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Status Enterprise
Technical Overview
An Overview of the Technical Capabilities of Your Status Enterprise System

This document outlines the features and capabilities of Status Enterprise from a technical point-of-view.
Status Enterprise Technical Overview


1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4 

2.0 Information Modeling .............................................................................................................................. 5 
2.1 Model Designer ................................................................................................................................... 5 
2.1.1 Alarms and Conditions ................................................................................................................. 5 
2.1.2 Security ......................................................................................................................................... 6 
2.1.3 Workflow ....................................................................................................................................... 6 
2.1.4 Calculations .................................................................................................................................. 6 
3.0 Data Connectivity .................................................................................................................................... 7 
3.1 Data Connector ................................................................................................................................... 7 
3.1.1 Real Time Data ............................................................................................................................. 7 
3.1.2 Historical Data .............................................................................................................................. 7 
3.1.3 Custom Data Sources .................................................................................................................. 7 
3.1.4 SQL Server Back-End .................................................................................................................. 8 
4.0 Mimic Design .......................................................................................................................................... 9 
4.1 Intuitive, High Performance Design..................................................................................................... 9 
4.1.1 Mimic Designer ............................................................................................................................. 9 
4.1.2 Application Designer ..................................................................................................................... 9 
4.1.3 Mimic Templates........................................................................................................................... 9 
5.0 Runtime ................................................................................................................................................. 10 
5.1 Viewing Your Mimics ......................................................................................................................... 10 
5.2 Web and Mobile Devices .................................................................................................................. 10 
5.3 Reporting ........................................................................................................................................... 10 
5.4 Forms Design .................................................................................................................................... 11 
5.5 Model Browser .................................................................................................................................. 11 
5.6 Trends ............................................................................................................................................... 11 
5.7 Batch ................................................................................................................................................. 11 
6.0 Customization ....................................................................................................................................... 12 
6.1 Custom Development and Services .................................................................................................. 12 
6.2 Support .............................................................................................................................................. 12 
7.0 Potential Uses ....................................................................................................................................... 13 
7.1 Industrial Process Control ................................................................................................................. 13 
7.3 Asset Management and Continual Improvement .............................................................................. 13 
7.4 Data Integration, Management, and Analytics .................................................................................. 13 
7.5 Web-Based Monitoring ...................................................................................................................... 14 

Status Enterprise Technical Overview

7.6 Embedded or Branded Software for Proprietary Devices ................................................................. 14

7.7 Branded Supplement to Proprietary Software Products ................................................................... 14 
8.0 Specifications ........................................................................................................................................ 15 
8.1 Supported Operating Systems .......................................................................................................... 15 
8.2 Required Frameworks and Components .......................................................................................... 15 
8.3 Information Modeling ......................................................................................................................... 15 
8.4 Status Object Model .......................................................................................................................... 15 
Visit us on the web: ................................................................................................................................. 16 

Status Enterprise Technical Overview

1.0 Introduction
There are many SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and HMI (Human Machine Interface)
systems out there. Status Enterprise is unique in that it leverages the power of OPC UA and information
modeling as the basis for its architecture. This allows the system to be massively more efficient, scalable,
and provides additional capabilities that you would normally find in MES, CMMS, EAM and digital signage
systems. Status Enterprise can do far more than any traditional HMI/SCADA package.

Status Enterprise Technical Overview

2.0 Information Modeling

Your Information Model is what gives Status Enterprise all of its power and flexibility, adding
structure and organization to your data.

2.1 Model Designer

The Model Designer allows you to create the
types and assets of an information model for
your facility. As an example, a user may
create types and properties for a motor, a
conveyor and a press. They can also create
more complex object types, like an assembly
line made up of different motors, conveyers,
and presses. Each of the types has other
information like alarms, conditions,
calculations and logging configurations.
Once types are defined users can then create
instances of those types, known as assets.
They may create 3 assembly lines. When
they create an assembly line, the system will
also create all of the sub components,
properties, alarms and conditions for the underlying objects. With the model created, users can now create
a Mimic for a ‘type’ of asset, reusing that mimic with every asset found in the model. Other parts of the
system work in the same manner, a workflow maybe created for the Assembly Line Type. This workflow
could be used with all assembly lines. Information models make Status Enterprise a vastly superior system
to typical old style SCADA systems when you have similar assets to manage. It helps to organize and
simplify complexity and allows for easy reuse of configuration making the system far easier to manage.

