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Q blood pathology 1

1- Aplastic aneamia , all true except:

a. May result from excessive irradiation
b. May result from bone marrow depression with some drug use
c. Usually normocytic normochromic
d. Usually microcytic hypochromic

2- A 48 year old man who works as an accountant complains of weakness, fatigue &
bleeding from the gums when he brushes his teeth. A complete blood count shows
severe pancytopenia; WBC 1000/mm3 (normal 4800-10.800); Hemoglobin 8g/dl
,platelets 30.000mm3 (normal:150.000 to 500.000/mm3) diagnosis:
a. aplastic anemia
b. hemophilia
c. thalassemia
d. vit B12 diffeiciency

3- female patient suffers from stomatitis, microcytic aneamia, brittle lusterless nails
with spooning of nails
a. pernicious anemia
b. plummer vinson syndrome
c. myelophthisic anemia
d. aplastic anemia

4- blood film show leptocytes with Target cells RBCs in case of:
a. thalassemia
b. sickle cell anemia
c. autoimmune hemolysis
d. spherocytosis
5- 66 years old male undergone gastrectomy started To suffer from pallor and easy
fatigability together with Some neurologic manifestations. CBC revealed
macrocytic anemia , diagnosis:
a. Iron deficiency anemia
b. Thalassemia
c. Pernicious anemia
d. Aplastic anemia

6- patient with jaundice, gall atones and splenomegaly mostly has which of the
following types of anemia?
a. iron deficiency anemia
b. Magaloblastic anemia
c. Hemolytic anemia
d. Myelophthitic anemia

7- Subacute combined degenerations occurs with which of the following conditions

a. Vit B12 deficiency anemia
b. Iron deficiency anemia
c. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
d. Hemorrhagic anemia

8- Leuco – erythroblastic anaemia (myelophthisic anaemia) :

a- Is anaplastic anemia
b- bone marrow is replaced by another tissue as Metastatic tumours
c- may follow Excessive X-ray treatment
d- may follow chloramphenicol, Cytotoxic drugs

9- Ankylostomiasis leads to:

a) Hypochromic microcytic anaemia.

b) Megaloblastic anaemia.
c) Haemolytic anaemia.
d) Aplastic anaemia.
10- Hereditary spherocytosis is characterized by all except:
• a) Autosomal dominant trait.
• b) Defect in red blood cell membrane.
• c) Diminished life span of red blood cells.
• d) Megaloblastic anaemia.

11- Which of the following haemoglobin will be diagnostic in case of sickle cell anaemia?
- a)HBF.
- b)HBC.
- c)HB A2.
- d)HB S.

12- Sickle cell anaemia characterized by all except:

- a)Sickling of RBCs.
- b)Fragile RBCs.
- c)Decreased amount of haemoglobin.
- d)Haemolytic anaemia.

13- The following type of anaemia is common in the Mediterranean area:

- a)Megaloblastic anaemia.
- b)Sickle cell anaemia.
- c)Hereditary spherocytosis.
- d)Thalassemia.
- e)Aplastic anaemia.

14- Thalassemia is not characterized by:

- a)Insoluble haemoglobin.
- b)Small hypochromic RBCs.
- c)Fragile RBCs.
- d)Foetal type haemoglobin.

15- In megaloblastic anaemia, RBCs do not show:

- a)Microcytic appearance.
- b)Normochromic appearance.
- c)Anisocytosis.
- d)Poikilocytosis.
16- Erythroblastosis foetalis is characterized by:
- a)Presence of auto antibodies in infants.
- b)Presence of antibodies from Rh-negative mother in Rh-positive
- c)Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
- d)Presence of abnormal haemoglobin.

17- Favism is due to:

- a)Presence of autoantibodies.
- b)Unknown cause.
- c)Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
- d)Presence of abnormal haemoglobin.

18- A person presented by jaundice, gall stones, and splenomegaly mostly has
which of the following types of anemia?
- a)iron deficiency anemia
- b)megaloblastic anemia
- c)hemolytic anemia
- d)myelophthitic anemia

19- Subacute combined degeneration occurs with which of the following conditions ?
- a)vit B 12 def. anemia
- b)folate deficiency
- c)iron def. anemia
- d)autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- e)hemorrhagic anemia

20- A 30 y female was admitted to hospital d.t severe dysphagia. Laryngoscopy revealed an
infiltrating lesion. She has glossitis and koilonychias.What is ur diagnosis:
- a)megaloblastic anemia
- b)thalassaemia
- c)plumer vinson synd.
- d)autoimmune hemolytic anemia

1. D
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. D
11. D
12. C
13. D
14. B
15. A
16. B
17. C
18. C
19. A
20. C

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