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Urban Ranger

Class Information
Hit Die: d8

Action Points: 6 + one-half character level, rounded down, every time the character attains a
new level in this class.
Class Skills
Survival (Wis), Balance (Dex), Swim (Str), Jump (Str), Tumble (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int),
Handle Animal (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (Behavioural Sciences, Physical
Sciences, Streetwise, Tactics) (Int), Navigate (Int), Treat Injury (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier.

Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special Abilities Defense Reputation
1st +0 +2 +1 +1 Urban Survival, Wild Empathy +1 +1
2nd +1 +3 +2 +2 1st Sworn Enemy, Urban Tracking +2 +1
3rd +2 +3 +2 +2 Endurance, Resilience +1 +2 +1
4th +3 +4 +2 +2 2nd Sworn Enemy, Animal Companion +3 +2
5th +3 +4 +3 +3 Fast Climb +4 +2
6th +4 +5 +3 +3 3rd Sworn Enemy, Resilience +2 +4 +2
7th +5 +5 +4 +4 Deadly Threat +5 +3
8th +6 +6 +4 +4 4th Sworn Enemy +6 +3
9th +6 +6 +4 +4 Resilience +3 +6 +3
10th +7 +7 +5 +5 5th Sworn Enemy, Urban Stride +7 +4
Class Features
Urban Survival
At 1st level, the Ranger gains a +4 competence bonus on Survival checks in urban areas, which
includes the ability to follow tracks, hunt feral animals, find (or lose) individuals in urban maze,
find safe places to crash, and avoid hazards peculiar to a city environment.
Urban Tracking
At 2nd level, a Ranger can track down the location of missing persons or wanted individuals.
Benefit: To find the trail of an individual or to follow it for 1 hour requires a Gather Information
check. You must make another Gather Information check every hour of the search, as well as
each time the trail becomes difficult to follow, such as when it moves to a different area of town.
The DC of the check, and the number of checks required to track down your quarry, depends on
the community population and the conditions:
The DC to find someone depends on the population: DC of 1 for every 100 people in a
population centre.  The number of checks required is equal to 1d4 plus half of the DC of the

Condition DC Modifier
Every three creatures in the group being sought -1
Every 24 hours the quarry has been missing or sought +1
Condition DC Modifier
Tracked quarry “lies low” +5

If you fail a Gather Information check, you can retry after 1 hour of questioning. The GM rolls
the number of checks required secretly, so the player doesn’t know exactly how long the task
Wild Empathy
An urban ranger can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a
Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person. The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger
level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic
animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.
To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be able to study each other, which means
that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally,
influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take
more or less time.

The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or
2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.

Combat Style
At 3rd level, the Ranger chooses a combat style.  That combat style grants him the use of certain
feats, as listed below.  At 6th and 9th level, he gains the benefit of another feat, as appropriate to
the combat style.  Once chosen, he cannot change this combat style.  He may use these feats as if
he qualified for them, but only while wearing light, medium or no armour.

Hunter Style: Far Shot (3rd), Dead Aim (6th), and Precise Shot (9th)

Cowboy Style: Double Tap (3rd), Skip Shot (6th), and Shot on the Run (9th)

Quick-Strike Style: Quick Draw (3rd), Quick Reload (6th), and Point Blank Shot (9th)

Maniac Style: Advanced Firearms Proficiency (3rd), Burst Fire (6th), and Strafe (9th)

At 3rd level, a ranger gets Endurance as a bonus feat.
At every 3rd level, the ranger becomes more resilient against natural poisons, diseases and
illnesses.  The ranger gains a +1 bonus on Fortitude saving throws to resist ability damage,
poisons, diseases, and illnesses of a non-magical nature, such as that delivered by an animal. 
This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level, and +3 at 9th level.
Animal Companion
At 4th level, the ranger may spend an action point to transform an encountered animal into an
animal companion. This requires a full-round action. The animal must already be friendly in
attitude toward the Ranger. This animal accompanies the Ranger on her adventures as is
appropriate to its species. The Ranger may have a single animal companion at a time.
Choose an animal from the following list: Ape, bear, big cat, boar, crocodile, deinonychus, dog
(medium), donkey, eagle, elephant, herd animal (such as cow, camel, or bison), horse, lizard,
monkey, octopus, porpoise, snake (constrictor, viper), squid, tiger, or wolf. The creature may be
an animal of Shadow. The animal cannot have more Hit Dice than the Ranger has character

The animal chosen remains an animal, but may gain additional abilities according to the level of
the Ranger (see Animal Companions, below). The player running a Ranger should consider the
fact that certain animals may create problems in urban areas.