2.1.1 Alarms and Conditions

Alarms and Conditions are configured in the Model Designer. They are
configured on a particular property of an asset. Alarms and Conditions
configured on an asset type will exist on all instances of that asset saving a
great deal of configuration time. An Alarming Control is available in the toolbox
of the graphics designer, it can be configured to show all alarms in the system
or alarms for only one piece of your model. Alarms are also viewable in the
Model Browser. Alarms can be configured to require acknowledgement, they
can have comments attached and can notify users with email notifications.
Conditions simply indicate if a property is above, below or equal to a specified value. Conditions are used
for starting and branching Workflow. Both Alarms and Conditions are assets that can be bound in the Mimic
Designer. For example, a user can configure a light to turn on if a particular alarm becomes active. Or start
a graphic animating if a value crosses a certain threshold.

Status Enterprise Technical Overview

2.1.2 Security

Status Enterprise is secure. All communications between the Status

Server and clients is done using a secure OPC UA connection. Clients
can use trusted x509 certificates or user authentication for logging in,
communication is encrypted. User Accounts, Roles and Workspaces
are configured in the information model. Users can be restricted from
seeing certain properties and assets in the information model using
Workspaces, or they properties can be limited to read only access. In
the Mimic Designer, controls on the mimic and be shown or hidden
based on the Workspaces a user belongs to. Users can also be
assigned a default mimic to be shown when they log in, allowing for segregation of different users, groups
or job roles.

2.1.3 Workflow

Workflow in Status Enterprise is triggered by

Conditions (values of an asset changing or
crossing thresholds); they can also be
scheduled to run at a particular time. Workflow
Tasks can change values on other assets,
opening a valve if a tank level gets too high for
example. Tasks can also create new assets, creating a Work Order if a motor is getting too hot. Tasks can
send emails, they can also generate Reports. Tasks can also pause, waiting for conditions to become true
before proceeding. Tasks can be nested, and they can be made as a template allowing a single Workflow
to operate on all types of a particular asset.

2.1.4 Calculations

Calculations allow you to use properties of assets as

input into a .NET method call, and assign the result of
the method call to other properties. This allows custom
calculations to be created for doing complex analytics
or calculating custom KPI’s. The method call could also
do more sophisticated work like making web service
calls, sending emails, anything you can do from a
Windows Application. Calculations can also be reused
by creating them for a type of asset.

Status Enterprise Technical Overview

3.0 Data Connectivity

Status Enterprise allows you to manage real-time and historical data from multiple sources as part
of a unified solution.

3.1 Data Connector

The Status Enterprise Data Connector allows you to create
the mapping configurations that will dictate what data items
will update which properties in your information model.
Properties in your model can be mapped to values from
any source. That means a single asset can have properties
that include data pulled from a PLC, HART sensor data,
database data, calculated data, or data entered manually
by a user. The graphics on your mimics are bound to the
properties in your model – not the external data sources –
which means you can visualize data from any source
alongside data from any other source, allowing you to
create much more intelligent mimics with more relevant
real time information.

3.1.1 Real Time Data

Status Enterprise provides Data Connectors that provide the ability to monitor and write data from different
sources. This includes Data Connectors for OPC DA, OPC UA, Modbus, HART, Excel or ODBC. Custom
Data Connectors can be easily developed by B-Scada or your development team to connect your
specialized device or source of data to the system. Data Connectors run independently of the system,
providing data to the Status Server across the corporate network, or across the world. Data can also be
added to the system manually through forms entry on a mimic or from other systems using the OPC UA
interface on our Status Server.

3.1.2 Historical Data

Data coming into the Status Enterprise server can be logged if desired. Data can be logged on change,
periodically or only on significant value changes. Data logging can even be turned on or off using workflow
if a value exceeds some particular limit, or started on demand from a Mimic. The Trend control on a Mimic
or in the Model Browser can toggle between live or historical data at runtime. The Model Browser can also
pull up raw or interpolated history on a particular value and save it off to CSV. The Database utility can be
run to move old data from the database, archive it or export it to CSV.

