 Date of Publishing : 9.10.2020 (` 12.00)

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24 Employment News 17 - 23 October 2020

News Digest
NATIONAL potato, and oil, have been removed from the Essential Commodities Act. Now
farmers can store their produce, sell to whoever they wish.
„ India has most favorable investment climate, Prime Minister
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has lauded the „ Centre disburses Rs. 20,000 crore to states collected as com-
trinity reforms in the field of labour, education and pensation cess.
agriculture and asserted that India undertook The Centre disbursed nearly Rs.
structural reforms amidst the global pandemic to 20,000 crore among the states from
usher in revolutionary changes. Addressing the the amount collected as compensa-
Invest India Conference in Canada through video tion cess this year. Finance Minister
conferencing on 8th October, 2020 the Prime Min- Nirmala Sitharaman made the
ister said the reforms introduced have resulted in substantial improvement in the announcement to this effect after the
country's ranking in terms of ease of doing business. Highlighting the key markers 42nd GST Council meet on 05th
of the huge surge in FDI in the country during 2019, he said the country has October,2020. Briefing the media in
decriminalized many provisions in the Companies Act. Mr. Modi said the country New Delhi, Finance Minister
emerged as a Pharmacy center of the world during the pandemic and extended informed that the Centre will also dis-
assistance to over 150 countries around the world by ensuring supplies of life burse Rs. 25,000 crore towards Integrated GST for 2017-18 to those states that
saving drugs. The PM said, new India offers opportunity for everyone. Underlining received less amount due to the anomalies. The GST Council also recommended
the change in mindset and perception of every one regarding the country, he said, the extension of Levy of Compensation Cess beyond the transition period of five
India has all the necessary vitals which make it a lucrative investment destination. years which is beyond June, 2022, for such period as may be required to meet the
Mr. Modi said, the vibrant democracy, stability of government, transparency in busi- revenue gap. Revenue Secretary Ajay Bhushan Pandey, informed that starting
ness and availability of large market in the country ensures predictable return for from 1st January next year, taxpayers with less than Rs. five crore annual turnover
all the Investors. will not be required to file monthly GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B returns. He said they will
„ Textile Sector to help build AtmaNirbhar Bharat: PM now have to file it on a quarterly basis. The GST Council meeting was attended by
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said the textiles sector is a key sector that will Finance Ministers of all States and Union Territories.
help build an Atmanirbhar Bharat or self-reliant India. Addressing an International „ RBI keeps key interest rates unchanged.
Webinar on Textile Traditions organized by Indian Council for Cultural Relations, The Reserve Bank of India in its Monetary Policy announced on 9th October, 2020
Shri Modi Government is particularly focussing on: Skills upgradation, Financial has maintained a status quo keeping the key interest rates unchanged. The
assistance, Integrating the sector with latest technology. We are assisting our reverse repo rate remains unchanged at 3.35 per cent, the repo rate at four per
weavers to help them continue to make world class products. He said, a vibrant cent. The Monetary Policy Committee has also decided to maintain its accom-
textile sector will add strength to efforts of women empowerment. modative stance as long as necessary at least through the current financial year
„ Air Force celebrates 88th Anniversary with Air show at Hindon and next year as Indian economy is entering into decisive phase in its fight against
base. coronavirus. RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das proposed that the RTGS system for
real time fund transfer to become 24X7 from December 2020. He said, the RBI
The Indian Air Force, IAF, celebrated its 88th
stands ready to undertake further measures as necessary to assure market partic-
anniversary on 8th October, 2020. The IAF was
ipants of access to liquidity and easy finance conditions. The new housing loans
founded on October 8, 1932. A scintillating air
risk weights to be linked to Loan-to-value ratio and also rationalize risk weights for
display by various aircraft was the hallmark of
all new housing loans until March 31, 2022. Also the banks will extend scheme for
the Air Force Day Parade cum Investiture Cere-
co-lending to all NBFC, HFC. As for GDP, the growth may break out of contraction
