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PAASCU Accredited Level II

287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

Grade Level Prayer Values to be Teachers


Grade 10 Silent Prayer Environmental Care Mr. Meynard Aguilar




To Care for God’s The learners The learners X.III-12.3 Justify that:
Creation (Common demonstrate demonstrate ways of B. We are all called
Home) understanding of:- initiating campaigns to by God to take care
care and concern for inculcate the and show concern
God’s Creation importance of taking for our common
(common home) is care and showing home for the next
essential to a life of concern for God’s generation by not
virtue that requires creation (common dominating it,
religious respect for home). exploiting it, and
the integrity of abusing it.


3rd Quarter Topic: To Care for God’s Date: Mar 14, 2022

Objectives: Outline:
At the end of the topic, students will be able 1. How God created the world(based on
to: Genesis 1-2)
a. explain the importance of taking care 2. Major Environmental Issues in the
of our common home;
b. advocate environmental care as
stewards of God’s creation; and a. Plastic Pollution
c. execute appropriate actions in b. Climate Change
demonstrating concern for God’s 3. 10 Commandments for the
creation. Environment by Bishop Giampaolo

Materials: References:
● City of Westminster. (2021, September
● Laptop 30). Plastic waste and pollution
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

● Cellphone [everything you need to know in 2020].

● Internet Commercial Waste.
● Free Online Survey Website
● Google Slides plastic-waste-complete-guide/
● Youtube ● Climate Links. (2022, March 3).
● Google Forms Philippines. Global Climate Change.
● GMA Network. (2020, August 6). 24
ORAS: DENR-EMB: Dapat ihiwalay ang
mga gamit nang disposable face mask
Sa ibang basura [Video]. YouTube.
● GMA Network. (2021, November 5).
Banta Ng climate change, kailangang
bigyan Ng atensyon para Sa susunod
Na henerasyon | 24 ORAS [Video].
● Parker, L. (2021, May 3). The world’s
plastic pollution crisis explained.
● United Nations. (n.d.). Our planet is
drowning in plastic pollution. This
world environment day, it’s time for a


Teacher’s Activity Feedback

Preliminaries I. Prayer
II. Attendance/Mood Check
III. Reminders
IV. Review
V. Topic and Objectives

Motivational Strategy: Value Position Link:

Activity https://freeonlinesurv
“Ang Poll ng Bayan”

Instruction: Students will analyze the given

statements carefully within 1 minute. Then, they will
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

decide whether to agree, ambivalent, and/or

disagree to the statements provided. The activity
will be done through __________ website, the link
link will be sent through the chat box.

1. Genetically engineered (GE) foods have had
their DNA changed using genes from other
plants or animals. Scientists take the gene
for a desired trait in one plant or animal, and
they insert that gene into a cell of another
plant or animal. One of its purposes is to
enhance its nutritional value. Government
must approve more products that are
genetically engineered to fight malnutrition.

2. The West Philippine Sea is resource-rich not

just oil and gas but also sea animals and
habitats such as coral reefs.The Philippines
should continue oil and gas exploration in
the West Philippine Sea so that the
Philippines can produce oil and gas.

3. Mining industries should not continue

mining after its environmental
mismanagement even if the Philippines is
the top supplier of nickel ore to China and a
major producer of copper and gold.

Processing Questions:

1. In one word, how will you describe the

2. What statement is the most challenging to
decide? Why?
3. Why is it important to be aware of these
kinds of issues?

Activity Strategy: News Analysis

Instruction: Students will watch and analyze the

news from “GMA News: 24 Oras”. They can take
down notes while watching the video. Students will
be given one-minute to reflect on the news.

Screenshot of the News:

PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila


Analysis Processing Questions:

1. What is the news all about?

2. What did you feel after watching the news?
3. Why is it important to properly dispose
surgical/disposable masks?
4. Why is it important that we must be aware
of these kinds of issues about the
5. If you were interviewed and asked to send a
message to everyone
6. How can you promote to your fellow
students and younger generations that
taking care of the environment is important?

Abstraction Attendance: “If you were given a chance to create

something, what would it be?”

Let’s watch the story of the Creation.

1. What does the video tell us?

2. What did God want us to do in all of his

The video is the synopsis of Genesis Chapter 1-2.

PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

In general, this tells us how God created the

heaven, earth, sun, sky, water, ocean, land, and all of
the living and nonliving organisms in this world. In
addition, He appointed humans to be stewards of
his creation or to rule all of his creation.

Verses from the Bible to support:

Genesis 2:15 - Humans are commanded to care for
God’s creation.
Matthew 6:25-34 - God loves and cares for all of

Major Environmental Issues in the Philippines:

● Observe the following pictures:

1. What have you observed
2. What does it tell us?
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

3. How can this problem affect the

A. Plastic Pollution
a. Plastic waste or plastic pollution is one
of the most pressing environmental
issues according to National
Geographic (Parker, 2019). It is the
“accumulation of plastic objects such
as plastic bottles and candy wrappers,
in the Earth’s environment that
adversely affects wildlife, wildlife
habitat, and humans” (City of
Westminster, n.d.).
b. Humans have been addicted to
single-use or disposable plastic - with
severe environmental consequences.
According to the United Nations (n.d.),
approximately one million plastic
drinking bottles are purchased every
minute, while 5 trillion single-use
plastic bags are used worldwide every
year. Half of all the produced plastic is
designed for single-use and then
eventually gets thrown away.
c. Why is it a problem? Ever since the
late 20th century when the
production of plastic began, humans
have greatly become dependent on
the said material as affordable and
versatile. Trillions of single-use plastic
bags are used worldwide and get
thrown away immediately after.
Highly developed countries may have
managed plastic waste responsibly by
having proper facilities for recycling,
but plastic wastes from developing
countries end up in dumpsites and
streets or get thrown away in the river
or ocean.
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

B. Climate Change
● Watch and listen carefully to the news

1. What are the effects of climate change
according to the news?
2. How did climate change affect you?
3. Why is it important to be aware of this kind
of issue?

● The Philippines is highly vulnerable to the

impacts of climate change, including sea
level rise, increased frequency of extreme
weather events, rising temperatures, and
extreme rainfall. This is due to its high
exposure to natural hazards (cyclones,
landslides, floods, droughts), dependence on
climate-sensitive natural resources, and vast
coastlines where all of its major cities and
the majority of the population reside
(Climate Links, 2022).
a. Climate Projections:
i. Increased Frequency/Intensity
of Extreme Weather Events
ii. Sea Level Rise
iii. Wetter Wet Season, Drier Dry
iv. Increased Temperature
b. Key Climate Impact Areas:
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

i. Agriculture
ii. Energy
iii. Human Health
iv. Coastal Ecosystems
v. Infrastructure
vi. Water

10 Commandments for the Environment

according to Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi

1) Christ’s incarnation and his teachings testify

to the value of nature: Nothing that exists in
this world is outside the divine plan of
creation and redemption

2) We should not reduce nature to a mere

instrument to be manipulated and exploited

3) The question of the environment entails the

whole planet, as it is a collective good

4) The central point of reference for all scientific

and technical applications must be respect
for the human person, who in turn should
treat the other created beings with respect

5) Nature is a gift offered by our Creator to the

human community, confided to human
intelligence and moral responsibility.

6) Economic development needs to take into

consideration the integrity and rhythm of
nature, because natural resources are

7) The goods of this world have been created

by God to be wisely used by all.
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

8) Collaboration by means of worldwide

agreements, backed up by international law,
is necessary to protect the environment.

9) Lifestyles should be oriented according to

the principles of sobriety, temperance and
self-discipline, both at the personal and
social levels

10) A spiritual response must be given to

environmental questions, inspired by the
conviction that creation is a gift that God has
placed in the hands of humankind, to be
used responsibly and with loving care.

We must protect and take care of our environment
as it was God’s creation and our common home for
all of us. Let us remember what Pope Benedict XIV
said “The planet you do not save is the Earth you
will not live upon”.