3.1.3 Custom Data Sources

Status Enterprise can be easily extended to communicate with custom data sources. To allow access to
your own data source, a data source plug-in can be written as a .NET DLL. This component plugs into the
Generic Binding capabilities of Status Enterprise and allows full access to your real time data from the
Status Enterprise Technical Overview

Model Designer, Model Browser, Application Designer or Mimic Designer. B-Scada can provide you with
sample source code for this plug-in, and can provide assistance in its development if desired. Windows
projects generated from the Application Designer are published as a single .NET assembly. This assembly
is hosted by the Status Server and connects directly to your data server using a custom Data Source plug-

3.1.4 SQL Server Back-End

Data logged by the Status Enterprise Server is stored in a relational SQL database. This allows users to
take advantage of the advanced performance and many benefits provided by SQL Server, including data
compression and encryption, redundancy, backup, disk partitioning, data mining tools, and additional
security features. Data stored in a SQL Server database can be queried for advanced reporting or easily
integrated into other applications.

Status Enterprise also includes a database utility that allows users to easily test database integrity, renew
databases, and configure backup and restoration options.

Status Enterprise Technical Overview

4.0 Mimic Design

Status Enterprise includes two robust and sophisticated HMI design environments for creating

4.1 Intuitive, High Performance Design

Both Status Enterprise mimic design environments
use the same powerful graphics designer, probably
the best designer in the industry. The graphics
designer edits in multiple layers, has hundreds of
controls to bind to your live data and supports
complex shapes and paths. Included in the toolbox
are various Pie and Bar Charts, trend and alarming
control, Gel Buttons, LEDs and Gauges. Included
are many controls you would never find in other
SCADA packages including an RSS Feed Control,
Ratings Controls, 3D Equipment, Document
Viewers, Video, Web Browser and data controls
typically found in financial monitoring applications.
.NET Developers can add their own WPF controls into the designer toolbox. Every property on every control
can be bound to live data, even allowing controls to move or change color based on value changes.

4.1.1 Mimic Designer

For ease of use, the Mimic Designer allows you to easily point and click to design great looking Mimic
screens in minutes. A single Mimic screen authored in the Mimic Designer can be viewed in both our
Windows Runtime Client or on any HTML 5 compatible device. It can also be used as a published report.

4.1.2 Application Designer

For extensibility, our Application Designer allows for the same point and click ease of use, but also allows
you to extend and customize your Mimic Application using code behind with intellisense and all of the power
of the .NET libraries (C# or Visual Basic). You can build whatever you can imagine.

4.1.3 Mimic Templates

Both designers allow for the creation of Mimic Templates. This is the ability to create a Mimic for a ‘type’ of
asset. This allows for screen reuse. Create a single Mimic for a tank for example, and use that screen to
view any tank in your entire system.

Status Enterprise Technical Overview

5.0 Runtime
Status Enterprise provides multiple runtime environments to accommodate a wide range of users’

5.1 Viewing Your Mimics

Screens designed from the Mimic Designer can be viewed in Windows using
our Status Client. They can also be viewed from HTML 5 compatible devices
like iPhone, iPad and tablets. Any operating system running an HTML 5
browser can also be used, this includes Mac and Linux. Mimic Applications
can be run in Windows.

Our Scheduler Utility can automate the viewing of multiple screens at fixed
times intervals, perfect for digital signage and kiosk type applications that
want to display live data.

5.2 Web and Mobile Devices

Mimics designed in the Mimic Designer are viewable as true HTML
5 with live data. Unlike other companies whose solutions are
based on Java or Active X, mimics authored in HTML 5 can be
viewed on most smart phones and tablets without any kind of
browser plugin or runtime to install. Our mimics can also be viewed
on Mac or Linux where the browser is HTML 5.

5.3 Reporting
Reports in Status Enterprise are created as Mimics in the Mimic
Designer. The same Mimic can be viewed in the Windows
Runtime, in a Web Browser or saved as a Report. Reports can
show the current live data values, or they can show history, the
change of a value over the past hour. Reports can be multi paged
with each page being a Mimic. A sample report may have a title
page, a page showing the current values of a piece of equipment,
and a third page showing the equipment’s value changed for the
past 8 hours. Reports can be started manually, based on a
condition, or on a fixed schedule using Workflow.

