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The Core World

Special Rules and Notes:

It can be reached by several existing vortex gates (One is six miles off the coast of Little Italy, one in Spike’s main
volcano, one submerged under Camelot, one a mile beneath the drow metropolis of Erelhei-Cinlu and a few others
may exist)

The whole place radiates magic- Detect magic and other similar spells are nearly useless here.
Travel magic does NOT work- No blink, teleport, dimension door or any other derivatives thereof. Outside the
Core World, it only works to the boundary. Summon Monster spells gate in an indigenous monster of the applicable
Hit Dice
Extradimensional Spaces DO NOT WORK- Anything stored in one is inaccessible
Scrying from the Outer World DOES NOT WORK.
Elemental magic is affected as if by the Empower Magic metamagic feat with no cost.
Resurrection/Raise Dead is very difficult- The nature of the Core World means that it is very reluctant to
relinquish its grip on a newly dead soul. Casters must pass a DC 30 caster level check to successfully bring someone
back from the dead. However, if removed from the Core World to the Outer World, these spells may be cast

Atlanteans- They rely on living coral and bioengineered sea life for everyday functions
A telepathic and open society of thinkers and artisans, they use hydrokinesis frequently.
Food and drink are free commodities. They eat mostly seafood and kelp, but they do also maintain crops on islands,
as well as wild chickens and monkeys.
Some surface sailing ships, submarines and flying vessels are in use.
Most weapons and armor are made of coral and stones of various types.
They make use of a variety of engineered symbiotic creatures derived from sea creatures, as well as a variety of
The Atlantean breath mask is a tiny squid like creature that attaches painlessly to the nape of the neck and
emits a gel through its pseudopods. This gel fills the sinus cavities of the user/partner that allows the user to breathe
water comfortably and safely. In an emergency, the mask’s 15 tentacles can be used as a food source as long as at
least one is remaining at the end of the day. It is extremely tasty, although most Atlanteans wouldn’t think of eating
one except as an absolute last resort. The tentacles taste of caramel marinated calamari.
The Gripper is a species of starfish that is used to climb and cling to surfaces. When used, it confers the
affect of Bull’s strength on the user as long as it is held.
The Babel fish is a naturally psionic fish that can translate any spoken words it perceives. It is inserted into
the ear canal, where it draws sustenance from the host in a non-intrusive and non-harmful symbiosis.
The Atlanteans are allied with a number of aquatic races, notably the Orcans, tall (12-16 ft) folk derived from killer
whale stock. They use a natural form of sonar as a weapon (1d4 sonic per hit die) and as a natural lie detector. They
are very boisterous people, but make superb warriors and diplomats alike.
Poseidonopolis is their capital and prime evidence of their existence. It is a 1 mile tall stone and coral lighthouse and
docking facility that sits in the midst of the ocean. 2/3 of the city is suspended in a watery dome; the other 1/3 is for
air breathers and is extremely comfortable and hospitable. The streets are tiled in coral and everything has a soft
organic feel to it.
All True Atlanteans have DR 5 versus blunt damage, due to their adaptation to deep pressure.
The Atlanteans worship the Trinity
The White God- He represents order, healing and light.
The Orphayus- He represents magic, neutrality and balance
The Accuser- She represents darkness, desire and the will.

These are VERY warlike and aggressive people.
Magical tattoos and hides for protection.
Jade and ivory armor and weapons are given to elites; Peons use glass and obsidian.
Stone and jade golems protect temples and shamans
Most of their religion stems from the worship of spirits. The Trinity is considered a quaint and antiquated belief and
its practitioners are looked upon as backward, or at worst, slightly insane.
Sorcery is seen as BLASPHEMY, while Druids and Rangers are seen as agents of the divine and are highly
They grow and consume corn (maize), fruits, vegetables, beef, chicken and pork. They also have cacao and rubber
trees, as well as sugar. Most people have a small cube of chicle somewhere on their person.
Some of the Nazca are cannibals; they commonly use captured tribes to breed food.
Yuan ti are revered as agents of the Snake spirits. Lycanthropes represent the various animal totems.
Human sacrifice is VERY popular: For one year, an Unblemished Youth is selected to rule to keep the crops
growing. At the end of that year’s span, he is sacrificed. During that time period, his tiniest whims are catered to,
except to the extent where they contradict the God-King.
Weapons and armor that bear enchantment are commonly formed from jade, although any well made substance can
hold enchantment.
Common weapons include the short spear, longsword and club (it typically inflicts blunt and slashing due to the
presence of slashing blades)
Armor is commonly made from leather, hides, studded leather, rope, and bamboo.
Most warriors develop a defense bonus equal to ½ their level that does not stack with armor.
Extremely wealthy or elite persons have jade-mail; a set of extremely beautiful armor made of links, rings or chips
of pure jade.

Papui’Ch’Ulo is the capital of the Nazca/. It sits on a ley-line nexus (the same that runs under Camelot) and serves
to fuel the power of the God-King, who rules Nazca and the Aztlan Empire. The God-King wields power similar to
that of a Pharaoh, but he has no real divinity save his claim. Most of the nobility know a magic wielding class to
simulate their “divinity”. Ironically, some previous God-Kings have been sorcerers. The present God-King,
Netzahualcoyotl, is a wizard/cleric gestalt of considerable power.

Mejico sits on a minor nexus and is the province of the Yuan Ti and the Lycanthrope peoples

Items of Note

Talking Stones- Around most graves of those of import, a headstone bearing the likeness of the deceased and a ring
of smaller stones are erected. These allow the deceased spirit to be communed with as if by a speak with dead spell
cast by a 20th level cleric.

Mending Spiders- These are symbiotic creatures that eat damaged material and mend tiny rips in most items, as if
by the mending cantrip. These can live for decades if properly fed and cared for.

Compass Balls- Each compass ball is about the size of a standard globe. It projects one’s position in the Core world
on the inside of the globe, although it can project itself into a 10ft illusionary sphere for clarity

Ceramic Sloop- A pinnacle achievement in sailing, the sloop is cast from one piece of baked pottery enchanted with
the glasteel spell. It is further enchanted for speed and self operation. The sloop cannot fly under its normal
construction, but it can achieve full speeds of up to 100ft (60mph) for up to six hours before exhausting its solar
reserves. It can cruise at 18mph indefinitely. The sails operate by unseen servants and the lines act as ropes of
entanglement when commanded to tie up. It can accommodate a crew of 8 and hold approximately 3 ½ tons of cargo
(each 3 ½ extra tons reduces all speeds by one-third and crew by 2)
Creation Requirements: Profession: Potter or Shipwright 10
Prerequisite Spells: feather fall, gust of wind, daylight, unseen servant, animate rope, animate objects,
Market Value: 120,000 jade (larger and smaller models could be produced, modify cost accordingly

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