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Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning


Derived out of feedback from general body meeting held on 8th of April 2006, at 8th
annual convention (Amritsar)
Secretariat‘s meeting on 9th September 2006

1 NOSPLAN Secretariat
Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning


¾ Prologue
¾ Memorandum of NOSPLAN
o Preamble to the constitution
o Definition/terms used
o Aims and objectives: NOSPLAN
¾ Rules & regulations
o Function: NOSPLAN
o Organizational setup: NOSPLAN
o Membership and registration
ƒ Membership
ƒ Rights and privileges
ƒ Membership fees
o National council
ƒ Members
ƒ Duties of members
o Unit council
ƒ Members
ƒ Duties of members
o Faculty coordinator
o Quorum
o Election and terms of office
ƒ National council
ƒ Unit council
ƒ Disqualification
ƒ Impeachment
ƒ Election process
o Budget and accounts
o Annual report
o Annual convention
o Amendment to the constitution

2 NOSPLAN Secretariat
Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning


With progress of civilization, people seem to form association to work

in collaboration with each other for attainment of their common goal .Article
19(1) (c ) of the constitution of India lays down that all citizen shall have the
right to form association or unions.
For quite some time, a need was felt by planning students of India to
come forward and interact. This led to formation of an association called as
NOSPLAN (National Organisation of Students of PLANning) in 1993 by
few students from School of planning and architecture, New Delhi.
Then onwards NOSPLAN has spread its wings all over India and
growth of Organisation has been multifold. This act of secretariat (New
Delhi) to document a constitution for NOSPLAN is an effort to formalize
the organisation and its process & procedures in a most democratic way.

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Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning


1. Constitution of NOSPLAN, reiterates the commitment to entire planning

fraternity to act as a forum of interaction & related activities, as per the objectives
and goals of NOSPLAN. It seeks to establish a comprehensive perspective of
planning to fulfill the legitimate aspirations of its members.

2. Constitution of NOSPLAN is an attempt to organize the structure of NOSPLAN

in a uniform tone all over the country and is designed in a way to make processes
and procedures more democratic and fair throughout.

3. Constitution is based on the recognition of the contribution that, its members can,
and should make to the growth and well being of planning community in India
and abroad.

4 NOSPLAN Secretariat
Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning


For the purpose of interpretation, following words and expressions shall have the
meaning as explained below unless it shall be inconsistent with the relevant
1.1 “NOSPLAN”:- National Organisation of Students of Planning.

1.2 “Secretariat”:- Defined as School of Planning and Architecture.

1.3 “National council”:- The council comprising of National Co-ordinator,

National Treasurer at the Secretariat and unit co-ordinaters from members

1.4 “Unit council”:- Means the council of students of planning at each members
institute level.

1.5 “Member”:- Each and every planning student (of members institute) with
voting rights, unless Specified otherwise.

1.6 “General Body” :- Members of the constituent units(institutes) shall form

the General Body of NOSPLAN

1.7 “Office bearers”- Members of the National Council & Unit Council.

1.8 “Month”:-The Georgian Calendar month.

1.9 “Year”:- The year beginning from October 1st and ending on
September 30th

5 NOSPLAN Secretariat
Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning


2.1 To help towards advancement, dissemination and application of the knowledge of

planning, through the education system, which is deemed to include Urban
Planning, Regional Planning, Rural Planning, Physical Planning & Management,
Housing, Resource Planning, Environmental Planning, Traffic & Transportation
Planning and disciplines involved in Planning such as Economics, Sociology,
Engineering, Architecture and others relevant for planning related Research &

2.2 To promote interactions among and planning students, faculty, professionals and
educational institutes engaged in advancement, dissemination and application of
academic knowledge of planning and related subjects.

2.3 To promote and encourage academic research by students in planning and related

2.4 To undertake and execute all acts which shall promote all or any of the aims and
objectives of NOSPLAN.

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3.1 NOSPLAN shall hold a National Convention of Students of Planning involving

academic institutes and organizations.

3.2 NOSPLAN shall elect National Coordinator and National Treasurer from the
Secretariat which has been defined in chapter 1 under 1.1.

3.3 To maintain a fund whose usage has been defined under the chapter of Accounts
and Budget.

3.4 NOSPLAN should ensure the participation of all schools of planning for National

3.5 Disseminate the achievements and information in academics, student research and
achievements in the filed of planning by publication of journals, bulletins, news
letters, holding competitions, quiz, seminars, workshops and by employing media
of mass communication, radio, television etc. and also by arranging special
programmes for faculties.

3.6 Providing recognition for outstanding contributions and achievements by the

students in the field of planning by way of scholarships, awards, medals, trophies,
or other suitable methods.