Application Traffic Lights

Instruction: Students will take a moment (a

minute) to reflect on their actions and/or behavior
towards the environment while asking the
following questions to themselves:

Red Light: What are the practices that you need to

stop in order to protect and conserve the
Yellow Light: What are the practices that you need
to continue in order to protect and conserve the
Green Light: What are the practices that you need
to do or adopt in order to protect and conserve the
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

Assessment I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Read and analyze the questions

carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. The environment has been incorporated into

the framework of sustainable development
since the Conference on the Human
Environment in Stockholm. At present, the
United Nations, in collaboration with
partners, is striving to help countries in
addressing global problems such as climate
change and to achieve the Paris
Agreement's goals.

What commandment for the environment is

being highlighted in this statement?
A. The goods of this world have been
created by God to be wisely used by
B. We should not reduce nature to a
mere instrument to be manipulated
and exploited.
C. Economic development needs to take
into consideration the integrity and
rhythm of nature, because natural
resources are limited.
D. Collaboration by means of
worldwide agreements, backed up
by international law, is necessary to
protect the environment.

2. Arrange the God’s creation in order

I. Creation of sky
II. God rested from his creation
III. Creation of light in the darkness
IV. Creation of water and sky animals
V. Creation of Dry land and Plants
VI. Creation of sun,moon and stars
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

VII. Creation of land animals and human


3. Plastic pollution is considered to be a

problem in today’s society. The following are
the reasons why it is considered as a problem

A. Plastic are used worldwide

B. Plastics are dependent, cheap and
C. Plastic can be used many times and it
cannot be thrown away easily
D. Plastic ends up in dumpsites and streets or
gets thrown away in the river or ocean.

4. Which of the following situations best show

the value of environmental care?

A. Oliver attended a seminar about the impact

and effects of plastic waste management
within a community.
B. Sheila is the Chairman of Sangguniang
Kabataan in their Barangay. She wanted to
raise funds in their project which aims to
create a butterfly garden.
C. Olivia is a grade 10 student, their class was
required to plant something in their school
garden. It is a requirement in their
agriculture subject in TLE.
D. Dan is a volunteer student within their
Barangay. Planting trees was part of their
advocacies and projects. Together with
other volunteers, Dan planted 200 trees
within their community.
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

5. “The planet you do not save is the Earth you will

not live upon”. Which of the following best explains
the statement?

A. Value our planet: animals, and environment

because this is where we lived.
B. Prioritized human needs and wants to live
their lives to the fullest in accordance to
God’s plan.
C. If planet Earth was not valued, protected,
and cared upon then our lives as humans
will be worthless. We must value, protect
and take care of our common home in
accordance to God’s will.
D. If planet Earth was not protected, the planet
earth will be worthless and humans will be
extinct. All of God’s creation: living things
and non-living things, will be destroyed and

II. Essay
Direction: Read the question carefully and answer
in 3-5 sentences.
1. As a student and a steward of God’s creation,
how can you contribute to a better and
sustainable environment? (5 points)

Assignment Directions:
1. With your groupmates, create a poster that
showcases your advocacy on taking care of
the environment. You may use this guide
question in making the output:
a. How will you help to address the
environmental issues?
2. An effective advocacy poster has the
following important details: (1) less than ten
(10) words, (2) art and/or illustrations, symbols
and icons, and (3) a positive message. Look
at the sample below for reference.
3. Use the rubric given by the teacher as a
guide in making the advocacy poster.
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila



CRITERIA 5 4 3 2

Content Well-written Descriptive The text Text poorly

text and text and contains some written,
carefully appropriate inaccuracies inaccurate,
chosen visuals visuals work and lacks and
work together together to organization, insufficient
to illustrate inform the inappropriate text and/or
and inform audience. or missing visuals.
about the visuals.
poster subject.

Design Logical and Logical text Somewhat Disorganized

easy to read and visuals disorganized. hastily and
text and that is neat carelessly
visuals, neatly and easy to planned.
designed understand.
layout that
the content.
PAASCU Accredited Level II
287 Tayuman St., Tondo, Manila

Creativity Pleasing use Good use of Graphics have Little

of color, color and clustered constructive
shapes, eye-catching appearances use of color or
symbols, icons, graphic or have too graphic
and elements. much empty elements.
illustrations to space.
attention and

Visual Appeal Incorporates Contains some Contains some Little evidence

unique and unique or good, of creativity.
pertinent imaginative although not
ideas design elements. entirely
elements, original
visuals, or text elements.
that make the
poster stand

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