Status Enterprise Technical Overview

5.4 Forms Design

In the Status Model Designer you can create asset type for a Tank, but you can
also create an asset type for other things like a Work Order or an Incident Report.
Mimics can be designed for more than equipment graphics, they can also be
designed as an input form, allowing end users to input data into assets. Common
application of this is to create an Equipment type in the information model that
has a collection of Work Orders. Work Order assets can be created manually, or
using workflow. Users can easily create a Mimic Template for editing Work

5.5 Model Browser

The Model Browser allows easy access to your whole system. Pull
up and acknowledge alarms on a region of your facility, save off
some historical data to a CSV file, and view real time trends or
yesterday’s performance. To see live data, Mimics designed in the
Mimic Designer can be opened or the property viewer will show
you all the live data on every asset. A single Mimic Template can
be used to view every tank in your system from the Model
Browser. Data entry can be done for Mimics being used as forms.
Documents like PDF and Word can be associated with your assets
and viewed as needed.

5.6 Trends
The Trend can be used in the Mimic and Application Designer on any
screen running in both the Windows Client and HTML 5. The Trend
supports multiple pens and is highly configurable. At runtime the
Trend can switch between live or historical data, drill in, pens can even
be added at runtime. In the Model Browser, users can pick any
property on any asset and view real time or historical trends with only
a couple of mouse clicks.

5.7 Batch
Batch capabilities can also be accomplished through Workflow. The Set Value Task can be used to set
multiple values on multiple objects, used in conjunction with other Workflow features, values can also be
set in stages or based on specific conditions. The Set Value Button can be placed on a Mimic, when clicked
it sets multiple values on multiple assets. When used on a Mimic template, the Mimic with the Set Value
Button configured can be used on any asset that matches the Mimic template type.

Status Enterprise Technical Overview

6.0 Customization
Status Enterprise is built to be fully customizable and extensible to adapt to a user’s evolving
needs. Status Enterprise can be embedded by OEMs, used as a custom branded solution, or as a
supplement to an existing software product.

6.1 Custom Development and Services

B-Scada has provides a variety of services to our clients, including system design, screen design, model
design, custom data connectors, specialized controls for the Mimic Designer and much more. We were part
of the Microsoft early adopter program for WPF almost a decade ago and have many highly capable and
experienced software developers on staff. Many of our clients are Fortune 500 companies, some of which
use B-Scada technologies in their own products.

6.2 Support
Our support is second to none. Support is from our main office in Florida; we do not outsource support
overseas. Spanish and Portuguese speaking customers may receive support from our branch office in
Spain if desired.

Status Enterprise Technical Overview

7.0 Potential Uses

The potential applications of Status Enterprise are nearly limitless. Combining features of process
control applications with asset management, historian, and business intelligence capabilities,
Status Enterprise is an inclusive data management system for your entire enterprise.

7.1 Industrial Process Control

Status Enterprise is an ideal solution for industrial automation and process control. With the ability to
communicate with hundreds of different PLCs from dozens of different manufacturers through OPC servers,
more than one hundred customizable industrial graphic controls, customizable alarms, and time-based or
condition-based workflow, Status Enterprise will work in continuous, discrete, batch, or hybrid
manufacturing environments, as well as in other process control industries like: water treatment, oil and
gas, power transmission and distribution, and transportation. Incorporate data from asset management or
maintenance systems, calculations, or legacy SCADA systems into your information model. Status
Enterprise provides a perfect set of tools for monitoring, controlling, and optimizing today’s industrial

7.2 Facility Management

Status Enterprise can be used as a powerful Building Management System (BMS). With OPC connectivity
to most of today’s most popular building controllers, you are able to incorporate all relevant facility data into
a single information model that includes HVAC systems, lighting, security, fire alarms, elevators/escalators,
water, energy systems, and more. Monitor and control your facilities from anywhere at any time on any
device. Custom calculations and workflow tasks allow you to optimize energy usage and reduce waste.
Anticipate problems and reduce operational expenses through preventive maintenance. Industrial,
commercial, municipal, and residential buildings alike can benefit from a modern, intelligent management
system like Status Enterprise.