7 NOSPLAN Secretariat
Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning


NOSPLAN shall have registered councils and members.

National council
4.1 Membership:
4.1.1 Registered unit council : A unit council to get registered with NOSPLAN should
be a students body of an academic institution, recognized by the authority of that
institution & ITPI, involved in Planning or related education.
a) Members: Member shall be a student of Planning or related subject
with an educational institute, having a registered council with
NOSPLAN. Members shall apply through their respective council.
b) Associate members : Associate member shall be a student of
planning or related subject with an Educational Institute/Institute of
Town Planners, India. Associate member shall apply for membership to
the national coordinator.
c) Alumni Members: Alumni member shall be a former student of
Planning or related subject. Alumni member shall apply for membership
to National Co-ordinator.

4.2 Rights and Privileges:

4.2.1 Unit council:
i) To send an official delegation to conventions and other activities as decided by
the organizing council or body.
ii) To send one or more faculty to the conventions and other activities as decided by
the organizing council or body.

4.2.2 Members:
i) To vote for and elect a member from their respective council to represent that

8 NOSPLAN Secretariat
Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning

ii) To vote for constitutional amendment.

iii) To be a member of the National Council on being duly elected to represent the
respective council.
iv) To request for help during research to other registered council or members.
v) To participate in different activities of NOSPLAN.

4.2.3 Associate members:

i) To vote for Constitutional amendment.
ii) To request for help outing research to other registered council or member.
iii) To participate in different activities of NOSPLAN.

4.2.4 Alumni members:

i) They can participate in activities organized by NOSPLAN, but in case of
competitions shall not be entitled to an award/certificate etc.
ii) They may request for help from other registered councils and members.

4.3 Membership Fees:

4.3.1 Membership fee shall be collected by the council and forwarded to NOSPLAN
4.3.2 Each member pays the membership fee as approved by the National Council from
time to time.
4.3.3 Any council failing to pay the registration fee in the following year shall loose a
right to send a representative in executive committee. The members of such a
council shall have to pay an additional amount as admission fee to get registered
as an associate member. This fee shall be approved by the National Council
from time to time.
4.3.4 Associate member shall pay the requisite amount of admission fee and
membership fee as approved by the National Council from time to time.
4.3.5 Fees once paid shall not be refunded.
4.3.6 Alumni members shall pay requisite amount of admission and membership fees as
approved by the National Council from time to time.

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Organizational structure of NOSPLAN.












10 NOSPLAN Secretariat
Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning

5.1 The National Council shall consist of:
a) National Co-ordinator (to be elected by the Secretariat)
b) National Treasurer (to be elected by the Secretariat)
c) Unit Co-ordinaters (to be elected by the each member’s institute)
5.2 Duties Of The National Council
The National Co-ordinator shall: Preside at all the meetings of the General Body NOSPLAN and act as the
Chairman. Be the Incharge of correspondence between institutes and keeper records of
NOSPLAN at the Secretariat. Execute programmes and actions decided by the National Council and shall be
accountable for them. Be responsible for proper maintenance and up keeping of the property belonging
to the NOSPLAN. Be designated as publisher of the bulletins, Journals and other publication of
NOSPLAN from the Secretariat.


The National Treasurer shall: Keep all the accounts of NOSPLAN Secretariat. Accept money and issue receipts on behalf of NOSPLAN Secretariat. Prepare annual financial statement for submission to the Council. Carryout all financial transactions on behalf of the Secretariat.

11 NOSPLAN Secretariat
Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning

6.1 The Unit Council shall consist of:
a) Unit Co-ordinator
b) Secretary
c) Treasurer
d) Joint Secretary
e) Cultural Secretary, Editor
6.2 Duties of the Unit Council
The Unit Co-ordinator shall: Be the formal representative of the Unit Council in the NOSPLAN. Preside at all the meetings of NOSPLAN in their institute and act as the Chairman
of the Unit Council. Be the In-charge of correspondence and keeper of records of NOSPLAN. Submit the Annual Report to the National Council & the Faculty Co-ordinator of
the institute. The report shall be presented to the General Body of the institute.
(Annual report has been discussed in detail in chapter – 9)


The Secretary shall: Convene all meetings of NOSPLAN with the prior concurrence of the Unit
Co-ordinator and keep a record of the proceedings of such meetings. Execute programmes and action decided by the Council Be responsible for proper maintenance and up keeping of the property belonging
to the NOSPLAN. Be designated as publisher of the bulletins, Journals and other publication of


The Treasurer shall: Keep all the accounts pertaining to NOSPLAN

12 NOSPLAN Secretariat
Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning Accept money and issue receipts on behalf of Unit Council. Prepare annual financial statement for submission to the Council. Carryout all financial transactions on behalf of the Council.