mony at Air Force Station Hindon, Ghaziabad.
and enter positive zone by fourth quarter of current fiscal, he said.
The air display commenced with flag bearing sky
divers of the famous AKASH GANGA Team dropping out of an AN-32 aircraft in INTERNATIONAL
their colourful canopies. The flypast included vintage aircraft, modern transport air- „ QUAD calls for free, open, inclusive Indo-Pacific.
craft and frontline fighter aircraft. The ceremony concluded with a spell binding aer-
External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar asserted
obatic display. The President, Vice President and Prime Minister have greeted all
that as vibrant and pluralistic democracies with
Air Force personnel on this occasion.
shared values, the four QUAD member nations
„ Centre issues guidelines for reopening of schools. have collectively affirmed the importance of main-
Education Ministry has issued the Standard Oper- taining a free, open and inclusive Indo-Pacific.
ating Procedures (SOPs) for reopening of schools In his opening remarks at the 2nd QUAD Minister-
in the country. The Guidelines for gradual opening ial Meeting in Tokyo, Japan Dr. S. Jaishankar said
of schools after 15th of October are broadly divided that the member countries remain committed to upholding the rules-based interna-
into two parts, which include health and safety tional order, transparency, freedom of navigation in the international seas, respect
aspects in accordance with Health Ministry guide- for territorial integrity and sovereignty and peaceful resolution of disputes in the
lines to follow all necessary safety precautions of ensuring physical distancing and region. He said, the objective of the QUAD member countries which include India,
wearing masks. The second part of the guideline deals with Academic aspects and United States, Japan and Australia, remains advancing the security and the eco-
on methods of delivery of education amidst the pandemic. The guidelines empha- nomic interests of all countries having legitimate and vital interests. Quad countries
size on the smooth transition of students from home-based schooling during lock- including Australia and Japan have already assured huge investments in India's
down to formal schooling by the school authorities. The State and Union Territories infrastructure, technology and supply chain. With the United States also hailing
have been asked to develop their own SOPs based on the Education Ministry's India as a big power in the Indo-Pacific region, the QUAD appears to have a pivotal
guidelines for reopening of schools and for training different stakeholders. role in reshaping the power dynamics of the world in the coming years.
„ Minimum Support Price to continue, Agri-reforms to raise SPORTS
farmer's income. „ Yashaswini , Visnu win gold in Online Shooting Championship.
Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting Indian shooters Yashaswini Singh
Prakash Javadekar has said that all the three Agricul- Deswal and Visnu won gold at the fifth
tural reform bills passed by the Central government will edition of the International Online Shoot-
benefit the farmers. He said, the country is moving ing Championship. In the 10m air pistol
towards One Nation, One Market. This is a visionary event Indian Olympic quota winner, 23-
step towards transformation of agriculture and raising year-old world no. 4 Yashaswini, shot a
farmers' income, he told the media at the Goa Secretariat in Panaji. He said for all score of 241.7 to win the title by a clear
the industrial produce, the selling price is fixed by the producer, but only in the case margin of 3.1 points. Yashaswini, who
of agricultural produce, the selling price is fixed by the agents. However now after had won a gold at last year's ISSF World
passage of this act , the producer that is the farmer will have the priority to decide Cup in Rio de Janerio, shot the best qualification score of 577. Visnu Shivaraj
the selling price. Mr. Javadekar added Farmers now have the freedom to sell at the Pandian won the 10m air rifle event. The 16-year-old Visnu shot 251.4 to win the
highest price available or offered. The Minimum Support Price will not go. On the title by a clear margin of two points.
contrary the government has paid much higher MSP to farmers, he said. Onion, (Images: Courtesy Google)
Printed & Published by Monideepa Mukerjee, Director General, on behalf of Publications Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India, New Delhi and Printed at Amar Ujala Ltd., C-21 & 22, Sector-59,
Noida-201301. Published from Employment News (Ministry of I. & B.) 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, C.G.O Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, Senior Editor - Hasan Zia

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