7.3 Asset Management and Continual Improvement

Your Status Enterprise Information Model can include real-time data from PLCs, HART-enabled devices,
databases, or existing CMMS or ERP applications. Use workflow to perform condition-based preventive
maintenance. Use calculations to track key performance metrics and maximize asset performance over the
asset’s entire life cycle. Associate assets in your model with relevant documents, diagrams, videos, and
other media to give key personnel real-time access to the latest training materials, procedural documents,
troubleshooting guides, maintenance records, etc. By incorporating all relevant data in a comprehensive
information model, you are able to identify new opportunities and implement new standards when
efficiencies improve. There is no limit to the number of assets that can be included in your model or the
number of properties that can be associated with your assets.

7.4 Data Integration, Management, and Analytics

Regardless of what type of business or organization you are managing, there are undeniable benefits to
creating an integrated data management system that brings together and organizes data from all of your

Status Enterprise Technical Overview

databases and devices in a logical model. In today’s world of Big Data and advanced analytics, information
modeling is becoming a necessity. Use Status Enterprise as a tool for managing documents and other
media, data mining and analysis, collaboration, and process optimization. By managing your organization’s
data through a centralized system, you can ensure that all of your personnel are always operating with the
very latest information on standards and best practices. Increase your capacity for situational awareness
to improve project management and empower real-time decision-making. Status Enterprise is engineered
to transform the way you work.

7.5 Web-Based Monitoring

You don’t have to replace your existing systems to increase your capabilities. Layer Status Enterprise on
top of your legacy control systems and databases to create a centralized information model that gives you
real-time access to your operational data from anywhere on any device. By leveraging HTML5 as the
enabling technology for web-based interfaces, you are able to visualize your data on any device with a
modern web browser, including on smart phones and tablets. And all data included in your information
model is exposed to all of the features of Status Enterprise, including alarming (notifications sent by email
or SMS), logging, calculations, workflow, and user roles and workspaces.

7.6 Embedded or Branded Software for Proprietary Devices

If you are an OEM, distributer, or integrator of industrial devices and you would like to expand your
service offerings by including a customized monitoring solution for your devices, there is no more
sophisticated and intelligent solution available. Offer the power of information modeling, high performance
graphics, and support for mobile devices with your equipment. Status Enterprise can be customized and
branded with your organization’s logo, colors, and design aesthetics, and made available for resale with
custom licensing options.

7.7 Branded Supplement to Proprietary Software Products

If you are a software developer working with enterprise software (MES, ERP, CMMS, etc.) or other types
of software systems (BIM, BI, etc.) and you want to expand your market, enhance your product offerings
with all of the features of Status Enterprise customized to your specifications. B-Scada can also provide
custom development and design services to ensure you get exactly what you need for a fraction of the
time and money it would cost to develop your own system.

Status Enterprise Technical Overview

8.0 Specifications

8.1 Supported Operating Systems

Windows XP (Service Pack 2 and Higher) (Client Applications Only)

Windows Vista (Service Pack 1 and Higher)
Windows Server 2003 (Service Pack 3 and Higher)
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2012
Windows 7
Windows 8

8.2 Required Frameworks and Components

.NET Framework 4.0 Full Installation

o The Client Profile version of the .NET Framework does not include a portion of the
software required for Status Enterprise
OPC Foundation Core Components (required if using OPC DA)
o Required to be installed before installing the Status Enterprise Data Connector
Windows IIS (Internet Information Services) (required if using Web Gateway)
If using SQL databases with Status Enterprise, SQL Server 2008 or higher must be installed.
Early versions of SQL Server are not compatible.

Status Enterprise installation requires approximately 100MB of free disk space.

8.3 Information Modeling

Information modeling in Status Enterprise is based on the OPC Unified Architecture model as
defined in IEC 62541.

8.4 Status Object Model

The Status Object Model is a .NET library that allows you to programmatically access the
Status Server with higher level classes. The Status Object Model is useful for creating
custom applications that communicate with the Status Server.

Status Enterprise Technical Overview

B-Scada specializes in the development of high quality HMI and SCADA software
solutions for industrial process control, enterprise data management, and anywhere there
is a need for compelling, high performance visualization of real-time operational and
business data.

Visit us on the web:

9030 W Fort Island Trail, Bldg 9

Crystal River, FL 34429

Phone +1 (352) 564-9610


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