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Nama : Rahma Nazilah Mahu

NIM : 1250020016

Tugas : Bahasa Inggris

Resume Command Sentence & Request Sentence

A. Command Sentence
Command is a sentence that orders someone to do something. It ends with
a period (.) or an exclamation (!). (Command/ Kalimat perintah adalah kalimat
yang memerintahkan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu. diakhiri dengan tanda
titik (.) atau tanda seru (!)).
The characteristics command :
a. Command is a strict sentence and usually ends with exclamation (!) because it
use to instruct someone.
b. Command is used to express the speaker’s wishes to the interlocutor
c. Command can mean a ban on doing things that are marked with the word
“don’t” or “never”.
d. The command always in the from of simple present tense because it is used for
direct sentences.
- Go away!
- Close the door!
- Listen to the teacher!
- Be careful!
B. Request Sentence
Request is sentence that asks someone to do something. It ends with a
period (.) or a question mark (?) and it’s more polite. (Request/ permintaan adalah
kalimat yang meminta seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu. Diakhiri dengan tanda
titik (.) atau tanda tanya (?) dan lebih sopan).
The characteristic request sentence:
a. Request is used to give order to someone but it’s more polite.
b. Request are usually more polite and refined.
c. Request often uses a question mark (?)
d. Request usually begin with will, could, would, and may
- Would you like to help me?
- Please speak up.
- May I talk to you please?
- Would you mind to come to my house
The Response For The Request
- Can you…Can you stay longer please? I’d be glad to
- Could you… Could you help me please? Certainly
- Will you… Will you open the window please? Sure
The difference of Commanding & Requesting
Command Request
I would like to talk to you May I talk with you?
Get a glass of water Kindly get a glass of water
Speak up Please speak up
Stop Please Stop
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