The faculty co-ordinaters serve as a facilitator and advisor to the student members.

1. To assist, NOSPLAN council in financial matters and to make the process smoothen.

2. To co-ordinate at times of dispute at all levels, to solve the matter in most just way.

3. To motivate and guide nosplan members towards innovative ideas to organize,

activities of NOSPLAN.


Quorum (minimum numbers of members to be present for the meeting to be held) for the
governing body meeting (national or unit council)………at least two council members
have to be present and all members are to be informed about the meeting ……about three
days in advance(at least).

In case of any unforeseen circumstances / a dispute occurring during the NOSPLAN year
(due to constitution being silent on that issue)… becomes the duty of NOSPLAN
Secretariat to come up with a solution and reach to a consensus solution (if possible).

13 NOSPLAN Secretariat
Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning


7.1 Elections
7.1.1 National Council The elections of the members of the National Council shall be completed around
Mid of October each year. Eligibility: Those members who have attended at least one annual National
Conventions of NOSPLAN are eligible for filing a nomination. Members of the Secretariat shall not file his/her nomination for any elective
post of Unit Council. The result of the elections must be declared within two week of holding the
Elections. In case of any unforeseen situation elections can be postponed to 1 week only
With the permission of the previous National Council.

7.1.2 Unit Council The elections of the members of the Unit Council shall be completed within
Two weeks(mid of October) as defined in chapter 1 under 1.7 Eligibility: Those members who have attended at least one annual National
Convention of NOSPLAN are eligible for filing a nomination. No person shall file his/her nomination for more than one elective post of the
Unit Council including its Constituent Units. In case of any unforeseen situation elections can be postponed to 1 week only
with the permission of the previous Unit Council.

7.2 Disqualification for Office Bearers of The Council

No member of the National/Unit Council can hold office if:

7.2.1. He/she has been convicted for a criminal offence or has been punished by the
Institution for an act which is coercive in nature and constitute a threat to life and

14 NOSPLAN Secretariat
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7.3 Impeachment Of The Members Of The National And Unit


7.3.1 National council An elected member of the National Council can be impeached on a resolution
moved by 1/3rd members of the official post of Unit Council from all
Institutions, and passed by at least 2/3rd of them. No member can be impeached before the completion of three months of his/her
Term of office. He/she must be given full change to explain his/her stand.

7.3.2 Unit council An elected member of the Unit Council can be impeached on a resolution
moved by 1/3rd members of the Unit Council, and passed by at least 2/3rd of
them. No member can be impeached before the completion of three months of his/her
term of office. He/she must be given full change to explain his/her stand

7.4 Elections: In Case of Impeachment

7.4.1 In case of impeachment of a member, election for the respective post must be
Filled in within one month.

7.5 Term Of Office

7.5.1 National Council: The elected National Council shall hold office from the date of
declaration of results of the elections (specified earlier) till the declaration of
results of the forthcoming Council elections in the next NOSPLAN Year.

7.5.2 Unit Council: The Unit Council shall hold its office from the date of election
result declaration till the end of that NOSPLAN year (30th September)

7.5.3 In case of any unforeseen circumstances occurring during the NOSPLAN year
leading to condition of eviction of any office, election for the office shall be held
within a month of the eviction of the office and the duration of holding office for
the newly elected member shall end with the COUNCIL that the member is a part

7.6 Election process: - It comes under the duty of leaving council to held elections
on time (around mid of Oct) within time period of two weeks (consecutive) in fair
and democratic way, with no prejudices against anybody. The overall procedure of
the Election shall be performed under the supervision of the Faculty Co-ordinator of
the respective institute.

15 NOSPLAN Secretariat
Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning

STEP 1 Declarations of election process with dates

& inviting nominations from its members

STEP 2 Filing of Nomination for various posts &

scrutiny for eligible candidates

STEP 3 Open house

Final candidates for elections, preparation

STEP 4 of ballot papers.

STEP 5 Voting for the elections

Counting and Declaration of results

Formal handling of portfolios by respective

STEP 6 candidates

Official information to NOSPLAN

STEP 7 Secretariat (New Delhi) about the results
of elections.

16 NOSPLAN Secretariat
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STEP 1: - Under this step, the leaving council will,

o Devise a election schedule as per the constitution’s election process,

o They will invite nominations for various post/posts, by putting up notices

(main notice board or through e- mails etc.)

STEP 2: - Unit coordinator along with his council members shall scrutinize for eligible
candidates for election, as per the constitution of NOSPLAN and shall declare a list of
eligible candidates for election within two days.

