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Writer’s name: Le Thi Hanh Nguyen Peer reviewer’s name: Nguyen Thu Trang

PEER RESPONSE - Summary/response essay

The instructions below will help you give and receive constructive advice about the rough
draft of your summary/response essay.

Writer: Before you exchange drafts with another reader, write out the following information
about your own rough draft.

1. On your draft, label the parts that are summary and the parts that are your own
2. Underline the sentence(s) that signal to the reader that you are shifting from objective
summary to personal response.
3. Indicate your purpose, intended audience, and any special genre features such as
graphs or images.
- Purpose: analyze the rhetorical situation and components of the text “The Argument
- Intended audience: Classmates and instructor
4. Explain one or two problems that you are having with this draft that you want your
reader to comment on.
Reader: Without making any comments, read the entire draft from start to finish. As you
reread the draft, answer the following questions.

1. Review the guidelines for writing summaries. Has the writer remained objective in his
or her summary? Does the summary omit any key ideas? Does the writer use author
tags frequently and accurately? Can you clearly understand the main ideas of the
article? Is the summary written in language appropriate for the intended audience? Do
any added images or graphic material support the writer's purpose?

- The writer remains objective in the summary, and does not omit any key ideas. All
main ideas are well structured and easy to understand
- The writer uses the author tags frequently and accurately
- The summary is written in appropriate language for the intenđe audience
- No added images or graphic material is used to support the writer’s purpose
2. Review the guidelines for writing responses. What type(s) of response is the writer
using? In the margin, label the types. What kinds of evidence does the writer use in
support of his or her response? In the margin, label the kinds of supporting evidence.
Is this response addressed appropriately to the audience?
- Types of response: Analyzing (para 2), Analyzing and Disagreeing (para 3), Agreeing
and Analyzing (para 4), Analyzing and Reflective (para 5&6)
- Types of supporting evidence:
+ Textual evidence: “Balance. Debate. Listening to both sides. Yet today, these
principles have been distorted. Without thinking, we have plunged headfirst
into what I call the "argument culture." ; “Opposition is the best way to get
anything done. One of the great strengths of our society is that we can express
these conflicts openly, but we have to find constructive ways of resolving
disputes and differences.”; “Nearly everything is framed as a battle or a game
in which winning or losing is the main concern.” ; “the ubiquity, the kneejerk
nature, of approaching any issue, problem or public person in an adversarial
way”; “have been successful in gaining TV airtime and campus newspaper
coverage masquerading as "the other side" in a "debate”; “smashed” ;
“bumped”; “My father-in-law startles phone solicitors by saying, "We're
eating dinner, but I’ll call you back. What's your home phone number?”, “It's
an effort we have to make, because our public and private lives are at stake”

- This response is appropriate for the target audience

3. In your own words, state the main idea or the focus that organizes the writer's

The writer mostly focuses on analyzing the way the author organizes her arguments,
from stating the main points, to giving supporting evidence. She also sometimes expresses
her opinions with the effectiveness of the evidence given in the text.

4. Write out your own reactions to the writer’s response. Where do you disagree with the
writer's analysis or interpretation? Explain.
The writer has successfully analyzed the structure of the author’ s arguments in a
thorough way and evaluated the effectiveness of all the claims and evidence that the author
uses in the text. Generally, she has done great in summarizing and analyzing the text, as well
as giving her own opinions towards how the main ideas in the text are supported and
connected to each other
5. Answer the writer's questions in number 4, above.
- I believe “logos” would refer to the logical explanation of the author. While some
parts included in the passage about logo are correct, I find one idea is more of a
“pathos” appeal.
- You definitely did a great job at relating the ideas together. However, I did point out
one part where you used the same argument in two different places.
- Some redundancies were noted in the summary part, as well as comments were left
throughout the essay. Please take my suggestions into consideration while reviewing.

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