Mech Sem IV Tutorial No 4 To 6

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Q.1 A random variable X has the following probability function.
X:1 2 3 4 5 6 7
P(X=x) : k 2k 3k 𝑘2 𝑘 2 +k 2 𝑘 2 4 𝑘2
Q.2 Find the normalizing factor, k if the following function is a probability density function
f(x)={𝑘(1 − 𝑥 𝑜<𝑥<1
0 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
Also find P(0.1<X<0.2) and P(X>0.5)
Q.3 If the mean of the following distribution is 16 find m,n and variance
X: 8 12 16 20 24
1 1 1
P(X): m n
8 4 12

Q.4 A continuous random variable X has the p.d.f defined by f(x)=A+Bx,0≤ 𝑥 ≤ 1, If the
mean of the distribution is 1/3 find A and B.
Q.5 A fair coin is tossed 3 times. A person received Rs.𝑋 2 if he gets X heads. Find the


Q.1 If a random variable X has a Poisson distribution such that P(X=4)=3P(X=3), find
mean and P(X=5)
Q.2 For the standard normal distribution of a random variable z, evaluate following.

(i) P(Z  1.8)(ii) P ( Z  −2.45) (iii) P( Z  1.75)

Q.3 Ten individuals are chosen at random from a population and their heights are found to be
in inches 63,63,64,65,66,69,69,70,70,71. Discuss the suggestion that the mean height of
universe is 65.[Given for 9 degree of freedom t at 5% level of significance=2.262]
Q.4 The means of two random samples of size 9 and 7 are 196.42 and 198.82 respectively. The
sum of the squares of the deviations from the means are 26.94 and 18.73 respectively. Can the
samples be considered to have been drawn from the same population?
Q.5 The heights of six randomly chosen sailors are in inches:63,65,68,69,71 and 72. The hights
of ten randomly chosen soldiers are:61,62,65,66,69,69,70,71,72 and 73. Discuss in the light
these data throw on the suggestion that the soldiers on an average are taller than soilors.


Q.1 The following table gives the number of accidents that took place in an industry during
various days of the week. Test if accidents are uniformly distributed over the week.
Day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
No. of 14 18 12 11 15 14

Q.2 4.The number of car accidents in a metropolitan city was found to be

20,17,12,6,7,15,8,5,16 and 14 per month respectively. Use  2 test to check whether these
frequencies are in agreement with the belief that occurrence of accidents was the same during
10 months period. Test at 5% level of significance (Table value of  2 at 9 d.f is 16.9).

Q.3 3.From the following data find whether there is any significant liking in the habit of taking
soft drinks among the categories of employees in an institute:

Soft drinks Clerks Teachers Officers Total

Pepsi 10 25 65 100
Thumps Up 15 30 65 110
Red Bull 50 60 30 140
Total 75 115 160 350

Q.4 Two groups of students drawn from two normal populations gave the following results
about their weights.
Examine the equality of variances at 𝛼 = 0.05
GroupA 40 42 38 39 44 48 50 54 50 46 44
GroupB 50 44 48 54 47 53 54 52 48
(Given:𝐹0.025 = 4.3 for d.o.f 10 and 8, 𝐹0.025 = 3.85 for d.o.f 8 and 10)
Q.5 Samples from two types of values gave the following results.
Population A B
Sample size 19 13
Sample S.D 50 35
Test the hypothesis that variance of A is greater than or equal to variance of B.
(Given: For 𝑣1 =12, 𝑣2 =18 at 55, F=2.34)

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