STEP 3: - Purpose of this step is to make the candidate more accountable and election
process more democratic in spirit & practice. Open house shall be a general meeting of
all unit members, including presence of faculty coordinator where, the candidate shall
present his/her agenda for the election. Any member can raise a question for the
contesting candidates on issues relating to NOSPLAN and every candidate is answerable
to the following basic questions which shall be submitted to the existing council (in
written) before the open house:-

1. What has been your contribution and involvement in NOSPLAN activities prior
to nomination for this post?

2. How will, you achieve the NOSPLAN objectives by holding this post (action plan
for the year)?

This step will give opportunity to members to know the view and ideology of the
candidates and it will be easier for them to elect or to reach a common consensus.
Candidates, not attending the Open House shall have their candidature cancelled by the
Council. Candidates can withdraw their names till this step (open house).

STEP 4: - List of final candidates against the posts to be declared, with necessary details.

STEP 5: - Voting shall be done only by secret ballot (under supervision of faculty
coordinator and the leaving council) and voters shall be casting their votes against
attendance roll calls (to avoid duplicity of votes.)
Counting and declaration of results shall be done simultaneously under supervision of
faculty coordinator, all contestants and the leaving council. Final results of election shall
be undersigned by all contestants and the faculty coordinator.

STEP 6: - Last council shall hand over all belongings, to respective newly elected

STEP 7:- National secretariat shall be informed about the elected office bearers along
with their contact address and numbers …and formal email IDs.

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8.1 Finance
8.1.1 Revenue
a) Membership fee of organization
b) Other resources
8.1.2 Expenditure
a) Website
b) e-newsletter
c) Token amount to nosplan organizing institution
d) Few more trophies/competition(throughout the year)

8.2 Book of account (NOSPLAN Secretariat)

a) The amount of money received and its sources
b) The expenditure and the purpose for which the money was used
c) The asserts and the liabilities

8.3 The treasurer shall submit a report showing exact state of

financial affairs. A copy of it shall be sent to all member institutes & be uploaded
on the official NOSPLAN website.

8.4 Treasurer shall also prepare a budget as per the action plan decided by the
Secretariat of the ongoing session.

Unit councils are also expected to follow the .same setup for budget & account, at the
institute level.

18 NOSPLAN Secretariat
Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning


9.1 Annual Report of the NOSPLAN year foregone shall be presented by the National
Council of the present NOSPLAN year at the Annual NOSPLAN meet or

9.2 Contents of the Annual Report

9.2.1 The report shall contain an overview of the activities, achievements and failures
of the previous NOSPLAN Year.

9.2.2 The report shall highlight the activities planned for the next NOSPLAN year.

9.2.3 The Report shall give the present financial standing of the Organization, and
The details of expenditure of the previous Year

9.2.4 The Report shall give an estimate budget for the next Year.

9.3 The report shall be presented verbally or by use of any presentation techniques
during the Convention.

9.4 A copy of the Report shall be made available to all the Unit Co-ordinaters.
The Report shall be made accessible to all the members of the Organization on the
official website of the organization after its presentation.

19 NOSPLAN Secretariat
Constitution National Organisation of Students of Planning


10.1 The Annual Convention of NOSPLAN shall be held each year anytime between
15th December to 15th January

10.2 The Convention shall be seen as an opportunity for all members to meet, share
visions and compete at the National Level. It shall also be a platform to discuss
the affairs of the Organization at the National Level.

10.3 The convention shall be held at the Institute that is decided upon in the previous
year’s meet. In each Convention all interested participant Institutes shall bid for
holding the next year’s Annual Convention and after the bidding process the final
decision rests with the National Council.

10.4 During the Convention the Annual Report of the Organization shall be presented
to the members by the National Council.

10.5 All registered Institutes shall have right to attend the meet. Formal and Informal
events shall be held during the meet.

10.6 The winning Institute shall be awarded the Trophy for its exemplary performance.

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11.1 NOSPLAN shall frame, adopt and/or sanctions rules and regulations whereby
May think fit to guide itself or hereto NOSPLAN should conform or have
recourse to in carrying out of the objectives and/or otherwise and from time to
time vary, alter or confirm one or the other such rules or regulations.

11.2 Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by means of a resolution

adopted by the National Council or by means of a petition signed by at least 1/3rd
of the Members from at least three unit councils.

11.3 The constitution may be amended if agreed to & passed by at least 2/3rd majority
of the General Body.

11.4 The date on which amendment shall come into effect shall be decided by the
National Council and shall be notified by the same.


12.1 In order to dissolve the society 70% of its members must express their wish by
their votes delivered in person or by proxy at general meeting held for that purpose.

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