The Ranger may release the animal back to the wild, regaining the action point initially spent in
the process. The Ranger does not regain the action point if the creatures dies. In either case, the
Ranger must wait at least 24 hours before attempting to gain another animal companion.
Animal CompanionsAs the Ranger grows in power and ability, so too does the power of her
animal companion.

Class Level Bonus HD Natural Armour Str/Dex Adj. Special

2-3 +0 0 +0 Link, share spells
4–5 +2 2 +1 Evasion
6 +4 4 +2 Devotion
7 +6 6 +3 Multiattack
8 +8 8 +4
9 +10 10 +5 Improved Evasion
10 +12 12 +6

Class Level: The level of the Ranger.

Bonus HD: These are extra eight-sided (d8) Hit Dice, each of which gains a Constitution
modifier, as normal. Remember that extra Hit Dice improve the animal companion’s base attack
and base save bonuses. An animal companion’s base attack bonus is equal to a Ranger whose
level equals the animal’s HD. An animal companion has good Fortitude and Reflex saves (treat it
as a character whose level equals the animal’s HD). The animal companion doesn’t gain any
extra skill points or feats for bonus HD.

Natural Armour: The number listed here is an improvement to the animal companion’s natural
armor rating.

Str/Dex Adj.: Add this figure to the animal companion’s Strength and Dexterity scores.

Link (Ex): The Ranger gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Animal Empathy and Handle Animal
checks made regarding the animal companion.

Evasion (Ex): If the animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex
saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.
Devotion (Ex): The animal companion’s devotion to its master is so complete, it gains a +4
morale bonus on all Will saves against Enchantment spells and effects.

Multiattack (Ex): The animal companion gains the Multiattack feat, if it has 3 or more natural
attacks. If it does not have the requisite 3 or more natural attacks, the animal companion instead
gains a second attack with its primary natural attack, albeit at a –5 to the base attack bonus.

Improved Evasion (Ex): If the animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows
a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw
and only half damage if the saving throw fails.
Fast Climb
At 5th level, the Urban Ranger becomes an expert at climbing. A successful Climb check allows
him to move his full speed rather than at half speed when climbing.
Sworn Enemy
A ranger gains bonuses against certain enemies that have harmed him significantly in some way,
enemies he has become efficient at hunting and deadly accurate fighting.
Every time he gets a sworn enemy, a ranger chooses one of the following groups of creatures. 
He gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls, and any bluff, intimidate, survival, listen, spot and sense
motive skill checks used against creatures of that type.  At every 2nd level thereafter, the bonus
against one of these monster types (which can include the one just taken) increases by +2.  The
creature types he may choose from are:

Aberration Fey Ooze

Animal Giant Outsider
Construct Humanoid Plant
Dragon Magical Beast Undead
Elemental Monstrous Humanoid Vermin

He may also choose a certain organisation or specific settlement or town, for example a crime
syndicate, mercenary company, a settlement, a police force etc.  It could even be based on sex or
race.  The favoured enemy bonuses apply to all members of the chosen organization, and only
members of the organization, regardless of their creature type or subtype.
Deadly Threat
At 7th level, when a ranger attacks a sworn enemy and threatens a critical, it is automatically
confirmed as a critical hit.
Urban Stride
At 10th level, a ranger can move through any difficult terrain within an urban setting (ie: over
rubble strewn across the street, through a tangle of thorny brush, over a pit filled with bones) at
his full speed without penalty.

Wasteland (or Wilderness) Ranger variantFor a ranger more suited to wandering an apocalyptic
wasteland, or the wild of the modern ‘healthy’ world, make the following changes:

Prerequisites: Change Knowledge (streetwise) 6 ranks to Knowledge (earth and life sciences) 6
Skills: Change Knowledge (streetwise) to Knowledge (earth and life sciences) as class skills.

Wasteland (or Wilderness) Survival

The bonus on Survival checks applies outside the limits of any city.

He doesn’t gain Urban Tracking.  Instead, he gains a +2 bonus on use of the Track feat.

Sworn Enemy
If he chooses an organization, it will usually be a ‘looser’ one ie: “raiders” or “city folk”. This
applies more to an apocalypse campaign than a modern one.

Wasteland (or Wild) Stride

He can move through any difficult terrain that lies outside of the city limits, such as a forest,
mountain, or rubble-strewn highway, without penalty.

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