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Triangulation is a technique to analyze results of the same study using different

methods of data collection. It is used for three main purposes: to enhance validity, to
create a more in-depth picture of a research problem, and to interrogate different ways
of understanding a research problem. Most often, triangulation helps validate research
findings by checking that different methods or different observers of the same
phenomenon produce the same results. It can also be used to interrogate
inconsistencies and data that are not expected to align. The methodological framework
used determines how the degree of overlap between methods is conceptualized.
Researchers look for three types of triangulation: convergence, complementarity, and
divergence. Convergence indicates there is a strong degree of overlap and accuracy
between the data sets collected using different methods. Complementarity builds a
richer picture of the research results by allowing the results from different methods to
inform each other. Divergence presents a different set of challenges within the
methods, and how it is interpreted depends on the conceptual framework for the
research. Divergence can either indicate the methods or the results are flawed, or be
treated as new data and analyzed to look for new insights.


Methodological triangulation

When you use methodological triangulation, you use different methods to approach
the same research question.
This is the most common type of triangulation, and researchers often combine
qualitative and quantitative research methods in a single study.
Methodological triangulation is useful because you avoid the flaws and bias that come
with reliance on a single research technique.
Data triangulation

In data triangulation, you use multiple data sources to answer your research question.
You can vary your data collection across time, space, or different people.
When you collect data from different samples, places, or times, your results are more
likely to be generalizable to other situations.

Investigator triangulation

With investigator triangulation, you involve multiple observers or researchers to

collect, process, or analyze data separately.
Investigator triangulation helps you reduce the risk of observer bias and other
experimenter biases.

Theory triangulation

Triangulating theory means applying several different theoretical frameworks in your

research instead of approaching a research question from just one theoretical
Testing competing hypotheses is one way to perform theory triangulation. Using
theory triangulation may help you understand a research problem from different
perspectives or reconcile contradictions in your data

Researchers use triangulation for a more holistic perspective on a specific research

question. Triangulation is also helpful for enhancing credibility and validity.

To cross-check evidence
It’s important to gather high-quality data for rigorous research. When you have data
from only one source or investigator, it may be difficult to say whether the data are
trustworthy.But if data from multiple sources or investigators line up, you can be more
certain of their credibility.Credibility is about how confident you can be that your
findings reflect reality. The more your data converge, or or agree with each other, the
more credible your results will be.

For a complete picture

Triangulation helps you get a more complete understanding of your research problem.
When you rely on only one data source, methodology, or investigator, you may risk
bias in your research. Observer bias may occur when there’s only one researcher
collecting data. Similarly, using just one methodology means you may be
disadvantaged by the inherent flaws and limitations of that method.
It’s helpful to use triangulation when you want to capture the complexity of real-world
phenomena. By varying your data sources, theories, and methodologies, you gain
insights into the research problem from multiple perspectives and levels.

To enhance validity
Validity is about how accurately a method measures what it’s supposed to measure.
You can increase the validity of your research through triangulation. Since each
method has its own strengths and weaknesses, you can combine complementary
methods that account for each other’s limitations.

Like all research strategies, triangulation has both advantages and disadvantages.

Reduces bias
Triangulating data, methods, investigators, or theories helps you avoid the bias that
comes with using a single perspective in your research. You’ll get a well-rounded look
into the research topic when you use triangulation.

Establishes credibility and validity

Combining different methods, data sources, and theories enhances the credibility and
validity of your research. You’ll be able to trust that your data reflect real life more
closely when you gather them using multiple perspectives and techniques.

Triangulation can be very time-consuming and labor-intensive. You’ll need to juggle
different datasets, sources, and methodologies to answer one research question.

This type of research often involves an interdisciplinary team and a higher cost and
workload. You’ll need to weigh your options and strike a balance based on your time
frame and research needs.

Sometimes, the data from different sources, investigators, methods may not line up to
give you a clear picture. Your data may be inconsistent or contradict each other.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that your research is incoherent. Rather, you’ll need to
dig deeper to make sense of why your data are contradictory. These inconsistencies
can be challenging but may also lead to new avenues for further research

Interpretation refers to the task of drawing inferences from the collected facts after an
analytical and/or experimental study. In fact, it is a search for broader meaning of
research findings. The task of interpretation has two major aspects viz., (i) the effort to
establish continuity in research through linking the results of a given study with those
of another, and (ii) the establishment of some explanatory concepts. “In one sense,
interpretation is concerned with relationships within the collected data, partially
overlapping analysis. Interpretation also extends beyond the data of the study to
include the results of other research, theory and hypotheses.”1Thus, interpretation is
the device through which the factors that seem to explain what has been observed by
researcher in the course of the study can be better understood and it also provides a
theoretical conception which can serve as a guide for further researches.

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